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- "I'm Jan, Jan Kandou! The Tiger Kid!"
- ―Jan introducing himself to Miki[src]
- "Infinite power flows in my body! Unbreakable Body. GekiRed! (体に漲る無限の力!アンブレイカブル・ボディ ゲキレッド! Karada ni minagiru Mugen no chikara! Anbureikaburu Bodi Geki Reddo!)"
- ―GekiRed's roll call[src]
- "The Extremely Unbreakable Body. Super GekiRed! (激にアンブレイカブル・ボディ スーパーゲキレッド! Geki ni Anbureikaburu Bodi Sūpā Geki
- ―Super GekiRed's roll call[src]
Jan Kandou (漢堂 ジャン Kandō Jan) is GekiRed (ゲキレッド Geki Reddo) of the Gekirangers. He practices the Fierce Beast Tiger-Fist (激獣タイガー拳 Gekijū Taigāken) style, though still a beginner, his main focus is on power. He's a wild child who was raised by tigers deep within the forest near the Beast Origin Village (獣源郷 Jūgenkyō).
The son of Dan Kandou, Jan was the sole surviving member of the nearby village that was destroyed by Long. Long had intended to kill Jan in order to prevent Rio from fighting him, since Rio would undoubtedly see Jan as a potential rival since Dan is his father. Jan's mother sacrificed herself to save Jan by taking a fatal blow from Long and at the same time pushing Jan off a cliff into a raging river. The shock left Jan with amnesia and he survived by living with tigers in the wild.
Because of his lineage, his senses have been sharply enhanced to feel qi like Sha-Fu, who scouted Jan as he personifies the "Body" (体 Tai, also pronounced as Karada) of a Gekiranger: Resistance to most forms of pain. This selection is strengthened when Jan emits Fierce Ki while giving off a "Tiger's Roar" when the Confrontation Beast-Fist Akugata began to attack. Although at first, he doesn't understand certain concepts or training, he eventually picks up and learns about it at a fairly high pace. He does not know very many common words so he sometimes describes things with words such as "niki-niki", "zowa-zowa", "waki-waki", his own personal "Jan-ish" language.
As he was raised by animals, he doesn't know and has to learn about the "Heart". Jan is eventually labeled as Rio's rival after witnessing the display of power used to stop his own attack. He became Sharkie Chan's first student of the Fierce Beast Shark-Fist (激獣シャーク拳 Gekijū Shākuken) sword-fighting style. Though Jan possesses the Extreme Ki (過激気 Kageki), he is unable to fully use it in his first fight with Rio.
Jan competes with Gorrie Yen in a coin-stacking competition to improve his "Heart" to try to achieve the Extreme Ki, but he fails because when he tells Gorie that he practices Fierce Beast-Fist to become stronger, Gorrie says that Jan is no better than Rio for following a similar ideology. TV STORY-Lesson 20: Gicho-Gicho! Triangle Opposing Fight Yet, once Jan realizes that his reason is to fight in order to protect others, Jan is able to transform into Super GekiRed (スーパーゲキレッド Sūpā Geki Reddo), using the Fierce Beast Gorilla-Fist (激獣ゴリラ拳 Gekijū Goriraken) style and is the "Extremely Unbreakable Body" (「過激にアンブレイカブル・ボディ」 Kageki ni Anbureikaburu Bodi).
TV STORY-Lesson 21: Biki-Biki-Biki-Biki! Kageki in Extreme Ki
After the Gekirangers, Rio and Mele are exposed to Juken God SaiDain's Beast Power Bloom, Jan is the first among the Gekirangers to realize how much stronger they all have become, pushing back Maku by himself as well as utilizing the Extreme Ki Hard Diamond technique by himself.
At first, Jan decides that he can't fight anymore after learning the truth behind his relation to Rio and Dan, but learning more about his family with Sha-Fu's help enables Jan to resume his role as a Gekiranger, making an enemy out of Long. He and Rio have their destined battle, with Jan the victor until he realizes that he is not really fighting Rio, but something else entirely.
