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Combat art

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This article is about the mechanic. For the skill from Engage, see Combat Arts (skill).

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Combat arts (Japanese: 戦技 war skills) are a special type of command introduced in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. In Shadows of Valentia they act as a subset of skills, though they were changed to be their own separate system in Three Houses. Combat arts serve to augment a unit's combat performance for a single round of combat. They are activated at the player's discretion by expending either hit points in Shadows of Valentia or durability in Three Houses. Combat arts have a variety of effects: some augment their user's next attack with increased stats and/or special effects, while others temporarily increase their user's stats until their next turn. Most combat arts act as special attacks, though there exist some non-offensive combat arts that have other effects, such as enhancing the unit's defenses or moving another unit on the battlefield.


To activate a combat art, the user must select it from the Arts menu when making their move. If the unit has sufficient HP or durability remaining and (if applicable) there is a target within compatible range, the art can be used. Since combat arts require manual activation by their user, they can only be activated during the user's phase and (non-offensive arts aside) are not an option when counterattacking.

When activated, offensive combat arts add their special effects to the regular attacking power and stats of their user. The majority of offensive arts add increases to the user's pre-existing might, hit rate, critical hit rate, and range, while some have entirely unique effects beyond this. If a unit would make a follow-up attack when attacking normally, or if the unit is using a brave weapon, activating an offensive combat art completely prevents any extra attacks, forcing them to make only one hit (with the exception of combat arts whose effect includes a second strike or more, such as Double Lion).

Learning combat arts in Shadows of Valentia

Units learn combat arts from their items by gaining what is commonly referred to as skill points (SP). Every time a unit enters combat with a compatible weapon or piece of equipment, they earn 1 SP. Once the amount of SP required by the item is met, the unit unlocks the respective combat art for use. Combat arts are learned one at a time per weapon.

For example: Gray has a Lightning Sword. He must earn 20SP with it to unlock its first combat art, Thunderclap, then another 20SP to unlock its second art, Foudroyant.

Both gained SP and learned combat arts is taught to the unit, not to the weapon, so they are not transferrable to any other unit. If any other unit is to use the art, they must earn the required SP themselves in the same way. On the other hand, once an item's art is learned or SP is gained, a unit does not have to use the exact same item that they earned it with in the first place; any other item that grants that combat art, or any other instance of the original item used, will give them immediate access to the same SP for the same combat art.

For example: Alm has the Royal Sword. With the Royal Sword he has earned 42 of the 50SP needed to unlock Scendscale. When he equips Falchion, he has 42SP for Scendscale with it as well, and only needs to earn 8 more SP to unlock Scendscale for both the Royal Sword and Falchion.

SP and learned arts are not affected in any way by forging the weapon.

SP progress is tracked by a small white bar beneath the item's inventory icon, which measures the total SP needed to learn all of that item's combat arts. Once all of that item's combat arts have been unlocked, the bar is replaced by a small MAX label in the icon's corner.

Learning combat arts in Three Houses

In Three Houses, combat arts are no longer solely attached to weapons and equipment. Instead, units learn combat arts through a variety of means, primarily by increasing their skill levels and by mastering certain classes. For example, all units will learn Wrath Strike upon raising their skill level in swords to D. Learned combat arts can then be equipped to the unit similar to abilities; a unit is limited to a maximum of three equipped combat arts at a time. Additionally, almost all combat arts now have a specific weapon type involved; i.e. Wrath Strike, as a sword combat art, can only be used with a sword.

There are still certain weapons and items that can also grant a unit access to a new combat art. These are almost always Heroes' Relics, and tend to be exceedingly powerful, but require the appropriate Crest to be able to use them. Additionally, there exist several class-specific combat arts; these are learned by mastering certain classes, and can only be used by that class. For example, Snipers learn Hunter's Volley upon reaching class mastery. In both of these cases—weapon-based arts and class-based arts—these new arts do not need to be equipped like other arts do. Instead, they are added to a unit's list of usable combat arts separately, meaning a unit can have as many as five combat arts available to them at once: three equipped, one from a mastered class, and one from a weapon (if they have the appropriate crest).

