Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Dino Fury.

"I’m gonna--*gets interrupted by Izzy*. I practiced a speech!"
―Crashflood’s first lines after being introduced by Wreckmate before going all out after being interrupted by the Green Ranger.[src]

"Who wants to go for a dip?"
―Crashflood to the Pink, Blue, Green and Black Dino Fury Rangers as he fires his water streams at them.[src]

"Just try it, cos I'm gonna H2-grow."
―Crashflood as he enlarges himself.[src]

"Any of you know what a maelstorm is? Well, you know what they say! Show, don't tell."
―Crashflood after defeating the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation as he creates a water tornado at the dam.[src]

"Aah...aah! Tha! AAHHhhh! I'm all dried up!"
―Crashflood's final lines before his reversion to a Sporix after his defeat.[src]

Crashflood was a Charybdis/water wave-themed Sporix Beast working under Wreckmate in Power Rangers Dino Fury season 2 and the twenty-ninth/final Sporix Beast to awaken in the Power Rangers Dino Fury series.[1] He is the secondary antagonist of the season 2 episode of Dino Fury "The Invasion", the second part of the four-part series finale of the Power Rangers Dino Fury series.



Over 65 million years ago, Crashflood and the other Sporix Beasts invaded Rafkon, the home planet of Zayto. Though he and his fellow Knights of Rafkon fought hard, the Sporix ravaged Rafkon and removed all traces of life from the planet. The Sporix then turned their attention to Earth but Zayto and the remaining Knights had managed to escape Rafkon and tracked the Sporix Beasts to Earth where they engaged them in battle with the help of the dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. Despite the Knights initially having the upper-hand against the Sporix, most of them grew enough in power over time to grow giant and force the Knights of Rafkon and their dinosaur allies to retreat. When all seemed lost however, the Morphin Masters arrived and bestowed the Morphin Grid's powers to Zayto and his followers, as the first Ancient Dino Fury Rangers which gave them the advantage they need to defeat the Sporix Beasts and seal them inside of their eggs.

Dino Fury[]

Having succeeded in their mission, Void Queen sends both Crashflood's and the other Sporix Beasts' egg forms all over to wreak havoc across the city. Crashflood was then seen alongside Roostafa, one of the Stone Triplets and Wreckmate causing havoc in a park area, to which the Red, Pink, Blue, Black and Gold Dino Fury Power Rangers, including Orria and even the Rafkonian Army appear. After the Green Ranger cuts Crashflood's introduction, they all do battle. As the Pink, Blue, Green and Black Rangers do battle against Crashflood, they had the upper hand, though they were overpowered and distracted by the Beast's water stream, which allows Wreckmate to come in and get a clean hit on them. Right before both he and Crashflood can finish the job, Mucus comes in and tells them that they are needed by Void Queen for a special task. Afterwards, the three of them teleport away.

Crashflood is then later on seen with Wreckmate, Mucus, Fogshell, Tidemare and Void Queen. He is tasked by the Queen to destroy the Pine Ridge Dam in order to flood the city, though as both he, Wreckmate, and the other two Sporix Beasts make their way to the dam, the Dino Fury Rangers, Orria and her Rafkonian Army teleport in front of them, prompting him to grow. The Rangers then summon their Zords and combine them into the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation, which is piloted by the Blue, Green and Black Rangers to battle Crashflood while on the Pine Ridge Dam. The monster was easily able to overpower the Megazord, and after taking it down with his water pulses, he then summons a water tornado in an attempt to flood the city. Before he could, the Red Ranger transforms into Dino Master Mode and uses the Freeze Fury Blast to freeze the tornado. Angered, Crashflood fires water shots at the Red Ranger, but the Ranger was able to avoid it and do big damage on the water monster with the T-Rex Master Strike. After Wreckmate teleports away, the Red Ranger morphs into his Dino Knight Armor and with the combined power of him and the Gold Ranger, Crashflood was defeated. However, the monster's Sporix Egg was retrieved by Void Queen. Later on, Crashflood's Sporix Egg was merged with all of the other Sporix Eggs obtained by Void Queen to form a gigantic chimera-like Sporix Beast, the Nemesis Beast, and after the Rangers' victory, they are imprisoned forever by Master Red, Blue and Green in a crystal.


