Icon-akibarangerThis article is about a ranger in Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger and Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Season 2.Icon-akibaranger2

―AkibaRed's role call[src]

Nobuo Akagi (赤木 信夫 Akagi Nobuo) is AkibaRed (アキバレッド AkibaReddo), the leader of the Akibarangers.


He is an average (if very delusional and eccentric) man working at Sasaki’s Ponpoko Delivery Services. He is already 29 years old, and he still loves Super Sentai. Lately, he has also been getting into the anime “Z-Cune Aoi”, to the point where he got guilt-ridden for attempting to buy a Great Five toy after seeing Aoi merchandise, namely a cardboard cutout.

His legs are trained from running around for his delivery work, but unfortunately, being a messenger, his body isn't trained for battle. With years of Super Sentai knowledge, he easily sees through the weaknesses and strategies of monsters, as well as see the cliches the villains make. He is described to be a "virgin" in recent information released about him.

He excels in the "delusion power" that powers the Akibarangers in combat.


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Akibaranger costume

―Transformation announcement[src]

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • 4th Wall Awareness: As one of the Akibarangers, Nobuo has a medium awareness of the fact that his universe is inside a TV show and he can potentially use this to act in otherwise impossible ways within his universe.
  • Knowledge: As a devoted fan of Super Sentai, Nobuo has a vast knowledge about Super Sentai. And he can use it to strategically defeat the monsters inside battles.
  • Delusions: As a member of Akibarangers, Nobuo has his delusions as one of his greatest power to powerboost him or his arsenals. And his delusion power is known to be the strongest between the Akibarangers.


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Nobuo's cardboard made suit of AkibaRed

A makeshift AkibaRed costume like AbarePink in Ep. 9: The Pain Sentai Breaks Up. used by Nobuo in lieu of the real one when Hideaki Tsukada (actually ©Na) requested to see them in full costume after their Moe Moe Z-Cunes were locked up.


Season 2 costume

―Transformation announcement[src]

Powers and Abilities[]


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Final upgraded costume

This form is accessed when Nobuo performs the Giant Golden Munyuu Slash againts Prism Ace during their battle.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Behind the Scenes[]


Nobuo Akagi is played by Masato Wada (和田 正人 Wada Masato). As AkibaRed, his suit actor is Sanshiro Wada (和田 三四郎 Wada Sanshirō). Note that Masato's suit actor has the same last name as him. Masato also sings the ending theme for the series "Ashita wa Akiba no Kaze ga Fuku" (明日はアキバの風が吹く? "Akiba's Wind Will Blow Tomorrow").


Akibarangers in Marvel's Avengers Tech On
  • In one of the panels in the fourth issue of Marvel's Avengers: Tech-On, Nobuo, along with Mitsuki and Yumeria, can be seen in their civilian attires, alongside Hiroyo Hakase.


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Legend Sentai Devices[]

AkibaRed Ranger Key

AkibaRed Ranger Key

The AkibaRed Ranger Key (アキバレッドレンジャーキー AkibaReddo Renjā Kī) is Nobuo's personal Ranger Key which is part of the Akibaranger Ranger Keys. It is unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transform one, i.e. Gokai Red, into AkibaRed.

―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle

"Baban! Baban! Baban! Baban! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ban! Akibaranger!"
―Past Sentai ability announcement

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear

Akibaranger Gear

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

The Akibaranger Gear[2] (アキバレンジャーギア Akibarenjā Gia) is one of many Sentai Gears used by the Zenkaigers to battle the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo. In particular, when used by a Zenkaiger’s Geartlinger, the Akibaranger Gear makes the user's enemies cowardly and say death flags, causing them to later spontaneously explode from second hand embarrassment.Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Saber + Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Ver

Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Ver.)

KSZe-Akibaranger Gear (Kikai Side)

Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Ver.) (Kikai Side)

Akibaranger Gear (Season Tsuu Ver.)[2] (アキバレンジャーギア (シーズン痛Ver.) Akibarenjā Gia (Shīzun-tsū Bāshion))

ASDB-Akibaranger Avataro Gear

Akibaranger Avataro Gear

"Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Akibaranger!"
―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear[src]

"Hey yo! Hikonin Sentai!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Parry Time! (air horns) Akibaranger!"
―Finisher activation announcement[src]

"Hissatsu Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]

The Akibaranger Avataro Gear[3] (アキバレンジャーアバタロウギア Akibarenjā Abatarō Gia) as yet only exists as an unused sound in the Donbrothers' Donblaster and Tiguardora.[4][5][6]


Red Triple Pose

The poses of Akarenger, AkibaRed, and GoggleRed.

Roll Calls[]

Unlike the Sentai heroes he emulates, as AkibaRed, Nobuo decides to alter his roll call on each occurrence. He states his designation ("AkibaRed!" or "Super AkibaRed!"). However, before this, he states one of his personal Sentai superlatives. He also imitates the poses of Sentai heroes during his roll calls. The only time there was no role call was in Season 1's Ep. 11: The Second Generation is a Fresh and Painless Warrior, Season 2's Ep. 9: A Second Delusion and Ep. 11: Delusional Cemetery.