When Jan regains his memories, he vows to make Long pay for what he did to his friends and family, managing to beat sense into Rio and give him a path of his own as they both save Mele and join forces in fighting their mutual enemy. After Long's defeat, Jan invites both Rio and Mele to SCRTC, despite protests from both Ran Uzaki and Retsu Fukami.
When both Rio and Mele decide to undergo the Fist Judgment to cleanse themselves of their sins while in the Confrontation Beast Hall, Jan tries to talk the both of them out of it in vain, learning later that Rio and Mele intended to die. In memory of Rio's final act, Jan wears the Fist Demons' Bracelet and vows to destroy Long once and for all.
During the final battle, after being infused with Maku's Confrontation Ki, Jan is taken to an astral Confrontation Beast Hall along with Ran and Retsu, where they are met by Rio and Mele. It is there that Jan masters the Confrontation Beast Bear-Fist (臨獣ベアー拳 Rinjū Beāken) style, unifying both Fierce and Confrontation Beast Styles.
With his and the others' new found skills, he goes on to defeat Long, sealing him in a small ball, which Jan keeps on his person to ensure that Long's power never falls into the wrong hands. He then leaves SCRTC to travel the world to find the next generation of Beast-Fist fighters, saying his final farewells to his comrades. While teaching the Beast Fist to kids in Hong Kong, he runs into a boy who looks similar to Rio and decides to take him under his wing.
GekiRed runs to Go-On Red, waving at him, and gives him a high five. Like a car, Go-On Red dashes off while GekiRed waves at him again. TV STORY-Lesson 49: Zun-Zun! The Beast-Fist, for All Time...
Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger[]
Jan returned again from his trip to celebrate Natsume's birthday as he arrived he was seen fighting against Nunchuck Banki immediately Ran and Retsu arrived to assist him in his fight and later they were send to another Dimension when Go-Ongers arrived. After defeating Meka and sealing Long again, the two teams celebrate Natsume's birthday with a party, during which they decide to commemorate that same day as Jan's own birthday since he does not know his actual date of birth. MOVIE STORY-Engine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger
Legend War[]
A few years later, Jan fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai Ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. In the Great Legend War, he was seen fighting alongside fellow martial artist Ryo of the Heavenly Fire Star, taking down Gormin. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Sugormin commanders. Akarenger noticed the fleet moving towards them, he gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear
MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
The Tiger's Child[]
Eventually, the Gokaigers got a clue to the great treasure they have been searching for leading them to look for the "tiger's child." After the battle with Master Pachacamac XIII, Doc and Ahim meet with the traveling teacher while he was teaching his students how to use the Jyuken Fists (still wearing and guarding the Dogokugan on his neck). It wasn't until after they trained with him that they learned he was the "tiger's child" they were looking for with one of Jan's students referring to him as GekiRed. He watched the giant monster battle and witnesses the Gokaiger utilizing the Gekirangers' Greater Power. Master Sha-Fu then appears and asks if there was anymore he could have taught them. Jan tells him that they'll be fine, as they understand that wanting to become stronger is a sign of being stronger already. He then goes off and says he has to train more so he can catch up with them. TV STORY-Ep. 7: Niki-Niki! Kenpo Lesson
Farewell Space Pirates[]
After the Zangyack Empire was defeated by the Gokaigers, Marvelous returned the Ranger Keys to their original owners. It is assumed Jan and his teammates have their powers once again. TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates
Season One[]
In Nobuo Akagi/AkibaRed's roll call in the twelfth episode of Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger, which served as the finale of the first season, he says that "[his] favorite Final Battle is that of Jan and Rio." TV STORY-Ep. 12: Lame-ale: Farewell, Deluded Sentai
Season Tsuu[]
Kozukozu Mita cosplays as Jan in the fifth episode of Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Season Tsuu. TV STORY-Ep. 5: Delusional Imports
Super Hero Taisen[]

The Gekirangers, alongside the Carrangers and Gaorangers, are sent to the dimensional rift by Kamen Rider Decade

The Gekirangers, alongside the Go-Ongers, Gorengers (bar Akarenger), Goseigers, and Shinkengers, emerge through a dimensional wall.
