The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
This article is about miscellaneous female adults introduced in The Loud House. For miscellaneous female adults introduced in The Casagrandes, see Minor characters/The Casagrandes/Women. For miscellaneous female adults exclusive to The Really Loud House, see Minor characters/The Really Loud House/Women.
I'm hiding for your surprise party.
Warning! This page contains spoilers regarding upcoming media. Continue reading at your own risk.

List of various female minor adult characters.

Astrid Bjorklundson

Astrid Bjorklundson is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Too Cool for School".


She's first mentioned by Principal Ramirez when she revealed that she made some changes to the school by following something called The "Astrid Method", such as lowering the temperatures at the school to be cold as ice, having the kids show up to class at 6:00 AM to do yoga, and having them eat only fish and eat the fish while doing gym class. This was because according to Ramirez, this method would help students' success in the future and be the top students in Michigan.

In order for the school go back to normal, Lincoln and his friends came up with a plan for Stella to dress like Astrid and create a phony video to tell Ramirez to stop doing the method and return back to normal. While everything went back to normal, It was revealed that the real Astrid came to Hazeltucky for a book signing, which she plans to meet her there. While arriving first, Lincoln and his friends arrived and tricked Astrid to teach them her yoga poses while Stella (pretending to be her) takes her place and talked to Ramirez, who wondered why she would publish a successful book of her method, if the Astrid Method was proven to be unsuccessful.

Unfortunately, the real Astrid arrives, exposing the plan. After Lincoln and his friends revealed that the Astrid Method made their life in school difficult and miserable for them, but Ramirez pointed out that she only did those methods because being Principal means she wants to students to succeed in the future, so she decides to resume the method once again Monday. Luckily Astrid revealed that one of the key components to her method being successful is student happiness and since her Method isn't working for the students, Principal Ramriez agreed to not doing the method anymore.


Astrid has short blonde hair with bangs and two pairs of eyelashes. She wears a white jumpsuit with blue on the top, blue legwarmers, white and blue sneakers, pink bracelets on her wrists, pink lipstick, red glasses and blue dangly earrings.


Too Cool for School

Beany Brewinski

Beany Brewinski is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Trouble Brewing". She is the manager of The Burnt Bean.


At some point, she replaced the unnamed coffee store manager as the manager of the Burnt Bean.


She is an average-sized woman with a large chin, brown hair in a braided ponytail, and black glasses. Her attire consists of a red visor, a black T-shirt, a white apron, blue jeans with rolled-up cuffs, and purple sneakers with white toe sections.


She is extremely hyper, as a side effect of drinking seven cups of coffee in one morning.


Trouble Brewing

Bella "Big" Bucks

Bella "Big" Bucks is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Can't Lynn Them All".


Bella first introduces herself to Lynn after she takes on the Meat Mountain in a wrestling match and wins. Impressed by her physical prowess, she recruits Lynn as the Brawl Monitor to compete in televised wrestling. The Brawl Monitor quickly becomes popular, but Bella tells her that she has to intentionally lose to Tippy the Cow, a fan favorite in the ring.

After the Brawl Monitor loses her temper and defeats Tippy instead, she revises her plan and tells her to pummel everyone she can. As a result, everyone ends up hating Lynn. After she finally has enough and intentionally loses to Santa Claus, Lynn quits wrestling. Bella is convinced that she'll come crawling back, but in response, she's hit in the face by the Brawl Monitor's singlet.


Bella is a short and round woman. She wears a white jacket with a green collar and wrists, gold cufflinks, a light green buttoned up shirt, a Bolo tie, black tights, a green belt with a golden bullhorn buckle and a white ten-gallon cowgirl hat with a green stripe and dollar sign. She also wears white high-heeled cowgirl boots with golden cuffs and hearts on the toe sections. She has blonde hair tied into a bun, white dangly pearl earrings, sky blue eyeshadow, peach lipstick and she has a mole on her cheek.


