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NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Godzilla from the MonsterVerse. The mainstream version can be found here: Godzilla.
Hero Overview

Nature has an order. A power to restore balance. I believe he is that power.
~ Ishiro Serizawa describing Godzilla.
We call him... Gojira.
~ Dr. Serizawa.
He fought for us. Died for us. He is not only proof that co-existence is possible. He is the key to it.
~ Serizawa before attempting to heal Godzilla, at the cost of his own life.

Godzilla, also dubbed as Titanus Gojira, is the main protagonist of the MonsterVerse franchise.

He is a prehistoric, predatory, reptile-like Titan who is the last surviving member of his species still alive, the current Alpha Titan, one of the oldest Titans known to this day, and one of the most powerful creatures on Earth. He serves as the protector of the planet's ecosystem and makes sure it is under control by forcing other Titans to submit to him and killing the destructive Titans that refuse to serve him.

He is also Mothra's partner and Kong's former rival, best friend and partner.

He is portrayed by T.J. Storm in motion-capture, who also plays Colossus in Deadpool and its sequel Deadpool 2, and voices Lucian in League of Legends.

Quick Answers

What is the origin of Godzilla in the MonsterVerse franchise? toggle section
In the MonsterVerse franchise, Godzilla is depicted as an irradiated prehistoric amphibious reptile kaiju. His first appearance was in the 1955 film 'Godzilla Raids Again' where he was the main antagonist. However, his character evolved in 'Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster', transforming into the main protagonist for the rest of the series.
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What are some of the notable powers of Godzilla from the MonsterVerse? toggle section
Godzilla from the MonsterVerse has several unique abilities. He can emit atomic breath, a potent radiation blast, which he can also use for propulsion. He has the power to create strong magnetic fields, attracting metal foes. Godzilla can emit a radioactive flame, has great strength, quick healing, and high injury resilience. He is amphibious, functioning equally well on land and underwater. He can utilize his hands to grasp objects as weapons, and his long tail is also a formidable weapon.
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How old is Godzilla in the MonsterVerse? toggle section
In the MonsterVerse, Godzilla is 252 million years old. He retains the form of a giant reptile in his prime, despite his age. Known as Titanus Gojira, he is the last of his kind. He is an amphibious titan, with the ability to live both on land and underwater, thanks to his amphibious lungs and neck gills.
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What are some of the notable aliases of Godzilla in the MonsterVerse? toggle section
In the MonsterVerse, Godzilla is known by various aliases such as Gojira, Reptilian colossus, King of the Monsters, King of the Kaiju, and King of the Titans. Other names include Titanus Gojira, Savior of San Francisco, Alpha Predator, Big Guy, G-Man, and Giant Lizard Beast. Godzilla is also referred to as Nature's Most Powerful Weapon, Incarnation of God, Titan Saviour, Primeval Champion, God of Titans, Ultimate Titan, King Godzilla, and Great Eternal Enemy.
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Can Godzilla from the MonsterVerse breathe underwater? toggle section
Godzilla from the MonsterVerse is capable of breathing underwater, thanks to his amphibious lungs and gills. While he can remain underwater indefinitely, he still requires air and surfaces periodically. On land, he closes his gills, relying on his lungs for respiration.
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We [humans] have helped create an imbalance [in nature], and Godzilla moves in to right the balance. He is not our 'hero,' but represents something greater — he is saving us in the process of righting the balance.
~ Alex Garcia describing Godzilla's motives.

Unlike most other previous incarnations, Godzilla is never outright hostile or dangerous towards humans every time he crossed paths with them unless he is provoked, despite being a gentle and benevolent creature like his close friend, Mothra and his former rival, Kong. Apparently having witnessed humanity's curious usage of nuclear power and even their destructive capabilities with it during the hunt for Shinomura beforehand, the amphibious reptile Titan opted to avoid needless conflict against them if he can help it, even when they initially perceive him as a threat and attacked him in some occasions. Although he was responsible for some human deaths and destruction throughout his hunt for two MUTOs, it was all simply the result of his overall size and collateral damage from the fight against the two Titans. Even the destruction of the Golden Gate Bridge during the aforementioned hunt could've been avoided had the military allowed him to find the way to get past on his own.

But Godzilla does display inquisitiveness toward humans in some occasions, he first noticed Ford Brody who apparently had something to do with MUTO couple abruptly leaving him for their ruined nest thus allowing him to turn the tide of his battle against them before unknowingly saving Brody's life by killing the female MUTO. During Ghidorah's reign of terror over the Earth's Titans, he sees Ishiro Serizawa approaching him and placing his hand on his face and later, leaning forward to inspect Mark Russell as if deducing that he brought the former into his home along with the nuclear bomb that revitalized him. Though he never sought pointless conflict against humanity and even cared with their well-being somewhat since he ensured his fellow Titans not intrude human settlements after becoming their alpha, Godzilla fully aware with worst thing they capable of and apparently keeping them under his watchful eyes.

The events of Godzilla Dominion sees him engaging a terroristic human faction who responsible for both the slaughter of whales and Na Kika's capture upon recognizing the threat of said faction posed him to recover the planet, save his fellow Titan and indirectly helping Monarch in neutralizing their common enemy. Similarly, he targeted Apex Cybernetics' facilities in Godzilla vs. Kong when he sensed the organization's shady activities that involve a familiar alpha call not unlike Ghidorah's (which later revealed to be the construction of Mechagodzilla), though his aggressive approach unfortunately (yet momentarily) tarnished his reputation which was exactly what Apex Cybernetics had planned all along. Both instances showed that he has the capacity to be aggressive and violent towards mankind if provoked, a fact that Madison Russell had acknowledged since it's not his nature to attack human settlements seemingly without reason or warning.

Godzilla's personality evokes that "last samurai" archetype, a lone ancient warrior content with solitude and preferring not to be a part of the world but has to resurface when certain types of events force him to appear and set things right (in Godzilla's own case, the imbalance of the nature of his home planet) befitting Serizawa's theory of him as the driving force to restore balance to nature. Whenever that balance is disrupted, Godzilla would go on his way fighting any aggressors who threatened it regardless of the odds. This, in turn, led to Monarch describing his behavior as that of a "protector", calling him an "ancient guardian of the natural world", which considered him as the greatest defender of the planet under most circumstances. Whenever Godzilla is not enraged and in combat, Monarch describes him as "slow, graceful, inquisitive even".

Godzilla's most notable relationships with other Titans are with MUTOs, Mothra, Ghidorah and Kong. With Mothra, they are true allies, more so than their past incarnations, that were prone to be at odds with each other since their species have symbiotic relationships with one another. This was evident through Mothra's undying loyalty towards him when other Titans were coerced to serve Ghidorah and Godzilla himself, in turn, avenged her defeat at the hands of their common enemy. With MUTOs in general, he perceived them as an uneasy ally at best (as some MUTOs such as the one that appeared in the events of Godzilla: King of the Monsters do respect him) and both deadly pests and natural enemy at worst.

When Godzilla defeated Kong, whom he then considered a rival, Godzilla simply beat him into near-death as opposed of killing him outright both to ensure he maintained his alpha Titan status and out of frustration over Kong who unknowingly and repeatedly deterred him in his search for the one who responsible for recreating Ghidorah's alpha call. After the defeat of Mechagodzilla, Godzilla stopped seeing Kong as his enemy and the two parted ways as allies, having gained mutual respect towards one another. Lastly, as with Ghidorah, on the other hand, the two are fierce archenemies whose feud is best described as the battle between light and darkness.

Godzilla's capability of forgiveness best showcased upon becoming the Alpha Titan once again, he spared Rodan, despite the fact of the pterodactyl-like Titan had previously served Ghidorah as his minion and severely injured Mothra as well as welcomed other Titans when they swear their allegiance to him.

Godzilla continued fighting for greater good and maintaining world balance in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, though the close call from fighting Mechagodzilla, Apex Cybernetics' out-of-control masterpiece, apparently left him traumatized and bitter. He resorted to violently execute Scylla and Tiamat when it became apparent that they are beyond reasoning in their respective confrontation and even willing to steal the energy of a nuclear power plant in France to attain necessary amount of energy to evolve as part of preparation against Skar King's looming threat he sensed from distress signal emanated by Iwi tribe from Hollow Earth. In those instances, he displayed little to no hesitation to retaliate against those who crossed his path, which unfortunately culminated to a misunderstanding with Kong who ironically showed up to enlist his aid against their common foe all along. It wasn't until his reunion with the newly reincarnated Mothra who appeared in time to clear up the misunderstanding between both Titans that his personality returned to his more level headed self.

Physical Appearance[]

Godzilla's appearance is mostly similar to that of his previous incarnations, being a gigantic, bipedal, stocky, muscular reptilian creature with scaly skin and bony dorsal plates along his back and tail. While this version of Godzilla is more realistic in appearance, he doesn't look radically different from the previous established designs and many aspects of the MonsterVerse design have an overall highly angular and spiky appearance to them.

Godzilla's face is boxy with tiny, yellow eagle-like eyes in sunken sockets and has a broad muzzle with thin, spread-out, reptilian nostrils as opposed to the more mammalian, clustered-looking nostrils of his previous incarnations. His mouth is lipless with numerous small, unevenly spaced, needle-like teeth that are always visible, even when his mouth is closed and sticks out over both his upper and lower jaws, much like crocodiles. While Godzilla has no true ears, he does have a pair of small scutes in the same general location that ears would be that can give the impression of them when viewed from frontward angles. These pseudo-ears are the first in a series of small spikes running down the sides of his neck. Similar bumpy spikes can be found on the sides of the edges of his lower jaw, his shoulder area, and the sides of the beginning of his thighs. His neck is also short and extremely muscular while each side has several leafy-looking gills and his underside is partially covered with a series of overlapping, spiky, dewlap-like plates. He also displays a stocky, muscular physique with long, burly arms, large partially webbed, crocodilian-like hands with small sharp claws, long pillar-like legs attached to enormous, sturdy thighs and hips, and stumpy, elephant or sauropod-like feet with dull claws. He also has wide broad shoulders and a barrel-shaped torso with a pair of large-scale patterns on his chest. His dorsal plates are somewhat flat and of moderate size and have a mildly jagged, slightly chipped-away appearance to them. His tail is abnormally long and more whip-like with a much thinner tip while the tail segments are thinner and more angular. His skin is much more reptilian and lifelike instead of being keloid scar or tree-bark-like which is found on many of his previous incarnations and appears to have many visual similarities with crocodilians and sea turtles. Godzilla is uniformly colored, including the plates, a dull greyish-brown or green.

In Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Godzilla has differently shaped dorsal plates based on his 1954 incarnation while his face has slightly larger eyebrows as well as a slightly smaller head from the rest of his body. He also has a much thicker neck, longer legs, sharper claws on his feet with his toes more spread apart from each other, broader shoulders, and a much thicker tail with a round tip instead of a pointed tip. While his tail is officially longer than it was in the 2014 film, it appears slightly smaller in proportion to the rest of his body.

In Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla receives some extra wounds while his eyes are reworked and even the atomic breath charge-up of his tail and dorsal plates are once again changed.

In Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, Godzilla appears with two designs: one appears similar to the design from the 2014 film during a flashback in 1954 during the nuclear bomb testing at Bikini Atoll, and a second design set in 2015, which is identical to the former, except he possesses the 2019 dorsal plates. His plates are a smaller size to enforce them being new and growing after MUTO Prime destroyed his previous plates.

Whenever Godzilla charges his atomic breath, his eyes, mouth, nostrils, and dorsal plates glow blue, but in Godzilla vs. Kong, they glow blue frequently, even when his atomic breath is not charged. In his burning form during his final fight against Ghidorah in Boston, Godzilla has orange and red cracks that appear all over his body while his eyes glow orange when he charges up a nuclear pulse.

In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla's appearance is similar to the previous design from Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Godzilla vs. Kong at the start of the film, at one point appearing with bright glowing-blue markings similar to his Burning form. After going through a metamorphosis which changes his appearance, Godzilla gains additional bulk and muscle in his upper torso and back, though his abdomen is much thinner than before. Most of his skin now has a much more spikey and rough texture, with his chin and jawline bearing tiny protrusions and his neck being flaky. The skin on Godzilla’s underside, lower legs, and the front of his thighs is very smooth in contrast. His head and arms are larger than before, the latter being visibly elongated and muscular as well as now sporting elbow spikes similar in shape to his dorsal plates. The webbing between his fingers is more noticeable and his legs are slimmer. Most prominently, Godzilla's dorsal plates now curve backward and have a fleshy texture with visible veins, and his tail sports a thagomizer made of plates. When Godzilla charges his energy, it glows magenta. Otherwise, the base of the plates resemble Godzilla's skin in color and texture, whereas the outlines fade into a pale rose color and have a pointy, crystal-like texture. Two rows of pointed protrusions run along the sides of his neck and upper face before stopping at the front ends of his brow ridges. Godzilla’s bioluminescence can now extend to his entire body, creating a veiny and nerve-like image. Godzilla's energy in his evolved form takes on certain shades of pink, magenta, and purple throughout the film, pink when quickly charged up before slowly transitioning into magenta and purple depending on how long he harnesses it before utilization. Like in the previous movie, Godzilla is consistently depicted with his body glowing in energy both before and after evolving, albeit more intensely than before.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Titanus Gojira Physiology: As a Titanus Gojira, particularly the alpha of the Titans, Godzilla is incredibly powerful as he possesses several physical and supernatural attributes that surpasses that of other Titans. After going through a metamorphosis in 2027, these attributes have become considerably more powerful than before. Godzilla is also the most powerful Titan in existence, rivaled only by the late Ghidorah in "terms of power".
    • Superhuman Strength: Godzilla has demonstrated immeasurable strength due to his gargantuan size as he is far greater than that of his race, making him the most strongest Titan to ever exist, even more than his predecessor, Dagon. However, Titans of similar strength like MUTO Prime, Ghidorah, Kong and Mechagodzilla can harm Godzilla and, potentially, kill him. He demonstrates his strength by smashing through the Golden Gate Bridge (even though it was mostly accidental), can toss the M.U.T.O.s around with ease, effortlessly shove the female M.U.T.O. backwards with his arms and lift MUTO Prime onto his back, despite her comparable size and weight to Godzilla. Godzilla is also proven to be strong enough to rip off one of Ghidorah's heads, spin around and throw his nemesis relatively easily and even penetrate his chest with a single stomp in his burning form. The only Titan who was capable of rivalling Godzilla in terms of "physical strength" was Ghidorah and even he had much difficulty fighting Godzilla and was stated in the novelization and in the movie to have been trapped by him in Antarctica. Godzilla is also able to cause tsunamis just by going ashore, despite his gigantic size. In Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, Godzilla is able to throw the Ion Dragon into a mountain and even tear off its wings and claws during his fight with the smaller Titan, completely dismembering it before throwing the remaining parts of the beast's body into the Hollow Earth vortex. In Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla can cleave through and destroy navy battleships effortlessly. In an exchange of blows between himself and Kong, Godzilla was shown to be able to knock Kong off his feet and leave him dazed long enough that Kong required assistance from the navy and jets to get back into the fight. At one point, Godzilla is ensnared by both of Kong's arms in a bear hug and bitten, but he breaks the hold with the strength of Kong's left arm alone by simple grabbing the top of Kong's head with one hand and shoving him off with such force that Kong's arms were straightened from their curled and locked position and Kong was violently smashed against the sinking carrier, destroying it. In their battle in Hong Kong, Godzilla was able to repeatedly overpower Kong in the following such instances: he snatched Kong from his grip on his axe and the building with the strength of his arm and neck, when Kong held out his arm to keep Godzilla from grabbing his face, Godzilla grabbed Kong's arm and folded it up so forcefully that Kong's head is seen whipping back, and he later forces Kong backwards first with a charge and then a violent shove with one arm, despite Kong bracing against both attacks with both of his arms and legs. Godzilla could also swing and toss Kong several hundred feet away and smash through buildings easily, with the force of said swing being sufficient to break Kong's left arm with an audible crack. When he fought his robotic doppelgänger, Mechagodzilla, with only half of his strength, Godzilla briefly matched his mechanical duplicate in strength by pushing it back after charging at the mecha and managed to slam it through a nearby building with assistance from Kong. According to Jared Krichevsky, if Godzilla was not weakened by fighting with Kong, he would have able to destroy Mechagodzilla and he physical stronger than Mechagodzilla at full power. In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla used his shoulder to knock a charging Scylla backward before grabbing and hurling her through the air, before demonstrating his ability to leap. Godzilla quickly put Kong into the same position that he did five years earlier at the climax of their fight in Hong Kong, in addition to demonstrating greater combat prowess and skill, suplexing his enemy in a wrestling-akin manner. During the fight in the Iwi's civilization, Godzilla performed incredible skills and combat prowess in spite of the Iwi-caused lack of gravity. Godzilla consistently matched Shimo's strength in spite of his size disadvantage, being able to tackle her to the ground. Whereas Kong struggled against the Skar King whether or not the latter utilized his Whipslash, Godzilla quickly disarmed him, catching the whip in his jaws and effortlessly overpowering and swinging the ape Titan around before destroying the whip and proceeding to put him on the ropes.
      • Superhuman Leaping: Godzilla's strength extends to his legs, which is demonstrated when he jumped off a cliff at the Strait of Gibraltar upon hearing Kong's calls for help in Egypt.
    • Superhuman Durability: Godzilla is extremely harder and more resistant to conventional forms of physical injury as he is covered over with thick scaled skin which act as body armor, allowing him to withstand conventional weaponry such as heavy gunfire, missiles, tank shells, and various others. It was stated that he withstood exposure to the nuclear tests carried out in the South Pacific in the 1950s, even appearing to have survived the detonation of Castle Bravo, a 15-megaton hydrogen bomb, at Bikini Atoll while directly next to the bomb. Godzilla even can survive constant beatings from the M.U.T.O.s as well as several vicious attacks from Ghidorah such as bites from the latter's three heads, several strikes from Ghidorah's gravity beams, being strangled and even a fall from thousands of feet after being airlifted, though he is still weakened by the sheer amount of pain caused by the impact. In Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla was shown to withstand a punch from Kong, staggering only a bit. He is also shown to quickly recover after being stabbed by Kong's axe on his thigh, got knocked out by an explosion emitted by the simian Titan's weapon and even got punched by Kong on his wounded thigh. Godzilla can also endure Mechagodzilla's punches and kicks that have been charged with Hollow Earth energy, and could withstand a full-powered proton scream with his powerful skin, emitting a burn on his chest. Godzilla, like all Titans, can also survive Gravitational Inversion, a planet's worth of gravity reversed in a split second. In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla's durability was unbelievably improved, taking attacks that had a greater effect on him before and containing enough energy to mutate within the span of mere hours. Prior to evolving, Godzilla was completely unharmed by Scylla's legs, and his hide resisted Tiamat's scales in contrast to before. Though a powerful blow from Kong with the B.E.A.S.T. Glove managed to knock him unconscious, Godzilla came to his senses within seconds. Shimo, the Titan stated to possess "world-ending powers", was unable to inflict any sufficient damage onto Godzilla. In fact, out of the three Titans that were hit by Shimo's ice blast, Godzilla was the only one who was completely unaffected and capable of breaking free from his encasement.
    • Superhuman Speed: Godzilla is shown to be surprisingly fast as, despite his gigantic size, he is capable of running at great speed compared to that of other Titans. In the water, he can reach up to 40 knots while on land, he is capable of running at great speeds when charging at Ghidorah, sprinting in a horizontal posture comparatively similar to that of theropod dinosaurs. He can even occasionally resort to walking and running on all fours in an almost crocodilian-like fashion in order to quickly reach his opponents, as seen during his fight against Kong. Though he can still be outmatched by faster and more agile opponents, despite this, Godzilla is still able to deliver quick counterattacks against them, most notably when he slams the Winged M.U.T.O. into a skyscraper with his tail as soon as the latter is within his reach.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Godzilla's musculature is considerably efficient. His virtually inexhaustible stamina enables him to exert himself at peak capacity for an undefined period of time without tiring at all, allowing Godzilla to fight his enemies without getting exhausted or wearing out. This is proven in his fights against the M.U.T.O.s, MUTO Prime, the Ion Dragon, Ghidorah, Kong, Mechagodzilla, Scylla, Tiamat, Skar King and Shimo. Even when swimming or journeying to track down his enemies, Godzilla does not even seem to have any signs of fatigue until he reaches his destination to prepare himself for battle.
    • Superhuman Endurance: Godzilla's pain tolerance level is extraordinarily high. Even if he is wounded from the fights he gets into, he'll barely feel a thing. This is proven in his fights against the M.U.T.O.s, MUTO Prime, the Ion Dragon, Ghidorah, Kong, Mechagodzilla, Scylla, Tiamat, Skar King and Shimo.
    • Superhuman Lung Capacity: Godzilla is capable of holding his breath underwater for an extended period of time without breathing, but not forever as he still needs to resurface for air.
    • Superhuman Senses: Like some reptiles, Godzilla is granted with acute senses, especially his sense of smell and hearing. He is able to track down the M.U.T.O.s' locations from the ocean by their mating calls, hunt down Ghidorah in Antarctica and is also capable of sensing the presence of his foe inside Mechagodzilla, prompting him to go on a search for Ghidorah, recognizing the mecha as a threat to the balance of nature. In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, his senses had grown strong enough to sense a signal sent by the Iwi living deep within the deepest regions of the Hollow Earth.
      • Enhanced Vision: Godzilla possesses great vision, aiding him in fighting off against his foes and enabling him to locate things from far distances easily. His vision also allows him to see clearly even in the depths of the ocean.
        • Thermal/Infrared Vision: Like some reptiles, Godzilla is capable of using thermal vision to see another creature's body temperature, shown in his battle against Tiamat after her toxic vapor temporarily blinded him.
        • Night Vision: Godzilla's vision is enhanced to help him see in the darker environment of both underwater and on land.
    • Energy Absorption: Godzilla can absorb several different types of energy, particularly radiation. The more energy he absorbs, the more stronger and powerful his physical and supernatural attributes become.
    • Self-Sustenance: As a Titan, Godzilla does not need to eat or sleep, but nevertheless must absorb energy for power-up or hastening recovery from his injuries.
    • Camouflage: In Godzilla: Awakening, Godzilla is capable of camouflaging himself so that he is able to blend into his surroundings as he made himself look like an island 250 million years ago before getting disturbed by the Shinomura that landed near him.
    • Telepathy: In Godzilla Dominion, Godzilla is capable of using telepathy, shown when he commanded the other Titans that were roaming all over the planet to rest after reclaiming one of his old lairs from Tiamat. However, according to the Godzilla: King of the Monsters novelization, Monarch director Mark Russell implied that Godzilla is using some sort of silent call to make the Titans rest.
    • Accelerated Healing Factor: Despite his body's incredible resilience, Godzilla can be harmed with sufficient force. However, his heightened metabolism, coupled with his ability to absorb energy such as radiation, enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue much faster than regular living beings on Earth, depending on how serious his wounds are. He was completely healed following his battle with the M.U.T.O.s in San Francisco, while it took him 5 years to completely heal from his injuries inflicted on him by MUTO Prime.
      • Longevity/Semi-Immortality: Godzilla's incredible healing factor, coupled with aforementioned self-sustenance and ability to absorb energy, provide him with an incredibly long lifespan as he is capable of living for long periods of time seemingly without aging or weakening. He has even lived through the K-T extinction and remained physically unchanged for 100 million years. In addition of aging slower despite being 252 million years old and still has the physical appearance of a giant reptile in his prime, Godzilla can practically live forever, though close-call instances such as exposure to the Oxygen Destroyer and his battle against Mechagodzilla confirmed that he can still be killed.
    • Amphibiousness: Although spending half of his life in the water and on land since he has an amphibious lifestyle, Godzilla can survive both underwater and on land as he possesses amphibious lungs and gills on his neck, thus making him an adept combatant in both environments. Godzilla has displayed as being able to stay and breath underwater indefinitely, although he is certainly more than capable of living on land since he still needs to breathe air and has to surface periodically in order to breathe. Godzilla even closes his gills when he is on land so that he can use his lungs.
      • Underwater Breathing: Due to being an amphibian and not a reptile, Godzilla is able to breathe while underwater, but not forever as he still needs to resurface for air.
    • Temperature Resistance: Unlike his distant reptilian relatives, Godzilla isn't a cold-blooded creature, but an extremophile of the most impressive order. His resistance to sub-zero and superheated temperatures is remarkable adaptation that's likely to his thermonuclear regulatory systems whether as demonstrated in his ability to withstand the frigid conditions of Antarctica during his fight with Ghidorah. Additionally, in his burning form, Godzilla displays a high resistance to extreme heat, allowing him to endure and withstand scorching temperatures. This resilience enables him to persist even in the face of intense burning conditions.
    • Nature Awareness: After Mothra's sacrifice to empower him, Godzilla has permanently gained a heightened awareness of the tectonic and atmospheric interactions of the planet as well as the Earth's early geothermal history.
    • Symbiosis: Godzilla has a symbiotic relationship with Mothra as they are able to communicate using sonar over great distances, with Mothra using this ability to locate Godzilla and lead Monarch to his location to revive him. After Ghidorah disintegrates Mothra with his gravity beams, her life energy rains down into Godzilla, imbuing him with increased power that causes his skin to crack and glow orange while emitting incredibly intense heat. In this empowered state, Godzilla can utilize his powerful incendiary nuclear pulse, which manifests in the shape of Mothra's wings.
    • Alpha Call: As the alpha Titan, Godzilla is able to let out a powerful call that can be heard by other Titans all over the world and make them compliant to his commands. However, he lost this when his nemesis, Ghidorah, bested him in the water due to the fact that the military had intervened. After killing Ghidorah, Godzilla regained his alpha call. As displayed by Ghidorah, this cry only works on lesser Titans and does not work on other Titans with their own alpha status such as Godzilla himself, Mothra and Kong who were unaffected by Ghidorah's cry.
    • Atomic Energy/Bio-Atomic Nature: Godzilla possesses natural bio-nuclear circulatory systems as with his species, instead of gaining it upon being irradiated by man-made nuclear which acts as the source of his nuclear-based powers. Activating when threatened, a neutron flux is triggered that travels up Godzilla's dorsal fins to nucleosynthetic chambers in his throat and explodes into his atomic breath. His signature radioactivity also makes it easy for Godzilla to be followed and monitored. The novelization of Godzilla vs. Kong indicated this quirk of his being above average compared to other members of his species since he bolstered it by absorbing sufficient amount of Hollow Earth's energy at one point in his long life.
      • Possible-new-image-mechagodzilla-from-godzilla-vs-kong-revealed-39