Combat arts in the Fire Emblem series

Basic combat arts

Combat art Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Curved Shot Bow art in Three Houses.
Wrath Strike Sword art in Three Houses.
Hit and Run Lance art in Three Houses.
Subdue Sword art in Three Houses.
Crosswise Cut --
Heavy Draw Bow art in Three Houses.
Duelist Sword --
Sunder Sword art in Three Houses.
Lunge --
Penetrate --
Leonine Poise --
Thunderclap --
Destreza --
Encloser Bow art in Three Houses.
Ward Arrow Bow art in Three Houses.
Plenitude --
Vendetta --
Dragonhaze --
Tigerstance --
Archballista --
Trance Shot --
Shadow Gambit --
Roundhouse --
Solar Thrust --
Lunar Flash --
Windsweep Sword art in Three Houses. Exists as a skill in Engage.
Foudroyant Sword art exclusive to Thunderbrand in Three Houses.
Earth's Boon --
Longearche --
Tempest Lance Lance art in Three Houses.
Mistdancer --
Overrun --
Scendscale --
Triangle Attack Non-specific art in Three Houses.
Haze Slice Sword art.
Finesse Blade Sword art. Mt increases based on user's dexterity.
Sword Dance Sword art. Mt increases based on user's charm.
Shatter Slash Lance art.
Lance Jab Lance art. Mt increases based on user's speed.
Vengeance Lance art. Exists as a skill in other games.
Glowing Ember Lance art. Mt increases based on user's defense.
Smash Axe art.
Spike Axe art.
Diamond Axe Axe art.
Exhaustive Strike Axe art.
Armored Strike Axe art.
Wild Abandon Axe art.
Focused Strike Axe art.
Deadeye Bow art.
Waning Shot Bow art.
Break Shot Bow art.
Schism Shot Bow art.
Draining Blow Brawling art.
Mighty Blow Brawling art.
Rushing Blow Brawling art.
Fading Blow Brawling art.
A means that the combat art is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Effective combat arts

Combat art Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Knightkneeler Lance art in Three Houses. Effective against cavalry units.
Armorcrush Effective against armored units.
Death Blow Effective against armored units.
Celestial Bow Effective against monsters.
Grounder Sword art in Three Houses. Effective against flying units.
Armor Disruptor Effective against armored units.
Bane of Monsters Sword art. Effective against monsters.
Monster Piercer Lance art. Effective against monsters.
Helm Splitter Axe art. Effective against armored units.
Monster Breaker Axe art. Effective against monsters.
Monster Blast Bow art. Effective against monsters.
Monster Crusher Brawling art. Effective against monsters.
A means that the combat art is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Magic combat arts

These are special combat arts that are fueled by the user's magic and target the enemy's resistance, instead of using strength and defense respectively.

Combat art Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Hexblade Sword art in Three Houses.
Flamberge Strikes twice consecutively.
Ragnarok Ω --
Soulblade Sword art. Mt increases based on user's resistance. Exists as a skill in Engage.
Frozen Lance Lance art. Mt increases based on user's dexterity.
Lightning Axe Axe art. Mt increases based on user's resistance.
Mystic Blow Brawling art.
Pneuma Gale Brawling art. Exclusive to War Monks and War Clerics.
A means that the combat art is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Multi-hit combat arts