Jan, alongside his team (Rio and Mele were absent), was among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident which eventually resulted in the Super Sentai teams and Kamen Riders joining forces to defeat both Dai-Zangyack and Dai-Shocker
. During the final battle, he is seen fighting Gecko Imagin
MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
Super Hero Taisen Z[]

The Gekirangers as seen in Super Hero Taisen Z.
The Gekiranger trio were among the various superheroes that came to help during the Space Shocker crisis, having been summoned by Gai Ikari. They appeared with the Livemen and Gingamen to aid Kamen Rider Beast
against a Space Shocker force led by Space Man Spider
After Demon King Psycho was destroyed, the Gekirangers appeared on a cliff alongside all the other past heroes to say goodbye to the heroes of recent years before taking their leave.
MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z
Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

GekiRed among the 38 Red warriors.

The first 38 Sentai projected into Wild Tousai Shuriken King.
GekiRed appeared as part of a conference of the first 38 Reds led by Red Falcon, whom addressed the Ninningers and Zyuohgers as the greater Super Sentai pantheon intervened to save them from defeat at the hands of the titanic Gillmarda. Empowering the Combination Nin Shuriken to form Wild Tousai Shuriken King, the first 38 Super Sentai further imbued their successors with the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst, destroying Gillmarda with the combined power of all 40 Super Sentai. MOVIE STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai
Super Sentai Strongest Battle[]
Jan joined the Super Sentai Strongest Battle as a member of International Team, but lost the competition either in the first round against the Support Team offscreen or won against them and lost in the second round against Martial Artist Team offscreen.
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger The Movie: Red Battle! All Sentai Rally!![]

Jan alongside with his Sentai Red Ranger predecessors appeared to help the Zenkaigers. MOVIE STORY-Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger The Movie: Red Battle! All Sentai Rally!!
Saber + Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki

Though he was seemingly erased alongside his team as a result of Asmodeus’ manipulations, he and, presumably, his corresponding team were restored back into existence once Touma Kamiyama
had helped Shotaro
regained his passion in drawing out the superheroes that he wants to draw out.
During the climatic final battle itself, he can be seen fighting alongside Kamen Rider Black, Red Mask, RyuRanger and Kamen Rider Buster
Ten Gokaiger[]
A manifestation of GekiRed was summoned during the Land-Sea-Air Showdown on the Super Sentai Derby Colosseum, fighting against VulShark, Yellow Lion, Ptera Ranger, and GaoBlue. GekiRed and the other clones ultimately defeated by the Yellow Lion clone. MOVIE STORY-Kaizoku Sentai: Ten Gokaiger

Super GekiRed summoned by Stacy
A copy of Super GekiRed was summoned by Stacaesar through the Gekiranger Dark Sentai Gear to fight the Zenkaigers. TV STORY-No. 35-kai! Diamond ◆ Delight?!
Jan is a feral child who was raised by the tigers deep within the forest near the Beast Origin Village. Unlike his teammates he was initially naive, but quite active due to him being raised in the forest. However as the series progresses, he becomes more mature and sensible.
Jan has an overall friendly and playful personality, but can be quite stubborn at times. He and Retsu are seen to be arguing with each other at times, but deep down they care for each other. And during the course of the series, they eventually get along better.
Jan really cares for children as it is seen when he tried to stand up for a bullied kid from Natsume's class. He is also on good terms with Miki's daughter Natsume. He also formed a close friendship with Gou.
Jan has a peculiar way of speaking, using onomatopoeia-like words to describe things and his emotions. Some are common Japanese onomatopoeic or mimetic terms, such as "mera mera" (the sound of flaming up), or corruptions of words or phrases like "seisei doudou" (fair and square) becoming "sei-sei de dou-dou". Japanese fans refer to his vocabulary as "Jan-go" (ジャン語 )- "Jan Speak".