        Godzilla firing his atomic breath.

        Atomic Breath: Godzilla's most prominent ability and main weapon of choice is his atomic breath, an extremely powerful, concentrated blue-colored beam of atomic energy that he shoots out of his mouth. In the 2014 film, his atomic breath is strong enough to bring down and incapacitate the Eight-Legged M.U.T.O. in two shots and he often uses it as a final blow on his opponent. The neon-blue glow on Godzilla's dorsal plates begins at the tip of his tail and goes all the way to the top of his neck in this film and to let the audience know when he was going to fire it, an electric humming sound is heard. His eyes and numerous orifices around his scales also glow neon-blue moments before and when he unleashes the beam from his mouth, though this only occurs if he is in perfect condition and not tampered by the M.U.T.O.s' EMP field. In 2014, Godzilla only used his atomic breath as a last resort against opponents he can't physically overpower on his own, as the atomic breath that he demonstrated during his battle against the Eight-Legged M.U.T.O. and Winged M.U.T.O., the atomic breath was not released at full strength. In the graphic novel Godzilla: Awakening and later, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Godzilla was shown breathing a more intense and beam-like atomic breath, which could be stronger and as destructive as the atomic breath when he is in better condition. In Godzilla: King of the Monsters, after being revived by Monarch, a fully powered Godzilla fires his attack and shows that the atomic breath can knock or push back opponents such as Ghidorah several times heavier than him. As of Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla's breath has grown more powerful, capable of easily destroying major human settlements not unlike his Heisei and Final Wars incarnations' versions as well as injuring Kong. But a point-blank atomic ray, had never damaged Kong's battle axe. The breath is also shown when fully charged, to be powerful enough to bore straight into the Earth's core. His atomic breath may be strong enough to destroy the universe. According to and confirmed by Jared Krichevsky, if Godzilla's atomic breath was not weakened fron drilling into the Hollow Earth, his confrontation against Kong and had been at full power, it most definitely would have been able to overpower Mechagodzilla's proton scream quite easily, as well as the fact that Mechagodzilla would not have been able to survive Godzilla's atomic breath at full power. In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, prior to his evolution, Godzilla's atomic breath obliterated Scylla's body and sliced Tiamat into pieces. After absorbing all the electromagnetic solar wind energy from Tiamat's lair and evolving, Godzilla's atomic breath exponentially peaked in power and took on a magenta coloration. During his fight with Kong, his evolved atomic breath obliterated one of the Pyramids of Giza and sent Shimo flying upwards when he resurfaced in Rio de Janeiro. During his fight against Skar King and Shimo, Godzilla fired a particularly powerful blast of his atomic breath by holding in his atomic energy to the point that his body was visibly cracking and emitting visible radiation, resulting in a purple-coloured, corkscrew-shaped blast resembling the Spiral Heat Rays of his Heisei and Final Wars incarnations. This version of the atomic breath singed the Skar King's back upon contact and knocked him out of the sky. Additionally, Godzilla used it to dissipate the storm that Shimo had conjured above Rio.
      • Nuclear Pulses: In Godzilla: Aftershock, Godzilla is capable of emitting a shockwave of atomic energy from his body, specifically from his then-shattered dorsal plates at will as a short-range attack. It is strong enough to send a kaiju around MUTO Prime's size sailing and crippling it at the same time if deployed from point-blank range. Godzilla in his burning form is even more powerful as three successive blasts of a nuclear pulse were able to destroy Ghidorah completely, except for his middle head, which Godzilla later disintegrated with his atomic breath. Godzilla only uses this out of complete desperation as it drains a lot of power. Godzilla utilized the pulse again in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, first obliterating a swarm of drones while supercharging, then using it to burst out of the ice Shimo had encased him in with her ice breath.
    • Evolution: Though more subtle than his Shin Godzilla incarnation, Godzilla can evolve his being and improve his capabilities. Following the fight against M.U.T.O Prime, maple-leaf-shaped design of his dorsal fins became more prominent, his claws being longer, and the tip of his tail became more blunt due to his size and body build increase which improved his strength and mobility. As of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla became deceptively fast despite his height increase and more theropod-like posture and gained tougher skin, more so after feeding on necessary amount of radiation to combat the Skar King.
    • DNA Absorption: A quirk which complements his aforementioned ability to evolve is incorporating genes of other creatures whose flesh he consumed. Notably, extra spikes and upgraded dorsal fins' magenta coloration was thanks to Tiamat's DNA Godzilla acquired after defeating her and eating a portion of her flesh.