Combat art Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Double Lion Strikes twice consecutively.
Astral Blade Strikes five times consecutively.
Flamberge Magic attack. Strikes twice consecutively.
Hunter's Volley Bow art exclusive to Snipers in Three Houses. Strikes twice consecutively.
Heaven or Hell Strikes twice consecutively.
Solo Triangle Attack Strikes three times consecutively.
Astra Sword art. Exclusive to Swordmasters. Exists as a skill in other games. Strikes five times consecutively.
Point-Blank Volley Bow art. Strikes twice consecutively.
Swift Strikes Lance art. Strikes twice consecutively.
Bombard Brawling art. Strikes twice consecutively.
Nimble Combo Brawling art. Strikes twice consecutively.
One-Two Punch Brawling art. Grants the user a follow-up attack.
Fierce Iron Fist Brawling art. Exclusive to Grapplers. Strikes three times consecutively.
A means that the combat art is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Non-offensive combat arts

Combat art Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Shove Non-specific art in Three Houses. Exists as a skill in Engage.
Swap Non-specific art in Three Houses. Exists as a skill in Engage.
Defensive --
Coral Cover --
Aegis Unused. Exists as a skill in other games.
Speculum Unused.
Pavise Exists as a skill in other games.
Earth's Kiss --
Healing Focus Non-specific art.
Reposition Non-specific art. Exists as a skill in Engage.
Draw Back Non-specific art. Exists as a skill in Engage.
Smite Non-specific art. Exists as a skill in other games.
Foul Play Non-specific art. Exclusive to Tricksters.
A means that the combat art is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Class-specific combat arts

Combat art Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Hunter's Volley Bow art exclusive to Snipers in Three Houses. Strikes twice consecutively.
Assassinate Sword art. Exclusive to Assassins. May instantly kill the target.
Astra Sword art. Exclusive to Swordmasters. Exists as a skill in other games. Strikes five times consecutively.
Paraselene Lance art. Exclusive to Great Lords. Exists as a skill in Engage.
Flickering Flower Axe art. Exclusive to Emperors. Exists as a skill in Engage.
War Master's Strike Axe art. Exclusive to War Masters.
Wind God Bow art. Exclusive to Barbarossas. Exists as a skill in Engage.
Fierce Iron Fist Brawling art. Exclusive to Grapplers. Strikes three times consecutively.
Foul Play Non-specific art. Exclusive to Tricksters.
Pneuma Gale Brawling art. Exclusive to War Monks and War Clerics.
A means that the combat art is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Regalia-specific combat arts

Combat art Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Foudroyant Strike Sword art exclusive to Thunderbrand in Three Houses.
Beast Fang Sword art. Exclusive to Blutgang. Effective against cavalry and dragon units.
Ruptured Heaven Sword art. Exclusive to the Sword of the Creator. Effective against dragons.
Sublime Heaven Sword art. Exclusive to the Sublime Creator Sword. Effective against dragons.
Heaven's Fall Sword art. Exclusive to the Dark Creator Sword.
Ruined Sky Lance art. Exclusive to the Lance of Ruin.
Atrocity Lance art. Exclusive to Areadbhar.
A skill in Engage.
Burning Quake Lance art. Exclusive to Lúin.
Apocalyptic Flame Axe art. Exclusive to Freikugel.
Dust Axe art. Exclusive to Crusher.
Raging Storm Axe art. Exclusive to Aymr.
A skill in Engage.
Fallen Star Bow art. Exclusive to Failnaught.
A skill in Engage.
Eviscerate Brawling art. Exclusive to Vajra-Mushti.
A means that the combat art is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Combat art

Abbreviated to Arts in Shadows of Valentia due to space restrictions.



War Skills





• Technique
• Capacité

• Skill. Used in Shadows of Valentia; abbreviated to Tech. in gameplay due to space restrictions.
• Ability. Used in Three Houses.


• Fähigkeit
• Kampftechnik

• Skill. Abbreviated to Fähigk. in gameplay due to space restrictions. Used in Echoes.
• Combat Technique. Used in Three Houses and Three Hopes.






Skill. Abbreviated to Vaardigh. in gameplay due to space restrictions.



