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Icon-shinkengerThis article is about a Ranger in Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.

"Shinken Gold! Genta Umemori!
The Same, Gold! Genta Umemori!"
―Shinken Gold's roll call[src]

"Hyper Shinken Gold! Going Forth!"
―Hyper Shinken Gold's roll call[src]

Genta Umemori (梅盛 源太 Umemori Genta) is a childhood friend of Takeru, who came and went from the Shiba Residence when they were younger.

He became Shinken Gold (シンケンゴールド Shinken Gōrudo) and joined the Shinkengers.


At the Shiba Residence, Genta watched Takeru train to be a samurai. Revealing to Takeru that he also wants to be a samurai, he is given the Ika Origami by the young lord, and starts to train. Genta runs away from his father, a sushi-workman, to study the arts of the samurai.

Genta returns in the present with his own sushi shop, Gold Sushi, and has developed an arsenal that uses "Denshi Mojikara" (Electric Word Power), including the Sushi Changer, and the Sakanamaru. He takes up the mantle of Shinken Gold to help Takeru in a time of need. Shinken Gold controls the element of light. He makes his debut in Act 17.

Genta created and with help from his fellow Shinkenger, brought the Ebi Origami to life. He also powered the Inromaru up with his Denshi Mojikara and created the lantern companion, DaiGoyou.

He left the Shinkengers as a result of his dismissal in Act 45; however, he was reinstated by Kaoru Shiba in Act 47. He appeared on the team once again in Act 48.

Goseiger vs. Shinkenger[]

to be added Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku


Legend War[]

Shinken Green and Shinken Gold (Great Legend War)

Shinken Gold fighting alongside Green in the Legend War.

Months after wiping out the last of the Gedoshu, Genta fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai Ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Sugormin commanders, Akarenger noticed the fleet moving towards them. He gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

Ranger Key in Basco's Possession[]

Sixth Ranger Key Summon (Episode 15) Step 3

Gold Ranger Clones

When Marvelous went to confront Basco, Basco revealed that there were more Ranger Keys than the ones that he Marvelous and Akared collected, After Basco's first group of Ranger Key Clones were beaten he summoned another group of ten Clones (With a clone of Shinken Gold being one of them) to attack the Gokaigers and kidnap them bar Marvelous. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 15: A Privateer Appears After Marvelous freed the others, Basco summoned his Clones again to fight the Gokaigers, the Clone of Shinken Gold along with the Clone of MagiShine fought Gokai Red but the Shinken Gold Clone was beaten single handedly by Gokai Red. After their encounter with Basco, the Gokaigers took the Shinken Gold Key along with the other Sixth Ranger Keys and added it to their own Ranger Keys. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 16: Clash! Sentai vs. Sentai

199 Hero Great Battle[]


Genta appeared in Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle alongside Chiaki Tani as part of the 35th anniversary team. After Chiaki informed the Goseigers that they couldn't transform anymore, Genta further remarks that their powers were drained. Both he and Chiaki appeared to the Gokaiger to support them; even though the Shinkenger Greater Power had previously been granted by Kaoru. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

Farewell Space Pirates[]

After the defeat of Ackdos Gill, Captain Marvelous returned all the Ranger Keys to the former Sentai heroes. It is assumed Genta and his teammates received their keys, allowing them to get their powers back. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates

Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

All 40 Super Sentais

The first 38 Sentai projected into Wild Tousai Shuriken King.

Shinken Gold appeared with his team among the first 38 Super Sentai whom collectively empowered Wild Tousai Shuriken King in its fight against the titanic Gillmarda, granting the Ninningers and Zyuohgers the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed Gillmarda with the combined power of all 40 Super Sentai. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai

Chou Super Hero Taisen[]

Chou Super Hero Taisen Participants

An iteration of Shinken Gold was selected to take part in the Chou Super Hero TaisenIcon-crosswiki tournament as a member of Team JIROIcon-crosswiki to try and win the right to become the GoridersIcon-crosswiki (with Shinken Gold as a candidate for Mido-RiderIcon-crosswiki). Shinken Gold and his team faced Team TAKAIWAIcon-crosswiki in the first round but were knocked out in the final round.

Super Sentai Strongest Battle[]

Genta joined the Super Sentai Strongest Battle as a member of Frivolous Team. It’s unknown whether he participated in the match, but his team lost the first round against the Leader Team.

Ten Gokaiger[]

A manifestation of Shinken Gold participated in Kanji Rangers Showdown, fighting against FiveBlack and KingRanger. As the result, KingRanger and Shinken Gold clones was be beaten by FiveBlack clone. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Kaizoku Sentai: Ten Gokaiger


Genta has a rather unusual personality. He is always happy no matter what, he constantly interrupts the other Shinkengers with his non-stop talking, and he makes up strange after-battle rituals.

