Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a villain in Power Rangers Dino Fury.

"Have you forgotten what the humans took from us?"
―Santaura reminding Tarrick what happened to them years ago.[src]

"No. I am more than Santaura, more than I ever thought possible! This is the power of the Sporix. I am Void Queen!"
―Santaura revealing her transformation to Tarrick.[src]

"It's everything. And now we can finish this."
―Void Queen marveling at her Sporix collection.[src]

"Behold...the Nemesis Beast!"
―Void Queen revealing her ultimate creation, all the Sporix combined.[src]

"The Sporix...I was wrong. I was so wrong!"
―Void Queen transforming back into Santaura after learning the truth.[src]

"I have missed you so much."
―Santaura reuniting with her daughter.[src]

Santaura is Tarrick's wife and the mother of Amelia and Poppy who was kept locked behind a room in Area 62 known only to him. After reviving, she became obsessed over the Sporix energy that was used to bring her back. Now under the appearance of Void Queen, Santaura becomes the main antagonist of the second season of Power Rangers Dino Fury starting with the episode "New Leaf" after usurping her husband's rule until The Nemesis when she finally learns the truth and reverts to her true self.

Although she does not appear in Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, she is mentioned by Tarrick and serves as an extremely minor ally.



Santaura arrived on Earth with her husband Tarrick and their baby around 2002 on a scavenging mission for the Rafkonian descendants. Upon arriving, however, the three of them were locked up inside Area 62.

After 62 days, a experiment went wrong and caused the entire to start exploding, explosions began to occur and the staff rushed to evacuate the military base, one explosion opened a hole in their cell through which they tried to ask for help, Ed "Pop-Pop" Jones (who was the janitor of the base) ran by while trying to escape from the base and they asked him for help, Pop-Pop wasn't sure that he could help since he was just the janitor, but he told Tarrick and Santaura that they had to get out before the place exploded, the hole was too small for Tarrick and Santaura, but it was big enough for Amelia, they asked Pop-Pop to get Amelia out of here that if they couldn't get out that he would take care of Amelia, Pop-Pop promised to take care of the baby and escaped with her.

Pop-Pop and Amelia managed to get out just in time as the military base exploded behind them, Tarrick and Santaura were hit by the explosion and Santaura was hit by debris, leaving her injured, Tarrick and Santaura believed that the explosion killed Pop-Pop and Amelia and believing that their daughter had died made Santaura hate humans, he swore he would make them pay and fainted. Santaura fell into a coma and Tarrick tried to cure her, after Area 62 was abandoned, Tarrick put her in cryo-sleep and built a machine to revive her, but it didn't have enough power on its own.


Santaura in stasis

Santaura in a stasis chamber hidden in Area 62.

Santaura is first seen after Void Knight vented his anger at Mucus for her and Boomtower's failure in taking the Ninja Nexus Prism before leaving to the secret room he is holding her in to apologize to her for the setback and promises to bring her back no matter the cost.

She would later be seen again after Void Knight angrily lashes out at Mucus and Slyther's supposed deception, which was the Rangers' work.

Revival as Void Queen[]

Santaura becoming Void Queen

Santaura's transformation to Void Queen.

After she is revived in 2022, she and Tarrick shared differences on how to proceed with life. Tarrick wants to leave Earth while Santaura wishes to exact revenge. While Tarrick was out with the rest of the gang, Santaura snuck into the machine to absorb more Sporix energy and transformed into a monster called Void Queen, the self-proclaimed Mother of Sporix.

Despite her husband's pleas, Santaura immediately makes it clear that she wants to make humans suffer before leaving the planet by destroying his spaceship.

Purified from Sporix Energy[]

Santaura back to True Self

Santuara purified from Sporix Energy.

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Prior to being corrupted by the Sporix's hatred energy, Santaura is a kind loving mother who loves her family.Tvicon TV STORY-The TruthTvicon TV STORY-The Invasion

After being corrupted by Sporix energy, she becomes a vengeful misanthropist who seeks to destroy humanity, feeling that they are responsible for something that happened in the past. The disappearance of her daughter for years was the reason for her hatred towards humanity, including Ed, the human she and Tarrick first befriended and entrusted Amelia's safety too. Tvicon TV STORY-Jam SessionTvicon TV STORY-New LeafTvicon TV STORY-The TruthTvicon TV STORY-The Invasion Though, Santaura seems somewhat affectionate to the Sporix Beasts under her as she refers to them as her "children" upon their hatching. Tvicon TV STORY-Serious BusinessTvicon TV STORY-Things Unspoken However, she retains part of her pre-corrupted self, such as liking cats as per her words to Mucus upon seeing the Growth Collar, which looked similar to a dog collar. Tvicon TV STORY-Losers Weepers After being shown her past memories by Amelia, Santaura returns to her kind old self and happily reunites with her family.


