Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

I will be the most powerful Jedi ever.
~ Anakin in Attack of The Clones.

You're reckless, little one, you never would've made it as Obi-Wan's Padawan, but you might make it as mine.
~ Anakin to Ahsoka after the Battle of Christophsis.

You are the Chosen One. You have brought balance to this world. Stay on this path and you will do it again… for the galaxy. But beware… your heart…
~ The Father referring to Anakin’s destiny as the Chosen One.

This is where the fun begins!
~ Anakin's most popular heroic phrase.

You already have, Luke. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister… you were right.
~ Anakin's final words.

Anakin Skywalker, lately known as Darth Vader, is one of the main protagonists of the Star Wars franchise.

He is a legendary Jedi Knight and hero of the Clone Wars, in addition to being the prophesied Chosen One of the Jedi Order, conceived by the midi-chlorians in his mother’s womb, to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force.

He was the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the master of Ahsoka Tano, the third and final Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious (after Darth Maul and Count Dooku), the husband of Padmé Amidala, the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the father-in-law of Mara Jade Skywalker and Han Solo, the grandfather of Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Anakin Solo, and Ben Skywalker, the great-grandfather of Allana "Amelia" Solo, and the ancestor of Kol Skywalker and Cade Skywalker.



What would have surprised people was how kind he was. He cared deeply about his friends, and looked out for them until the end.
~ Ahoska Tano telling Ezra about her master and his true personality.

As a child, Anakin was thoughtful, selfless, loyal, brave, and very intelligent for his age.

As an adult, Anakin developed into a more prideful, arrogant, loyal, and reckless young man, but he was still kind, caring, and selfless. Although he was a loving person, he was known to hold grudges and was vengeful, but he was often able to hold these traits in check. He also hated being treated unjustly or being wrongly accused, and grew to hate being criticized or lectured, which was one of the reasons his friendship with Obi-Wan was tense. This arrogance, however, should not be mistaken for heartlessness. He possessed a very altruistic spirit, and he cared deeply for not only his friends and loved ones, but for all free people of the galaxy. He was known for breaking protocol and disobeying orders if it meant saving lives, whether they be fellow Jedi and clones, or innocent civilians. To his enemies, however, Anakin can be a terrifying and unforgiving figure.

Despite his pride as a Jedi, Anakin was not above apologizing or admitting when he was wrong; unlike most members of the Jedi Order, he acknowledged his mistakes and learned from them as well, as he was one of the few members of the Jedi Order who knew there was flaws in the Jedi Teachings and the Jedi Code. He was a naturally honest person and despised lying and deception, from his friends, allies and enemies alike. He disliked politics, considering most politicians to be arrogant and greedy.

As his fame grew, he became more prideful and overconfident, as Anakin knew he was one of the best Jedi in the Jedi Order and secretly believed that he could easily best any Jedi blindfolded with his lightsaber tied behind his back. Although he could sometimes be aggressive, brutal, unpredictable and cocky, Anakin still had a strong sense of justice, honor and good morals. He also carried guilt and remorse for his violent deeds and the loss of some of his loved ones, especially the loss of his mother. In fact, Anakin had a major flaw: his fear of loss and great attachment to those close to him, as shown by how he was reluctant to leave his mother behind and become a Jedi, was angry and vengeful at one point when Obi-Wan seemingly died and was extremely affected when his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano left the Jedi after she was wrongly accused for bombing the temple. This fear of loss, exacerbated by his premonitions of Padmé Amidala dying and coupled with his failure to save his mother from her death, led him to find any way to save her from dying which Palpatine took advantage of and used to convert him to the dark side by promising him the power to save the ones he loves from dying.

As a general within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic, Anakin was renowned for his leadership skills and admired by clones, Jedi and politicians alike. Anakin made it clear to those under his command that he would never ask them to do anything he was unwilling to do himself and as Captain Rex stated, he would not risk the lives of those under his command without risking his as well. This legacy resulted with the media giving him the moniker, "The Hero with No Fear" and he was one of the very few Jedi the public actually liked.

During the Clone Wars, Anakin, like his then-apprentice Ahsoka Tano, matured and became more responsible in many ways, but this did not stop him from being reckless and impulsive sometimes. He was not as forgiving as his wife Padmé, as he rarely forgave people in general, particularly Obi-Wan and the other Jedi Masters (like Yoda and Mace Windu), for constantly lying to him or deceiving him.

After he became Darth Vader, Anakin became a cold hearted, ruthless, villainous twisted villain who enforced Darth Sidious' will. Towards the end of his life, Anakin doubted there was any good left in him. His son Luke disagreed, and risked his life to save his father from Sidious' grasp. In the end, it was his son's love for him that brought him back to the light side. It took Luke's torture by Sith lightning to turn Anakin back to the light as he refused to have his son die just as his own mother and wife once did.

Saving his son at the cost of his own life while he avenged his former nemesis Count Dooku, Anakin completed the prophecy attributed to him at birth by destroying the Sith. This act simultaneously brought balance to the Force and enabled Anakin to transform into a Force spirit.

Powers and Abilities[]

You were right. The Force within him is stronger than any known Jedi. I've trained him as well as I could but he is still willful and balance alludes him.
~ Obi-Wan to Qui-Gon on Mortis


  • The Force: As the Chosen One, Anakin was immensely powerful and had an amazingly strong connection to the Force, stronger than any Force user ever in existence and those after him. He possessed the potential to become the most powerful Force user in the history of the galaxy; according to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's Force potential would have surpassed that of even Yoda and Sheev Palpatine at their peaks. Anakin never reached his potential while alive, being more focused on lightsaber combat than honing his Force abilities, which shown during the Clone Wars, where Anakin somewhat struggled against Force attacks in battle; an irony given his natural talent as a Jedi. Although he did manage to overpower the Daughter and the Son. Notably, this weakness has allowed foes such as Dooku and Ventress to counter Anakin's raw strength during every lightsaber duel. When holding back, his resistance to telekinesis also weakens significantly, thus failing to outmuscle Bariss' Force push. As Darth Vader, he refined his Force techniques under Palpatine's tutelage, with his duel with Luke in Bespin, where he telekinetically hurled several large objects at his son without so much as a gesture. After his death, Anakin's powers became far stronger than either the Mortis Gods, the Force Priestesses, and The Bendu.
    • Telekinesis: Anakin utilized Telekinesis either as offensive or defense.
      • Force Push: Anakin utilized Force Push to send his opponents flying through the air, causing them serious injury or temporarily incapacitating them/knocked them unconscious.
      • Force Pull: Anakin utilized Force Pull to pull his opponents or objects towards him.
      • Force Choke: Against the Jedi Code, Anakin often utilized Force Choke to either weaken, interrogate and sometimes even kill his enemies. These moments were rare at first, but slowly become more common as Anakin slips further to the dark side.
      • Force Grip: Anakin utilized Force Grip to lift his opponents off the ground and into the air to immobilize them.
      • Force Crush: Anakin utilized Force Crush to crush objects, including droids.
      • Force Barrier: Anakin utilized Force Barrier to created a barrier or wall of Force energy around himself or his allies.
      • Force Deflection: Anakin utilized Force Deflection to redirect incoming attacks such as blaster bolts with or without his lightsaber.
    • Mind Trick: Anakin utilized Mind Trick to control the minds of other sentient beings, however, it did not work on individuals who have very strong wills.
      • Beast Control: Anakin utilized Beast Control to control the minds of animals.
    • Force Jump: Anakin utilized Force Jump, to jump or leap great distances.
    • Force Speed: Anakin utilized Force Speed, to move at amazing speed.
    • Force Vision: Anakin utilized Force Vision, to have visions of the past, the present and the future; however, like all force users, his visions were not always clear or sometimes had visions even when he was not utilizing this power at will as shown by his premonitions of both his mother and Padmé in pain or dying.
    • Force Sense: Anakin utilized Force Sense, to sense another sentient being's emotions, the future, ripples in the Force caused by momentous or traumatic events, or impending danger and the presence of the dark side.
    • Force Rage: Anakin utilized Force Rage to channel his anger to increase his speed, strength, ferocity and to overwhelm his opponents. However, doing so ran the risk of being corrupted by the dark side.
    • Force Transfer: Anakin once utilized a power which is a variation of Force Drain and Healing, managing to transfer the life energy from one individual to another to revive someone from death. It was performed at Mortis by Anakin on the Daughter and Ahsoka Tano. With the Daughter's help, Anakin drained her life energy and transferred it to Ahsoka, bringing his apprentice back to life after the Son killed her.
    • Dampen Force: Anakin utilized Dampen Force to temporarily block certain Force powers such as Force Push or Force Pull.
    • Oneness: Anakin can utilized a state of union with e was able to achieve Oneness for the first time during the Battle of Praesitlyn, using both the light and dark sides of the Force to decimate Separatist forces. While channeling the power of Mortis he became one with the Force again, temporarily becoming powerful enough to subdue the Son and Daughter.  At the moment of his redemption during the Battle of Endor, his selfless love for his son allowed him to enter this state for a final time, the light side of the force giving him all the strength he needed to fulfill his destiny and destroy Darth Sidious, however this act cost Skywalker his life..
    • Force Spirit: When Anakin died from the injuries he received from Palpatine, after he sacrificed his life to save his son Luke Skywalker, he was able to transcend physical death, preserving his identity through the Force. Anakin was only able to become a Force spirit due to both his immensely powerful connection to the Force and redemption, and he likely learned this from one of the Jedi Masters who learned this power from the Force Priestesses, as Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • Cyborg Strength: Anakin utilizes his cybernetic hand in combat, as it gave him greater strength to easily subdue, restrain and overpower his opponents.


