“ | A Jedi is not proud or boastful. | „ |
~ Yarael Proof |
Yarael Poof was a Jedi Master in the Star Wars series. He first appeared in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace as a member of the Jedi Council.
A year before the Trade Federation invaded Naboo, Yarael Poof defended the Jedi Temple from the Yinchorri. One warrior was captured and interrogated by the Jedi Order.
After Naboo was invaded, Poof was still a respected member of the Jedi Council and was present when Qui-Gon Jinn reported that a Zabrak assasin attacked him and Jinn believed him to be a Sith Lord. Jinn also presented Anakin Skywalker to the Council and believed him to be the Chosen One. Poof, along with the other Council members, refused to train the boy. However, they later reversed their decision following the death of Darth Maul at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, at the expense of Qui-Gon's death.
Poof was later assigned to stop Ashaar Khorda from attacking Coruscant using an artifact capable of destroying the planet. The Jedi Master formed an alliance with Jango Fett and Zam Wesell to stop the terrorist. Khorda stabbed Poof with a vibroblade, but the terrorist was shortly killed by Jango Fett. Yarael uses the last amount of the Force to stop the device, saving trillions of lives on Coruscant, but died in the process.
Following his death, the Clone Wars began, where Darth Maul was revealed to have survived his duel against Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. Jedi Master Coleman Trebor replaced his spot on the Jedi High Council. However, Trebor was one of the many Jedi killed at the battle at Geonosis during Episode II - Attack of the Clones, being killed by Jango Fett. The spot was once again replaced by Jedi Master Kit Fisto, who was one of the few survivors of the Battle of Geonosis. However, Fisto was one of the Jedi who was killed by Sith Lord Emperor Palpatine in Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, despite it being a 4 on 1 and despite Kit Fisto being one of the greatest lightsaber duelists in the Jedi Order. After Fisto's death, the Jedi Council was disbanded due to Palpatine's Order 66 nearly driving the Jedi to extinction.
Powers and Abilities[]
Poof's talent was with illusions and mind tricks. Being a Jedi Master, he had master level control over the Force. In lightsaber combat, he uses his spineless Quermian anatomy to his advantage, giving him above-average dexterity to perform better with his blue lightsaber. Poof was a master of multiple lightsaber forms, notably Forms 2, 4, and 6, Makashi, Ataru, and Niman. Poof was considered a swordsman of legendary proportion, ranking as one of the most skilled fighters in the Jedi Order.
“ | Very often, those who are fearful lash out at others to make themselves feel safe. | „ |
~ Yarael Poof |
- In The Phantom Menace, Yarael Poof is a puppet controlled by Michelle Taylor.
- George Lucas excluded him from Episode II due to concern over viewers mistaking him for the Kaminoans, an important alien species that were introduced to be the creators of the Clones. Poof's species is a different one called the Quermians.
- Poof originally had a yellow lightsaber, but it was replaced with blue.
External Link[]
- Yarael Poof on the Star Wars Wiki