Powers and Abilities[]


  • Rafkonian Physiology: As a Rafkonian, she is able to utilize the following:
    • Retractable Antennae: Santaura can retract her antennae to blend in with the humans of Earth and vice versa.


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  • Sporix Machine: Santaura used the Sporix Machine to turn herself into Void Queen.

RST-Madame Noir

Void Queen

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Teleportation: Void Queen can teleport herself and sometimes others next to her at will.
  • Telekinesis: After becoming Void Queen, Santaura gained the power to move objects mentally.
  • Finger Lightning Beam: Void Queen can project purple lightning beams from her fingers.
    • Lightning Effect: Void Queen's lightning beam can sometimes damage opponents with blue electricity.
  • Finger Laser: Void Queen can also release purple energy lasers from her fingers.
  • Cocoon Creation: With the Sporix she has collected, Void Queen can create a large cocoon from which the Nemesis Beast will hatch from.
  • Energy Balls: Void Queen can fire purple energy balls from her hands.
  • Energy Stream: Void Queen can also fire orange energy streams from her hands.
  • Energy Bolt: Void Queen is able to fire blue-white energy bolts from her hand.


  • Hengemen Summoning: Void Queen is able to summon Hengemen at will.


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  • Sporix Machine: Void Queen can use the Sporix machine like before to decide which Sporix Beast will serve her next, even using it to trap Tarrick and later turn him into Void King.

Sporix Beasts[]










Behind the Scenes[]



  • In her normal form, Santaura resembles a young woman with blond hair. As Void Queen, she resembles a white-skinned humanoid alien with purple hair and light blue eyes.


  • Santuara comes from the sanskirt meaning "giving" or "charitable", and can also be interpreted as "one who brings peace" or "peaceful".
  • Her other title Void Queen comes from the words "Void" and "Queen".


  • Much like Cosmo Royale from Ninja Steel/Super Ninja Steel, Void Queen's costume originates from Ressha Sentai ToQger. Unlike Cosmo, whose body was made from Baron Nero and given a different head, Void Queen's costume is completely unaltered from Madame Noir.
  • Santaura is one of the few villains ever to not be defeated by the Power Ranger team of their series. During the final fight after the defeat of the Nemesis Beast, she defeats most of the Rangers singlehandedly until she reforms after finding out about Amelia Jones's true identity.
  • Santaura does not appear in Cosmic Fury save for the occasional mention and a photo of her with Poppy. This was due to her actress Siobhan Marshall being on maternity leave during filming. She was already visibly pregnant by the end of Dino Fury, and her subsequent absence was worked into the story.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Fury Icon-ryusoulger
Ancient Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Blue Ranger I - Pink Ranger I - Green Ranger I - Black Ranger I - Aiyon
Modern Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Ollie Akana - Amelia Jones - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon
Dino Fury Morpher - Dino Fury Keys - Dino Fury Battle Belt - Chromafury Saber - Dino Dagger - Mosa Blaster - Mosa Blade - Mega Fury Saber - Dino Knight Morpher - Dino Master Saber
Solon - Mick Kanic - General Shaw - Morphin Masters - Orria - Rafkonian Army
Civilians: Dr. Lani Akana - Ed Jones - Warden Garcia - Rina Garcia - Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Annie - Stan - Fern - Adrian
Grid Battleforce Rangers: Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel
Zords & Megazords
T-Rex Champion Zord - Tricera Blade Zord - Ankylo Hammer Zord - Tiger Claw Zord - Stego Spike Zord - Mosa Razor Zord
Dimetro Blazing Zord - Electro Zord - Shadow Raptor Zord - Light Raptor Zord - Cosmic Combo Raptor Zords - Pacha Smash Zord - Baby Pacha Zord - Ptera Freeze Zord - Ptera Rex Zord
Dino Fury Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Hammer Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Claw Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation - T-Rex Blazing Megazord - Fusion Ultrazord - Mosa Shadow Megazord - T-Rex Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Smash Formation - Ptera Smash Ultrazord - Primal Ultrazord - Mosa Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation
Warfare Tribe Druidon Logo Void Family
Leader: Void Knight/Void King - Santaura/Void Queen
Generals: Mucus - Boomtower - Slyther - Wreckmate - Snageye - Boomblaster - Nulleye
Sporix Beasts:
Season 1: Shockhorn - Vypeera - Draknarok - Brineblast - Smashstone - Doomsnake - Wolfgang - Roostafa - Tombtress - Fogshell - Tidemare - Trawler - Stone Triplets - Boneswitch
Season 2: Fly Sporix Beast - Bitscreem - Occulo - Junkalo - Squashblight - Trackenslash - Flapnarok - Hexcurio - Quickspine - Sugarhit - Clawfare - Crashflood - Nemesis Beast
Footsoldiers: Hengemen
Others: Lord Zedd - Reaghoul - Spider Sketch Monster - Santa's Magic Sketchbook - Zord Jammer - Lothorn - Scrozzle - Sizzurai