Unworthy is the ruler whose subjects seek the solace of false gods.
Gaius van Baelsar
Gaius van Baelsar, also known as The Black Wolf (漆黒の王狼, Shikkoku no Ōrō?, lit. The Black King Wolf), is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy XIV. He is a legatus legionis within the Garlean Empire's army, serving as one of the generals leading the invasion into Eorzea. Gaius initially appeared as a minor antagonist during the launch of the original Final Fantasy XIV. He serves a larger role in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn as one of its primary antagonists.
Gaius believes that it is the duty of the strong to shepherd the weak, and respects those he deems competent regardless of their station. While considered more forward-thinking than his Garlean peers in his opposition to senseless devastation and indiscriminate methods of war, his stewardship over Ala Mhigo was nevertheless characterized by brutal oppression of its native peoples. He is an accomplished general whom both enemy and ally alike cannot help but respect.
Early life[]
Born in Garlemald, Gaius served in many campaigns under his Majesty Solus zos Galvus as tribunus angusticlavius of the XIth Legion. Through his exemplary leadership, cunning, and combat ability, Gaius earned the rank of legatus of the newly formed XIVth Imperial Legion, becoming the emperor's favorite legatus and being known as the Black Wolf. Upon attaining the rank of legatus, Midas nan Garlond gifted Gaius, his dear friend, with the gunblade Heirsbane, a weapon said to have spilled the blood of nine aspirants to the Garlean throne in times past.[1] Due to his years of dedicated service Gaius was charged with conquering the region of Eorzea and bringing it under Garlemald's banner.
Through subterfuge Gaius turned the populace of Ala Mhigo against their king and struck when the city defenses began to crumble at the prospect of civil war, allowing him to capture the city with minimal bloodshed. Gaius earned renown among Eorzea due to his abilities as a commander and his sensibilities as governing administrator by ruling the conquered stronghold as an Imperial Viceroy. He provided Ala Mhigans such as Fordola rem Lupis honorary citizenship within the Empire in return for military service.

The wreckage that signifies the halt of the Imperial invasion.
Gaius's conquest drew to a halt after the attack on Silvertear Falls when the XIVth Airship Fleet was destroyed in a conflict with the dragonkin and their leader, the great wyrm Midgardsormr. By killing the great dragon the Empire had broken the magical seal preventing the primals from being summoned. Unwilling to risk further casualties by angering the beast tribes and their gods, Gaius and his legion retreated to Ala Mhigo.
Losing the confidence of his liege, the emperor was swayed by the plans of another legatus, Nael van Darnus, who sought to destroy Eorzea and the primals with it by casting the ancient Allagan spell, Meteor, to bring down the lesser moon of Dalamud and crash it into Eorzea. Although Gaius was appalled by the plan, he pledged to aid.

Gaius takes Cid in.
Gaius's friend Midas nan Garlond became enraptured with Project Meteor. Seeing how it was affecting his young son Cid, Gaius took it upon himself to raise Cid. In a moment of lucidity, Midas told his friend that Cid would never be satisfied with a life of making weapons for the emperor. Midas was killed in the Bozja Incident, and Cid deserted his post and defected to Eorzea.
Final Fantasy XIV (version 1.0)[]
Impressive. As you wish.
Gaius accepting the Circle of Knowing's silent challenge to fight him
When the Ala Mhigan Resistance tried to sneak into Ala Mhigo by stealing an airship on Silvertear Falls, Gaius intercepted the group and killed them. He shot the adventurer's Path companion with his gauntlet-mounted gun and attempted to kill them, but Yda, Papalymo, Y'shtola, and Thancred stopped him. Accepting their silent challenge, Gaius forced them on the defensive before ending the fight by signaling an Imperial Dreadnaught to open fire, injuring the adventurer and the four Circle of Knowing members.
Oppose van Darnus and Meteor, if you wish. It is the only hope you have of sparing Eorzea from complete obliteration.
Gaius Van Baelsar

