I will not abandon those who suffer at Darkscale's ravaging claws!
Vedrfolnir is a wyvern in Final Fantasy XIV. He is one of the children of Hraesvelgr. He was introduced to the Heavensward expansion as a World FATE boss, later in patch 3.3 Revenge of the Horde he made a minor appearance in Main Scenario Quest. Vedrfolnir receives a larger appearance during Dragoon questline in the Stormblood expansion.
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward[]
Although Vedrfolnir be from Hraesvelgr's brood, Vedrfolnir had a consort from Nidhogg's brood, Faunehm. When the Dragonsong War began, Vedrfolnir fought with his brothers alongside the knights of Ishgard against the Nidhogg horde. Not to fight with his consort, Vedrfolnir asks Faunehm to flee to the east.
When the Warrior of Light, Alphinaud and Ser Aymeric Hraesvelgr for help to defending Ishgard, Hraesvelgr conducts an trial against the Warrior of Light while Vidofnir trials Alphinaud and Vedrfolnir trials Aymeric. Once the trials are completed, Vedrfolnir takes Aymeric to the battlefield.
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

Faunehm and Vedrfolnir.
With the end of the Dragonsong War, Vedrfolnir's son, Orn Khai decides to fulfill his father's desire to reunite with his consort. With the help of the Warrior of Light, Orn Khai meets Faunehm in Azim Steppe. Due to having resisted Nidhogg's call for so long, she loses her sanity and while she attacks the Warrior of Light and Estinien, Vedrfolnir arrives and succeeds in making his consort regain her sanity.


Vedrfolnir during a FATE.
Vedrfolnir appears in several FATEs in the Churning Mists. During End of the Rainbow and
Rastaban Vibration, Vedrfolnir will appear to face one of Darkscale's servants. During these FATEs both Vedrfolnir and his opponent cannot be targeted by the player but they can use AoEs that hit the minions or the player depending on who cast it.
Players may fight alongside Vedrfolnir during Darkscale Descendeth,
Darkscale Disappeareth, and
Darkscale Devoureth. Vedrfolnir can be targeted during these FATEs, and they will end in failure if Vedrfolnir is defeated. A common trick to avoid this is a
White Mage's Benediction, which restores the target to full health and can be cast on Vedrfolnir to great effect thanks to his massive HP.
Upon completing the aforementioned FATEs and Mogicide, without allowing any of them to respawn, players may battle Vedrfolnir himself during
Vedrfolnir Devoteth. Completing the FATE with a gold rating grants the A Worthy Adversary achievement and and an Ishgardian Half Barding.
Vedrfolnir is an untargetable enemy in Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate), where he is mind-controlled along with Vidofnir and Darkscale by King Thordan, in the alternate timeline portion of the encounter.
Vedrfolnir in Norse mythology is a hawk sitting between the eyes of an unnamed eagle that is perched on top of the world tree Yggdrasil.