Can't Lynn Them All

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Bobbie Fletcher

"Bobbie" redirects here. For Ronnie Anne's brother, see Bobby Santiago.

Bobbie Fletcher is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Snow Way Out". She is Lana's racer hero.


In "Snow Way Out" Lana, in a state of hurry, says Bobbie is holding a contest at the Burpin' Burger, saying that the winner gets to be a member of her pit crew.

At the Burpin' Burger, Bobbie arrives, and says that in order to win the competition, they need to find a hamburger wrapper decorated with skidmarks. Bobbie starts the competition and the crowd quickly rushes in. Flip, claiming to be a huge fan of Bobbie Fletcher (even though he can't even say her name right), asks for a dozen burgers, wanting the winning wrapper so he can sell it for a huge stash of cash.

As Flip drives the Loud kids through the thick snow, they pass by Bobbie, since her racecar's engine died out. Lana steps in to fix the engine and Bobbie, amazed at Lana's skills, gives Lana her number so she can be a crew member (in twelve years), resulting in the siblings cheering for her. Flip, stating that he's responsible for bringing Lana to her, asks Bobbie (mispronouncing her name as Blippity Fletchman) for a reward, and she simply buries him in snow as she zooms off.

In "Wheel and Deal", after Lana and Lincoln finish the race a second time when almost all of the Loud Family is asleep, Bobbie is revealed to be present, where she congratulates the two for being the only team with a homemade car. She says that she would love to take the car for a spin and Lana lets her jump in. However, the car breaks down and Bobbie offers to help fix it up.


Bobbie has waist-long brown hair, three pairs of eyelashes, freckles, and eye-bags under her eyes. She wears a red and yellow race car outfit and red shoes.


  • Bobbie's racing number, 88, is a reference to her voice actress Karsyn Elledge's uncle, former race car driver Dale Earnhardt Jr., whose racing number was 88 during his time with Hendrick Motorsports from 2008 to his retirement in 2017.
  • Bobbie's name is similar to Bobby Fletcher (voiced by comedian Jim Florentine) from Comedy Central's Crank Yankers, with Bobby being spelled with a "Y" instead of "IE".


Snow Way Out

Wheel and Deal


Carol Linnaeus

Dr. Carol Linnaeus is a one time character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Blinded by Science".


Dr. Linnaeus appeared in "Blinded by Science" as the main antagonist. In the episode, she tricks Lisa into selling Flip to her to do more research on him for a day at Incognito Laboratories. The next day, Lisa received a letter from Flip calling for help. Linnaeus has been using Flip as a lab rat and is planning to shoot him into space without a space suit. After Lisa tries to save Flip, Linnaeus tries to stop her along with two bodyguards. When Lisa and Flip are cornered, Flip uses his Flippee and spills it on the floor, making Linnaeus and the bodyguards slip into the rocket where it launches them into space.


Dr. Linnaeus is a tall woman with brown hair tied into a bun. She wears glasses with gray eyeshadow, small studded earrings, a white lab coat, a blue shirt with a black necktie and gray flats.


  • Her name is a gender-flipped variant of Carl Linnaeus, the father of modern taxonomy.


Blinded by Science


Cat Burglar

The Cat Burglar is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Can't Lynn Them All".


The Cat Burglar is a woman wearing black cat mask, black gloves, black high-heeled boots, red lipstick and black catsuit.


Can't Lynn Them All


Corinne is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Pets Peeved" as an antagonist. She works along with Schmitty, at the pet sanctuary.


Corinne has shoulder length blonde hair, a long pointed nose and red lipstick. Just like Schmitty, she wears a dark green animal control uniform, a matching cap and brown shoes.


Pets Peeved


Deb is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Feast or Family".


Deb first appeared in "Feast or Family", in which she offers Lynn Sr. a big orange fish.

She makes her first speaking apperance (albiet off screen via read out text messages) in "Only Mime Will Tell", in which she tells Lynn Sr. that the lobsters she had given him for his restaurant have gone bad.