  • Lightsaber Combatant: Anakin was extremely skilled in lightsaber combat and an exceptionally gifted duelist, with people such as Kanan Jarrus calling him one of the greatest warriors the Jedi had produced. Anakin used his Force powers to increase his physical speed and agility to make his lightsaber skills more lethal in combat; this made him a formidable opponent in single combat. He also possessed the potential to become the greatest lightsaber duelist in the history of the galaxy. His skill as with a lightsaber allowed him to best the likes of Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku, and hundreds of Jedi during Operation: Knightfall.
    • Form I: Anakin was highly skilled in Shii-Cho.
    • Form II: Anakin has some skill in Makashi, often switching from two-hand stances to a one-hand stances.
    • Form III: Being trained under Obi-Wan, Anakin has some skill in Soresu. Although Anakin favored more offensive forms, he was able to use Soresu on several occasions ranging from deflecting blaster bolts and in lightsaber combat.
    • Form IV: Anakin was extremely skilled in Ataru. As a Padawan, Anakin studied Ataru, as it fit his flashy, bold, and aggressive personality—he would later use those same traits to become a skilled Form V practitioner. During the last years of the Galactic Republic, Anakin Skywalker made adjustments to the classic Form IV techniques and created a variation of Form IV for deflecting blaster fire. This was demonstrated in a holographic recording, later found in Holocron owned by Kanan Jarrus.
    • Form V: Anakin was a master of Shien/Djem So, considered by many to be the most proficient practitioner of the style. He briefly fought Dooku with this style in Attack of the Clones. And later during his final match against Dooku aboard the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand, Skywalker deceived the Sith with a Shien opening stance and Ataru acrobatics, but during the duel he returned to his own preferred Djem So strokes. The Sith Lord was barely able to deflect the Jedi Knight's blows and was eventually scorched when his own blade was forced back onto his shoulder. Using Form V, Skywalker pushed Dooku back with powerful blows, bolstered by use of rage in the fight, until he eventually disarmed and killed the Sith.
    • Form VI: Anakin was highly skilled in Niman, integrating telekinetic attacks into his lightsaber move set. Anakin frequently used his Niman training to incorporate use of the Force into his dueling style and also had advanced his abilities in the form enough to instruct his Padawan Ahsoka Tano in the lower levels of the style as a training exercise. As Darth Vader, he started incorporating elements of Niman swordplay alongside the other forms after retooling his dueling style and retained his advanced skill in Niman's techniques of incorporating the use of the Force in combat.
    • Form VII: Although he was forbidden to study Juyo, Anakin knew some of the basics to apply it in his original Djem So variation.
    • Jar'Kai: Although Anakin was trained in Jar'Kai by Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was not very skilled at it, due to the fact that he did not practice with it much, as he was working on this mostly as an exercise in control and was doubtful that he would ever need to apply it. Anakin's assumption was proven wrong when he wielded two lightsabers against Dooku during the First Battle of Geonosis; though he was able to briefly catch the Sith Lord off guard, his lack of skill at dual-blade combat resulted in him losing his second lightsaber in mere seconds. During the Clone Wars, Anakin's skills in Jar'Kai greatly improved to the point where he was able to defeat the recently turned Dark Jedi Barriss Offee with little difficulty, thus becoming much more proficient with dual lightsabers.
  • Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Anakin was highly skilled in unarmed combat.
  • Master Marksman: Anakin was very proficient in the use of blaster pistols. During the Clone Wars, Anakin used a pair of X-8 Night snipers to fight off several members of Endente's arms dealing group due to being deprived of his lightsaber. While rescuing Obi-Wan, Anakin used a E-5 blaster rifle from a battle droid to take out several droids to reclaim his lightsaber.
  • Master Pilot: Anakin was extremely skilled in piloting various speeders and every type of flying craft. As Obi-Wan would later put it, he was the best star-pilot in the history of the galaxy.
  • Master Engineer: Even as a child, Anakin was amazingly skilled in engineering for someone of his age. At the age of nine, he was able to successfully build his own podracer, at the age of thirteen, he was able to successfully construct his first blue bladed lightsaber in his first try. He was also known to tinker around with droids and planes in his free time, even as a Jedi Knight, since it was a reminder of his childhood.
  • Genius-Level Intellect/Master Tactician/Leader: Even as a child, Anakin was amazingly intelligent for someone of his age. As a Jedi General, Anakin was a highly skilled tactician and a very capable leader.
  • Multilingual: Anakin was capable of fluently speaking Galactic Basic, Huttese and Bitt.





  • Qui-Gon Jinn (first Jedi Master/father figure)
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (second Jedi Master/best friend/older brother figure, later enemy, best friend once again after Return of the Jedi's climax)
  • R2-D2 (droid)
  • Watto (former owner)
  • Ahsoka Tano (Jedi Padawan/sister figure/friend)
  • 501st Legion (subordinates, soldiers)
    • Captain Rex (subordinate officer/friend)
    • Commander Appo (subordinate officer/friend)
    • Fives (subordinate officer)
    • Echo (subordinate officer)
    • Jesse (subordinate officer)
  • Grand Moff Tarkin (associate/friend)


  • Galen Marek (Sith apprentice turned enemy)
  • Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious (Sith Master turned true Archenemy/Killer/Victim)
  • Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus (Former Archenemy/Victim)
  • General Grievous (Evil Counterpart/Dark Foil)
  • Cal Kestis
  • Cere Junda
  • Rebel Alliance (formerly)

Episode Appearances[]