Gaius discussing Dalamud with the adventurer.
Via an Echo of a Gridanian soldier who eavesdropped a conversation between Gaius and Nael van Darnus, Gaius saw Nael's plans to cast Meteor upon Eorzea as a senseless act of genocide.[2] When he later attempted to kill the adventurer, Cid stopped him and Gaius took his leave after hitting the traitor's arm with a cannon blast when provoked.
Once the companies discovered the construction of Castrum Novum, the adventurer found Gaius during their investigation on a wrecked Garlean airship in Mor Dhona. The legatus congratulated the adventurer's skill in defeating his troops and allowed them to leave with some Garlean schematics related to the lunar transmitter—the machine that could control Dalamud—and return it to Cid, as that was the only hope Eorzea had to survive Meteor.

Gaius watching the Battle of Carteneau unfold.
Gaius explained this was no mercy act, and affirmed Garlemald would annihilate the primals and dominate Eorzea with or without Meteor, but he feared that Dalamud was more than what even the Empire believed it to be, and Nael van Darnus had his private agenda with it.
After Nael's defeat, Gaius appeared during the pilgrimage to awaken the Twelve. He congratulated the adventurer over the victory against Nael, and told the current position of the VIIth Imperial Legion, as he still hoped Dalamud could be stopped so the Empire may lay claim to Eorzea—not just its remains. As the Battle of Carteneau commenced, Gaius watched the events unfold from his airship before being forced to fall back when Bahamut devastated the land.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn[]
Eorzea... A blighted realm, riddled with false gods... Twice now it has eluded the Empire's grasp. For all the destruction it wrought, even Meteor, the Great Sin, failed to yield us control over it. And for this failure, the realm has sunk deeper into depravity. It is twisted beyond all reckoning—rotten nigh to the core. Yet it must be saved. Only Garlean rule can bring order to Eorzea. It falls to us to deliver the misguided masses from their ignorance.
Gaius van Baelsar to his subordinates

Gaius with his three officers.
Having survived the Seventh Umbral Era, Gaius acted on his own to conquer Eorzea for himself due to the political strife over the condition of Solus zos Galvus. He came to Eorzea with personally-obtained reinforcements from the XIVth Legion, including his three officers. After Solus passed, he was succeeded by his grandson Varis zos Galvus. Gaius' plan to conquer Eorzea involved the useage of the Ultima Weapon, an ancient Allagan war machine that was capable of subjagating the primal threat. It was unearthed by the Ascian Lahabrea. Gaius established an alliance with Lahabrea, unaware that the Ascian was only using him for his own goals.
Gaius' efforts to prepare for his conquest were led by his three officers: Livia sas Junius, Rhitahtyn sas Arvina, and Nero tol Scaeva, his second in command. His subordinates separately proceeded to spy on the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, witnessing the Warrior of Light defeat the primals Ifrit and Titan. Titan's defeat prompted Livia to launch an attack on the Waking Sands in a failed search for the Warrior of Light, killing most of the Scions and abducting much of the remainder. The prisoners were interrogated over their useage of the Echo.
Gaius himself remained inactive until the Warrior of Light bested the primal Garuda with Cid. As the primal expressed frustration at her inability to achieve victory, the Black Wolf revealed himself and chided his former protege for forsaking his home and family. Denouncing the wounded primal, Gaius slew her Ixal followers. Garuda unleashed her fury on the Amalj'aa and Kobold prisoners, forcing them to resummon Ifrit and Titan that she may devour their aether to grow even stronger.