Deb has dark brown curly hair tied up in a pony tail. She wears a green cap with a light green fish on the front, a beige shirt with rolled up sleeves and a yellow apron.


Feast or Family

Only Mime Will Tell

Dr. Alvarez

Dr. Alvarez is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "The Loudly Bones".


Dr. Alvarez is a tall woman with tanned skin and long dark brown hair. She wears a white lap coat, a pink shirt, green pants, white sandals with pink straps and light blue earrings with a light blue necklace.


The Loudly Bones

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Waking History


Dr. Shuttleworth

Dr. Shuttleworth is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Potty Mouth".


Dr. Shuttleworth runs the Shuttleworth Daycare Academy, which the Loud parents have been wanting their children to go to for years.

In "Potty Mouth", she visits the Loud House to test Lily as a potential candidate for the academy. Though she’s fooled by Lisa who disguised herself as Lily, she ultimately deems Lily to be a perfect fit for her school. She also figures out that Lily saying, "dannit" is actually her wanting a donut and offers one.

In "Schooled!", Dr. Shuttleworth welcomes Lily to Royal Woods Preschool, but ultimately sends Lily back home when Lily seemingly turns out to be not potty-trained. During the following week, she also encounters Leni, who has accidentally entered the preschool by mistake and is mistaken for a volunteer.

In "Diss the Cook", she was among guests invited by Rita on her late graduation party.

In "Appetite for Destruction", Dr. Shuttleworth oversees toddlers finger painting and clay carving in her class. However, she finds herself having to deal with Lily and various toddlers causing mischief and mayhem across the preschool.


Dr. Shuttleworth is friendly as long as kids and adults don't cause troubles around her. She's friendly to babies and toddlers due to years of working at preschool. To see potential of her future students she prepares various tests of skills. She's impressed, if a baby shows good skills at any field like music, painting or sports. Despite her intelligence she was easily fooled by Lisa impersonating Lily. Despite years of experience, she stills has troubles with rebellious toddlers.


Dr. Shuttleworth is a short and round woman, with short brown hair, black glasses, white pearl studded earrings and red lipstick. She wears a yellow dress with a white frilled collar, white lines at the end of the sleeves and black high-heeled shoes.


  • According to Lisa, Dr. Shuttleworth has a slight astigmatism, just by examining her glasses.


Potty Mouth

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Diss the Cook

Appetite for Destruction

Small Blunder


Dr. Tran

Dr. Tran is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Eye Can't".


Dr. Tran is a woman of medium height with black hair tied in a bun and lipstick. She wears white earrings, a white doctor's coat, an orange turtleneck sweater, black pants, and brown sneakers.


Eye Can't


Edna is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Lori Days".


Eda is a tall woman with light skin. She also has brown hair tied into a bun. She wears a light blue shirt with a white collar, white shoes, light blue hair tie, pink lipstick and a white skirt.


Lori Days

Fleur DuPont

Fleur DuPont is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Don't Escar-go".


Fleur DuPont is a tall woman with dark skin. She has gray hair worn in a powdered wig style, she wears a red scarf, blue dangly earrings, brown lipstick, a white cooking shirt, black pants and dark blue shoes.


Don't Escar-go

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This article is about the cavewoman introduced in "Waking History". For the spider in "Along Came a Sister", see Minor characters/Animals/Invertebrates#Frances.

Frances is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Waking History". She is a prehistoric cavewoman who was reincarnated by Lisa.


Having originated from prehistoric times, Frances is unfamiliar with modern-day electronics and mechanics, and she mostly communicates through caveman language. She has a short temper and gets very vicious when angered, but she is easily calmed down by cheese puffs.


Frances is a tall and slightly overweight cavewoman. She has two pairs of eyelashes, two front buck teeth and bags around her eyes. She wears a thick brown wool coat with a tan collar and cuffs tied up with a dark waist strap, a necklace made of dinosaur teeth around her neck, olive pants mostly concealed by her coat, and brown boots with tan wool cuffs. She has brown hair tied in a bun with a light brown strap and a bone stuck in the bun.


