Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
This page is about the status effect. For another mechanic which grants stat increases, see temporary buffs. For the keyword 【Bonus】, see List of keywords.

Bonuses (or buffs in early tooltip text, and Stats increased[1]) are temporary stat increases granted through status effects. For example, With Everyone With Everyone! grants bonuses to Def and Res. Bonuses are not to be confused with temporary buffs or boosts in general. Skills which specifically state bonuses actively check these bonuses, however, note that the use of the word bonuses within the game has been noted to be inconsistent. For sources of this status effect, see the category page Sources of bonuses.

Skill Interaction[ | ]

Positive status effects, such as bonuses, will remain until the start of the unit's phase. This means that if a unit receives bonuses on its enemy phase, it will disappear once it starts its phase. The fact that negative status effects last until an action instead of being phase-based means that bonuses affected by Status Effect Panic Panic can return to normal after an action.

Bonuses are activated outside of combat and are visible when a player selects their unit.

  • Multiple bonuses which affect the same stat will not stack with each other (e.g. Atk Tactic and Hone Atk). Only the highest value will apply.
  • Bonuses affecting different stats (e.g. Hone Atk and Hone Spd) will apply simultaneously, after stat thresholds for skills are checked.
  • Bonuses will stack with Status Effect Penalty Penalties and temporary buffs. They will both apply at the same time and will not cancel each other out.
  • Skills which target bonuses, including but not limited to Panic Ploy, Icon Class Green Axe Legion's Axe+.
  • Wording of skills that target bonuses or penalties can be inconsistent in their applications of the term.
    • Some skills that claim to target penalties will target bonuses affected by Status Effect Panic Panic, such as Skilliconweapon Broadleaf Fan+.
      • If regular penalties and bonuses affected by Status Effect Panic Panic exist in the same stat, Icon Class Green Tome Blizzard will use the total penalty in that stat.
    • However, some skills that claim to target penalties will not target bonuses affected by Status Effect Panic Panic, such as Skilliconassist Harsh Command.
  • Skills such as Icon Class Blue Tome Blárblade+ will count only bonuses that have not been affected by Status Effect Panic Panic.
  • Bonuses can be neutralized by skills such as Beorcs Blessing Beorc's Blessing, Icon Class Green Tome Divine Naga and more.
  • Stats cannot be increased above 99 by bonuses, but bonuses are always fully counted for skills that consider their values.
When a unit has this status effect, an icon is shown on their sprite on the map.
Icon Name Type Example Source Description Sound Effect
Status Effect Bonus Bonus Positive Skilliconassist Rally Def/Res+
Hone Atk 4 Hone Atk 4
Bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone.

Sources of bonuses[ | ]

List of Weapons

List of Unrefined Weapons

Weapon Description
Aerial Longsword
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Null Follow-Up】, and "neutralizes penalties on unit during combat" to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 10% of unit's Spd at start of combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.
Agnea's Arrow
Grants Spd+3. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) on odd-numbered turns, and neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Spd on even-numbered turns.
Ancient Ragnell
Grants Def+3. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% or【Bonus】is active on unit, inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Arc. Caliburnus
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Arcane Blutgang
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (min 5; max 14), deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.
Arcane Fell Arts
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

If foe initiates combat or if unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (max 14; min 5), deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 15% of unit's Atk (including from area-of-effect Specials; excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials), grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.
Arcane Fellstone
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (max 14; min 5), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack), and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Arcane Giant Axe
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of player phase or enemy phase, neutralizes【Panic】and penalties on unit's Atk/Def that take effect on unit at that time.

If foe initiates combat or if unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (max 14; min 5), deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 15% of unit's Atk (including from area-of-effect Specials; excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Arcane Lúin
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def during combat, and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat.
Arcane Náströnd
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 30%, and grants bonus to unit's Atk during combat = 12 - foe's max Special cooldown count value × 2 (min 4; if foe does not have a Special skill, bonus = 4).
Arcane Nihility
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foe (X = current bonus on each of foe's stats; calculates each stat bonus and penalty independently), and deals damage = 15% of unit's Spd during combat (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 to unit, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe during combat (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat + 3; max 6), and also, if X ≥ 5, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.
Arcane Sly Knife
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (min 5; max 14), neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def, deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.

Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Arcane Thunder
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat.
Arcane Truthfire
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+6 and the following status to unit for 1 turn: "Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces."

If unit initiates combat with HP ≥ 25% and unit has an area-of-effect Special equipped, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before Special triggers before combat.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (min 5, max 14), deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special (excluding area-of-effect Specials), grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.
Arch-Sage Tome
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 and 【Assign Decoy】to any support partner within 2 spaces of unit or, if unit is not on a team with unit's support partner, to ally with the highest Def within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 5 + highest bonus on each stat between allies within 3 spaces of unit (calculates each stat bonus independently), and if unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).

【Assign Decoy】
If foe's Range = unit's Range and foe initiates combat against an ally within 2 spaces of unit, triggers【Savior】on unit (that turn only; triggers only if unit is not equipped with a skill that can trigger the Savior effect).

Unit takes ally's space, enters combat in ally's place, and receives all after-combat effects.

Savior will not trigger if ally is on terrain that unit cannot move to or if multiple units are able to use Savior during the same combat. If Savior triggers, after-combat movement effects do not occur.
Ardent Durandal
Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, grants 【Bonus Doubler】 to ally with the highest Atk.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Arthur's Axe
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 during combat.
Aversa's Night
Grants Res+3. At start of turn, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-3 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-3 on that foe and bonuses on that foe become penalties through its next action.
Awoken Breath
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragons. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack), neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, if foe's attack can trigger their Special and unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during combat (cannot exceed foe's maximum Special cooldown). If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Axe of Despair
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe during combat, and also, the following effects will occur based on the value of total bonuses on unit + value of total penalties on foe: if ≥ 5, "foe cannot make a follow-up attack"; and if ≥ 10, "unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack"; and if ≥ 15, "inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat." (Example: if unit has an Atk/Def+6 bonus and foe has an Atk/Def-6 penalty, the calculated total will be 24.)
Axe of Devotion+
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, deals damage to foe = X% of foe's Atk as combat begins (if unit has weapon-triangle advantage or if unit's Def > foe's Def, X = 30; otherwise, X = 15; activates only when unit can attack in combat; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce foe's HP below 1), grants Atk/Def+5 to unit during combat, and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = 15% of unit's Def at start of combat.
Axe of Devotion
Baked Treats
Enables【Canto (1)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Res-6 and 【Sabotage】on nearest foes within 5 spaces of unit and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Bat Fang
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.) At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.) If unit transforms, grants Atk+2.
Bereft Lance
Grants Def+3. Grants Atk/Def+X during combat. (Calculates X based on number of allies within 2 spaces of unit: 0 allies grants +6; 1 ally grants +4; 2 allies grants +2; ≥3 allies grants +0.) If the number of allies within 2 spaces is ≤ 1, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Berserker Axe
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, for unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1.

If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (max 14; min 5), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, deals damage = damage dealt to unit (max 30; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Bewitching Tome
Enables【Canto (1)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, as combat begins, deals damage to foe = X% of foe's Atk (if unit has weapon-triangle advantage or unit's Spd > foe's Spd, X = 40; otherwise, X = 20; effects that reduce damage during combat do not apply; will not reduce foe's HP below 1). If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Blackfire Breath+
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts Atk/Res-5 on foe during combat and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Blackfire Breath
Blade of Jehanna
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd/Def-6 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def during combat, and also, if foe in combat is in a cardinal direction of unit, foe cannot counterattack, but otherwise, unit deals damage = 15% of foe's Atk.
Effect: 【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Blade of Renais
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, and also, if【Bonus】or【Penalty】is active on unit, deals damage = 20% of foe's Def, and also, if unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores HP to unit = 20% of foe's Def. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Blade of Sands
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Spd/Res+6,【Bonus Doubler】, and【Null Panic】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Slows Special trigger (cooldown count+1).
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat.
Blazing Polearms
Enables【Canto (2)】.

Effective against dragon and beast foes. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 50% of total bonuses on unit during combat (max -6).

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Blessed Aureola
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against magic foes.

For allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants Atk/Def/Res+5 during combat, and also, if ally's attack can trigger ally's Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to ally before their first attack during combat, and also, if ally cannot perform a follow-up attack and attack twice, grants Special cooldown count-1 to ally before their first attack during combat.

If there is an ally within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat + 5, deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.

If there is an ally within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit and foe uses magic, grants Atk+10 to unit during combat, and also, if foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack.
Grants Res+3. Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe during combat.
Blue Gift+
If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Blue Gift
Blue Yule Axe
Enables【Canto (2)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Null Follow-Up】to unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit (X = 5 + 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat) and grants Special cooldown count-Y to unit before unit's first attack during combat (Y = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, max 3; if number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, ≥ 4, then the value is treated as 3), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Bold Kusarigama
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Def at start of combat + 5, deals damage = 25% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 25% of unit's Def (including from area-of-effect Specials; excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes "reduces damage by X%" effects from unit's and foe's non-Special skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes effects that guarantee unit's and foe's follow-up attacks, and increases the Spd difference necessary for unit or foe to make a follow-up attack by 20 during combat (Spd must be ≥ 25 to make a follow-up attack; stacks with similar skills).

If unit initiates combat, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.
Breaker Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against beast and flying foes.
Enables【Canto (1)】.

Unit can move to a space within 2 spaces of any ally within 2 spaces.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, and grants Atk/Spd+X × 6 to unit during combat (X = the number of allies with Atk ≥ 55 within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit + the number of allies with Spd ≥ 40 in the same area; max 3), and also, if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-A to unit before unit's first attack and grants Special cooldown count-B to unit before unit's first follow-up attack during combat (A = X + 1; max = unit's Special cooldown count value at start of combat; B = X + 1 - unit's Special cooldown count value at start of combat; min 0).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Breaker Lance
Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Def-6 and【Panic】on foe on the enemy team with the highest Atk+Def total and foes within 2 spaces of that foe through their next actions. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Breath of Blight
Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. At the start of turn 4, deals 10 damage to foes within 3 spaces, and restores HP to unit = number of foes within 3 spaces × 5. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Breezy Spear
Grants Atk+3. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Unit and target cannot trigger Specials during combat or area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials).

Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

Disables skills of all other foes and allies during combat, excluding unit and target. Disables the following effects for both unit and target during combat: defensive terrain effects, support effects, guaranteed follow-ups, effects that prevent follow-ups, effects that prevent counterattacks, and effects that change attack priority (Vantage, Desperation, etc.).
Bridal Blade+
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2 during combat. (Calculates each stat penalty independently; example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-14, for a net penalty of Atk-7.)
Bridal Blade
Bridal Orchid+
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Res during combat = current bonus on unit's Atk/Res. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Bridal Orchid
Bridal Sunflower+
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Def+5 and bonus to Atk/Def during combat = current bonus on unit's Atk/Def. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Bridal Sunflower
Bright-Shell Egg
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Res-6 on nearest foes within 5 spaces of unit through their next actions. If【Bonus】is active on unit or【Penalty】 is active on foe, inflicts Spd/Res-6 on foe during combat, and also, the following effects will occur based on the value of total bonuses on unit + value of total penalties on foe: if ≥ 6, "neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks," and if ≥ 18, "foe cannot counterattack." (Example: if unit has +6 bonus to Atk/Spd and foe has an -6 penalty to Atk/Spd, the calculated total will be 24.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Brilliant Rapier
Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Grants Spd+3. If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. If unit's HP ≤ 80% and foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack.
Brilliant Starlight
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Def/Res+6 and "reduces damage from area-of-effect Specials by 80% (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials)" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on foe during combat, neutralizes bonuses to foe's Atk/Res during combat, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's counterattacks, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Broadleaf Fan+
Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe during combat.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Broadleaf Fan
Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe during combat.
Effect:【Dagger 5】

【Dagger 5】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Bull Blade
During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Def by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.)
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+4 during combat.
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Captain's Sword
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit, and foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, restores 7 HP to unit after combat, and also, if foe initiates combat and unit's Spd > foe's Spd, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack.
Caring Magic
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first follow-up attack during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe's next attack.
Casa Blanca+
If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Casa Blanca
Chaos Ragnell
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Child's Compass
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants "unit cannot be slowed by terrain (does not apply to impassable terrain)" to unit for 1 turn and unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.) At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit × 4 (excluding stat bonuses; max 16), and also, if unit deals damage to foe using a Special (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's next attack by 50% (once per combat; resets at end of combat; triggers even if 0 damage is dealt).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Closing Florets
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants the following effect to unit and target allies (if support partner is on player team, targets any support partner within 2 spaces of unit; otherwise, targets ally with the highest Spd within 2 spaces of unit): if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-2; if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value - 1, grants Special cooldown count-1.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage by 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 and unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack).

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above+1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Crimean Scepter
Calculates damage from staff like other weapons. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1; max cooldown count cannot be reduced below 1). At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 and the following status to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn: "If unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack." If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = highest respective Atk/Spd bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces × 1.5 (calculates each stat bonus independently).
Cunning Bow
Grants Spd+3. Effective against flying foes. When total bonuses on unit + total penalties on foe ≥ 10, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe during combat. (Example: if unit has a +5 bonus and foe has a -5 penalty, the calculated total will be 10.)
Damiell Bow
Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit, grants target【Bonus Doubler】and target can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack. No effect on cavalry allies with Range = 2.) At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Dead-Crow Tome
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit and grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Desperation】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn, and also, if unit's HP = 100% at start of turn, grants additional Special cooldown count-1 to unit.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and also, if unit's HP = 100% at start of combat, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

Grants the following effect for 1 turn: "If unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack."
Dead-Fang Axe
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foe (X = current bonus on each of foe's stats; calculates each stat bonus and penalty independently), deals damage = 10% of unit's Atk (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat.
Dead-Wolf Blade
Grants Spd+3.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants 【Foe Penalty Doubler】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit and inflicts Spd/Def-7 on closest foes and any foe within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).

【Foe Penalty Doubler】
Inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = any current penalty on each of those stats through their next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Deck Swabber+
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Deck Swabber
Deer's Heart
Enables【Canto (Rem.; Min 1)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.

After Canto (including cases where action is ended due to Canto Control), if unit entered combat on the current turn, grants another action to unit, and re-enables Canto (once per turn; does not trigger when affected by effects of traps in Aether Raids during Canto).

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants【Null Follow-Up】and【Preempt Pulse】 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat + 5, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def, deals +X × 5 damage (X = number of Bonus effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses + number of Penalty effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties; max 5; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Canto (Rem.; Min 1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = any movement not already used that turn (min. 1; if unit used a movement skill that warped them, unit can move 1 space(s)). (Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

【Preempt Pulse】
Grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.
Defier's Axe+
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Def+5 to unit and inflicts Def-5 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has bonuses, grants bonus to unit's Def and inflicts penalty on foe's Def during combat = current bonus on foe's Def. Calculates each stat bonus and penalty independently.
Defier's Axe
Defier's Bow+
Effective against flying foes. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Def+5 to unit and inflicts Def-5 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has bonuses, grants bonus to unit's Def and inflicts penalty on foe's Def during combat = current bonus on foe's Def. Calculates each stat bonus and penalty independently.
Defier's Bow
Defier's Lance+
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Def+5 to unit and inflicts Def-5 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has bonuses, grants bonus to unit's Def and inflicts penalty on foe's Def during combat = current bonus on foe's Def. Calculates each stat bonus and penalty independently.
Defier's Lance
Defier's Sword+
Defier's Sword
Delivering Antler
Grants Def+3.

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+6 and【Bonus Doubler】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, and if unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit have bonuses to Atk/Spd/Def/Res after start-of-turn skills trigger, grants an additional +3 to each corresponding stat for unit and those allies for 1 turn (max 10; calculates each stat bonus independently).

If unit initiates combat or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = 6 + 20% of unit's Def at start of combat, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def, neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Def, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and unit deals +X damage during combat (X = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and also, inflicts penalty Atk/Def-Y on foe during combat (Y = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, + 3; max 6), and also, if Y ≥ 5, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Desert Spear
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

Foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills). Foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

For allies within 3 spaces of unit, grants Spd/Def+4 during combat, and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 10 during that ally's combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 15% of unit's Def at start of combat, and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 10 during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Desert-Tiger Axe
At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit and allies with HP < unit's HP. At start of turn, grants Atk/Spd+6, "neutralizes unit's penalties during combat," and【Null Panic】 to unit and allies with HP < unit’s HP for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Devoted Basket+
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, deals damage to foe = X% of foe's Atk as combat begins (if unit has weapon-triangle advantage or if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, X = 30; otherwise, X = 15; activates only when unit can attack in combat; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce foe's HP below 1), grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat, and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat.
Devoted Basket
Devoted Breath
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses.
If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

For allies within 3 spaces of unit, grants Def/Res+5 and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

For allies within 3 spaces of unit, if foe initiates combat, ally's HP > 1, and foe would reduce ally's HP to 0 during combat, ally survives with 1 HP (once per turn; does not stack with non-Special effects that allow unit to survive with 1 HP if foe's attack would reduce unit's HP to 0; when any other such effect triggers, this effect will trigger too).

If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat + 5, unit deals +X damage (X = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 5; max 15; if unit triggers Savior, value is treated as 15; excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's attacks by X (excluding area-of-effect Specials), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if unit's HP > 1 and foe would reduce unit's HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP (once per combat; does not stack with non-Special effects that allow unit to survive with 1 HP if foe's attack would reduce HP to 0).
Devoted Cup+
At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Res-7 and 【Discord】on closest foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and unit deals +X × 5 damage during combat (X = total number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, and【Penalty】 effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties; max 5; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on unit during combat (X = 2 + number of allies within 2 spaces of unit; max 5) through its next action.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Devoted Cup
Dew Dragonstone
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against armored foes. Neutralizes "effective against armored" bonuses. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe during combat, neutralizes penalties on unit during combat, and foe cannot make a follow-up attack. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Dignified Bow
Effective against flying foes. At start of turn, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-1 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts【Panic】on that foe.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Diva-Pair Parasol
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

For foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, if foe's Def ≤ unit's Def+5, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd = 15% of foe's Atk at start of combat and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), unit deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Divine Breath
Grants Atk+3. Effective against dragon foes. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X during combat. (X = number of dragon allies and allies that have "effective against dragons" within 2 spaces ×3. Maximum bonus of +9 to each stat.) If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Divine Naga
Effective against dragon foes. Neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Divine Sea Spear
Grants Atk+3. If unit initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def+3 to unit during combat and inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-3 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has Atk/Spd/Def bonuses, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def during combat = current bonus on each of foe's Atk/Spd/Def. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Divine Yewfelle
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Incited】, and the following status to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn: "Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces."

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 6 + 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, unit deals +X damage (X = total number of 【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, and【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties, × 5; max 25; excluding area-of-effect Specials), grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit before unit's first follow-up attack, and disables skills of all foes excluding foe in combat during combat.

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Doubler Bow+
Effective against flying foes.

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently).
Doubler Bow
Doubler Lance+
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently).
Doubler Lance
Doubler Sword+
Doubler Sword
Dream Horn
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe (X = 50% of highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit +6), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat, and reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by 30%. At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 to unit, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe during combat (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat + 3; max 6), and also, if X ≥ 5, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.
Dual Sword
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice).

Inflicts penalty on Atk/Spd/Def/Res for foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit during combat = 4 + number of combat instances on current turn × 4 (max 12; includes combat instances unit does not participate in; battles on player phase and on enemy phase are counted separately; does not include this current combat instance).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Dusk Rifle
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.