  • Genius-level Intellect/Master Tactician/Leadership Skills: Godzilla is an amazingly intelligent and sentient creature compared to other Titans as he displayed the ability to learn and strategize to solve problems at hand owing to his millennia-worth experience. Throughout his fight against the M.U.T.O.s, he didn't just simply attack them head on, but he also studied their pattern and weaknesses. When he killed the male M.U.T.O. by impaling him against a nearby skyscraper with a swipe of his tail, Godzilla targeted vital part on said M.U.T.O. to ensure he will be unable to recover from his wounds. Upon discovering female M.U.T.O.'s susceptibility to his atomic breath and exhaustion from being overwhelmed at the same time, Godzilla blasted her mouth to incinerate her innards and save his energy reserves in process, effectively killing her from the inside out and decapitating her in process. In his fight against Ghidorah, he brought their fight underwater and would've won if the military had not severely crippled him with the experimental Oxygen Destroyer and to everyone's horror, ensuring his said nemesis' escape (due to the latter's immunity) and brief dominance over other Titans across the world. In addition of combat, Godzilla also displayed his problem-solving intelligence to avoid unnecessary conflict with others. He intimidated the personnel of Monarch's Castle Bravo base not to attack him when they get into his way for investigating the ORCA signal from Antarctica and later, detecting humans from a nearby submarine (particularly Mark Russell) observing him and having something to do with the sudden nuclear explosion that revitalized his systems before heading off to confront Ghidorah in Boston. He also acknowledged by the other Titans who submitted to him after Ghidorah's defeat, proving that Godzilla knows that the only way to win over them and put them in their place was by defeating Ghidorah and reclaim his rightful place as the Alpha. In Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla singles out Apex Cybernetics' facilities to destroy while searching for Mechagodzilla, showcasing that he is capable of pinpointing exact groups of people that represent a threat to him. This is further demonstrated when the fleet escorting Kong opens fire on Godzilla to defend the primate Titan, causing Godzilla to attack it out of retaliation before battling Kong. However, he continues to avoid unnecessary conflict, as showcased when he ceases his assault once the fleet decides to "play dead" by shutting off their power, making Godzilla believe it is no longer a threat and leave the area. This is further demonstrated with his rematch with Kong in Hong Kong when Godzilla manages to overpower his rival but spares his life before leaving to continue searching for Mechagodzilla. During the following fight, he recognizes Kong as an ally and in turn assists him by tag teaming Mechagodzilla and then powering Kong's axe with his atomic breath to deliver the killing blow against the mechanical Titan. After their battle, Godzilla acknowledges Kong and returns to the ocean without further conflict once again. In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla consistently outwitted his foes in addition to cooperating with Kong and Mothra seemingly flawlessly. He successfully freed Shimo from the Skar King's control and earlier on displayed impressive adaptability and tactics during their fight in the Hollow Earth in spite of the altered gravity. Godzilla had proved to have become able to handle multiple worthy opponents as shown with him multitasking between fighting Shimo and assisting Kong with the Skar King in their final confrontation. Godzilla utilized his size and strength to overpower Scylla and pin her down to allow himself to permanently put an end to the threat of the Cepholopod titan with his atomic breath. In his fight against Tiamat, Godzilla utilized his jaws and atomic breath to free himself from the serpent's coils, allowing himself to swiftly kill her and claim her territory. In his fight with Kong in Egypt, he tackled and pinned Kong into the Pyramid of Giza, which allowed him the opportunity to suplex the ape. When the Iwi turned off the gravity in their region of the Hollow Earth, Godzilla took advantage of it and utilized his surroundings to maneuver around and fight Shimo as if he were swimming. When he personally faced the Skar King during the fight in Rio de Janeiro, he utilized his jaws to catch his enemy's whipslash before destroying it to difficilitate his control over Shimo. On at least two occasions, Godzilla seemed to direct Kong to perform certain actions in coordination, the first time being to jump onto his back and pounce from it at the Skar King. The second time, Godzilla seemingly told Kong to throw the Skar King over to him so that he could inflict a blow with his tail before having Kong catch the evil ape and hold him up in place to allow Godzilla to finish off their enemy with his atomic breath. He also appeared to command Shimo to freeze the Skar King as she watched Kong grab the crimson monster after being freed. As explained in the ancient Iwi writings translated by Ilene Andrews, Godzilla had somehow succeeded in locking up the Skar King and his minions in a subterranean realm of the Hollow Earth long prior to the events of the film.
  • Master Combatant: Godzilla is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant, able to perform a variety of bites, scratches, tail swipes, grapples and stomps during his fights with the M.U.T.O.s, MUTO Prime, the Ion Dragon, Ghidorah, Kong, Mechagodzilla, Scylla, Tiamat, Skar King and Shimo. His combat style is very similar to that of grizzly bears and Komodo dragons, which, despite having powerful jaws and teeth, use their claws in combat while his fighting style is also primarily based on sumo wrestling.
  • Master Wrestler: Godzilla is shown to be a skilled master of wrestling as he has techniques similar to wrestlers and grapplers, allowing him to wrestle his enemies with ease during his fights with the M.U.T.O.s, MUTO Prime, the Ion Dragon, Ghidorah, Kong, Mechagodzilla, Scylla, Tiamat, the Skar King and Shimo.
  • Powerful Bite: Godzilla has a particularly strong and powerful bite, either because of his sharp teeth, jaw-muscles, unusual jaw-structure or some other reason. Exactly what he can bite depends on his jaw-strength, his resilience of his teeth/bite-surface and his shape. His bite had enough strength to sever one of Ghidorah's heads with ease.
  • Indomitable Will: Godzilla possesses an immense amount of willpower and determination that cannot be weakened as he does not need to back down nor surrender, no matter any opponent he pushes forward, refusing to give up regardless of what happened. Even despite being overpowered by other Titans that are much more stronger and powerful than him, he does not slow down at all. Also, his determination to stop and kill Titans that attempt to conquer or destroy the Earth in order to protect the planet at all costs has remained with him constantly for years.
  • Stealth: Despite his prodigious size, Godzilla is shown to be stealthy as he was somehow able to sneak up on the female M.U.T.O. without being noticed just as she was about to kill Ford Brody. In the water, he was also able to sneak up on Ghidorah just as he was about to attack Monarch's aircraft, the USS Argo.
  • Master Swimmer: Godzilla is an extremely skilled swimmer and can stay underwater for vast periods of time. In the water, he can propel his massive body by undulating his tail at great speed, similar to a crocodile. Godzilla is also capable of swimming extremely quickly and eluding the United States Navy. Thanks to his aquatic adaptations, he is an extremely powerful combatant underwater.
  • Prehensile Tail: Godzilla displays an abnormally long tail which he could use to help balance himself as well as using it as a formidable weapon against his enemies. He can even use his tail in a snake-like manner to hold opponents in its grasp as well as using it to smack and overpower his adversaries in battle. He first used his tail as an improvised whip to kill the Winged M.U.T.O. by slamming him into a building with enough force, although he knocked it over by accident due to the impact of his tail swipe. When he is underwater, Godzilla is also capable of undulating his tail similar to crocodiles. During his fight with Ghidorah in Boston, Godzilla used his tail to knock back his rival, hitting Ghidorah with enough force to stagger him. Godzilla is also able to wrap his tail around Kong before dragging him into the depths of the ocean. Godzilla's tail is even muscular enough that Kong could not escape while coiled in it and only got free when Godzilla was distracted by depth charges, allowing Kong to swim back to the surface while Godzilla's grip was released. His tail was also powerful enough to destroy three warships escorting Kong with ease. In Godzilla Dominion, Godzilla's tail is strong enough to send Scylla bouncing across the ocean like a stone skipping on water. In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla used his tail within the Hollow Earth to knock various Great Apes away during the zero gravity battle, and does the same to the Skar King in Rio after Kong tosses him.
  • Sharp Claws and Teeth: Godzilla has razor-sharp teeth which he could use to bite and tear and razor-sharp claws which he could use to rend through most materials, including bodily tissues of other Titans. With his teeth, he was able to bite into the bodies of the M.U.T.O.s, bite and rip off Ghidorah's left head during their underwater fight and rip off a huge chunk of flesh from Tiamat as she was coiling herself around him during their battle in the ocean. With his claws, Godzilla managed to force MUTO Prime off of him by slashing her in the head during one of his battles with her, visibly drawing blood. In Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla was capable of slashing through Kong's thick skin after he knocked him over during their Hong Kong battle.


  • Limited Durability: Although Godzilla's bodily tissues are resistant to damage, he does have his own limits as he was easily overwhelmed when both the M.U.T.O.s attacked at once, being unable to fight the female head-on and anticipate the male's attacks at the same time. Godzilla can also be outmatched in one-on-one combat by an enemy comparable or superior to him in size and strength, as observed in his encounters with MUTO Prime, Ghidorah, and Mechagodzilla. MUTO Prime relies on her powerful forelimbs to stun Godzilla with a well-timed punch to the face, while also successfully drawing blood from him with the sharp claws on her smaller additional arms. MUTO Prime's sonic roar is also powerful enough to completely shatter his dorsal fins. MUTO Prime's speed allows her to escape before Godzilla can react, meaning MUTO Prime gradually weakens Godzilla over several encounters by attacking him and retreating before she sustains any damage herself. Monarch determines that Godzilla lost his battle against MUTO Prime in France, as he sustains numerous wounds while MUTO Prime escapes mostly unharmed. Godzilla is nearly infected by MUTO Prime's parasitic spores twice and only manages to survive and win their final battle in Montana due to Monarch's intervention. However, unlike in his battle with the M.U.T.O.s, Godzilla's battle with MUTO Prime leaves him with visible injuries all over his body, and he is only able to weakly limp away. Godzilla can also be outmatched against Ghidorah in physical combat on several occasions, seen when his foe is strong enough to restrain Godzilla with his serpentine necks and can pin him to the ground or lift him into the air. During his battle with Mechagodzilla, Godzilla was consistently outmaneuvered and overpowered by his mechanical counterpart, only avoiding death in a fashion similar to the female M.U.T.O. thanks to Kong's interference. While Godzilla proved himself superior to Kong in terms of sheer strength and durability, he was repeatedly outmaneuvered by the smaller Titan and was tricked by Kong when he threw a crane to distract him before pouncing on his larger rival from behind. He was also injured by Kong's axe when he swung his weapon into Godzilla's thigh, drawing blood. The Dragon Ion's fangs were able to penetrate his skin during their fight.
  • Limited Stamina: Although Godzilla's stamina is incredibly high, he can still be worn out from extreme activities, such as recurring fights against the M.U.T.O.s, Ghidorah and Kong. After killing the male M.U.T.O., Godzilla paused to catch his breath, only to be pinned under a collapsing skyscraper. After killing the female and roaring victoriously, Godzilla eventually lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground passed out, before regaining consciousness the following morning. After Ghidorah stunned him by firing lightning from his wings, Godzilla showed visible exhaustion as he started going into "critical mass". Although he is still energized from his fight against Kong, Godzilla's exhaustion soon becomes a major problem, when he faces Mechagodzilla afterwards.
  • Gills: The least durable part of Godzilla's body are his gills on the sides of his neck. This was seen when the military shot at Godzilla's dorsal plates while he was rising out of the sea, but he didn't suffer any damage. When they fired at his gills, it caused Godzilla to panic and accidentally smash through the Golden Gate Bridge due to his ginormous size, since he was suffering from a lot of agony at the time before he resumes hunting the male M.U.T.O. This was also seen when Godzilla was being beaten down by the mated M.U.T.O. pair. At one point, he roared angrily at the female M.U.T.O., but her mate attacked him, and after that, he suffered extreme agony when the female M.U.T.O. slashed through his gills with her claws. In Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla was briefly bitten on the gills by Kong during their underwater fight, showing that Kong's bite did hurt him quite a bit.
  • Lackluster Size: While not inhibiting Godzilla in combat, his size can be exploited against his status as a hero, as he unintentionally causes destruction, such as creating a tsunami when he surfaces near Hawaii or, when he charges right through the Golden Gate Bridge, cleaving it in half as a byproduct. But the destruction he inadvertently causes is of little concern to himself and is more of a danger much smaller life forms, such as humans.
  • Oxygen Destroyer: Godzilla is highly susceptible to the anti-Titan weapon, known as the "Oxygen Destroyer". Despite this, he was able to survive the exposure from a single blast, albeit it had severely crippled him in the process, forcing him to retreat to his lair to restore his health, before his heart stopped beating, which would kill him of cardiac arrest.
  • Weakened State: If Godzilla is severely weakened, he can be overpowered by opponents that he is much stronger than, when Godzilla is at full power, for example, Mechagodzilla was able to physically overpower Godzilla, as well as overpowering his atomic breath with his proton scream quite easily, due to the fact that, Godzilla had already spent much of his energy to use his atomic breath extensively to drill into the Hollow Earth and to battle against Kong. Therefore, he was not at full power at the time during his confrontation against Mechagodzilla.