Waking History

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Joannie Sassafras

Joannie Sassafras is a minor characterThe Loud House who made her first appearance in "Director's Rut".


Not much is known about Joannie, other than that she's a comedian who never gave up on pursuing her dreams.


Joannie is a tall woman who looks very similar to Luan, with fair skin, red lipstick and light brown hair in two pigtails with yellow hair ties. She wears a yellow short-sleeved blouse with a black skirt, a white belt and pearl earrings.


  • Luan looks up to her, a nod to the fact that Joannie resembles her.
  • Despite resembling Luan, she has Luna's voice actress.


Director's Rut

Joyce Crandall

Joyce Crandall is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Save Royal Woods!" as the main antagonist.


Joyce Crandall first appeared in "Save Royal Woods!", where she gathered all of the citizens of the town for a meeting. The meeting was about the state government's decision to flood Royal Woods in order to make room for a proposed sixth Great Lake named "Lake Gladys". She decided to create the lake in order to be promoted to Over-secretary. The next day, as she arrived to evacuate the town, the town's citizens presented the world's largest Flippee to her, and it caused her to change her mind about flooding the town. Unfortunately, it turned out that the giant Flippee contained expired gasoline instead of Flippee syrup (because it was too expensive for Flip to be comfortable with using it), so the Flippee exploded and Crandall decided to keep her decision to flood the town. The next day, she and the demolition team were about to flood Royal Woods when Lincoln took her on a tour covering some made-up history of the town. She believed it all to be true, but when Lincoln attempted to pay her with one of Lola's pageant crowns (which he claimed to have belonged to King George III), she read the fine print on the crown and quickly realized that the entire "history" of the town was a huge lie and immediately called the demolition team and ordered them to break the dam so the town could be flooded. Suddenly, Lincoln interrupted her once again, and the citizens all shared their personal memories of the town. While this did not convince Crandall that the town was worth preserving, it convinced the demolition team, so they refused to flood the town. Lola then revealed to Crandall that Katherine Mulligan was covering the destruction of the town on live television. The state Over-secretary of Water Leisure, subsequently fired Crandall on the spot.


Joyce Crandall initially is shown as eccentric and vivacious, as shown by how she claims the lake will "boost state tourism" and officially promote her to Over-secretary. Even upon revealing that the sixth Great Lake would be set up in Royal Woods, she retained this outlook as a façade over her sadism and heartless intention. Even when her demolition crew refused to help her, she was determined to follow through with her plan by destroying the dam herself.

Crandall has also demonstrated that she may have a short temper, evidenced upon her car and her toy dolphin Donna being destroyed by the "World's Largest Flippee", as well as her anger after being fired by the Over-secretary. Despite all this, she has shown a soft spot for her mother, whom she was naming the lake after.


Joyce Crandall is depicted as an average-sized woman with light brown hair tied into a bun and pale skin. Her attire consists of a purple business skirt suit, a gold necklace and earrings, light purple eyeshadow, fuchsia lipstick and purple heels.


  • Considering her lack of concern over the lives of Royal Woods' citizens and its environmental safety, Joyce Crandall may be considered one of the darkest villains in the franchise.


Save Royal Woods!

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Katie Crest

Katie Crest is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Band Together".


Katie is an adult lady with tan skin, blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. She wears gold hoop earrings, and her clothes consist of a blue coat with a white blouse, black high-waisted shorts with buttons, gray socks connected to the shorts by gray garters, and black boots.


Katie Crest first appeared in "Band Together" where Luna and her band the Moon Goats sought to be discovered by her. When she agreed to listen while dining at Lynn's Table, the Moon Goats performed for her. However, she was only impressed with Luna and had her fill in for a former member of a band that she manages. Due to the band not being into the same band hijinks as the Moon Goats and the Moon Goats having Chunk as a replacement, Luna came up a compromise and arranged for Chunk to play for the band.


