Icon-hurricanegerThis article is about a mecha in Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger  and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.Icon-gokaiger

Karakuri Warrior Fūraimaru (カラクリ武者 風雷丸 Karakuri Musha Fūraimaru, Wind-Thunder Round) is the combination of FūraiHead and FūraiKnuckle.


He is important to the Hurricanegers and the Gouraigers, as he is vital help in the formation process of Ryūhachoetsu Fūrai Gattai Gourai Senpuujin's transformation, forming the latters' helmet and fists. In Abaranger vs. Hurricaneger, he was used again, but Gourai Senpuujin was beaten and seperating five components and Fūraimaru. He returns in Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, once again retaining the ability to combine with a mecha, as he now combines with GokaiOh to form Hurricane GokaiOh.

In an interesting thing to note, in Hurricaneger, Fūraimaru's voice actor's voice was distorted to make it more robotic. In Gokaiger, his voice is unaltered.



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Karakuri Ball 07: FūraiHead[]



Used by HurricaneRed, forms Fūraimaru's upper body, as well as Gourai Senpuujin's helmet. The Shinobi Medal is marked with "兜" (helmet).

Karakuri Ball 08: FūraiKnuckle[]



Used by KabutoRaiger, forms Fūraimaru's legs, as well as Gourai Senpuujin's hands. The Shinobi Medal is marked with "拳" (fist).

Hurricane GokaiOh[]

When the Gokaigers use the Greater Power of the Hurricaneger Keys, by inserting them in the steering wheel to initiate the transformation, they summon Fūraimaru, which GokaiOh combines with in order to become Hurricane GokaiOh (ハリケンカイオー Hariken Gōkaiō) after the transformation is finished the Gokaigers will yell out: Hurricane GokaiOh, ready! (ハリケーンGokaiOh、準備ができました!Harikēn GokaiOh, junbi ga dekimashita!). In this state, Hurricane GokaiOh resembles Tenrai Senpuujin with a shuriken extending from each of its leg and arm cavities while the giant shuriken Fūraimaru rides on becomes a handheld weapon called the Shushutto Shuriken Chain (シュシュッと手裏剣チェーン Shushutto Shuriken Chēn) which can be used as a battle axe for close range combat, a bladed flail for striking at a distance, or as a fan to generate gusts of wind strong enough to send giant sized opponents flying. By twisting the Ranger Keys in the steering wheel to initiate Hurricane GokaiOh's two finishing attacks:

  1. The Gokai Infinite Shuriken (ゴーカイ無限手裏剣 Gōkai Mugen Shuriken), which Hurricane GokaiOh sends off a flurry of shuriken from its arms and legs, similar to Deka GokaiOh's Gokai Full Burst finisher, and
  2. The Gokai Wind-Thunder Attack (ゴーカイ風雷アタック Gōkai Fūrai Atakku), which has Fūraimaru separate from Hurricane GokaiOh before he uses the Certain Kill Secret Technique: Turbulence Cherry Blossoms (必殺奥義・乱れ桜 Hissatsu Ōgi: Midare Zakura) to create an army of clones that then charge at the opponent with their weapons for rapid slashes.

Appearances: Gokaiger Episodes 26-28, 30, 32-35, 49.

Behind the Scenes[]


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See Also[]