- Bachi-bachi: Electric shock (from bachin, zap)
- Baki-baki: Full of spirit
- Baki-baki no chuiin shubaan:
- Bado-bado: Bad person
- Beran-beran: Talkative (from oshaberi, chatty)
- Biba-biba: Cool, stylish
- Biki-biki: Sharply
- Bishi-bashi: Intense, strict (from bishibashi, relentlessly)
- Bishi-bishi-pikiin: To look like the embodiment of Ki
- Byun-byun maru: Self-centered person
- Byuu-byuu: A hardened heart
- Nikka-nika: A stronger feeling than "niki-niki")
- Ujan-ujan: Stronger anxiety than "uja-uja"
- Zowan-zowan: A stronger sense than "zowa-zowa"
- Super zowan-zowan: A stronger sense than "zowan-zowan"
- Zowangi-zowango: A stronger sense than "super zowan-zowan"
GekiRed's insert theme is Susume no Susume.
Powers and Abilities[]
to be added
These are techniques used uniquely by Jan or with other Gekiranger
Tiger-Fist Gekiwaza[]
These Gekiwaza focus on the "Body" of the user.
- Gun-Gun Bullet (砲砲弾 Hō Hō Dan): Geki Red's Gekiwaza that projects his Fierce Ki as Geki Tiger to fiercely attack the opponent with its strength.
- Dust Cloth Wringing (雑巾絞り Zōkin Shibori): "Cleaning-Power" style attack. Twisting Gyūya's horns like an actual dust cloth.
- Tiger Dust Cloth Mopping (タイガー雑巾掛け Taigā Zōkin Gake): "Cleaning-Power" style attack. Using the opponent as an actual dust cloth.
- Whirl-Whirl Fist (グルグル拳 Guru Guru Ken): "Bathhouse" style attack. Uses a koinobori to spin the opponent around. Jan invented this Gekiwaza himself.
- Super Tiger Strike (スーパータイガー撃 Sūpā Taigā Geki): A Gekiwaza that utilizes Extreme Ki and the Super Geki Claw.
- Soul-Soul Palm (魂魂掌 Kon Kon Shō): After Geki Yellow and Geki Blue transfer Fierce Ki through Fierce Ki Injection, Geki Red can throw a ball of Fierce Ki at the opponent.
- Extreme Ki Hard Diamond (過激気研鑽 Kageki Kensan): After SaiDain's Beast Power Blooming, Geki Red is able to use the Super SaiBlade on his own to form a powerful blade, which he used to cut down Maku.
- Super Sharp-Sharp Extreme Ki Slash (超鋭鋭過激気斬 Chō Ei Ei Kageki Zan): Geki Red shoots forward and delivers a powerful slash with the Super SaiBlade.
Shark-Fist Gekiwaza[]
These Gekiwaza are performed through saber techniques.
- GekiSaber Thin-Thin Slash (ゲキセイバー薄薄斬 GekiSeibā Haku Haku Zan): A Gekiwaza that uses the flimsy nature of the GekiSabers in their Twin Sword Mode to twist the opponent's head around.
- GekiSaber Soar-Soar Slash (ゲキセイバー翔翔斬 GekiSeibā Shō Shō Zan): A Gekiwaza that uses the GekiSabers in their Twin Sword Mode.
- GekiSaber Current Blade (ゲキセイバー水流刃 GekiSeibā Suiryū Ha): A Gekiwaza that uses the GekiSabers in Twin Sword Combined Mode to cover the battlefield in water, while at the same time the blade is covered in high pressurized water.
- GekiSaber Wave-Wave Slash (ゲキセイバー波波斬 GekiSeibā Nami Nami Zan): A Gekiwaza that uses the Twin Sword Combined Mode and Fierce Ki to slash the opponent with the force of a tsunami. As Super Geki Red, this can be utilized as GekiSaber Super Wave-Wave Slash (ゲキセイバースーパー波波斬 GekiSeibā Sūpā Nami Nami Zan).