Band Together

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Lee is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Pulp Friction".


She appears in "Pulp Friction", when Principal Huggins attempts to submit his comic to her. After getting caught by Lincoln and Clyde and explaining why he wanted to win the competition, he talks to Lee to buy Lincoln and Clyde some time to alter the ending of their comic.


She's a middle-aged woman. She has short brown hair similar to Lori's, two pairs of eyelashes and eye bags.

She wears a blue short sleeved collared shirt and gold hoop earrings.


  • According to Principal Huggins, he recalls her son attending his school.

Mariella Moss

Mariella Moss is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Fashion No Show".


Mariella is a short woman with black hair tied into a bun. She wears green glasses with fuchsia frames, a light green shirt with gold buttons, green earrings, pink lipstick, white pants and light green shoes.


Fashion No Show

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This article is about the caricature of Michelle Lewis introduced in "Really Loud Music". For Lily's classmate, see Minor characters/Infants#Michelle.

Michelle is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Really Loud Music".


Michelle is the producer and judge of his singing show called ¨America's Next Hit Maker¨. They even have a recording studio in the show. She first appeared in "Really Loud Music" where they serve as one of two main antagonists of the episode where she and Doug convince Luna into changing her from a Rock n' Roll singer into a Bubble Gum Pop star. They've changed her clothes, her name, and tells her to lip sync her song instead of performing the song herself. But at the end of the episode, Luna choose to stand up to them and perform as herself.


Like Doug, Michelle is very strict and self-interested. They both have no respect towards other's talent. They only like Bubble Gum Pop, Broadway and perfect fashion sense.


Michelle is a tall woman with with light fair skin and long brown hair. She wears gold hoop earrings, a sleeveless red dress, a pink scarf around her neck, a yellow belt around her waist and black high heels.


Really Loud Music

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The Loathe Boat




Midge is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in “Strife of the Party.”


Midge is a curvy woman with fair skin, reddish-brown hair and freckles. She wears fuchsia lipstick, periwinkle earrings, a sleeveless purple blouse, purple bracelets on her wrists dark purple pants and black flats.


  • Her nametag is blank.


Strife of the Party


Mopes is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Double Trouble".


Not much is known about her, except that she is Scoots' twin sister and entered in the Auntie Pam’s Parlor contest. She rides on a moped, in a similar way to Scoots who rides a scooter. Because of her being Scoots' twin sister, she was likely born in the same ice cream truck along with Scoots stolen by their mother. It's possible she doesn't live in Royal Woods since she doesn't reside in Sunset Canyon with her sister Scoots.


Mopes looks almost identical to her twin sister Scoots, except with straight hair. She wears black sunglasses, a yellow boater hat with a pink bow, a beige sweater, long maroon pants and white shoes.


Double Trouble

Mrs. Jelinsky

Mrs. Jelinsky is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Driving Miss Hazy".


Mrs. Jelinsky first appeared in "Driving Miss Hazy", in which she gets hip-checked and tackled at Royal Woods Mall by Leni during the latter's thirteenth driving test, like in Total Turbo XXII. When the Police Officer brings Leni back to the Loud House, Mrs. Jelinsky is seen in his vehicle, still yelling at Leni for her driving.

She also makes an appearance in "Linc or Swim", where her hip bone is fractured during Senior Swim at the Royal Woods Community Pool, while the Loud kids were having a chicken fight. She states that she "just replaced this hip".

She reappears again in "Intern for the Worse", where she is shopping at Flip's Food & Fuel, and she tries to warm up a burrito she purchased, but the microwave is broken. Clyde offers to warm it up with the restroom compressed air dryer, but to no avail. Lincoln then heats it up using Mrs. Jelinsky's car's exhaust. Despite her burrito being covered in exhaust fumes, Mrs. Jelinsky praises Lincoln for his service.


Mrs. Jelinsky has curly gray hair and pink lipstick. She wears black glasses with white lenses, a long sleeved forest green dress with a white frilly collar, white cuffs at the end of her sleeves, white socks (one is worn up high and the other is worn down) and brown shoes.


