List of various minor deceased characters who appear as ghosts. Alfredo[]
Alfredo is a ghost rooster who appeared in "Bad Cluck". Biography[]When Alfredo was alive, he and Sergio attended "flight school" together until he moved to a farm. However, on Alfredo's birthday, Sergio pooped on Alfredo's car, caused him to crash (thereby ruining the birthday party), stole money from his wallet and stole his sunglasses while Alfredo was in the hospital in a full-body cast. This caused Alfredo to develop a grudge against Sergio, and when he died, he came back as a ghost and haunted the Casagrande apartment. He made the Casagrandes burp out (or, in Carlos's case, lay) eggs, moved things around using telekinesis, and possessed Carlos to tell the rest of them what happened. To make amends, Sergio had to clean Alfredo's car, pay back the money he stole (with interest), return his sunglasses, and the whole family had to throw him another birthday party. Trivia[]
Buzz is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Haunted House Call". Biography[]Buzz was known to be a prankster. One of his favorite pranks was zapping people with a joy buzzer, which is presumably how he got his name. He used to be Scoots' next-door neighbor, but he did not like her. In his first appearance, he was summoned by the Morticians Club to raise money for Casket-Con by haunting Scoots and letting them catch him. However, when it was time for him to return, he refused to do so and instead began terrorizing other citizens of Royal Woods. He was stopped by being contained within a circle of salt and agreed to return to the underworld. Buzz later made another appearance in "Great Lakes Freakout!", when he was once again summoned by Lucy and Boris to help the Casagrandes win a Halloween storefront decorating contest. He later was convinced to join a competing business, and he was not seen since. It is unknown whether or not he was returned to the underworld again offscreen. Personality[]Buzz enjoys pranking and is willing to help people if he gets something in return. However, he does occasionally back out of his deals. Appearance[]Buzz is roughly the size of an average-sized human, having a protruding nose and no feet. He also has bags and furry eyebrows, suggesting his spirit might resemble his elder age. He wears a black Bowler hat and waistcoat over a striped vest, and he wears black pants that fade with his tail. Gallery[]Haunted House Call[]
Great Lakes Freakout![]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Cow Ghost[]
Biography[]After Sergio made up for wronging Alfredo, allowing his spirit to move to the afterlife, the cow ghost arrived and started haunting the Casagrandes, using Carlitos's See-n-Say to communicate that she was a cow. It's unknown how she died, and it's also unknown why she was haunting the Casagrandes, but it's implied that Sergio wronged her in some way and she was seeking revenge, since he didn't deny having wronged any cows. Dolly[]
Dolly is a ghost who appeared in "Haunted House Call", haunting the Hunnicutt farm. Biography[]Dolly was Mimi's prized donkey. Sometime prior to the events of this episode, Liam was mud wrestling with Virginia, when suddenly, they broke their fence. To avoid getting into trouble, Liam decided to pin the blame on Dolly. Because of this false accusation, when Dolly eventually passed away, she would enact her vengeance on Liam by haunting his farm and bucking him every time he tried to feed the animals. When she was summoned by the Mortician's Club, they ask Liam what he did to wrong her, to which Liam reveals what he did. In order to make things right, Liam decides to confess to his Mee-Maw on who really broke the fence. As a result of her name being cleared, Dolly was able to cross over into the afterlife. Duds for Dudes Ghost[]
Appearance[]He is a skinny, male ghost with a large, round face, a goatee, and short messy hair. Biography[]In life, Rodney Spokes sold him a T-shirt that was modeled on a tuxedo, when he asked for a real one. He later died of unknown causes while wearing the shirt and, not wanting to cross over while wearing it, came back as a ghost and haunted Duds for Dudes. When the Morticians' Club asked him to explain why he was haunting the store, He explained why and demanded that Rodney give him back his money but when Rodney told him about the "No Refund" policy of the store, he instead gives him a real tuxedo, so he crossed over. Evil Force[]
The Evil Force is an evil spirit who possesses the white owl mother in the comic book issue "I Scream, You Scream". Footless Bellboy[]
Biography[]In "Suite and Sour", Lincoln and Lucy had heard a rumour of the hotel they were staying at being haunted by a ghost known as the "Footless Bellboy", who apparently lost his feet before his death and thus walks with a thumping sound. They made several attempts at tracking him down, at one point going into the basement and cutting off the electricity, but were ultimately unsuccessful. Trivia[]
Garage Ghost[]
Biography[]When Lori was looking for an excuse to move out of the garage due to being scared and missing her family, she wrote, "GET OUT!" in lipstick on her mirror and claimed the garage was haunted. Lucy revealed that the garage was haunted, but the ghost was leaving due to Lori having farted while doing yoga. Trivia[]
Narcisso Grillo[]