The Ultima Weapon absorbing the primals
Gaius then unleashed the Ultima Weapon, which subdued and absorbed the three primals as Gaius marveled at the weapon's power. Issuing an ultimatum to those who had witnessed Ultima's might, he urged the Eorzean Alliance to surrender while Cid and Alphinaud Leveilleur looked upon it in horror. Soon after, the remaining members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn mounted a rescue mission in Castrum Centri. As the party escaped the fortress, Gaius unleashed the Ultima Weapon again and the Scions narrowly escaped its grasp only by the skill of Cid's piloting.
Expecting a counterattack from the defiant Eorzean Alliance, Gaius dispatched Rhitahtyn to defend the imperial outpost of Cape Westwind, a site vital for communication between the Garlean castrums. Not to be caught unprepared, he told Nero finish his maintenance on Ultima Weapon while he retired to his quarters with Livia. The Eorzean alliance executed Operation Archon, and during the initial phases, Rhitahtyn was slain by the Warrior of Light. Gaius was outraged upon learning of his proteige's death, believing his soldiers abandoned him because of his heritage, unaware they actually fought to the end alongside him. With the enemy closing in, Gaius dispatched Livia to lead the defense of the Castrum.

Gaius reveals to Cid the truth about his father's madness.
With Cid's help, the Warrior of Light and their allies broke down the Castrum's defenses, slew Livia, and confronted Gaius in the Praetorium. Again coming face-to-face with Cid, Gaius revealed he still cared for the man he raised and offered him a place as his side. Admiring the adventurer's strength, he offered him regency, the right to rule the conquered Eorzea in exchange for the Warrior of Light joining him in its subjugation. Unsurprised to be spurned, Gaius unleashed a Magitek Colossus as he retreats to the heart of the fortress.

Gaius empowering himself before battling the adventurer.
Tell me...for whom do you fight? Hmph! Do you believe in Eorzea? Eorzea's unity is forged of falsehoods. Its city-states are built on deceit. And its faith is an instrument of deception. It is naught but a cobweb of lies. To believe in Eorzea is to believe in nothing.
Gaius to the Warrior of Light
As the adventurers penetrated the defenses, defeating Nero in the process, Gaius challenged them as the last line of defense on their quest to destroy Ultima Weapon. Questioning their faith in the Twelve, he denounced the gods, calling them no better than the beastmen and their primals, just eikons that bleed the world dry of the aether that sustained it. Revealing the ideal of the strength of mankind, Gaius declared it is the duty of the strong to shepherd the weak and that Eorzea was his by right, while challenging them to stop him. A battle ensued, with Gaius summoning copies of himself and charging his blade with energy.
Unable to overcome the Warrior of Light by his own hands, Gaius entered the Ultima Weapon and set upon the party once more. The combined power of all three primals proved more than the Warrior of Light could handle, but Gaius lost his advantage at the Mothercrystal's intervention, which stripped all three primals from the war machine. As Gaius became frustrated, Lahabrea revealed himself and offered to aid Gaius by activating the Heart of Sabik, the core of Ultima's true power. The warmachine unleashed a spell whose devastation rivaled that of Meteor—Ultima, destroying the entire Praetorium and weakening the Mothercrystal's protection.
Such devastation... This was not my intention...
Gaius, after Ultima is unleashed

Gaius accepting his fate in the self-destructing Praetorium.
In the wake of the spell's destruction, Gaius confronted the party a final time as he cursed Lahabrea, intending to finish him off next. When the Ultima Weapon still failed to overcome the adventurers, Lahabrea tried to unleash Ultima on the party again, while Gaius could only watch and curse the Ascian, but the weapon was destroyed before the spell is completed. Gaius was ejected from the cockpit as the machina was destroyed. He used his last strength to implore the adventurer to hear him out regarding the need for a strong ruler to guide the Eorzean people instead of the dangerous reliance of primals and the Twelve. Gaius accepted his fate as the Praetorium self-destructed from the damage caused by Ultima. As the flames consumed him, Gaius mused to Cid that his conquest ended here in ashes and smoke.
And so my conquest ends, Cid. In smoke and ashes...
Gaius accepting his fate
As he laid in the rubble, Gaius felt ready to join his comrades in death. However, he changed his mind upon realizing that he would be doing a great disservice to his friends if they perished with no justice given. Gaius dragged himself from the rubble of the Praetorium and escaped the devastation while heavily injured. While escaping the Praetorium, he encountered Valdeaulin, a member of the Order of the Twin Adder whose family had been killed by the Empire's Black Rose tests. The two agreed that Valdeaulin could execute Gaius once the Ascians had been defeated, and became traveling companions. Gaius discarded his suit of armor; no longer the XIVth legatus, he lived on as a mercenary "Shadowhunter" and resolved to avenge his comrades for Lahabrea deceiving him into unknowingly bringing about a calamity to the world.
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