Driving Miss Hazy

Linc or Swim

Intern for the Worse


Ms. Trent

Ms. Trent is an minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Patching Things Up".


She makes her first appearance in "Patching Things Up". She was training everyone to get their patches. At first, they did stuff that Lana was into, which was tomboyish stuff, in which Lana earned her 4 patches. Next, the Scout Leader gave Lola 4 patches, because she passed all the girly challenges. Later, the Scout Leader said Lola and Lana didn't pass the last challenge. During one of Lincoln and Clyde's attempts to get the Bluebell Scout Cookies, the Scout leader caught them and threw them out. Later, when Lola and Lana apologized for being so hard on each other, the Scout leader is touched and gave the Loud Twins their last patches, then she gave them their periwinkle sashes. Afterwards, she said she's going to call her "sister-wister".

She reappears in a flashback in "Selfie Improvement", where she gives Carol a reward for selling the most cookies.

In "Racing Hearts", Ms. Trent oversaw the rock-climbing challenge of the Royal Woods Amazing Quest hosted by Mayor Davis.


Ms. Trent has short, wavy, light brown hair, pastel purple eye shadow, and dark pink lipstick. She wears a purple short sleeved turtleneck shirt, tan cargo shorts, a periwinkle sash, with badges on it, and a pastel purple bracelet on her right arm. She also wears tall white socks, and brown shoes.



Patching Things Up

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Selfie Improvement

Racing Hearts

Rough Patch



Nonna Viola

Nonna Viola is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Europe Road Trip: Nonna Your Business".




Europe Road Trip: Nonna Your Business

Nora Nussebaum

Nora Nussebaum is a minor character in The Loud House, who makes her first appearance in "Road Trip: Screen Queen".


She's shown to be filming the newest entry of the Dakota Rhoda series, but her previous star had reached the age limit.


Nora is a light skin woman with black hair tied into a aponytail. She wears a white quarter length shirt, light blue jeans, fuchsia lipstick, magenta pink socks and a magenta baseball hat.


Road Trip: Screen Queen

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For the sister of the Fox quintuplets, see The Fox Family.

Pam is a minor character in The Loud House, who makes her first appearance in "Cheater by the Dozen".


She first appeared when Bobby visits her house so she could fit him for a tux, though Lincoln and Clyde thought he was cheating on Lori with her.


Pam is a tall woman with short brown hair and two sets of eyelashes. She wears a white pearl necklace, a white bracelet over her left wrist, pink lipstick, a pink sleeveless shirt, white capri pants and yellow high heeled sandals.



Cheater by the Dozen

No Spoilers

Officer Schoffner

Officer Schoffner is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Rita Her Rights".


She first appeared in "Rita Her Rights" where she tells Rita that because of her recent traffic tickets, she's forced to either spend time in jail or do community service work. After a series of crimes that enabled her to get community service, Rita is visited at her house by Officer Schoffner who informs her that what she did is considered a crime spree and will have to do some jail time. After reading the violations Rita did to the rest of the family, Officer Schoffner states to Rita that she'll see her at the courthouse and tells her not to make her come after her. At the time when Rita was incarcerated, Officer Schoffner came into the visiting area and quelled the family's shenanigan's. Now understanding what Rita goes through with her family, Officer Schoffner releases Rita while arranging for her sentenced to be commuted. She does tell Rita to look for her in the tow zone if she's looking for her.


She is usually very strict when upholding laws, but can be understanding of Rita's lifestyle being stressful. She is also shown to have a childish side, dressing up for Halloween.


She's a heavy woman, with light fair skin, two pairs of eyelashes and dark brown hair tied up in a ponytail. She wears a typical police outfit.


  • She's one of the few characters in the show whose eyelashes are prominently curved.


Rita Her Rights

Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind

Mrs. Scroggins

Mrs. Scroggins is a minor character in The Loud House Movie.

