Pop-Pop introduces his new girlfriend to the family, and she seems great until she starts showing up unannounced.
It's a big night at the Loud House, because Pop-Pop has a new girlfriend, and he's about to introduce her to the family. Upon arriving, Pop-Pop introduces his new girlfriend as Myrtle, and she takes an instant liking to the family, especially the children and their individual personalities. When nighttime comes, Pop-Pop decides to call it a day, much to the dismay of the kids.
Pop-Pop introduces everyone to Myrtle.
The next day, the siblings arrive home, and are surprised to see Myrtle at their house, doing some cleaning up. Eventually, Myrtle becomes a pest to the siblings, as she begins smothering them with her kindness. After a whole day of Myrtle making their day a nightmare, the siblings began to resent her and realize that they need to get Pop-Pop to break up with her in order to get her to stop. Lincoln remembers that Seymour had an eye for Myrtle, which gives them an idea on what to do.
At the retirement home, Luan and Lori manage to get Seymour and Myrtle into getting into positions that make it look like they're about to kiss. After taking the photos, they're uploaded onto a computer, and put into a single image to give off the impression that they're kissing. Upon completing the photo, Lynn sneaks it into Pop-Pop's room. The siblings attempt to escape before they get caught, but Myrtle sees them and thinks that they came to celebrate her birthday.
Inside, the siblings ask Myrtle why there aren't many guests. Myrtle reveals that she was a only child and told them that she was so busy living her life and traveling around the world that she forgot to get married and have her own family. She also reveals that the reason why she became Pop-Pop’s girlfriend was because she knew that he had a large family, and thought it would help her get the family she has long wanted, which is why she was smothering them. Feeling sorry for her, the siblings get over with their resentment and realize that Myrtle isn’t that bad. Suddenly, they remember the photo they slipped under Pop-Pop's door, so Lynn and Lincoln attempt to retrieve it before Pop-Pop finds it. Unfortunately, it's too late, as Pop-Pop has found the photo, and is starting to chase Seymour around the pool. After a brief scuffle, the siblings reveal that the photo is fake, and tell Pop-Pop what happened prior. After explaining, Pop-Pop forgives his grandchildren, and proceed to the dining area.
The siblings finally accept Myrtle in their family.
In the dining area, as the siblings and elders celebrate, the siblings decide to head back home and Myrtle promises to see them tomorrow. Luckily, Pop-Pop, noticing the worry in the siblings, tells Myrtle that they'll meet up with the kids on Sunday, giving the siblings some space.
‣Tea at Tiffani's - Heinz Kelssing [Title card] ‣Tandem Hoilday - Heinz Kelssing [Plays when the Louds were having dinner with Myrtle and when she leaves their house] ‣Hotsy-Totsy - Heinz Kelssing [Plays during the montage of Myrtle smothering the Loud siblings] ‣Act Normal - Billie Fingers, Andrew Johnson, Bruce Fingers [Luan gives Seymour a glass of lemonade] ‣How Cool Is Spying? - Ron Brettell, Ryan Grogan, Jerry Barnard [Lynn delivers the photo to Pop-Pop's room] ‣Old Sleepy Head (a) - Clem Clempson, Hugh Burns [The Louds enter the room for Myrtle's birthday party] ‣Maggie's Nights (c) - Paul Lenart, Bill Novick [Lori deduces to everyone about why Myrtle's been smothering them] ‣Spy Eye 3 A - Otto Sieben, Moritz Bintig [The Loud siblings plan to get the photo back and keep Pop-Pop & Myrtle distracted] ‣Panic Stations - Richard Phillip Birdsall [Albert attacks Seymour] ‣Magic By Candlelight - Marian McPartland [The Louds apologize to Pop-Pop]
This is the last episode where Lincoln has lines through all his appearances in production order.
When the Loud siblings are looking out the window in the beginning, their positions are similar to how they were positioned when looking out the window in "Snow Bored." However, the differences are:
Lisa being added next to Lucy.
Leni and Luan switching positions in the top row.
Lucy and the twins switching positions in the bottom row.
Lincoln's section has more awards now.
In the Loud family's trophy case, Lincoln's section has more awards/trophies than before. Upon closer inspection, there's a book with the text "Wild Card Willy" on it, presumably from the comic competition he won in "Pulp Friction."
Ways that Myrtle smothered the Louds:
Lincoln - Giving him an unprofessional haircut.
Lori and Leni - Deleting their episodes of "Nail Polish Wars" because of "negative language."
Lynn - Dry cleaning the stains out of our her "lucky" jerseys.
Lucy - Painting her entire room pink and killing three of her spiders: Elijah, Amaria, and Little Jojo.
Lola and Lana - Giving them a spit shine.
Lisa - Interrupting her conference call and setting off one of her beakers.
Luna, Luan and Lily were the only siblings not seen being smothered by Myrtle with her kindness.
Lucy's dislike of pink from "Space Invader" and "Spell It Out" returns when Myrtle decorated Lynn and Lucy's room pink, and Lucy hissed at it.
According to Luan, she is unable to eat corn due to her braces.
During the shot of the Louds screaming as Lisa's fecal slides are about to fall on them, Lana can be seen smiling with open arms, seemingly eager to be smothered in fecal matter.
In one scene, Myrtle mentions that there were spiders living in Lucy's cobwebs. In reality, cobwebs are made from dust, and do not house spiders.
Top: Not irritated Bottom: Irritated
If one were to notice, Luna had a somewhat irritated expression when she was wearing the sweater Myrtle made for her. According to Darin McGowan, the storyboard he made for that particular shot didn't have Luna looking irritated and believes that the way he drew her hairline so close to her eyes may have been responsible for the animators thinking he wanted her to feel that way when wearing the sweater.[2]
Myrtle wiping the mud and makeup off the twins' faces is similar to how Lincoln washed them off in "Picture Perfect".
Innuendo: According to Myrtle, the reason why she deleted Lori and Leni's recordings of Nail Polish Wars was because "the language is just so negative." This suggests that the show's dialogue mostly consists of people badmouthing each other or use a lot of profanity in general.
Cartoon physics: The joke where Lincoln questions how Lynn got into her ninja suit so fast, only for Lynn to ask how Lincoln got rid of his bowl cut so fast is a reference to a cartoon gag where a character(s) would change into something different in a ridiculously short amount of time.
Insta-gran - The title of this episode is a pun of Instagram.
Geri-antics - The original title of this episode is a pun on geriatrics which is the branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health and care of old people.
The Three Stooges - The hairstyle that Myrtle does to Lincoln makes him look similar to Moe.
The Loud Bunch 2
The Brady Bunch - When the Loud kids are looking out the window, it resembles the show's theme song. This reference was also seen in "Snow Bored."
Luan tells Myrtle that she can't eat corn due to having braces, but in "A Tattler's Tale" and "Making the Grade", she is seen eating popcorn, which technically is corn.
When Lincoln and Lynn try to talk Pop-pop out of attacking Seymour in the pool room, Lynn's freckles disappear.
Plot hole: Although Albert is revealed to be single in this episode, it's never explained if he's divorced or widowed.
Possible: Albert is shown to be in a relationship with Myrtle; however, Lisa mentioned in "Room with a Feud" that he was not ready to find love again. It's possible Albert eventually moved on from the loss of his first wife.
The Loud House Gran Gran Nickelodeon UK
Pop Pop Has A New Girlfriend! Insta-Gran The Loud House
60 MINUTES of Holidays in the Loud House! 🎉 - @Nicktoons
One Lincoln Loud Moment from Every Episode! - 1 Hour Compilation - The Loud House