Riol Forrest is a non-player character in Final Fantasy XIV. Once a member of the Company of Heroes that fought Titan, he later agrees to join the Crystal Braves, and consequently the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Early life[]
Prior to the Calamity, Riol was a member of the Company of Heroes who specialized in reconnaissance and information gathering. It was with these skills he discovered the hidden means into the Kobolds' stronghold, allowing for their confrontation with Titan. Following the Calamity and parting ways from the Company, Riol worked as a freelancer and mercenary.[1]
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn[]
Riol was met at Camp Bronze Lake in Upper La Noscea, where the adventurer had to summon him by whistling at a designated meeting place. He supplied information on how the Company used the Kobolds' Aetherytes to access the Navel beneath the O'Ghomoro Mines to combat Titan. Using this information, Y'shtola manipulated a nearby Aetheryte to allow the adventurer confront the Lord of Crags.
He was later in Limsa Lominsa.[2] As Alphinaud Leveilleur began to assemble the Crystal Braves, Riol took interest in the idea and signed up. He attended the company's inauguration in Revenant's Toll as the uniforms were passed out. He began to lead a unit in charge of intelligence gathering within the organization.
Riol confided to the adventurer that Ilberd and Yuyuhase had been telling contradictory stories over the shipment of black market arms that were intercepted at the Burning Wall.[3] Later, while seeking the adventurer to aid in the defense of Ishgard, Riol mentioned that Wilred mysteriously went missing and was being accused of stealing the black market arms.
Wilred's body was found by Hoary Boulder, Coultenet, and the adventurer at Urth's Gift. After breaking the news to Minfilia Warde, Riol was told of the boy's death and he revealed he had begun investigating the Crystal Braves' ledger. He had found several oddly named sponsors, such as "Dodo Consortium", which he determined were proxies owned by Mirage Trust, Teledji Adeledji's business. With many of the Crystal Braves secretly on the Monetarist payroll, he warned that something bad was likely to happen at the upcoming Sultana's banquet in Ul'dah.
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward[]
After the traitorous Crystal Braves were driven from the Rising Stones, Riol gathered there with the other remaining loyal members of the company. When Alphinaud attempted to disband the Crystal Braves, Riol, along with the others, professed his continued loyalty to him. Following this, the group officially joined with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]
Riol received word from Thancred of his hurried return from Garlemald.[4] After the latter was incapacitated, Riol was tasked with proceeding with Thancred's plan of laying the groundwork for rumors of Zenos's death within the Garlean provinces.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers[]
Riol continued to work with his spying network throughout Garlemald, tracking the movements of the Garlean Army as they continued to withdraw from the Ghimlyt Dark and other combat zones across Eorzea and Othard. As the Scions and Eorzean beast tribes came to learn of the Telophoroi, Riol shifted his focus from general observation to trying to get his people to scout and investigate.
After Kan-E-Senna requested Alphinaud to recount his experiences with the Crystal Braves, Alphinaud approachesd Riol and Alianne at Castrum Oriens to ask why they had stayed with the Scions following the Braves' dissolution. Both Riol and Alianne explained that it was Alphinaud's accountability for the tragedy and the earnest belief of protecting the world that the Scions carried that inspired them to stay. Riol specified that his former crew practiced a similar creed, of "the strong protect the weak", and that he had come to realize that the Scions represent the 'strong' in various aspects, not just through brawn and physical prowess.
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]
Riol acted as a scout for the reformed Company of Heroes to relay where the blasphemy was located.[5] After the Scions disbanded, Riol elected to find a way to either Meracydia or the New World.

Riol in his Crystal Braves uniform.
Riol is a Midlander Hyur with blond hair. He wears an eye-patch over his left eye, and has a tattoo around his right. In his Crystal Braves uniform, he wears a blue version of Grand Company lieutenant armor, including black gloves and boots. When he leaves the Crystal Braves to join the Scions, he wears a Rivera doublet with a yellow sash, black trousers, and leather boots.
Riol is a Scion of the Seventh Dawn member working to coordinate the Scions' network of intelligence gatherers ,as well as coordinating communication between Scions deployed in the field. He is professional and a dependable source of information. Riol believes in Alphinaud's ideals and is a man of integrity, so much so that he not only remained loyal to the Scions after the Crystal Braves' betrayal, and attempted to warn the Warrior of Light that the Crystal Braves were not trustworthy.
Behind the scenes[]
Riol enjoys gambling in his spare time, and is practiced enough at cheating that "folk seldom notice, if ever".[1] As he is never seen in combat, nor has any weapons programmed to his model, it is unknown what Riol's class is.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV, p. 199
- ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, Patch 2.3 "Defenders of Eorzea"
- ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, Patch 2.5 "Before the Fall"
- ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, Patch 4.4 "Prelude in Violet"
- ↑ Final Fantasy XIV, Melee DPS role questline