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Ebrelnaux is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy XIV. He is a member of the Garlond Ironworks. Ebrelnaux was seen accompanying Cid Garlond in version 1.0 and was said to be his right-hand man. After the relaunch of the game, Ebrelnaux appeared in the Endwalker expansion during the FATEs in Garlemald.


Early life[]

Ebrelnaux was a Magitek engineer who worked on automating machines used in everyday life. The Garlean military expressed interest in his work and requested it for their own purposes, thus giving rise to the prototypes of several war machines. Ebrelnaux defected from the empire and joined the Garlond Ironworks.[1]

Final Fantasy XIV (version 1.0)[]

Ebrelnaux and Cid from FFXIV 1x

Ebrelnaux and Cid in version 1.0.

With the Garlean troops advancing on Vylbrand, the Maelstrom moved to defend the Kobold camps and prevent the Garleans from building a fort on Mount O'Ghomoro. On one of the downed soldiers, the company recruit recovered an intact magitek receiver. Storm Lieutenant Guincum saw this as a good opportunity and contacted the Garlond Ironworks.[2]

Ebrelnaux showed interest and believed that he could try to decipher the Empire's communications code. Being the only one with the skills to decrypt the equipment, Ebrelnaux asked Maelstrom to send a messenger with the imperial machine to him at Millers' Glade in Coerthas eastern lowlands, where he was conducting experiments in a windmill. After receiving the receiver, Ebrelnaux left the site to work on the codes. Among some of the information that was deciphered was information that the Imperials were making temporary bases in the Dzemael Darkhold and Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak.[2]

After the Order of the Twin Adder retrieved reports of a project for some kind of magitek device, Ebrelnaux told Cid that although his team's initial readings had proved inconclusive, when combined with recent reports from the Order of the Twin Adder, it was clear that the Imperials were resuming the project Meteor.[3]

Later, the Order of the Twin Adder made contact with Pfrymloef, a spy from Ala Mhigo. Pfrymloef overheard a conversation between Nael van Darnus and Gaius van Baelsar about the Garlean Empire trying to resurrect the magic known as Meteor in an attempt to destroy the entire Eorzea. To do this, they were now searching for Allagan relics. High Commander Quinquerol had decided that further analysis of the new information was necessary and had sent a messenger to report on this to Cid in Gridania, who was accompanied by Ebrelnaux and Bardo.[4]

When Maelstrom Command received a distress signal from a Garlond Ironworks airship, First Storm Lieutenant Guincum requested assistance in locating and extracting any survivors. High Commander R'ashaht Rhiki reported the approximate whereabouts of the grounded airship and identified the safest route to the crash site, however, it was swarming with Imperial agents also searching for Ironworks survivors. Upon arrival, the group was confronted by Legatus Gaius van Baelsar of the XIVth Imperial Legion, but escaped certain death when Cid Garlond, accompanied by Ebrelnaux and other Garlond Ironworks, appeared and urged the Black Wolf to retreat. Once safe, the Garlond Ironworks explained that the Meteor project was a complex scheme that employed arcane magic and Allagan technology to summon the smaller moon Dalamud to Eorzea in an attempt to annihilate all the beast tribes at once.[5]

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]

Ebrelnaux participated in Ilsabard contingent, while in Garlean territory Keltlona from the Maelstrom was tasked with protecting him. Ebrelnaux sought to gain a greater understanding of the latest Garlean technological advances in order to put an end to the warmachina that roamed aimlessly across Garlemald. Ebrelnaux ignored Keltlona and climbed aboard the apparently deactivated war machine to gather some parts, however he was wrong and the magitek activated with him. The machine was destroyed and Ebrelnaux was rescued by the Warrior of Light who heard Keltlona's calls for help.[1]

Metatron destroyed from FFXIV

Ebrelnaux and Keltlona with the destroyed Metatron.

Now with the Warrior of Light accompanying them, Ebrelnaux visited the factories where he once worked trying to find the parts he needed. Eventually during the search, Metatron, a large winged magitek descended upon the ruins of Garlemald to attack them. Ebrelnaux said that was the magitek who was commanding the smaller ones. Once the magitek had been shot down, Ebrelnaux collected the parts he needed and returned to camp believing that soon Garlemald would be free of the automated war magitek he created.[6]




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Behind the scenes[]

"Ebrelnaux" also is a potential randomly generated surnames for Wildwood Elezen player characters.


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Final Fantasy XIV, FATE Artificial Malevolence: 15 Minutes to Comply Artificial Malevolence: 15 Minutes to Comply.
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Final Fantasy XIV, Maelstrom quest "Engineering Victory" in version 1.0.
  3. ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, Order of the Twin Adder quest "The Mail Must Get Through" in version 1.0.
  4. ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, Order of the Twin Adder quest "Two Vans are Better than One" in version 1.0.
  5. ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, Maelstrom quest "Alive" in version 1.0.
  6. ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, FATE Artificial Malevolence: Mighty Metatron Artificial Malevolence: Mighty Metatron.