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Alfonse aan Baelsar is a non-player character in Final Fantasy XIV. He appears in the Sorrow of Werlyt questline as member of VIIth Imperial Legion.


Early life[]

Young Allie and Alfonse

Allie and Alfonse as children.

A civilian of Werlyt whose parents died in an epidemic, Alfonse and his younger sister, Allie, were orphaned at a young age. While on the streets of Terncliff, Alfonse and his sick sister were found by Gaius van Baelsar who gave her medicine to cure her ailment and took her under his care to be raised alongside others in an Imperial orphanage. Over time they became close to Rex, Ricon, and Milisandia, all sharing how they met Gaius and wanted to thank him by joining the Garlean military to follow in his footsteps and have citizens look up to them as they do him.[1]

Alfonse and his foster siblings were sent to fight in Eorzea, but before doing so they traveled to Terncliff to say goodbye to Avilina and hoped to see Gaius before leaving. Livia sas Junius forbade them from doing so, and in his stead Rhitahtyn sas Arvina went out to meet them.

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers[]

Following Ruby Weapon's defeat, Allie ran out into the field to meet Gaius and the Warrior of Light, with Rex and Alfonse following suit. Allie wanted to confirm with her own eyes that it was Gaius, and Rex was happy to see Gaius but glared at the Warrior. As Allie tried to reveal the truth to Gaius, Alfonse stopped her and an airship arrived to take them away. Before leaving, Alfonse revealed to Gaius that Milisandia had been piloting the Ruby Weapon and Rex promised revenge on the Warrior for Milisandia's death. Back at the Werlyt magitek installation, Rex tried to cheer up Alfonse by saying they could be a happy family after Eorzea's subjugation and with him at the helm of the Sapphire Weapon, Eorzea would not stand a chance.

As Gaius and the Warrior of Light were en route to Terncliff, the legion was forced to withdraw with the weapons in tow. Alfonse left to Castrum Marinum where the weapon was continuing its construction. Rex and Alfonse revealed the true nature of Oversoul to Allie who was angry and saddened that they had hid the truth from her. Rex explained they hid it because she had not changed over the course of her time in the military and deserved happiness. They believed they should be the ones to sacrifice their lives to see Werlyt freed. Alfonse asked Rex to take Allie to the holding cells for her to not interfere with Rex piloting the Emerald Weapon.

Valens put Alfonse through torture after learning that both Sapphire Weapon and Emerald Weapon were lost while under his supervision. Valens used Alfonse as an example to psychologically torture orphans, as they were the ones having to burn Alfonse by "burning the bad". As much as Alfonse would want to attack Valens, he refrained for the sake of Allie.

After a failed test of the Diamond Weapon with Zenos yae Galvus's combat data, Valens decided to use Alfonse as the host for Diamond Weapon's core. When Allie returned to VIIth Legion with the intention to commandeer Diamond Weapon to rescue Alfonse and free Werlyt, her attempt was stopped and she began to cry. A tear fell on the Weapon's command console, which caused still-sentient Alfonse inside the Weapon's core to sense her sister and for the Weapon enter into Overdrive mode, the finalized version of Oversoul. Diamond Weapon went out of control, acting upon Alphonse's desire to protect Allie. Allie realized what Valens had done to her brother, and became catatonic.

The Diamond Weapon took to the sky, forcing Gaius, Cid, and the Warrior of Light to use G-Saviors to subdue it. During the battle, Gaius realized what had been done to Alphonse. After the Warrior damaged the Diamond Weapon and forced it to crash on Werlyt, they and Gaius followed it. Allie stumbled from the wreckage, and Warrior took her to safety. Gaius came face to face against Valens, and defeated him. Before he could finish him, the Diamond Weapon stirred, as Alphonse, with the last of his strength, grabbed Valens, and through synthetic auracite, forced Valens to look upon the faces of all those he had tortured. Alphonse crushed Valens and tossed his corpse away. With his revenge complete and desire for a free Werlyt now realized, he asked Gaius to kill him and gave the synthetic auracite to Allie. As Gaius prepared to deliver the killing blow, Alfonse's image manifested, thanking his father and telling him he was proud to be his son. Gaius euthanazed Alfonse.

Returning to Werlyt, Gaius began to labor with Werlyt's liberation while also attempting to heal Allie from her catatonia. He activated the synthetic auracite, showing the memories of Alfonse, Ricon, Rex, and Milisandia. These memories manifested within Allie's mind, and while she claimed to be unabale to go on without them, Alfonse encouraged her to look after Gaius in their stead and see the new world. His final words to Allie were that he and and the others would always be with her.




As the most senior of his group of orphans, Alfonse took his role as their older brother seriously. Gaius had instilled in him the belief that all within the Empire must be treated fairly, regardless of race or background.[1] He still believes in this after the VIIth Legion is taken over by Valens van Varro, who sees other races inferior. Alfonse develops a severe hatred towards his commander, which serves as his motivation to free his homeland from his tyranny.

Alfonse greatest desire is to keep her sister, Allie, safe. This is why he keeps things from her, as he does not want her to share the fate he and his foster siblings had already accepted.


FFXIV Diamond Weapon

The Diamond Weapon.

Alfonse is faced as the Diamond Weapon in The Cloud Deck The Cloud Deck Trial.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Final Fantasy XIV, Resistance Officer's Reports.