At start of player phase or enemy phase, grants the following effects to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn: Res+6, 【Bonus Doubler】, and "reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special 'reduce damage by X%' skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials)."

After start-of-turn effects trigger on enemy phase, for unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit, converts penalties into bonuses and neutralizes two【Penalty】effects (does not apply to Penalty effects that are applied at the same time; neutralizes the first applicable Penalty effects on unit's list of active effects).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Dvergr Wayfinder
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

Enables【Canto (Dist. +2; Max 5)】 during turns 1 through 4.

During turns 1 through 4, for allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants Atk/Spd+4, and also, if ally's attack can trigger ally's Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to ally before their first attack during their combat.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, when Special triggers, neutralizes foe's "reduces damage by X%" effects from foe's non-Special skills (excluding when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special).

【Canto (Dist. +2; Max 5)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit before the above, +2. (Max 5.)

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Eagle's Heart
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1; Min 2)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

After Canto, if unit entered combat on the current turn, grants another action to unit, and re-enables Canto (once per turn; does not trigger when affected by effects of traps in Aether Raids during Canto).

If unit initiates combat or the number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = 20% of unit's Def at start of combat + 6, unit deals +X × 5 damage (X = number of Bonus effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses + number of Penalty effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties; max 5; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by X × 3 during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, reduces damage by an additional X × 3 when foe's attack triggers foe's Special (excluding area-of-effect Specials), grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Canto (Rem. +1; Min 2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = any movement not already used that turn +1 (min 2; if unit used a movement skill that warped them, unit can move 2 space(s)). (Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Earthly Gáe Bolg
Grants Def+3. In combat against an infantry, armored, or cavalry foe, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Eerie Scripture
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
If unit initiates combat, converts bonuses on foes within 2 spaces of target into penalties through their next actions.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+6 and【Essence Drain】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on foe, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Res = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat, deals damage = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit × 5 (excluding stat bonuses; max 25; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage by value = number of 【Bonus】effects active on unit × 3 (excluding stat bonuses; max 15; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-X to unit before unit's first attack during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit; excluding stat bonuses; max 3).

【Essence Drain】
After combat, if unit attacked, grants any 【Bonus】effects active on target and foes within 2 spaces of target to unit and allies with the Essence Drain effect, and neutralizes any【Bonus】active on target and foes within 2 spaces of target (excluding Bonus effects being granted at the same time). After combat, if foe was defeated in combat, restores 10 HP to unit and allies with the Essence Drain effect.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Exalted Falchion
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Spd+3.
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Farmer's Tool+
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently).
Farmer's Tool
Fell Slaystone
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against cavalry foes. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to allies within 3 spaces of unit and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on their foes per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).

Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to engaged allies within 3 spaces of unit during their combat.

If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3, + 5 (max 14; if unit triggers Savior, value is treated as 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials), inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before foe's first attack during combat.
Fellowship Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of player phase or enemy phase, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+6,【Bulwark】, and【Null Panic】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = 20% of unit's Def at start of combat + 6, unit deals +X damage (X = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 50% of X (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).

Foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

Foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Fiery War Sword
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses × 3, + 5; max 17), neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Flame of Múspell
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+6 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 50% of total bonuses on unit and foe (max: +12), and also, if total bonuses on unit and foe ≥ 10, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Flamefrost Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. Grants Def/Res+5 and inflicts Spd-8 on unit. Unit attacks twice. (Even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice.) Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res during combat = 70% of the highest value between the total bonuses of target and the total bonuses of an ally within 2 spaces of unit.
Flowing Lance+
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Flowing Lance
Fluttering Fan
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If there is an ally within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14; if any space within 2 spaces of unit has a Divine Vein effect applied or counts as difficult terrain, excluding impassable terrain, value is treated as 14) and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack and Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first follow-up attack during combat, and also, if unit's HP ≤ 99% when triggering their Special, unit deals +10 damage.

If there is an ally within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit and if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, foe cannot counterattack.

For allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, if ally's attack can trigger ally's Special, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on ally and grants Special cooldown count-1 to ally before ally's first attack during their combat, and also, if ally's HP ≤ 99% when triggering their Special, ally deals +10 damage.
Foxkit Fang
Grants Res+3. At start of combat, if unit's Res > foe's Res, and if foe uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 50% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +8 to each stat.) At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and if unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Frelian Lance
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, grants "neutralizes 'effective against flying' bonuses" to flying allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk+6 to unit, inflicts Atk-6 on foe, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = 20% of unit's Def at start of combat, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat.
Frostfire Breath
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Atk+3. If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+6 during combat, and also grants bonus to unit's Atk = total bonuses on unit's Def and Res × 1.5 during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Frozen Delight
Enables【Canto (Rem.)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat and total bonuses on unit + total penalties on foe ≥ 12, unit attacks twice.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Canto (Rem.)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = any movement not already used that turn. (If unit used a movement skill that warped them, its remaining movement is 0.)

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Fujin Uchiwa
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit (X = 5 + the greater of unit's current bonus or foe's current bonus on each stat; calculates each stat bonus independently), inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = current bonus on each of foe's stats (calculates each stat penalty independently), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40%, and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack) during combat.
Full Rabbit Fang
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】.
Effective against cavalry foes. Grants Spd+3.

At start of turn, if number of adjacent allies other than beast or dragon allies ≤ 1, or if unit's conditions for transforming are met, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit.

If number of adjacent allies other than beast or dragon allies ≤ 1, or if unit is transformed, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and after combat, if unit's HP ≤ 90%, grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit.

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 to unit, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe during combat (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, + 3; max 6), and also, if X ≥ 5, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above + 1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0). (Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Gainful Bow+
Effective against flying foes. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants【Null Follow-Up】 and【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties, × 2, + 5).

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Gainful Bow
Gainful Dagger+
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants 【Null Follow-Up】and【Null Panic】 to unit.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties, × 2, + 5).

Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Gainful Dagger
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants 【Null Follow-Up】and【Null Panic】 to unit.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties, × 2, + 5).

Effect:【Dagger 5】

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).

【Dagger 5】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Grants Atk+3. If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and/or 1 extra space of movement granted by a skill like Armor March or Armored Boots is active, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against armored foes.
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】and【Penalty】 effects active on unit × 2, + 5; excludes stat bonuses and stat penalties), reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%, and also, if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Genesis Falchion
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragon foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, and also grants effects based on the total value of bonuses on the 3 allies with the highest bonus totals: If ≥ 10, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. If ≥ 25, grants an additional Atk+5 during combat, and also, if unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 5 HP to unit. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.) If ≥ 60, if foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack.
Gerbera Axe
Grants Spd+3. If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, grants "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%.
Giga Excalibur
Grants Spd+3. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.)
Glittering Breath+
During combat, boosts unit's Def/Res by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.) If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Glittering Breath
Goddess Temari
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). On turn 2 onward, enables Canto (1). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Res+6 and "foe cannot make a follow-up attack" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and the following effects to unit during combat: Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X (X = turn number × 2, max 8); on turn 3 onward, unit deals +Y damage (Y = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; excluding area-of-effect Specials); on turn 4 onward, if unit initiates combat and unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, unit attacks twice (if【Time's Gate】is active on unit or if【Time's Grip】is active on target or on foes within 2 spaces of target, turn number is treated as a minimum of 4).

【Time's Gate】
Allies within 4 spaces of unit can move to a space adjacent to unit (that turn only).

【Time's Grip】
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 during combat. Neutralizes unit's skills during allies' combat through unit's next action.
Golden Sunlight
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If unit initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14; treated as 14 starting in unit's second combat in player phase and enemy phase), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials). If unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 70% ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, grants another action to unit after combat and inflicts "restricts movement to 1 space" on unit and Pair Up cohort through their next action. (Will not trigger again for 2 turns after triggering.)
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk = X and Spd/Def/Res = 50% of X (X = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes) during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Goodie Boot+
During combat, boosts unit's Def/Res by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.)
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Goodie Boot
During combat, boosts unit's Def/Res by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.)
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. If unit initiates combat or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Effective against flying foes. If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Effective against flying foes.
If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Green Gift+
If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Green Gift
Grimleal Text
Grants Res+3. At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-6,【Panic】, and【Discord】on foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit with Res < unit's Res through their next actions. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on foe during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and unit deals +X damage (X = total number of【Penalty】 effects active on foe and any foe within 2 spaces of foe, excluding stat penalties, × 4; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on unit during combat (X = 2 + number of allies within 2 spaces of unit; max 5) through its next action.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Slows Special trigger (cooldown count+1).
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat.
Guardian Fang
Grants Spd+3. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.) If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and if unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Guarding Lance
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If a Rally or movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def+6, 【Bonus Doubler】, and【Foe Penalty Doubler】to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

【Foe Penalty Doubler】
Inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = any current penalty on each of those stats through their next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. Grants Def+3. Inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foes within 2 spaces during combat.
Heavy War Axe
Grants Def+3. At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+6, 【Bonus Doubler】, and "foe cannot make a follow-up attack" to unit for 1 turn. At start of turn, grants Atk/Def+6,【Bonus Doubler】, and "foe cannot make a follow-up attack" to any support partner within 2 spaces of unit or, if unit is not on a team with unit's support partner, to ally with the highest Def within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, deals damage = 20% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from attacks by 30% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Heired Gungnir
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. Grants Def+3. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Def+6 and【Charge】 to unit and flying allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and deals damage = 15% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat.

Unit can move up to 3 spaces in any cardinal direction. (Cannot move through foes, terrain that blocks movement, or effects of skills like Obstruct. Granted movement treated as Warp movement.)
Hel's Reaper
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. If foe does not use magic or staff, calculates damage using foe's Res, and if unit’s HP > 1 and foe would reduce unit’s HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP. (Once per combat. Does not stack.)
Helm Bow+
Effective against flying foes. If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Helm Bow
Hermit's Tome
Effective against cavalry foes. If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Hidden Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd/Def-7,【Sabotage】, and【Discord】on closest foes and any foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat + 6, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and grants Special cooldown count-1 before unit's first attack and Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first follow-up attack during combat.

Effect:【Dagger 7】

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on unit during combat (X = 2 + number of allies within 2 spaces of unit; max 5) through its next action.

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Holy Yule Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat, and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, foe's attack can trigger foe's Special, and unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, inflicts Special cooldown count+X on foe before foe's first attack (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, max 3; if unit triggers Savior, value is treated as 3; cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% and foe's Range = 2, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's counterattacks during combat.
Holy-War Spear
Enables【Canto (3)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At the start of turn, grants【Gallop】to unit.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Def (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Canto (3)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 3 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

Unit can move 2 extra spaces (that turn only; only highest value applied; does not stack).
Hoshido's Breath
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25% and unit's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, if foe's attack can trigger foe's Special and unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during combat (cannot exceed foe's maximum Special cooldown). If unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat and if unit's Special cooldown count value is at its maximum after combat, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit after combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Hotshot Lance
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat based on the number of times unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers. (Five or more times grants +7, four times grants +6, three times grants +5, and two or fewer times grants +4.)

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% and the unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers three or more times, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has +7 bonus to Atk, grants Atk+12, for a net bonus of Atk+19.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

When an ally moves through unit's space, that space is counted as 0 spaces moved instead of 1 space. (Unit's space can be freely added to ally's normal movement. Applies only to allies with movement types that allow movement through unit's space.)
Huge Fan+
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+4 and Special cooldown charge +1 per foe's attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack. Special cooldown charge granted even if foe's attack deals 0 damage.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Huge Fan
Hungry Cat Fang
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14), neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and also, when unit's Special triggers, neutralizes foe's "reduces damage by X%" effects from foe's non-Special skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat.

If unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat and unit's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value after combat, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit after combat.

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 to unit, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe during combat (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, + 3; max 6), and also, if X ≥ 5, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.
Hunting Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against beast foes. At start of combat, if unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res < that of an ally within 2 spaces, grants +5 to unit's corresponding stat during combat. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Hurricane Dagger
Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total bonuses on foe during combat. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75% or 【Bonus】 is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Iago's Tome
Grants Res+3. At start of odd-numbered turns, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-3 and that foe is not adjacent to another foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-4 and【Guard】on that foe. At start of even-numbered turns, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-3 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Def/Res-4 and【Panic】on that foe.

Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target per attack during combat through its next action. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Ice-Crystal Spear
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3 (max 14), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes penalties on unit, and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and also, when unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit (triggers even if 0 damage is dealt). If foe with Range = 2 initiates combat, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's counterattacks during combat.
Ice-Tribe Axe
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

If unit is on a team with unit's support partner, at start of turn, grants "neutralizes 'effective against dragons' bonuses" to support partners within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit is not on a team with unit's support partner, at start of turn, grants "neutralizes 'effective against dragons' bonuses" to ally with the highest Res among allies within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

For allies within 3 spaces of unit with "neutralizes 'effective against dragons' bonuses" active, grants Spd/Res+5, neutralizes penalties to Spd/Res, and neutralizes effects that prevent those allies' counterattacks during their combat.

If unit initiates combat, or if there is an ally within 3 spaces of unit with "neutralizes 'effective against dragons' bonuses" active, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).
Icy Maltet
At start of turn, if unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers ten or more times, grants Atk/Def+6 for 1 turn. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat based on the number of times unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers (one or more times grants +5, max; zero times grants +4), and also, if unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers five or more times, inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Ilian Frost Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants【Triangle Attack】and【Canto (1)】 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of times Dragonflowers have been used on unit × 2 (max 15), reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).

【Triangle Attack】
If unit initiates combat and 2 or more allies (excluding unit) with Triangle Attack are within 2 spaces of unit, unit attacks twice. (That turn only. Does not stack.)

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Ilian Merc Lance
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 2, grants【Dodge】and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit and support partners within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and deals damage = 15% of foe's Atk, including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat.

If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
Incipit Kvasir
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, inflicts penalty on foe's Spd/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack), and also, if it is unit's first combat initiated by unit or first combat initiated by foe that turn, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes). If unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, after combat, if unit attacked, inflicts【Panic】 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Indignant Bow
Effective against flying foes. Grants Res+3. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP = 100% at start of combat, grants Atk+6 to unit and inflicts Atk-6 on foe during combat, and also neutralizes penalties to unit's Atk and bonuses to foe's Atk (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Iris's Tome
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat.
Jokers Wild
Grants HP+5. Unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest respective stat from among allies within 2 spaces during combat. (Calculates each stat bonus independently at start of combat. If unit's stat is highest, unit's stat will decrease.)
Jötnar Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-5 on foe during combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def during combat = current bonus on each of unit's Atk/Spd/Def. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

When an ally moves through unit's space, that space is counted as 0 spaces moved instead of 1 space. (Unit's space can be freely added to ally's normal movement. Applies only to allies with movement types that allow movement through unit's space.)
Joyful Vows
Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Grants Atk+3. If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+6 during combat, and if unit initiates combat, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Juicy Bucketful+
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+6 and "if unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack" to unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and deals +X damage (X = number of【Bonus】 effects active on unit and foe, excluding stat bonuses, × 5; max 25; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Juicy Bucketful
Just Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes.

If unit initiates combat or if there is an ally within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, unit deals +7 damage (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and also, when unit's Special triggers, neutralizes foe's "reduces damage by X%" effects from foe's non-Special skills during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

If unit initiates combat, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat, and also, if foe's attack can trigger foe's Special, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during combat (cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown).

For allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants Atk/Spd+4 during their combat, and also, if ally initiates combat and foe's attack can trigger foe's Special, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during their combat (cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown).
Kindling Taiko
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, grants【Canto (1)】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and also, if unit initiates combat against a blue, green, or colorless foe, grants bonus to unit's Atk during combat = 20% of unit's Atk at start of combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk during combat = 20% of foe's Atk at start of combat.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Kitsune Fang
Grants Def+3. Grants allies within 2 spaces bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently. At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and if unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Kitty-Cat Parasol
Calculates damage from staff like other weapons. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1; max cooldown count value cannot be reduced below 1). For allies within 2 spaces of unit, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to ally per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), neutralizes their foe's bonuses to Atk (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and reduces damage from attacks by 30% (excluding area- of-effect Specials) during their combat. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Grants Atk+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+6 to unit during combat, inflicts Atk-6 on foe during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat based on the number of the following conditions that apply × 3 (max: 9):
  - An ally is within 3 spaces of unit.
  - Another foe is within 2 spaces of target.
  - A【Bonus】is active on unit.
  - A【Penalty】is active on foe.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and also, if it is unit's first combat initiated by unit or first combat initiated by foe that turn, reduces damage from foe's first attacks by 70% during combat ("follow-up attack" normally means only the second strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the third and fourth strikes). If unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, after combat, if unit attacked, inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 2 spaces of target.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Laconic Axe
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

Enables【Canto (2)】.

Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit during combat.

For target ally within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, if Savior is not triggered, that ally attacks twice during their combat. If target ally is within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, unit attacks twice during combat. (If support partner is on player team, targets any support partner; otherwise, targets ally with the highest max HP on player team, excluding unit.)

If unit initiates combat or if an ally is within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 20% of unit's Spd, ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s). (Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Lady's Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Desperation】, and 【Preempt Pulse】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 6 + 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, deals +7 damage (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if decreasing the Spd difference necessary to make a follow-up attack by 25 would allow unit to trigger a follow-up attack (excluding guaranteed or prevented follow-ups), triggers【Potent Follow X%】 during combat (if unit cannot perform follow-up and attack twice, X = 80; otherwise, X = 40).

Grants the following effect for 1 turn: "If unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack."

【Preempt Pulse】
Grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.

【Potent Follow X%】
Triggers an additional follow-up attack immediately after unit's standard follow-up attack and deals damage = X% of unit's normal attack damage (if unit cannot make a follow-up attack, this effect triggers when the standard follow-up attack would occur; this effect is treated like a follow-up attack, so effects like "reduce damage by X%" still apply, but this effect is not affected by effects that prevent follow-ups or "attacks twice" effects; only highest value applied; does not stack).
Grants Atk+3. Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat.
Lance of Grado
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+6, "Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack)," and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3 (max 14), neutralizes unit's penalties, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Lance of Heroics
If an ally's HP ≤ 80%, unit can move to a space adjacent to that ally. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 4 + X (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat × 2; max 8).
Larcei's Edge
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd or if foe's HP = 100%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Legion's Axe+
After combat, if unit attacked, converts bonuses on foe into penalties through its next action.
Legion's Axe
Light of Dawn
Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Grants Res+3. Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of target's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Lion's Heart
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1; Min 2)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

After Canto, if unit entered combat on the current turn, grants another action to unit, and re-enables Canto (once per turn; does not trigger when affected by effects of traps in Aether Raids during Canto).

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants "unit can move 1 extra space" to unit (that turn only; does not stack), and grants the following statuses on unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn: "neutralizes penalties on unit during combat" and "Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack)."

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat + 5, unit deals +X × 5 damage (X = number of Bonus effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses + number of Penalty effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties; max 5; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by X × 3 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, reduces damage by an additional X × 3 when foe's attack triggers foe's Special (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Canto (Rem. +1; Min 2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = any movement not already used that turn +1 (min 2; if unit used a movement skill that warped them, unit can move 2 space(s)). (Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Lofty Leaflet
Enables【Canto (Unit 3×3)】.

Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, deals damage = 15% of unit's Spd, and also, if foe has bonuses, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats. Calculates each stat bonus and penalty independently.

【Canto (Unit 3×3)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move to a space within 3 rows and 3 columns centered on unit.

(Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Granted movement treated as Warp movement.)
Love of Nerþuz
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

Grants the following effects to allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, and if unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, to unit: when that unit or ally's Special triggers during combat, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by percentage = that unit or ally's max Special cooldown count value × 30, + 10 (max 100%; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if that unit or ally's max Special cooldown count value ≥ 3 and their attack can trigger their Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to that unit or ally before their first attack during combat.

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 to unit, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe during combat (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, + 3; max 6), and also, if X ≥ 5, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.
Grants Res+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat, and if unit initiates combat, foe cannot make a follow-up attack. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions, and if bonus was granted to unit, deals 4 damage to unit.
Magic Rabbits
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown count-2. Unit can move to a space within 2 spaces of any ally within 2 spaces. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk+4, Spd+6, and bonus to unit's Atk = unit's max Special cooldown count value × 3 during combat.
Master's Tactics
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants 【Grand Strategy】to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on unit through its next action, and inflicts -6 on the highest and second highest stat values between Atk, Spd, Def, and Res for each ally within 2 spaces through their next actions (subtract 15 from Atk when comparing). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-3 on closest foes and foes within 3 spaces of those foes through their next actions. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Res-5 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.

【Grand Strategy】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit's negative effects that last "through unit's next action" will remain in effect until this status (Grand Strategy) is neutralized.
Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and sword, lance, axe, bow, dagger, or beast allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are within 2 spaces.)
Mirage Falchion
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Def+3. If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = 3 + number of allies who have already acted × 2 (max value of 7). If foe initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = 7 - number of foes who have already acted × 2 (min value of 3).
Monstrous Bow+
Effective against flying foes.
After combat, if unit attacked, converts bonuses on foes within 2 spaces of target into penalties through their next actions.
Monstrous Bow
Morph Fimbulvetr
Grants Atk+3. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Res-8 on foe during combat, foe cannot make a follow-up attack, and grants bonus to unit's Atk during combat = total Atk+Res bonuses on ally with the highest total Atk+Res bonuses within 3 spaces. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, after combat, if unit attacked, deals 15 damage to nearest ally.
Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. Neutralizes magic foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Múspell Fireposy
Grants Spd+3. During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Spd by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2.
(Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.)
Nectar Horn
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of player phase or enemy phase, if any foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit have Res < unit's Res+5, inflicts Atk/Def-7,【Discord】,【Deep Wounds】, and a penalty that neutralizes non-Special "if foe would reduce unit's HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP" effects on those foes through their next actions.

If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, deals +7 damage when Special triggers, and neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit.

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on unit during combat (X = 2 + number of allies within 2 spaces of unit; max 5) through its next action.

【Deep Wounds】
Unit's HP cannot be healed through its next action.
New Foxkit Fang
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit's Res > foe's Res, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.) If unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and if unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
New Levin Sword
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-2; max cooldown count value cannot be reduced below 1).

Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75% or if number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
New War Axe
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (max 14; min 5), neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, reduces the effect of【Deep Wounds】on unit by 50%, and reduces damage from foe's follow-up attack by 80% during combat ("follow-up attack" normally means the second strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the third and fourth strikes), and also, if unit's HP ≥ 70%, deals damage = X% of unit's Def when unit's attack triggers unit's Special; otherwise, restores HP = X% of unit's Def to unit when unit's attack triggers unit's Special (X = unit's max Special cooldown count value × 10, + 10; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Deep Wounds】
Unit's HP cannot be healed through its next action.
New Year Talon
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of player phase or enemy phase, inflicts Spd/Def-7,【Exposure】, and 【Sabotage】on foes that are within 2 spaces of another foe through their next actions.

If unit is transformed or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat + 5, unit deals +X damage (X = number of Bonus effects, excluding stat bonuses, and number of Penalty effects, excluding stat penalties, active on foe and foes within 2 spaces of that foe × 3; excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack) and grants Atk+2 to unit.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
New Year Treats
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If a Rally or movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by an ally with the【Divine Nectar】effect active (excluding unit), grants Atk/Res+6 and 【Charge】to unit and that ally for 1 turn and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit and that ally (once per turn).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat + 5, deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special), neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Divine Nectar】
Neutralizes【Deep Wounds】during combat.

Restores 20 HP to unit as unit's combat begins (triggers after effects that deal damage as combat begins; only highest value applied; does not stack). If it is unit's first combat initiated by foe or first combat initiated by unit that turn, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 10 during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

Unit can move up to 3 spaces in any cardinal direction. (Cannot move through foes, terrain that blocks movement, or effects of skills like Obstruct. Granted movement treated as Warp movement.)

【Deep Wounds】
Unit's HP cannot be healed through its next action.
Niðavellir Ballista
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.

Enables【Canto (Dist. +1; Max 4)】
during turns 1 through 4.

At the start of turns 1 through 4, grants Special cooldown count-3 to unit, grants Special cooldown count-1 to allies within 2 spaces of unit (excluding unit), and grants 【Hexblade】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, unit deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

【Canto (Dist. +1; Max 4)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit before the above, +1. (Max 4.)

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).
Nifl Frostflowers
Grants Atk+3. During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Spd by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2.
(Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.)
Nightmare's Egg
Grants Spd+3. If a skill like Sing or Dance is used, grants【Foe Penalty Doubler】to target and allies within 2 spaces of target (excluding unit) and inflicts【Panic】on foes in cardinal directions of unit and target. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat.

【Foe Penalty Doubler】
Inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = any current penalty on each of those stats through their next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Ninja Naginata+
Inflicts Def/Res-4. If unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice, and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 50% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +4 damage.)
Ninja Naginata
Ninja Yumi+
Effective against flying foes. Inflicts Def/Res-4. If unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice, and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 50% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +4 damage.)
Ninja Yumi
Ninjutsu Scrolls
Grants Spd+4. Inflicts Def/Res-4. If unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice, and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.)
Grants Spd+3. Adds 50% of total bonuses on foe to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat.
Enables【Canto (Ally 5)】. Grants Atk+3.

If unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice.

For each foe within 5 spaces of unit, unit can move to any of the nearest spaces that are two spaces away from that foe (unless space is impassable terrain).

At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Res-7 and 【Sabotage】on closest foes and any foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

If either unit or foe has an active【Bonus】 or【Penalty】effect, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Res during combat = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat + 6.

【Canto (Ally 5)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 5 spaces.

(Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Granted movement treated as Warp movement.)

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+6,【Resonance: Blades】, and【Resonance: Shields】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

【Resonance: Blades】
Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat for 1 turn.

【Resonance: Shields】
Grants Def/Res+4 during combat and the following effect for 1 turn: "During unit's first combat in player phase or enemy phase, foe cannot make a follow-up attack."
Observant Staff+
If unit is within 3 spaces of two allies in a support-partner pair (excluding unit), grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 to unit during combat and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Observant Staff
Odin's Grimoire
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat.
Óðr of Creation
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of player phase or enemy phase, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants【Empathy】 and "unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), neutralizes unit's penalties, deals +X damage (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and foe, excluding stat bonuses, × 5; max 25; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of types of【Bonus】effects, excluding stat bonuses, and【Penalty】effects, excluding stat penalties, active on player team and enemy team during combat (max 7).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Opposing Stones
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against dragon foes. Neutralizes "effective against armored" bonuses. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

Reduces damage from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by 80%.

Grants weapon-triangle advantage against colorless foes and inflicts weapon-triangle disadvantage on colorless foes during combat.

At start of turn, if unit's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit.

If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def/Res = 5 + number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3 (max 14; if unit triggers Savior, value is treated as 14), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Res during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and after combat, restores 7 HP to unit, and also, if unit's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit.

Grants Atk/Def/Res+4 to allies within 3 spaces during combat and restores 7 HP to those allies after their combat.
Oracle's Breath
Grants Atk+3. If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit, foe cannot make a follow-up attack. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Order's Sentence
Grants Atk+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and grants bonus to unit's Atk during combat = total bonuses on ally with the highest total bonuses within 2 spaces. (Example: if an ally within 2 spaces has Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6, grants Atk+24.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Packleader Tome
Grants Spd+3. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd/Res-6 and【Panic】on nearest foes within 5 spaces of unit and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Res-X on foe during combat (X = any current penalty on each of those stats + 5; example: if foe has -7 penalty to Atk, inflicts Atk-12, for a net penalty of Atk-19; calculates each stat penalty independently), and also, if unit initiates combat, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
After combat, if unit attacked, converts bonuses on target and foes within 2 spaces of target into penalties through their next actions.
After combat, if unit attacked, converts bonuses on foe into penalties through its next action.
Panther Lance
During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Def by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.)
Partnership Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. At start of turn, inflicts【Discord】and【Panic】on nearest foes within 5 spaces of unit and foes within 2 spaces of those foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and inflicts Spd/Def-X on foe during combat (X = number of【Bonus】and【Penalty】 effects active on foe × 4; max 16; excludes stat bonuses and stat penalties), and also, if any【Bonus】or【Penalty】is active on foe, neutralizes "Special cooldown charge -X" effects on unit and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat.

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on unit during combat (X = 2 + number of allies within 2 spaces of unit; max 5) through its next action.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Pastel Poleaxe
Grants Def+3. Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Def, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 7 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces after combat.
Payday Pouch
Grants Spd+3. If number of Bonus effects active on unit (excluding stat bonuses) ≥ 3, enables Canto (2). At start of turn, grants the following effects to unit based on the number of allies within 2 spaces of unit: if ≥ 1, grants 【Null Follow-Up】; if ≥ 2, grants【Hexblade】. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and grants Atk/Spd+X to unit (X = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat, - 8; min 0, max 10) during combat, and also, if number of Bonus effects active on unit (excluding stat bonuses) ≥ 3, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduces damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (example: a foe with a "reduces damage by 45%" skill would reduce damage by 23% instead).

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).
Peachy Parfait+
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Res+5 to unit and inflicts Res-5 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has Res bonus, grants bonus to unit's Res and inflicts penalty on foe's Res during combat = current bonus on foe's Res. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Peachy Parfait
Penitent Lance
Grants Def+3. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants【Hexblade】and【Null Panic】 to unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, inflicts penalty to foe's Atk/Def = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 6 (max 12), and if number of【Bonus】effects active on unit excluding stat bonuses ≥ 3, reduces damage from foe's first attack by X% during combat (if foe can make a follow-up attack, X = 80; otherwise, X = 40; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Phantasm Tome
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, inflicts Spd/Res-6 and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70%.
Playful Pinwheel
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants 【Null Follow-Up】and【Null Panic】to unit. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = number of Bonus effects active on unit and Penalty effects active on foe (excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties) × 2, and also, if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-X to unit before unit's first attack and Special cooldown count-Y to unit before unit's first follow-up attack during combat (X = number of Bonus effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses; max = unit's Special cooldown count value at start of combat; Y = number of Bonus effects active on unit (excluding stat bonuses) - unit's Special cooldown count value at start of combat; min: 0). After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Pledged Blade+
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+4 and Special cooldown charge +1 per foe's attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack. Special cooldown charge granted even if foe's attack deals 0 damage.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Pledged Blade
Praise-Piner Axe
Effective against flying foes. Grants Def+3. Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Def/Res+6 and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def/Res = 5 + 15% of unit's Def at start of combat and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 15% of unit's Def during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if unit's HP > 1 and foe would reduce unit's HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP (once per combat; does not stack with non-Special effects that allow unit to survive with 1 HP if foe's attack would reduce HP to 0).

If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Prayer Wheel
Grants Spd+3. If a skill like Sing or Dance is used, grants bonus to target's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest bonus on target ally for 1 turn. (Example: if target has a +6 bonus to Atk, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6.)
Prince's Lance
Enables【Canto (2)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If unit initiates combat or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat - 4 (min 5; max 14), inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2 (example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-14, for a net penalty of Atk-7; calculates each stat penalty independently), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 40% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if unit deals damage to foe using a Special during combat, restores a percentage of unit's max HP = 10 + unit's max Special cooldown count value × 20 (max 100%; triggers even if 0 damage is dealt).

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Pumpkin Stem+
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently).
Pumpkin Stem
Pure-Wing Spear
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against armored and cavalry foes. At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 and the following status to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn: "unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces." If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from attacks by 30% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores X HP to unit (if foe is armored or cavalry, X = 14; otherwise, X = 7; triggers even if 0 damage is dealt).
If【Bonus】is active on unit, enables 【Canto (Rem. +1)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 5 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and unit's support partners; calculates each stat bonus independently), reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%, and also, if【Bonus】is active on unit, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above+1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Quieting Antler
Enables【Canto (2)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+6 and【Bonus Doubler】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, and if unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit have bonuses to Atk/Spd/Def/Res after start-of-turn skills trigger, grants an additional +3 to each corresponding stat for unit and those allies for 1 turn (calculates each stat bonus independently; max 10).

If unit initiates combat or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = 6 + 20% of unit's Def at start of combat, unit deals +X damage (X = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 50% of X (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 to unit, inflicts Atk/Def-Y on foe during combat (Y = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, + 3; max 6), and also, if Y ≥ 5, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).
(Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Quieting Claw
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd/Def-7,【Exposure】, and a penalty that neutralizes non-Special "if foe would reduce unit's HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP" effects on nearest foe and foes within 2 spaces of them through their next actions. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-X on foe (X = number of foes within 2 spaces of target with Bonuses or Penalties active on them, excluding target, × 3, + 4; max 10), deals Y damage (Y = total number of Bonuses and Penalties active on foe and any foe within 2 spaces of foe, excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties, x 3; excluding when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special), reduces damage from attacks by 40%, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat. At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack) and grants Atk+2 to unit.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.
Quietus Gullveig
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. If unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70% during combat and restores 7 HP to unit after combat. If unit initiates combat, grants another action to unit after combat, and inflicts "restricts movement to 1 space" on unit and Pair Up cohort through their next action (will not trigger again for 2 turns after triggering).
Rampart Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd/Def-7,【Exposure】, and【Deep Wounds】on closest foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), neutralizes unit's penalties, deals +X damage (X = number of foes within 3 spaces of target, including target, × 8; max 32; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.

【Deep Wounds】
Unit's HP cannot be healed through its next action.
Rapid-Crier Bow
Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. At start of turn, grants Atk/Spd+6 to ally with the highest Atk+Spd total for 1 turn. (Excludes unit.) If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat and grants bonus to unit's Atk during combat = total Atk+Spd bonuses on ally with the highest total Atk+Spd bonuses within 3 spaces.
Slows Special trigger (cooldown count+1).
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat.
Raven King Beak
Grants Spd+3. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.) At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.) If unit transforms, grants Atk+2.
Red-Fist Blades
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice).

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Incited】, and "Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack)" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

Effect:【Dagger 7】

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Red-Hot Ducks+
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.) After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Red-Hot Ducks
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.) After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Refreshed Fang
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Spd+5 to unit, inflicts Spd-5 on foe during combat, and then, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.)

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and also, if unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Resolved Fang
Grants Def+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Def+5 to unit, inflicts Def-5 on foe during combat, and then, if unit's Def > foe's Def, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.)

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 and deals +10 damage when Special triggers.
Reversal Blade+
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2 (calculates each stat penalty independently; example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-14, for a net penalty of Atk-7).
Reversal Blade
Reversal Lance+
Reversal Lance
Ring of Affiance+
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2 during combat. (Calculates each stat penalty independently; example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-14, for a net penalty of Atk-7.)
Ring of Affiance
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1; max cooldown count value cannot be reduced below 1). Foe cannot counterattack.

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Salvage】, and the following status to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn: "unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces."

For allies with the【Salvage】effect active, when Canto triggers, if ally is within 6 spaces of unit, ally can move to a space within 2 spaces of unit, even if that movement exceeds the Canto distance limit.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat + 6, deals damage = 15% of foe's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials; calculates damage from staff after combat damage is added), neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

Enables【Canto (2)】.

When【Canto Control】is applied to unit, if unit's Range = 1, unit can move 2 spaces with Canto instead of 1 space, and if unit's Range = 2, unit can move 1 space with Canto instead of 0 spaces.

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

【Canto Control】
Limits the number of spaces target can move with Canto through their next action. If target's Range = 1, target can move 1 space when Canto triggers. If target's Range = 2, target's action ends when Canto triggers.
Sandfort Spade+
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+4 during combat.
Sandfort Spade
Scepter of Love
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit or if unit's HP ≥ 70%, grants bonus to unit's Atk = 25% of foe's Def and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk = 25% of foe's Res during combat.
Scroll of Curses
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Enables【Canto (Dist.; Max 3)】.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Anathema】, and the following status to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn: "Grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack)."

If unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice, and unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack.

If unit initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = 6 + 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat.

【Canto (Dist.; Max 3)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = number of spaces from start position to end position unit moved prior to taking action (max 3).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

Inflicts Spd/Def/Res-4 on foes within 3 spaces of unit during combat.
Scroll of Teas
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice).

Unit can move to any space within 2 spaces of an ally within 2 spaces of unit.

At start of enemy phase, restores 10 HP to unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit.

After start-of-turn effects trigger on enemy phase, for unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit, neutralizes stat penalties and two【Penalty】 effects (does not apply to Penalty effects that are applied at the same time; neutralizes the first applicable Penalty effects on unit's list of active effects).

Grants Spd/Res+4 to allies within 3 spaces of unit during their combat and restores 10 HP to those allies after their combat.

If unit initiates combat or is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat + 5, deals damage = 6 × number of allies with HP ≥ 50% during combat (max 18; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 10 HP to unit after combat.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Scythe of Sariel
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and/or 1 extra space of movement granted by a skill like Armor March or Armored Boots is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Seaside Parasol+
At start of turn, inflicts【Guard】on nearest foes within 5 spaces of unit and foes within 2 spaces of those foes equipped with a skill that can trigger the Savior effect. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit and inflicts Res-X on foe during combat (X = number of【Bonus】and【Penalty】 effects active on foe × 4; max 16; excludes stat bonuses and stat penalties).

Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target per attack during combat through its next action. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Seaside Parasol
Sell-Spell Tome
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat based on the number of times unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers. (Five or more times grants +7, four times grants +6, three times grants +5, and two or fewer times grants +4.)

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% and unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers three or more times, grants further bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Sentinel Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes.

If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, foe cannot trigger Specials during combat or area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials).

If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and unit's next attack deals damage = total damage reduced from foe's first attack (by any source, including other skills). Resets at end of combat.
Shadowy Quill
Enables【Canto (Recall)】.

Grants Atk+3. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, and deals damage = total of the greater between unit's current bonus or foe's current penalty to Atk/Spd/Def/Res. (Calculates each value independently. Excluding area-of-effect Specials.)
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Canto (Recall)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can return to the space they moved from.

(Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Granted movement treated as Warp movement.)

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Shoreline Rake+
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+4 during combat.
Shoreline Rake
Shuriken Cleaver+
Inflicts Def/Res-4. If unit initiates combat, unit attacks twice, and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 50% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +4 damage.)
Shuriken Cleaver
Silent Breath
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foe (X = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2; example: if foe has +7 bonus to Spd, inflicts Spd-14, for a net penalty of Spd-7; calculates each stat penalty independently), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attacks by 7 during combat ("follow-up attack" normally means only the second strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the third and fourth strikes). If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Silent Yule Knife
Enables【Canto (Dist.; Max 3)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 9 - number of allies adjacent to unit × 2 (min 0), neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by percentage = X × 30 and reduces damage from foe's first attack by percentage = X × 30 during combat (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, max 3; if any space within 2 spaces of unit has a Divine Vein effect applied or counts as difficult terrain, excluding impassable terrain, value is treated as 3; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes). After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.