- Fierce-Fierce Cannon (激激砲 Geki Geki Hō): A team Gekiwaza performed using the GekiBazooka. Initially, it required two minutes to charge, but they soon overcame this limit. It requires all three Gekirangers to wield, transferring their collective Fierce Ki into the Geki Bazooka to fire. The first few times that the Gekirangers used it, Jan would yell "Pork cube stew!" (豚の角煮 Buta no Kaku Ni), which is the name of the dish that Natsume was preparing for him when he learned how to be patient, but this irritated Ran and Retsu, so he eventually stopped doing so. If there is insufficient Ki, the cat head will close back up automatically, as shown in a Beast Arts Academy demonstration.
- Soul-Soul Bullet (魂魂弾 Kon Kon Dan): The three Gekirangers focus their Fierce Ki to over their enture bodies it enters a Fierce Ki Explosive State (激気爆発 Geki Bakuhatsu), charging at their opponents and exposing to them to their Ki at point-blank range.
to be added
to be added
Appearances: Gekiranger Episodes 1-9, Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive Battle, 10-26, 28-34, Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger. 36-43, 47-49

Super GekiRed
Powers and Abilities[]
to be added
Gorilla-Fist Gekiwaza[]
These Gekiwaza focus on the "Heart" of the user, mostly with punches and are mainly performed through GekiGorilla.
- Gori-Gori Strike (ゴリゴリ打 Gori Gori Da): Geki Gorilla uses his brute strength and rotates his arms around to strike the opponent with its fists.
- Gori-Gori Wave (ゴリゴリ波 Gori Gori Ha): Geki Gorilla pounds his chest and sends out shockwaves that form a pipe that Geki Penguin can ride on.
- Super Fierce-Fierce Cannon (スーパー激激砲 Sūpā Geki Geki Hō): This Gekiwaza is identical to the Fierce Cannon, but the Super Gekirangers wield the Geki Bazooka.
- Super Double Attack (スーパーダブル撃 Sūpā Daburu Geki): A Gekiwaza which two attack simultaneously utilizing Extreme Ki and the Super Geki Claws.
- Super Triple Attack (スーパートリプル撃 Sūpā Toripuru Geki): A Gekiwaza which three attack simultaneously utilizing Extreme Ki and the Super Geki Claws.
- Three Plan Slash (三算斬 San San Zan): A three-way attack with two Super Geki Claws and the SaiBlade.
- Fierce Ki Union (激気合一 Geki Gōitsu): A combination of the Super Fierce-Fierce Cannon and the Stern-Stern Fist, combining the energies of the two Gekiwazas into a powerful attack. The Fierce Ki Union is later augmented by Geki Chopper's Super Twist-Twist Bullet.
- Five Combined Work (五合業 Go Gō Gō): A Gekiwaza which five Gekirangers rush to an opponent while making GekiYellow into a head and spouting each Ki.
- Red Zone Tiger Attack (レッドゾーンタイガー撃 Reddo Zōn Taigā Geki): Super Geki Red and Bouken Red's attack.
to be added
to be added
Appearances: Gekiranger Episodes 21-32, 34, 35, Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger. 37-39, 42-47
- Gekirangers
- † Rinjuken Warriors - Former Enemies
- Boukengers
- Go-Ongers
- Go-On Wings
- Gokaigers
- † Dan Kandou/Suugu - Father (deceased)
- Nami - Mother
to be added
to be added
Behind the Scenes[]
- Jan Kandou is portrayed by Hiroki Suzuki (鈴木 裕樹 Suzuki Hiroki). As a child, he is portrayed by Arashi Fukasawa (深澤 嵐 Fukasawa Arashi). In Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
, GekiRed's voice was provided by Yuki Yamada (山田 裕貴 Yamada Yūki), who plays Joe Gibken/Gokai Blue in Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. In Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z
, GekiRed's voice was provided by Kenta Suga
(須賀 健太 Suga Kenta), who played Inazuman/Sanagiman
in Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Wizard & Fourze: Movie War Ultimatum
- As GekiRed, his suit actor was Hirofumi Fukuzawa (福沢 博文 Fukuzawa Hirofumi).