Appearances on The Show
Prequel Episodes
  • Cat and Mouse
  • The Hidden Enemy
  • Clone Cadets (Appears in flashbacks)
Season One
  • Rising Malevolence
  • Shadow of Malevolence
  • Destroy Malevolence
  • Rookies
  • Downfall of a Droid
  • Duel of the Droids
  • Bombad Jedi (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Cloak of Darkness (Appears in hologram)
  • Dooku Captured
  • The Gungan General
  • Jedi Crash
  • Defenders of Peace
  • Trespass
  • Blue Shadow Virus
  • Mystery of a Thousand Moons
  • Storm Over Ryloth
  • Innocents of Ryloth (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Liberty on Ryloth
Season Two
  • Holocron Heist
  • Cargo of Doom
  • Children of the Force
  • Bounty Hunters
  • The Zillo Beast
  • The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
  • Senate Spy
  • Landing at Point Rain
  • Weapons Factory
  • Legacy of Terror
  • Brain Invaders
  • Grievous Intrigue
  • The Deserter (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Lightsaber Lost
  • The Mandalore Plot
  • Voyage of Temptation
  • Duchess of Mandalore
  • Death Trap
  • R2 Come Home
  • Lethal Trackdown
Season Three
  • The Academy
  • Assassin
  • ARC Troopers
  • Sphere of Influence
  • Evil Plans
  • Hostage Crisis
  • Hunt for Ziro (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Heroes on Both Sides
  • Nightsisters
  • Witches of the Mist
  • Overlords
  • Altar of Mortis
  • Ghosts of Mortis
  • The Citadel
  • Counterattack
  • Citadel Rescue
  • Padawan Lost
  • Wookiee Hunt
Season Four
  • Water War
  • Gungan Attack
  • Prisoners
  • Shadow Warrior
  • Nomad Droids (Mentioned only)
  • Darkness on Umbara
  • The General (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Plan of Dissent (Mentioned only)
  • Carnage of Krell (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Kidnapped
  • Slaves of the Republic
  • Escape from Kadavo
  • A Friend in Need (Appears in hologram)
  • Deception
  • Friends and Enemies
  • The Box
  • Crisis on Naboo
  • Brothers
Season Five
  • A War on Two Fronts
  • Front Runners
  • The Soft War (Appears in hologram)
  • Tipping Points
  • The Gathering (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Bound for Rescue (Indirect mention only)
  • Secret Weapons
  • Point of No Return
  • Revival
  • The Lawless (Mentioned only)
  • Sabotage
  • The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
  • To Catch a Jedi
  • The Wrong Jedi
Season Six
  • The Unknown
  • Conspiracy (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Orders
  • An Old Friend
  • The Rise of Clovis
  • Crisis at the Heart
  • The Lost One
  • Voices
  • Destiny (Vision to Yoda)
  • Sacrifice (Vision to Yoda)
  • A Death on Utapau
  • In Search of the Crystal
  • Crystal Crisis
  • The Big Bang
  • The Bad Batch
  • A Distant Echo
  • On the Wings of Keeradaks
  • Unfinished Business
Season Seven
  • Gone with a Trace (Appears in flashbacks)
  • Deal No Deal
  • The Bad Batch
  • A Distant Echo
  • On the Wings of Keeradaks
  • Unfinished Business
  • Old Friends Not Forgotten
  • The Phantom Apprentice (Mentioned only)
  • Shattered (Voice only)


Anakin: Are you an angel?
Padme: What?
Anakin: An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They live on the moons of Iego, I think.
~ Anakin's curiosity on Padme.
I'm a person and my name is Anakin.
~ Anakin introducing himself to Padme.
I could run faster than your podracer.
~ Young Anakin taunting his opponent in Star Wars Episode I: Racer.
Now this is podracing!
~ Anakin during the battle of Naboo.
From the moment I met you, all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you. And now that I'm with you again... I'm in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you... I can't breathe. I'm haunted by the kiss that you should never have given me. My heart is beating... hoping that kiss will not become a scar. You are in my very soul, tormenting me... what can I do? I will do anything you ask. If you are suffering as much as I am, please tell me.
~ Anakin admitting his feelings to Padmé.
I'm here, Mom, you're safe.
~ Anakin to his dying mother.
Kenobi: I told you this victory was too easy. We never should have sent the ship back for supplies.
Skywalker: "It wasn't my idea to send the ship back.
Kenobi: All right men, second wave incoming.
Skywalker: Rex, you and your men follow me.
Kenobi: Cody, battle positions!
~ Anakin to Obi-Wan during the Battle of Christophsis.
I admit, Ahsoka's a little rough around the edges, but with a great deal of training…and patience…she might amount to something.
~ Anakin about Ahsoka.
Ahsoka: So, this is where the fun begins.
Anakin: Race you to the top.
Ahsoka: I'll give you a head start."
Anakin:Your mistake!
~ Anakin to Ahsoka during the Battle of Teth.
Ahsoka, a very wise Jedi once said, "Nothing happens by accident." It is the will of the Force that you are at my side. I just want to keep you there in one piece.
~ Anakin to Ahsoka about Qui-Gon Jinn.
Anakin: I still can't understand how she could have left The Order.

Obi-Wan: It was a surprise decision to all of us.
Anakin: It was wrong! She's a Jedi. She belongs with us! She's one of us.
Obi-Wan: She made the decision Anakin.
Anakin: Well what choice did we give her? The moment there were any suspicions about her loyalty the council turned their back on her.
Obi-Wan: I will grant you mistakes were made but she chose to leave. Part of the Jedi way is not letting emotions cloud your better judgment and that's what precisely what Ahsoka did. Even in our most critical moment.

~ Anakin and Obi-Wan talking about Ahsoka's decision.
My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count.
~ Anakin to Count Dooku.
Vader: You can't. He must stand trial.
Windu: He has control of the senate and the courts! He's too dangerous to be left alive!
Sidious: I'm too weak! Don't kill me, please!
Vader: It's not the Jedi way. He must live!
Sidious: Please, don't.
Vader: I need him!
Sidious: Please, don't!
Vader: NO!!!
~ Vader as Anakin begging Windu not to hurt Palpatine, upon his betrayal.
What have I done!?
~ Vader as Anakin after the death of Windu.
I don't want to hear anymore about Obi-Wan. The Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me.
~ Vader to Padmé believing she’s double-crossing him.
You're with him! You brought him here to kill me!
~ Vader to Padmé.
You turned her against me!
~ An enraged Vader to Obi-Wan.
If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!
~ Vader to Obi-Wan.
From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!
~ Vader to Obi-Wan.
You underestimate my power!
~ Vader as Obi-Wan reaches the high ground.
~ Vader to Obi-Wan after his defeat.
~ Vader's sad breakdown upon hearing of Padmé's death.
Did you truly think that you could defeat me? You have failed, Master.
~ Darth Vader after obliterating Obi-Wan under rocks.
Obi-Wan: Anakin...
Vader: Anakin is gone. I am what remains.
Obi-Wan: I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Anakin, for all of it.
Vader: I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker... I did... The same way, I will destroy you!
Obi-Wan: Then my friend is truly dead. (...) Goodbye, Darth.
Vader: Obi-Wan... OBI-WAN!!!
~ An injured Darth Vader stating his former self is gone to Obi-Wan after their duel, destroying Obi-Wan's hope that there was still good in him.
Ezra: I don't fear you.
Vader: Then you will die braver than most.
~ Vader commenting on Ezra's courage while they fight.
Vader: Ahsoka! (breathes slightly) Ahsoka.
Ahsoka: Anakin. I won't leave you. Not this time.
Vader: Then you will die.
~ Darth Vader rejecting the last ounce of his former self he had left for Ahsoka.
No… NO!
~ Vader turning on Sidious to rescue Luke in the 2011 Blu-ray version.
Now, go my son. Leave me (Luke Skywalker: No. You're coming with me. I'm not leaving you here. I've got to save you.) You've already have, Luke. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister, you were right.
~ Anakin's last words to Luke before dying.


  • He is the current icon of the Outdated Infobox template.
  • Anakin is featured throughout the Angry Birds Star Wars franchise. He is an NPC during the first game. During the second game, he becomes playable. His ability is identical to Luke's: slashing forward with his lightsaber. He, as is Luke Skywalker, is portrayed by Red from Angry Birds.
  • Count Dooku's last words to Anakin before the former murders him under Palpatine's orders foreshadow Anakin's betrayal of Windu as well as Anakin killing Padme in anger and his transformation into Darth Vader.
  • Anakin and Obi-Wan had the last lightsaber duel in the last film in the prequel trilogy and the first lightsaber duel in the first film of the original trilogy.
  • In the original ending of Return of the Jedi and its 1997 special edition release, Anakin's ghost appears as a man in his early eighties, with fading hair, and a smiling face. In the new ending of Return of the Jedi since the 2004 DVD release, Anakin's ghost looks very identical to his appearance from Revenge of the Sith.
  • Anakin eventually kills both of his masters on a Death Star in the original trilogy. He killed his Jedi master on the first Death Star in A New Hope and his Sith master on the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi.
  • The beetle Agathidium vaderi was named after Darth Vader.[1]

External Links[]


