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Heroes Wiki
Heroine Overview

Nancy Tremaine is a major character in Disney's Enchanted film series.

She was portrayed and voiced by Idina Menzel, who portrayed Shelby Corcoran on Glee, and later voiced Queen Elsa in the Frozen franchise.



Nancy makes her debut in the beginning of the film, when Robert, a widowed divorce lawyer, prepares to propose to her. Robert and his young daughter Morgan encounter Giselle on their way home, and Robert begrudgingly allows Giselle to stay the night in their apartment at the insistence of Morgan, who believes Giselle is a princess.

Pip and Edward embark on a rescue mission to the real world, where they too are turned into live-action versions of themselves. Pip, now a real chipmunk, no longer has the ability to speak, and only communicates through squeaks. Narissa sends Nathaniel to follow and impede Edward. Narissa appears to Nathaniel and gives him three poisoned apples that will put whoever eats one to sleep until the clock strikes twelve, after which they will die. Meanwhile, after Giselle summons birds, insects and vermin to clean Robert's apartment, Nancy arrives to take Morgan to school. She meets Giselle and leaves, assuming Robert was unfaithful. Robert is initially upset but spends the day with Giselle, knowing she is vulnerable in the city. Giselle questions Robert about his relationship with Nancy and helps the pair reconcile by sending Nancy flowers and an invitation to a costume ball at the Woolworth Building.

Edward locates Giselle at Robert's apartment. While Edward is eager to take Giselle home to Andalasia and marry her, she suggests that they should first go on a date and get to know each other better. Giselle promises to return to Andalasia after the ball that night, which Robert and Nancy also attend. Narissa decides to come to the real world and kill Giselle herself after Nathaniel fails twice to poison her. At the ball, Robert and Giselle dance romantically with each other. Giselle and Edward then prepare to depart, but Giselle feels depressed at leaving Robert behind. Narissa appears as the old hag and offers the last poisoned apple to Giselle, promising that it will erase her sorrowful memories. Giselle takes a bite, falls unconscious, and is plunged into a sleep with mere minutes to live.

After Queen Narissa's defeat, a happy new life unfolds for everyone, showing Edward and Nancy falling in love and getting married in Andalasia, henceforth becoming king and queen, while Nathaniel, who stays in New York and Pip, who returns to Andalasia, each write successful autobiographies based on their experiences in the real world.




  • Since Nancy was going to become Morgan's stepmother at the beginning of the film, she was given the last name of Cinderella's stepmother from the film, Cinderella. But as a twist, Nancy is nothing like Lady Tremaine - She’s kind, forgiving, generous and selfless.
  • Nancy is the only one to marry a prince and thus becoming a princess, and a queen, yet she isn't a part of the official Disney Princess lineup. Yet due to the fact that she isn't the one meant to join the franchise, but Giselle.

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