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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Is 3ds02 dragonskin.png
Icon of Dragonskin in Fates.

Halves damage taken, crits, and off. skills. Prevents lethal, poison, and counter skills.

  • Personal (Awakening and Fates)
  • Class (Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
First game


Dragonskin (Japanese: 竜鱗 Dragon Scales) is an enemy-exclusive combat skill which debuted in Fire Emblem Awakening. It is primarily used by draconic late-to-endgame bosses such as Grima and Anankos. It halves damage dealt to its bearer and negates the effects of certain skills. Its Fates version also weakens critical hits and certain other skills, whereas its Echoes: Shadows of Valentia incarnation only serves to halve damage dealt.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Awakening Is 3ds01 dragonskin.png −50% damage taken by user.
Negates Counter and Lethality.
-- -- --
Fates Is 3ds02 dragonskin.png −50% damage taken by user.
Negates Counter, Countermagic, Countercurse, Divine Retribution, Lethality, and out-of-combat damage such as Poison Strike.
Weakens critical hits and offensive skills by −50%.
-- -- Critical hits deal ×1.5 damage instead of ×3.
Sol and Aether heal −25% of damage dealt as HP instead of 50%.
Damage reduction and offensive skill-weakening is reduced to 25% when attacked with the Blazing Yato, the Shadow Yato, or the Omega Yato.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 skill class.png −50% damage taken by user. -- -- --

In other Fire Emblem series titles

Game Icon Type Effect SP cost Prerequisites Unusable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
Is feh dragonskin.png A Neutralizes bonus damage against flying units.
If foe initiates combat, grants +4 each to defense and resistance to user during combat.
300 -- -- --
(Dragonskin II)
Is feh dragonskin ii.png A Neutralizes bonus damage against flying units.
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants +6 each to attack, speed, defense, and resistance to user and neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat.
300 Dragonskin -- --



Unobtainable Exclusively used by Grima on all difficulties, Validar on Hard Mode and above, and enemies in Apotheosis on all difficulties.


Unobtainable Exclusively used by Garon, Takumi*, Gunter*, and Anankos.

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Classes Fell Dragon


Method Data
Dragonskin Dragonskin II
Unit (★★★★★) Robin: Fell Vessel Robin: Fell Vessel

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Cipher

Dragonskin is present as a skill on two cards in Fire Emblem Cipher, albeit with different effects between the two:

  • Gunter's Dragonskin skill (B06-096R Traitorous Old Knight) protects him from being destroyed by the effects of skills or as the cost paid to activate a skill.
  • Grima's Dragonskin skill (B08-048R Baleful Dragon) increases her attack power by 20 points if her player controls more units than the opponent. This incentivizes the use of one of her other skills, "The Grimleal", which enhances the player's ability to deploy as many Risen at once as they can to keep their numbers high and trigger Dragonskin.

Flavor text

Game Text
Nullifies Lethality and Counter,
and more than halves damage.
Halves damage taken, crits, and off. skills.
Prevents lethal, poison, and counter skills.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Halves damage taken.
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses.
If foe initiates combat, grants Def/Res+4 during
(Dragonskin II)
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses.
If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75%
at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6
to unit during combat and neutralizes
foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify,
Rally, etc.).



Etymology and other languages

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





• Evil Dragon's Scales. This name is used in Awakening, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and Heroes.
• Dragon Scales. This name is used in Fates.


Piel dragontina

Draconic skin


• Écailles dragon
• Écailles de dragon

• Dragon's scales; used in Awakening, Fates, and Heroes.
• Draon scales; used in Shadows of Valentia.





Scaglie di drago

Dragon's scales


Pele de dragão

Dragon's skin


용의 비늘
사룡의 비늘

• Dragon's scales; used in Fates.
• Evil dragon's scales; used in Shadows of Valentia.

Simplified Chinese


Evil dragon scales

Traditional Chinese


• Evil dragon scales; used in Shadows of Valentia.
• Evil dragon's scales; used in Heroes.