Shadowhunter in The Burn.
Alphinaud was stranded in the Burn, a desert area en route to Garlemald, after his airship was shot down. He met a Garlean calling himself the Shadowhunter who claimed to be hunting Ascians.[3] The Shadowhunter wielded a gunblade with formidable skill, appeared to wear the white mask section of Gaius's old helmet on his belt alongside several black and red Ascian masks (belonging to Altima and Deudalaphon), and claimed to have a history with the Scions. No other travel options available, Alphinaud agreed to have the Shadowhunter accompany him as he continued toward Garlemald.
The Shadowhunter, Alphinaud, and their companions stopped at an outpost where they found numerous corpses, the remains of people killed by an experimental Garlean chemical weapon called the Black Rose, a gas that kills anyone who breathes it. The Shadowhunter berated the Garleans for using technology he thought abandoned before conceding it was likely Ascian involvement. The two agreed that the Ascians had to be stopped before the Black Rose could be used again.
The Shadowhunter returned to The Burn just as Hien Rijin and members of Garlond Ironworks finished work on the barrier that would stop a Garlean invasion of the Far East.[4] Sometime prior, Alphinaud was afflicted by the same mysterious phenomenon that struck most of the Scions. The Shadowhunter approached, carrying Alphinaud's comatose body, and the barrier was lowered to allow him entry. The Shadowhunter addressed Hien, Alisaie Leveilleur, and the Warrior of Light, that this was a moment of reunions. The Warrior noticed that Shadowhunter carried the mask of the Black Wolf, and recognized him as the legatus they defeated at Praetorium. The Shadowhunter confirmed that he is Gaius Baelsar, asserting that Gaius van Baelsar died in the Praetorium (the missing particle implying his defect from Garlemald, similarly to Cid Garlond, since particles depend on one's rank in the Garlean society). He divulged information about not only the Black Rose weapon, but the discovery of an Allagan cloning facility, housing many spare bodies of the former Emperor Solus zos Galvus.
While he was busy hunting Ascians, Gaius had learned of a hierarchy within even the Ascian overlords, in particular, the Paragons of the Source. He revealed the presence of an unknown Ascian by the name of Emet-Selch. While his and the Scions' goals aligned, Gaius wished not to drudge up past conflicts and left with only the assurance that they had another ally to hunt the shadows.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers[]

Gaius and Estinien in the capital.
Some time after the Warrior of Light traveled to the First, Gaius and his companions infiltrated a Black Rose production facility only to discover that the batch produced there had been moved offsite. After a confrontation with Estinien Wyrmblood, Gaius proposed an alliance with the Dragoon and the two made their way to Garlemald.
The pair attempted to investigate both the Black Rose production and the rumors of Zenos yae Galvus (Solus's great-grandson) being possessed by an Ascian (Elidibus). When Gaius and Estinien arrived at the imperial palace, they were greeted by a scream of pain, Gaius recognizing it as Emperor Varis. He stormed the throne room and found Zenos impaling his father with his sword. The wounded Varis confirmed that this Zenos was genuine and no longer in Ascian possession. Zenos claimed his father was no longer of any use, his presence only interfering with the hunt for the Warrior of Light. He assassinated the emperor and an enraged Gaius charged at Zenos, only for him and Estinien to be overpowered until a detachment led by Annia and Julia quo Soranus arrived. The pair escaped Garlemald amid the chaos, and Gaius parted ways with Estinien to attend to another matter requiring his attention.
Gaius returned to Ala Mhigo to request a meeting with Raubahn Aldynn and the Warrior of Light. Estinien's encounter with the Arch Ultima had made him realize that Ultima Project had continued even after his defection. He investigated the imperial base at Werlyt, confirming that the Empire was developing new magitek weapons modeled after the Ultima Weapon. One of these, the Ruby Weapon, was on its way to the the Ghymlit Dark, and Gaius requested the Warrior of Light's aid in defeating it.

