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Heaven or Hell

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Heaven or Hell

Is 3ds03 skill lance.png
Icon of the Heaven or Hell skill from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Deals two strikes which either yield criticals or miss.


Combat art

First game

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Heaven or Hell (Japanese: 天国と地獄 Heaven and Hell) is a skill which debuted in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia's downloadable content. A combat art linked to the Wayward Lance, Heaven or Hell strikes twice and greatly boosts its user's critical rate, but greatly reduces their hit rate.


Game Icon Might Hit Crit Avo / Crit Avo* Range Cost Other effects and notes
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 skill lance.png +0 -30 +30 +0 1 −4 HP Strikes twice consecutively.
Cannot make follow-up attacks.
Requires 20 SP to learn.


Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Weapons Wayward Lance

Flavor text

Game Text
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Deals two strikes which
either yield criticals or miss.

Etymology and other languages

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Heaven or Hell




Heaven and Hell


Cara o cruz

Heads or tails


Pile ou face

Heads or tails


천국과 지옥

Heaven and hell

Simplified Chinese


Heaven and hell

Traditional Chinese


Heaven and hell


See also

Skills in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Combat arts AegisamiiboArchballistaArmorcrushArmor DisruptorAstral BladeCelestial BowCoral CoverCrosswise CutCurved ShotDeath BlowDestrezaDouble LionDragonhazeDuelist SwordEarth's BoonEarth's KissEncloserFlambergeFoudroyantGrounderHeaven or HellHeavy DrawHexbladeHit and RunHunter's VolleyKnightkneelerLeonine PoiseLongearcheLunar FlashLungeMistdancerOverrunPavisePenetratePlenitudeRagnarok ΩRoundhouseScendscaleShadow GambitShoveSolar ThrustSolo Triangle AttackSpeculumSubdueSunderSwapTempest LanceThunderclapTigerstanceTrance ShotTriangle AttackVendettaWard ArrowWindsweepWrath Strike
Other skills AbsolveAnathemaAnti-ArmorAnti-CavalryAnti-FliersAntihexAnti-TerrorsApotropeBanishBowrange +Dark SpikesDefensiveDeicideDisciplineDivideDragonskinDuma's GiftEerie ScreechEvade CriticalHalve AxesHalve LancesHalve SwordsHeavy ArmorHexIncarnationInfluenceLifetakerMagic +5MiracleNullify AilmentsPactPhalanxPhantasmReconstructRecoveryResistance +5SanctuarySoothing LightSophisticateTeleportationTransmuteTri-afflictionUpheavalVengeful CryWildfireWrath
Combat arts
Sword combat arts Armor DisruptorAssassinateAstraAstral BladeBane of MonstersBeast FangCrosswise CutDeath BlowDestrezaDouble LionDuelist SwordEarth's BoonElectric GrounderFinesse BladeFiresweepFlambergeFlash StrikeFoudroyant StrikeGrounderHaze SliceHeaven's FallHexbladeIcebladeLightbladeMagic BladeMortal StrugglePenetratePlenitudeRagnarok ΩRoundhouseRuptured HeavenScendscaleShadowbladeShadow GambitSoulbladeSubdueSublime HeavenSunderSwift SliceSword DanceThunderclapTigerstanceWindsweepWrath Strike
Lance combat arts AirshakerArchballistaArmorcrushAtrocityBurning QuakeDark LanceDragonhazeEarthsplitterFrozen LanceGlowing EmberHeaven or HellHit and RunKnightkneelerLance JabLeonine PoiseLightstrikeLongearcheLungeMistdancerMonster PiercerOverrunParaseleneRuined SkyShatter SlashSolar ThrustSolo Triangle AttackStormbladeSwift StrikesTempest LanceThunder RushTitanic MightVendettaVengeanceWheelsweep
Axe combat arts Apocalyptic FlameArmored StrikeArmor SmasherCrushDiamond AxeDustExhaustive StrikeFlickering FlowerFocused StrikeFuryHelm SplitterInvigorating SpiritLightning AxeMonster BreakerRaging StormReturning AxeShredderSmashSpikeSwinging FuryWar Master's StrikeWild Abandon
Bow combat arts Break ShotCelestial BowCurved ShotDeadeyeDrill ArrowEncloserFallen StarFlame VolleyHeavy DrawHide PresenceHunter's VolleyLunar FlashMonster BlastPoint-Blank VolleyPrecision VolleySchism ShotSpiral ShotThunderboltTornado ShotTracking ShotTrance ShotWaning ShotWard ArrowWind God
Gauntlet combat arts Battle TranceBombardDraining BlowDual DevastatorsEviscerateFading BlowFierce Iron FistFlamewhorl KickFrozen FistLightning FistMighty BlowMonster CrusherMystic BlowNimble ComboOne-Two PunchPneuma GaleRushing BlowSteady MindWhirlwind Kick
Movement-related combat arts Draw BackFoul PlayRepositionShoveSmiteSwap
Other combat arts amiiboCoral CoverDark SpikesDefensiveEarth's KissHealing FocusPaviseTriangle AttackUpheaval
Unused combat arts AegisSpeculum