Not much is known about her. She's a citizen of Loch Loud who appears in crowds throughout the film.


Mrs. Scroggins is a bulky Scottish woman with short red hair. She has a rounded nose, a broad chin and three pairs of eyelashes. She wears a light blue dress, a pale green jacket, red heels, gold earrings and light red lipstick.


The Loud House Movie

Officer Shirley

Officer Shirley is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Sleepless in Royal Woods".


Officer Shirley is a dark skin woman with curly black hair tied into a ponytail. She wears police uniform and brown lipstick.


Sleepless in Royal Woods

Stern Fern

Stern Fern is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "On Thin Ice".


She's an usher at the hockey arena, who Lynn had a rivalry with because of Fern's sternness and the fact that they supported opposing teams. Lynn also says the reason they call her Stern Fern because she's the most feared usher in the league.


Fern is a hefty woman. She wears a blue hat with a gray short sleeved shirt, a white name tag, black shoes and blue jeans. She has dark orange hair with a black mole on her left cheek.


On Thin Ice

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Sue is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "The Old and the Restless". She is the main antagonist of said episode.


She's a nurse who "cares" for the residents of Sunset Canyon Retirement Home. In her first appearance in "The Old and the Restless", she interferes in each of Lincoln and Albert's activities deeming them unsafe for elderlies. When Lincoln wants to take Albert out into town, Sue gives them a 6:00 curfew and to be be back on time or else Albert will be on his perverbial keister. Despite the other elderlies sneaking them back in and throwing off Sue, Lincoln and Albert get busted by Sue who somehow got into Albert's room and evicts them. The other elderlies take a stand and threatened Sue to evict them as well. Sue allows Albert to stay and orders all the elderlies to go back to their rooms. When Albert states that she will not treat them like babies, Sue breaks her clipboard and storms off.

In "Insta-gran", Albert attacks Seymour as Lynn and Lincoln try to break it up. When Lori, Luna, Lana, and Lola show up, Seymour demands that they call Sue or anyone.


She's very commanding and dislikes the residents disobeying her orders and doesn't tolerate any nonsense. She also always says an activity would be fun if they wanted to (insert bodily injury) to try and make the seniors do very lame activities. She dislikes the seniors leaving the retirement home even for a few hours. It's shown that she is very punctual, and kicks anybody out if they're even a minute past the 6 PM curfew. She almost kicks Albert out of the retirement home for sneaking in past his curfew, but due to the seniors standing up for him and telling her off, she lets him stay. This shows that she can go with the majority. She is shown to be threatening, like Lola and Lori.


Sue is a hefty woman. She wears a white button-down dress and a white hat with the red cross symbol on it. Her hair is a cordovan shade of brown, tied back into a bun with a red hair tie. She also wears black flats.


The Old and the Restless

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Sweet Ol' Granny

Sweet Ol' Granny is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Can't Lynn Them All".


Sweet Ol' Granny is a elderly woman with white hair. She wears a pink workout outfit with a green sweatband, glasses, light pink socks and bunny slippers.


Can't Lynn Them All

Tammy Gobblesworth

"Tammy" redirects here. For Lori's friend, see Tammy (college student).

Tammy Gobblesworth is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "A Flipmas Carol".


Years before the events of the series, Tammy attended Royal Woods Middle School with Flip. The night of the middle school Christmas dance, Flip had gathered up the courage to ask her to attend the dance with him, and she accepted. However, Flip had lost his ticket, and in an attempt to get in was scammed by Scoots into acquiring a fake ticket and wilted flowers. The dance usher denied Flip entry, and he watched through the door as Tammy danced with another boy. He was so angry he vowed to never be swindled again and became a swindler. By the time of the series, Tammy has become the face of the Gobblesworth Farm, which specializes in turkeys.