- In the Korean dub of Gekiranger entitled Power Rangers Wild Spirits, which aired in South Korea, Jan Kandou is renamed Kando Zhang, while his Ranger designation is WildRed. He is voiced by Hong Bum-ki (홍범기?).
to be added
to be added
Legend Sentai Devices[]

The GekiRed Ranger Key.
- "Gekiranger!"
- ―Mobilates' Gokai Change announcement[src]
The GekiRed Ranger Key (ゲキレッドレンジャーキー Geki Reddo Renjā Kī) is Jan Kandou's personal Ranger Key and what became of his powers after he along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.
This key along with the majority of the Ranger Keys were collected by the Red Pirates and later used by the Gokaigers. The GekiRed Ranger Key was mainly used by Captain Marvelous (Gokai Red), who used it to fight as GekiRed. It was also used by Luka Millfy (Gokai Yellow) and Ahim de Famille (Gokai Pink) on two occasions each, and Gai Ikari (Gokai Silver) on one occasion.
- Luka became GekiRed as part of an all-red Gokai Change when the Gokaigers traveled to the past and fought against Shitari of the Bones and his Gedoshu during the Goseigers' team-up with the Shinkengers.
MOVIE STORY-Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku
TV STORY-Ep. 40: The Future is the Past
- Ahim became GekiRed as part of an all-red Gokai Change in the Gokaigers' fight with Action Commander Bongan.
TV STORY-Ep. 2: The Worth of this Planet
- When the Gokaigers (bar Joe) became the Gekirangers while fighting Action Commander Zodomas' Sugormin.
TV STORY-Ep. 4: What are Friends For?
- When the Gokaigers became the Gekirangers in their fight with Cosmic Kenpo Master Pachacamac XIII.
TV STORY-Ep. 7: Niki-Niki! Kenpo Lesson
- When the Gokaigers (bar Don) became the Gekirangers in order to use the Fierce Ki Infusion against Action Commander Shieldon in a vein attempt to penetrate his shield.
TV STORY-Ep. 32: One Power
- When the Gokaigers became the Gekirangers while fighting Action Commander Zakyura.
TV STORY-Ep. 33: Iiiit's a Hero!!
- Gai uses this key alongside all other Red keys after being merged with Captain Marvelous by Insarn.
TV STORY-Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Do This Goldenly! Roughly! 36 Round Gokai Change!!
- When the Gokaigers became the Gekirangers and Rinjuken Warriors while fighting Zangyack shortly before the team found out that Don was apparently a legendary hero.
TV STORY-Ep. 42: The Strongest Man in the Universe
- While fighting against Kamen Rider Decade
who had transformed into Kamen Rider Ryuki
MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
- Luka became GekiRed as part of an all-red Gokai Change when the Gokaigers teamed up with the Go-Busters while fighting against Bacchus Gill.
MOVIE STORY-Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The Movie
- To fight against Zyuoh Tiger while carrying the Whale Change Gun.
TV STORY-Ep. 28: The Space Pirates Return
- Ahim became GekiRed in the second of two successive all-red Gokai Changes against Bangray's Doukoku Chimatsuri and Zet Shin.
TV STORY-Ep. 29: The Monarch of the Monarchs
This makes this key the most used Ranger Key (not including GokaiSilver's hybrid keys) and the only one to be used during every return of the Gokaigers (not including Super Hero Taisen Z as it only featured Gai in the story, Jan himself appeared in Ranger form and ironically focused a lot on Geki Jumonji).
After Zangyack was finally defeated, the Gokaigers gave the Ranger Keys back to their rightful owners. It is presumed that Jan received his key and became GekiRed once more.
Out of all the Red keys, his key is the most used Red key by the female Gokaigers, the other being MagiRed.