Former weaknesses[]

  • Energy Overload: If Godzilla absorbs too much energy simultaneously, he will involuntarily explode, similar to an atomic bomb. But after absorbing Mothra's life-force energy, this is no longer a weakness for Godzilla. After his latest evolution, Godzilla's maximum energy capacity increased twenty fold thus further mitigating the issue, if Monarch scanners' results to be believed.
  • Short Arms: Godzilla's arms were short, to the point that, he cannot reach the top of his head. Because of this, he had a disadvantage getting his opponents off of him, if they get on top of Godzilla's head, which was demonstrated, during his confrontation against the Winged M.U.T.O.. But after going through a metamorphosis in 2027, this is no longer a weakness for Godzilla.




Godzilla has a symbiotic relationship with Mothra, as she is loyal only to him even after Ghidorah became the Alpha Titan. The two are capable of communicating with each other over long distances through sonar. When Mothra sacrifices herself to save Godzilla from Ghidorah, Godzilla expressed sadness and devastation upon watching his closest friend and symbiont die.

However, after Mothra is resurrected thanks to Jia in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla expressed happiness upon seeing his friend again when Mothra arrived in Egypt to stop him from killing Kong due to a misunderstanding so she can convince Godzilla to join the fight against the Skar King and his army while introducing Jia to Godzilla as the Iwi who revived her. After this, Godzilla helps Kong and Mothra face the Skar king and his forces in the Hollow Earth, with Mothra saving Godzilla from getting frozen by Shimo during the battle. Afterwards, Godzilla and Mothra go their separate ways while claiming they will meet again soon.


Ghidorah was Godzilla's arch-nemesis as they fought over the course of history for the Alpha Titan title (because Ghidorah wanted to use the Titans to destroy all life and Godzilla wanted the title to bring balance). He and Ghidorah were always bitter enemies. Ghidorah would later fight Godzilla once again through Mechagodzilla.


Despite Kong and Godzilla being protectors of the Earth, they are also ancient rivals due to their ancestors battling in an ancient war. In addition of learning about such conflict after reviewing ancient paintings of each other of his lair, he recognizes the ape Titan's potential to be his rival over the leadership of Titans since he attempts to challenge him to no avail during a brief visit to Skull Island in Godzilla Dominion.

They eventually had their long-awaited confrontation at the sea during which Kong was sent to the Hollow Earth to seek for something to defeat Godzilla before he does more harm (despite Godzilla was only attacking Apex because he senses the presence of Ghidorah), leading Godzilla to mistakenly suspect Kong is working for Apex Cybernetics. After their first fight, Godzilla leaves when he thinks Kong lost, until they fight again in Hong Kong.

In the ensuing rematch, Kong (initially) gained the upper hand and beats Godzilla using an ancient axe with a dorsal fin of one of Godzilla's ancestor as the blade, but Godzilla overpowers Kong using his own animal instincts (as seen by him walking on all fours in a crocodilian-like fashion) Godzilla roars at Kong to submit, but Kong lets out a roar of his own, proving that he won't submit to Godzilla, thus earning his respect. Godzilla then spares Kong and resumes his hunt for Ghidorah, but it's too late to stop Apex from awakening the fallen one, who takes control of Mechagodzilla. After Godzilla was nearly killed by Mechagodzilla, Kong decided to save him when he realized that he and Godzilla both want to stop Apex from wiping out all the Titans. After they team up, Godzilla used his atomic breath to supercharge the axe and allowed Kong to defeat Mechagodzilla.

After that, Kong drops his axe as a sign of peace, which ended the feud between him and Godzilla, who roars at Kong in acknowledgment and returns to the sea, while Kong returns to the Hollow Earth to make it his new home.

In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, both Godzilla and Kong once again work together to stop the Skar King conquering the world. However, due to his lingering misgivings towards the primate Titan, Godzilla once again mistakenly believes Kong was involved in the ongoing crisis, leading to a brief brawl which was thankfully stopped thanks to Mothra. After Godzilla and Kong defeated the Skar king, the feud of both of their ancestors is over since Skar is responsible for this.


While Rodan served Ghidorah after the latter became the Alpha Titan, the former and Godzilla never attacked or harmed each other during the fight. After Godzilla defeated Ghidorah, Rodan (initially) was going to fight Godzilla, but he glared at Rodan which forced him to bow down to Godzilla and begins to acknowledge him as the rightful Alpha Titan, making him the first Titan to bow down to Godzilla. Rodan is then forgiven by Godzilla and then begins to serve him.


Mechagodzilla is a robotic clone of Godzilla and is the main reason of him opposing Apex Cybernetics in the first place. As its development involved in the use of Ghidorah's surviving skull and the use of the ORCA to replicate the same extra-terrestrial Titan's alpha call, it alerted Godzilla, who set out to stop it, even if that means he had to lay waste upon Apex's facilities one by one and jeopardize his reputation in the eyes of the human race in the process. Despite his efforts, Apex Cybernetics managed to complete Mechagodzilla, but it soon quickly turned against its own creators due to Ghidorah's influence and even inherited the latter's hatred to Godzilla, as seen when it brutalizes Godzilla while ignoring Kong. Godzilla on the other hand, hates Mechagodzilla for carrying the vestige of his deceased archenemy.

Ion Dragon[]

The Ion Dragon is a draconic Titan whom Godzilla sees as a threat to the Earth's balance. The two Titans first meet in the Axis Mundi, with the Ion Dragon attacking Godzilla shortly after his arrival. Despite his opponent's aggression, Godzilla gained the upper hand thanks to his superior strength and tore off one of the Ion Dragon's wings before throwing it through the portal, leaving the creature's fate unknown.


Dagon was Godzilla's predecessor, a member of his species and the original alpha Titan. It's unclear, whether the two interact, prior to the former's death by the M.U.T.O.s.


Doug was Godzilla's cousin.

Shinomura (non-canon)[]

A predatory Titan formed from multiple organisms, Godzilla fought these creatures, before they were eliminated, by the bombing of Bikini Atoll in 1954.

Eight-Legged M.U.T.O.[]

One of M.U.T.O. Prime's offspring responsible for Dagon's death, Godzilla saw her as a threat to the Earth's balance.

Winged M.U.T.O.[]

One of M.U.T.O. Prime's offspring responsible for Dagon's death, Godzilla saw him as a threat to the Earth's balance.

M.U.T.O. Prime[]

MUTO Prime is the queen of all M.U.T.O.s, who Godzilla saw as a threat to the Earth's balance.

Six-Legged M.U.T.O.[]

Godzilla and the six-legged M.U.T.O. seem to have a respectful relationship. Unlike the other two M.U.T.O.s, the Six-Legged M.U.T.O. does not attack Godzilla, but, instead bows down to him to show how much she respects and acknowledges him as the rightful Alpha Titan.


Behemoth is a Titan that, was forced to serve under Ghidorah, before opted to obey Godzilla following the extra-terrestrial Titan's death. Behemoth and Godzilla are at least on good terms, being grateful to the latter after he saved him from Amhuluk.


Scylla is a Titan that, was forced to server under Ghidorah, before opted to obey Godzilla following the dragon Titan's death. Unfortunately, Scylla proved to be treacherous for attempting to usurp his alpha status time and time again. Her intentions became apparent to Godzilla who deterred her several times from sources of radiation starting from a cargo ship that was carrying a nuclear weapon. Scylla's attack at Rome was the last straw for Godzilla who ultimately resorted to vaporize her with his atomic breath.


Methuselah was a Titan that, was forced to serve under Ghidorah, before opted to obey Godzilla following his death.


Amhuluk accepts Godzilla as the Alpha Titan and stands down, when he breaks up his fight against Behemoth.

Na Kika[]

Na Kika was among Titans that, was forced to serve under Ghidorah, before opted to obey Godzilla following his death. It was grateful for Godzilla, who not only saved it from Titan traffickers, but also decimated them all as it's abduction being part of a plot that, could topple the balance of nature.


Tiamat is an aggressive, serpentine dragon-like Titan, who immediately becomes one of Godzilla's minions after the latter forces her to stand down in their confrontation. Later, she would be killed by Godzilla after she opted to fight for possession of her new lair when Godzilla sought the radiation that was inside of it.

Skar King[]

The Skar King is an old enemy of Godzilla, who managed to defeat the ruthless simian Titan and his army by banishing them to the deepest part of the Hollow Earth. Because of Skar's actions for killing one of Godzilla's ancestors, it has increased him ever since, causing him to hate all apes (including Kong), whom he mistakenly believes are tyrants, despite the Great Apes being a peaceful and benevolent species. Later, Kong and Mothra convinced Godzilla to help them stop Skar King and his army while warning him he now has Kong's axe so Skar can use it to kill Godzilla himself just by extracting his atomic breath. After the anti-gravity wore off and finding themselves in Brazil, Godzilla snapped the crystal off Skar's whiplash so he can free Shimo while he attempts to vaporizes him and exposing him as a coward that he truly is. Once the crystal is destroyed, Godzilla orders Kong to let him whip Skar with his tail first as the final straw then Kong restrains Skar while Godzilla orders Shimo to freeze Skar. After Skar is frozen and killed, Godzilla's ancestors are avenged.


Despite Godzilla imprisoning Shimo in the Hollow Earth with Skar King, they both have no grudge against each other as it seems Shimo was just following Skar's orders due to the crystal that he uses to control her just as how Rodan was a slave to Ghidorah. After the crystal is destroyed and Shimo is freed from the Skar King's control, Godzilla orders her to freeze Skar King which she does before Kong smashes his frozen body to pieces.

It is also implied that Shimo was once an old ally of Godzilla in the past as she possibly helped him by aiding the Titan in freezing and imprisoning Ghidorah in Antarctica while cave paintings also suggest that she even attempted to challenge Godzilla at some point before he defeated her and made her submit to him.


Ishiro Serizawa[]

Although Godzilla and Serizawa barely know each other at personal level, they still had a very touching relationship. Serizawa had studied the Titan for a long time and concluded him being the very force that, can restore the balance of nature, whenever it is disrupted. Serizawa also believes Godzilla is the key for humans and Titans to be able to co-exist, thus, gives his life to activate the nuclear bomb to completely revitalize Godzilla after getting crippled by the Oxygen Destroyer, a deadly weapon that Ghidorah is immune of. The two eventually come face-to-face for the first time in, which allowed Serizawa touched Godzilla's snout as the former bids farewell, before activating the bomb, sacrificing himself and, allowing Godzilla to completely recover at the risk of an energy overload that, fortunately negated in courtesy of Mothra.

In Godzilla Dominion, it is revealed that, Godzilla still remembered Serizawa and mourned for his death just like he does, with Mothra, proving that, Godzilla regarded Serizawa as a friend, despite the fact that, they had limited interactions, with each other.

Ford Brody[]

Godzilla briefly caught a glimpse of Ford after the latter destroyed the M.U.T.O.'s nest, thus allowed him to turn the table of the fight against both Titans and killed the male M.U.T.O., indicating the human responsible for their disorientation. Godzilla would later on unknowingly save Ford's life from the vengeful female M.U.T.O.