           Star Wars logo Heroes

Old Republic Era
Meetra Surik | Revan

High Republic Era
Avar Kriss | Bell Zettifar | Burryaga Agaburry | Elzar Mann | Jecki Lon | Kai Brightstar | Keeve Trennis | Lys Solay | Nubs | Oppo Rancisis | Orla Jareni | Osha Aniseya | Reath Silas | Santari Khri | Sol | Stellan Gios | Tera Sinube | Ty Yorrick | Vernestra Rwoh | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Yord Fandar | Zia Zanna

Republic Era
Aayla Secura | Adi Gallia | Agen Kolar | Ahsoka Tano | Anakin Skywalker | Barriss Offee | Bolla Ropal | Byph | Cal Kestis | Caleb Dume | Cere Junda | Cin Drallig | Coleman Trebor | Depa Billaba | Dooku | Eeth Koth | Eno Cordova | Even Piell | Falon Grey | Ferroda | Ganodi | Gungi | Ima-Gun Di | Jaro Tapal | Jinx | Jocasta Nu | Kalifa | Katooni | Ki-Adi-Mundi | Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Mace Windu | Mavra Zane | Nahdar Vebb | O-Mer | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Oppo Rancisis | Petro | Plo Koon | Qui-Gon Jinn | Quinlan Vos | Rahm Kota | Saesee Tiin | Shaak Ti | Sifo-Dyas | Tera Sinube | Ursa Wren | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Zatt | Zett Jukassa

Rebellion Era
Ahsoka Tano | Cal Kestis | Cere Junda | Eeth Koth | Eno Cordova | Ezra Bridger | Kanan Jarrus | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Nari | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Quinlan Vos | Yoda

Resistance Era
Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Rey

Anakin Solo | Jacen Solo | Jaina Solo | Ben Skywalker | Corran Horn | Jaden Korr | Kam Solusar | Kyle Katarn | Kyp Durron | Jedi student | Tionne Solusar | Galen Marek (clone) | Rahm Kota | X2

Galactic Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
212th Attack Battalion | 41st Elite Corps | 501st Legion | Clone Force 99 | Coruscant Guard | Delta Squad | Domino Squad | Ghost Company | Senate Guards | Wolfpack

Bail Organa | Finis Valorum | Jamillia | Jar Jar Binks | Kharrus | Meena Tills | Mon Mothma | Neeyutnee | Onaconda Farr | Padmé Amidala | Riyo Chuchi | Wullf Yularen

Clone Troopers
Axe | Appo | Bly | Boil | Boost | Broadside | Cody | Contrail | Crosshair | Cut Lawquane | Cutup | Denal | Deviss | Dogma | Doom | Droidbait | Echo | Fil | Fireball | Fives | Fordo | Fox | Gree | Gregor | Grey | Hardcase | Hawk | Hevy | Hound | Howzer | Hunter | Jek | Jesse | Jet | Keeli | Kix | Matchstick | Mayday | Monnk | Nemec | Odd Ball | Rex | Rys | Sinker | Stone | Tech | Thire | Thorn | Tup | Waxer | Wooley | Wolffe | Wrecker | "Retired clone trooper" | 99

Asajj Ventress | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Gial Ackbar | Gregar Typho | Hondo Ohnaka | Jaybo Hood | Julia | King Katuunko | Korkie Kryze | Lassa Rhayme | Lee-Char | Lux Bonteri | Meebur Gascon | Mon Calamari | Nossor Ri | Omega | Quarsh Panaka | Rafa Martez | Ric Olié | Roos Tarpals | Sabé | Satine Kryze | Saw Gerrera | Shmi Skywalker | Sionver Boll | Soniee | Steela Gerrera | Sugi | Tee Watt Kaa | Trace Martez | Ursa Wren | Wag Too

C-3PO | C1-10P | Professor Huyang | R2-D2 |


The Path/Early Rebellion/Alliance to Restore the Republic
Subsidiary Organizations
Ghost Crew | Phoenix Squadron | Rogue One

2-1B | Ahsoka Tano | Alexsandr Kallus | Amilyn Holdo | AP-5 | Azmorigan | Bail Organa | Baze Malbus | Bistan | Bix Caleen | Bodhi Rook | Brasso | C-3PO | C1-10P | Cassian Andor | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Chirrut Îmwe | Cikatro Vizago | Cinta Kaz | Del Meeko | Enfys Nest | Evaan Verlaine | Ewoks | Ezra Bridger | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Gobi Glie | Gorn | Gregor | Haja Estree | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hondo Ohnaka | Iden Versio | Jan Dodonna | Jarek Yeager | Juno Eclipse | Jun Sato | Jyn Erso | K-2SO | Karis Nemik | Kanan Jarrus | Kawlan Roken | Ketsu Onyo | Kino Loy | Kleya Marki | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Luthen Rael | Lux Bonteri | Maarva Andor | Mart Mattin | Mon Calamari | Mon Mothma | Nien Nunb | Numa | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Pao | Quinlan Vos | R2-D2 | Rahm Kota | Ryder Azadi | Raddus | Rex | Ruescott Melshi | Ryder Azadi | Sabine Wren | Sana Starros | Saw Gerrera | Tala Durith | Taramyn Barcona | Tristan Wren | Ursa Wren | Vel Sartha | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Wolffe | Yoda

B2EMO | BD-1 | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cal Kestis | Cere Junda | Eno Cordova | Greez Dritus | Merrin |

Arhul Narra | Dash Rendar | Iella Wessiri Antilles | Jan Ors | Tycho Celchu | Winter Celchu

New Republic/Resistance
Aftab Ackbar | Amilyn Holdo | Babu Frik | BB-8 | Bo Keevil | C1-10P | C-3PO | Carson Teva | Chewbacca | Ewoks | Finn | Freya Fenris | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Griff Halloran | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hype Fazon | Iden Versio | Imanuel Doza | Jarek Yeager | Jannah | Kazuda Xiono | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Maz Kanata | Mon Mothma | Neeku Vozo | Nien Nunb | Norath Kev | Paige Tico | Poe Dameron | R2-D2 | Rey | Rose Tico | Ryder Azadi | Sidon Ithano | Tam Ryvora | Torra Doza | Venisa Doza | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Zorii Bliss

Ahsoka Tano | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cara Dune | Cobb Vanth | Din Djarin | Din Grogu | Ezra Bridger | Gannis Ducain | IG-11 | Kuiil | Lina Graf | Peli Motto | Sabine Wren

Bounty Hunters/Mercenaries/Outlaws
Asajj Ventress | Boba Fett | Cara Dune | Chewbacca | Din Djarin | Embo | Fennec Shand | Greef Karga | Han Solo | Hondo Ohnaka | IG-11 | Lassa Rhayme | Lando Calrissian | Migs Mayfeld | Qi'ra | Sana Starros | Sugi | Zorii Bliss

Asajj Ventress | B2EMO | BD-1 | Bravo | Boba Fett's Rancor | Daughter | Father | Gabs | Her Majesty | Gorn | Greez Dritus | Grogu | Ham | Jaybo Hood | Jemboc | Kino Loy | Lizz & Koob | Maarva Andor | Merrin | Nash Durango | RJ-83 | Xanwan | Xaul