【Canto (Dist.; Max 3)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = number of spaces from start position to end position unit moved prior to taking action (max 3).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Silver of Dawn
Effective against armored and cavalry foes.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Allies within 2 spaces of unit can move to any space within 2 spaces of unit.

At start of enemy phase, restores 10 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit.

After start-of-turn effects trigger on enemy phase, converts penalties on unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit into bonuses, and also, neutralizes two【Penalty】effects on unit, excluding stat penalties (does not apply to Penalty effects that are applied at the same time; neutralizes the first applicable Penalty effects on unit's list of active effects).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on foe, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Res during combat = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and unit deals +X damage during combat (X = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 5; max 15; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Sisterly Axe
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +7.

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Dodge】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat, and also, when unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit (triggers even if 0 damage is dealt).

If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
Effective against flying foes.
Grants Spd+3. At the start of turn 3, deals 10 damage to foes within 3 columns centered on unit, and converts bonuses on those foes into penalties through their next actions.
Grants Spd+3 and【Pathfinder】. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

When an ally moves through unit's space, that space is counted as 0 spaces moved instead of 1 space. (Unit's space can be freely added to ally's normal movement. Applies only to allies with movement types that allow movement through unit's space.)
Sky-Hopper Egg
Enables【Canto (1)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Charge】, and "if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%" to unit, allies within 2 spaces of unit, and allies in a support-partner pair on player's team (excluding with unit) for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and an additional bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = number of allies granted【Charge】(excluding unit) × 4 (max 8), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

Unit can move up to 3 spaces in any cardinal direction. (Cannot move through foes, terrain that blocks movement, or effects of skills like Obstruct. Granted movement treated as Warp movement.)
Snaking Sword
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

Allies within 2 spaces of unit can move to any space within 2 spaces of unit.

If unit has entered combat or used an Assist skill during the current turn, allies can move to a space within 2 spaces of unit.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 20% of unit's Spd during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).
Sneering Axe
Inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2. (Example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-14, for a net penalty of Atk-7.) Calculates each stat penalty independently. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts【Panic】
on target and foes within 2 spaces of target.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Snow Globe+
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Res during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Snow Globe
Snow's Grace
Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Snowman Staff
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1; max cooldown count value cannot be reduced below 1). Foe cannot counterattack.

Unit can move to a space within 2 spaces of any ally within 2 spaces of unit.

If a Rally or movement Assist skill is used by unit, grants【Foe Penalty Doubler】and Special cooldown count-1 to unit, target ally, and allies within 3 spaces of target ally after movement (Special cooldown count-1 effect granted only once per turn).

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 6 + 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials; if the "calculates damage from staff like other weapons" effect is not active, damage from staff is calculated after combat damage is added).

【Foe Penalty Doubler】
Inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = any current penalty on each of those stats through their next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Sparking Tome
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, inflicts Spd/Res-6 on foe during combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Spd/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2. (Example: if foe has +7 bonus to Spd, inflicts Spd-20, for a net penalty of Spd-13.) Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Spear of Assal
Grants Spd+3. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+4 to unit during combat and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. Grants Atk/Spd+4 to allies within 2 spaces during combat.
Grants Atk+3. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants the following effects to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn: Atk/Def+6, "neutralizes 'effective against flying' bonuses," and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat."

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), deals damage = 10% of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 10% of unit's Atk during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Spectral Tome+
After combat, if unit attacked, converts bonuses on foes within 2 spaces of target into penalties through their next actions.
Spectral Tome
Spendy Scimitar
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat based on the number of times unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers (one or more times grants +6, zero times grants +4), and also, if unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers two or more times, neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.
Spirited Axe+
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+4 and Special cooldown charge +1 per foe's attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack. Special cooldown charge granted even if foe's attack deals 0 damage.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spirited Axe
Spirited Spear+
Spirited Spear
Spirited Sword+
Spirited Sword
Staff of Yngvi
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1; max cooldown count value cannot be reduced below 1).
Foe cannot counterattack.

Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 5 spaces.

If a Rally or movement Assist skill is used by unit, grants【Empathy】,【Canto (1)】, and the following status to unit and target ally for 1 turn: "If unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack."

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Res = 6 + 20% of unit's Res at start of combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials; damage from staff is calculated after combat damage is added), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.

Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of types of【Bonus】effects, excluding stat bonuses, and【Penalty】effects, excluding stat penalties, active on player team and enemy team during combat (max 7).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s). (Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Stall-Game Bow+
Effective against flying foes.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+6 and "if unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack" to unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and deals +X damage (X = number of【Bonus】 effects active on unit and foe, excluding stat bonuses, × 5; max 25; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Stall-Game Bow
Stoutheart Lance
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = current penalty on each of those stats × 2, + 4; example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+18, for a net bonus of Atk+11 during combat; calculates each stat bonus independently), and the following effects will occur based on unit's HP at start of combat: if unit's HP ≥ 50%, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack; if unit's HP ≥ 75%, deals +7 damage during combat as well (except when dealing damage with area-of-effect Specials).
Suave Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If a Rally or movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, grants "reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special 'reduce damage by X%' skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials)" and 【Bonus Doubler】to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn.

If a Rally or movement Assist skill is used by unit, grants another action to unit (once per turn).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14), neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by number of 【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 3 during combat (max 15; excluding area-of-effect Specials; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Sublime Surge
Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Summertime Axe
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Spd/Def/Res+6, "neutralizes 'effective against flying' bonuses," and "reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special 'reduce damage by X%' skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials)" to unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, unit deals +X × 5 damage (max 30; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by X × 3 during combat (max 18; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage further by X × 3 (max 18; excluding area-of-effect Specials; X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and foe, excluding stat bonuses).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above+1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Sun Dragonstone
If foe initiates combat or if a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is not active on foe, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Sun Sword
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses.

After start-of-turn effects trigger on enemy phase, converts bonuses on closest foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes into penalties (does not convert bonuses applied at the same time).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by X during combat (if foe is red, green, or colorless, X = 50% of unit's Spd; otherwise, X = 20% of unit's Spd; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage from foe's attacks by an additional X (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

If unit initiates combat, applies 【Divine Vein (Flame)】on 5 spaces in a line centered on foe's space and on the 5 spaces behind those spaces (based on direction unit is facing) for 1 turn after combat.

【Divine Vein (Flame)】
Applies the following effects on space: Acts as difficult terrain for foes with Range = 2 (moving over this space costs +1 movement; does not apply to "cannot be slowed by terrain" effects; movement cost cannot exceed unit's allowed movement). At start of enemy phase, deals 7 damage to foe, and also, as combat begins, deals an additional 7 damage to foe (effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce foe's HP below 1). (Divine Vein effects do not stack; replaces any existing Divine Vein effect; Divine Vein effects applied simultaneously cancel each other out.)
Sunflower Bow+
Effective against flying foes. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Def+5 to unit and inflicts Def-5 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has Def bonus, grants bonus to unit's Def and inflicts penalty on foe's Def during combat = current bonus on foe's Def. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Sunflower Bow
At start of turn, inflicts【Guard】on nearest foes within 5 spaces of unit and foes within 2 spaces of those foes equipped with a skill that can trigger the Savior effect. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit and inflicts Res-X on foe during combat (X = number of【Bonus】and【Penalty】 effects active on foe × 4; max 16; excludes stat bonuses and stat penalties).

Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target per attack during combat through its next action. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Swirling Lance
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of player phase or enemy phase, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Spd/Def+6, "increases Spd difference necessary for foe to make a follow-up attack by 10 during combat," and【Null Panic】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Swirling Scimitar
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +7.

At start of player phase or enemy phase, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Dodge】, and "neutralizes penalties on unit during combat" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res based on the number of times unit has been enhanced using Dragonflowers (one or more times grants +14, zero times grants +10), grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit before foe's first attack, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 25% of unit's Spd during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and unit's next attack deals damage = total damage reduced from foe's first attack (by any source, including other skills). Resets at end of combat.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
Sword of Isaach
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Potent Follow】, and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, and also, if【Potent Follow X%】has triggered and X ≤ 99, then X = 100, unit deals +Y × 5 damage (Y = number of Bonus effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses + number of Penalty effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties; max 5; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by Y × 3 during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage by Y × 3 (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Potent Follow】
If decreasing the Spd difference necessary to make a follow-up attack by 25 would allow unit to trigger a follow-up attack (excluding guaranteed or prevented follow-ups), triggers【Potent Follow X%】during combat (if unit cannot perform follow-up and attack twice, X = 80; otherwise, X = 40).

【Potent Follow X%】
Triggers an additional follow-up attack immediately after unit's standard follow-up attack and deals damage = X% of unit's normal attack damage (if unit cannot make a follow-up attack, this effect triggers when the standard follow-up attack would occur; this effect is treated like a follow-up attack, so effects like "reduce damage by X%" still apply, but this effect is not affected by effects that prevent follow-ups or "attacks twice" effects; only highest value applied; does not stack).
Effective against flying foes. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+5 and bonus to Atk/Def during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and/or 1 extra space of movement granted by a skill like Armor March or Armored Boots is active, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 and Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Teacake Tower+
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2. (Calculates each stat penalty independently; example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-14, for a net penalty of Atk-7.)
Teacake Tower
Tempest's Claw
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. Blue tomes are effective against unit. Inflicts Spd-5. Unit attacks twice.
Tender Vessel
Enables【Canto (1)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, deals damage to foe = X% of foe's Atk as combat begins (if unit has weapon-triangle advantage or if unit's Res > foe's Res, X = 40; otherwise, X = 20; activates only when unit can attack in combat; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce foe's HP below 1), grants Atk/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res during combat = 20% of unit's Res at start of combat, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Tharja's Hex
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat.
The Cleaner+
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on foe during combat. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
The Cleaner
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on foe during combat. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
The Cycle's Turn
Enables【Canto (1)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit (X = number of turns × 2; max 10), deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat.

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
The Inexhaustible
Enables【Canto (Dist.; Max 3)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.
Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice).

If unit initiates combat or【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (Dist.; Max 3)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = number of spaces from start position to end position unit moved prior to taking action (max 3).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Foe cannot counterattack. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1; max cooldown count value cannot be reduced below 1). At start of turn, grants the【Bonus】effects active on the foe with the most【Bonus】effects active (excluding stat bonuses) to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn, and neutralizes【Bonus】effects active on that foe (excluding bonuses granted at the start of the same turn). Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on foes within 3 columns or 3 rows centered on unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat, and deals damage = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 5 (max 20; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Thracia Kinglance
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, inflicts Atk-X on foe (X = 15% of unit's Def at start of combat), and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).
Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat.
Tiger Spirit
Grants Res+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit during combat, and also, after combat, if unit attacked, inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 2 spaces of target.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Tome of Despair
Grants Atk+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on foe during combat, and also, the following effects will occur based on the value of total bonuses on unit + value of total penalties on foe: if ≥ 5, "foe cannot make a follow-up attack"; and if ≥ 10, "unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack"; and if ≥ 15, "inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat." (Example: if unit has an Atk/Res+6 bonus and foe has an Atk/Res-6 penalty, the calculated total will be 24.)
Tome of Luxuries
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants "if unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack" to unit for 1 turn. After start-of-turn skills trigger, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants any【Bonus】effects active on unit (including stat bonuses; excluding "unit can move 1 extra space" and【Pathfinder】) to allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and deals damage = 15% of unit's Res (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

When an ally moves through unit's space, that space is counted as 0 spaces moved instead of 1 space. (Unit's space can be freely added to ally's normal movement. Applies only to allies with movement types that allow movement through unit's space.)
Tri-Path Splitter
Enables【Canto (Dist. +1; Max 4)】.

Grants Spd+3. At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6, 【Null Follow-Up】, and【Null Panic】 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat.

【Canto (Dist. +1; Max 4)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit before the above, +1. (Max 4.)

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Tropical Treats+
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+4 during combat.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Tropical Treats
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+4 during combat.
Effect:【Dagger 5】

【Dagger 5】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-5 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Twin Star Axe
Inflicts Spd-5. Unit attacks twice.
(Even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice.) Grants bonus to unit's Atk = half of total bonuses on unit during combat.
Unbound Axe+
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Unbound Axe
Unbound Blade+
Unbound Blade
Unbound Bow+
Effective against flying foes. If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Unbound Bow
Unbound Lance+
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Unbound Lance
United Bouquet
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit for 1 turn and unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3, + 5 (max 14), neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores X HP to unit (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat × 3; max 12; triggers even if 0 damage is dealt).
Unyielding Oar
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, and also, if【Bonus】is active on foe or if unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd+10, unit attacks twice.

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above+1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Vassal's Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.)
Veðrfölnir's Edge
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if there is an ally within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Null Follow-Up】to unit and allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit for 1 turn.

If unit initiates combat or if there is an ally within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 3 (max 14), neutralizes unit's penalties, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, unit deals +X damage, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 50% of X during combat (X = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces Special damage by 50% of X (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Def+5 to unit and inflicts Def-5 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has Def bonus, grants bonus to unit's Def and inflicts penalty on foe's Def during combat = current bonus on foe's Def. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Volunteer Bow
Effective against flying foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat, and also, if foe's Range = 2, inflicts Atk/Spd-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
War-God Mjölnir
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against armored foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+6 to unit during combat, inflicts Atk-6 on foe during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and also, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Warrior's Sword
Grants Atk+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats (calculates each stat bonus independently), and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Whitewind Bow+
Effective against flying foes. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants【Null Follow-Up】 and【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and 【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties, × 2, + 5).

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Whitewind Bow
Wild Tiger Fang
Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-6 on foes within 4 spaces of unit through their next actions. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and neutralizes bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) on foe during combat.

At start of turn 2, turn 4, and all later turns, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, deals +7 damage when Special triggers, and neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, but after combat, if unit attacked, deals 5 damage to unit.
Wild Wind Sword
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of player phase or enemy phase, inflicts Spd/Def-7 on unit through unit's next action.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2 (example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12; calculates each stat bonus independently), unit deals damage = total penalties on unit × 1.5 (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Wildcat Dagger
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 4 + current bonus on each of foe's stats, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = current bonus on each of foe's stats (calculates each stat bonus and penalty independently), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Wildflower Edge
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

If unit has entered combat during the current turn, allies within 5 spaces of unit can move to a space within 2 spaces of unit.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by X% during combat (if it is unit's first combat initiated by unit or first combat initiated by foe that turn, X = 80; otherwise, X = 40; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

If unit initiates combat, deals 10 damage to target and foes within 2 spaces of target after combat, and inflicts【Share Spoils】on target through its next action.

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above + 1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0). (Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

【Share Spoils】
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on unit during combat and neutralizes "reduces damage by X%" effects from unit's non-Special skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials). If foe initiates combat and if unit is defeated in combat, grants another action to that foe after combat (this effect has priority over other similar effects, including Time Is Light; in such cases, these other similar effects are treated as not having triggered).
Wind Tribe Club+
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants "if unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack" and【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties, × 2, + 5).

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Wind Tribe Club
Winds of Change
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. At start of combat, if a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit or if unit's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd+5 and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat.
Wing-Lifted Spear
Enables【Canto (2)】.

Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Grants Atk+3. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, and also, if foe has bonuses, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit and inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foe during combat. (X = current bonus on each of foe's stats.) Calculates each stat effect independently.

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Winter Rapier+
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+5 and bonus to Atk/Def during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Winter Rapier
Wintery Arts
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice).

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants【Divinely Inspiring】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of distinct game titles among allies within 3 spaces of unit × 3 + 4 (max 10), unit deals +X damage (X = 5 × the total of the number of distinct game titles among allies, excluding unit, and the number of engaged allies, excluding unit; max 15; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by X during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

【Divinely Inspiring】
Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = X × 3 (X = number of allies with the Divinely Inspiring effect within 3 spaces of unit, excluding unit; max 2), grants Special cooldown count-X to unit before foe's first attack, and when unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores X × 4 HP to unit during combat.
Wolf Queen Fang
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Spd by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.) At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2 and deals +10 damage when Special triggers.
Worldly Lance
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+6 and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe (X = 20% of unit's Def at start of combat + 6), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).
Ylisse Ninja Bow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes. Unit attacks twice (even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat + 5, unit deals +X × 5 damage (max 25; X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses + number of【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties; excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and also, if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit after first Special trigger per combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Ymir, Everliving
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat and bonus to unit's Atk during combat = 40% of the current HP of the ally with the second-lowest current HP at start of combat (excludes unit; maximum bonus of 20; if number of allies ≤ 1, bonus = 0), neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and also, if unit's HP ≥ 25% and foe would reduce unit's HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP. (Once per combat. Does not stack with non-Special effects that allow unit to survive with 1 HP if foe's attack would reduce HP to 0.)
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Zephyr Breath
Effective against armored foes. Grants Res+3. If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, neutralizes unit's penalties and inflicts Atk-6 on foe during combat, and foe cannot make a follow-up attack. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

List of Refined Weapons

Weapon Refined Description
Ardent Durandal
Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, grants 【Bonus Doubler】to unit and ally with the highest Atk (excluding unit). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Grants Res+3. Effective against magic foes.
Restores 7 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit after combat.

If unit initiates combat or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5, disables foe's effects that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res," unit deals X damage (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% of X during combat (X = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).
Aversa's Night
Grants Res+3. At start of turn, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-3 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on that foe and bonuses on that foe become penalties through its next action. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Res-4 on foe during combat.
Grants Res+3. Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe during combat. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foe during combat.
Breath of Blight
Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. At the start of turns 3 and 4, deals 13 damage to foes within 4 spaces of unit and restores HP to unit = number of foes within 4 spaces × 13. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+5 to unit and inflicts Atk-5 on foe during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
At start of turn, if unit is within 4 spaces of a foe or if it is an odd-numbered turn, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are within 2 spaces.) If it is an odd-numbered turn or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk+5 to unit and inflicts Atk-5 on foe during combat.
Chaos Ragnell
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 (example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+18, for a net bonus of Atk+11; calculates each stat bonus independently). Neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge-X" on unit during combat.
Cunning Bow
Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. If【Bonus】is active on unit or if【Penalty】 is active on foe, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe during combat. If unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by percentage = total bonuses on unit and penalties on foe × 3 (max 60%), and also, if total bonuses on unit and penalties on foe ≥ 10, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. (Example: if unit has a +5 bonus and foe has a -5 penalty, the calculated total will be 10.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Dark Creator S
Reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by X% (if it is unit's first combat initiated by foe or first combat initiated by unit that turn, X = number of allies with HP ≥ 75% × 25; max 75; otherwise X = number of allies with HP ≥ 75% × 15; max 45).

Grants Def+3. Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = number of allies with HP ≥ 75% × 3, + 4 (max 13).
Dazzling Breath
Grants Atk+3. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit and neutralizes those foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe, foe cannot make a follow-up attack, deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).
Grants Res+3. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, inflicts penalty on foe's Spd/Res during combat = unit's max Special cooldown count value + 1 (minimum penalty of 1; if unit does not have a Special skill, penalty = 1), and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. After combat, if unit attacked, deals 4 damage to unit.
Divine Breath
Grants Atk+3. Effective against dragon foes. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 to dragon allies and allies that have "effective against dragons" within 4 spaces of unit and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat. (X = number of dragon allies and allies that have "effective against dragons" within 4 spaces of unit × 3. Maximum bonus of +9 to each stat.) If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Divine Naga
Effective against dragon foes. Neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res."
Earthly Gáe Bolg
Grants Def+3. In combat against an infantry, armored, or cavalry foe, or if unit's HP ≥ 50% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and deals damage = 10% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat.
Ebon Bölverk
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Null Follow-Up】, and "Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack)" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

At start of turn, if the number of allies within 2 spaces of unit ≥ 2, grants "unit can move 1 extra space" to unit (that turn only; does not stack).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and deals +X × 5 damage during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and foe, excluding stat bonuses; max 5; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Exalted Falchion
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Spd+3. Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% or if 【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Exotic Fruit Juice
Grants Atk+3. Inflicts Spd/Res-6 on foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit during combat.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) and unit deals damage = 15% of foe's Atk during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Neutralizes foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Foxkit Fang
Grants Res+3. At start of combat, if unit's Res > foe's Res, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and also grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res to unit during combat = 80% of difference between stats at start of combat (min: 0, max: 8). At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and if unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Frostfire Breath
Effective against dragon foes. Grants Atk+3.