Emma Russell[]

Godzilla first met Emma, during his confrontation against the M.U.T.O.s in San Francisco, albeit they did not have any direct interaction, with each other. When Emma saw Godzilla for the first time, she was (initially) terrified of him, but overtime, she came to respect the Titan, as her opinion matches that, of Ishiro Serizawa's, who sees him as a force of nature to restore balance. Although Godzilla was indirectly responsible for the death of her son, Andrew, Emma does not hold a grudge against him, as she knows full-well that, Andrew's death was (genuinely) an accident, as he was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time, something that her ex-husband, Mark was (initially) unable to accept.

In 2019, Emma began using a device known as the "ORCA" that, she invented to awaken the Titans, who have been in hibernation as she believes that, Godzilla, along, with his fellow Titans would be able to save Earth from destruction, as well as the human race from extinction. But unfortunately, Emma had (unknowingly) awakened Ghidorah, an extraterrestrial Titan, who was malevolent, by nature. Unlike other Titans, who are benevolent, by neutral, Ghidorah happens to be Godzilla's archenemy.

After Emma repairs the ORCA during Godzilla and Ghidorah's clash at Boston, she uses it to distract the latter long enough for Godzilla to recover and sacrifices herself, in the process. But unfortunately, Emma was severely injured, by Ghidorah, but, before succumbs to her injuries, she defiantly stated "long live the king", proving just how much Emma truly respected Godzilla. Godzilla then avenged Emma's death, when he kills Ghidorah for good, by achieving a burning form. Despite Emma's death, Godzilla finishes what she had started, but, instead of having the planet reset back to it's natural order, he, instead forced his fellow Titans to undo the wrongdoings of the human race, by repairing all the damage caused to Earth.

Madison Russell[]

Godzilla first met Madison, during his confrontation against the M.U.T.O.s in San Francisco, albeit they did not have any direct interaction, with each other. When Madison saw Godzilla for the first time, she was (initially) terrified of him, but overtime, she came to respect the Titan, as her opinion matches that, of Ishiro Serizawa's, who sees him as a force of nature to restore balance. Although Godzilla was indirectly responsible for the death of her brother, Andrew, Madison does not hold a grudge against him, as she knows full-well that, Andrew's death was (genuinely) an accident, as he was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time, something that her father, Mark was (initially) unable to accept.

In 2024, Madison holds Godzilla in high esteem, for example, when he began to attack human settlements, she (correctly) suspected that, something was provoking him, as Godzilla was never aggression towards humans in general. So she, her friend, Josh Valentine and former Apex employee, Bernie Hayes, set out to figure out what was causing Godzilla's abnormal behavior.

Madison's investigation had led to her discovery that, Godzilla was destroying facilities belonging to Apex Cybernetics, because the CEO, Walter Simmons had (secretly) commitment his company to create a weapon to kill Godzilla and his fellow Titans, which was in fact illegal, as the United Nations had given orders to leave the Titans alone and not to do anything to provoke them, proving how correct Madison's opinion about Godzilla is.

Mark Russell[]

Initially, Mark had developed a deep hatred against Godzilla, who he blamed for the indirect death of his son Andrew that wasn't even the Titan's fault, despite the fact that Godzilla had nothing to do with it as Andrew's death was (genuinely) an accident, as he was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time, while he believes that the Titan, along with all the others, should have been extinct years ago to prevent more atrocities.

When Mark sees that Godzilla is the only one who could defeat Ghidorah, he immediately realized that he made a mistake as his misguided hatred towards Godzilla wasn't really involved in his son's death and chose to fight alongside him, during the final battle in Boston, becoming an ally of the Titan as a result.


Jia was once afraid of Godzilla until she realizes that he is not really a threat due to Mechagodzilla being the real enemy before she convinced Kong to help Godzilla to face his mechanized evil counterpart. Jia does not seem to meet Godzilla until they interact in Egypt when Mothra introduces her to Godzilla, who does not seem to threaten her, but instead felt curious to see the last Iwi while she shows no fear to the king of the Titans. It also reminded Godzilla the last human he put his trust on since Ishiro Serizawa, and now he sees Jia as a symbol of redemption for Kong and restoring the balance in order by his side.

In Other Media[]

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong[]

Godzilla appears in the crossover comic book series Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong.



Godzilla as he appears in Fortnite.

Godzilla made his debut in Fortnite in Chapter 6: Season 1. He is available as a playable skin that can be unlocked through Battle Pass quests. For a limited time, Godzilla was also a playable boss that players could become upon entering a Godzilla Portal, with three abilities:

  • Roar - Godzilla lets out a mighty roar, revealing nearby players for a few seconds.
  • Mighty Stomp Attack - Godzilla stomps the ground, sending players within the vicinity flying.
  • Heat Ray (Atomic Breath) - Godzilla fires a large heat ray at wherever the player is looking.

Audio Samples[]


  • This is the second incarnation of Godzilla to be featured in an American-made film after the TriStar Godzilla from the 1998 film.
  • Unlike most other previous incarnations, this version of Godzilla is portrayed as a protagonist/anti-hero, instead of as an antagonist.
    • This is the most heroic incarnation of Godzilla so far, alongside his Showa incarnation.
  • Unlike most other previous incarnations, this version of Godzilla is never dangerous or hostile towards humans in the MonsterVerse unless he is provoked.
  • In each of the films that Godzilla has appeared in, his atomic breath's appearance changes:
    • In Godzilla, Godzilla's atomic breath physically resembles a fire-like breath, likely, due to interference from the M.U.T.O.s' EMP field.
    • In Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Godzilla's atomic breath physically resembles a laser-like beam. It can be argued that, the beam originally appeared this way, since it's exactly how it looked like, when used against the Shinomuras.
    • In Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla's atomic breath physically resembles a heat-ray, when released at maximum power. The weaker version of the breath is much fiery, by contrast as seen, when energizing Kong's axe.
    • In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Godzilla's atomic breath is magenta, formerly blue, but changed when he killed Tiamat. It remains unknown if he still has the magenta colour after GxK or if he used all of the power of the magenta colour to clean up Skar King's mess.
  • This incarnation of Godzilla's recent design is based on the original 1954 design, the ShodaiGoji suit from the 1954 film, as director Gareth Edwards wanted to create a Godzilla design that's very modern, but still respects and resembles the design from the original Toho films.
  • This incarnation of Godzilla's combat style mostly resembles a bear and Komodo dragon, and only use his atomic breath sparingly, contrasting to other incarnations, who use the breath attacks more often. But this changed when he used his atomic breath more frequently against the Ion Dragon, Ghidorah, Kong and Mechagodzilla.
  • This is the second incarnation of Godzilla to use his tail to grapple or wrap around monsters like Kong, the first being his Millennium incarnation from Godzilla vs Megaguirus, and ironically, Godzilla in his evolved form now resembles Miregoji due to his pink dorsal spines and bioluminescence.
  • Godzilla's pinkish appearance in his evolved form is confirmed to be inspired by Goku's Kaio-ken from the Dragon Ball franchise.
  • When Godzilla begins glowing for his climactic battle against his enemies, the way his dorsal plates light up with blue as he shoots his atomic breath is similar to Toothless, whose spines also light up with energy as he charges up and unleashes his plasma blasts.
  • Godzilla jumping off a cliff and diving into the water in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is similar to the TriStar Godzilla, who jumped over a bridge and dived into the deepest part of the East River while running through the West Side Highway in New York City.
  • This incarnation of Godzilla is one of the friendliest towards humans. Ironically, his copyright holder Toho Studios reverted Godzilla to his traditional unfriendly self in their 2010s domestic films for political and environmental purposes. His counterparts in Shin Godzilla and the anime trilogy are metaphors for both the damage done by the United States for meddling in foreign affairs and the homeland disasters that struck Japan in the 2010s decade including the Tōhoku earthquake and Fukushima nuclear disaster, thus making him incredibly malicious and detrimental to the human race's fate, the Minus One Godzilla retains these characteristics.
    • This incarnation of Godzilla also has the best dynamic with Mothra, in contrast to their previous incarnations, who are prone to be at odds with one another as much as with humanity. Interestingly, Mothra's status as "Queen of the Monsters" suggested their relationship is more than just allies, resulting in many fans shipping both Titans together (see relationships with Mothra section above for more information).
  • Godzilla is credited as himself in the sequel, despite T.J Storm still being credited for the monster's motion-capture portrayal.
  • This is the first incarnation of Godzilla to possess gills, the other being the Godzilla from the Toho 2016 reboot, Shin Godzilla, except that the latter only had gills in his 2nd and 3rd forms, not the entire movie like the MonsterVerse Godzilla did. This allows Godzilla to sleep underwater, while the Showa Godzilla slept on land.
  • This incarnation of Godzilla is considered to be one of, if not the most powerful Titan in the MonsterVerse.
  • In an early draft, Godzilla was going to be found frozen in the Siberian Glacier, but was later dropped when a "Man of Steel" had a similar scene where the Fortress of Solitude was found frozen.
    • The scene in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire where Monarch found him frozen solid as he absorbs radiation in Tiamat's lair serves as a nod to this concept.
  • There are possible reasons why Godzilla is losing to Mechagodzilla, shown when both he and Mechagodzilla had a beam clash and he lost, despite his atomic breath being much more powerful than Mechagodzilla's proton scream.
    • The most probably reason is that he was already heavily exhausted and injured from his fight against Kong in Hong Kong, yet chose to fight Mechagodzilla regardless, which would've led to his death if Kong didn't intervene and save his life.

External Links[]


           MonsterVerse Logo Heroes

Godzilla | King Kong | Mothra
Dagon | Behemoth | Methuselah | Na Kika | Shimo | Suko | Great Apes
Rodan | Queen MUTO
Creatures of Skull Island
Dog | Hawk

Ishiro Serizawa | Vivienne Graham | James Conrad | Mason Weaver | William Randa | Houston Brooks | San Lin | Mark Russell | Emma Russell | Sam Coleman | Ilene Chen | Ling Chen | Rick Stanton | Nathan Lind | Ilene Andrews | Trapper Beasley | Guillerman | Aaron Brooks | Eiji Serizawa | Lee Shaw | Tim | Duvall | Dr. Barnes | Keiko Randa | Hiroshi Randa | Natalia Verdugo | Mikael | Hampton
Diane Foster | Jackson Barnes | Lauren Griffin | Anthony Martinez

Sky Devils
Jack Chapman | Earl Cole | Reg Slivko | Glenn Mills | Joe Reles

Ford Brody | Elle Brody | Joseph Brody | Sandra Brody | William Stenz | Victor Nieves | Steve Woodward | Hank Marlow | Madison Russell | Jia | Josh Valentine | Bernie Hayes | Admiral Wilcox | Audrey Burns | Charlie | Mike | Annie | Cap | Irene | Sam | Hiro | Boomer | Wells | Island Girl | Cate Randa | Kentaro Randa | May Olowe-Hewitt | General Puckett | Du-Ho | Iwi Queen | David Martin