Shinken Gold[]

As Shinken Gold (シンケンゴールド Shinken Gōrudo), Genta is the Samurai of Light (光の侍 Hikari no Samurai) and uses sushi-themed accouterments to transform and battle, like exploding chopsticks that he uses as a projectile weapon. He also carries the Ebi Origami and Ika Origami.

Genta transforms into Shinken Gold via pressing the light button on the Sushi Changer, then adding the Sushi Disk on it. By shouting "Ikkan Kenjo!" (Consistent Presentation!), the transformation begins.

Shinken Gold uses a sword technique called Iaido, where he uses both the Sakanamaru and it's sheath in both an offensive and defensive style, and is very fast. He also has a rather unorthodox sword style, where his straight slashes are done with a backhanded grip

His final attack is the 100 Fillets (百枚おろし Hyakumai Oroshi) and consists in turning around the enemy to cut it in multiple pieces. Before that he puts the Sushi Disk on his Sakanamaru to initialize the attack. It is later extended into the 1,000 Fillets (千枚おろし Senmai Oroshi).

Shinken Gold's insert themes are Ikkan Kenjō! Shinken Gold & Gold Ninjou Ipponjime.


Shinken Gold

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • DaiGoyou Jitte Strike (ダイゴヨウ十手打ち Daigoyō Jitte Uchi): (with DaiGoyou) He can do a downward slash attack using the Jutte Mode.
  • Thousand Fillets (千枚おろし Senmai Oroshi): (with Sakanamaru) He began to spin rapidly like a tornado while at the same time slashing the opponent rapidly 1000 times.


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Appearances: Shinkenger Episodes 17-20, Decade Episode 24, 21, Decade 25, 22-24, The Fateful War, 25, 26, 28-35, The Light Samurai's Surprise Transformation, 36-37, Shinkenger vs. Go-Onger, 38-43, Special Act, 44, 46-49; Goseiger vs. Shinkenger; Gokaiger Episodes 1, 199 Hero Great Battle, 40; Zyuohger vs. Ninninger


Super Shinken Gold

Genta was able to transform from Shinken Gold into Super Shinken Gold (スーパーシンケンゴールド Sūpā Shinken Gōrudo), along with the other Shinkengers, with the help of the Goseiger'a Super Change Gosei Card.

Powers and Abilities[]


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This form is exclusive to Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku.


Hyper Shinken Gold

Genta uses the Kyoryu Disk to transform from Shinken Gold into Hyper Shinken Gold (ハイパーシンケンゴールド Haipā Shinken Gōrudo).

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Golden Flash (黄金一閃 Ōgon Issen)


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This form is exclusive to Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: The Light Samurai's Surprise Transformation.


Forest Animal Shinken Gold

This form of Shinken Gold appeared when the Shinkengers became the "Forest Animal Sentai Shinkenger" within Ryunosuke's revolving lantern illusion.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: This form is exclusive to The Return of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: Special Act.





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Behind the Scenes[]



Shinken Gold sports gold-navy blue spandex with samurai clothing motif (the vest-like part in gold and the sleeve and lower suit in navy blue). It has a light gold Shinkenger crest on the left chest. He also wears silver belt and also gloves and boots in gold. His helmet visor bears the kanji of his representative element, "Light" ( hikari/hikaru).


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Legend Sentai Devices[]


"Shinken Gold" Super Change Card

Super Change (スーパーチェンジ Sūpā Chenji): A Change (チェンジ Chenji) card that initiates the transformation from Gosei Angel to Super Goseiger. Unlike the other Gosei Cards, the activation call for this card is "Super Tensou!". In Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku, this card was used by Gosei Red to allow Shinken Gold to become a Super Shinkenger without using the Inromaru. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku

Shinken Gold Ranger Key

The Shinken Gold Ranger Key.

The Shinken Gold Ranger Key (シンケンゴールドキー Shinken Gōrudo Renjā Kī) is Genta Umemori's personal Ranger Key and what became of his powers after he along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.

This key, along with the other fourteen sixth ranger keys and the ten extra hero keys, were initally acquired by Basco ta Jolokia and later used by the Gokaigers. Like all of his Ranger Keys, Basco used his trumpet, the Rapparatta, to turn the Shinken Gold key into a puppet to do his bidding. The copy Shinken Gold was one of the remaining ten sixth rangers after the Gokaigers defeated the first five, with Basco using these ten to ambush the Gokaigers and take all of them hostage bar Marvelous. When Marvelous rescued them, they defeated all 10 puppets and claimed the Ranger Keys.