           Disney Logo Heroes

Animated Features
Snow White | Seven Dwarfs (Doc, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy & Dopey) | Forest Animals | The Prince | The Huntsman | Pinocchio | Jiminy Cricket | Geppetto | Blue Fairy | Sorcerer Mickey | Madame Upanova | Hyacinth Hippo | Ben Ali Gator | Dumbo | Timothy Q. Mouse | Mrs. Jumbo | Casey Jr. | Bambi | Thumper | Flower | Faline | Bambi's Mother | Great Prince of the Forest | Friend Owl | José Carioca | Panchito Pistoles | Willie the Whale | Bongo the Bear | Lulubelle | Willie | Mr. J. Thaddeus Toad | Water Rat | Moley | Angus MacBadger | Cyril Proudbottom | Ichabod Crane | Pecos Bill | Cinderella | Jaq and Gus | Anastasia Tremaine | Fairy Godmother | Prince Charming | Bruno | The King | Grand Duke | Alice Liddell | White Rabbit | Peter Pan | Wendy Darling | Tinker Bell | John Darling | Michael Darling | Lost Boys | Tick-Tock the Crocodile | Lady | Tramp | Trusty | Jock | Annette, Collette and Danielle | Darling | Aurora | Prince Phillip | Flora | Fauna | Merryweather | King Stefan | Queen Leah | King Hubert | Minstrel | Lord Duke | Forest Animals | Pongo | Perdita | Roger Radcliffe | Anita Radcliffe | Nanny | Lucky | Patch | Rolly | Mayor Ed Pig | Danny | Colonel | Sergeant Tibbs | Captain | Arthur Pendragon | Merlin | Archimedes | Mowgli | Baloo | Bagheera | King Louie | Colonel Hathi | Shanti | Winifred | Rama | Vultures | Raksha | Thomas O'Malley | Duchess | Marie | Toulouse | Berlioz | Scat Cat | Abigail and Amelia Gabble | Frou-Frou | Roquefort | Madame Adelaide Bonfamile | Robin Hood | Little John | Maid Marian | Friar Tuck | Lady Kluck | Alan-A-Dale | Skippy | Toby Turtle | King Richard | Winnie the Pooh | Tigger | Piglet | Eeyore | Rabbit | Owl | Kanga | Roo | Christopher Robin | Gopher | Bernard | Bianca | Penny | Orville | Evinrude | Tod | Copper | Big Mama | Dinky and Boomer | Vixey | Widow Tweed | Tod's mother | Taran | Gurgi | Eilonwy | Fflewddur Fflam | Hen Wen | Basil of Baker Street | Dr. David Q. Dawson | Olivia Flaversham | Toby | Hiram Flaversham | Mouse Queen | Oliver | Dodger | Tito | Rita | Francis | Einstein | Fagin | Jenny Foxworth | Georgette | Winston | Ariel | Prince Eric | Sebastian | Flounder | Scuttle | King Triton | King Triton's Daughters (Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina) | Max | Cody | Jake | Marahute | Wilbur | Frank | Belle | Beast | Lumière | Cogsworth | Mrs. Potts | Chip Potts | Fifi | Maurice | Aladdin | Jasmine | Genie | Magic Carpet | Abu | The Sultan | Rajah | Iago | Razoul | Jack Skellington | Sally | Zero | The Mayor of Halloween Town | Dr. Finkelstein | Santa Claus | Simba | Mufasa | Nala | Timon | Pumbaa | Rafiki | Zazu | Sarabi | Sarafina | Pocahontas | John Smith | Meeko | Flit | Grandmother Willow | Percy | Thomas | Nakoma | Chief Powhatan | Quasimodo | Esmeralda | Captain Phoebus | Victor, Hugo, & Laverne | Djali | Clopin | Hercules | Megara | Pegasus | Philoctetes | Zeus | Hera | Hermes | Olympian Gods (Poseidon, Aphrodite, and Apollo) | Fa Mulan | Mushu | Li Shang | Cri-Kee | Grandmother Fa | Yao, Ling, and Chien Po | Khan | Ancestors | The Emperor of China | Tarzan | Jane Porter | Terk | Tantor | Kerchak | Kala | Archimedes Q. Porter | Baboons | Whales | Tin Soldier | Spring Sprite | Aladar | Neera | Plio | Zini | Yar | Suri | Eema | Baylene | Url | Bruton | Emperor Kuzco | Pacha | Kronk | Milo James Thatch | Kida Nedakh | Gaetan Moliére | Dr. Joshua Sweet | Vincenzo Santorini | Audrey Ramirez | Cookie | Wilhelmina Packard | Preston B. Whitmore | Stitch | Lilo Pelekai | Nani Pelekai | David Kawena | Cobra Bubbles | Jumba Jookiba | Pleakley | Captain Gantu | Grand Councilwoman | Jim Hawkins | John Silver | Dr. Doppler | Captain Amelia | Mr. Arrow | Morph | B.E.N. | Kenai | Koda | Sitka | Denahi | Rutt and Tuke | Tanana | Koda's Mother | Maggie | Grace | Mrs. Calloway | Buck | Lucky Jack | Chicken Little | Abby Mallard | Runt of the Litter | Fish Out of Water | Buck Cluck | Lewis Robinson | Wilbur Robinson | Franny Robinson | Carl | Bolt | Mittens | Rhino | Penny | Tiana | Prince Naveen | Louis | Ray | Charlotte La Bouff | Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff | Mama Odie | Juju | Rapunzel | Eugene Fitzherbert | Pascal | Maximus | Wreck-It Ralph | Vanellope von Schweetz | Fix-It Felix, Jr. | Sergeant Calhoun | Queen Anna | Queen Elsa | Kristoff | Olaf | Sven | Hiro Hamada | Baymax | Honey Lemon | GoGo Tomago | Wasabi | Fred | Tadashi Hamada | Cass Hamada | Alistair Krei | Judy Hopps | Nick Wilde | Chief Bogo | Benjamin Clawhauser | Bonnie and Stu Hopps | Mr. Big | Fru Fru Shrew | Moana | Maui | Grandma Tala | Chief Tui | Ocean | Pua | Heihei | Te Fiti | Yesss | Shank | J.P. Spamley | Gord | KnowsMore | General Mattias | Yelana | Honeymaren | Ryder Nattura | Bruni | Gale | The Nokk | Raya | Sisu | Boun | Noi | Tong | Ongis | Tuk Tuk | Chief Benja | Virana | Pengu | Jagan | Pranee | Amba | Mirabel Madrigal | Bruno Madrigal | Alma Madrigal | Pedro Madrigal | Luisa Madrigal | Antonio Madrigal | Dolores Madrigal | Camilo Madrigal | Isabela Madrigal | Julieta Madrigal | Agustín Madrigal | Pepa Madrigal | Félix Madrigal | Searcher Clade | Jaeger Clade | Ethan Clade | Meridian Clade | Callisto Mal | Legend | Splat | Asha | Valentino | Star | Queen Amaya | Dahlia | Simea | Loto | Kele | Moni | Kotu | Matangi

