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Is ns02 paraselene.png
Icon of the Paraselene skill in Engage.

After attacking, your unit moves back one space. Exclusive to the Great Lord class.

First game

Three Houses

Paraselene (Japanese: 幻月 Paraselene) is a combat art which debuted in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is learned by achieving class mastery of the Great Lord; as that class is exclusive to Dimitri, this combat art by extension is as well. It grants a significant boost to might and makes the user take one step backward after combat.

In Fire Emblem Engage, Paraselene appears as a skill. It still causes the user to step back one tile after combat on command, but unlike its combat art incarnation, it doesn't boost any of the user's stats while doing so.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Might Hit Crit Avo / Crit Avo* Range Cost Other effects and notes
Three Houses Is ns01 combat art lance.png +10 +0 +0 +10 1 3 durability User moves one space backward after combat.
Cannot make follow-up attacks.
Great Lords only.
Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Engage Is ns02 paraselene.png Attacks an adjacent enemy with the chosen weapon.
User moves one space backward after combat.
Command, if user is adjacent to foe and has a 1-range weapon equipped -- --

In other Fire Emblem series titles

Game Icon Might Hit Crit Avo / Crit Avo* Range Cost Other effects and notes
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 combat art lance.png Large -- -- -- Gr fewa2 combat art range 02.png 20/18/16 durability Is fewa2 skill instant kill.png Has a chance to instantly defeat non-commander foes.
Is fewa2 cannot guard.png Opponent cannot guard.
Base cooldown: 20 seconds.
Needs 15/20 uses to level up.


Three Houses

Class mastery Great Lord


Bond Rings Dimitri S

Warriors: Three Hopes

Class mastery Great Lord (★★)

Flavor text

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Game Text
Three Houses
After attacking, your unit moves back one space.
Exclusive to the Great Lord class.
Use to make an attack against an
adjacent foe, then move 1 space
away from that foe after combat.
(Use screen)
Attack, then move back.
Warriors: Three Hopes
Strike a wide area with a sweeping attack. Has a chance to instantly defeat non-commander units.


  • In Three Houses, if Paraselene is performed with a lance that uses sword or axe animations instead of the standard lance animations, such as the Short Spear or Crescent Sickle, the user will use a generic combat art animation instead of the unique attack animation associated with this combat art.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


The scientific name for the phenomenon more colloquially known as a moon dog. A paraselene is a bright spot in the night sky caused by light bouncing off the moon refracting through ice crystals in clouds.






As above.






As above.







Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese




See also

Skills in Fire Emblem Engage
Inheritable skills Art FocusAvoid +Axe GuardAxe PowerBow AgilityBow FocusBow GuardBuild +Defense +Dexterity +Dodge +Hit +HP +HP/Lck +Knife GuardKnife PrecisionLance AgilityLance GuardLance PowerLuck +Magic +Mag/Dex +Mag/Res +Magic GuardMovement +1Resistance +Special GuardSpeed +Spd/Dex +Spd/Res +Staff MasteryStrength +Str/Def +Str/Dex +Sword AgilitySword FocusSword GuardSword PowerTome Precision
Personal skills AdmirationAlabaster DutyAspiring HeroBig PersonalityBlinding FlashBlood FuryCharmerContemplativeCrimson CheerCurious DanceDisarming SighDivinely InspiringEnergizedExpertiseFair FightFairy-Tale FolkFell ProtectionFriendly BoostGenerosityGentle FlowerGet Behind Me!Knightly CodeKnightly EscortMeditationMoved to TearsNot *Quite*Party AnimalProtectiveRacket of SolmSeconds?Self-ImproverShare SpoilsSingle-MindedStunning SmileSurvival PlanTrained to KillVerdant FaithWeapon InsightWill to WinWounded Pride
Class skills Air RaidAllied DefenseBack at YouBrave AssistCareful AimChaos StyleClear the WayConvoyDark SpiritDiffuse HealerDivine SpiritEnchantFell SpiritFrost DomainGolden LotusGrasping VoidHobbleIgnisLet FlyLunaMercilessMiasma DomainNo DistractionsPack HunterPassPincer AttackPivotReforgeResist EmblemsRun ThroughSandstormSelf-HealingSmash+Special DanceSpur EmblemsSolSoulbladeSpell HarmonySwapWorld Tree
Sync skills AdaptabilityAdvanceAlacrityAnima FocusArms ShieldAssign DecoyBlock RecoveryBook of WorldsBraveryBreak DefensesBrute ForceCanterCharmClericDecisive StrikeDemolishDetoxifyDivine PulseDraconic HexDragon VeinDual AssistDual StrikeDual SupportEclipse BraceFavorite FoodFlame GambitFriendly RivalryGentilityGeosphereGroundswellHeadlong RushHealing LightHeavy AttackHold OutHoly StanceKeen InsightLevel BoostLifesphereLightsphereLineageLost & FoundLunar BraceMentorshipMomentumNight and DayPair UpPerceptivePiercing GlarePoison GambitQuick RiposteRally SpectrumRepositionReprisalResolveResonanceSacred TwinsShield GambitSilence WardSolar BraceSP ConversionSpeedtakerStarsphereSurprise AttackQuality TimeUnyieldingVantageWeapon SyncWrath
Engage skills AdaptableAtrocityAttunedAugmentBlue SkiesBond ForgerBonded ShieldBoon of ElyosCall DoublesCombat ArtsContractDivine SpeedDraconic FormDreadful AuraEchoEclipse BraceFallen StarFlareGallopHoly AuraHoly ShieldImpenetrableInstructLaguz FriendOther HalfRaging StormRise AboveSoar
Engage attacks All for OneAstra StormBlazing LionCataclysmDark InfernoDivine BlessingGoddess DanceDragon BlastGiga Levin SwordGreat SacrificeHouses UniteLodestar RushOverrideGreat AetherQuadruple HitStorm's EyeSummon HeroTorrential RoarTwin StrikeWarp Ragnarok
Bond Ring skills BaneBattlewiseBushidoChivalryDeadly BladeDire ThunderDraw BackFlickering FlowerFortify DefGiga ExcaliburGreat ThunderHealtouchLethalityMercyMiracleParaseleneRaging FireRenewalRightful RulerShoveSpur AttackSpur ResStrong ArmSure StrikeSympatheticWind AdeptWind GodWindsweep
Enemy-exclusive skills AnchorArmored BlowArtbreakerAxebreakerBond BreakerBowbreakerCertain BlowCornered BeastDark BarrierDarting BlowDarting StanceDeath BlowDuelist's BlowFell BarrierFierce StanceKnifebreakerLancebreakerLife and DeathPoison StrikeSavage BlowSeal DefenseSeal MagicSeal ResistanceSeal SpeedSeal StrengthSigil ProtectionSpirit StrikeStalwartSteady StanceSwordbreakerTomebreakerTriangle AdeptUnbreakableUnwaveringVeteranVoid CurseWarding BlowWarding Stance
Combat arts
Sword combat arts Armor DisruptorAssassinateAstraAstral BladeBane of MonstersBeast FangCrosswise CutDeath BlowDestrezaDouble LionDuelist SwordEarth's BoonElectric GrounderFinesse BladeFiresweepFlambergeFlash StrikeFoudroyant StrikeGrounderHaze SliceHeaven's FallHexbladeIcebladeLightbladeMagic BladeMortal StrugglePenetratePlenitudeRagnarok ΩRoundhouseRuptured HeavenScendscaleShadowbladeShadow GambitSoulbladeSubdueSublime HeavenSunderSwift SliceSword DanceThunderclapTigerstanceWindsweepWrath Strike
Lance combat arts AirshakerArchballistaArmorcrushAtrocityBurning QuakeDark LanceDragonhazeEarthsplitterFrozen LanceGlowing EmberHeaven or HellHit and RunKnightkneelerLance JabLeonine PoiseLightstrikeLongearcheLungeMistdancerMonster PiercerOverrunParaseleneRuined SkyShatter SlashSolar ThrustSolo Triangle AttackStormbladeSwift StrikesTempest LanceThunder RushTitanic MightVendettaVengeanceWheelsweep
Axe combat arts Apocalyptic FlameArmored StrikeArmor SmasherCrushDiamond AxeDustExhaustive StrikeFlickering FlowerFocused StrikeFuryHelm SplitterInvigorating SpiritLightning AxeMonster BreakerRaging StormReturning AxeShredderSmashSpikeSwinging FuryWar Master's StrikeWild Abandon
Bow combat arts Break ShotCelestial BowCurved ShotDeadeyeDrill ArrowEncloserFallen StarFlame VolleyHeavy DrawHide PresenceHunter's VolleyLunar FlashMonster BlastPoint-Blank VolleyPrecision VolleySchism ShotSpiral ShotThunderboltTornado ShotTracking ShotTrance ShotWaning ShotWard ArrowWind God
Gauntlet combat arts Battle TranceBombardDraining BlowDual DevastatorsEviscerateFading BlowFierce Iron FistFlamewhorl KickFrozen FistLightning FistMighty BlowMonster CrusherMystic BlowNimble ComboOne-Two PunchPneuma GaleRushing BlowSteady MindWhirlwind Kick
Movement-related combat arts Draw BackFoul PlayRepositionShoveSmiteSwap
Other combat arts amiiboCoral CoverDark SpikesDefensiveEarth's KissHealing FocusPaviseTriangle AttackUpheaval
Unused combat arts AegisSpeculum