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NOTE: This article is about King Triton's daughters from the 2023 remake version. For the 1989 original version, see King Triton's Daughters.

King Triton's Daughters are the seven daughters of King Triton and Queen Athena from the 2023 remake, The Little Mermaid. They are the protectors of the Seven Seas.



The Little Mermaid (2023)[]

They make their very first debut during the beginning of the film where all of them attend a meeting with their father, King Triton. However, they realize that their younger sister, Ariel, was missing.

They make their next appearance when one of them asked Ariel to help with cleaning up the shipwreck. At the same time, they had a very brief argument with Ariel on their opinions about humans and the fact that their mother died because of them when Ariel was only a very young girl.

Lastly, they make their last appearance in the film when they were at Ariel and Eric's wedding. Despite being sad that their younger sister is leaving with Eric to explore the world, they all respected her decision and wished her good luck.

