Gabbie is a middle-aged woman with brown eyes, olive skin, and black hair. She is mostly seen wearing green, black, and pink dresses and high heels. She sometimes wear ascots and a necklace with her outfits.
Her night attire consists of a pink and white plaid bathrobe, a pale pink pajamas, and slippers.
Gabbie's first appearance.
Gabbie calling the moving company she hired.
Gabbie finishing her phone call.
Gabbie admiring her new house.
Gabbie seeing her son scared after he runs downstairs in a hurry.
Gabbie hearing her son, Travis exclaim that their new house is haunted.
Gabbie trying to calm her son down, unaware that a suit of knight armor is advancing behind her.
Gabbie seeing the suit of armor move up behind Travis.
Gabbie and Travis being chased by the suit of armor.
Gabbie and Travis running out of the mansion.
Gabbie having gotten in her car.
Gabbie telling Travis to fasten his seat belt before they drive away.
Sometime later, Gabbie opens the front door after being confined to the mansion.
Gabbie hearing Ben apologize for being late.
Gabbie stopping Ben from entering the mansion.
Gabbie trying to warn Ben what could happen if he enters the house.
Gabbie immediately paying Ben two thousand dollars for his services.
(Ben: "You did not have to give me this much money. I mean, I don’t even know if I can take this.") "No, take it. I insist."
Gabbie reluctantly letting Ben into her house.
Gabbie explaining to Ben she doesn't know who lived in the mansion before she bought it.
Gabbie explaining only she and her son are living in the mansion.
"Hey, buddy. Do you wanna come out and meet Mr. Matthias?"
Gabbie watching Ben bonding with her son.
Gabbie listening to Ben talk about action figures after taking interest in her son's toys.
Gabbie explaining to Ben she's a doctor.
Gabbie explaining to Ben why she and her son moved to New Orleans.
Gabbie hearing Ben doesn't like bed and breakfasts after explaining her plans to open one.
Gabbie watching Travis coming out of his tent.
Gabbie explaining the mansion's hauntings to Ben.
Gabbie suggesting to Ben that he use his special camera to take pictures of the ghosts.
Gabbie and Travis as Ben goes to start taking pictures around the mansion.
Gabbie telling Ben not to use flash photography, claiming the ghosts don't like it.
"Maybe we start in the dining room with the photos, hmm?"
Gabbie in the mansion's dining room.
Gabbie and Travis scared when they see the haunted armor.
Gabbie and Travis watching Ben examine the armor.
"It’s not doing it now, but normally it will turn its head and follow you."
Gabbie and Travis showing Ben the mansion's basement.
Gabbie, Travis, and Ben walking through a hallway.
"Sometimes, I’ll get, like, a sharp pain on both of my sides when I walk this way."
Gabbie about to run to the other side of an intersected hallway.
Gabbie turning around after she runs.
Gabbie at the other side of the hallway.
Gabbie telling Travis to come over to her.
Gabbie reassuring Travis.
Gabbie going to help Travis after he slips and falls.
Gabbie comforting Travis.
Gabbie and Travis annoyed to see Ben making it to the other side of the hallway without getting hurt by a ghost.
Gabbie and Travis sitting in the living room.
Gabbie and Travis hearing Ben say there are no ghosts in the mansion, but they know that is not true.
Gabbie smiling as Ben says goodbye and leaves.
"Right on time."-Gabbie and Travis witnessing Ben return after being haunted by a ghost.
"When I first caught wind of what was going down here, we were out. I mean, do you think I'm going to keep my son in a haunted house?"
(Ben: "No, you're not gonna-") "No! Exactly! But it didn't matter where we went."
"These ghosts...and I suspect there might be quite a few..."
"You set one foot in here and they just latch on."
Gabbie explaining to Ben how she and her son were forced to come back to the mansion by its ghosts as they followed them no matter where they went.
(Ben: "So what you could've done is spoken to me like an adult and told me I could never go home again!") "Oh, no, no, no. You walked through that door. I warned you."
"I would feel worse if you hadn't taken so much money just to use a dead camera and scribble nonsense."
Gabbie going to give Travis a plate of scones.
"I have a child. He can't walk anywhere at night without a ghost following him around."
"So I'm sorry, but I will do anything to protect my son."
(Ben: "I get that, but you don't need me. You need an exorcist.") "We tried that."
Gabbie interrupting Ben and Father Kent's argument.
"Okay. okay. You said that he was an expert."
Gabbie hearing Ben say he had managed to get his camera to work, capturing a photo of a ghost.
Gabbie and Travis watching Ben showing the photo to Kent.
Gabbie and Travis amazed with Ben's photo which reveals the ghost of a mariner.
Gabbie, Travis, and Ben hearing Kent propose they use Ben's camera to identify every ghost in the mansion.
"Wait, our ghost kept wanting us to return."
When a clock chimes midnight, Gabbie tells Ben they must stay and sleep in the foyer for their own safety.
Gabbie getting some sheets ready.
Gabbie smiling at Kent before Ben leaves the foyer, ignoring her warnings.
Gabbie, Travis, and Kent checking on Ben after he has another encounter with a ghost upon leaving the foyer.