Final Fantasy Wiki

The following list is based on a combination of in-game sources and fan conjecture - many enemy families have not been named or classified by official Square Enix material; the current classifications are merely placeholders.

A list of Dragon enemies from Final Fantasy XIV. While taxonomically similar to scalekin, their intelligence and capacity for speech qualifies them as a spoken race according to Eorzean naturalists. Included in this list are aevis, diresaurs, and syrictae—while not taxonomically dragons, these spoken are members of other races transformed into dragon-like creatures by consuming dragon's blood.


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
アルケオエイビス, Arukeoeibisu?
Archaeoaevis 2031 1930 Rank 1 45 3,168 3.3y Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge Fatal Seduction Fatal Seduction
Assault Aevis
アサルト・エイビス, Asaruto Eibisu?
4220 Rank 1 54 A Joye-ful Reunion A Joye-ful Reunion
Barb of Tarasque
バーブ・オブ・タラスク, Bābu obu Tarasuku?
3963 FATE 50 Special Tarasque Force Special Tarasque Force
Bone Aevis
ボーンエイビス, Bōneibisu?
3587 Rank 1 57 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
Cloud Aevis
クラウドエイビス, Kuraudoeibisu?
3631 Rank 1 56 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
FATE 51 Aevis Has Left the Building Aevis Has Left the Building
It's the Moogle, Reinvented It's the Moogle, Reinvented
FATE 52 Rastaban Vibration Rastaban Vibration
Dove Aevis
ダヴエイビス, Davueibisu?
1849 Rank 2 50 Snowcloak Snowcloak
Downy Aevis
ダウニーエイビス, Daunīeibisu?
Downy Aevis 1849 398 Rank 1 38 1,515 2.2y Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge Coerthas Central Highlands Coerthas Central Highlands
Rank 1 50 Spearheading Initiatives Spearheading Initiatives
Dragon Aevis
ドラゴンエイビス, Doragoneibisu?
Dragon Aevis 1675 1466 Rank 2 41 3,542 2.2y Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge The Stone Vigil The Stone Vigil
Dragon Maiden
ドラゴンメイデン, Doragonmeiden?
4412 FATE 57 Ware the Maiden Fair Ware the Maiden Fair
Dran Sorn Gahr
ドラン・ソーンガール, Doran Sōngāru?
3439 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
Dravanian Aevis
ドラヴァニアン・エイビス, Doravanian Eibisu?
3567 Rank 1 52 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
FATE 49 The Rite Stuff The Rite Stuff
Frost Aevis
フロストエイビス, Furosutoeibisu?
Frost Aevis 2233 2492
Rank 1 40-44
Rank 1 40 6,404
Rank 1 41 6,812
Rank 1 42 7,156
Rank 1 43 7,564
Rank 1 44 8,032
3.3y Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge If You Put It That Way If You Put It That Way
Frozen Aevis
フローズン・エイビス, Furōzun Eibisu?
7448 Lightning 34 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos
Grand Aevis
グランエイビス, Guraneibisu?
Grand Aevis 1991 1904 Rank 1 38 2,272 3.52y Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge Road to Redemption Road to Redemption
竜人のギイェーム, Ryūjin no Gīēmu?
Guillaime 2084 1747 Rank 1 41 12,772 4.4y Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge, Spirit Dart The Heretic among Us The Heretic among Us
Horde Aevis
ホード・エイビス, Hōdo Eibisu?
Horde Aevis 3326 Rank 1 50 7,016 Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge, Strident Scream The Steps of Faith The Steps of Faith
Horde Scout
ホード・スカウト, Hōdo Sukauto?
3336 Rank 1 50 An Allied Perspective An Allied Perspective
Jura Aevis
ジュラエイビス, Juraeibisu?
2786 Rank 2 50 The Stone Vigil (Hard) The Stone Vigil (Hard)
パレオエイビス, Pareoeibisu?
2776 Rank 1 50 The Stone Vigil (Hard) The Stone Vigil (Hard)
Red Aevis
レッドエイビス, Reddoeibisu?
Red Aevis 1756 398
Rank 1 31-35
Rank 1 31 887
Rank 1 32 965
Rank 1 33 1,055
Rank 1 34 1,142
Rank 1 35 1,220
2.2y Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge If You Put It That Way If You Put It That Way
Rank 1 36-40
Rank 1 36 1,306
Rank 1 37 1,409
Rank 1 38 1,515
Rank 1 39 1,587
Rank 1 40 1,601
Saving Bessy Saving Bessy
Rank 1 37-41
Rank 1 37 1,409
Rank 1 38 1,515
Rank 1 39 1,587
Rank 1 40 1,601
Rank 1 41 1,703
Kill the Messenger Kill the Messenger
Rank 1 39-43
Rank 1 39 1,587
Rank 1 40 1,601
Rank 1 41 1,703
Rank 1 42 1,789
Rank 1 43 1,891
You Look Good Enough to Eat You Look Good Enough to Eat
Rank 1 35-39
Rank 1 35 2,440
Rank 1 36 2,612
Rank 1 37 2,818
Rank 1 38 3,030
Rank 1 39 3,174
3.3y Pick Your Poison Pick Your Poison
Rank 1 40-44
Rank 1 40 3,202
Rank 1 41 3,406
Rank 1 42 3,578
Rank 1 43 3,782
Rank 1 44 4,016
The Bloodhounds of Coerthas The Bloodhounds of Coerthas
スラストエイビス, Surasutoeibisu?
Thrustaevis 657 398 FATE 32 965 2.2y Attack, Electric Velitation, Lunge A Log Up A Log Up
FATE 33 1,055 Wish Upon a Star Wish Upon a Star
FATE 34 1,142 Coming to a Head Coming to a Head
FATE 35 756 Svara's Fall Svara's Fall
Svara's Fear Svara's Fear
Svara's Fury Svara's Fury
1,220 Svara's Flight Svara's Flight
FATE 37 1,409 Front and Center Front and Center
FATE 52 Waiting for Fjalar to Stall Waiting for Fjalar to Stall
Truthspeaker Huibairten
熱狂のウベルティアン, Nekkyō no Uberutian?
3988 FATE 52 Nothing but the Truth Nothing but the Truth
Unstoppable Aevis
アンストッパブル・エイビス, Ansutoppaburu Eibisu?
4201 Rank 1 40 Securing the Locks Securing the Locks
Vengeful Aevis
ヴェンジフル・エイビス, Venjifuru Eibisu?
4044 Rank 1 51 Advanced Dragonslaying Advanced Dragonslaying