Gaius reunites with his adopted children in the wake of Ruby Weapon's destruction.
After the Ruby Weapon was defeated, Gaius and the Warrior of Light examined its remains. They were confronted by the imperial officers overseeing the Ultima Project, and Gaius recognized them as a group of orphans he had taken in and raised years in the past. He was horrified that one of them, Milisandia, had been piloting the Ruby Weapon and was slain during the fight. The group of imperials took their leave, warning Gaius that despite their history, they were now enemies.
Gaius returned to the Alliance's base of operations where he was reunited with Cid, who had arrived to study the Ruby Weapon. He sent Severa, one of his two companions, to assist Cid with his work. Valdeaulin, his other companion, reminded Gaius that they had an agreement, and he would not hesitate to kill him if it looked like Gaius was thinking of returning to the Empire. When Valdeaulin obtained information that the remaining Weapons were being housed in the city of Terncliff, Gaius headed there aboard Cid's airship, the Enterprise. Since they expected to encounter one of the Weapons guarding the city, Cid revealed his newest creation, a refurbished Allagan machine dubbed the G-Warrior. When the Sapphire Weapon barred their path, the Warrior of Light piloted the G-Warrior while Gaius, with his knowledge of Allagan technology, provided support.
After the Sapphire Weapon was defeated, they landed in Terncliff finding that the Imperials had already abandoned the city, taking the remaining Weapons and most of the information on the Ultima Project with them. Using the Echo, the Warrior of Light learned that Ricon, another of Gaius's foster children, piloted the Sapphire Weapon. Cid discovered that the Weapons' Oversoul system was designed to kill the pilot upon activation and an enraged Gaius vowed to stop the Ultima Project for good.
With the information Cid was able to obtain, the Warrior of Light and Gaius tracked the next Weapon, the Emerald Weapon, to the Imperial base at Castrum Marinum. They found it waiting to confront them, piloted by another of Gaius's foster children, Rex, and using Gaius's own data for its Oversoul. The Warrior of Light defeated the Emerald Weapon, killing Rex in the process. They found one of Gaius's foster daughters, Allie, whom her brothers had left behind so she could be rescued. Allie was taken to Terncliff with the group to recover, where she told Gaius and the others what happened to her and her siblings after Gaius disappeared and about the current legatus of the VIIth Imperial Legion, Valens van Varro.
In an ironic twist, the newly-formed Werlyt Revolutionaries elected their former conqueror as their leader. Gaius informed the Warrior of Light that Allie had escaped custody and made her way to the VIIth Legion's headquarters with the intent of claiming the Diamond Weapon for herself and overthrow Valens. Learning from Valdeaulin that a Weapon had gone on a rampage at the VIIth's headquarters, Gaius decided to leave for Werlyt to save her and Alfonse by capturing the Weapon. Cid took the group to the skies in pursuit of the Diamond Weapon while unveiling an upgraded G-Warrior, now the G-Savior, with Gaius chosen as the main pilot. The Warrior subdued the Weapon, which crashed into Werlyt.