If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+6 and Def/Res+5 to unit and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = highest total bonuses to Def/Res among unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit × 2, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Grants Atk+3. If【Bonus】is active on unit, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against armored foes.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of【Bonus】effects and 【Penalty】 effects active on unit × 2 (excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties), and reduces damage foe's first attack during combat by 40% ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, if【Bonus】effect is active on unit, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Genesis Falchion
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against dragon foes. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and grants effects to unit based on the total value of bonuses on the 3 allies with the highest bonus totals (excluding unit): if ≥ 10, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks, effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat; if ≥ 25, grants an additional Atk+5 to unit during combat, and also, if unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit (triggers even if 0 damage is dealt); and if ≥ 60 and foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack before foe's first attack.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes.

If unit initiates combat or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of effect Specials).
Guardian Fang
Grants Spd+3. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.) If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%). If unit initiates combat or is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat. At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and if unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. Grants Def+3. Inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foes within 4 spaces of unit during combat, neutralizes those foe's bonuses to Atk/Def during combat, those foes cannot make a follow-up attack, and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on those foes per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).
Hel's Reaper
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. If foe does not use magic or staff, calculates damage using foe's Res, and also, if unit's HP > 1 and foe would reduce unit's HP to 0 during combat, unit survives with 1 HP (once per combat; does not stack). If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 50% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Grants Spd+3 and【Pathfinder】.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants 【Incited】to allies within 2 spaces of unit (excludes unit).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit (calculates each stat bonus independently).

When an ally moves through unit's space, that space is counted as 0 spaces moved instead of 1 space. (Unit's space can be freely added to ally's normal movement. Applies only to allies with movement types that allow movement through unit's space.)

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).
Hunting Blade
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against beast foes. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res - 4 < the same stat of an ally within 3 spaces, grants +6 to unit's corresponding stat during combat. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Effect:【Dagger 7】

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Iago's Tome
Grants Res+3. At start of odd-numbered turns, if any foe's HP < unit's HP and that foe is not adjacent to another foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-6 and【Guard】on that foe through its next action. At start of even-numbered turns, if any foe's HP < unit's HP and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Def/Res-6 and【Panic】on that foe through its next action. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target per attack during combat through its next action. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Indignant Bow
Effective against flying foes. Grants Res+3.

Disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" (including area-of-effect Specials).

If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Def/Res+6 and Spd+5 to unit, neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Spd/Res and foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and deals damage = 20% of unit's Res during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when unit's Special triggers, calculates damage using 150% of unit's Res instead of the value of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Jokers Wild
Grants HP+5. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest respective stat from among allies within 3 spaces - unit's stat values (calculates each stat bonus independently at start of combat; if unit's stat is highest, unit's stat will decrease), and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Joyful Vows
Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Grants Atk+3. If【Bonus】is active on unit or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit, grants additional bonus to unit's Atk = highest total penalties among target and foes within 2 spaces of target, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and foe cannot make a follow-up attack during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Kitsune Fang
Grants Def+3. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat. Grants allies within 2 spaces bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, grants Atk+2, and if unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Grants Atk+3. Grants bonus to unit’s Atk = total bonuses on unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% or【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+5 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Larcei's Edge
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of combat, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd or foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.
Legion's Axe+
After combat, if unit attacked, converts bonuses on target and foes within 2 spaces of target into penalties through their next actions.
Levin Dagger
Grants Res+3. At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Res-7 and【Guard】on nearest foes within 5 spaces of unit and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions. If【Bonus】is active on unit or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and deals damage = 20% of unit's Res during combat (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special).
Effect:【Dagger 7】

Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on target per attack during combat through its next action. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).

【Dagger 7】
After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Light of Dawn
Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Grants Res+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75% or【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of target's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Neutralizes "effective against armored" bonuses. If unit's HP ≥ 25% and foe initiates combat, neutralizes unit's penalties during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Mareeta's Sword
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or the number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn (bonus granted to unit even if no allies are within 2 spaces.) At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.
Monstrous Bow+
Effective against flying foes.
After combat, if unit attacked, converts bonuses on target and foes within 2 spaces of target into penalties through their next actions.
Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. Neutralizes bow, dagger, magic, or staff foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Múspell Fireposy
Grants Spd+3. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk+X and Spd+5 during combat. (X = 5 + number of allies within 3 spaces × 2. Maximum bonus of +9 to Atk.)
Grants Spd+3. Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 40% of total bonuses on unit and foe (max: +10).
Oracle's Breath
Grants Atk+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Order's Sentence
Grants Atk+3.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and grants bonus to unit's Atk during combat = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit × 1.5 (example: if an ally within 3 spaces has Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6, grants Atk+36), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Phantasm Tome
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Grants Spd+3. If unit initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 50% at start of combat, inflicts Spd/Res-6 on foe, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by X% during combat (if unit initiates combat, X = 80; otherwise, X = 30).
Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Grants Atk+3. Unit cannot be slowed by terrain. (Does not apply to impassable terrain.) At start of combat, if unit's Atk > foe's Atk or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. During combat, if unit's Atk > foe's Atk or if【Bonus】is active on unit, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Scepter of Love
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if【Bonus】 is active on unit or if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = 25% of foe's Def at start of combat, and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def during combat = 25% of foe's Res at start of combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Scythe of Sariel
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If【Bonus】is active on foe or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Sealed Falchion
Effective against dragon foes.
At start of combat, if unit's HP < 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. At the start of turns 2 and 3, deals 7 damage to foes within 3 columns centered on unit and inflicts【Panic】on those foes.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Grants Spd+3 and【Pathfinder】. At start of turn, grants【Pathfinder】to unit's support partner for 1 turn (if more than one support partner is present, effect is not granted). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2 (example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12; calculates each stat bonus independently).

When an ally moves through unit's space, that space is counted as 0 spaces moved instead of 1 space. (Unit's space can be freely added to ally's normal movement. Applies only to allies with movement types that allow movement through unit's space.)
Snow's Grace
Neutralizes "effective against dragons" bonuses. Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and neutralizes unit's penalties during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
Spear of Assal
Effective against cavalry foes. Grants Spd+3. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to allies within 3 spaces of unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during their combat.
Spectral Tome+
After combat, if unit attacked, converts bonuses on target and foes within 2 spaces of target into penalties through their next actions.
Effective against flying foes. Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 and Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Grants Spd+3.

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Treachery】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and also, if unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe's next attack.

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.
Tome of Storms
Grants Spd+3.

If unit initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 6 + 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res, and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, foe cannot counterattack.
Veðrfölnir's Egg
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and grants bonus to unit's Atk during combat = total bonuses on ally with the highest total bonuses within 2 spaces. (Example: if an ally within 2 spaces has Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6, grants Atk+24.)
War-God Mjölnir
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against armored foes.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk+6 to unit, inflicts Atk-6 on foe, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Winds of Change
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying foes. If【Bonus】 is active on unit or if unit's HP ≥ 50% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and deals damage = 15% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Zephyr Breath
Effective against armored foes. Grants Res+3. If【Bonus】is active on unit or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk-6 and Spd/Def/Res-4 on foe, neutralizes unit's penalties, and foe cannot make a follow-up attack during combat. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

List of Skill Refined Weapons

Icon Weapon Refined Description
Apotheosis Spear W Apotheosis Spear
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit (X = number of Bonus effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 4; max 12), neutralizes penalties on unit, and deals damage = 15% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Ardent Durandal W Ardent Durandal
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and deals damage = 15% of foe's Def (including as part of Specials that trigger before combat).
Dull Armor W Armorsmasher+
Neutralizes armored foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Astral Breath W Astral Breath
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, + 4; max 8), unit deals +Y damage (Y = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat.
Auto-Lofnheidr W Auto-Lofnheiðr
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants "unit cannot be slowed by terrain (does not apply to impassable terrain)" and【Incited】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Def/Res+5 to unit, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2 (calculates each stat penalty independently), and deals damage = 20% of unit's Def during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).
Banshee Theta W Banshee Θ
At start of player phase or enemy phase, inflicts Atk/Res-7 and【Sabotage】on foes with Res < unit's Res and that are within 2 spaces of another foe through their next actions.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res during combat, and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Binding Reginleif W Binding Reginleif
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-X on foe (X = 5 + number of【Bonus】effects active on foe; max 9; excludes stat bonuses), neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Weakness Atk W Blue-Crow Tome
Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe during combat.
Brilliant Rapier W Brilliant Rapier
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently) and deals damage = 15% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Brutal Breath W Brutal Breath
At start of turn, if number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 2, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Dodge】, and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit for 1 turn. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
Panic Ploy W Cherche's Axe
At start of turn, converts bonuses on foes in cardinal directions with HP < unit's HP into penalties through their next actions.
Convoy Dagger W Convoy Dagger
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Spd-6 on foe and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 40% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

If a Rally or movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Bonus Doubler】, and "neutralizes penalties on unit during combat" to target ally and to allies within 2 spaces of target ally after movement for 1 turn (excluding unit).

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Cravers Tome W Craver's Tome
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, neutralizes unit's penalties to Res, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Res, deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).
Cunning Bow W Cunning Bow
At start of turn, if any foes are within 3 columns or 3 rows centered on unit, inflicts Def-7 on those foes through their next actions, and grants Atk+6 to unit for 1 turn. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat, grants additional bonus to unit's Atk during combat = current bonus on unit's Atk, and inflicts penalty on foe's Def during combat = current penalty on foe's Def.
Dark Greatsword W Dark Greatsword
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Dark Monograph W Dark Monograph
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-7,【Panic】, and【Deep Wounds】 on closest foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Res-5 on foe, neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Spd/Res, and unit makes guaranteed follow-up attack during combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

【Deep Wounds】
Unit's HP cannot be healed through its next action.
Lull Atk Def W Dark Royal Spear
Inflicts Atk/Def-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Desert-Tiger Axe W Desert-Tiger Axe
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30%, and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.
Divine Mist W Divine Mist
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk = 75% of total bonuses on unit's Def and Res during combat.
Ebon Bolverk W Ebon Bölverk
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 2, + 5 (max 11), neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Spd, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 7 ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Effies Lance W Effie's Lance
During unit's first combat in player phase or enemy phase, Inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Elenas Staff W Elena's Staff
At start of turn, inflicts【Panic】on nearest foes within 4 spaces through their next actions. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Eternal Breath W Eternal Breath
If【Bonus】is active on unit, inflicts Atk/Res-4 on foe and grants Special cooldown charge +1 per foe's attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack. Special cooldown charge granted even if foe's attack deals 0 damage.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Exalted Falchion W Exalted Falchion
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 and bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+18, for a net bonus of Atk+11.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Fanged Basilikos W Fanged Basilikos
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foe during combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Spd/Def during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2. (Example: if foe has +7 bonus to Spd, inflicts Spd-19, for a net penalty of Spd-12.) Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Feather Sword W Feather Sword
Enables【Canto (2)】.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = number of allies within 3 spaces × 3 (max 6), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Fimbulvetr Morn W Fimbulvetr Morn
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Res+6,【Essence Drain】, and 【Bonus Doubler】to unit and target allies for 1 turn (if support partner is on player team, targets any support partner within 2 spaces of unit; otherwise, targets ally with the highest Atk within 2 spaces of unit).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on foe during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

【Essence Drain】
After combat, if unit attacked, grants any 【Bonus】effects active on target and foes within 2 spaces of target to unit and allies with the Essence Drain effect, and neutralizes any【Bonus】active on target and foes within 2 spaces of target (excluding Bonus effects being granted at the same time). After combat, if foe was defeated in combat, restores 10 HP to unit and allies with the Essence Drain effect.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Counter Roar W Flame Lance
If unit initiates combat or the number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, inflicts Atk/Spd/Res-4 on foe, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Res = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2 (calculates each stat penalty independently; example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-18, for a net penalty of Atk-11), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat, and unit's next attack deals damage = 30% of foe's attack damage prior to reductions (resets at end of combat; only highest value applied; does not stack).
Flower Hauteclere W Flower Hauteclere
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res during combat = X × 2, + 3 (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 3), inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit when unit deals damage to foe during combat (triggers even if 0 damage is dealt), and also, if X ≥ 1, inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Forseti W Forseti
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd+4 to unit during combat and also neutralizes penalties to unit's Atk/Spd and bonuses to foe's Atk/Spd.
Frostfire Breath W Frostfire Breath
Enables【Canto (2)】.

At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+6,【Bonus Doubler】, and 【Null Panic】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s). (Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn.
Geirdriful W Geirdriful
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, grants "reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special 'reduce damage by X%' skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials)" and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit and unit deals damage = number of Bonus effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 4 (max 16; excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Genesis Falchion W Genesis Falchion
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit (X = 5 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently) and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).
Gjoll W Gjöll
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Def during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2. (Example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-14 and Atk-5, for a net penalty of Atk-12.) Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Combat Bonuses Enemy Weakening W Gloom Breath
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of target's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Grado Poleax W Grado Poleax
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and/or 1 extra space of movement granted by a skill like Armor March or Armored Boots is active, grants Spd/Def+5 during combat.
Grafcalibur W Grafcalibur
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd/Res-7 and【Sabotage】on closest foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 10% of unit's Spd at start of combat + 5 and grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit before unit's first follow-up attack during combat.

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Grim Brokkr W Grim Brokkr
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Res-7,【Sabotage】,and【Schism】 on closest foes and any foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Res during combat = 5 + number of foes within 3 spaces of target (including target), reduces damage from foe's attacks by X during combat, and also, when foe's attack triggers foe's Special, reduces damage by X (X = 3 × the total of the number of Bonus effects active on unit and the number of Penalty effects active on foe, excluding stat bonuses and stat penalties; max 12; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

Neutralizes Triangle Attack, Dual Strike, and Pathfinder effects active on unit through unit's next action. Unit is excluded from ally Triangle Attack and Dual Strike effects calculated using numbers of allies. When this status (Schism) is neutralized, Triangle Attack, Dual Strike, and Pathfinder effects are also neutralized.
Weakness Amplification W Grima's Truth
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 4 + any current penalty on each of those stats. (Example: if foe has -7 penalty to Atk, inflicts Atk-11, for a net penalty of Atk-18 during combat.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Lull Atk Def W Guardian's Axe
Inflicts Atk/Def-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Guardians Bow W Guardian's Bow
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, deals damage = 10% of unit's Spd (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Hades Omega W Hades Ω
If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit, unit deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, if unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.
Hallowed Tyrfing W Hallowed Tyrfing
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat (max 4), deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above+1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Heavenly Icicle W Heavenly Icicle
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】.

If unit initiates combat or is within 3 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-5 on foe, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd/Def, and unit deals +X × 4 damage during combat (X = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit + number of foes within 3 spaces of target (including target); max 16; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above+1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Hikami W Hikami
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-4 on foe during combat and grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe.
Holy Yewfelle W Holy Yewfelle
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 15% of unit's Spd at start of combat, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Holytide Tyrfing W Holytide Tyrfing
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 2 (max 11), reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by X during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and reduces damage by X when foe's attack triggers foe Special (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat × 3; max 12; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Horn of Opening W Horn of Opening
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 2, + 5 (max 11), deals damage = 20% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.
Iagos Tome W Iago's Tome
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def/Res+6, "foe cannot make a follow-up attack," and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. At start of even-numbered turns, grants Atk/Spd+6, "if unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack," and【Hexblade】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).
Icy Maltet W Icy Maltet
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Ifingr W Ífingr
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Inner Wellspring W Inner Wellspring
Enables【Canto (1)】.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 10% of unit's Spd at start of combat, unit deals +7 damage (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and also, when unit's Special triggers, neutralizes "reduces damage by X%" effects from foe's non-Special skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).
(Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Even Atk Wave W Iris's Tome
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Atk+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Jokers Wild W Jokers Wild
At start of player phase or enemy phase, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6,【Hexblade】, and【Null Panic】to allies within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 20% of the greater of unit's Def or Res during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, if foe's attack can trigger foe's Special and unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during combat (cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown).

