Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about an episode in Power Rangers Dino Fury.

The Truth[1] is the twenty-first and penultimate episode of Power Rangers Dino Fury Season 2, and the forty-third and penultimate episode overall. It features Void King's return to his past self as Tarrick and the final appearance of Wreckmate. It also reveals the full truth about Amelia's parents.


When Void Queen sets her grand plan in motion, Amelia makes a last ditch effort to understand the truth about her parents.


Having learned about her true heritage from Pop-Pop, Amelia tries to wake him up so she can understand. However, Pop-Pop's condition worsens, and Amelia begs him to remember something. Suddenly, Amelia gets visions of a younger Pop-Pop running through the exploding Area 62, taking her aback. The vision continues as Pop-Pop runs through Area 62 to escape, only to stop with a trapped man begging him for help. Pop-Pop tells the man and his family to get out of there, but the hole is too small for either of them to go through. However, the man gives Pop-Pop their baby and makes him promise to take care of her if they do not make it. Pop-Pop takes the baby outside Area 62 before it explodes, and he comforts the crying infant, promising to keep her safe. After the vision ends, Amelia grows a pair of antenna out of her forehead, causing her to realize that she was a Rafkonian all this time.

The rest of the Rangers teleport to the base to check in on Pop-Pop, and Amelia reveals her newest discovery to them. Amelia explains her recent mind read and how she grew the antenna, causing Aiyon to explain that it happens to Rafkonians under stressful situations. Still, Zayto is amazed that he and even Aiyon fought alongside a third Rafkonian all along as Pop-Pop wakes up. Amelia asks Pop-Pop if he remembers anything else on that day, but the latter admits he cannot remember all the pieces. However, Pop-Pop believes that there are some files at Area 62 in a safe, meaning there is still a chance Amelia can find out what happened to her parents. Suddenly, everyone's phones go off as an emergency livestream from BuzzBlast occurs. Jane tells Pine Ridge that the mayor announced a mass evacuation of Pine Ridge due to the multiple Sporix Beast attacks. The Rangers return to Pine Ridge and rejoin Orria, while Solon promises Amelia she will take care of Pop-Pop.

Back at BuzzBlast, Jane's emergency broadcast is interrupted by Void Queen and Mucus, who hijack the broadcast. Void Queen declares that her Sporix Beasts grow stronger with every battle, and she releases several cells to form a cocoon around her. Meanwhile, the morphed Rangers take out Junkalo, Quickspine, and Shockhorn, only to see their Sporix cells go toward BuzzBlast. Tombtress, Sugarhit, and Bitscreem teleport down, and Aiyon orders the Rafkonian warriors to deal with them. The Rangers run into BuzzBlast and find the cocoon, with the three cells merging with the object. Mucus taunts the Rangers that Void Queen has a plan to destroy the Rangers, only to touch the cocoon and revert into a cell. Mucus' cell merges with the cocoon, and it fires lightning at the Rangers so they do not interfere. Having no idea what the cocoon will do, Ollie suggests getting his mom home so she can help them.

After seeing footage of Void Queen being encased in the cocoon, Lani fears that it is absorbing the Sproix energy at a high rate to cause an explosion that will vaporize everything in a 30-mile radius. Solon believes they can survive the explosion by boosting their shields to maximum power and Ollie states they have an hour to ensure the explosion does not happen. Javi suggests moving the cocoon or piercing it, but Lani fears it would explode with the slightest movement. Then, the alarm goes off as a giant Wreckmate attacks downtown. Zayto tells the Garcia siblings and Aiyon to let Warden Garcia and Orria know about the explosion, and he tells Pop-Pop to return to the sick bay to rest. Knowing this could be Amelia's last chance to find out about her parents, Pop-Pop pretends that his injuries are worse than they are, which convinces Zayto to have Amelia stay with her grandpa. After the Rangers leave, Pop-Pop tells Amelia where the safe is using her mental link.