Gaius and the Warrior headed to the surface to find Allie stumbling from the wreckage. He requested that the Warrior of Light take her to safety while Valens emerged from hiding for a final confrontation. Angered after learning that Alfonse was fused with the Diamond Weapon's core, Gaius swiftly defeated Valens, who is then grabbed by the reactivated Diamond Weapon and squeezed to death. With his revenge complete but his transformation irreversible, Alfonse gave Gaius memories from the synthetic auracite to bequeath to Allie before he was euthanized by his father. Gaius learned from Cid that the shock of learning her brother's fate had sent Allie into a catatonic state. Despite this, he resolved to fulfill his promise to Alfonse by overseeing Werlyt's restoration as part of its provisional government. Sometime later, Gaius activated the memories Alfonse had given him and presented them to Allie, displaying holograms of their past and restoring her mind.
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]
When the Eorzean Alliance created a specialized unit to invade Garlemald, Gaius arrived in Ala Mhigo where they were assembling. He offered advice to the Warrior of Light, but declined joining the unit despite his desire to take part in the liberation of his homeland. He realized that his presence would jeopardize the mission due to his reputation as the Garleans would either condemn him as a traitor or his remaining supporters would seek to exalt and pressure him to be the empire's new leader. He instead promised to rebuild and defend Werlyt while others liberated Garlemald in his stead.
Later, he gave Allagan relics that had been used by Valens in the Weapons Project to Cid to help complete the Ragnarok. He would also lead the defense of Werlyt against the beasts of the Final Days.
After the Final Days were averted, the Warrior visited Gaius at Werlyt on behalf of Tataru Taru's boutique. While he apprecaited the boutique's samples, he had a more pressing concern: the G-savior Mark II had been stolen, and eyewitnesses claimed the thief was Valens van Varro himself. While Gaius had doubts about it, having witnessed Valens's death with his own eyes, he nevertheless concluded that the thief must be on its way to Garlemald to claim emperor's throne, as Valens intended.
Gaius and the Warrior took G-Savior Mark I and gave pursuit. While Gaius was willing to destroy Mark II's propulsion systems to force it to the ground, they were suddenly contacted by Nero Scaeva, to Gaius's astonishment, that his former tribunus was still alive. Nero told them that he had installed a system on Mark I that can disable the propulsion system without actually damaging it. Following Nero's instructions, the Warrior disabled the Mark II, and forced it to the ground, ironically on the very same spot, where Valens had been killed.
As Gaius and the Warrior approached the thief, they were initially shocked that the culprit had the same face as Valens, but when Gaius removed his goggles, the Warrior noticed he had polychromatic eyes; left eye was green like Valens, but the right eye was orange, and Valens had green monochrome eyes, proving that he wasn't Valens. He revealed he was the last loyal servant to Valens, and driven to madness by Valens's influence, Gaius knocked him out.
Returning to Werlyt, Gaius agreed for Werlyt to enter into a business deal with Tataru's boutique, but he also asked the Warrior to ensure the children of Werlyt that Valens can hurt them no more. The children were happy to hear this, but they also wanted to cheer up Allie for taking care of them and being so kind to them, but they were worried to let her be reminded of all the things she had to endure during the liberation. With the Warrior's encouragement, they decided for a painter to paint her a family portrait with Gaius. The Warrior told Gaius and Allie to meet him at the lookout.
Gaius and Allie set themselves for the portrait, and through the use of the synthetic auracite from the Diamond Weapon, manifestations of Allie's lost siblings, Alfonse, Ricon, Rex and Milisandia were also set upon alongside them, creating a portrait of the full family, which Gaius and Allie were going to treasure forever.