See also

Skills in Fire Emblem Awakening
Breaker skills AxebreakerBowbreakerLancebreakerSwordbreakerTomebreaker
Bonus damage skills ConquestIote's ShieldBeastbaneWyrmsbane
Experience-related skills AptitudeDisciplineParagonUnderdogVeteran
Faire skills AxefaireBowfaireLancefaireSwordfaireTomefaire
Healing skills BondHealtouchLifetakerReliefRenewal
Offensive skills AetherAstraIgnisLethalityLunaLuna+SolVengeance
Pair Up skills DefenderDelivererDual Guard+Dual Strike+Dual Support+Veteran
Proximity skills AnathemaCharmDemoiselleFocusHexSolidarityTantivy
Rally skills Rally DefenseRally HeartRally LuckRally MagicRally MovementRally ResistanceRally SkillRally SpectrumRally SpeedRally Strength
Stat-boosting skills All Stats +2Avoid +10Defense +2Hit Rate +20HP +5Indoor FighterLuck +4Magic +2Movement +1Outdoor FighterResistance +2Resistance +10Skill +2Special DanceSpeed +2Strength +2Zeal
Turn-related skills AggressorEven RhythmLucky SevenOdd RhythmPatiencePrescienceQuick BurnSlow BurnVantage
Miscellaneous skills AcrobatAegisArmsthriftCounterDespoilGaleforceGambleLocktouchMiraclePassPaviseRightful KingShadowgiftWrath
Outrealm skills AggressorAll Stats +2BondIote's ShieldLimit BreakerParagonRally HeartResistance +10
Enemy-exclusive skills Aegis+DragonskinHawkeyeHit Rate +10Luna+Pavise+Rightful GodVantage+
Skills in Fire Emblem Fates
Class skills Personal skills
Bonus damage skills Armor ShieldBeastbaneBeast ShieldGolembaneWinged Shield --
Breaker skills AxebreakerBowbreakerLancebreakerShurikenbreakerSwordbreakerTomebreaker --
Counter skills CounterCountermagic CountercurseDivine RetributionIcy BloodShuriken MasteryTriple Threat
Debuffing skills Draconic HexSeal DefenseSeal MagicSeal ResistanceSeal SpeedSeal Strength HighwaymanIcy BloodShuriken Mastery
Experience-related skills AptitudeFuture SightNobilityParagonUnderdog Pride
Faire skills AxefaireBowfaireLancefaireShurikenfaireSwordfaireTomefaire --
Healing skills AmaterasuBetter OddsCamaraderieEven BetterGood FortuneLive to ServeReliefRenewal Draconic HeirForagerGoody BasketHaikuHealing DescantMorbid CelebrationOptimisticReciprocitySweet Tooth
Item-obtaining skills ProfiteerSalvage BlowWitch's Brew CollectorMake a Killing
Mobility skills LungePassShoveSurefootedSwapWarp --
Mutual effect skills Life and DeathQuixoticWary Fighter Peacebringer
Offensive skills AetherAstraDragon FangIgnisLethalityLunaRend HeavenSolVengeance --
Pair Up skills Bold StanceDefenderDual GuardsmanDual StrikerNohrian TrustShelterTactical Advice BushidoCompetitiveDaydreamDevoted PartnerEvasive PartnerFierce RivalForceful PartnerGallantMiraculous SaveNoble CauseSisterhoodSupportive
Proximity skills AmaterasuCharmDemoiselleForeign PrincessGentilhommeHeartseekerInspirationMalefic AuraSavage BlowSolidarityVoice of Peace Fierce MienFortunate SonHealing DescantLily's PoiseMisfortunatePeacebringerPerspicaciousPlaythingsPyrotechnicsQuiet StrengthRallying CryRose's Thorns