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
アガトス, Agatosu?
4369 Rank 4 60 The Hunt The Churning Mists
アンフィプテレ, Anfiputere?
3619 Rank 1 54 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
Amphiptere in Waiting
アンブッシュ・アンフィプテレ, Anbusshu Anfiputere?
3907 Rank 1 54 The Wyrm's Lair The Wyrm's Lair
Amphiptere Straggler
アンフィプテレ・ストラグラー, Anfiputere Sutoragurā?
4028 Rank 1 54 The Wyrm's Lair The Wyrm's Lair
Bull Amphiptere
ブル・アンフィプテレ, Buru Anfiputere?
4278 Rank 1 54 Far from Home Far from Home
Greater Amphiptere
グレーター・アンフィプテレ, Gurētā Anfiputere?
4053 Fire 39 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos
Meracydian Amphiptere
メラシディアン・アンフィプテレ, Merashidian Anfiputere?
3559 Rank 1 59 Azys Lla Azys Lla
FATE 56 A Room without Books A Room without Books
Starkshadow Amphiptere
スタークシャドウ・ウィング, Sutākushadō Wingu?
Rank 1 54-55
Rank 1 54
Rank 1 55
Family Comes First (L) Family Comes First (L)
Show Your Work Show Your Work
Stellar Amphiptere
ステラ・アンフィプテレ, Sutera Anfiputere?
10427 Rank 1 89 Ultima Thule Ultima Thule
Than Oskh
サン・オスク, San Osuku?
10814 FATE 89 Far from the Madding Horde Far from the Madding Horde
Than Oskh Devotee
サン・オスクの従者, San Osuku no Jūsha?
10815 FATE 86 Far from the Madding Horde Far from the Madding Horde
Vengeful Amphiptere
ヴェンジフル・アンフィプテレ, Venjifuru Anfiputere?
4053 Rank 1 56 Unknown Ultimatum Unknown Ultimatum
Winged Dismantler
ウィングド・アンフィプテレ, Wingudo Anfiputere?
4290 Rank 1 55 Save the Pomguard Save the Pomguard

Ancient Wyvern[]

Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Fan Ail
ファン・アイル, Fan Airu?
10633 Rank 4 90 The Hunt Ultima Thule
The Storm of Meracydia
メラシディアン・ストーム, Merashidian Sutōmu?
3213 Rank 1 50 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4
ツインタニア, Tsuintania?
1482 2021 Rank 6 50 448,518 5.4y Aetheric Profusion, Attack, Death Sentence, Divebomb, Fireball, Firestorm, Hatch, Liquid Hell, Plummet, Twister, Unwoven Will The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5
Rank 6 70 The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate)
Twintania's Clone
ツインタニア・クローン, Tsuintania Kurōn?
12263 Rank 6 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 31-40) Eureka Orthos (Floors 31-40)
ヴェズルフェルニル, Vezuruferuniru?
3984 FATE 56 Vedrfolnir Devoteth Vedrfolnir Devoteth
Rank 1 90 Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Biomanufactured Brobinyak
バイオ・ブロビニャク, Baio Burobinyaku?
7069 Rank 2 70 The Fractal Continuum (Hard) The Fractal Continuum (Hard)
キャムパクティ, Kyamupakuti?
4372 Rank 4 60 The Hunt Azys Lla
グヤスクトゥス, Guyasukutusu?
3455 Rank 5 55 The Aery The Aery
Meracydian Brobinyak
メラシディアン・ブロビニャク, Merashidian Burobinyaku?
3557 Rank 1 59 Azys Lla Azys Lla
FATE 56 Yak It Up Yak It Up
Orthos Brobinyak
オルト・ブロビニャク, Oruto Burobinyaku?
12142 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30) Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)
Shadow Brobinyak
シャドウ・ブロビニャク, Shadō Burobinyaku?
4960 Rank 1 60 The Final Steps of Faith The Final Steps of Faith
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage
Stellar Brobinyak
ステラ・ブロビニャク, Sutera Burobinyaku?
10430 Rank 1 89 Ultima Thule Ultima Thule
テロフォロイ��ブロビニャク, Teroforoi Burobinyaku?
10115 Rank 2 80 Paglth'an Paglth'an
トゥバン, Tuban?
3982 FATE 54 Mogicide Mogicide
FATE 55 Darkscale Disappeareth Darkscale Disappeareth
Zombie Brobinyak
ゾンビー・ブロビニャク, Zonbī Burobinyaku?
7464 Earth 20 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos

Carapace Dragon[]

Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Armored Telodragon
テロフォロイ・アーマードラゴン, Teroforoi Āmādoragon?
10118 Rank 2 80 Paglth'an Paglth'an
Cuca Fera
クカフェラ, Kukafera?
2775 Rank 5 50 The Stone Vigil (Hard) The Stone Vigil (Hard)
Father of Armored Dragons
硬竜の長, Kata Ryū no Naga?
Rank 1 80-90
Rank 1 80
Rank 1 81
Rank 1 82
Rank 1 83
Rank 1 84
Rank 1 85
Rank 1 86
Rank 1 87
Rank 1 88
Rank 1 89
Rank 1 90
Aimless Protector Aimless Protector
Horde Armored Dragon
ホード・アーマードラゴン, Hōdo Āmādoragon?
Horde Armored Dragon 3324 Rank 1 50 26,148 Attack, Diamondback, Hard Stomp, Tortoise Stomp The Steps of Faith The Steps of Faith
Orthoshelled Dragon
オルト・カラペスドラゴン, Oruto Karapesudoragon?
12144 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30) Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)
Stellar Shelled Dragon
ステラ・カラペスドラゴン, Sutera Karapesudoragon?
10431 Rank 1 89 Ultima Thule Ultima Thule
タラスク, Tarasuku?
3964 FATE 53 Special Tarasque Force Special Tarasque Force