Artwork of Gaius and his weapon.
Gaius is a Garlean who wears an intimidating suit of black armor over a long red coat and a horned helmet bearing a skull-like visage and gasmask-like breathers. A ceruleum cannon is attached to the back of his left hand. His main weapon is a gunblade named Heirsbane (No. IX in Japan), said to have spilled the blood of nine aspirants to the crown.
In Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, he discards his suit of armor and rank, wearing a dark red coat adorned with with several Ascian overlord masks along with his old mask. He is a rugged middle-aged man with messy slicked back dark hair and dark yellow eyes and a silver third eye on his forehead. Though Gaius is revealed to have dark skin, he is depicted with pale skin in the "Prelude in Violet" artwork.

Gaius in Stormblood.
Gaius follows "might makes right" philosophy, believing it the duty of the strong to shepherd the weak and the ignorant from their weakness or heresy by strength of arms. He is loyal to his majesty the Emperor Solus zos Galvus and to his trusted lieutenants in the XIVth Imperial Legion, placing faith in their capabilities and becoming outraged when they are slighted or defeated. This is particularly noteworthy concerning Rhitahtyn sas Arvina, as a Roegadyn typically do not rise to such rank and esteem in the Garlean military, yet Gaius is clear in his trust and confidence in Rhitahtyn's abilities. Livia sas Junius would also develop a pathological devotion to Gaius that quickly morphed into a romantic attachment. Further, Gaius took in a number of orphans from Werlyt and raised as his own children.
Despite his loyalty to his emperor, Gaius was willing to betray his orders by using the Warrior of Light to dispose of Nael van Darnus when he felt Project Meteor was going too far, as he would rather conquer Eorzea than destroy it.
Gaius is more forward-thinking than his Garlean peers, having created the Crania Lupi regiment from Ala Mhigan-born individuals who came of age, both to maintain control over the country and to generate loyalty and opportunity for its people. He opposes the more brutal methods of war and personally ended development of the Black Rose when word reached of biochemical warfare, as he saw it as a tool of extermination rather than of conquest.
After the events of A Realm Reborn, Gaius resolved to live on as an avenger to murder the Ascians who had controlled him and his men, remaining stoic and reserved. Though having abandoned his rank, he still considers himself a son of Garlemald, though he fights in the name of his homeland rather than the Empire. He is willing to lay previous grudges against the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the Eorzean Alliance to rest if it is for the greater good. He develops a respectful partnership with the Azure Dragoon, Estinien Wyrmblood, during their mission into Garlemald. The irony of working with his previous foes is not lost on Gaius. He feels the weight of his previous actions as legatus, horrified to learn that the orphans he took in and raised would create and use dangerous magitek, causing havoc. Gaius abhors the way the Garlean Empire treats those who are not pure-blood Garleans, and is appalled at having once served under its banner upon discovering the extent such abuse.
Gaius is not one to let his past determine who he is. When reuniting with the Warrior of Light again, he is more than willing to let the past remain in the past and assist his former enemy in making the world a better place for everyone. He personally requested the Warrior's assistance in dealing with the Weapons Project, and the two bitter former enemies established a strong camaraderie, with some even calling them comrades in arms. Above all, he Gaius considers himself as a son of Garlemald, but with this he means that cares for his homeland, not its throne as some of his former fellow Legati did.

Gaius and Ultima Weapon.
Gaius is one of the Empire's most accomplished warriors. A skilled swordsman and marksman, he wields his gunblade's dual purpose with brutal efficiency along with his arm cannon. He can fend off multiple skilled opponents simultaneously without allowing them to land a single blow (or himself landing a single blow), namely four members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn (Y'shtola Rhul, Papalymo Totolymo, Yda Hext, and Thancred Waters). After empowering himself, Gaius gained abilities to summon phantoms of himself to swarm his enemies, and can also charge his blade with energy to cause a devastating explosion.
Gaius is a skilled machina pilot, personally steering the ancient Allagan magitek armor known as Ultima Weapon. He has access to at least one unnamed ship of the Imperial Dreadnaught designation, which is not encountered beyond its one appearance in the 1.0 story.
Gaius is an accomplished general whom both enemy and ally alike cannot help but respect. He conquered Ala Mhigo during its period of unrest: when the people revolted against the King of Ruin, leaving the nation vulnerable, Gaius made his move and conquered the nation with minimal effort.
Missions (1.0)[]
- Futures Perfect (level 46 main storyline quest).
Sidequests (1.0)[]
- "Two Vans are Better than One" (Twin Adder company quest)
- "Alive" (Maelstrom company quest)
- "Don't Hate The Messenger" (all versions)
- "Living on a Prayer"

