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This is a list of all the weapons that appear in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt WEx Cost Effects
Ironsword Iron Sword E 1 46 5 5 90% 0% 1 460 -
Slimsword Slim Sword E 1 30 2 3 100% 5% 1 480 -
Steelsword Steel Sword D 1 30 10 8 75% 0% 1 600 -
Silversword Silver Sword A 1 20 8 13 80% 0% 1 1,500 -
Ironblade Iron Blade D 1 35 12 9 70% 0% 2 980 -
Steelblade Steel Blade C 1 25 14 11 65% 0% 2 980 -
SilverBlade Silver Blade A 1 15 13 14 60% 0% 2 1,800 -
Poisonsword Poison Sword D 1 40 6 3 70% 0% 1 - Inflicts Poison upon contact.
Rapier Rapier * 1 40 5 7 95% 10% 2 - Eirika Only. Effective vs. Armor and Cavalry units.
Effective against infantry.
Bravesword Brave Sword B 1 30 12 9 75% 0% 1 7,500 Allows user to strike twice in one attack.
Can strike consecutively.
Shamshir Shamshir D 1 20 5 8 75% 35% 1 1,200 Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Assassin/ Eirika/Bonewalker/Wight Only.
Improves critical hit rate.
Killingedge Killing Edge C 1 20 7 9 75% 30% 1 1,300 -
Improves critical hit rate.
Armourslayer Armorslayer D 1 18 11 8 80% 0% 1 1,260 Effective vs. Armored units.
Effective against knights.
Wyrmslayer Wyrmslayer C 1 30 5 8 75% 0% 1 4,500 Effective vs. Dragon units.
Effective against wyverns.
Lightbrand Light Brand C 1-2 25 9 9 70% 0% 1 1,250 Casts Light when attacking from range. Inflicts magic-based damage. Cannot critical at range.
Runesword Runesword A 1-2 15 11 12 65% 0% 1 3,300 Casts Nosferatu when used from range. Restores HP equal to damage dealt. Inflicts magic-based damage.
Imbued with dark magic.
Lancereaver Lancereaver C 1 15 9 9 75% 5% 2 1,800 Advantage vs. Lances, disadvantage vs. Axes.
Strong against spears.
Longsword Zanbato D 1 18 11 6 75% 5% 1 1,260 Effective vs. Cavalry units.
Effective against cavalry.
Emblemblade Shadowkiller E 1 60 5 5 90% 5% 1 - Effective vs. Monsters. Cannot be obtained normally.
Sieglinde Sieglinde * 1 30 9 16 90% 0% 1 - Eirika Only. Strength +5. Effective vs. Monsters.
The Sacred Twin storm blade. Str +5.
Audhulma Icon Audhulma S 1 30 9 18 85% 0% 1 - Resistance +5. Effective vs. Monsters.
The Sacred Twin ice blade. Res +5.
Windsword Wind Sword B 1-2 40 9 9 70% 0% 1 8,000 Casts wind magic when used at range. Inflicts magic-based damage. Effective vs. flying units.


Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt WEx Cost Effects
IronLance Iron Lance E 1 45 8 7 80% 0% 1 360 -
SlimLance Slim Lance E 1 30 4 4 85% 5% 1 450 -
SteelLance Steel Lance D 1 30 13 10 70% 0% 2 480 -
SilverLance Silver Lance A 1 20 10 14 75% 0% 1 1,200 -
PoisonLance Toxin Lance E 1 40 8 4 65% 0% 1 - Inflicts Poison on contact.
BraveLance Brave Lance B 1 30 14 10 70% 0% 1 7,500 Allows user to attack twice in one attack.
Can strike consecutively.
KillerLance Killer Lance C 1 20 9 10 70% 30% 1 1,200 -
Improves critical hit rate.
Horseslayer Horseslayer D 1 16 13 7 70% 0% 1 1,040 Effective vs. Horseback units.
Effective against cavalry.
Javelin Javelin E 1-2 20 11 6 65% 0% 1 400 -
Doubles as ranged attack.
Spear Spear B 1-2 15 10 12 70% 5% 1 9,000 -
Doubles as ranged attack.
Axereaver Axereaver C 1 15 11 10 70% 5% 2 1,950 Advantage vs. Axes. Weak vs. Swords.
Strong against axes.
Reginleif Reginleif * 1 45 8 10 80% 10% 2 - Ephraim Only. Effective vs. Armored/Horseback units.
Strong against cavalry, knights.
EmblemLance Bright Lance E 1 60 8 7 80% 5% 1 - Effective vs. Monsters. Cannot be obtained normally.
Dragonspear Dragonspear C 1 30 8 10 70% 0% 1 4,500 Effective vs. Dragon units.
Effective against wyverns.
Vidofnir Vidofnir S 1 30 11 15 85% 0% 1 - Defense +5. Effective vs. Monsters.
The Sacred Twin winged Lance. Def +5.
Siegmund Siegmund * 1 30 11 17 80% 0% 1 - Ephraim Only. Strength +5. Effective vs. Monsters.
The Sacred Twin fire lance. Str +5.
Heavyspear Heavy Spear D 1 16 14 9 70% 0% 1 1,200 Effective vs. Armored units.
Effective against knights.
Shortspear Short Spear C 1-2 18 12 9 60% 0% 1 900 -
Doubles as ranged attack.


Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt WEx Cost Effects
Ironaxe Iron Axe E 1 45 10 8 75% 0% 1 270 -
Steelaxe Steel Axe E 1 30 15 11 65% 0% 2 360 -
Silveraxe Silver Axe A 1 20 12 15 70% 0% 1 1,000 -
Poisonaxe Poison Axe D 1 40 10 4 60% 0% 1 - Inflicts Poison upon contact.
Braveaxe Brave Axe B 1 30 16 10 65% 0% 1 7,500 Wielder strikes twice on each attack.
Can strike consecutively.
Killeraxe Killer Axe C 1 20 11 11 65% 30% 1 1,000 -
Improves critical hit rate.
Halberd Halberd D 1 18 15 10 60% 0% 1 810 Supereffective vs. Cavalry units.
Hammer Hammer D 1 20 15 10 55% 0% 2 800 Supereffective vs. Armored units.
Devilaxe Devil Axe E 1 20 18 18 55% 0% 8 880 May damage wielder instead of target.
Might injure its wielder.
Handaxe Hand Axe E 1-2 20 12 7 60% 0% 2 300 -
Doubles as ranged attack.
Tomahawk Tomahawk A 1-2 15 14 13 65% 0% 1 3,000 -
Doubles as ranged attack.
Swordreaver Swordreaver C 1 15 13 11 65% 5% 2 2,100 Advantage vs. Swords, Disadvantage vs. Lances
Strong against swords.
Swordslayer Swordslayer C 1 20 11 13 80% 5% 1 2,000 Effective & Advantage vs. Swords, Disadvantage vs. Lances.
Hatchet Hatchet E 1-2 50 5 4 85% 0% 1 - -
Lightweight and easy to hit with.
Dragonaxe Dragon Axe C 1 30 11 12 60% 0% 1 4,500 Supereffective vs. Dragon units.
Emblemaxe Fiendcleaver E 1 60 10 8 75% 5% 1 - Supereffective vs. Monsters. Cannot be obtained normally.
Battle axe Battle Axe B 1 20 15 13 60% 5% 1 1,000 -
Strong, but difficult to wield.
Garm Garm S 1 30 13 20 75% 0% 1 - +5 Speed bonus to wielder while equipped. Supereffective vs. Monsters.
The Sacred Twin black axe. Spd +5.


Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt WEx Cost Effects
Ironbow Iron Bow E 2 45 5 6 85% 0% 1 540 -
Steelbow Steel Bow D 2 30 9 9 70% 0% 1 720 -
Silverbow Silver Bow A 2 20 6 13 75% 0% 1 1,600 -
Poisonbow Poison Bow D 2 40 5 4 65% 0% 1 - Inflicts Poison upon contact.
Killerbow Killer Bow C 2 20 7 9 75% 30% 1 1,400 -
Improves critical hit rate.
Bravebow Brave Bow B 2 30 12 10 70% 0% 1 7,500 Allows user to attack twice in one attack.
Can strike consecutively.
Shortbow Short Bow D 2 22 3 5 85% 10% 2 1,760 -
Longbow Longbow D 2-3 20 10 5 65% 0% 1 2,000 -
Extended attack range.
Ballista Ballista E 3-10 5 20 8 60% 0% 4 - Archers/Snipers/Fleet only.
Ironballista Iron Ballista E 3-15 5 20 13 60% 0% 4 - Archers/Snipers/Fleet only.
Killerballista Killer Ballista E 3-10 5 20 12 65% 10% 4 - Archers/Snipers/Fleet only.
Emblembow Beacon Bow E 2 60 5 6 85% 5% 1 - Effective vs. Monsters. Cannot obtain normally.
Nidhogg Nidhogg S 2 30 7 18 80% 0% 1 - Luck +5. Effective vs. Monsters.
The Sacred twin serpent bow. Luck +5.

AnimaAnima magic[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt WEx Cost Effects
Fire Fire E 1-2 40 4 5 90% 0% 1 560 -
Thunder Thunder D 1-2 35 6 8 80% 5% 1 700 -
Elfire Elfire C 1-2 30 10 10 85% 0% 2 1,200 -
Bolting Bolting B 3-10 5 20 12 60% 0% 5 2,500 -
Long-range lightning strike.
Fimbulvetr Fimbulvetr A 1-2 20 12 13 80% 0% 1 6,000 -
Excalibur Excalibur S 1-2 30 13 18 90% 10% 1 - Speed +5. Effective vs. Monsters.
A Sacred Twin tome. Spd +5.
Killerballista Alacalibur B 1-2 20 2 8 85% 0% 1 1,100 Effective vs. Monsters. Cannot obtain normally.

LightLight magic[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt WEx Cost Effects
Lightning Lightning E 1-2 35 6 4 95% 5% 1 630 -
Shine Shine D 1-2 20 8 6 90% 8% 2 900 -
Divine Divine C 1-2 25 12 8 85% 10% 3 2,500 -
Purge Purge B 3-10 5 20 10 75% 5% 1 3,000 -
Aura Aura A 1-2 20 15 12 85% 15% 1 8,000 -
Ivaldi Ivaldi S 1-2 30 10 17 90% 5% 1 - Defense +5. Effective vs. Monsters.
A Sacred Twin tome. Def +5.

DarkDark magic[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt WEx Cost Effects
Flux Flux D 1-2 45 8 7 80% 0% 1 900 -
Luna Luna C 1-2 30 12 0 50% 10% 1 4,200 Ignores enemy's Resistance.
Negates enemy resistance.
Nosferatu Nosferatu C 1-2 20 14 10 70% 0% 1 3,200 Recovers user's HP equal to damage dealt.
Drains enemy HP into caster.
Eclipse Eclipse B 3-10 5 12 - 30% 0% 8 4,000 Halves enemy's HP.
Reduces enemy HP by half.
Fenrir Fenrir A 1-2 20 18 15 70% 0% 1 9,000 -
Gleipnir Gleipnir S 1-2 30 20 23 80% 0% 3 - Skill +5.
A Sacred Twin tome. Skill +5.
Naglfar Naglfar S 1-2 - 18 25 95% 0% 1 - -


