Marmaduke is a non-playable character from Final Fantasy XIV. He appears during the Leatherworker questline in the Stormblood expansion.
When Atelloune Mairlaid begins to attract attention with a dhalmel mount on display, Marmaduke appears stating that the mount is an affront to the elementals and demands that it be taken down. Atelloune discovers that neither the Hearers nor the Seedseers expressed any opposition to the exhibition and that Marmaduke only used the elementals as an excuse to impose his ideals on others. When Atelloune left the dhalmel mount alone, Marmaduke and his associates took the opportunity to get rid of the mount.[1]
Atelloune gets a new mount and holds her exhibition at Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre. Marmaduke demands the exhibition be suspended forthwith, but Atelloune chooses to ignore his order. She instead goes on to explain how changes in the environment have endangered myriad animal species, and how people should make a better effort to protect them. Touched by her words, Marmaduke bids her continue, and teach the people of Gridania the value of the lives they would otherwise take for granted. Marmaduke plans to recommend her publication to the Elder Seedseer as a reference work for the Seedseer's council.[2]