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Dull Cavalry W Keen Blárwolf+
Neutralizes cavalry foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Keen Gronnwolf+
Keen Rauðrwolf+
Lance of Heroics W Lance of Heroics
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+18, for a net bonus of Atk+11.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Laslows Blade W Laslow's Blade
If unit is within 3 spaces of 2 or more allies who each have total bonuses ≥ 10, grants Atk/Def+3 during combat and unit attacks twice.
Lion King Fang W Lion King Fang
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and also, if unit is transformed, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res during combat = 25% of foe's Atk at start of combat, - 8 (min 0, max 10).
Loyalty Spear W Loyalty Spear
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-4 on foe during combat and also neutralizes bonuses to foe's Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lyfjaberg W Lyfjaberg
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Res during combat = 20% of unit's HP at start of combat, and restores 7 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces after combat.
Mercurius W Mercurius
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 3 spaces; calculates each stat bonus independently).
Mirage Longbow W Mirage Longbow
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit, neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Spd, and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Moon Gradivus W Moon Gradivus
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Def, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Def (excluding area-of-effect Specials), inflicts Def-5 on foe during combat, and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.).
Nifl Frostflowers W Nifl Frostflowers
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat, and also grants bonus to unit's Atk during combat = highest Atk bonus from among allies within 2 spaces.
Nurturing Breath W Nurturing Breath
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4. If allies are within 7 rows and 7 columns centered on unit, unit neutralizes bonuses to foe's Atk (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. Allies within 7 rows and 7 columns centered on unit gain "neutralizes bonuses to foe's Atk (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.)" during combat.
Obsidian Lance W Obsidian Lance
For foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, inflicts Atk/Def-5, neutralizes bonuses to Atk/Def, neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X", and those foes cannot make a follow-up attack during combat.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe and deals damage = 20% of unit's Def during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Oracles Breath W Oracle's Breath
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+6 and the following status to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn: "Grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack)." If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest bonus on allies within 2 spaces of unit. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Orders Sentence W Order's Sentence
If unit initiates combat or foe's Range = 2, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, reduces damage from foe's first attack by X (X = 50% of the value of highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Petrify W Petrify
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res, unit deals +X damage (excluding area-of-effect Specials; X = highest total penalties among target and foes within 2 spaces of target), and reduces damage from foe's attacks by 30% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Dull Cavalry W Poleaxe+
Neutralizes cavalry foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Professorial Guide W Professorial Guide
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 2, + 5 (max 11) and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when unit's Special triggers, neutralizes "reduces damage by X%" effects from foe's non-Special skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Professorial Text W Professorial Text
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Spd, neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes). Neutralizes penalties to Atk/Spd on allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit during their combat.
RagnellAlondite W Ragnell·Alondite
If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat and Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and neutralizes bonuses on foe's Atk/Def during combat.
Randgridr W Randgríðr
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】 and【Penalty】effects active on unit × 2, + 4; excludes stat bonuses and stat penalties), and also, if【Bonus】is active on unit, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30% during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Razing Breath W Razing Breath
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 4 + current bonus on each of unit's stats (calculates each stat bonus independently), and also, if【Bonus】is active on unit, the following will occur based on who initiated combat: if unit initiated, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack; if foe initiated, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Rebeccas Bow W Rebecca's Bow
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat.
Reginleif W Reginleif
If【Bonus】is active on unit, enables 【Canto (Rem. +1)】.
At start of even-numbered turns, unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.) At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat, and if【Bonus】is active on unit, foe cannot make a follow-up attack.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining movement the unit had before the actions listed above+1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps them, the remainder is 0).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Remote Breath W Remote Breath
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 5 + 10% of unit's Res at start of combat, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 20% of unit's Res (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Resolute Blade W Resolute Blade
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage. Combos with Phantom Spd.)
Dull Cavalry W Ridersbane+
Neutralizes cavalry foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Rowdy Sword W Rowdy Sword
If a bonus granted by a skill like Rally or Hone is not active on foe, grants Atk/Def+6 during combat.
Combat Bonuses Enemy Weakening W Saizo's Star
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of target's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Scepter of Love W Scepter of Love
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.
Setsunas Yumi W Setsuna's Yumi
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+5 and neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Spd during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Sieglinde W Sieglinde
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest bonus on allies within 2 spaces during combat. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Skinfaxi W Skinfaxi
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-4 on foe, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2 (calculates each stat penalty independently; example: if foe has +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-18, for a net penalty of Atk-11), deals damage = 10% of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).
Dull Armor W Slaying Hammer+
Neutralizes armored foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Slaying Spear+
Snide Bow W Snide Bow
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foe during combat and inflicts penalty on foe's Spd/Def during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2. (Example: if foe has +7 bonus to Spd, inflicts Spd-19, for a net penalty of Spd-12.) Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Weakness Atk W Spy's Dagger
Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe during combat.
Stout Tomahawk W Stout Tomahawk
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Summer Strikers W Summer Strikers
At start of turn, for unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd = 20% of unit's Spd at start of combat, and neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat.
Lull Atk Spd W Sun Dragonstone
Inflicts Atk/Spd-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Suns Percussors W Sun's Percussors
If unit initiates combat or is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 2, + 4 (max 10) and deals damage = 15% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

If unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 50% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, if foe's attack can trigger foe's Special, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack (cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown).
Sylgr W Sylgr
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foes within 3 spaces of unit during combat (X = the greater of unit's current bonus or foe's current penalty on each stat). Calculates each stat penalty independently. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+4 to unit during combat.
Thiefs Honesty W Thief's Honesty
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foe (X = current bonus on each of foe's stats; calculates each stat bonus and penalty independently), grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Thorn Lance W Thorn Lance
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat, inflicts Atk-X on foe and grants Atk+X to unit during combat (X = 50% of highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Tiger-Eye Axe W Tiger-Eye Axe
If any【Bonus】is active on unit or any【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def = highest penalty on each stat between target and foes within 2 spaces of target (calculates each stat penalty independently), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and unit deals damage = 10% of unit's Atk during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Tiger-Roar Axe W Tiger-Roar Axe
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = 4 + number of foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit × 2 (max 10), inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat.
Tome of Reason W Tome of Reason
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat, and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Res = 60% of total bonuses on unit's Def and Res during combat.
Weakness Atk W Valflame
Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe during combat.
Void Tome W Void Tome
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. If foe has a Special skill and that foe's maximum Special cooldown count is reduced (Special trigger is accelerated), grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack during combat. If foe's Atk ≥ 50 at start of combat, deals damage during combat = 15% of foe's Atk at start of combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials). At start of combat, if foe's Def or Res ≥ 35 or if【Bonus】is active on foe, reduces damage from attacks by X% (X = the greater of foe's Def or Res at start of combat; max 50; excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Weakness Atk W Wargod's Tome
Grants bonus to unit's Atk = total penalties on foe during combat.
Western Axe W Western Axe
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = current penalty on each of those stats × 2, + 4 (example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+18, for a net bonus of Atk+11 during combat; calculates each stat bonus independently) and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack).
Wind Parthia W Wind Parthia
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks and effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, and also, if 【Bonus】is active on unit, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30%.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Winds of Change W Winds of Change
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and also, when unit's Special triggers, neutralizes foe's "reduces damage by X%" effects from foe's non-Special skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials) during combat.
Wolfpup Fang W Wolfpup Fang
At start of turn, if unit is within 3 spaces of support partner, grants Atk/Spd+6 and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit and any support partner within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit is transformed or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat.
Wolfskin Fang W Wolfskin Fang
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and grants Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Worldsea Wave W Worldsea Wave
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = 5 + 40% of total bonuses on unit and foe (max +10). If unit initiates combat and unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd+10, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks.
Dull Cavalry W Zanbato+
Neutralizes cavalry foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

List of Assists

Assist Description
A Fate Changed!
Moves target ally to opposite side of unit and grants another action to unit. Grants any【Bonus】active on target ally to unit and Pair Up cohort (if any) for 1 turn and inflicts【Isolation】on unit and Pair Up cohort (if any) through their next action. (Additional action granted and Isolation inflicted once per turn only. Granted bonuses exclude stat bonuses inverted by Panic.)

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

Target cannot use or be the target of Assist skills through its next action. (Target can neither use nor be the target of skills like Dance and Sing, skills that neutralize penalties, like Restore and Harsh Command+, etc.)
Changing Waters
Grants another action to target ally and target can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack; excluding cavalry allies with Range = 2), and also, grants【Incited】to target and allies within 2 spaces of target (excluding unit). (Cannot target an ally with Sing or Dance; this skill treated as Sing or Dance.)

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).
Future Sight
Unit and target ally swap spaces. Grants Atk/Spd+6,【Treachery】, and "if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%" to unit and target ally for 1 turn. Grants another action to unit. (Additional action granted once per turn only.)

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.
Gold Serpent
Grants the following effects to unit and target ally for 1 turn: from turn 1 on, grants Atk/Spd+X (X = number of turns × 2; max 8); from turn 2 on, enables【Canto (1)】; from turn 3 on, grants【Treachery】; and from turn 4 on, grants【Dual Strike】. Grants another action to unit. (Additional action and effects other than stat bonuses granted once per turn only. This skill treated as a Rally Assist skill.)

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.

【Dual Strike】
If unit initiates combat and is adjacent to an ally with Dual Strike (excluding unit), unit attacks twice. (That turn only. Does not stack.)
Gray Waves II
Grants another action to target ally, and if target is an infantry or flying ally, grants 【Null Panic】to target and target can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack. Cannot target an ally with Sing or Dance. This skill treated as Sing or Dance.)

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Harsh Command
Converts penalties on target into bonuses.
Harsh Command+
Neutralizes target ally's penalties (from skills like Panic, Threaten, etc.) and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, etc.) that last through ally's next action. Converts any penalties on target ally into bonuses.
Maiden's Solace
Converts penalties on target into bonuses and then neutralizes any【Penalty】that remains. Restores HP to target = unit's current HP-1. Reduces unit's HP by amount restored.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Converts penalties on target into bonuses. Restores HP to target = unit's current HP-1. Reduces unit's HP by amount restored.
Spring's Dream
Grants another action to target ally. Grants Atk+6 and【Bonus Doubler】to target ally and allies within 2 spaces of target ally (excluding unit) for 1 turn. Inflicts Atk-6 and【Panic】 on nearest foes within 5 spaces of target ally and any foe within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions. (Cannot target an ally with Sing or Dance; this skill treated as Sing or Dance.)

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
To Change Fate! II
Moves target ally to opposite side of unit.  Grants another action to unit, grants Atk/Def+6 and【Bonus Doubler】to unit and Pair Up cohort  (if any) for 1 turn, and inflicts【Isolation】 on unit and Pair Up cohort (if any) through their  next action. (Once per turn.)

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Target cannot use or be the target of Assist skills through its next action. (Target can neither use nor be the target of skills like Dance and Sing, skills that neutralize penalties, like Restore and Harsh Command+, etc.)
Whimsical Dream+
Grants another action to target ally. Grants Atk+6 and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to target ally and allies within 2 spaces of target ally (excluding unit) for 1 turn. Inflicts Atk-6 on nearest foes within 5 spaces of target ally and any foe within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions. (Cannot target an ally with Sing or Dance. This skill treated as Sing or Dance.)

List of Specials

Special Description
Chivalric Aura
At start of turn, if unit's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit. Boosts Special damage by 25% of unit's Atk. After combat, if unit's Special triggered, grants Atk+6 to unit and all allies for 1 turn, and unit and all allies can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack; bonus granted to allies even if unit's HP reaches 0).
Fire Emblem
Boosts damage by 30% of unit's Spd. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and all allies for 1 turn after combat. (Bonus granted to allies even if unit's HP reaches 0.)
Hero's Blood
Holy Panic
If an Assist skill is used, unit's Special cooldown count does not go down. When Special triggers, boosts damage by 25% of foe's Res. (Calculates damage from staff after combat damage is added.) If Special is triggered during combat, inflicts Atk/Spd-6 and【Panic】on target and foes within 2 spaces of target after combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Holy-Knight Aura
At start of turn, unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.) Boosts Special damage by 25% of unit's Atk. After combat, if unit's Special triggered, grants Atk+6 to unit and all allies for 1 turn, and unit and all allies can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack. Bonus granted to allies even if unit's HP reaches 0.)
Holy-Knight II
At start of turn, grants "unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack)" and "if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%" to unit for 1 turn. Boosts Special damage by 30% of unit's Atk.

After combat, if unit's Special triggered, grants Atk/Def+6, "unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack)," and "if unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by 40%" to unit and all allies for 1 turn (bonus granted to allies even if unit's HP reaches 0).
Makings of a King
Boosts damage by 30% of unit's Def + Def【Great Talent】when Special triggers.

Reduces damage from attacks during combat by percentage = 40, - 10 × current Special cooldown count value.

At start of turn, grants Atk/Def/Res 【Great Talent】+2 to unit and Atk/Def/Res 【Great Talent】+1 to allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit.

After combat, if unit's Special triggered, grants Atk/Def/Res【Great Talent】+4 to unit and Atk/Def/Res【Great Talent】+2 to allies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit.

(This skill grants max of【Great Talent】+20 for unit and 【Great Talent】+10 for allies.)

【Great Talent】
Adds value of Great Talent (+X) to specified stats (until end of battle; max value of X is determined by the stat reaching the limit of 99, each stat calculated separately and cannot exceed max value for each skill; stat increases are not treated as Bonus effects).
Shining Emblem
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants unit Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 for 1 turn and grants allies within 2 spaces of unit Atk+6 for 1 turn. Boosts Special damage by 35% of unit's Spd. After combat, if unit's Special triggered, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 to unit and all allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to allies even if unit's HP reaches 0.)

List of Passives

List of A Passives

Icon Passive Description
Asheras Chosen Ashera's Chosen
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. If unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, grants Atk/Def+6 during combat.
Asheras Chosen Plus Ashera's Chosen+
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. If unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies, if unit is not adjacent to any ally, or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Def/Res+9 to unit during combat, and also, if unit's Res > foe's Res, deals damage = 70% of the difference between stats (max 7) and reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
Atk Def Clash 1 Atk/Def Clash 1
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = X + 1. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 1.)
Atk Def Clash 2 Atk/Def Clash 2
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = X + 3. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 2.)
Atk Def Clash 3 Atk/Def Clash 3
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = X + 5. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 3.)
Atk Def Clash 4 Atk/Def Clash 4
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = X + 6. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 4.) If X ≥ 2, neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Def during combat.
Atk Def Ideal 1 Atk/Def Ideal 1
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+3 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Def Ideal 2 Atk/Def Ideal 2
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+4 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Def Ideal 3 Atk/Def Ideal 3
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+5 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Def Ideal 4 Atk/Def Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+7 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active on unit, grants an additional Atk/Def+2 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Def Prime 1 Atk/Def Prime 1
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 1; max 3).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Def Prime 2 Atk/Def Prime 2
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 1; max 5).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Def Prime 3 Atk/Def Prime 3
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 3; max 7).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Def Prime 4 Atk/Def Prime 4
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 3; max 9), and also, if number of【Bonus】effects active on unit (excluding stat bonuses) ≥ 4, unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Def Unity Atk/Def Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+5 and bonus to Atk/Def during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Atk Res Fortune Atk/Res Fortune
If unit can transform, transformation effects gain "if unit is within 2 spaces of a beast or dragon ally, or if number of adjacent allies other than beast or dragon allies ≤ 2" as a trigger condition (in addition to existing conditions).

If defending in Aether Raids, at the start of enemy turn 1, if conditions for transforming are met, unit transforms.

If unit is transformed or if foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Res+8 to unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Atk Res Ideal 1 Atk/Res Ideal 1
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+3 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Res Ideal 2 Atk/Res Ideal 2
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+4 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Res Ideal 3 Atk/Res Ideal 3
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Res Ideal 4 Atk/Res Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+7 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active on unit, grants an additional Atk/Res+2 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Res Unity Atk/Res Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Res during combat=current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Atk Spd Clash 1 Atk/Spd Clash 1
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = X + 1. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 1.)
Atk Spd Clash 2 Atk/Spd Clash 2
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = X + 3. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 2.)
Atk Spd Clash 3 Atk/Spd Clash 3
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = X + 5. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 3.)
Atk Spd Clash 4 Atk/Spd Clash 4
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = X + 6. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 4.) If X ≥ 2, neutralizes unit's penalties to Atk/Spd during combat.
Atk Spd Fortune Atk/Spd Fortune
If unit can transform, transformation effects gain "if unit is within 2 spaces of a beast or dragon ally, or if number of adjacent allies other than beast or dragon allies ≤ 2" as a trigger condition (in addition to existing conditions).

If defending in Aether Raids, at the start of enemy turn 1, if conditions for transforming are met, unit transforms.

If unit is transformed or if foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+8 to unit and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def during combat, and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Atk Spd Hexblade Atk/Spd Hexblade
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of a magic ally, grants【Hexblade】to unit for 1 turn. If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+7 to unit during combat.

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Ideal 1 Atk/Spd Ideal 1
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+3 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Ideal 2 Atk/Spd Ideal 2
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+4 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Ideal 3 Atk/Spd Ideal 3
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Ideal 4 Atk/Spd Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+7 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active on unit, grants an additional Atk/Spd+2 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Prime 1 Atk/Spd Prime 1
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 1; max 3).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Prime 2 Atk/Spd Prime 2
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 1; max 5).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Prime 3 Atk/Spd Prime 3
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 3; max 7).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Prime 4 Atk/Spd Prime 4
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 3; max 9), and also, if number of【Bonus】effects active on unit (excluding stat bonuses) ≥ 4, unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Atk Spd Unity Atk/Spd Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat, and also, if unit is inflicted with any Atk/Spd penalty, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Beyond Reason Beyond Reason
Grants Atk/Def/Res+10.

If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def/Res = A + B (A = 2 × number of 【Penalty】effects active on foe and foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on that foe, excluding stat penalties; max 12; B = 2 × current penalty on unit's respective stats; calculates each stat penalty independently), neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res, and reduces damage from foe's first attack by X% during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes; if foe can make a follow-up attack, X = 80; otherwise, X = 40), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Blade Session 1 Blade Session 1
If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = 1 + number of allies who have already acted (max value of 3).
Blade Session 2 Blade Session 2
If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = 2 + number of allies who have already acted × 2 (max value of 6).
Blade Session 3 Blade Session 3
If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = 3 + number of allies who have already acted × 3 (max value of 9).
Bonus Doubler 1 Bonus Doubler 1
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 50% of current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Bonus Doubler 2 Bonus Doubler 2
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 75% of current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Bonus Doubler 3 Bonus Doubler 3
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Bonus Doubler 4 Bonus Doubler 4
If【Bonus】is active on unit or an ally within 2 spaces of unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
C Bonus Doubler C Bonus Doubler
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently).
Close Def 4 Close Def 4
If foe initiates combat and uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, grants Def/Res+8 and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Crystalline Water Crystalline Water
Grants Atk/Res+8. Inflicts Def-8.

At start of player phase or enemy phase, neutralizes【Panic】and any penalties to unit's Atk/Res that take effect on unit at this time.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
D Bonus Doubler D Bonus Doubler
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently).
Def Res Ideal 1 Def/Res Ideal 1
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Def/Res+3 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Def Res Ideal 2 Def/Res Ideal 2
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Def Res Ideal 3 Def/Res Ideal 3
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Def/Res+5 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Def Res Ideal 4 Def/Res Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Def/Res+7 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100%, and【Bonus】is active on unit, grants an additional Def/Res+2 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Def Res Unity Def/Res Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+5 and bonus to Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Def, grants Def+19, for a net bonus of Def+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Distant Def 4 Distant Def 4
If foe initiates combat and uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, grants Def/Res+8 and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Divine Toxin Divine Toxin
If unit can transform, transformation effects gain "if unit is within 2 spaces of a beast or dragon ally, or if number of adjacent allies other than beast or dragon allies ≤ 2" as a trigger condition (in addition to existing conditions).

If defending in Aether Raids, at the start of enemy turn 1, if conditions for transforming are met, unit transforms.

At start of player phase or enemy phase, grants【Dosage】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

If unit is transformed or if foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Def/Res+10 to unit, neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack (only highest value applied; does not stack), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat and restores 10 HP to unit after combat.

When a foe triggers both "grants the【Bonus】effects active on foe" and "neutralizes any【Bonus】active on foe" effects from skills such as Essence Drain on unit with this status active, prevents those effects on unit and other targets and neutralizes any【Bonus】effects active on that foe (does not neutralize【Bonus】effects applied at the same time).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Dragonhide Dragonhide
Neutralizes "effective against armored" bonuses. If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-8 on foe and grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Dragonscale Dragonscale
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP = 100% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Res-6 on foe and grants Special cooldown charge +1 per foe's attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack. Special cooldown charge granted even if foe’s attack deals 0 damage.)
Dragonskin Dragonskin
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses.
If foe initiates combat, grants Def/Res+4 during combat.
Dragonskin II Dragonskin II
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. If foe initiates combat or if foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 to unit during combat and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.).
Dragoon Shield Dragoon Shield
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. Grants Atk/Spd/Def+3.
Fell Wyrmscale Fell Wyrmscale
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+8 to unit, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and unit deals damage = 15% of unit's Atk during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when Special triggers, neutralizes foe's "reduces damage by X%" effects from foe's non-Special skills (excluding area-of-effect Specials). At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, restores 7 HP to unit after combat.
Granis Shield Grani's Shield
Neutralizes "effective against cavalry" bonuses.
Iotes Shield Iote's Shield
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses.
Mastermind Mastermind
At start of turn, deals 1 damage to unit. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+9 to unit during combat and deals damage = X + Y (X = 80% of highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; Y = 80% of highest total penalties among target and foes within 2 spaces of target; excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Obsidian Tactics Obsidian Tactics
If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+9 to unit during combat, and the following effects occur during combat based on the value of X (X = total number of【Bonus】effects active on unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit, excluding stat bonuses): if ≥ 1 inflicts Atk/Def-X × 2 on foe (max 12); if ≥ 3, unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range; if ≥ 5, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Part of the Plan Part of the Plan
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Res-8 on foe and grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+X during combat (X = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2; example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7; calculates each stat bonus independently), and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Protective Protective
For foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+9 to unit and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if foe is engaged or if unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 15% of foe's Atk during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, if foe's attack can trigger foe's Special, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during combat (cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown).