Icon-hurricaneger Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger
Hurricanegers: Yosuke Shiina - Nanami Nono - Kota Bito
Gouraigers: Ikkou Kasumi - Isshu Kasumi
Space Union Ninja School: Shurikenger - Tenkai
Hurricane Gyros - Gourai Changers - Shuriken Ball - Shinobi Medals - Hayatemaru - Assumable Staff Ikazuchimaru - Shuriken's Bat - Dry Gun - Sonic Megaphone - Quake Hammer - Triple Gadget - Horn Breaker - Stag Breaker - Double Gadget - Kiraimaru - Victory Gadget - Ninjamisen - Final Gadget - Hurricane Wingers - Bari Thunders
Sensei Mugensai Hinata - Oboro Hinata - Kuroko Robot - Kagura - Meiko Bito - Ayame Bito - Suzune Bito - Riku Bito - Gaorangers - Abarangers - Gokaigers - Ninningers
Mecha and Robos
Hurricane Hawk - Hurricane Lion - Hurricane Dolphin - Gourai Beetle - Gourai Stag - Tenkuujin - Revolver Mammoth - Karakuri Balls
Ninpu Gattai Senpuujin - Ikazuchi Gattai Gouraijin - Ryuhachoetsu Furai Gattai Gourai Senpuujin - Hisho Henkei Tenkuujin - Gingachoetsu Sanjin Gattai Tenrai Senpuujin
Space Ninja Group Jakanja
Evil Will - Boss Tau Zant
Seven Dark Spears: Frabeejo - Chuuzubo - Manmaruba - Wendine - Sargain - Satarakura - Sandaaru - Chubouzu
Alien Ninja Corps: Barrier Ninja Kekkaibo - Copy Ninja Kurrisotsubo - Poison Flower Ninja Hanasakkadoushi - Dimensional Ninja Futabutabou - Propagation Ninja Kuttsukuhoushi - Nightmare Ninja Yumebakushi - Dancing Ninja Higenamazukin - "Back To" Ninja Octonyuudou - Mist-Spitting Ninja Kirikirimaishi - Island Ninja Girigirigaishi
Puppet Ninja Corps: Magnet Ninja Jishakkumo - Excavation Ninja Mogudrago - Severing Ninja Shiransu - Water Absorbing Ninja Gamajakushi - Metal Ninja Tekkotsumeba - Disaster Ninja Kangaroulette - Thunder Ninja Undaigo - Love-Sickness Ninja Chupid - Brainwashing Ninja Jukukinoko - Gliding Ninja Musasabistal - Corrosion Ninja Fushokuruga - Fireworks Ninja Tamayadon
Masked Ninja Corps: Mirage Ninja Jin-Giron - Perfume Ninja Kira-Cologne - Revival Ninja Vamp-Iyan - Gravity Ninja Omo-Karu - Lingering Summerheat Ninja Bero-Tan - Balloon Ninja Gomubi-Ron - Manzai Ninja Tsukko-Mina
Fan Ninja Beast Corps: Misfortune Fan-Beast Badogi - Disaster Fan-Beast Dezargi - Cursed Fan-Beast Madogi
Jakanja Karakuri Giants: Megatagame (Mark I - Mark II - Mark III - Mark IV/Sexy) - Gaingain - FrabeejenRobo - GiantMusasabistal
Genin Magerappa - Pretty Ninja Frabeejenu - Ninja Wolf Beasts Fangol/Giant Beast Fangerus - Satarakura Jr. (Gokaiger) - Sandaaru Jr. (Gokaiger) - Zero Spear, Bat Zhe Rumba
Others: Zaru Clan/Ashurazaru
Icon-gokaiger Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Captain Marvelous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari
Mobilates - Gokai Cellular - Ranger Keys - Greater Powers - Gokai Saber - Gokai Gun - Gokai Spear - GokaiGalleon Buster
Navi - AkaRed - Niwano - Kozo Kasugai - Komaki Kasugai - Jealousto - Cain - Sayo Kinoshita - Retsu Ichijouji - Shinkengers - Goseigers - Tsukasa KadoyaIcon-crosswiki - Go-Busters - Kyoryugers - Eiji HinoIcon-crosswiki - 199 Super Sentai - Zyuohgers
Gokai nav Legend Rangers
