Final Fantasy Wiki

Keltlona is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy XIV. She is an officer of the Maelstrom assigned to escort Ebrelnaux during the Ilsabard contingent. Keltlona appears during the FATEs in Garlemald.


Keltlona and Ebrelnaux from FFXIV

Keltlona and Ebrelnaux.

During Ilsabard contingent, Keltlona was tasked with protecting Ebrelnaux in Garlean territory. Ebrelnaux sought to gain a greater understanding of the latest Garlean technological advances in order to put an end to the warmachina that roamed aimlessly across Garlemald. Ebrelnaux ignored Keltlona and climbed aboard the apparently deactivated war machine to gather some parts, however he was wrong and the magitek activated with him. The machine was destroyed and Ebrelnaux was rescued by the Warrior of Light who heard Keltlona's calls for help.[1]

With the Warrior of Light accompanying them, Ebrelnaux visited the factories where he once worked trying to find the parts he needed. Eventually during the search, Metatron, a large winged magitek descended upon the ruins of Garlemald to attack them. Ebrelnaux said that was the magitek who was commanding the smaller ones. Once the magitek had been destroyed, Ebrelnaux collected the parts he needed and returned to camp believing that soon Garlemald would be free of the automated war magitek he created.[2]




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