Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about an episode in Power Rangers Dino Fury.

Guilt Trip[1] is the eighteenth episode of Power Rangers Dino Fury Season 2, and the fortieth episode overall. It marks the debut of the Mosa Cosmic Megazord.


Ollie is having such a great time hanging out with Amelia, that he begins to neglect his mom. He must learn not to take her for granted.


With the drill key in the hands of the Void Family, Void King declares that they can move forward with their grand plan. However, Void Queen says they cannot let the Rangers interfere with their plans, so she devised a plan to distract them far away from Pine Ridge.

At BuzzBlast, Ollie and Amelia are looking at hotels for a romantic getaway when Dr. Lani Akana calls her son about the excavation simulations. Lani was not sure that Ollie sent her the correct data, but he claims to use all the parameters she asked for. Lani reminds Ollie that he has not been chatting with her weekly like they used to and wants to talk about a Japanese film she watched. However, Ollie brushes her off as he is busy, bumming Lani. After the call, Lani's co-worker, Dr. Shigeru Anno, shows her news footage of a Yokai attacking civilians, but she feels it is a Sporix Beast. Lani calls Ollie again, but he declines it, leading her to call Solon instead.

Solon has the Rangers teleport to Dinohenge and informs them about Lani's call. They see footage of the Sporix Beast attacking citizens in Osaka, leading them to wonder why it was across the world. Solon tells Ollie that Lani wants him to go down and investigate the sighting, but he does not want to go as he has plans with Amelia. So, Ollie butters up Aiyon by having him go in his place, saying that the food is great. Aiyon agrees to go so he can taste Japanese cuisine and find the Sporix Beast, teleporting to Japan.

Aiyon goes to the Ishinomori Institute and meets with Lani, who is disappointed that Ollie did not come. Still, Lani takes Aiyon around Osaka, and they grab Takoyaki on the way. As they walk through a garden, a large glob of pink slime drops on Lani's shoulder, and a quick taste confirms that it is whipped cream, not bird poop. Then, Aiyon gets hit in the face with lemon meringue pies as the Sporix Beast named Sugarhit arrives. Aiyon fights Sugarhit unmorphed, only to get hit by multiple desserts by the latter. Aiyon morphs and continues to fight Sugarhit, while Lani calls Solon and tells Solon to send the rest of the team to Japan. Mucus summons Hengemen to assist Sugarhit, but the rest of the Rangers arrive to fight them while Aiyon deals with the Sporix Beast. As they fight, Mucus tells Void Queen that all the Rangers are in Japan, meaning they can move on to phase two of the plan.

Void King has himself, Slyther, and Wreckmate teleport to the drill's location and drives away Warden Garcia and his workers. Void King plans to use the drill so they can dig through to the Ranger's base and take all the Sporix they collected, leading a hidden Garcia to call the Ranger Hotline. However, it fails to start when Void King uses the key to turn on the drill. Furious, Void King lashes out at the robotic generals and teleports back to Area 62. Having seen that, Garcia calls the Ranger Hotline and rescinds his earlier call.

Back in Japan, the Rangers fight against Sugarhit and the Hengemen, only for the Sporix Beast to create a wall of meringue to protect himself. Aiyon jumps over the wall, and even though he is struck by multiple berries from Sugarhit, he manages to punch the latter. Mucus teleports Sugarhit away, promising they will get to the fun part as the Rangers notice a map in her hands.

The Rangers and Lani go to the Ishinomori Institute, and Solon tells them about Void King's attack at the drill site. They are confused about why Void King wanted the drill, but Zayto knows that Sugarhit is their top priority. Lani shows the Rangers a map of all the locations where Sugarhit was seen around Osaka and has them look, so they find a link to where he is going next. In the meantime, Lani pulls Ollie aside and says he has been hard to get in touch the last couple of weeks. Ollie says things are different now that he and Amelia are a couple, but Lani says he cannot ignore her calls and skid on his commitments. Lani reveals that the simulation data Ollie sent were inconclusive due to his failing to account for rain, but that angers the latter as it feels that his mother does not like his work anymore.

Ollie storms out of the Institute to cool down while Amelia follows him to talk some sense into him. Amelia says she does not like how Ollie has been ghosting Lani as their mother-son relationship is one of the few things she likes about him, especially since she never had a mom. Then, Dr. Anno walks by and introduces himself to Ollie. Anno tells Ollie that Lani has talked great things about him and that they have to review the data so they can have the workers do the dig. That shocks Ollie as he did not realize others were waiting on the data, and this makes him feel guilty that his mistakes meant he was taking his mother for granted. The rest of the Rangers run outside and inform Ollie and Amelia where Sugarhit is striking next. Having realized that Mucus is leading Sugarhit through a top ten list of Osaka's tourist hotspots, they deduce that the final spot is a traditional Japanese village.

The Rangers teleport to the village and find Hengemen taking photos. They morph and fight the Hengemen while the Garcia siblings find Sugarhit. Aiyon says he will deal with Sugarhit alone and fights the Sporix Beast. After Aiyon lands a strong kick at Sugarhit, the Sporix Beast flies off to the distance and grows. Aiyon has Solon deploy his Mosa Razor Zord, and he activates Battle Mode. Then, Zayto summons the Cosmic Raptor Zord and combines it with the Moza Razor Zord, forming the Mosa Cosmic Megazord. Sugarhit forms another meringue wall, but the Rangers phase through the wall and defeat Sugarhit with a Cosmic Gateway Strike. Sugarhit is turned back into a cell, and Ollie grabs it before Mucus can.

At the Ishinomori Institute, Lani rewards the team with snacks for saving Osaka, while Zayto thanks her for staying vigilant. Ollie apologizes to Lani for messing up the simulation data and promises to redo them overnight. Happy that her son learned his lesson, Lani allows Ollie to help her, while Amelia wants to stay so the former can look over her ghost data. While the trio works through the data, the rest of the Rangers go sightseeing and look for Japanese delicacies to eat.


Dino Fury Keys[]


  • to be added


See Also[]



Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Dino Fury episodes Icon-ryusoulger
Season 1

1: Destination Dinohenge • 2: Sporix Unleashed • 3: Lost Signal • 4: New Recruits • 5: Winning Attitude • 6: Superstition Strikes • 7: Stego Search • 8: Unexpected Guest • 9: Cut Off • 10: Phoning Home • 11: McScary Manor • 12: Super Hotshot • 13: The Matchmaker • 14: Old Foes • 15: Storm Surge • 16: Ancient History • 17: Our Hero • 18: Crossed Wires • 19: The Makeover • 20: Waking Nightmares • 21: Void Trap • 22: Secret Santa

Season 2

1: Numero Uno • 2: The Festival • 3: Missing Pieces • 4: Tiny Trouble • 5: Stitched Up • 6: Jam Session • 7: New Leaf • 8: Serious Business • 9: The Hunt • 10: Losers Weepers • 11: The Copycat • 12: Ultimate Mystery • 13: Love Hate • 14: Rafkon Revealed • 15: Morphin Master • 16: Wishful Thinking • 17: Things Unspoken • 18: Guilt Trip • 19: Bad Vibes • 20: The Invasion • 21: The Truth • 22: The Nemesis