Crashflood is a mischievous and fun loving monster who takes great pleasure in wreaking havoc.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Hydrokinesis: Much like fellow Sporix Beasts Tidemare, Crashflood is able to manipulate and generate water in order to attack his opponents.
    • Water Stream: Crashflood can generate and fire spiraling streams of water from his hands, this attack had huge range and was strong enough to push back four Dino Fury Rangers with ease.
    • Water Pulses: Crashflood can also shoot a pulse of water from his hands. This was his strongest attack as it was able to take out the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation.
    • Water Tornado: Crashflood can create a water tornado, though what it can do is unknown as it was stopped by the Red Ranger.
    • Water Shots: Crashflood can also fire water shots from his hands.
  • Teleportation: Crashflood is able to teleport in a purple energy streak.
  • Enlarging: Just like the rest of the Sporix Beasts, Crashflood is able to grow to a giant size using the energy he gains while fighting.


  • Strength: Though not one of the strongest monsters, Crashflood still has a great deal amount of raw strength, being able to overpower the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation with ease.
  • Hand-To-Hand Combat: In addition to his strength, Crashflood is also a skilled hand-to-hand fighter, being able to avoid the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation's strikes with ease while also able to counter it.


  • Vulnerability To Fire: Despite being a water-themed Sporix Beast, Crashflood is shown to be highly weak to fire-based attacks, such as the Red Dino Fury Ranger's T-Rex Master Strike.


  • Head Water Tank: Crashflood wields a Derelict water tank-style container on his head.
  • Spike Wave Hands: Crashflood has spike-like hands resembling water waves that he can use in combat.

Behind the Scenes[]


  • Crashflood is voiced by Dallas Barnett.


  • Crashflood's design appears to be based on water waves.


  • Crashflood name is a combination of the words "Crash" and "Flood".


  • Crashflood is the final Sporix Beast to work under Wreckmate, who would later meet his demise in the episode following his.
  • Crashflood is the only Sporix Beast in the Power Rangers Dino Fury series to be defeated by the Rangers while giant, as opposed to a Megazord.
  • Crashflood is the last normal Sporix Beast to be fought, as the next Sporix Beast, the Nemesis Beast, is a fusion of all the previous Sporix Beasts.
  • While Crashflood is not the final Monster-Of-The-Week, he is the final Sporix Beast to be based on a Minosaur. The final monster, the Nemesis Beast is based off Eras, the main villain of Ryusoulger.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Fury Icon-ryusoulger
Ancient Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Blue Ranger I - Pink Ranger I - Green Ranger I - Black Ranger I - Aiyon
Modern Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Ollie Akana - Amelia Jones - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon
Dino Fury Morpher - Dino Fury Keys - Dino Fury Battle Belt - Chromafury Saber - Dino Dagger - Mosa Blaster - Mosa Blade - Mega Fury Saber - Dino Knight Morpher - Dino Master Saber
Solon - Mick Kanic - General Shaw - Morphin Masters - Orria - Rafkonian Army
Civilians: Dr. Lani Akana - Ed Jones - Warden Garcia - Rina Garcia - Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Annie - Stan - Fern - Adrian
Grid Battleforce Rangers: Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel
Zords & Megazords
T-Rex Champion Zord - Tricera Blade Zord - Ankylo Hammer Zord - Tiger Claw Zord - Stego Spike Zord - Mosa Razor Zord
Dimetro Blazing Zord - Electro Zord - Shadow Raptor Zord - Light Raptor Zord - Cosmic Combo Raptor Zords - Pacha Smash Zord - Baby Pacha Zord - Ptera Freeze Zord - Ptera Rex Zord
Dino Fury Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Hammer Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Claw Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation - T-Rex Blazing Megazord - Fusion Ultrazord - Mosa Shadow Megazord - T-Rex Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Smash Formation - Ptera Smash Ultrazord - Primal Ultrazord - Mosa Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation
Warfare Tribe Druidon Logo Void Family
Leader: Void Knight/Void King - Santaura/Void Queen
Generals: Mucus - Boomtower - Slyther - Wreckmate - Snageye - Boomblaster - Nulleye
Sporix Beasts:
Season 1: Shockhorn - Vypeera - Draknarok - Brineblast - Smashstone - Doomsnake - Wolfgang - Roostafa - Tombtress - Fogshell - Tidemare - Trawler - Stone Triplets - Boneswitch
Season 2: Fly Sporix Beast - Bitscreem - Occulo - Junkalo - Squashblight - Trackenslash - Flapnarok - Hexcurio - Quickspine - Sugarhit - Clawfare - Crashflood - Nemesis Beast
Footsoldiers: Hengemen
Others: Lord Zedd - Reaghoul - Spider Sketch Monster - Santa's Magic Sketchbook - Zord Jammer - Lothorn - Scrozzle - Sizzurai