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Aery Diresaur
エアリー・ウェアドラゴン, Earī Weadoragon?
3450 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
ウェアドラゴン, Weadoragon?
3629 Rank 1 56 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
エルタニン, Erutanin?
3980 FATE 54 End of the Rainbow End of the Rainbow
FATE 55 Darkscale Disappeareth Darkscale Disappeareth
ガンダルヴァ, Gandaruva?
4377 Rank 4 60 The Hunt The Churning Mists
ギルヴェガノス, Giruveganosu?
2774 Rank 6 50 The Stone Vigil (Hard) The Stone Vigil (Hard)
Horde Transcendent
ホード・トランセンデント, Hōdo Toransendento?
Transcendent 3327 Rank 1 50 26,148 Bloodboil, Bone Shaker, Fireball, Heat Breath, Ripper Claw, Tail Smash The Steps of Faith The Steps of Faith
The Pain of Meracydia
メラシディアン・ペイン, Merashidian Pein?
3214 Rank 1 50 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4
Rookery Diresaur
ルッカリー・ウェアドラゴン, Rukkarī Weadoragon?
4294 Rank 1 56 A Warm Welcome A Warm Welcome
Rookery Master
ルッカリー・マスター, Rukkarī Masutā?
4295 Rank 1 56 Thar Be Dragons Thar Be Dragons
Shadow Dragon
シャドウ・ウェアドラゴン, Shadō Weadoragon?
4959 Rank 1 60 The Final Steps of Faith The Final Steps of Faith
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Ahl Ein
アル��アイン, Aru Ain?
10812 FATE 89 Wings of Glory Wings of Glory
アレー, Arē?
3462 Rank 1 55 The Aery The Aery
アイアタル, Aiataru?
Aiatar 1279 428 Rank 6 32 31,845 7y Attack, Dragon Breath, Granite Rain, Salivous Snap, Toxic Vomit Brayflox's Longstop Brayflox's Longstop[note 1]
429 9,650 Attack, Dragon Breath, Salivous Snap, Touchdown
989 Rank 1 32 965 Untargetable
14533 Rank 6 32 28,950 Attack, Burst, Dragon Breath, Salivous Snap, Toxic Vomit
アヤッタラ, Ayattara?
4056 Rank 1 56 A War without End A War without End
Ancient Voidragon
ヴォイド・エンシェントドラゴン, Voido Enshentodoragon?
7844 Fire 54 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros
Bellicose Broodmother
悲しみの母竜, Kanashimi no Haha Ryū?
Rank 1 80-90
Rank 1 80
Rank 1 81
Rank 1 82
Rank 1 83
Rank 1 84
Rank 1 85
Rank 1 86
Rank 1 87
Rank 1 88
Rank 1 89
Rank 1 90
Futures Lost Futures Lost
Blizzard Dragon
ブリザードドラゴン, Burizādodoragon?
4942 Rank 2 60 Sohr Khai Sohr Khai
Blood Dragon
ブラッドドラゴン, Buraddodoragon?
3630 Rank 1 56 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
クライオドラゴン, Kuraiodoragon?
3810 Rank 2 53 Sohm Al Sohm Al
ダークスケール, Dākusukēru?
3983 FATE 55 Darkscale Descendeth Darkscale Descendeth
Darkscale Devoureth Darkscale Devoureth
Rank 1 90 Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)
エルゴドラゴン, Erugodoragon?
3811 Rank 2 53 Sohm Al Sohm Al
Ess Khas
エス・カース, Esu Kāsu?
4276 Rank 1 53 Back in the Game Back in the Game
Flame Dragon
フレイムドラゴン, Fureimudoragon?
5337 Rank 1 60 The Palace of the Dead (Floors 81-90) The Palace of the Dead (Floors 81-90)
Flame Voidragon
ヴォイド・フレイムドラゴン, Voido Fureimudoragon?
7849 Fire 55 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros
Flood Dragon
フラッドドラゴン, Furaddodoragon?
5464 Rank 1 60 The Palace of the Dead (Floors 181-190) The Palace of the Dead (Floors 181-190)
Frozen Void Dragon
ヴォイド・フローズンドラゴン, Voido Furōzundoragon?
7473 Ice 40 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos
ガウロウ, Gaurō?
2780 Rank 2 50 The Stone Vigil (Hard) The Stone Vigil (Hard)
Great Dragon
ドラゴングレイト, Doragongureito?
6724 Rank 1 70 Deltascape V3 Deltascape V3.0
Deltascape V3 Deltascape V3.0 (Savage)
Green Dragon
グリーンドラゴン, Gurīndoragon?
2798 Rank 1 50 Syrcus Tower Syrcus Tower
Horde Dragon
ホード・ドラゴン, Hōdo Doragon?
Horde Dragon 3325 Rank 1 50 26,148 Attack, Dragon Breath, Salivous Snap, Toxic Vomit The Steps of Faith The Steps of Faith
Horde Skirmisher Captain
スカーミッシャー・キャプテン, Sukāmisshā Kyaputen?
4087 Rank 1 50 Days of Azure Days of Azure
Hybrid Dragon
ハイブリッドドラゴン, Haiburiddodoragon?
10407 Rank 2 90 The Stigma Dreamscape The Stigma Dreamscape
Rank 1 90
Ice Dragon
フリーズドラゴン, Furīzudoragon?
3486 Rank 1 56 Coerthas Western Highlands Coerthas Western Highlands
Ice Dragon in Waiting
アンブッシュ・フリーズドラゴン, Anbusshu Furīzudoragon?
3904 Rank 1 54 The Road to Zenith The Road to Zenith
イスケビンド, Isukebindo?
1680 1455 Rank 6 41 47,684 7y Attack, Cauterize, Frost Breath, Rime Wreath, Sheet of Ice, Touchdown The Stone Vigil The Stone Vigil
1456 Rank 1 41 1,703 7y Untargetable; Snowfall
クシェドレ, Kushedore?
4417 FATE 56 As the World Burns As the World Burns
Mirage Dragon
ミラージュドラゴン, Mirājudoragon?
3375 Rank 1 50 The Keeper of the Lake The Keeper of the Lake
Moss Dragon
モスドラゴン, Mosudoragon?
3617 Rank 1 54 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
FATE 52 Rastaban Vibration Rastaban Vibration
Waiting for Fjalar to Stall Waiting for Fjalar to Stall
Moss Dragon in Waiting
アンブッシュ・モスドラゴン, Anbusshu Mosudoragon?
3905 Rank 1 54 The Road to Zenith The Road to Zenith
The Wyrm's Lair The Wyrm's Lair
Orthoblue Dragon
オルト・ブルードラゴン, Oruto Burūdoragon?
12140 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30) Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)
オスク, Osuku?
3463 Rank 1 55 The Aery The Aery
Oskh Rhei
オスク・レイ, Osuku Rei?
10646 Rank 4 90 The Hunt Ultima Thule
Patina Dragon
パティナドラゴン, Patinadoragon?
Rank 1 54-55
Rank 1 54
Rank 1 55
Cry Home Cry Home
Hello, Cousin (L) Hello, Cousin (L)
パイロドラゴン, Pairodoragon?
3909 Rank 2 53 Sohm Al Sohm Al
Red Dragon
レッドドラゴン, Reddodoragon?
2797 Rank 1 50 Syrcus Tower Syrcus Tower
サファト, Safato?
Safat 2968 3224 Rank 4 50 1,870,112 10y Attack, Dragon Breath, Evil Eye, Granite Rain, Toxic Vomit The Hunt Coerthas Central Highlands
The Scarlet Lector
賞金首:スカーレットレクター, Shōkin Kubi: Sukārettorekutā?
Rank 1 54-55
Rank 1 54
Rank 1 55
Cry Home Cry Home
Family Comes First (L) Family Comes First (L)
Hello, Cousin (L) Hello, Cousin (L)
More Than One Way (L) More Than One Way (L)
Puppet Show Puppet Show
Show Your Work Show Your Work
Slumbering Dragon
スランバー・ドラゴン, Suranbā Doragon?
3446 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
Smoldering Dragon
スモールダー・ドラゴン, Sumōrudā Doragon?
3445 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
Stellar Dragon
ステラ・ドラゴン, Sutera Doragon?
Rank 1 89 Ultima Thule Ultima Thule
スティヒ, Sutihi?
4414 FATE 56 A Stihi Situation A Stihi Situation
スヴァラ, Suvara?
1440 1793 FATE 38 38,178 6.5y Attack, The Dragon's Breath, Granite Rain, Touchdown, Web of Lightning Svara's Fall Svara's Fall
Svara's Fury Svara's Fury
Rank 1 38 Securing the Locks Securing the Locks
テロフォロイ・ドラゴン, Teroforoi Doragon?
Rank 2 80 Paglth'an Paglth'an
Thunder Dragon
サンダードラゴン, Sandādoragon?
3586 Rank 1 57 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
FATE 54 Come to My Arms Come to My Arms
Wounded Cryodragon
ウーンデッド・クライオドラゴン, Ūndeddo Kuraiodoragon?
3816 Rank 2 53 Sohm Al Sohm Al
Wounded Pyrodragon
ウーンデッド・パイロドラゴン, Ūndeddo Pairodoragon?
3815 Rank 2 53 Sohm Al Sohm Al
Yellow Dragon
イエロードラゴン, Ierōdoragon?
2799 Rank 1 50 Syrcus Tower Syrcus Tower