Gekiranger Zyudenchi
The Super Sentai Zyudenchi (スーパー戦隊獣電池 Sūpā Sentai, Super Squadron Beast Batteries), alternatively named Legend Sentai Zyudenchi (レジェンド戦隊獣電池 Rejendo Sentai Jūdenchi, Legend Squadron Beast Batteries) in the toyline, are a special line of Zyudenchi that contain the likeness of the Sentai teams before Kyoryuger (represented by the main Reds). These Zyudenchi are in the same fashion as the "Legend Rider" lines of Collectible Devices in the Kamen Rider Series

Gekiranger Ressha
The Legend Sentai Ressha (レジェンド戦隊レッシャー Rejendo Sentai Ressha) are Ressha based on the mecha, specifically those belonging to the Red heroes, of the ToQgers' preceding Super Sentai teams. They can form a unique combination of ToQ-Oh reminiscent of past Sentai Robos by switching with Red Ressha. The ToQ Changer toy is shown to have sounds for Legend Ressha of all 37 previous Sentai.
The Gekiranger Ressha (ゲキレンジャーレッシャー Gekirenjā Ressha) appears as an SG Ressha.
The GekirangerSoul (ゲキレンジャーソウル GekirenjāSōru) as yet only exists as an unused sound in the Ryusoulgers' Ryusoul Ken.[1][2]
- "31 Ban!"
- ―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle
- "Baban! Baban! Baban! Baban! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ban! Gekiranger!"
- ―Past Sentai ability announcement
- "31 Ban!"
- ―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle
- "Gekiranger!"
- ―Past Sentai summoning announcement

Gekiranger Avataro Gear
- "Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Gekiranger!"
- ―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Donblaster[src]
- "Hey yo! Juken Sentai! (へいよっ! 獣拳戦隊! Hei Yo! Jūken Sentai!)"
- ―Activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]
- "Parry Time! (air horns) Gekiranger!"
- ―Finisher activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]
- "Hissatsu Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]
- "Hiden Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]
- "Dora Dora Dora Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora! Legend Sentai!"
- ―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Netsuretsu Kangei! Legend Sentai! Sheishei! (熱烈歓迎! レジェンド戦隊! 謝謝! Netsuretsu Kangei! Rejendo Sentai! Sheishei!)"
- ―Activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Parry Time! (Chinese music) Legend Sentai!"
- ―Finisher activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Dragon Ōgi! Legend Tsuki! Ah-tatatatatata!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]
- "Tiger Ōgi! Legend Giri! Howattah!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]
- "Donbura Ōgi! Legend Tsuki! Ah-tatatatatata!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]
- "Donbura Ōgi! Legend Giri! Howattah!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]
- "Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Gekiranger! Festival Time!"
- ―Omikoshi Phoenix-equipped Avataro Gear equipping announcement while spinning the gear[src]
- "(traditional music remix) Kiwami! Super Sentai! (
極 ! スーパー戦隊 ! Kiwami! Sūpā Sentai!)" - ―Activation announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- "Chou! Festival Time! Seiya! Seiya! Seiya, Seiya, Seiya, Seiya!"
- ―Finisher standby announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- "LegenDonburako! (レジェンドンブラコ! RejenDonburako!)"
- ―Finisher announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- Gekiranger Avataro Gear (ゲキレンジャーアバタロウギア Gekirenjā Abatarō Gia) - Allows a Donbrother to assume the form of one of the Gekirangers. Dropped from Jukenking after its defeat.
Gekiranger Ring - A Legend Sentai Ring based on the Gekirangers.
- Tega Sword
- Gold: TBA
- Silver: TBA
Juken Sentai Gekiranger
- Lesson 1: Niki-Niki! Fierce Beast-Fist
- Lesson 2: Waki-Waki! Beast-Fist Combination
- Lesson 3: Shio-Shio! Cleaning Power
- Lesson 4: Zowa-Zowa! The Five Venom Fists
- Lesson 5: Uja-Uja! What Should I Do?
- Lesson 6: Juwān! …What's That?
- Lesson 7: Shuba-Shuba Dancing!
