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Poison (status)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
For the "poison damage" effect in Fates, see Poison Strike.

Is ns01 status poison.png
Icon of the Poison status from Three Houses.

Loses HP each turn.


Status effect

First game

Thracia 776

Poison (Japanese: ポイズン poison) is a recurring status effect which first appeared in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. In most games it appears in, it inflicts small amounts of damage to the afflicted unit at the beginning of each of their turns until the condition wears off. In earlier games, if a unit with low remaining HP is affected, poison can kill the unit; from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia onward however, it is incapable of killing units.

In Engage, poison acts very differently, no longer inflicting damage at the beginning of a turn. It instead increases the damage a unit takes during combat. Poison can be stacked up to three times, with each stack increasing the damage the afflicted unit takes.

The use of weapons which inflict poison status was at first almost entirely exclusive to enemy forces, and the only poison-inflicting weapon which players can easily obtain in any game before Shadows of Valentia is Valaura in Radiant Dawn. While poison weapons can be stolen in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, this is not easy and requires very specific planning and effort to accomplish. In the case of Thracia 776, the game is coded so that player units cannot inflict the poison status effect; additionally, if a poison weapon other than Jormungand is stolen by the player's army, it is reverted to a basic non-poisoning weapon (e.g. Poison Bows turn into Iron Bows). Starting with Shadows of Valentia, poison weapons became more easily obtainable, by forging specific rusted weapons in Shadows of Valentia or Iron weapons such as Iron Sword using Venomstones in Three Houses. In Engage, nearly all knives are capable of inflicting poison, and their chain attacks can also inflict poison if capable.


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Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Thracia 776 Is snes03 status poison.png Deals 1–3 damage to the unit at the start of their phase. -- -- --
The Binding Blade -- Deals 1–3 damage to the unit at the start of their phase. -- -- Lasts for 5 turns.
The Blazing Blade -- Deals 1–3 damage to the unit at the start of their phase. -- -- Lasts for 5 turns.
The Sacred Stones -- Deals 1–3 damage to the unit at the start of their phase. -- -- Lasts for 5 turns.
Path of Radiance -- Deals 1–3 damage to the unit at the start of their phase. -- -- Lasts for 5 turns.
Radiant Dawn Is wii status poison.png Deals ? damage to the unit at the start of their phase. -- -- Lasts for ? turns.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 status poison.png Deals 10 damage to the unit at the start of their phase.
Leaves units with 1 HP if the damage would kill them.
-- -- --
Three Houses Is ns01 status poison.png Deals 10% of the unit's maximum HP as damage to the unit at the start of their phase.
Leaves units with 1 HP if the damage would kill them.
-- -- Lasts for 3 turns.
(One stack)
Is ns02 status poison 01.png +1 damage dealt to unit during combat. -- -- --
(Two stacks)
Is ns02 status poison 02.png +3 damage dealt to unit during combat. -- -- --
(Three stacks)
Is ns02 status poison 03.png +5 damage dealt to unit during combat. -- -- --

Sources of poison

Thracia 776

Weapons (only when used by NPCs) JormungandPoisonPoison AxePoison BallistaPoison BowPoison LanceVenin Sword

The Binding Blade

Weapons Poison AxePoison BowPoison LancePoison Sword
Hazards Poison jets

The Blazing Blade

Weapons Poison AxePoison BowPoison LancePoison Sword
Hazards Poison jets

The Sacred Stones

Weapons Lethal TalonPoison AxePoison BowPoison ClawPoison SwordToxin Lance
Hazards Poison jets

Path of Radiance

Weapons Venin AxeVenin BowVenin EdgeVenin Lance

Radiant Dawn

Weapons ValauraVenin AxeVenin BowVenin EdgeVenin Lance

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Weapons Venin AxeVenin BowVenin ClawsVenin LanceVenin Sword

Three Houses

Weapons Venin AxeVenin BowVenin EdgeVenin Lance
Gambits Poisoned ArrowsPoison Tactic
Staggering Blows Poison Breath
Abilities Poison


Weapons All knivesVenom BlastVenomous
Skills Divine Speed (Covert units) • Poison Gambit
Hazards Poison jets

Items and skills affecting poison

Items and skills that restore poison
Item/skill Effect Games
Is ns02 restore.png Restore Removes any negative status effects from an ally when used. Thracia 776, The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Three Houses, Engage
Is ns02 antitoxin.png Antitoxin Cures its user from poison. Thracia 776, The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Three Houses, Engage
Is gba staff of the saint.png Staff of the Saint Removes any negative status effects from all allies when used. The Binding Blade
Is gba latona.png Latona Removes any negative status effects from all allies when used. The Sacred Stones
Is wii ashera staff.png Ashera Staff Removes any negative status effects from all allies when used. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
Is wii boon.png Boon Removes any negative status effects from adjacent allies at the start of the user's phase. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
Is wii panacea.png Panacea Removes any negative status effects from its user. Radiant Dawn
Is wii sacrifice.png Sacrifice Removes any negative status effect from an ally when used. Radiant Dawn
Is ns01 gambit support.png Recovery Roar Removes any negative status effects from all allies within range when used. Three Houses
Is ns02 great sacrifice.png Great Sacrifice Removes any negative status effects from all allies when used by a Qi Adept unit. Engage
Is ns02 lifesphere.png Lifesphere Removes any negative status effects when the user uses "Wait". Engage
Is ns02 detoxify.png Detoxify Cures its user from poison at the start of their phase. Engage
Skills providing immunity to poison
Item/skill Effect Games
Is ns01 immune status.png Immune Status User is immune to status effects. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Three Houses

Flavor text

Game Text
The Binding Blade
Poison slowly steals HP.*
The Blazing Blade
Poison slowly steals HP.
The Sacred Stones
Poison slowly steals HP.
Path of Radiance
Each turn, this unit will lose some hit points.
Radiant Dawn
Each turn, this unit will lose some
hit points.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Depletes 10 HP each turn.
Three Houses
Loses HP each turn.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes
























Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese




Status effects
Recurring status effects BerserkFreezeParalysisPetrifyPoisonSilenceSleepStat buffs and debuffs
Exclusive to Three Houses BlessingBlood SacrificeConfusionFallen StarImpregnable WallRattledSacred ShieldStrideTorch
Exclusive to Warriors: Three Hopes BurningFrozenSpellboundWindtorn
Other status effects BreakBuffs from dancer ringsCursed Fangs