Rally skills Rally DefenseRally LuckRally MagicRally MovementRally ResistanceRally SkillRally SpectrumRally SpeedRally Strength Fancy FootworkPerfect Pitch
Stat-boosting skills Dancing BladeDefense +2GambleHeavy BladeHP +5Inspiring SongLuck +4Magic +2Movement +1Resistance +2Rifled BarrelSkill +2Speed +2Strength +2SurveyVeteran Intuition CalmOptimistPerfectionistProdigyPuissanceVow of FriendshipWind Disciple
Taker skills DefensetakerLifetakerLucktakerMagictakerResistancetakerSkilltakerSpeedtakerStrengthtaker --
Turn-related skills AggressorArmored BlowBetter OddsCertain BlowDarting BlowDeath BlowDuelist's BlowEven BetterEvenhandedEven KeelFuture SightIron WillLucky SevenOdd ShapedPoison StrikeQuick DrawSavage BlowStrong RiposteToxic BrewWarding Blow CountercurseFearsome BlowMischievousMorbid CelebrationPyrotechnics
Miscellaneous skills AegisAir SuperiorityAwakeningClarityDragon WardElbow RoomGaleforceGrisly WoundHoshidan UnityLocktouchMiracleNatural CoverOpportunity ShotPavisePoint BlankPotent PotionQuick SalveReplicateShadowgiftSpendthriftTrampleVantage Aching BloodBibliophileBloodthirstBorn StewardBrynhildrCaptureChivalryFierce CounterFiery BloodGuarded BraveryIn ExtremisKidnapLucky CharmNohr EnmityOpportunistPragmaticUnmaskVendetta
Enemy-exclusive skills Divine ShieldDragonskinHit/Avoid +ImmobilizeImmune StatusInevitable EndResist StatusSelf-DestructStaff SavantVoid Curse
Skills in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Combat arts AegisamiiboArchballistaArmorcrushArmor DisruptorAstral BladeCelestial BowCoral CoverCrosswise CutCurved ShotDeath BlowDestrezaDouble LionDragonhazeDuelist SwordEarth's BoonEarth's KissEncloserFlambergeFoudroyantGrounderHeaven or HellHeavy DrawHexbladeHit and RunHunter's VolleyKnightkneelerLeonine PoiseLongearcheLunar FlashLungeMistdancerOverrunPavisePenetratePlenitudeRagnarok ΩRoundhouseScendscaleShadow GambitShoveSolar ThrustSolo Triangle AttackSpeculumSubdueSunderSwapTempest LanceThunderclapTigerstanceTrance ShotTriangle AttackVendettaWard ArrowWindsweepWrath Strike
Other skills AbsolveAnathemaAnti-ArmorAnti-CavalryAnti-FliersAntihexAnti-TerrorsApotropeBanishBowrange +Dark SpikesDefensiveDeicideDisciplineDivideDragonskinDuma's GiftEerie ScreechEvade CriticalHalve AxesHalve LancesHalve SwordsHeavy ArmorHexIncarnationInfluenceLifetakerMagic +5MiracleNullify AilmentsPactPhalanxPhantasmReconstructRecoveryResistance +5SanctuarySoothing LightSophisticateTeleportationTransmuteTri-afflictionUpheavalVengeful CryWildfireWrath
Type A passive skills in Heroes
Aether Raids skills AR-D Atk/DefAR-D Atk/ResAR-D Atk/SpdAR-D Def/ResAR-D Spd/DefAR-D Spd/ResAR-O Atk/DefAR-O Atk/SpdAR-O Spd/Res
Bonus damage skills Ashera's ChosenDragonhideDragonscaleDragonskinDragoon ShieldGrani's ShieldIote's ShieldSvalinn Shield