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% and if unit's support partner's HP ≤ 99% or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally with HP ≤ 99%, deals +15 damage when Special triggers during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Shield Session 1 Shield Session 1
If foe initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Def/Res during combat = 3 - number of foes who have already acted (min value of 1).
Shield Session 2 Shield Session 2
If foe initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Def/Res during combat = 6 - number of foes who have already acted × 2 (min value of 2).
Shield Session 3 Shield Session 3
If foe initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Def/Res during combat = 9 - number of foes who have already acted × 3 (min value of 3).
Sly Mirror Sly Mirror
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+8 and Res+10 to unit and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat, and also, if number of【Bonus】effects active on unit ≥ 2, excluding stat bonuses, or if number of 【Penalty】effects active on foe ≥ 2, excluding stat penalties, unit deals +5 damage during combat (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special; excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Sly Sturdy Blow Sly Sturdy Blow
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+8 and Def+10 to unit and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat, and also, if number of【Bonus】effects active on unit ≥ 2, excluding stat bonuses, or if number of 【Penalty】effects active on foe ≥ 2, excluding stat penalties, unit deals +5 damage during combat (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special; excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Sly Swift Sparrow Sly Swift Sparrow
If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+8 to unit and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat, and also, if number of 【Bonus】effects active on unit ≥ 2, excluding stat bonuses, or if number of 【Penalty】effects active on foe ≥ 2, excluding stat penalties, unit deals +5 damage during combat (including when dealing damage with an area-of-effect Special; excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Spd Def Clash 1 Spd/Def Clash 1
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Spd/Def during combat = X + 1. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 1.)
Spd Def Clash 2 Spd/Def Clash 2
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Spd/Def during combat = X + 3. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 2.)
Spd Def Clash 3 Spd/Def Clash 3
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Spd/Def during combat = X + 5. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 3.)
Spd Def Clash 4 Spd/Def Clash 4
If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Spd/Def during combat = X + 6. (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat; max 4.) If X ≥ 2, neutralizes unit's penalties to Spd/Def during combat.
Spd Def Ideal 1 Spd/Def Ideal 1
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+3 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Def Ideal 2 Spd/Def Ideal 2
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+4 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Def Ideal 3 Spd/Def Ideal 3
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+5 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Def Ideal 4 Spd/Def Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+7 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active on unit, grants an additional Spd/Def+2 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Def Prime 1 Spd/Def Prime 1
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 1; max 3).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Def Prime 2 Spd/Def Prime 2
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 1; max 5).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Def Prime 3 Spd/Def Prime 3
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 3; max 7).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Def Prime 4 Spd/Def Prime 4
If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 3; max 9), and also, if number of【Bonus】effects active on unit (excluding stat bonuses) ≥ 4, unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Def Unity Spd/Def Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Spd/Def+5 and bonus to Spd/Def during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Spd, grants Spd+19, for a net bonus of Spd+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Spd Res Hexblade Spd/Res Hexblade
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of a magic ally, grants【Hexblade】to unit. If【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Res+7 to unit during combat.

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Res Ideal 1 Spd/Res Ideal 1
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Res+3 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Res Ideal 2 Spd/Res Ideal 2
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Res+4 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Res Ideal 3 Spd/Res Ideal 3
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Res+5 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Spd Res Ideal 4 Spd/Res Ideal 4
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if【Bonus】is active on unit, grants Spd/Res+7 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% and【Bonus】is active on unit, grants an additional Spd/Res+2 to unit during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Stronghold Stronghold
Inflicts Atk-3. Grants Def/Res+7.

At start of player phase or enemy phase, neutralizes【Panic】and any penalties to unit's Def/Res that take effect on unit at this time.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Svalinn Shield Svalinn Shield
Neutralizes "effective against armored" bonuses.
Sway Atk Res Sway Atk/Res
If unit initiates combat or is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Res during combat = 8 + number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 2 (max 12), and calculates damage from staff like other weapons.
Sway Atk Spd Sway Atk/Spd
If unit initiates combat or is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = 8 + number of allies within 3 spaces of unit × 2 (max 12), and calculates damage from staff like other weapons.
Verdict of Sacae Verdict of Sacae
If unit is within 4 spaces of an ally, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = X × 4, + 4 (X = number of allies within 4 spaces; maximum bonus of +12), and also, if unit's Special is ready or unit's Special triggered before or during combat, unit deals +5 damage (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and when unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt.)
Verge of Death Verge of Death
Grants Atk/Spd+8. Inflicts Def/Res-8.

At start of player phase or enemy phase, neutralizes【Panic】and any penalties to unit's Atk/Spd that take effect on unit at this time.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

List of B Passives

Icon Passive Description
According to Plan According to Plan
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Canto (1)】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn and inflicts【Hush Spectrum】and【Panic】on closest foes and any foe within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Spd/Res-5 on foe, unit deals +X × 5 damage (max 25; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by X × 3 (max 15) during combat (X = number of Bonus effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses + number of Penalty effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).
(Once per turn. Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

【Hush Spectrum】
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on unit during combat. If unit's attack can trigger unit's Special, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on unit before unit's first attack during combat (cannot exceed the unit's maximum Special cooldown). If unit's maximum Special cooldown count is reduced (Special trigger is accelerated) and if foe's attack can trigger foe's Special, grants Special cooldown count-1 to foe before unit's first attack during combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Atk Spd Link 4 Atk/Spd Link 4
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Canto (1)】to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn. Inflicts Spd-4 and Def/Res-2 on foe and unit deals +X damage during combat (X = highest total Atk+Spd bonuses among unit and allies with【Canto (1)】active; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Believe in Love Believe in Love?
If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +7. Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def-5 on foe during combat and grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 (example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7; calculates each stat bonus independently), and also, if unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 5 (max 50%). If foe is armored or cavalry, reduces damage dealt to unit by X (X = highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; including from area-of-effect Specials), and if foe is not armored or cavalry, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% of X during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).
Beorcs Blessing Beorc's Blessing
Neutralizes cavalry and flying foes' bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
(Skill cannot be inherited.)
Binding Necklace Binding Necklace
If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2 to unit and inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-2 on foe during combat, and also, if foe has bonuses, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Binding Necklace Plus Binding Necklace+
Removes the condition to transform. If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +7. If foe initiates combat or number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 to unit, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-3 on foe, and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat, and also, if foe has bonuses, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res and inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of foe's stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Bushido II Bushido II
Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses. Deals +7 damage. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
Called to Serve Called to Serve
If a Rally or movement Assist skill is used by unit, grants "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit, target ally, and allies within 2 spaces of target ally after movement for 1 turn.

Allies on the map with the "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" status active deal +5 damage during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

Inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foe and unit deals +X damage during combat (X = number of allies on the map with "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" status active, excluding unit, × 5; max 15; excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Dull Close 1 Dull Close 1
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% and foe uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Dull Close 2 Dull Close 2
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% and foe uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Dull Close 3 Dull Close 3
If foe uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Dull Ranged 1 Dull Ranged 1
At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% and foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Dull Ranged 2 Dull Ranged 2
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50% and foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Dull Ranged 3 Dull Ranged 3
If foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Fallen Star II Fallen Star II
If unit initiates combat or【Deep Star】is active on unit, inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foe, unit deals +X × 5 damage (max 25; excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by X × 3 during combat (max 15; X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses + number of【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties). If unit initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 80% during combat. ("First attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes.)

If unit initiates combat, grants【Deep Star】to unit and inflicts【Gravity】on target and foes within 1 space of target after combat.

【Deep Star】
For 1 turn, if it is unit's first combat initiated by foe that turn, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 80% during combat (that turn only; "first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes).

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).

Restricts target's movement to 1 space through its next action.
Full Disarm Full Disarm
Inflicts Spd/Def-X on foe (X = total number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, and【Penalty】effects active on foe, excluding stat penalties, × 2, + 4; max 12), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

While attacking in Aether Raids, if unit ends movement on a space with a Bolt Trap or a Heavy Trap, cancels trap's effect; if unit ends movement on a space with a Hex Trap, reduces trap's trigger condition by 10 HP.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
I Remember... I Remember...
At start of player phase or enemy phase, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Spd/Def-7,【Panic】, and【Sabotage】on closest foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foe and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, if unit's HP > 1 and foe would reduce unit's HP to 0, unit survives with 1 HP (once per combat; does not stack with non-Special effects that allow unit to survive with 1 HP if foe's attack would reduce HP to 0).

If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Light and Dark Light and Dark
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-2 on foe, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" during combat.
Light and Dark II Light and Dark II
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe, neutralizes unit's penalties and foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.), and disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" during combat.
Lull Atk Def 1 Lull Atk/Def 1
Inflicts Atk/Def-1 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Atk Def 2 Lull Atk/Def 2
Inflicts Atk/Def-2 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Atk Def 3 Lull Atk/Def 3
Inflicts Atk/Def-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Atk Def 4 Lull Atk/Def 4
Inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe (X = 4 + number of【Bonus】effects active on foe; max 8; excludes stat bonuses) and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Lull Atk Res 1 Lull Atk/Res 1
Inflicts Atk/Res-1 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Atk Res 2 Lull Atk/Res 2
Inflicts Atk/Res-2 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Atk Res 3 Lull Atk/Res 3
Inflicts Atk/Res-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Atk Spd 1 Lull Atk/Spd 1
Inflicts Atk/Spd-1 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Atk Spd 2 Lull Atk/Spd 2
Inflicts Atk/Spd-2 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Atk Spd 3 Lull Atk/Spd 3
Inflicts Atk/Spd-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Atk/Spd (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Spd Def 1 Lull Spd/Def 1
Inflicts Spd/Def-1 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Spd Def 2 Lull Spd/Def 2
Inflicts Spd/Def-2 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Spd Def 3 Lull Spd/Def 3
Inflicts Spd/Def-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Spd Def 4 Lull Spd/Def 4
Inflicts Spd/Def-X on foe (X = 4 + number of【Bonus】effects active on foe; max 8; excludes stat bonuses) and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Def (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Lull Spd Res 1 Lull Spd/Res 1
Inflicts Spd/Res-1 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Spd Res 2 Lull Spd/Res 2
Inflicts Spd/Res-2 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Spd Res 3 Lull Spd/Res 3
Inflicts Spd/Res-3 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Lull Spd Res 4 Lull Spd/Res 4
Inflicts Spd/Res-X on foe (X = 4 + number of【Bonus】effects active on foe; max 8; excludes stat bonuses) and neutralizes foe's bonuses to Spd/Res (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Prescience II Prescience II
At start of turn, if any foes have the highest Atk, Spd, Def, or Res on the enemy team, inflicts【Sabotage】and【Panic】on those foes and inflicts -7 on the corresponding stat of those foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Res-5 on foe, inflicts penalty on foe's Spd/Res = highest total penalties among target and foes within 2 spaces of target, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 30% (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

Inflicts penalty on unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest penalty on each stat between unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through its next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Pure Atrocity Pure Atrocity
If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foe, deals damage = 25% of unit's Atk (excluding area-of-effect Specials), grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit before unit's first attack, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

After combat, if unit attacked, neutralizes two【Bonus】effects on target and any foe within 2 spaces of target, excluding stat bonuses (does not apply to【Bonus】effects that are applied at the same time; neutralizes the first applicable【Bonus】effects on foe's list of active effects), and applies 【Divine Vein (Haze)】on target's space and on each space within 2 spaces of target's space for 1 turn.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).

【Divine Vein (Haze)】
Applies the following effects on space: Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. (Divine Vein effects do not stack; replaces any existing Divine Vein effect; Divine Vein effects applied simultaneously cancel each other out.)
Resonance 1 Resonance 1
Deals damage to unit as combat begins = 20% of X (X = unit's max HP before entering battle - 20; "max HP before entering battle" means unit's max HP excluding HP increases from Legendary Effects, Mythic Effects, Bonus Heroes, etc.; activates only when unit can attack in combat; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce unit's HP below 1).

Unit deals damage = unit's HP at start of combat - current HP, × 2 during combat (max 12, min 6; excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Resonance 2 Resonance 2
Deals damage to unit as combat begins = 20% of X (X = unit's max HP before entering battle - 20; "max HP before entering battle" means unit's max HP excluding HP increases from Legendary Effects, Mythic Effects, Bonus Heroes, etc.; activates only when unit can attack in combat; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce unit's HP below 1).

Unit deals damage = unit's HP at start of combat - current HP, × 2 during combat (max 12, min 6; excluding area-of-effect Specials) and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by percentage = unit's HP at start of combat - current HP, × 4 during combat (max 24%, min 12%; excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Resonance 3 Resonance 3
Deals damage to unit as combat begins = 20% of X (X = unit's max HP before entering battle - 20; "max HP before entering battle" means unit's max HP excluding HP increases from Legendary Effects, Mythic Effects, Bonus Heroes, etc.; activates only when unit can attack in combat; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce unit's HP below 1).

Unit deals damage = unit's HP at start of combat - current HP, × 2 during combat (max 12, min 6; excluding area-of-effect Specials) and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by percentage = unit's HP at start of combat - current HP, × 7 during combat (max 42%, min 21%; excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Resonance 4 Resonance 4
Deals damage to unit as combat begins = 20% of X (X = unit's max HP before entering battle - 20; "max HP before entering battle" means unit's max HP excluding HP increases from Legendary Effects, Mythic Effects, Bonus Heroes, etc.; activates only when unit can attack in combat; effects that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce unit's HP below 1).

Inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foe during combat.

Unit deals damage = unit's HP at start of combat - current HP, × 2 during combat (max 12, min 6; excluding area-of-effect Specials) and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by percentage = unit's HP at start of combat - current HP, × 10 during combat (max 60%, min 30%; excluding area-of-effect Specials).
Spd Def Detect Spd/Def Detect
Inflicts Spd/Def-4 on foe during combat.

If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, inflicts【Exposure】on closest foes within 5 spaces of both unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally after movement and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

Inflicts Spd/Def-5 on foes on the map with the 【Exposure】effect active and neutralizes bonuses to Spd/Def for those foes during combat.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.
Spd Def Link 4 Spd/Def Link 4
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or targets unit, grants Spd/Def+6 and【Canto (1)】to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn. Inflicts Atk/Spd-4 on foe and unit deals +X damage during combat (X = highest total Spd+Def bonuses among unit and allies with【Canto (1)】active; excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Speedtaker 1 Speedtaker 1
At start of turn, grants Spd【Great Talent】+1 to unit.

After combat, if unit attacked, grants Spd【Great Talent】+1 to unit.

Deals damage = 5% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

(This skill grants max of【Great Talent】+5.)

【Great Talent】
Adds value of Great Talent (+X) to specified stats (until end of battle; max value of X is determined by the stat reaching the limit of 99, each stat calculated separately and cannot exceed max value for each skill; stat increases are not treated as Bonus effects).
Speedtaker 2 Speedtaker 2
At start of turn, grants Spd【Great Talent】+1 to unit.

After combat, if unit attacked, grants Spd【Great Talent】+2 to unit.

Deals damage = 10% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

(This skill grants max of【Great Talent】+10.)

【Great Talent】
Adds value of Great Talent (+X) to specified stats (until end of battle; max value of X is determined by the stat reaching the limit of 99, each stat calculated separately and cannot exceed max value for each skill; stat increases are not treated as Bonus effects).
Speedtaker 3 Speedtaker 3
At start of turn, grants Spd【Great Talent】+1 to unit.

After combat, if unit attacked, grants Spd【Great Talent】+3 to unit.

Deals damage = 15% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

(This skill grants max of【Great Talent】+15.)

【Great Talent】
Adds value of Great Talent (+X) to specified stats (until end of battle; max value of X is determined by the stat reaching the limit of 99, each stat calculated separately and cannot exceed max value for each skill; stat increases are not treated as Bonus effects).
Speedtaker 4 Speedtaker 4
At start of turn, grants Spd【Great Talent】+1 to unit.

After combat, if unit attacked, grants Spd【Great Talent】+4 to unit.

Inflicts Spd/Def-4 on foe, unit deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (excluding area-of-effect Specials), neutralizes unit's penalties to Spd, and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

(This skill grants max of【Great Talent】+20.)

【Great Talent】
Adds value of Great Talent (+X) to specified stats (until end of battle; max value of X is determined by the stat reaching the limit of 99, each stat calculated separately and cannot exceed max value for each skill; stat increases are not treated as Bonus effects).
Sudden Panic 1 Sudden Panic 1
At start of turn, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-5 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts 【Panic】on that foe.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Sudden Panic 2 Sudden Panic 2
At start of turn, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-3 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts 【Panic】on that foe.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Sudden Panic 3 Sudden Panic 3
At start of turn, if any foe's HP ≤ unit's HP-1 and that foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts 【Panic】on that foe.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Vedrfolnirs Wing Veðrfölnir's Wing

At start of turn, if unit is on a team with only 1 support partner, grants【Pathfinder】to support partner for 1 turn.

At start of turn, if unit is not on a team with support partner and if there is only 1 ally who has the highest Def, grants【Pathfinder】to that ally for 1 turn.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def = 5 + current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2 (calculates each stat penalty independently; example: if foe has a +7 bonus to Atk, inflicts Atk-19, for a net penalty of Atk-12), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and restores 7 HP to unit after combat.

When an ally moves through unit's space, that space is counted as 0 spaces moved instead of 1 space. (Unit's space can be freely added to ally's normal movement. Applies only to allies with movement types that allow movement through unit's space.)
Wily Fighter 1 Wily Fighter 1
If unit's HP ≥ 75% and foe initiates combat, neutralizes bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) on foe during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Wily Fighter 2 Wily Fighter 2
If unit's HP ≥ 50% and foe initiates combat, neutralizes bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) on foe during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Wily Fighter 3 Wily Fighter 3
If unit's HP ≥ 25% and foe initiates combat, neutralizes bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) on foe during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Wily Fighter 4 Wily Fighter 4
If foe initiates combat or if unit's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, inflicts Atk-5 on foe, deals +X damage (X = 20% of unit's Def; excluding area-of-effect Specials), reduces damage from foe's attacks by X (excluding area-of-effect Specials), unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, and neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat.

List of C Passives

Icon Passive Description
A S Incite Hone A/S Incite Hone
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Incited】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = number of allies on the map with the【Incited】 effect + 2 (excluding unit; max 5).

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).
Atk Res Ploy 3 Atk/Res Ploy 3
At start of player phase or enemy phase, if any foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit have Res < unit's Res+5, inflicts Atk/Res-7,【Ploy】, and【Exposure】 on those foes through their next actions.

Neutralizes【Bonus Doubler】,【Treachery】, and【Grand Strategy】effects active on unit during combat through unit's next action.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.

【Grand Strategy】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit's negative effects that last "through unit's next action" will remain in effect until this status (Grand Strategy) is neutralized.
Atk Spd Ploy 3 Atk/Spd Ploy 3
At start of player phase or enemy phase, if any foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit have Res < unit's Res+5, inflicts Atk/Spd-7,【Ploy】, and【Exposure】 on those foes through their next actions.

Neutralizes【Bonus Doubler】,【Treachery】, and【Grand Strategy】effects active on unit during combat through unit's next action.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.

【Grand Strategy】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit's negative effects that last "through unit's next action" will remain in effect until this status (Grand Strategy) is neutralized.
Beast Threaten Beast Threaten
At start of turn, inflicts Def-7 and【Panic】 on foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit through their next actions.

At start of turn, if any foe is within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit, grants Atk+6 to unit for 1 turn, and also, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Brutal Tempest Brutal Tempest
Enables【Canto (Dist. +1; Max 4)】.