           Godzillalogo Heroes

Anguirus | Amano Shiratori | Baragon | Behemoth | Captain Haruo Sakaki | Daisuke Serizawa | Daigoro | Dr. Ishiro Serizawa | Emma Russell | Fairy Mothra | Ford Brody | Godzilla (Showa | 1984 | 2000s | Final Wars | MonsterVerse) | The Ride) | Godzilla Junior | Gorosaurus | Ghogo | Hank Marlow | James Conrad | Jet Jaguar | Kenji Noda | King Caesar | King Ghidorah | King Kong (Showa | MonsterVerse) | Koichi Shikishima | Kumonga | Madison Russell | Manda | Mark Russell | Mason Weaver | M.O.G.U.E.R.A. | Methuselah | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla (1993 | Kiryu | Anime) | Miana and Maina | Miki Saegusa | Minilla | Mothra (MonsterVerse) | Mothra Leo | Niko Tatopoulos | Noriko Oishi | Primitive Mothra | Queen MUTO | Rodan (MonsterVerse) | Sanda | Scylla | Seiji Akitsu | Shiro Mizushima | Shobijin | Sosaku Tachibana | Steve Martin | Tatsuo Hotta | Titanosaurus | Utsuno Ikusagami | Varan | Zilla

Godzilla (Showa | Hanna Barbera) | Godman | Godzooky | Greenman | Niko Tatopoulos | Zilla Junior | Zone Fighter | Torema | Beisuke Jinguji | Lucas | Misato Jinguji | Mei Kamino | Yun Arikawa | Jet Jaguar (Godzilla Singular Point)

Video Games
Anguirus | Godzilla (Super Godzilla) | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla | Rodan | Titanosaurus

Comics and Manga
Godzilla (Kodansha | MonsterVerse | Death May Die) | King Kong (MonsterVerse) | Mecha-King Ghidorah | Mechagodzilla | Rodan | Titanosaurus


           King-kong-1933-movie-logo Heroes

King Kong (1933) - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
Son of Kong - King Kong | Little Kong | Carl Denham |Captain Englehorn
King Kong vs. Godzilla - King Kong | Godzilla
King Kong Escapes - King Kong | Susan Watson | Carl Nelson | Jiro Nomura
King Kong (1976) - King Kong | Jack Prescott | Dwan
King Kong Lives - King Kong | Lady Kong | Hank Mitchell | Dr. Amy Franklin | Baby Kong
The Mighty Kong - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
King Kong (2005) - King Kong | Ann Darrow | Jack Driscoll | Carl Denham | Captain Englehorn
Kong: Skull Island - King Kong | James Conrad | Mason Weaver | San Lin | Hank Marlow | Houston Brooks | William Randa
Godzilla vs. Kong - Godzilla | King Kong | Mark Russell | Madison Russell | Jia | Ilene Andrews | Nathan Lind | Bernie Hayes | Josh Valentine
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire - Godzilla | King Kong | Jia | Ilene Andrews | Trapper | Bernie Hayes | Suko | Mothra | Shimo | Great Ape Clan | Iwi Queen

TV Shows
The King Kong Show - King Kong | Professor Bond | Susan Bond | Bobby Bond | Captain Englehorn
Kong: The Animated Series - King Kong | Jason Jenkins | Lua | Eric "Tann" Tanenbaum | Dr. Lorna Jenkins
Kong: King of the Apes - King Kong | Lucas Remy | Doug "Jonesy" Jones | Amy Quon | Danny Quon | Anita | Franciska | Chatter | Dr. Leo Remy | Lucky Liger | Lady Liger | Decker | Zippi | Apex | Mummo
Skull Island - King Kong | Charlie | Mike | Annie | Cap | Irene | Sam | Island Girl | Dog | Hawk

           Fortnite-logo Crossover Heroes

Marvel Comics
Official comics
Iron Man | Shuri | Wolverine | Spider-Man | Storm | Thor
Gwenpool | Deadpool | She-Venom | War Machine | Emma Frost | Cyclops | Cable | Colossus | Jubilee | Magneto | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Loki | Drax | Mantis | Spider-Man 2099 | Miles Morales | Peter B. Parker | Spider-Punk | Spider-Man Noir | Hulk | Groot | Spider-Gwen | Mighty Thor | Scarlet Witch | Moon Knight | Prowler | Mary Jane Watson | Doctor Strange | Rogue | Gambit | Kate Bishop | Clint Barton | Nick Fury | Eddie Brock | Shang-Chi | Gamora | Ant-Man | Captain Marvel | Black Panther | Venom | Black Widow | Ghost Rider | Daredevil | Blade | Silver Surfer | Jennifer Walters | Mystique | Captain America | Domino | Psylocke | Star-Lord | Spider-Woman | Black Cat
Rocket | Spider-Ham

DC Comics
Batman | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Deathstroke
Black Adam | Dreamer | Starfire | Wonder Woman | Bloodsport | Clark Kent | Beast Boy | Raven | The Flash | Green Arrow | Poison Ivy | Aquaman

Star Wars
IG-11 | Lando Calrissian | Chewbacca | Ahsoka Tano | Padmé Amidalan | Anakin Skywalker | Luke Skywalker | Han Solo | Leia Organa | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Krrsantan | Fennec Shand | Boba Fett | Mandalorian | Zorii Bliss | Finn | Rey
R2-D2 | C-3PO | Yoda | Grogu

Jack Skellington | Sally | Jack Sparrow | Hector Barbossa | Elizabeth Swann | Baymax

Mr. Incredible | Mrs. Incredible | Frozone

Assorted Movie/TV reps
Godzilla | Kong | Jinx | Plungerman | Edward Scissorhands | Jake Sully | Neytiri | Aang | Zuko | Toph Beifong | Katara | Korra | Splinter | Leonardo | Donatello | Raphael | Michelangelo | April O'Neil | Adonis Creed | Peter Griffin | Atom Eve | Omni-Man | Invincible | Eleven | RoboCop | Ash Williams | Nathan Drake | Phillip J. Fry | Turanga Leela | Bender Bending Rodríguez | Megatron | Bumblebee | Optimus Primal | Optimus Prime | Indiana Jones | El Chapulín Colorado | Dude | Summer Smith | Morty Smith | Rick Sanchez | Mike Lowrey | Predator | Snake Eyes | Terminator | Sarah Conner | Ellen Ripley | Daryl Dixon | Michonne | Rick Grimes | Jim Hopper | Sofia Al-Azwar | John Wick
Momo | Appa | Brian Griffin | Nibbler

Video game reps/"Gaming Legends"
Raiden | Solid Snake | Sub-Zero | Alan Wake | Ciri | Johnny Silverhand | V | Yennefer of Vengerberg | Claire Redfield | Leon S. Kennedy | Geralt of Rivia | Isaac Clarke | Nathan Drake | Chloe Frazer | The Employee | Doom Slayer | Sakura | Blanka | Eivor Varinsdottir | Ezio Auditore | Vi | Jill Valentine | Chris Redfield | Cammy | Guile | Aloy | Lara Croft | Marcus Fenix | Kait Diaz | Chun-Li | Plungerman | Ryu | Master Chief | Kratos | Sub-Zero
Codsworth | Mimir | Crewmates | Claptrap | Pac-Man

Anime reps
Trunks | Android 18 | Android 17 | Hatsune Miku | Shoto Todoroki | Mina Ashido | Eijiro Kirishima | Megumi Fushiguro | Yuji Itadori | Satoru Gojo | Nobara Kugisaki | Kafka Hibino | Kikoru Shinomiya | Reno Ichikawa | Captain Levi | Mikasa Ackerman | Eren Yeager | Piccolo | Gohan | All Might | Katsuki Bakugo | Ochaco Uraraka | Izuku Midoriya | Son Goku | Vegeta | Beerus | Bulma | Itachi Uchiha | Orochimaru | Gaara | Hinata Hyūga | Naruto Uzumaki | Sasuke Uchiha | Sakura Haruno | Kakashi Hatake | Spike Spiegel | Faye Valentine
Shenron | Kurama | Principal Nezu

John Cena | LeBron James

           Call of Duty Logo Heroes

Allied Powers
Price | John Davis | Randall | Tanya Pavelovna | James Doyle | Tom Sullivan | Roebuck | C. Miller | Polonsky | K. Pyle | Locke | Commissar Markhov | Viktor Reznov | Dimitri Petrenko | Chernov | Davis | Joseph Turner | William Pierson | Ronald "Red" Daniels | Robert Zussman | Drew Stiles | Frank Aiello | Marcus Howard | Augustine Perez | Arthur Crowley | Vivian Harris | Rousseau | Karl Fischer | Matthew Weber | Rover Joe | Carver Butcher | Le'Veon Bell | Wade Jackson | Mateo Hernandez | James "Booker" Washington | Lewis Howard | Marvin Pelfrey | Ray Kibble | Pernell Lenny | Arthur Kingsley | Richard Webb | Thomas Jones | Phillip Evans | Henry Baker | Lucas Riggs | Desmond "Des" Wilmot | "Bluey" Smith | Robert Jacobs | James Parks | John P. Andrews | Alejandro Villanueva | Corporal Green | Polina Petrova | Milos Novak | Misha Petrov

Marine Raiders
Major Gordon | Tom Sullivan | Roebuck | Polonsky | C. Miller | K. Pyle | Rooker | Denny | Ryan | Lozano | Koopman

Special Operations Executive
James Doyle | Arthur Crowley | Vivian Harris | Rousseau | Karl Fischer | Carver Butcher | Wade Jackson | Daniel Yatsu | Halima Zambardi | Arthur Kingsley | Constanze Muller | Padmavati Balan | Lucas Riggs | Roland Zeimet | Beatrice Mercier | Polina Petrova | Shigenori Ota | Solange Hardewijk | Francis "Kai" Lanakila | Isabella Reyes | Lewis Howard | Anna Drake | Thomas Bolt | Gustavo Dos Santos | Mateo Hernandez | Florence Carter | Kim Tae Young | Callum Hendry | Ikenna Olowe

Task Force Vanguard
Carver Butcher | Wade Jackson | Arthur Kingsley | Lucas Riggs | Polina Petrova | Milos Novak | Richard Webb

Special Air Service
Price | MacMillan | Wallcroft | Griffen | Marcus Burns | Mac | John Price | John "Soap" MacTavish | Gaz | Gladney | Pritchard | Skinner | Malone | Rans | Talon One | Chainsaw 3-2

Task Force 141
John Price | John "Soap" MacTavish | Gary "Roach" Sanderson | Simon "Ghost" Riley | Joseph Allen | Nikolai | Yuri | Merlin | Meat | Royce | Rocket | Chemo | Zach | Robot | Peasant | Worm | Archer | Toad | Ozone | Scarecrow | Rook