Counter-attack skills Close CounterClose FoilClose ReversalClose SalvoClose WardDistant CounterDistant DartDistant FerocityDistant FoilDistant PressureDistant ReversalDistant StanceDistant StormDistant WardEmblems' MiracleOstian CounterOstia's HeartRealms United
Proximity skills Ashera's ChosenAtk/Def BondAtk/Def FinishAtk/Def FormAtk/Def ScowlAtk/Def SoloAtk/Def UnityAtk/Res BondAtk/Res FinishAtk/Res FormAtk/Res FortuneAtk/Res ScowlAtk/Res SoloAtk/Res UnityAtk/Spd BondAtk/Spd FinishAtk/Spd FormAtk/Spd FortuneAtk/Spd HexbladeAtk/Spd ScowlAtk/Spd SoloAtk/Spd UnityAtk/Spd WildDef/Res BondDef/Res FinishDef/Res FormDef/Res ScowlDef/Res SoloDef/Res UnityDistant A/S SoloDistant D/R SoloLaws of SacaePower of NihilitySorcery BladeSpd/Def BondSpd/Def FinishSpd/Def FormSpd/Def SoloSpd/Def UnitySpd/Res BondSpd/Res FinishSpd/Res FormSpd/Res HexbladeSpd/Res ScowlSpd/Res SoloSway Atk/ResSway Atk/Spd
Stat-boosting skills Attack +Attack/Def +Atk/Def CatchAtk/Def ClashAtk/Def ExcelAtk/Def IdealAtk/Def PrimeAtk/Def PushAttack/ResAtk/Res CatchAtk/Res IdealAtk/Res PushAtk/SpdAtk/Spd CatchAtk/Spd ClashAtk/Spd ExcelAtk/Spd HexbladeAtk/Spd IdealAtk/Spd MasteryAtk/Spd PrimeAtk/Spd PushBeyond WitcheryB Duel CavalryB Duel FlyingB Duel InfantryBonus DoublerBrazen Atk/DefBrazen Atk/ResBrazen Atk/SpdBrazen Def/ResBrazen Spd/DefBrazen Spd/ResC Bonus DoublerC Duel CavalryC Duel FlyingC Duel InfantryCrystalline WaterDefense +Def/Res CatchDef/Res IdealDef/ResDefiant AtkDefiant DefDefiant ResDefiant SpdDeluge BoostD Bonus DoublerDistant PressureDragoon ShieldDualityEarth BoostEarthfire BoostEarthwind BoostFell WyrmscaleFire BoostFireflood BoostFirestorm BoostFortificationsFortress DefFort. Def/ResFortress ResFuryG Duel CavalryG Duel FlyingG Duel InfantryHP +HP/AtkHP/DefHP/ResHP/SpdKnightly DevotionLife and DeathObsessionObsidian TacticsPart of the PlanPerfect Atk/SpdRare TalentR Duel CavalryR Duel FlyingR Duel InfantryResistance +ScendscaleSelf-ImproverSolid GroundSpeed +Spd/DefSpd/Def CatchSpd/Def ClashSpd/Def IdealSpd/Def PrimeSpd/ResSpd/Res CatchSpd/Res HexbladeSpd/Res IdealStill WaterStrongholdSwift SliceThunder's FistTriangle AdeptVerdict of SacaeVerge of DeathWater BoostWind Boost
Turn-related skills Armored BlowBeyond ReasonBlade SessionBracing BlowBracing StanceClose DefClose FoilClose ReversalClose WardDarting BlowDarting BreathDarting StanceDeath BlowDistant DefDistant FoilDistant WardDragonskinFierce BreathFierce StanceFlared MirrorFlared SparrowFlash SparrowGift of MagicKestrel StanceLaws of SacaeMastermindMirror ImpactMirror StanceMirror StrikeNightmareRemote MirrorRemote SparrowRemote SturdyShield SessionSly MirrorSly Sturdy BlowSly Swift SparrowSteady BlowSteady BreathSteady ImpactSteady PostureSteady StanceSturdy BlowSturdy ImpactSturdy StanceSturdy SurgeSurge SparrowSwift SparrowSwift StanceSwift StrikeWarding BlowWarding BreathWarding Stance
Miscellaneous skills Divine ToxinFlashing BladeGray IllusionHeavy BladeLeaden RegretsMila's TurnwheelNihility's UndoingOath of OstiaProtectiveSwift IceTrained to Kill