Tsuyoshi Kaijo - Sokichi Banba - Shiro Akebono - Daigoro Oume - Takayuki Hiba - Kanpei Kuroda - Rei Tachibana - Shirou Gou - Sho Hayate - Dai - Akira - Jou Ohara - Riki Honoo - Remi Hoshikawa - Gai Yuki - Sharma Tribe Knight Goushi - Ryo of the Heavenly Fire Star - Shoji of the Heavenly Gravity Star - Kazu of the Heavenly Time Star - Tsuruhime - Ninjaman - Goro Hoshino - Momo Maruo - Kyosuke Jinnai - Signalman - Kenta Date - Ryoma - Hyuga - Matsuri Tatsumi - Shou Tatsumi - Domon - Kakeru Shishi - Yosuke Shiina - Nanami Nono - Kota Bito - Yukito Sanjo - Mikoto Nakadai - Banban Akaza - Marika Reimon - Koume Kodou - Doggie Kruger - Kai Ozu - Houka Ozu - Satoru Akashi - Jan Kandou - Sosuke Esumi - Saki Royama - Miu Suto - Chiaki Tani - Genta Umemori - Kaoru Shiba
Legend Allies
Heavenly Saint Flagel - Master Sha-Fu - Toshizo Tanba - Nozomu Amachi - Emiri Imanaka - BOMPER - Engine Speedor - Engine Bus-on - Engine Bearrv - Honami Moriyama - Mirai Moriyama - Shuichiro Amachi - Yuka Yamazaki
Other allies
Takamichi Crystaria
Mecha, Legend Mecha and Robos
GokaiGalleon - GokaiJet - GokaiTrailer - GokaiRacer - GokaiMarine - GoZyuDrill
Legend Mecha
MagiDragon - Pat Striker - GaoLion - Karakuri Warrior Fūraimaru - Engine Machalcon - Variblune
GokaiOh - GoZyuJin - Kanzen GokaiOh
Space Empire Zangyack
Emperor Ackdos Gill
Commander Warz Gill - Development Technical Officer Insarn - Chief of Staff Damaras - Special Duty Officer Barizorg - Makuu Prison Warden Ashurada - Great Scientist Zaien - Bacchus Gill - Gormin Sailors - Non-commissioned Officers Sugormin - Dogormin Bodyguards
Basco ta Jolokia - Sally - Ranger Key Clones - Kiaido
Action Commanders
Shikabanen - Bongan - Salamandam - Zodomas - Buramudo - Nanonanoda - Sneak Brothers - Bowser - Yokubarido - Zaggai - Almadon - Osogain - Uorlian - Stargull - Senden - Regaeru - Daiyarl - Shieldon - Zakyura - Vannain - Bibaboo - Juju
Imperial Guard
Deratsueigar - Zatsurig - Dyrandoh - Waredonaiyer
Giant Battle Pseudo-Lifeforms
Liquidroid Wateru - Moonroid Tsukki - Fireroid Meran - Soilroid Dororin - Woodroid Moririn - Goldroid Geronpa - Sunroid Solar
Past Sentai Villains
Black Cross Führer - Creator King Ryuuwon - Pollution President Babatcheed - Barbaric Officer Chirakashizky - Sandaaru Jr. - Satarakura Jr. - Pachacamac XIII - Shitari of the Bones - Metal Alice - Zan-KT0 of the Shot - Baseball Mask - Rainian Agent Abrella - Brajira of the Messiah - Crime Minister Yogoshimacritein - Danger Cabinet-Director Chirakasonne - Cleaning Minister Kireizky - Hades Wise God Dagon - Hades Warrior God Ifrit - Hades Warrior God Cyclops
Past Foot Soldiers
Zolders - Crimers - Cutmen - Dustlers - Machinemen - Spotmen - Tail Soldiers - Mechaclones - Hidrer Soldiers - Zolohs - Ungler Soldiers - Jimmers - Wular Soldiers - Batzler Soldiers - Grinam Soldiers - Golem Soldiers - Cotpotros - Dorodoros - Barlo Soldiers - Combatant Wumpers - Soldiers Kune Kune - Seamen Yartots - Familiars Imps - Junk Droid Zenitts - Orgettes - Genin Magerappa - Barmia Soldiers - Anaroids - Batsuroids - Igaroids - Zobils - Combatant Karths - Dragonoid Soldier Jaryuu - Rinshi - Barbaric Machine Soldiers Ugatz - Nanashi Company - Nosakamata - Demon Bug Soldiers Bibi
Other Villains
Los Dark - Combined Combatant - Fake GokaiOh - Gavan BootlegIcon-crosswiki - Dai-Zangyack - Dai-ShockerIcon-crosswiki - Enter - Escape - Buglars - Space ShockerIcon-crosswiki - RaiderIcon-crosswiki - Demon King PsychoIcon-crosswiki - Army of Resurrected Monsters - Space IronmenIcon-crosswiki - Bangray - Badley