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
ドラゴネット, Doragonetto?
3623 Rank 1 55 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
FATE 52 Rastaban Vibration Rastaban Vibration
Hraesvelgr Broodling
フレースヴェルグ・ブルードリング, Furēsuverugu Burūdoringu?
4940 Rank 2 60 Sohr Khai Sohr Khai
Kohm Gahn
コーム・ガーン, Kōmu Gān?
4273 Rank 1 53 A Lesson in Humility A Lesson in Humility
Kohm Khur
コーム・クール, Kōmu Kūru?
4275 Rank 1 53 A Lesson in Humility A Lesson in Humility
Kohm Scorh
コーム・スコール, Kōmu Sukōru?
4274 Rank 1 53 A Lesson in Humility A Lesson in Humility
Meracydian Dragonet
メラシディアン・ドラゴネット, Merashidian Doragonetto?
3558 Rank 1 59 Azys Lla Azys Lla
Nidhogg Broodling
ニーズヘッグ・ブルードリング, Nīzuheggu Burūdoringu?
3447 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
テロフォロイ・ドラゴネット, Teroforoi Doragonetto?
10110 Rank 2 80 Paglth'an Paglth'an

Elder Dragon[]

Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
ファヴニル, Favuniru?
7150 Fire 17 Wine and Honey Wine and Honey
ファウネム, Faunemu?
Rank 6 68 Dark as the Night Sky Dark as the Night Sky
Rank 6 70 Dragon Sound Dragon Sound
ティオマン, Tioman?
3798 Rank 6 53 Sohm Al Sohm Al