Live-Action Features
Marnie Piper | Aggie Cromwell | Gwen Piper | Dylan Piper | Sophie Piper | Long John Silver | Perri | Travis Coates | Old Yeller | Wilby Daniels | Wilson Daniels | Freeda Daniels | Moochie Daniels | Professor Plumcutt | Professor Ned Brainard | Betsy Carlisle | Biff Hawk | Nikki | Antie | Neewa | Captain Richmond Talbot | Lyrae | Harry Willard | Katie Willard | Elliott Willard | Amy Willard | Skipper Willard | Big Red | Merlin Jones | Jennifer | Stanley | Mary Poppins | Bert | George Banks | Winifred Banks | Jane Banks | Michael Banks | Chico | Eric Griffin | Arabella Flagg | Jack Flagg | Quentin Bartlett | Goodtime Charlie | Blackbeard | Steve Walker | Jo Anne Baker | Jack Albany | Sally Inwood | Fred Bolton | Aspercel | Suzie Clemens | Herbie | Jim Douglas | Tennessee Steinmetz | Carole Bennet | Tang Wu | Dexter Reilly | Dean Eugene "E. J. Gene" Higgins | Professor Miles Quigley | Pete Oatzel | Annie Hannah | Richard Schuyler | Bradley | Henry Fathington | Myles Miller | Wahb | Moki | Steven Post | Jennifer Scott | Raffles | Albert Dooley | Katie Dooley | Jimmy Dooley | Charley | Fred Hines | Miss Eglantine Price | Timothy Forsythe | Johnny Baxter | Sue Baxter | Jesse McCord | Richard Baxter | Wally Perkins | Chris Baxter | Coach Sam Archer | Milo Jackson | Nanu | Jane Douglas | Harry | Mrs. Petersen | Charley Appleby | Roy Zerney | Nettie Appleby | Leonora Appleby | Rupert Appleby | Willie Appleby | Ray Ferris | Theodore and Amos | Aunt Harriet Crumply | Gus | Hank Cooper | Coach Venner | Andy Petrovic | Debbie Kovac | Tim | Betty Daniels | Brian Daniels | Katrinka Muggelberg | Pete | Elliott | Nora | Zunar-J-5/9 Doric-4-7 | Frank Wilson | Popeye | Olive Oyl | Tron | Kevin Flynn | Alan Bradley | Dorothy Gale | Princess Ozma | Jack Pumpkinhead | Billina | Tik-Tok | The Gump | Wolf | Benji | Cougar cubs | Mother Cougar | Jim Craig | Roger Rabbit | Eddie Valiant | Jessica Rabbit | Dolores | Benny the Cab | Baby Herman | Ted Johnson | Susan Johnson | Morogo | Duma | White Fang | Jack Convoy | Henry Casey | Buck | Cliff Secord | Jenny Blake | Gordon Bombay | Wayne Szalinski | Max Dennison | Dani Dennison | Allison | Thackery Binx | Tom Sawyer | Huckleberry Finn | Aramis | Athos | D'Artagnan | Porthos | George Knox | Scott Calvin | Charlie Calvin | Shadow | Chance | Sassy | Mowgli | Jim Hawkins | James Henry Trotter | Mr. Centipede | Mr. Grasshopper | Earthworm | Mrs. Ladybug | Miss Spider | The Glowworm | Calvin Fuller | Mr. Toad | Mole | Rat | Mr. Badger | George of the Jungle | Ursula Stanhope | Ape | Phillip Brainard | Sara Jean Reynolds | Mr. Magoo | Nick Parker | Annie James | Nick Parker | Elizabeth James | Mighty Joe Young | Jill Young | Gregg O'Hara | Martin | Inspector Gadget | Penny Gadget | Brain | Dr. Brenda Bradford | Mia Thermopolis | Max Keeble | Megan | Robe | Carol Newman-Calvin | Stanley Yelnats IV | Zero | Lizzie McGuire | Captain Jack Sparrow | Joshamee Gibbs | Will Turner | Elizabeth Swann | Hector Barbossa | Pintel & Ragetti | James Norrington | Jim Evers | Sarah Evers | Madame Leota | Emma | Anna Coleman | Erica Enders (Right on Track) | Courtney Enders (Right on Track) | Phileas Fogg | Inspector Fix | Ben Gates | Riley Poole | Abigail Chase | Shane Wolfe | Zoe Plummer | Lulu Plummer | Will Stronghold | Layla Williams | Warren Peace | Zach | Ethan | Magenta | Ron Wilson | The Commander | Jetstream | Freeze Girl | Principal Powers | Coach Boomer | Jonathan Boy | Peter Pevensie | Susan Pevensie | Edmund Pevensie | Lucy Pevensie | Aslan | Mr. Beaver | Dave Douglas | The Snake | Jess Aarons | Ethan Dalloway | Leslie Burke | Giselle Philip | Robert Philip | Prince Edward | Pip | Nathaniel | Nancy Tremaine | Morgan Philip | Harry Stamper | Underdog | Sweet Polly Purebred | Gretel | Skeeter Bronson | Darwin | Blaster | Hurley | Juarez | Mooch | Bucky | Alice Kingsleigh | Mad Hatter | White Queen | Bandersnatch | Prince Dastan | Princess Tamina | Sheik Amar | Dave Stutler | Becky Barnes | Balthazar Blake | Balthazar's Eagle | Veronica Gorloisen | Prime Merlinean | Merlin | Sam Flynn | Quorra | Syrena | Walter | John Carter | Troy Bolton | Sharpay Evans | Ryan Evans | Gabriella Montez | Chad Danforth | Taylor McKessie | The Lone Ranger | Tonto | Oscar Diggs | Glinda the Good Witch of the South | China Girl | Maleficent (2014) | Diaval | Aurora (2014) | Prince Phillip (2014) | Knotgrass, Flittle and Thistlewit | The Baker | Cinderella | Rapunzel | Little Red Riding Hood | Cinderella (2015) | Prince Charming (2015) | Anastasia Tremaine (2015) | Mice (2015) | Fairy Godmother (2015) | Jaq and Gus (2015) | Lizard Footmen | Mr. Goose | Casey Newton | Frank Walker | Athena | Mowgli (2016) | Bagheera (2016) | Baloo (2016) | Raksha (2016) | Akela (2016) | The BFG | Sophie | Pete (2016) | Elliott (2016) | Grace Meacham | Conrad Meacham | Natalie Magary | Jack Magary | Belle (2017) | Beast (2017) | Maurice (2017) | LeFou (2017) | Lumière (2017) | Cogsworth (2017) | Mrs. Potts (2017) | Chip Potts (2017) | Henry Turner | Carina Smyth | Christopher Robin (Christopher Robin) | Winnie the Pooh (Christopher Robin) | Madeline Robin | Eeyore (Christopher Robin) | Tigger (Christopher Robin) | Piglet (Christopher Robin) | Meg Murry | Charles Wallace Murry | Mary Poppins | Jack | Jane Banks | Michael Banks | Annabel Banks | John Banks | Georgie Banks | Clara Stahlbaum | Phillip Hoffman | Mother Ginger | Mouse King | Dumbo | Holt Farrier | Milly Farrier | Joe Farrier | Max Medici | Colette Marchant | Aladdin | Jasmine | Genie | Magic Carpet | Abu (2019) | Rajah (2019) | Dalia | The Sultan (2019) | Simba | Mufasa | Nala | Timon | Pumbaa | Rafiki | Zazu | Sarabi | Sarafina (2019) | Conall | Borra | King John | Lady | Tramp | Jock | Trusty | Artemis Fowl | Holly Short | Juliet Butler | Mulch Diggums | Domovoi "Dom" Butler | Foaly | Commander Julius Root | Ivan | Bob | Stella | Ruby | Snickers | Henrietta | Murphy | Frankie | Thelma | Hua Mulan | Commander Tung | Chen Honghui | Yao, Ling, and Chien Po (2020) | The Emperor of China (2020) | Flora Buckman | Cruella De Vil | Jasper and Horace | Buddy | Wink | Anita Darling | Artie | John | Frank Wolff | Lily Houghton | MacGregor Houghton | Proxima | Detective Ellie Steckler | Ugly Sonic | Mal | Carlos De Vil | Jay | Evie | Ben | Lonnie | Jane | Dizzy Tremaine | Celia Facilier | Addison Wells | Zed Necrodopolis | Zliza Zambi | Bree | Bonzo | Willa Lykensen | Wyatt Lykensen | Wynter Barkowitz | Pinocchio (2022) | Jiminy Cricket (2022) | Geppetto (2022) | Sofia | Fabiana | Sabina | Becca | Cassie Traske | Izzy | Gilbert | Tyson Monroe | Peter Pan | Wendy Darling | Tinker Bell | Tiger Lily | John Darling | Michael Darling | The Lost Children | Ben Matthias | Gabbie | Travis | Father Kent | Harriet | Bruce Davis | Ariel (2023) | Prince Eric | Sebastian | Flounder | Scuttle | King Triton | King Triton's Daughters (Mala | Indira | Caspia | Tamika | Karina | Perla) | Max (2023)

Live-Action Television
Brady Parker | Boomer Parker | Boz Parker | Mikayla Makoola | Mason Makoola | Jack Brewer | Kim Crawford | Milton David Krupnick | Jerry Martinez | Eddie Jones | Rudy Gillespie | K.C. Cooper | Ernie Cooper | Judy Cooper | Kira Cooper | Craig Cooper | Marisa Clark | Ryan Walker | Mark Walker | Harris Harris Jr. | Spyder Johnson | Veracity | Stan Mordecai James | Gracie and Freddie | Avery Jennings | Tyler James | Chloe James | Carl Fink | Bennett James | Ellen Jennings | Teddy Duncan | PJ Duncan | Gabe Duncan | Charlie Duncan | Amy Duncan | Bob Duncan | Jessie Prescott Luke Ross | Emma Ross | Ravi Ross | Zuri Ross | Bertram Winkle | Tony Chiccolini | Lou Hockhauser