Icon Name Rank Uses Range WEx EXP Cost Effects
Heal Heal E 30 1 2 11 600 Restores HP equal to (User's Magic +10) to an adjacent ally.
Restores HP to allies in adjacent spaces.
Mend Mend D 20 1 3 12 1,000 Restores HP equal to (User's Magic +20) to an adjacent ally.
Restores many HP to allies in adjacent spaces.
Recover Recover C 15 1 3 17 2,250 Restores all HP to an adjacent unit.
Restores all HP to allies in adjacent spaces.
Physic Physic B 15 1-Mag/2 3 22 3,750 Restores HP equal to (User's Magic +10) to one ally.
Restores HP to allies at a distance.
Fortify Fortify A 8 1-Mag/2 3 60 8,000 Restores HP equal to (User's Magic +10) to all allies within casting range.
Restores all HP to allies nearby.
Restore Restore C 10 1 3 20 2,000 Cures all status conditions on an adjacent ally.
Returns allies to normal condition. (Cures, sleep, etc.)
Silence Silence B 3 1-Mag/2 5 30 1,200 Inflicts Silence to one enemy.
Halts all enemy magic for several turns.
Sleep Sleep B 3 1-Mag/2 5 35 1,500 Inflicts Sleep to one enemy.
Berserk Berserk B 3 1-Mag/2 5 40 1,800 Inflicts Berserk to one enemy.
Warp Warp A 5 1 7 85 7,500 Teleports an adjacent unit to any traversible and viewable space on the map within the range 1-Mag/2, where Mag is the user's Magic stat.
Moves allies in adjacent spaces instantly elsewhere.
Rescue Rescue B 3 1-Mag/2 7 40 1,800 Teleports one ally to a space adjacent to user.
Moves allies from distant spaces to adjacent ones.
TorchS Torch D 10 1-Mag/2 5 15 1,000 Lights up area within casting range, in Fog of War. Effect decreases each turn by 1.
Hammerne Hammerne C 3 1 8 40 1,800 Fully restores an adjacent ally's equipped weapon to full. Does not work on Myrrh's Dragonstone.
Restores an adjacent ally's weapons to new condition.
Unlock Unlock D 10 1-2 5 17 1,500 Opens a door.
Unlocks doors, even from a distance.
Barrier Barrier C 15 1 4 17 2,250 Increases an adjacent ally's Resistance by 7. Bonus decreases by 1 per turn.
Increases magic resistance of adjacent allies briefly.
Latona Latona S 3 1 10 - Restores all HP and status conditions to all allies, excluding the user.
A Sacred Twin staff. The ancient Staff of Latona.

Enemy Weapons[]

Icon Name Rank Range Uses Wt Mt Hit Crt WEx Cost Effects
Wretched Air Wretched Air - 1-2 - 0 10 100% 0% 0 - Strength +10, Skill +10, Defense +20, Resistance +10. Ignores enemy's Defense.
Nightmare Nightmare Staff - 1-3 1 8 - 70% - 0 - Inflicts Sleep to all enemies in range.
Demon Light Demon Light - 1-3 - 0 15 60% 0% 0 - Magic +10, Skill +10, Luck +10, Defense +10, Resistance +15
Ravager Ravager - 1 - 0 15 85% 10% 0 - Magic +15, Skill +15, Defense +15, Resistance +10.
Demon surge Demon Surge Dark - 1-2 - 10 11 80% 0% 0 - -
Shadowshot Shadowshot Dark - 3-10 5 20 13 70% 5% 0 - -
Sharp Claw Sharp Claw - 1 - 14 14 65% 0% 0 - -
Rotten Claw Rotten Claw - 1 - 8 7 80% 0% 0 - -
Fetid Claw Fetid Claw - 1 - 10 12 75% 0% 0 - -
Poison Claw Poison Claw - 1 - 10 6 65% 0% 0 - Inflicts Poison upon contact.
Lethal Talon Lethal Talon - 1 - 12 10 60% 0% 0 - Inflicts Poison upon contact.
Fiery Fang Fiery Fang - 1 - 5 5 90% 0% 0 - -
Hellfang Hellfang - 1 - 8 13 80% 0% 0 - -
Evil Eye Evil Eye Dark - 1-2 - 6 7 85% 0% 0 - -
Crimson Eye Icon Crimson Eye Dark - 1-2 - 13 14 70% 5% 0 - -
Stone Stone Dark - 1-3 5 8 0 65% 0% 5 - Inflicts Stone on one enemy.