Narcisso Grillo is the ghost of a musician, who appeared in "Phantom Freakout". Appearance[]He is bald except for white sideburns and a white tuft of hair, has a dark handlebar mustache, and is wearing a tuxedo and a bowtie. Biography[]He first appeared haunting a concert hall where Twelve Is Midnight were planning on playing. Ronnie Anne, Sid, Lincoln, and Clyde tried to capture him with an ARGGH! device called a "containment backpack", but were unsuccessful, and Narcisso spat ectoplasm on the kids and turned the band members into instruments. Eventually, it was revealed that Narcisso hatred towards Twelve is Midnight is because he was snobbish and hated all music except classical music, (which also revealed that The Tropical Fruits and Ziggy also tried to play at the concert hall, only to be scared by Narissco since they played pop and rock music but allowed Alexis and the school band to play since they play classic music) but the kids eventually convinced him to let Twelve is Midnight play after they revealed that they know how to play classical music too. Trivia[]
Groundskeeper Jim[]
Biography[]In his life, he enjoyed cherry soda and lived near the cemetery. After his death, the ARGGH! crew staged his ghost's capture to make an episode, but Lincoln Loud and Clyde McBride caught them in the act, in the process discovering that ARGGH! was not a documentary. This greatly disappointed Clyde, who became jaded as a result, so Lincoln and Hunter Spector pretended that Groundskeeper Jim was haunting his house to get Clyde's faith back. This worked, however, unbeknown to Lincoln and Hunter, Groundskeeper Jim really had been haunting the building. This was revealed when it turned out neither of them had made a soda can fly, and then Jim was heard burping from in the ghost trap. Trivia[]
Hipster Ghost[]
Appearance[]He is a slender ghost with black hair that is cut short on the sides, a small beard, and a long nose. He wears a light-coloured shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black belt, dark-coloured earrings, and dark-coloured pants and carries a ghostly remote and handbag. Biography[]In life, he resided in the condo that is now occupied by the Farrell twins, and would watch a show called Hipster Island. When he died, he came back as a ghost due to not wanting to miss any of the show. As such, he kept switching the channel on the TV until the Morticians' Club let him watch the show. Lady Emmeline[]
Biography[]Lady Emmeline was originally the owner of Mr. Grouse's house, having hosted soirées in the living room with a specific decorative style. Not much else was known about her before she died. When Lucy and the Morticians Club were raising money for Casket-Con, they came across Mr. Grouse who declared his house was being haunted by his furniture moving around by itself. The club performed a séance to communicate with the spirit, and the ghost took over Boris's body. She revealed herself and her history, and vowed to haunt Mr. Grouse unless he redecorated. After Mr. Grouse reluctantly redecorated his house, Lady Emmeline left Boris's soul and revealed herself to him. She warned him not to change it back before departing for the afterlife. Personality[]Lady Emmeline is a sophisticated woman who is very concerned about her former home's décor. She was also shown to enjoy taking over Boris's soul, which hints that she may have a small funny side. Appearance[]Lady Emmeline wears a hat with no brim, a beaded necklace, a party dress with a waistband, and gloves on her hands. She also has curled hair that reaches her neck and earrings. Speedy Edie[]
Biography[]Prior to the episode (and the series) Edie was a an very athletic girl, shown to have won a lot of trophies for Royal Woods elementary, which had their own glass trophy case. Judging by her appearance as ghost, it can be inferred that she died when she was still relatively young. When Lucy worried that she would be held back due to not passing the physical test, She and the other mortician club members summoned her spirit, and asked her to help Lucy pass, which at first, she was disappointed that the course wasn't challenging enough, but still agreed to do it. After helping Lucy, Edie learns that her record for long distance has been broken, so she trains Lucy in order get back her record, but when Lucy refuses, Edie guilt-trips her into doing so. However, after Lucy fails it by only four seconds and refuses to do it again, she threatens to tell Coach Pacowski that Lucy used a ghost to help her cheat. Not wanting to continue the training, Lucy manages to work up the nerve to tell the coach what happened and ultimately passes, thanks to Edie's training. Afterwards, Edie reveals that she has enlisted Boris to help her beat her record, thanks to his hollow bones. It is unknown whether she returned to the afterlife afterwards. Personality[]Edie was shown to be an energetic, athletic and competitive woman (even moreso than Lynn) as she loves to work out and set records. When she learns that her record her broken, she takes her completeness up a notch in order to reclaim it. As such, she is also shown to have a selfish, manipulative side, as she forces Lucy to take a rigorous training regimen, guilt-trips her into doing so, and blackmails Lucy by threatening to reveal that she helped her pass her physical test if she didn't help her. Appearance[]Edie is an average-sized woman with dark hair, two eyelashes, lipstick, and a perky nose. Unlike most ghosts depicted within the series, she has legs instead of a tail. Her attire consists of a a sports jersey with the number 10 plus a white collar and sleeves, matching shorts, knee-high socks, and white cleats. Trivia[]
Gallery[]The Winning Spirit[]
Minor characters/Ghosts