Other Animated Movies
Br'er Rabbit | Toaster | Blanky | Kirby | Lampy | Radio | Roger Rabbit | Eddie Valiant | Jessica Rabbit | Dolores | Benny the Cab | Baby Herman | James Henry Trotter | Mr. Centipede | Mr. Grasshopper | Earthworm | Mrs. Ladybug | Miss Spider | The Prince | The Pauper | Glowworm | Valiant | Bugsy | Lofty | Toughwood & Tailfeather | Mercury | Victoria | Wing Commander Gutsy | Sergeant Monty | Charles De Girl | Rollo | Samson | Benny | Bridget | Nigel | Larry | Ryan | Blag | Cloak & Camo | Stan & Carmine | Wildebeest | Giselle Philip Prince Edward | Pip | Nathaniel | Nancy Tremaine | Silvermist | Rosetta | Fawn | Iridessa | Bobble and Clank | Terence | Ebenezer Scrooge | Milo | Gribble | Ki | Milo's Mother | Victor Frankenstein | Sparky | Elsa Van Helsing | Dusty Crophopper | Dottie | Skipper Riley | Sparky | El Chupacabra | Vidia | Lizzy | Periwinkle | Zarina | Gruff | Simba (2019) | Mufasa (2019) | Nala (2019) | Timon (2019) | Pumbaa (2019) | Rafiki (2019) | Zazu (2019) | Sarabi (2019) | Sarafina (2019) | Manny Heffley | Detective Ellie Steckler | Ugly Sonic | Morgan Philip

Direct-to-video/Disneytoon Studios Sequels
Cassim | Angelique | Fife | John Rolfe | Uttamatomakkin | Kiara | Kovu | Vitani | Ratso | Murgatroid the Snake | Melody | Tip and Dash | Sylvia Marpole | Scamp | Angel | Baker | Madellaine | Zephyr | Prudence | Jane Darling | Ranjan | Messua | Sparky | Reuben | Thunderbolt | Lars | Ting-Ting, Su, and Mei | Zugor | Cash | Dixie | Granny Rose | Waylon and Floyd | Mena | Nita | Queen Athena | Blade Ranger | Maru | Windlifter

Animated Television
Ludwig Von Drake | Gruffi Gummi | Zummi Gummi | Grammi Gummi | Cubbi Gummi | Sunni Gummi | Tummi Gummi | Gusto Gummi | Cavin | Princess Calla | King Gregor | Sir Tuxford | Sir Gawain | Sir Victor | Princess Marie | Aquarianne | Launchpad McQuack | Webby Vanderquack | Bentina Beakley | Papa Heffalump | Mama Heffalump | Junior Heffalump | Kessie | Wooster | Nasty Jack | Bruno | Dexter | Kit Cloudkicker | Rebecca Cunningham | Darkwing Duck | Gosalyn Mallard | Honker Muddlefoot | Morgana Macawber | Pistol Pete | Peg Pete | Gabriella | Spot the Killer Whale | Urchin | Bonkers D. Bobcat | Marsupilami | Miranda Wright | Goliath | Elisa Maza | Broadway | Angela | Lexington | Brooklyn | Hudson | Bronx | Penny Proud | Oscar Proud | Trudy Proud | Suga Mama | BeBe & CeCe Proud | Dijonay Jones | Zoey Howzer | LaCienega Boulevardez | Doug Funnie | Porkchop | Skeeter Valentine | Patty Mayonnaise | Beebe Bluff | Chalky Studebaker | Connie Benge | Chiro | Jinmay | Jake Long | Arthur Spudinski | Trixie Carter | Luong Lao Shi | Haley Long | Fu Dog | Rose | Randy Cunningham | Howard Weinerman | First Ninja | Plop Plop | Theresa Fowler | Heidi Weinerman | Dipper Pines | Mabel Pines | Soos Ramirez | Stanley Pines | Wendy Corduroy | Old Man McGucket | Pacifica Northwest | Time Baby | Blendin Blandin | Shimmery Twinkleheart | Stanford Pines | Phineas Flynn | Ferb Fletcher | Candace Flynn | Isabella Garcia-Shapiro | Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Jeremy Johnson | Baljeet Tjinder | Buford Van Stomm | Cassandra | Lance Strongbow | Adira | Varian | Kiera and Catalina | Anne Boonchuy | Sprig Plantar | Hop Pop Plantar | Polly Plantar | Sasha Waybright | Captain Grime | Marcy Wu | Lady Olivia | General Yunan | Luz Noceda | Eda Clawthorne | King Clawthorne | Hooty | Owlbert | Willow Park | Gus Porter | Amity Blight | Emira Blight | Edric Blight | Lilith Clawthorne | Hunter | Raine Whispers | Darius Deamonne | Eberwolf | Alador Blight | Vee | Camila Noceda | Boscha | Molly McGee | Scratch | Libby Stein-Torres | Gretel Grant-Gomez | Hamster | Kevin Grant-Gomez | Moon Girl | Devil Dinosaur | Kiff | Hailey Banks | Scott Denoga | Beta| Kristine Sanchez | Becker Denoga | Tater Ramirez Humphrey | Ed | Teamo Supremo (Captain Crandall, Skate Lad, and Rope Girl) | Cornelius Fillmore | Burners (Mike Chilton, Chuck Ryans, Julie Kane, Dutch Gordy, Texas Yang, and Jacob) | Sofia the First

Video Games
Sora | Kairi | Riku | Aqua | Terra (Lingering Will) | Ventus | Organization XIII (Axel, Xion, Roxas, Vexen) | Lea | Ienzo | Lauriam | Elrena | Strelitzia | Naminé | Riku Replica | Ansem the Wise | Master Eraqus | Spirit Dream Eaters | Data-Naminé | Data-Riku | Data-Roxas | Data-Sora | Spectrobes | Rallen | Jeena | Elite Penguin Force (Aunt Arctic, Gary the Gadget Guy, Dot, Rookie, Jet Pack Guy, Puffle Handler) | Elite Puffles (Bouncer, Blast, Flare, Loop, Pop, Flit, Chip, Chill, Lucky) | Captain Rockhopper | Sensei | Gariwald VIII | Roofhowse | Jangrah | Blizzard | Sydmull | Lorna | Merry Walrus | Enrique | Poltergus

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit | Ortensia the Cat | Mickey Mouse | Minnie Mouse | Horace Horsecollar | Clarabelle Cow | Pluto | Goofy | Donald Duck | Daisy Duck | Chip and Dale | Spike the Bee | Max Goof | Mona | P.J.

Scrooge McDuck | Huey, Dewey, and Louie | Gladstone Gander | Fethry Duck | Gyro Gearloose | April, May and June | Jet Pack Pets (Princess, Bix, and Rocky) | Kid Gravity | Gorilla Gorilla | Sanity | Tallulah

Disney-Hyperion Books
Gum Girl | Super Chicken Nugget Boy

Third-party works
Starlight | Teddy | Glow 'n Show Ponies | Simpson Family (Homer Simpson | Marge Simpson | Bart Simpson | Lisa Simpson | Maggie Simpson | Abraham Simpson | Snowball II) | Jedi (Luke Skywalker | Anakin Skywalker | Yoda) | Bluey Heeler | Bingo Heeler | Chilli | Leo | June | Quincy | Annie

See Also
101 Dalmatians Heroes | A Bug's Life Heroes | A Twisted Tale Heroes | Aladdin Heroes | Alice in Wonderland Heroes | Amphibia Heroes | Atlantis Heroes | Beauty and the Beast Heroes | Big Hero 6 Heroes | Big City Greens Heroes | Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Heroes | Camp Lakebottom Heroes | Cars Heroes | Chicken Little Heroes | Club Penguin Heroes | Darkwing Duck Heroes | Diary of a Wimpy Kid | Disney Fairies Heroes | DuckTales Heroes | Elemental Heroes | Encanto Heroes | Finding Nemo Heroes | Fish Hooks Heroes | Frozen Heroes | Gargoyles Heroes | Gravity Falls Heroes | Gummi Bears Heroes | Hamster & Gretel Heroes | Hercules Heroes | Home Alone Heroes | Incredibles Heroes | Inside Out Heroes | Kim Possible Heroes | Kingdom Hearts Heroes | Lilo & Stitch Heroes | Luca Heroes | Mighty Med/Lab Rats Heroes | Milo Murphy's Law Heroes | Monsters, Inc. Heroes | Mulan Heroes | Muppet Heroes | Narnia Heroes | Night at the Museum Heroes | Oliver & Company Heroes | Onward Heroes | Peter Pan Heroes | Phineas and Ferb Heroes | Pinocchio Heroes | Pirates of the Caribbean Heroes | Raya and the Last Dragon Heroes | Recess Heroes | Rio Heroes | Robin Hood Heroes | Sherlock Holmes Heroes | Sky High Heroes | Sleeping Beauty Heroes | Snow White Heroes | Soul Heroes | Special Agent Oso Heroes | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Heroes | Strange World Heroes | Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Heroes | Tangled Heroes | Tarzan Heroes | The Apple Dumpling Gang Heroes | The Ghost and Molly McGee Heroes | The Hunchback of Notre Dame Heroes | The Jungle Book Heroes | The Lion King Heroes | The Little Mermaid Heroes | The Owl House Heroes | The Princess and the Frog Heroes | Toy Story Heroes | Treasure Planet Heroes | Tron Heroes | Turning Red Heroes | Up Heroes | WALL-E Heroes | Wander Over Yonder Heroes | Who Framed Roger Rabbit Heroes | Winnie the Pooh Heroes | Wish Heroes | Wreck-It Ralph Heroes | Yin Yang Yo! Heroes | Zootopia Heroes

