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Lotus is a character from the Fire Emblem Engage manga. He's a young kid overlooking his sick mother in the remnants of a village in Elusia.

A year ago, a battle took place between Elusia and Brodia at his village. Lotus took part of that fight and survived with a broken leg. He was bedridden under the care of his mother for a long time, as a result he and his sick mother were left behind at the village. While the other villagers blame Brodia for everything, Lotus isn't too sure what is and isn't the truth due to never studying much in school.

Lotus ambushes Alear and his army for entering the village, acting under an assumption that they're trying to take advantage of his home. Quickly being subdued and tied up by the Firenese and Brodian armies, King Morion makes the executive decision to let the kid go. Noticing his hunger, the group provides some generosity by sharing some food with Lotus. Lotus is quick to open up about himself and his mother.

Giving Morion the nickname "Gramps", Lotus goes back to his home to continue taking care of his mom and sharing the rest of his food with her. He notices that her condition is getting worse and worse, but the money sold by firewood wouldn't be enough for a doctor. That's when a mysterious woman interjects with an offer of aid that was supposedly given on King Morion's behalf.

She claims that the disease can be cured with just a little magic but she'll need time to concentrate. Desperate and excited for his mother to be cured, Lotus complies and gives her all the time she needs. Though Lotus has inner doubts, he knows that there isn't anything else he can do on his own power. After the moon rises, Lotus returns home to find his mother cured of her life threatening pain. Lotus tearfully celebrates, him and his mom go together to thank the king for his help.

Alas, it's all revealed to have been a deceitful trick from Zephia who played the role of an unassuming mage of Brodia. She took full advantage of Lotus' plight in order to murder his mother and turn her into a Corrupted under the guise of being "cured". All for the purpose of using his corrupted mother to catch Morion off guard.

Once the brief encounter is over, a weeping Lotus holds his mother's body: now alone in the world and forced to grieve after Zephia deceived him.


Lotus proves to be a rambunctious kid as he acts without thinking along with rarely taking studies seriously when he was in school. He cares greatly for his mom, choosing to stay in the village with her long after his leg healed. He's fairly courageous too as he joined his villagers in a fight against Brodia and stayed behind in the village even after his mother encouraged him to leave. Lotus is shown to be crafty in order to survive living in an abandoned village, handling the money and negotiations with other villages to keep him and his mom fed.

When Morion tries to tell the hard truth, that being Brodian makes them enemies, Lotus denies that. In his point of view, bad guys wouldn't go out of their way to feed a kid who snuck in their base.