Elder Wyvern[]

Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Deep-mountain Wyvern
マウンテン・ワイ��ーン, Maunten Waibān?
3814 Rank 2 53 Sohm Al Sohm Al
Elder Wyvern
エルダーワイバーン, Erudāwaibān?
3628 Rank 1 55 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
FATE 53 Don't Know Wyvern Don't Know Wyvern
Lord of the Wyverns
ワイバーンロード, Waibānrōdo?
4365 Rank 4 60 The Hunt The Dravanian Forelands


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Meracydian Falak
メラシディアン・ファラク, Merashidian Faraku?
3554 Rank 1 59 Azys Lla Azys Lla
Orthos Falak
オルト・ファラク, Oruto Faraku?
12193 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 61-70) Eureka Orthos (Floors 61-70)
ランダ, Randa?
3452 Rank 5 55 The Aery The Aery
ラスタバン, Rasutaban?
3981 FATE 55 Darkscale Disappeareth Darkscale Disappeareth
Shadow Falak
シャドウ・ファラク, Shadō Faraku?
4961 Rank 1 60 The Final Steps of Faith The Final Steps of Faith
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage

Great Wyrm[]

Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
フレースヴェルグ, Furēsuverugu?
4954 Rank 6 60 Sohr Khai Sohr Khai
Rank 6 90 Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)
ミドガルズオルム, Midogaruzuorumu?
3374 Rank 6 50 The Keeper of the Lake The Keeper of the Lake
7641 Rank 6 70 Alphascape V2 Alphascape V2.0
Alphascape V2 Alphascape V2.0 (Savage)
ニーズヘッグ, Nīzuheggu?
3458 Rank 6 55 The Aery The Aery
Rank 6 60 The Final Steps of Faith The Final Steps of Faith
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage
Rank 1 80 Faded Memories Faded Memories
Rank 6 90 Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)
Tiamat's Clone
ティアマット・クローン, Tiamatto Kurōn?
12242 Rank 6 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30) Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)

Lesser Dragon[]

Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Assault Dragon
アサルト・ドラゴン, Asaruto Doragon?
4222 Rank 1 54 A Joye-ful Reunion A Joye-ful Reunion
The Blood of Meracydia
メラシディアン・ブラッド, Merashidian Buraddo?
3215 Rank 1 50 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4
チョドーユドー, Chodōyudō?
Chudo-Yudo 1677 1461 Rank 5 41 30,944 4.24y Attack, The Lion's Breath, Rake, Swinge The Stone Vigil The Stone Vigil
Cloned Shield Dragon
シールドドラゴン・クローン, Shīrudodoragon Kurōn?
12262 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 11-20) Eureka Orthos (Floors 11-20)
ゴリニチ, Gorinichi?
2778 Rank 5 50 The Stone Vigil (Hard) The Stone Vigil (Hard)
Horde Commander
ホード・コマンダー, Hōdo Komandā?
3337 Rank 1 50 An Allied Perspective An Allied Perspective
Horde Shield Dragon
ホード・シールドドラゴン, Hōdo Shīrudodoragon?
Horde Shield Dragon 3322 Rank 1 50 26,148 Attack, Engulfing Flames, Rake, Swinge The Steps of Faith The Steps of Faith
Lesser Aery Dragon
エアリー・レッサードラゴン, Earī Ressādoragon?
3449 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
Lesser Orthos Dragon
オルト・レッサードラゴン, Oruto Ressādoragon?
12138 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30) Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)
Lesser Stellar Dragon
ステラ・レッサードラゴン, Sutera Ressādoragon?
10429 Rank 1 89 Ultima Thule Ultima Thule
Lesser Telodragon
テロフォロイ・レッサードラゴン, Teroforoi Ressādoragon?
10113 Rank 2 80 Paglth'an Paglth'an
Lesser Void Dragon
ヴォイド・レッサードラゴン, Voido Ressādoragon?
7460 Lightning 37 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos
Lower Skylord
レッサードラゴン, Ressādoragon?
3618 Rank 1 54 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
FATE 51 How to Cane Your Dragon How to Cane Your Dragon
It's the Moogle, Reinvented It's the Moogle, Reinvented
FATE 52 Rastaban Vibration Rastaban Vibration
Waiting for Fjalar to Stall Waiting for Fjalar to Stall
Lower Starkshadow Skylord
スタークシャドウ・ドラゴン, Sutākushadō Doragon?
Rank 1 53-54
Rank 1 53
Rank 1 54
Family Comes First (L) Family Comes First (L)
Show Your Work Show Your Work
マラク, Maraku?
Marraco 2951 3207 Rank 4 50 294,239 6.36y Attack, The Lion's Breath, Rake, Swinge The Hunt Coerthas Central Highlands
Meracydian Dragon
メラシディアン・ドラゴン, Merashidian Doragon?
3560 Rank 1 59 Azys Lla Azys Lla
Shield Dragon in Waiting
アンブッシュ・シールドドラゴン, Anbusshu Shīrudodoragon?
3906 Rank 1 54 The Wyrm's Lair The Wyrm's Lair
Thoughtless Dragon
ソートレス・ドラゴン, Sōtoresu Doragon?
4282 Rank 1 55 An Immaculate Home An Immaculate Home