At start of turn, unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack).

Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat (max 3).

【Canto (Dist. +1; Max 4)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move spaces = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit before the above, +1. (Max 4.)

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)
Chaos Named Plus Chaos Named+
At start of turn, if any foes have the highest Atk, Spd, Def, or Res on the enemy team, inflicts -7 on the corresponding stat of those foes and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions. At start of turn, if any foes have the highest Atk, Spd, Def, or Res on the enemy team, inflicts【Panic】on those foes.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Deadly Miasma Deadly Miasma
If unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat, and after combat, deals 7 damage to target and foes within 2 spaces of target and applies【Divine Vein (Haze)】on target's space and on each space within 2 spaces of target's space for 1 turn.

【Divine Vein (Haze)】
Applies the following effects on space: Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on foe and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. (Divine Vein effects do not stack; replaces any existing Divine Vein effect; Divine Vein effects applied simultaneously cancel each other out.)
Def Res Ploy 3 Def/Res Ploy 3
At start of player phase or enemy phase, if any foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit have Res < unit's Res+5, inflicts Def/Res-7,【Ploy】, and【Exposure】 on those foes through their next actions.

Neutralizes【Bonus Doubler】,【Treachery】, and【Grand Strategy】effects active on unit during combat through unit's next action.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.

【Grand Strategy】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit's negative effects that last "through unit's next action" will remain in effect until this status (Grand Strategy) is neutralized.
Divine Deceit Divine Deceit
At start of player phase or enemy phase, if any foes in cardinal directions of unit have Res < unit's Res+5, inflicts【Gravity】on those foes. At start of player phase or enemy phase, if any foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit have Res < unit's Res+5, inflicts【Ploy】and【Exposure】on those foes through their next actions. After start-of-turn effects trigger on player phase or enemy phase, if any foes within 3 rows or 3 columns have ≥ 3 Bonus effects active, excluding stat bonuses, neutralizes those effects (excludes Bonus effects being applied at the same time). If foe has any Penalty effects active, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat.

Restricts target's movement to 1 space through its next action.

Neutralizes Bonus Doubler, Treachery, and【Grand Strategy】effects active on unit during combat through unit's next action.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.

【Grand Strategy】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit's negative effects that last "through unit's next action" will remain in effect until this status (Grand Strategy) is neutralized.
Endless Tempest Endless Tempest
At start of turn, unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack).

If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat (max 3) and neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Even Atk Wave 1 Even Atk Wave 1
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Atk+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Atk Wave 2 Even Atk Wave 2
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Atk+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Atk Wave 3 Even Atk Wave 3
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Atk+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Def Wave 1 Even Def Wave 1
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Def+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Def Wave 2 Even Def Wave 2
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Def+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Def Wave 3 Even Def Wave 3
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Def+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Res Wave 1 Even Res Wave 1
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Res+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Res Wave 2 Even Res Wave 2
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Res+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Res Wave 3 Even Res Wave 3
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Res+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Spd Wave 1 Even Spd Wave 1
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Spd+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Spd Wave 2 Even Spd Wave 2
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Spd+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Even Spd Wave 3 Even Spd Wave 3
At start of even-numbered turns, grants Spd+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Faith in Humanity Faith in Humanity
At start of turn, if unit is within 3 spaces of allies other than dragon or beast allies, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and those allies for 1 turn. If 2 or more allies on your current team other than dragon or beast allies have total bonuses ≥ 10 (excluding unit), neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit.
Glittering Anima Glittering Anima
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Canto (1)】, and the following status to unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn: "neutralizes penalties on unit during combat." At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd/Res-6,【Panic】, and【Discord】on closest foes and any foe within 3 spaces of those foes through their next actions. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit and neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on unit during combat (X = 2 + number of allies within 2 spaces of unit; max 5) through its next action.
Human Virtue II Human Virtue II
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of any allies other than beast or dragon allies, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and those allies for 1 turn. Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = highest bonus on allies other than beast or dragon allies within 2 spaces. Calculates each stat bonus independently. Reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by X% (X = total value of bonuses on the 3 allies other than beast or dragon allies with the highest bonus totals within 2 spaces; max. 40).
Inborn Idealism Inborn Idealism
At start of turn, if a dragon or beast ally is deployed, grants Atk/Spd/Def+6, 【Bonus Doubler】, and【Null Panic】to unit and ally with the highest Atk (excluding unit) for 1 turn.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Incite Atk Res Incite Atk/Res
At start of turn, if number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 2, grants Atk/Res+6 and【Incited】 to unit for 1 turn. If number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, grants Atk/Res+3 to unit during combat.

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).
Incite Atk Spd Incite Atk/Spd
At start of turn, if number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 2, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Incited】 to unit for 1 turn. If number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, grants Atk/Spd+3 to unit during combat.

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).
Incite Spd Def Incite Spd/Def
At start of turn, if number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 2, grants Spd/Def+6 and【Incited】 to unit for 1 turn. If number of allies adjacent to unit ≤ 1, grants Spd/Def+3 to unit during combat.

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).
Odd Atk Wave 1 Odd Atk Wave 1
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Atk+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Atk Wave 2 Odd Atk Wave 2
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Atk+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Atk Wave 3 Odd Atk Wave 3
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Atk+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Def Wave 1 Odd Def Wave 1
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Def Wave 2 Odd Def Wave 2
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Def Wave 3 Odd Def Wave 3
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Res Wave 1 Odd Res Wave 1
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Res+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Res Wave 2 Odd Res Wave 2
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Res+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Res Wave 3 Odd Res Wave 3
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Res+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Spd Wave 1 Odd Spd Wave 1
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Spd+2 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Spd Wave 2 Odd Spd Wave 2
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Spd+4 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Odd Spd Wave 3 Odd Spd Wave 3
At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Spd+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
Open Retainer Plus Open Retainer+
Allies within 2 spaces can move to any space within 2 spaces of unit.

For allies within 3 spaces of unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat, and also, when ally deals damage to foe during their combat, restores 7 HP to that ally.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit, neutralizes foe's bonuses, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and also, when unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit.
Orders Restraint Order's Restraint
At start of turn, grants Atk/Res+6 and【Null Panic】 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. At start of turn, if 3 or more allies are within 2 spaces of unit, grants Atk/Res+6 and 【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Orders Restraint Plus Order's Restraint+
At start of turn, grants Atk/Res+6, 【Null Panic】,【Null Follow-Up】, and【Hexblade】to allies within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn, and also, if the number of allies within 3 spaces of unit ≥ 3, grants Atk/Res+6, 【Null Panic】,【Null Follow-Up】, and "reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special 'reduce damage by X%' skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials)" to unit for 1 turn.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

【Null Follow-Up】
If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn.

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).
Panic Ploy 1 Panic Ploy 1
At start of turn, converts bonuses on foes in cardinal directions with HP ≤ unit's HP-5 into penalties through their next actions.
Panic Ploy 2 Panic Ploy 2
At start of turn, converts bonuses on foes in cardinal directions with HP ≤ unit's HP-3 into penalties through their next actions.
Panic Ploy 3 Panic Ploy 3
At start of turn, converts bonuses on foes in cardinal directions with HP < unit's HP into penalties through their next actions.
Panic Smoke 1 Panic Smoke 1
If unit initiates combat, inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 1 space of target after combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Panic Smoke 2 Panic Smoke 2
If unit initiates combat, inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 2 spaces of target after combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Panic Smoke 3 Panic Smoke 3
Inflicts【Panic】on target and foes within 2 spaces of target after combat.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.
Panic Smoke 4 Panic Smoke 4
After combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-3 and【Panic】on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions, and grants【Foe Penalty Doubler】to unit and allies in cardinal directions.

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

【Foe Penalty Doubler】
Inflicts penalty on foe's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = any current penalty on each of those stats through their next action. Calculates each stat penalty independently.
Pulse Up Ploy Pulse Up: Ploy
At start of turn, grants Special cooldown count-1.

At start of player phase or enemy phase, if any foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit have Res < unit's Res+5, inflicts【Ploy】 and【Exposure】on those foes through their next actions.

Neutralizes【Bonus Doubler】,【Treachery】, and【Grand Strategy】effects active on unit during combat through unit's next action.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.

【Grand Strategy】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit's negative effects that last "through unit's next action" will remain in effect until this status (Grand Strategy) is neutralized.
Rouse Atk Def 4 Rouse Atk/Def 4
At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Def+6 and【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Rouse Atk Res 4 Rouse Atk/Res 4
At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+6 and【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Rouse Atk Spd 4 Rouse Atk/Spd 4
At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 and【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Rouse Spd Def 4 Rouse Spd/Def 4
At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Spd/Def+6 and【Null Panic】to unit for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)
Spd Res Ploy 3 Spd/Res Ploy 3
At start of player phase or enemy phase, if any foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit have Res < unit's Res+5, inflicts Spd/Res-7,【Ploy】, and【Exposure】 on those foes through their next actions.

Neutralizes【Bonus Doubler】,【Treachery】, and【Grand Strategy】effects active on unit during combat through unit's next action.

Foe's attacks deal +10 damage.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.

【Grand Strategy】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit's negative effects that last "through unit's next action" will remain in effect until this status (Grand Strategy) is neutralized.
Time Pulse Edge Time Pulse Edge
At start of turn, if unit's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit.

Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = unit's maximum Special cooldown count value + 2, and also, if unit's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value after combat, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit.
Twinkling Anima Twinkling Anima
At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6,【Canto (1)】, and the following status to unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn: "neutralizes penalties on unit during combat."

At start of turn, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Spd/Res-7,【Panic】, and【Discord】on closest foes and any foe within 3 spaces of those foes through their next actions.

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit, and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on unit during combat (X = 2 + number of allies within 2 spaces of unit; max 5) through its next action.
Upheaval Plus Upheaval+
At the start of turn 1, deals 10 damage to all foes, and if defending in Aether Raids during Anima season, destroys nearest offensive structure. (Does not affect structures that cannot be destroyed.) At start of combat, if unit's Atk > foe's Atk, or if foe's HP < 100%, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
Vision of Arcadia II Vision of Arcadia II
At start of turn, if a dragon or beast ally is deployed, grants Atk/Spd/Def+6,【Null Panic】, and【Canto (1)】to unit and ally with the highest Atk (excluding unit) for 1 turn.

【Null Panic】
If unit is inflicted with Panic (bonuses converted into penalties), neutralizes the "converts bonuses on target into penalties" effect for 1 turn. (Even though the effect is neutralized, the Panic status remains, and is treated as a Penalty status.)

【Canto (1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 1 space(s).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger after the granted action. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than unit would be able to move with normal Canto movement.)

List of Attuned Skills

None, currently.

List of Sacred Seals

None, currently.

List of Emblem Effects

None, currently.

List of Captain Skills

Icon Captain Skill Description
Reversal Reversal
Grants Atk+5 to captain during combat. Grants the following effect to captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain: "inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foe during combat (X = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2; calculates each stat penalty independently)."
Storm of Blows Storm of Blows
Neutralizes bonuses of captain's foes during combat. Captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain make guaranteed follow-up attacks.

List of Duo Skills

Owners Duo Skill
Marth Royal Altean Duo Face FC
Marth: Royal Altean Duo
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3 and【Bonus Doubler】to armored and flying allies within 3 rows centered on unit. (That turn only. Does not stack.)

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Idunn Dragonkin Duo Face FC
Idunn: Dragonkin Duo
Grants Def/Res+6 and the following status to unit and allies within 5 rows and 5 columns centered on unit for 1 turn: "Neutralizes 'effective against dragons' bonuses and 'effective against armored' bonuses."
Byleth Frosty Professors Face FC
Byleth: Frosty Professors
Grants Def/Res+6, "reduces damage from area-of-effect Specials by 80% (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials)," and【Hexblade】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. Grants the following effect to unit for 1 turn: "Neutralizes 'effective against armored' bonuses."

Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat for 1 turn (including damage dealt by Specials before combat).
Kagero Bond Unwavering Face FC
Kagero: Bond Unwavering
Grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit. Grants "unit can move 1 extra space (that turn only; does not stack)" and "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" to unit for 1 turn.

Once used, Duo Skill cannot be activated again right away. At start of every third turn, if Duo Skill has already been used, unit can use Duo Skill again.
Rhea Aura of Love Face FC
Rhea: Aura of Love
Grants the following status to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn: "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat."

Applies【Divine Vein (Stone)】to unit's space and spaces within 2 spaces of unit for 2 turns.

【Divine Vein (Stone)】
Applies the following effects on space for unit and allies: Grants Def/Res+6 during combat, reduces damage from foe's Specials by 10 during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials), and reduces damage from area-of-effect Specials by 50% (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials). (Divine Vein effects do not stack; replaces any existing Divine Vein effect; Divine Vein effects applied simultaneously cancel each other out. Does not count as defensive terrain.)
Chrom Fate-Defying Duo Face FC
Chrom: Fate-Defying Duo
Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-5 on unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit through their next actions and grants【Grand Strategy】to those units.

Grants the following effect to unit for 1 turn: "Foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

【Grand Strategy】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 for 1 turn. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+14, for a net bonus of Atk+7.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Unit's negative effects that last "through unit's next action" will remain in effect until this status (Grand Strategy) is neutralized.
Thorr Sun-Kissed Gods Face FC
Thórr: Sun-Kissed Gods
Inflicts【Gravity】on foes in cardinal directions of unit. Neutralizes any【Bonus】active on foes within 5 rows or 5 columns centered on unit. (Does not neutralize stat bonuses of foes inflicted with Panic.)

Restricts target's movement to 1 space through its next action.

All effects that last "for 1 turn" or "that turn only." Includes bonuses granted by a skill like Rally or Hone and positive status effects (extra movement or effects like Dominance).
Duma Strength and Love Face FC
Duma: Strength and Love
Neutralizes any【Penalty】, restores 30 HP, and grants "neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat" for 1 turn to unit and allies within 5 rows and 5 columns centered on unit.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Alear Gifted Dragons Face FC
Alear: Gifted Dragons
Neutralizes any【Penalty】effects on unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit, and grants the following to unit and those allies for 1 turn: "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat" and "reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special 'reduce damage by X%' skills by 50% during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials)."

Once used, Duo Skill cannot be activated again right away. At the start of every third turn, if Duo Skill has already been used, unit can use Duo Skill again.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Nina Shadowy Figures Face FC
Nina: Shadowy Figures
Unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.) If any foes are in cardinal directions of unit or【Penalty】is active on any foes, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-7 and【Panic】on those foes.

Once used, Duo Skill cannot be activated again right away. At start of every third turn, if Duo Skill has already been used, unit can use Duo Skill again.

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).

Converts bonuses on target into penalties through its next action.

List of Harmonized Skills

Owners Harmonized Skill
Nagi Hopeful Eternity Face FC
Nagi: Hopeful Eternity
For unit and allies from the same titles as unit, grants Atk/Res+6,【Resonance: Shields】, "neutralizes 'effective against dragons' bonuses," and【Warp Bubble】for 1 turn, neutralizes any【Penalty】, and restores 30 HP.

【Resonance: Shields】
Grants Def/Res+4 during combat and the following effect for 1 turn: "During unit's first combat in player phase or enemy phase, foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

【Warp Bubble】
Foes cannot warp into spaces within 4 spaces of unit. (Does not affect foes with Pass skills or warp effects from structures, like camps and fortresses in Rival Domains.)

All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Cordelia Unyielding Snow Face FC
Cordelia: Unyielding Snow
Grants Atk/Spd+6,【Resonance: Blades】, and【Treachery】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit for 1 turn.

【Resonance: Blades】
Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat for 1 turn.

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.
Lysithea Gifted Students Face FC
Lysithea: Gifted Students
Grants Atk+6,【Resonance: Blades】, and 【Bonus Doubler】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit for 1 turn.

【Resonance: Blades】
Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat for 1 turn.

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Edelgard Sun Empresses Face FC
Edelgard: Sun Empresses
Grants Atk+6,【Resonance: Shields】, and 【Bonus Doubler】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit for 1 turn.

【Resonance: Shields】
Grants Def/Res+4 during combat and the following effect for 1 turn: "During unit's first combat in player phase or enemy phase, foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
Goldmary Coy Beach Divas Face FC
Goldmary: Coy Beach Divas
Grants Def/Res+6,【Resonance: Shields】, 【Bonus Doubler】, and【Bulwark】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit for 1 turn.

【Resonance: Shields】
Grants Def/Res+4 during combat and the following effect for 1 turn: "During unit's first combat in player phase or enemy phase, foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

【Bonus Doubler】
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit's stats for 1 turn. Calculates each stat bonus independently.

Foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).

Foes with Range = 2 cannot move through spaces within 2 spaces of unit (does not affect foes with Pass skills).
Roy Blazing Bachelors Face FC
Roy: Blazing Bachelors
Grants Def/Res+6,【Resonance: Shields】, and【Treachery】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit for 1 turn.

【Resonance: Shields】
Grants Def/Res+4 during combat and the following effect for 1 turn: "During unit's first combat in player phase or enemy phase, foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.
Chloe Spring Wings Face FC
Chloé: Spring Wings
Grants Special cooldown count-2 to unit and allies from the same titles as unit. Grants 【Resonance: Blades】and【Incited】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit.

【Resonance: Blades】
Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat for 1 turn.

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = number of spaces from start position to end position of unit during combat (max 3; that turn only).
Igrene Sworn Protectors Face FC
Igrene: Sworn Protectors
Grants【Resonance: Blades】,【Treachery】, and【Desperation】to unit and allies from the same titles as unit.

【Resonance: Blades】
Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat for 1 turn.

Unit deals additional damage = total bonuses on unit for 1 turn.

Grants the following effect for 1 turn: "If unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack."
Myrrh Spring Harmony Face FC
Myrrh: Spring Harmony
Grants【Resonance: Blades】and the following effect to unit and allies from the same titles as unit for 1 turn: "Foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

Grants the following effect to unit for 1 turn: "Neutralizes 'effective against flying' bonuses."

【Resonance: Blades】
Grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat for 1 turn.
Tiki Bridal Reflections Face FC
Tiki: Bridal Reflections
Grants【Resonance: Shields】, "neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat," and "neutralizes unit's penalties during combat" to unit and allies from the same titles as unit for 1 turn.

Once used, Harmonized Skill cannot be activated again right away. At start of every third turn, if Harmonized Skill has already been used, unit can use Harmonized Skill again.

【Resonance: Shields】
Grants Def/Res+4 during combat and the following effect for 1 turn: "During unit's first combat in player phase or enemy phase, foe cannot make a follow-up attack."

List of Items

Icon Item Description
Panic Charm Panic Charm
Bonuses on all enemies become penalties through each foe's next action.

List of Structures

Icon Structure Level Description
Structure Heroic Banner Heroic Banner 4
Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of ally's stats to allies within 5 rows and 5 columns centered on structure. Calculates each stat bonus independently. (That turn only.)
Structure Panic Manor Panic Manor (D) 13
At start of turn, if any foes are within 7 rows and 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ 88, converts bonuses on those foes into penalties through their next actions.
Panic Manor (O)
At start of turn, if any foes are within 3 columns centered on structure and their HP ≤ 88, converts bonuses on those foes into penalties through their next actions.

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
English (US) Stats increased
Japanese 能力値上昇
German Statuswerte verbessert
Spanish (Europe) Mejora de atributos
Spanish (Latin America) Mejora de atributos
French Caractéristiques augmentées
Italian Aumento dei parametri
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 能力值提升
Portuguese Aumento de atributos

References[ | ]