Kamarov | Nikolai | Yuri

Andrei Harkov | Leonid Pudovkin

Sabre | Morel

U.S. Armed Forces
Vasquez | Griggs | Paul Jackson | C. Miller | Roebuck | Tom Sullivan | Polonsky | K. Pyle | Locke | Unnamed Marines of Nacht Der Untoten | "Tank" Dempsey | John "Banana" | "Smokey" | Paxton "Gunner" Ridge | Sgt. Foley | Cpl. Dunn | James Ramirez | Joseph Allen | Overlord | Alex Mason | Frank Woods | Jason Hudson | Joseph Bowman | Grigori Weaver | Sandman | Derek "Frost" Westbrook | Truck | Grinch | David Mason | Mike Harper | Tommy Briggs | Crosby | Anderson | Baker | Kyra Mosley | Elias Walker | Logan Walker | David "Hesh" Walker | Thomas Merrick | Keegan Russ | Alex Johnson | Thompson | Collins | Cormack | Jack Mitchell | Will Irons | John Taylor | Sarah Hall | Sebastian Diaz | Peter Maretti | Ronald "Red" Daniels | William Pierson | Robert Zussman | Joseph Turner | Frank Aiello | Drew Stiles | Jessica Mason Green | Donnie Walsh | Erin Baker | Alex Keller | Marcus Griggs | Russell Adler | Lawrence Sims | Mackenzie Carver | Stoney "Raptor One" Maddox | Wade Jackson | Mateo Hernandez | Troy Marshall | Riley Flanagan | Diesel 2-1 | Zach Parker | Patrick O'Neil | Bell (Mobilized) | Walker

Delta Force
Sandman | Grinch | Truck | Derek "Frost" Westbrook | Grizzly | Alex Keller | Bannon

Joint Special Operations Command
David Mason | Mike Harper | Chloe Lynch | Crosby | Tommy Briggs | Farid | U.S. Navy SEALs | SEAL Team Six

Operation 40
Carlos | Alex Mason | Frank Woods | Joseph Bowman | Grigori Weaver

U.S. Government
John F. Kennedy | Robert McNamara | Richard Nixon | Ronald Reagan | Alexander Haig | James Baker | Marion Bosworth | David Petraeus | Oliver L. North

Central Intelligence Agency
Joseph Allen | Alex Mason | Frank Woods | Joseph Bowman | Jason Hudson | Grigori Weaver | Terrance Brooks | Bruce Harris | Bell | Russell Adler | Emerson Black | Dimitri Belikov | Lawrence Sims | Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay | Mark McKnight | Farid | CIA Nerd | Rachel Kane | Kate Laswell | Alex Keller | Troy Marshall | Faraj | Daniel Livingstone | William "Case" Calderon

Black Ops
Frank Woods | Alex Mason | Jason Hudson | Grigori Weaver | Joseph Bowman | Terrance Brooks | Bruce Harris

Vorkuta Prisoners
Alex Mason | Viktor Reznov | Sergei Kozin

Alex Mason | Frank Woods | Joseph Bowman | Jason Hudson | Viktor Reznov | Crosby | Swift | Butcher | Bell | Russell Adler | Lawrence Sims | Colton "Stryker" Greenfield

Elias Walker | Logan Walker | David "Hesh" Walker | Keegan Russ | Thomas Merrick | Alex Johnson | Kick | Neptune | Riley

Sentinel Task Force
Steven "Kingpin" McDonnell | Cormack | Jack Mitchell | Gideon | Ilona | Knox | Lennox | Jim Decker | Kahn | Lilith Swann

Winslow Accord
Player | John Taylor | Sarah Hall | Peter Maretti | Sebastian Diaz

Donnie "Ruin" Walsh | Erin "Battery" Baker | David "Prophet" Wilkes | Krystof "Firebreak" Hejek | Tavo "Nomad" Rojas (Juneau) | He "Seraph" Zhen-Zhen | Alessandra "Outrider" Castillo | Experimental War Robot-115 "Reaper" | Spectre | Kerk "Ajax" Rossouw | Jarrah "Crash" Bazley | Katsumi "Recon" Kimura | Kieran "Torque" Mackay | Leni "Zero" Vogel | Danny "Blackjack" Li | Jessica Mason Green

Special Air Combat Recon
Nick Reyes | Nora Salter | Dan "Wolf" Lyall | Sipes | Tee

Special Associated Treaty Organization
Fredrick Raines | Admiral Coupe | Usef Omar | Sean Brooks | Todd Kashima | Nunez | Maureen Ferran | Bryant Ling | Auguste | Reaper

United Nations Space Alliance
Victor "Gator" Diallo | E3N "Ethan" | Laura "Boss" Gibson | Maynard "Griff" Griffin | Audrey "Mac" MaCallum | Evelynn "Boats" Sotomura | Ebele Yetide | Tori Holder | Michael Fillion | Lee Boggs | Erwin Kloos | Carl Hamilton | John Alder

Special Air Service
MacMillan | John Price | Kyle "Gaz" Garrick | Johnny "Soap" MacTavish | Simon "Ghost" Riley | Burns

Task Force 141
John Price | Kyle "Gaz" Garrick | Johnny "Soap" MacTavish | Simon "Ghost" Riley

Urzikstan Liberation Force
Farah Karim | Alex Keller | Malika | Tariq | Samara "Pathfinder" Jalal | Dena

Nikolai | Yegor Novak | Kamarov | Yuri Volkov

Kate Laswell | Kamarov | Nikto | Coalition

Die Landebahn Crew
Bell | Russell Adler | Helen Park | Lawrence Sims | Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay

Alex Mason | Arthur Kingsley | Frank Woods | Russell Adler | Jason Hudson | Wyatt "Bulldozer" Jones | Zeyna Ossou | Terrell Wolf | Karla Rivas | Lawrence Sims | Helen Park | Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay | John Baker | Jason Hunter | Kwan Song | Jabari Salah | Colton "Stryker" Greenfield | John McClane | John Rambo

Los Vaqueros
Alejandro Vargas | Rodolfo Parra | Rodriguez

JTF - Ghost Team
John Price | Alejandro Vargas | Simon "Ghost" Riley | Kyle "Gaz" Garrick | Johnny "Soap" MacTavish | Rodolfo Parra

A-Train | Alex Keller | Alejandro Vargas | Alucard | Ash Williams | Daryl Dixon | Eric Draven | Farah Karim | Frank Woods | John Price | Johnny "Soap" MacTavish | Kate Laswell | Kyle "Gaz" Garrick | Lara Croft | Paul Atreides | Spawn | Rick Grimes | Samara Jalal | Simon "Ghost" Riley | Starlight

The Rook Safehouse Crew
Frank Woods | Russell Adler | William "Case" Calderon | Troy Marshall | Sevati "Sev" Dumas | Felix Neumann

Rogue Black Ops
Donatello | Eric Samuels | Frank Woods | Grigori Weaver | Helen Park | Leonardo | Maya Aguinaldo | Michelangelo | Raphael | Russell Adler | Sevati "Sev" Dumas | Splinter | Troy Marshall | William "Case" Calderon

United Anti-Terrorism Coalition
John Price | Russell Adler | John "Soap" MacTavish | Simon "Ghost" Riley | Gary "Roach" Sanderson | "Tank" Dempsey | Alex Keller | Kyle "Gaz" Garrick | Viktor Reznov | Thomas Merrick | Keegan Russ | Alex Johnson | Logan Walker | Riley | Farah Karim | Wyatt "Bulldozer" Jones | Alexander "Cipher" McDaniels | Denise "Foxtrot" McDaniels | Mace | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Vagr Modir | Hakan "Demir" Pala | Rosa | Charlotte "Charly" Johnstone | Mara | Benjamin "Otter" Lee | Hans "Golem" Blaustein | Sliver | Tempest | Agent Miller

Phantom Corps
Frank Woods | Claire "Alias" Richmond | Ether | Deadman | David "Section" Mason | Alexander "Cipher" McDaniels | Denise "Foxtrot" McDaniels | Denise "Rampage" Michaels | Yu "Shadowfall" Chen | Sparrowhawk | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Sophia Couteau

The Couteau Line
Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Sophia Couteau | Death Angel Alice

Kurohana Corporation
Rin Yoshida | Dusk | Tiangu

La Sous Terre
Wyatt "Bulldozer" Jones | Hakan "Demir" Pala | Trevor "Killgore" Dangle | Klepto | Girasol Hernandez | Keegan Russ | Sliver | Lizbeth "Kestrel" Warnholdt | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Sophia Couteau

"Tank" Dempsey | Nikolai Belinski | Edward Richtofen | Takeo Masaki

Abigail "Misty" Briarton | Marlton Johnson | Russman | Samuel Stuhlinger

Bureau of Archaic Technologies
Marie Fischer | Jefferson Potts | Drostan Hynd | Olivia Durant | Hank Rideau | Vivian Harris

Scarlett Rhodes | Stanton Shaw | Diego Necalli | Bruno Delacroix

Grigori Weaver | Elizabeth Grey | Oskar Strauss | Mackenzie Carver | Sergei Ravenov | Orlov | Samantha Maxis | Eddie | Pyotr | Notso Fluffy | Klaus | Stoney "Raptor One" Maddox | Sparagmos

The Resistance
Gabriel Krafft | Norticus | Inviktor | Bellekar | Saraxis | Vercanna | The Decimator

Operation Deadbolt
Selma Greene | Johnny "Soap" MacTavish | Sergei Ravenov | Kate Laswell | Ava Jansen | Hugo Barrera | Lucas "Luke" Dobbs | Krystal Miller | Rupinder "Roops" Kapoor | America "Amy" Fang | Reaper 1-1 | Hammer 2

The Ex-Requiem Crew
Grigori Weaver | Elizabeth Grey | Mackenzie Carver | Maya Aguinaldo | William Peck | Oskar Strauss | Stoney "Raptor One" Maddox | Sergei Ravenov | Gabriel Krafft | Sir Archibald Fotherington-Smythe

Arthur | Andre Wright | Asim Omari | Aaron "A.J." Jordaniels | Alistair Rhodes | Albert "Weasel" Arlington | Billy Handsome | Christina Fowler | Civil Protector | Danny Trejo | David Hasselhoff | Fluffy | Floyd Campbell | Gideon Jones | Godfrey | "Godfather" Castle | Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Program | Jack Vincent | Jessica Rose | Jason Newes | Jonathan Warwick | John "Banana" | Kevin Smith | Michael Rooker | Mikhail Saburov | Mai Nguyen | Michael "Finn" O'Leary | N3IL | Nero Blackstone | Poindexter Zittermann | Peter McCain | Paxton "Gunner" Ridge | Pam Grier | Pablo Marinus | Red Riding Hood | Robert Englund | Rushmore | Sofia Del Toro | Sally Simpson | Salvatore DeLuca | Stanley Ferguson | Smuggler | Smokey | Sarah Michelle Gellar | S.A.M. | T.E.D.D. | Unnamed Marines of Nacht Der Untoten

Agent Jones | Ajani | Anderson | Baker | BND | Boris Vorshevsky | Brother Reginald | Brother Michel | Collins | Czech Resistance | Demon Dogs | Dolos | Egyptian Army | Erik Breighner | Eric Samuels | Greta Keller | Griffin | Kyra Mosley | Jonas Savimbi | Johanna Mendelsohn | Lucy Mason-Green | MI6 | Michonne Hawthorne | Minister Said | Nigerian Government | Nigerian Armed Forces | Naomi "Manta Ray" Mizushima | Piotr Ivanov | Siren | Samuel Abidoyo | SFO | SFO Leader | Tacitus Corporation | Technologist | Urban Tracker | UNITA | U.S. Secret Service | Strategic Defense Coalition | Scylla | Sister Amilie | T-800 | The Triumvirate | Thompson | William Bowman | Yasir Al-Fulani | Zürich Security Forces | Zeyad Khalil | Zoe Serrano