           Soul Calibur Logo Heroes

Main Heroes
Siegfried Schtauffen | Sophitia Alexandra | Heishiro Mitsurugi | Taki | Kilik | Chai Xianghua | Patroklos Alexander | Pyrrha Alexandra | Soul Calibur

Secondary Heroes
Maxi | Cassandra Alexandra | Edge Master | Yoshimitsu I | Yoshimitsu II | Ivy Valentine | Seong Mi-Na | Talim | Setsuka | Zasalamel | Amy Sorel | Hildegard von Krone | Z.W.E.I | Viola | Leixia | Natsu | Xiba | Hwang Seong-gyeong | Grøh

Protagonist (Libra of Souls)

Groups and Organizations
Schwarzwind Knight | Aval Organization

Guest Characters
Spawn | Link | KOS-MOS | Yoda | Darth Vader | The Apprentice | Kratos | Lloyd Irving | Ezio Auditore da Firenze | Geralt of Rivia | 2B | Haohmaru

           Fortnite-logo Crossover Heroes

Marvel Comics
Official comics
Iron Man | Shuri | Wolverine | Spider-Man | Storm | Thor
Gwenpool | Deadpool | She-Venom | War Machine | Emma Frost | Cyclops | Cable | Colossus | Jubilee | Magneto | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Loki | Drax | Mantis | Spider-Man 2099 | Miles Morales | Peter B. Parker | Spider-Punk | Spider-Man Noir | Hulk | Groot | Spider-Gwen | Mighty Thor | Scarlet Witch | Moon Knight | Prowler | Mary Jane Watson | Doctor Strange | Rogue | Gambit | Kate Bishop | Clint Barton | Nick Fury | Eddie Brock | Shang-Chi | Gamora | Ant-Man | Captain Marvel | Black Panther | Venom | Black Widow | Ghost Rider | Daredevil | Blade | Silver Surfer | Jennifer Walters | Mystique | Captain America | Domino | Psylocke | Star-Lord | Spider-Woman | Black Cat
Rocket | Spider-Ham

DC Comics
Batman | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Deathstroke
Black Adam | Dreamer | Starfire | Wonder Woman | Bloodsport | Clark Kent | Beast Boy | Raven | The Flash | Green Arrow | Poison Ivy | Aquaman

Star Wars
IG-11 | Lando Calrissian | Chewbacca | Ahsoka Tano | Padmé Amidalan | Anakin Skywalker | Luke Skywalker | Han Solo | Leia Organa | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Krrsantan | Fennec Shand | Boba Fett | Mandalorian | Zorii Bliss | Finn | Rey
R2-D2 | C-3PO | Yoda | Grogu

Jack Skellington | Sally | Jack Sparrow | Hector Barbossa | Elizabeth Swann | Baymax

Mr. Incredible | Mrs. Incredible | Frozone

Assorted Movie/TV reps
Godzilla | Kong | Jinx | Plungerman | Edward Scissorhands | Aang | Zuko | Toph Beifong | Katara | Korra | Splinter | Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | April O'Neil | Adonis Creed | Peter Griffin | Atom Eve | Omni-Man | Invincible | Eleven | RoboCop | Ash Williams | Nathan Drake | Phillip J. Fry | Turanga Leela | Bender Bending Rodríguez | Megatron | Bumblebee | Optimus Primal | Optimus Prime | Indiana Jones | El Chapulín Colorado | Dude | Summer Smith | Morty Smith | Rick Sanchez | Mike Lowrey | Predator | Snake Eyes | Terminator | Sarah Conner | Ellen Ripley | Daryl Dixon | Michonne | Rick Grimes | Jim Hopper | Sofia Al-Azwar | John Wick
Momo | Appa | Brian Griffin | Nibbler

Video game reps/"Gaming Legends"
Raiden | Solid Snake | Alan Wake | Ciri | Johnny Silverhand | V | Yennefer of Vengerberg | Claire Redfield | Leon S. Kennedy | Geralt of Rivia | Isaac Clarke | Nathan Drake | Chloe Frazer | The Employee | Doom Slayer | Sakura | Blanka | Eivor Varinsdottir | Ezio Auditore | Vi | Jill Valentine | Chris Redfield | Cammy | Guile | Aloy | Lara Croft | Marcus Fenix | Kait Diaz | Chun-Li | Plungerman | Ryu | Master Chief | Kratos
Codsworth | Mimir | Crewmates | Claptrap | Pac-Man

Anime reps
Trunks | Android 18 | Android 17 | Hatsune Miku | Shoto Todoroki | Mina Ashido | Eijiro Kirishima | Megumi Fushiguro | Yuji Itadori | Satoru Gojo | Nobara Kugisaki | Kafka Hibino | Kikoru Shinomiya | Reno Ichikawa | Captain Levi | Mikasa Ackerman | Eren Yeager | Piccolo | Gohan | All Might | Katsuki Bakugo | Ochaco Uraraka | Izuku Midoriya | Son Goku | Vegeta | Beerus | Bulma | Itachi Uchiha | Orochimaru | Gaara | Hinata Hyūga | Naruto Uzumaki | Sasuke Uchiha | Sakura Haruno | Kakashi Hatake
Shenron | Kurama | Principal Nezu

John Cena | LeBron James

           Brawlhalla Logo Heroes

Ada | Arcadia | Artemis | Barbara | Bödvar | Brynn | Caspian | Cassidy | Cross | Diana | Ember | Ezio | Fait | Globox | Gnash | Hattori | Imugi | Isaiah | Jaeyun | Jhala | Kaya | Koji | Kor | Lin Fei | Mirage | Munin | Queen Nai | Nix | Onyx | Orion | Ragnir | Rayman | Red Raptor | Reno | Scarlet |

Sentinel | Barraza | Seven | Sir Roland | Magyar | Lucien | Teros | Tezca | Thea | Thor | Ulgrim | Val | Vector | Vivi | Wu Shang | Yumiko | Zariel

Ranno | Shovel Knight | Plague Knight | Barbara | Globox | Lums | Hellboy | Finn | Jake | Princess Bubblegum | Lady Rainicorn | BMO | Lumpy Space Princess | Food People | The Rock | John Cena | Becky Lynch | The New Day | The Undertaker | Roman Reigns | Asuka | Negan | Garnet | Amethyst | Pearl | Stevonnie (Steven Universe & Connie Maheswaran) | Lara Croft (Suvivor) | Ben Tennyson (Heatblast, Diamondhead, Four Arms, Cannonbolt) | Rick | Michonne | Daryl | Negan | Maggie | Po | Crane | Mantis | Tigress | Viper | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo & Splinter) | Ryu | Chun-Li | Luke | Ken | Snake Eyes | Eivor | Simon Belmont | Alucard | Aang | Toph | Zuko | Master Chief | Arbiter | Momo | Appa | Yoshimitsu | SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Sandy Cheeks | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Anakin Skywalker | Ahsoka Tano | R2-D2 | Volt Hunters | Lilith | Tiny Tina | Krieg | Claptrap | Mega Man | Rush | Beat | Roll | Proto Man

Right Wrong Cavaliers | Sidekicks