Gaius's appearance during the battle in the Praetorium.
Gaius is fought as the final boss of The Praetorium, and then in
The Porta Decumana while piloting the Ultima Weapon. A simulacrum of him is later fought during
Faded Memories, alongside simulacra of Nero, Livia, and Rhitahtyn. The Emerald Weapon uses his combat data in
Castrum Marinum, including summoning the Black Wolf's Image to fight the party.
Gaius fights alongside the player in the quests Emissary of the Dawn and
Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty, identified only as a "Menacing Mercenary" in the former.
Triple Triad[]
Gaius van Baelsar Card | ||
![]() | ||
Card No. | 64 | |
Total stats | 28 | |
Type | Garlean | |
Description | "Unworthy is the ruler whose subjects seek the solace of false gods." | |
Obtain | Won from Indolent Imperial, Mor Dhona (11,17). Random drop from ![]() |
Musical themes[]
The "Bite of the Black Wolf," an instrumental version of "Rise of the White Raven," is the theme of the first stage of the final battle. The theme is reused in later battles against other Legati.
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Gaius appears with a fire-elemental card with his official render.
Final Fantasy Portal App[]

Gaius appears as a Triple Triad card.
Behind the scenes[]

Gaius was known among the community as "Zulvan" since his first appearance, but a post on the company page changed his name.
Gaius's armor resembles suits worn by the Archadian Judges of Final Fantasy XII, and in particular, Ghis. Having also voiced Gabranth in Final Fantasy XII, Gaius's voice actor Akio Otsuka jokingly said he thought he was playing a Judge again due to Gaius's similar attire.[citation needed]
The game contains several hints that the Shadowhunter is Gaius prior to it being confirmed. The Shadowhunter bears Gaius's faceplate among his mask collection and wields Heirsbane. The Shadowhunter uses several techniques associated with Gaius, such as an improved Terminus Est and recognizes Alphinaud as both an Eorzean and a Scion, and mentions having history with the organization. The Shadowhunter has an intimate knowledge and distaste of the Black Rose weapons program, which Gaius had personally shut down years prior for being too extreme. The musical theme of the Burn, where the Shadowhunter is first met, is a rearrangement of the musical theme of the Praetorium, where Gaius was last seen.
Until Patch 6.1, Gaius' encounters on foot and in the Ultima Weapon were only the third and fourth of five bosses within The Praetorium. Due to syncing issues, the encounters was retired and reworked, establishing him as the dungeon's final boss.
Gaius alongside Allie can be found in Old Gridania in 2022's Hatching-Tide seasonal event if they had cleared the Sorrow of Werlyt questline, where he is designated as Fatherly Rooster. This also marks the first time a main antagonist (albeit formerly by this time) attended a seasonal event.
Gaius is voiced by Akio Ōtsuka in the Japanese version.
He is voiced by Richard Epcar in the English version of A Realm Reborn. Since patch 4.5 of Stormblood, he is voiced by Michael McElhatton, who is best known for portraying Roose Bolton in HBO's Game of Thrones.
He shares the former two voice actors with Ansem and Xehanort of the Kingdom Hearts series, Epcar has voiced Ansem since Kingdom Hearts II.
Gaius is a common Roman given name. It was a praenomen of many famous Romans throughout history, including Julius Caesar, and through his line, Augustus Caesar and Caligula, Gaius Cassius Longinius (a leading conspirator in Julius Caesar's assassination), and Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, the famous historian.
It may also be derived from Greek word Gaia, which means "earth", or from the Latin gaudere, meaning "to rejoice".
"Van" is based on Dutch word van which means "from," and is used to show someone is of noble descent.
- ↑ Encyclopedia Eorzea, p. 185
- ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, As revealed in one of the Seventh Umbral Era sidequests
- ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, In patch 4.3 Under the Moonlight
- ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, In Patch 4.5 A Requiem for Heroes