In "A Flipmas Carol", Flip is forced to relive the day he was scammed by Scoots and forced out of dancing with Tammy by the Ghost of Christmas Past. After having a change of heart, he delivers a turkey from the Gobblesworth Farm to the Loud family. When Lisa points out where the turkey came from, Flip recognizes Tammy on the label, realizes this is what she has done in the years since middle school, and requests to take the label.

By "Flip This Flip", Flip has kept the Gobblesworth Farm label and has been trying to call Tammy's number to ask her out on a date, but keeps chickening out every time. Under a pep talk from Lincoln and Lana, Flip manages to call her. However, he panics when she answers, and Lincoln helps him to ask her out on a date at Lynn's Table. However, Flip soon realizes that he might not be good enough for her as she appears to be classy and sophisticated in contrast to him, so he asks Lincoln, Leni, Lana, Lola, and Lisa to help him. They manage to get him to be sophisticated, and the date goes smoothly until they visit the opera, in which Flip accidentally falls into a tuba and Lana has to blow him out of his suit. However, Tammy reveals that beneath her veneer of sophistication, she's just as sloppy as Flip is, and that she only dressed fancy for their date to impress him. The couple resumes their date, embracing their sloppy lifestyle.


Tammy is a middle-aged woman with long, brown hair tied in a bun with a red bow. She has tanned skin, red lipstick, three eyelashes and a red dress with a white lace and sleeves.

In her youth, Tammy had a sleeveless red dress with a prominent white collar and frills, longer and thicker hair, a bigger bow on her hair, red and white shoes, pink eyeshadow and braces.


A Flipmas Carol

Flip This Flip

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Tarreyn is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Head Poet's Anxiety". She is a counselor at Space Cadets Experience Camp.


Tarreyn first appeared in "Head Poet's Anxiety" where she attends poetry class.

In "Stage Plight" Tarreyn was among the audience watching stage play of "Romeo and Juliet".

She appeared in "Rocket Men" when Lincoln and Clyde arrived. She continuously appeared while Lincoln and Clyde were trying to escape and escorted them back to their cabin. Finally, she appears to inform the boys that their parents were coming to get them.


Tarreyn is very enthusiastic about counseling the space camp and is very nice to her campers. However, she's quite easy to fool, because she believed Lincoln's lies, when he said he got lost, when the truth was he tried to escape. She's very sensitive about her camp, because she cries when her campers don't enjoy the camp.


Tarreyn has long, wavy, dark brunette hair, and two pairs of eyelashes. She wears red lipstick, matching hoop earrings, a white shirt and blue overalls.

In "Rocket Men", she wears an orange t-shirt with a white collar, khaki pants and white shoes.


Head Poet's Anxiety

Gown and Out

Stage Plight

Rocket Men



Tina is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Back Out There".


Not much is known about her, except that she's Rusty's piano teacher.

In "Resident Upheaval" it's revealed that she lives in Sunset Canyon Retirement Home.


She has gray hair tied to a bun, small eyebrows and three pairs of eyelashes. She wears a violet sweater over a white collared shirt, glasses, a long dark brown skirt and violet socks with white shoes.


Tina likes to meet new people and she's shown to be caring towards Rusty.


Back Out There

Snow Way Out

City Slickers

Season's Cheatings

Resident Upheaval

The Loathe Boat


Mrs. Turnberry

Mrs. Turnberry is a minor character in The Loud House Movie.

She lives in a house in Loch Loud that formerly had its doorway situated so high above the ground with no stoop outside it, Angus has to frequently help her out by putting a ladder in front of the doorway so she could walk down safely. This was fixed when the Loud family rebuilt the town after Morag's domestic terrorism. She frequently appears in crowds throughout the film.


Mrs. Turnberry seems to be open to the idea of somebody improving the town. This is evidenced by how she joined Lincoln as he improved the town throughout his montage of preparing to become the duke.


Mrs. Turnberry is a curvy black woman with short hair, freckles on either side of her face, an upturned nose and three pairs of eyelashes. She wears a chartreuse striped long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans with patches on the knees, pink lipstick and red boots.


v - e - d The Loud House characters