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Imperial Astra

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Imperial Astra

Is feh skill special.png
Icon used by Imperial Astra in Heroes.



First game


Imperial Astra (Japanese: 剣皇の流星 Shooting star of the divine sword) is a special skill which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes. Imperial Astra boost its user's damage based on their speed.


Game Icon Effect Cooldown SP cost Prerequisites Unusable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
Is feh skill special.png User deals +⁠(user's speed × 40%) damage. 2 500 Astra Staves --



Method Data
Unit (★★★★★) Shannan: Wielder of Astra

Flavor text

Game Text
Boosts damage by 40% of unit's Spd.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Imperial Astra




Shooting star of the divine sword


Meteoro radiante

Radiant meteor


Stellaire impérial

Imperial stellar


Imperiale Astra

Imperial Astra


Astra imperiale

Imperial astra


Astro imperial

Imperial astra

Traditional Chinese


Shooting star of the divine sword

See also

Special skills in Heroes
Area-of-effect skills Blazing FlameBlazing LightBlazing ThunderBlazing WindGift for MagicGifted MagicGrowing FlameGrowing LightGrowing ThunderGrowing WindOverrideRising FlameRising LightRising ThunderRising Wind
Defensive skills AegisBucklerCirclet of BalanceDual Ice MirrorsEscutcheonFrostbite MirrorGodlike ReflexesHoly PanicHoly VestmentsIce MirrorLife UnendingMiracleNegating FangPaviseSacred Cowl
Healing skills AetherAether's PathDaylightHeavenly LightImbueMayhem AetherNoontimeOpen the FutureRadiant AetherRighteous WindSol
Offensive skills AetherAether's PathArms of the ThreeArmored BeaconArmored BlazeArmored FloeAstraAstra StormBaneBlack LunaBlue FlameBond BlastBonfireBoulderBrutal ShellChilling WindChivalric AuraCirclet of BalanceCrusader's AstraCurved ShotDeadeyeDivine PulseDraconic AuraDragon BlastDragon FangDragon Fang ShotDragon GazeDragon's RoarEnclosureFierce BeastFire EmblemFlareFrost MoonGlaciesGlimmerGlitter of LightGlowing EmberGodlike ReflexesGreat AetherGustHero's BloodHoly PressureHoly-Knight AuraIcebergIgnisImperial AstraLethalityLight Is TimeLight's RestraintLightless LunaLodestar RushLunaLunar FlashMakings of a KingMayhem AetherMoonbowNew MoonNight SkyNimble BeastNo QuarterOpen the FutureRadiant AetherRegnal AstraReprisalRequiem PrayerRetributionRighteous WindRuptured SkySacred WindSandstormSeiðr BurstSeiðr ShellShining EmblemSiriusSturdy BeastSublime HeavenSupreme AstraSupreme HeavenTime and LightTime Is LightTwin BladesVengeanceVital AstraWarp Ragnarok
Staff specials Deluge BalmEarthfire BalmEarthwater BalmEarthwind BalmFireflood BalmHeavenly LightImbueKindled-Fire BalmSolid-Earth BalmStill-Water BalmSwift-Winds BalmWindfire Balm
Miscellaneous skills GaleforceNjörun's ZealRequiem DanceUmbra BlastUmbra CalamityUmbra Eruption