Final Fantasy Wiki

Curtis Hext is a character in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. He was once a popular leader of the Ala Mhigan Resistance, and was also the father of Yda and Lyse Hext.


FFXIV Curtis Hext

A hero of the Ala Mhigan revolution, Curtis was once a guard in the employ of the royal household. Unable to endure King Theodoric's oppressive rule, however, he fled with his two beloved daughters, Yda and Lyse, to live off the land as a hunter. Yet the mad king's tyranny grew worse with each passing day, and Curtis, at the behest of his former comrades, was drawn into the ranks of a newly formed insurgent army. His natural charisma soon saw him rise to a position of leadership, and after many a hard-fought battle, he led the charge which would topple the crazed monarch from his throne. But the victory would be short-lived, the Garlean Empire seized the opportunity to launch an invasion in the chaotic wake of the revolution, and Curtis was killed in the ensuing violence, a tragic end for a man who wanted only a peaceful life for his children.[1]

Curtis's daughter's, Yda and Lyse, managed to escape Ala Mhigo as the empire seized control over the nation, with Yda becoming an Archon of Sharlayan before ultimately working with the Resistance in safeguarding refugees fleeing from the empire. However, Yda would tragically lose her life during one such mission, leaving Lyse devasted, unsure of herself and wondering what path to take. As a result, Lyse would take up her sister's mask and name for years.

Two other resistance members who were influenced by Curtis, Raubahn Aldynn and Ilberd Feare, were also affected by the loss of their homeland. However, whereas Raubahn Aldynn managed to build a new life and purpose for himself in Ul'dah, yet still carrying the dream of a free Ala Mhigo, Ilberd would slowly give into despair and hatred at the loss of his homeland, which would drive him into committing the worst of extremism.

After nearly 20 years of Garlean rule and oppression, Ala Mhigo would finally be free after Lyse, shedding her sister's name and taking up the mantle as leader of the Resistance, with the support of her allies and friends in the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the Eorzean Alliance, fulfilling her father's dream.



Curtis is a highlander hyur with blond hair and blue eyes, he wears a Gazelleskin coat of fending and wields a weathered Burtgang in battle.


A stout leader, Curtis is a passionate believer in freedom. He cares for his two daughters greatly and hopes that they won't live under tyranny. The elders of his home village of Ala Gannha have stated that Curtis was "stubborn as an ox", a trait he clearly passed onto his daughters.

A visionary man, Curtis understood very well that fighting for freedom against tyranny and hardship was only half the battle. The most important and hardest battle was building a better future for all of Ala Mhigo once the fighting was over, as he stated, "dying is easy, living is harder."