Amelia goes to Area 62 in Pop-Pop's radioactive suit even though there is barely any radioactivity in the area. Once inside, Amelia searches through the building for the safe, only to accidentally tear her suit. Since her Geiger counter does not read any high radiation levels, Amelia takes off the suit and wonders if someone is covering up the place for other purposes. Suddenly, Warden Garcia comes down and scolds Amelia for trespassing, but she asks why he was down at Area 62 as he was supposed to be evacuating the city. Warden Garcia claims he is on a coffee break but drops the act and changes back into Slyther. Slyther fires at Amelia, frying her communicator and lets it slip that the Void Family has been using Area 62 as their base.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Rangers confront Wreckmate in the Ptera Smash Ultra Zord and the Mosa Razor Zord Battle Mode. Zayto's group flies around Wreckmate and dodges his attacks, only for the latter to land a direct hit. Thankfully, Aiyon knocks away Wreckmate, and both Megazords combine into the Primal Ultrazord. They overpower Wreckmate with multiple attacks that lead him into space and destroy him with a Primal Ultra Blast. As Wreckmate explodes, the Sporix cell he had flies out and goes straight to the cocoon. Solon and Lani contacts Zayto, and they inform him about Amelia's disappearance. That leads Pop-Pop to tell them where Amelia went. Amelia tries her best to fight against Slyther unmorphed, but she is outmatched until Ollie comes to her rescue. The rest of the Rangers arrive and tell Amelia they understand why she went to Area 62. Izzy hands Amelia her Dino Fury Morpher, and the latter morphs into the Pink Ranger to fight Slyther and his Hengemen. The Rangers deal with the Hengemen, and Zayto uses the Dino Knight Armor to overpower Slyther, forcing the robot to retreat. Once the Hengemen are taken out, the Rangers join Amelia in searching for the safe and anything that could help them neutralize the cocoon. As the Rangers leave, someone takes Amelia's Spook Snare that she left behind.

The Rangers enter the main room and begin searching the place for clues. Amelia finds the safe and looks inside it but finds nothing. This disheartens Amelia as that was her last chance to find out who her parents are, and she gets shocked by her Spook Snare, thanks to Void King. Void King knocks the rest of the Rangers out with an energy slash causing them to demorph and prepares to take them out for invading his home, only for Amelia to tackle him down. As she does so, Amelia begins to see through Void King's memories.

Years ago, Tarrick and Santaura crashed landed on Earth while trying to scavenge for parts, revealing that they were Rafkonians. However, the government found them and imprisoned them in Area 62 with no intention of letting them loose. After spending months in their prison, the accident happened, and Tarrick began calling for someone to help them. Pop-Pop was the closest, and Tarrick gave him his daughter so she could be safe. Once Pop-Pop left, the explosion occurred, and Santaura was hit by falling debris. Before passing out, Santaura tells Tarrick that the humans must pay for imprisoning them and forcing them to give up their baby, who she believes did not make it out before the explosion happened. In his grief, Tarrick built the stasis chamber for Santaura to preserve her body and built the power generator to try and awaken her. However, it did not function, and Tarrick searched through Area 62 to find answers. He eventually found the Dino Knight Morpher and a spare Chromafury Saber, using them to learn about the Sporix and eventually located Dinohenge as Void Knight.

Once the memory ends, Amelia is shocked that Tarrick and Santaura were her parents the entire time. Void King rises, now back to being Tarrick as he realizes the same thing. The Sporix energy dissipates from Tarrick, and he returns to normal, happy that his daughter was alive this entire time. However, the good mood does not last as Solon warns them that the cocoon will hatch soon, and with the city gridlocked, there is no time to evacuate everyone to safety.


Dino Fury Keys[]


  • to be added


  • This marks the final appearance of the Primal Ultrazord and Tarrick's Void King form.
  • As of this episode, Javi, Ollie and Izzy are the only Dino Fury Rangers who have not used the Mega Fury Saber at least once. Coincidentally, they are the only humans on the team.
  • This is the first episode to feature a cold open since Evox Unleashed two seasons earlier and the only episode in either season to feature one.

See Also[]



Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Dino Fury episodes Icon-ryusoulger
Season 1

1: Destination Dinohenge • 2: Sporix Unleashed • 3: Lost Signal • 4: New Recruits • 5: Winning Attitude • 6: Superstition Strikes • 7: Stego Search • 8: Unexpected Guest • 9: Cut Off • 10: Phoning Home • 11: McScary Manor • 12: Super Hotshot • 13: The Matchmaker • 14: Old Foes • 15: Storm Surge • 16: Ancient History • 17: Our Hero • 18: Crossed Wires • 19: The Makeover • 20: Waking Nightmares • 21: Void Trap • 22: Secret Santa

Season 2

1: Numero Uno • 2: The Festival • 3: Missing Pieces • 4: Tiny Trouble • 5: Stitched Up • 6: Jam Session • 7: New Leaf • 8: Serious Business • 9: The Hunt • 10: Losers Weepers • 11: The Copycat • 12: Ultimate Mystery • 13: Love Hate • 14: Rafkon Revealed • 15: Morphin Master • 16: Wishful Thinking • 17: Things Unspoken • 18: Guilt Trip • 19: Bad Vibes • 20: The Invasion • 21: The Truth • 22: The Nemesis