See also

Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceCalendarDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Trial MapTurn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMoraleMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unit) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMovieMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus
Combat arts
Sword combat arts Armor DisruptorAssassinateAstraAstral BladeBane of MonstersBeast FangCrosswise CutDeath BlowDestrezaDouble LionDuelist SwordEarth's BoonElectric GrounderFinesse BladeFiresweepFlambergeFlash StrikeFoudroyant StrikeGrounderHaze SliceHeaven's FallHexbladeIcebladeLightbladeMagic BladeMortal StrugglePenetratePlenitudeRagnarok ΩRoundhouseRuptured HeavenScendscaleShadowbladeShadow GambitSoulbladeSubdueSublime HeavenSunderSwift SliceSword DanceThunderclapTigerstanceWindsweepWrath Strike
Lance combat arts AirshakerArchballistaArmorcrushAtrocityBurning QuakeDark LanceDragonhazeEarthsplitterFrozen LanceGlowing EmberHeaven or HellHit and RunKnightkneelerLance JabLeonine PoiseLightstrikeLongearcheLungeMistdancerMonster PiercerOverrunParaseleneRuined SkyShatter SlashSolar ThrustSolo Triangle AttackStormbladeSwift StrikesTempest LanceThunder RushTitanic MightVendettaVengeanceWheelsweep
Axe combat arts Apocalyptic FlameArmored StrikeArmor SmasherCrushDiamond AxeDustExhaustive StrikeFlickering FlowerFocused StrikeFuryHelm SplitterInvigorating SpiritLightning AxeMonster BreakerRaging StormReturning AxeShredderSmashSpikeSwinging FuryWar Master's StrikeWild Abandon
Bow combat arts Break ShotCelestial BowCurved ShotDeadeyeDrill ArrowEncloserFallen StarFlame VolleyHeavy DrawHide PresenceHunter's VolleyLunar FlashMonster BlastPoint-Blank VolleyPrecision VolleySchism ShotSpiral ShotThunderboltTornado ShotTracking ShotTrance ShotWaning ShotWard ArrowWind God
Gauntlet combat arts Battle TranceBombardDraining BlowDual DevastatorsEviscerateFading BlowFierce Iron FistFlamewhorl KickFrozen FistLightning FistMighty BlowMonster CrusherMystic BlowNimble ComboOne-Two PunchPneuma GaleRushing BlowSteady MindWhirlwind Kick
Movement-related combat arts Draw BackFoul PlayRepositionShoveSmiteSwap
Other combat arts amiiboCoral CoverDark SpikesDefensiveEarth's KissHealing FocusPaviseTriangle AttackUpheaval
Unused combat arts AegisSpeculum
Skills in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Combat arts AegisamiiboArchballistaArmorcrushArmor DisruptorAstral BladeCelestial BowCoral CoverCrosswise CutCurved ShotDeath BlowDestrezaDouble LionDragonhazeDuelist SwordEarth's BoonEarth's KissEncloserFlambergeFoudroyantGrounderHeaven or HellHeavy DrawHexbladeHit and RunHunter's VolleyKnightkneelerLeonine PoiseLongearcheLunar FlashLungeMistdancerOverrunPavisePenetratePlenitudeRagnarok ΩRoundhouseScendscaleShadow GambitShoveSolar ThrustSolo Triangle AttackSpeculumSubdueSunderSwapTempest LanceThunderclapTigerstanceTrance ShotTriangle AttackVendettaWard ArrowWindsweepWrath Strike
Other skills AbsolveAnathemaAnti-ArmorAnti-CavalryAnti-FliersAntihexAnti-TerrorsApotropeBanishBowrange +Dark SpikesDefensiveDeicideDisciplineDivideDragonskinDuma's GiftEerie ScreechEvade CriticalHalve AxesHalve LancesHalve SwordsHeavy ArmorHexIncarnationInfluenceLifetakerMagic +5MiracleNullify AilmentsPactPhalanxPhantasmReconstructRecoveryResistance +5SanctuarySoothing LightSophisticateTeleportationTransmuteTri-afflictionUpheavalVengeful CryWildfireWrath