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Bloodbearer Robairlain
竜人のロベルラン, Ryūjin no Roberuran?
4026 FATE 53 The Mourning After The Mourning After
ブネ, Bune?
4368 Rank 4 60 The Hunt The Churning Mists
Elder Syricta
エルダーシリクタ, Erudāshirikuta?
3626 Rank 1 55 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
グリコン, Gurikon?
3960 FATE 54 Glycon Air Glycon Air
Nehd Sorn Gahr
ネド・ソーンガール, Nedo Sōngāru?
3441 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
Opulent Syricta
オプレント・シリクタ, Opurento Shirikuta?
3977 FATE 52 Coin Toss Coin Toss
シリクタ, Shirikuta?
3555 Rank 1 53 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
Void Syricta
ヴォイド・シリクタ, Voido Shirikuta?
7454 Wind 37 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos

Verge Dragon[]

Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
アムルック, Amurukku?
10075 Rank 5 80 Paglth'an Paglth'an
Daughter of Imdugud
イムドゥグド・ドーター, Imudugudo Dōtā?
3193 Rank 1 50 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1
イムドゥグド, Imudugudo?
3192 Rank 6 50 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1
レウクロッタ, Reukurotta?
4380 Rank 4 60 The Hunt Azys Lla
Son of Imdugud
イムドゥグド・サン, Imudugudo San?
3194 Rank 1 50 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Aery Vouivre
エアリー・ヴィーヴル, Earī Vīvuru?
3451 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
Ancient Vouivre
エンシェント・ヴィーヴル, Enshento Vīvuru?
4292 Rank 1 55 Trouble at Zenith Trouble at Zenith
Horrific Hatchling
変異した子竜, Heni Shita Ko Ryū?
Rank 1 80-90
Rank 1 80
Rank 1 81
Rank 1 82
Rank 1 83
Rank 1 84
Rank 1 85
Rank 1 86
Rank 1 87
Rank 1 88
Rank 1 89
Rank 1 90
Futures Lost Futures Lost
Malformed Dragonet
変わり果てた子竜, Kawarihateta Ko Ryū?
11043 Rank 1 89 On Burdεned ωings On Burdεned ωings
Meracydian Vouivre
メラシディアン・ヴィーヴル, Merashidian Vīvuru?
3556 Rank 1 59 Azys Lla Azys Lla
メアドラゴン, Meadoragon?
4073 Rank 1 59 Elevated Aggression Levels Elevated Aggression Levels
ミナルジャ, Minaruja?
3953 FATE 55 From Dusk Till Gone From Dusk Till Gone
Orthos Vouivre
オルト・ヴィーヴル, Oruto Vīvuru?
12141 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30) Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)
スキタリス, Sukitarisu?
4356 Rank 4 60 The Hunt The Churning Mists
テロフォロイ・ヴィーヴル, Teroforoi Vīvuru?
10112 Rank 2 80 Paglth'an Paglth'an
Vengeful Wyvern
ヴェンジフル・ワイバーン, Venjifuru Waibān?
Rank 1 51 Expert Dragonslaying Expert Dragonslaying
Void Vouivre
ヴォイド・ヴィーヴル, Voido Vīvuru?
7445 Fire 38 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos
8035 Lightning 59 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos
ヴィーヴル, Vīvuru?
3624 Rank 1 55 The Churning Mists The Churning Mists
FATE 51 Vouivre Believre Vouivre Believre
FATE 52 Rastaban Vibration Rastaban Vibration


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
ヴィシャップ, Vishappu?
Vishap 3330 Rank 6 50 696,156 Body Slam, Blazing Shriek, Landwaster, Seismic Impact, Sidewise Slice, Underfoot The Steps of Faith The Steps of Faith
The Steps of Faith The Steps of Faith


