Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki

Time's Gate[1] is a status effect that grants allies Within 4 spaces of the affected unit the ability to warp to a space adjacent to that unit. For sources of this status effect, see the category page Sources of Time's Gate.

Skill Interaction[ | ]

Main articles: Skill interaction, Warp
When a unit has this status effect, an icon is shown on their sprite on the map.
Icon Type Example Source Description Sound Effect
Status Effect Times Gate Positive Skilliconspecial Light Is Time
Seidr Times Goddesses Face FC Seiðr: Time's Goddesses
Allies within 4 spaces of unit can move to a space adjacent to unit (that turn only).

Sources of Time's Gate[ | ]

List of Weapons

List of Unrefined Weapons

None, currently.

List of Refined Weapons

None, currently.

List of Skill Refined Weapons

None, currently.

List of Assists

None, currently.

List of Specials

Special Description
Light Is Time
Boosts damage by 60% of foe's Atk when Special triggers. Neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat. If unit initiates combat, unit's Special triggered, and unit survives, grants one of the following two effects after combat (once per turn): if there is only one ally with the highest HP among allies within 2 spaces of unit who have already acted, grants another action to that ally (allies with Sing or Dance can be granted this effect as well), and also, if that ally's or their Pair Up cohort's Range = 2, inflicts "restricts movement to 1 space" on that ally or that Pair Up cohort through their next action; otherwise, grants【Time's Gate】 to unit.

【Time's Gate】
Allies within 4 spaces of unit can move to a space adjacent to unit (that turn only).

List of Passives

List of A Passives

None, currently.

List of B Passives

None, currently.

List of C Passives

None, currently.

List of Attuned Skills

None, currently.

List of Sacred Seals

None, currently.

List of Emblem Effects

None, currently.

List of Captain Skills

None, currently.

List of Duo Skills

Owners Duo Skill
Seidr Times Goddesses Face FC
Seiðr: Time's Goddesses
Grants【Time's Gate】and "Special cooldown charge +1 per attack during combat (only highest value applied; does not stack)" to unit and allies within 4 spaces of unit for 1 turn.

【Time's Gate】
Allies within 4 spaces of unit can move to a space adjacent to unit (that turn only).

List of Harmonized Skills

None, currently.

List of Items

None, currently.

List of Structures

None, currently.

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 時の門
German Zeittor
Spanish (Europe) Portal del tiempo
Spanish (Latin America) Portal del tiempo
French Porte du temps
Italian Varco del tempo
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 時間之門
Portuguese Portal do tempo

References[ | ]