Season 1[]

Season 2[]




Icon-akibaranger Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger & Akibaranger Season Tsuu Icon-akibaranger2
Nobuo Akagi - Mitsuki Aoyagi - Luna Iwashimizu - Yumeria Moegi
Temporary Akibaranger - Masako Yamada - Takuma Tsuzuki
Imaginary Legends
Deka Red - Bouken Red - Red Hawk - Go-On Red - Shinken Red - Gosei Red - RyuRanger/China Red - Kibaranger/Akiba White - TyrannoRanger/Red Powerful Ranger - DragonRanger/Green Powerful Ranger - Hurricangers - Jetmen - Zyurangers - Dekarangers - Boukengers - Dairangers - Yellow 4 - Time Fire - AbareKiller
Season 1:

MMZ-01 Moe Moe Z-Cune - Deka Wappa - Bouken Scooper - Jet Winger - Ludicrous Cannon - Go-On Flag - Shinken Brush - Gosei Microphone

Season Tsuu: Dairen Bomber - Zyuren Buckler - Hurricanger Ball - Ludicrous Bazooka - MMZ-02 Munyu Munyu Zubaan - Ludicrous Cannon Bazooka
Hiroyo Hakase - Kozukozu Mita - Sayaka Honiden - Aoi Ichikawa - Tazuko - Seiji Takaiwa - Kazuo Niibori - Yoshinori Okamoto
Mecha and Robos
Machine Itasha - Itasha Boy
Main Villains
Saburo Hatte - ©Na - Delu-Knight - Droans
Blatantly Evil Marketing Firm B
Doctor Z
Chief Clerks
Shibuyaseitakaawadachisohidenagaaburamushi - Shibuyakozorinahigenagaaburamushi - Kabukichomesugurohyomoncho - Monzennakachohashibiroko - Shimokitazawahoya - Yoyogisujibokehashirigumo - Tsukishimaalpaca - Asakusaalpaca - Drill Cyclops - Kameari Alpaca
Neo Dimensional Brain Reconstructive Underground True Empire of Baros lol
Tsu Shogun - Oneeders
Chief Clerk Blu-Ray - Chief Editor HVD - Smapho Monger - Kunimasmaphogany - Yuru-Chara Dimension - Hadezukin - Mutoumushite - Coelacanth Canth
Other Villains
Prism Ace
Imaginary Sentai Villains
Phantom Spy Vanculia - Long - Yaiba of Darkness
Red Rangers
Main Series
Tsuyoshi KaijoGoro SakuraiMasao DenIppei AkagiRyusuke OwashiTakayuki HibaKenichi AkamaHokuto DanShirou GouHiryu TsurugiJinTakeruYusuke AmamiyaRiki HonooGaku HoshikawaRyu TendoGekiRyoSasukeGoro HoshinoKyosuke JinnaiKenta DateRyomaMatoi TatsumiTatsuya AsamiKakeru ShishiYosuke ShiinaRyoga HakuaBanban AkazaKai OzuSatoru AkashiJan KandouSosuke EsumiTakeru ShibaKaoru ShibaAlataCaptain MarvelousHiromu SakuradaDaigo KiryuRight SuzukiTakaharu IgasakiYamato KazakiriLuckyKairi YanoKeiichiro AsakaKohJuru AtsutaJuranTaro MomoiGira HustyTaiya HandoHoeru Tono
Nobuo AkagiTakuma TsuzukiJuyong KwonTaisei Manaka
Secondary Rangers
Naoto TakizawaIkkou KasumiIsamu OzuAkaRedTsurugi OtoriIsao GoshikidaDaigoro KiryuNatsume TsutsumiTokonatsu Atami
Misc. Rangers
Eagle agentDummy Spade AceDeathdark RedGinga RedShadow Red HawkDora MirageChouryouCopy RyuRangerRyo's grandsonSS PamaanNeziRedCopy TimeRedCaptain Ryuya AsamiCopyRedShade GaoRedSatarakuraFake HurricaneRedFake KabutoRaigerSharkurumargueriteGyoku RouAssam AsimovEvil MagiRedEvil Bouken RedKarthRetsudo ShibaResshin ShibaIori ShibaSakuya ShibaYukiyasu ShibaKoshinari ShibaAtsuhide ShibaKatsunoshin ShibaAkitsugu ShibaAritsugu ShibaArishige ShibaMorinobu ShibaSeisuke ShibaAkira ShibaKōichirō ShibaYōjirō ShibaMasataka ShibaHiromu SakuradaEnterDai-kunDark AkaNingerYoshitaka IgasakiTsumuji IgasakiCetusYoshiharu IgasakiZenkai RedSonoshi
Power Sets
Main Series
AkarengerSpade AceBattle JapanDenziRedVulEagleGoggleRedDynaRedRed1ChangeDragonRed FlashRed MaskRed FalconRed TurboFiveRedRed HawkTyrannoRangerRyuRangerNinjaRedOhRedRed RacerMegaRedGingaRedGoRedTimeRedTimeFireGaoRedHurricaneRedKabutoRaigerAbaRedDekaRedMagiRedWolzard FireBouken RedAkaRedGekiRedGo-On RedShinken RedGosei RedGokai RedRed BusterRed CheetahKyoryu RedToQ 1gouAkaNingerZyuoh Eagle/Gorilla/WhaleShishi RedHouou SoldierLupin RedPatren 1gouRyusoul RedKiramai RedZenkai JuranZenkai RedHakaizerDon MomotaroKuwagata OhgerBun RedGozyuWolf
AkibaRedBrave Red DinoAkaHero