- Lesson 8: Koto-Koto… Earnestly Koto-Koto
- Lesson 9: The Kena-Kena Woman
- Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive Battle
- Lesson 10: Jara-Jara Attack! The First Errand
- Lesson 11: Ukya-Ukya! Beast-Fist Armament
- Lesson 12: Zowan-Zowan! Confrontation Beast-Fist, Training Starts
- Lesson 13: Shin-Shin! The Spirit's Dance
- Lesson 14: Netsu-Netsu! Forget Your Techniques
- Lesson 15: Howa-Howa! Mama Work
- Lesson 16: Jiri-Jiri! Confrontation Beast Hall, Extra-curricular Class
- Lesson 17: Goro-Goro! Teacher and Student Love
- Lesson 18: Shakkin-Kīn! The Body is Strong
- Lesson 19: Gokin-Gokin! Showdown with Rio
- Lesson 20: Gicho-Gicho! Triangle Opposing Fight
- Lesson 21: Biki-Biki-Biki-Biki! Kageki in Extreme Ki
- Lesson 22: Kyui-Kyui! Date with a Celebrity
- Lesson 23: Gure-Gure! Gure-Gure! Sukeban Captain
- Lesson 24: Garu-Garu! What!? You're my Younger Brother!?
- Lesson 25: Hine-Hine! Shigeki is Mine Alone
- Lesson 26: Mohe-Mohe! Consult Your Worries
- Lesson 27: Beran-Beran. Burning Play-by Play
- Lesson 28: Bishi-Bishi Pikeen Osu!
- Lesson 29: Guda-Guda Here-Here! Shopping
- Lesson 30: The Sei-Sei de Dou-dou Woman
- Lesson 31: We Muni-Muni!
- Lesson 32: Zowangi-Zowango! The Gathering, Beast Origin Village
- Lesson 33: Fure-Fure Gatchiri! Kung Fu Chūshingura
- Lesson 34: Gowan-Gowan's Dain-Dain! Beast Fist Giant God, Comes
- Lesson 35: Gyuon-Gyuon! Beast Power Blooming
Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger
- Lesson 36: Mukyu-Mukyu! The three Phantom Thief Sisters
- Lesson 37: Gyan-Gyan! Useless Arranged Marriage Discussion
- Lesson 38: Biba-Biba! Another Retsu
- Lesson 39: Uro-Uro! The Children Don't Return
- Lesson 40: Head goes Bakān! The Shock of the Truth
- Lesson 41: Zushi-Zushi! No More
- Lesson 42: Wasshi-Wasshi Moving On!
- Lesson 43: Hapi-Hapi! Merry Christmas, Osu
- Lesson 44: Wafu-Wafu! Father's Melody
- Lesson 45: Pikīn! Showdown of Destiny
- Lesson 46: Gyawa-Gyawa Memories
- Lesson 47: Pika-Pika! My Path
- Lesson 48: Saba-Saba! And Now, Judgement Fist
- Lesson 49: Zun-Zun! The Beast-Fist, for All Time...
Engine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
- Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear (as GekiRed only)
- Ep. 7: Niki-Niki! Kenpo Lesson
Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle (as GekiRed only)
- Ep. 45: The Confused Ninja (archive footage only)
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen (as GekiRed only)
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z (as GekiRed only)
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
- Ep. 29: The Monarch of the Monarchs (transformed archive footage only)
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai (as GekiRed only)
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger vs. Space Squad (archive footage only)
Mashin Sentai Kiramager
- Episode 27: Big Pinch Runner (archive footage only)
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Kamen Rider Saber + Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki
Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]

GekiRed as depicted in Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O.
- Profile
- Jan Kandou/GekiRed: to be added
- Jan Kandou/Super GekiRed: to be added
Super Sentai Battle Base[]
GekiRed is among the vast pantheon of Rangers which are available in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base, with his Super Gekiranger form being available as well.
Super Sentai Legend Wars[]
See Also[]
- Casey Rhodes - Power Rangers counterpart in Jungle Fury. See comparison page.
External links[]
- GekiRed at the Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O official website
- GekiRed at the Dice-O Wiki
- Super GekiRed at the Dice-O Wiki