Name Pic BNpc Level HP Hitbox Abilities Spawn
Name Base
Aery Wyvern
エアリー・ワイバーン, Earī Waibān?
3438 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
Assault Wyvern
アサルト・ワイバーン, Asaruto Waibān?
3339 Rank 1 54 Sworn Upon a Lance Sworn Upon a Lance
Despairing Wyvern
ディスペアリング・ワイバーン, Disupearingu Waibān?
10816 FATE 86 (No) Wind beneath Our Wings (No) Wind beneath Our Wings
Down Wyvern
ダウン・ワイバーン, Daun Waibān?
3469 Rank 2 55 The Aery The Aery
Dravanian Wyvern
ドラヴァニアン・ワイバーン, Doravanian Waibān?
3576 Rank 1 53 The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands
The Ghost of Meracydia
メラシディアン・ゴースト, Merashidian Gōsuto?
2629 Rank 1 50 The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4
The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) - Turn 4 The Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage) - Turn 4
Holy Wyvern
ホーリーワイバーン, Hōrīwaibān?
4941 Rank 2 60 Sohr Khai Sohr Khai
Horde Outflyer
ホード・アウトフライヤー, Hōdo Autofuraiyā?
4085 Rank 1 50 Sky's the Limit Sky's the Limit
Horde Skirmisher
ホード・スカーミッシャー, Hōdo Sukāmisshā?
4086 Rank 1 52 Days of Azure Days of Azure
Horde Wyvern
ホード・ワイバーン, Hōdo Waibān?
Horde Wyvern 3321 Rank 1 50 7,016 Attack, Collapse, Spiked Tail Days of Azure Days of Azure
コシュチェイ, Koshuchei?
Koshchei 1678 1457 Rank 2 41 32,357 2.88y Attack, Blazing Trail, Collapse, Spiked Tail, Typhoon The Stone Vigil The Stone Vigil[note 2]
14535 54,496 Attack, Sonic Storm, Spiked Tail, Typhoon
Lesser Wyvern
レッサー・ワイバーン, Ressā Waibān?
Lesser Wyvern 1676 1460 Rank 1 41 1,703 2.88y Untargetable; Blazing Trail The Stone Vigil The Stone Vigil
レヤック, Reyakku?
3453 Rank 1 55 The Aery The Aery
リージュワイバーン, Rījuwaibān?
3464 Rank 1 55 The Aery The Aery
Loyal Wyvern
ロイヤル・ワイバーン, Roiyaru Waibān?
3366 Rank 2 50 The Keeper of the Lake The Keeper of the Lake
ナウル, Nauru?
Naul 2934 3190 Rank 4 50 23,249 3.6y Attack, Collapse The Hunt Coerthas Central Highlands
Orthos Wyvern
オルト・ワイバーン, Oruto Waibān?
12139 Rank 1 90 Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30) Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)
The Scourge of Meracydia
メラシディアン・ワイバーン, Merashidian Waibān?
The Scourge of Meracydia 2176 2023 Rank 1 50 17,682 3.6y Attack, Liquid Hell The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5
The Shadow of Meracydia
メラシディアン・シャドウ, Merashidian Shadō?
3212 Rank 1 50 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4
Starkshadow Wyvern
スタークシャドウ・ワイバーン, Sutākushadō Waibān?
Rank 1 53-54
Rank 1 53
Rank 1 54
Family Comes First (L) Family Comes First (L)
Show Your Work Show Your Work
Stellar Wyvern
ステラ・ワイバーン, Sutera Waibān?
10428 Rank 1 89 Ultima Thule Ultima Thule
スヴァローグ, Suvarōgu?
3987 FATE 53 Elephant in the Brume Elephant in the Brume
Unstoppable Wyvern
アンストッパブル・ワイバーン, Ansutoppaburu Waibān?
4200 Rank 1 40 Securing the Locks Securing the Locks
Vengeful Wyvern
ヴェンジフル・ワイバーン, Venjifuru Waibān?
Rank 1 56 Ayleth Absconds Ayleth Absconds
Void Wyvern
ヴォイド・ワイバーン, Voido Waibān?
8053 Lightning 65 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos
ワイバーン, Waibān?
Wyvern 656 1698 Rank 1 49 10,604 2.88y Attack, Blazing Trail, Bravery, Spiked Tail A Relic Reborn: the Hydra A Relic Reborn: the Hydra
1737 Rank 1 38 15,150 Attack, Collapse In the Eyes of Gods and Men In the Eyes of Gods and Men
1749 Rank 1 39 2,380 The Heretic among Us The Heretic among Us
Zombie Wyvern
ヴォイド・ワイバーン, Voido Waibān?
7436 Wind 29 The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos


A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, which is featured in the myths of many cultures.


  1. Aiatar#428 was replaced by Aiatar#14533 in patch 6.1.
  2. Koshchei#1457 was replaced by Koshchei#14535 in patch 6.1.