While in the possession of the Gokaigers, the Shinken Gold Ranger Key was mainly used by Gai Ikari (Gokai Silver), who used it to fight as Shinken Gold.

After Zangyack were finally defeated, the Gokaigers gave the Ranger Keys back to their rightful owners. It is presumed that Genta received his key and became Shinken Gold once more.

The Shinken Gold Key was donated to be used in the Super Sentai Derby Colosseum. the Shinken Gold Clone participated in the Kanji Showdown and fought the KingRanger Clone but both Clones lost to the FiveBlack Clone. Tvicon TV STORY-Kaizoku Sentai: Ten Gokaiger



  • Genta is the first ranger to utilize mechas based off of a lobster and a lantern.
  • The character in his helmet is the kanji for Light ( hikari).


Super Sentai Battle: Ranger Cross[]

Shinken Gold Ranger Cross

Shinken Gold in Ranger Cross.

Shinken Gold appears with the Shinkengers in Super Sentai Battle: Ranger Cross.

Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]

Shinken Gold (Dice-O)

Shinken Gold as depicted in Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O.

  • Profile
Genta Umemori/Shinken Gold: to be added
Genta Umemori/Super Shinken Gold: to be added

Super Sentai Battle Base[]

Shinken Gold is among the vast pantheon of Rangers which are available in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base, with his Super Shinkenger form being available as well.

Super Sentai Legend Wars[]

ShinkenGold Card in Super Sentai Legend Wars

Shinken Gold Card

Shinken Gold appears with his team among all Sentai in the mobile game Super Sentai Legend Wars.

See Also[]

External links[]



Icon-shinkenger Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Takeru Shiba - Ryunosuke Ikenami - Mako Shiraishi - Chiaki Tani - Kotoha Hanaori - Genta Umemori - Kaoru Shiba
Other Generations: Retsudo Shiba - Masataka Shiba - Ryuzaburo Ikenami - Kyoko Shiraishi - Kurando Tani
Shiba Clan: Hikoma Kusakabe - DaiGoyou - Kuroko - Sakutaro Komatsu - Toshizo Tanba
Heads of the Shiba Clan:
Retsudo Shiba - Resshin Shiba - Iori Shiba - Sakuya Shiba - Yukiyasu Shiba - Koshinari Shiba - Atsuhide Shiba - Katsunoshin Shiba - Akitsugu Shiba - Aritsugu Shiba - Arishige Shiba - Morinobu Shiba - Seisuke Shiba - Akira Shiba - Kōichirō Shiba - Yōjirō Shiba - Masataka Shiba
Other Allies: Takeru's father - Ryuzaburo Ikenami - Ryota - Mitsuba Hanaori - Richard Brown - Kurando Tani - Jokan - Hiro Sakakibara - Toji Sakakibara - Mamoru Shiraishi - Kyoko Shiraishi - Kaori Sawada - Koichi Sawada - Haruna
Legend Sentai: Sosuke Esumi - Renn Kosaka - Saki Royama - Hant Jo - Gunpei Ishihara - Hiroto Suto - Miu Suto - Alata - Eri - Agri - Moune - Hyde - Gosei Knight
Hikari StudioIcon-crosswiki: Tsukasa KadoyaIcon-crosswiki - Daiki KaitoIcon-crosswiki - Yuusuke OnoderaIcon-crosswiki - Natsumi HikariIcon-crosswiki - Eijiro HikariIcon-crosswiki
Transformation Devices
ShodoPhone - Sushi Changer - Inromaru - Kyoryumaru
Shinkenmaru - Sakanamaru - Rekka Daizantou - Water Arrow - Heaven Fan - Wood Spear - Land Slicer - Mougyu Bazooka
Secret Disks
Mecha and Robos
Shishi Origami - Ryuu Origami - Kame Origami - Kuma Origami - Saru Origami - Ebi Origami
Kabuto Origami - Kajiki Origami - Tora Origami - Ika Origami - Ushi Origami - Kyoryu Origami
Samurai Gattai ShinkenOh - Samurai Gattai DaiTenku - Samurai Giant DaiKaiOh - Samurai Henkei MouGyuuDaiOh - DaiGoyou Big Transformation
Leader: Doukoku Chimatsuri - Buredoran of the Chimatsuri
Generals: Shitari of the Bones - Dayu Usukawa - Akumaro Sujigarano
Gedonin: Juzo Fuwa
Kusare Gedoshu: Manpuku Aburame - Azemidoro
Normal: Kagekamuro - Ootsumuji - Rokuroneri - Yanasudare - Zuboshimeshi - Yamiororo - Hitomidama - Okakurage - Nakinakite - Hachouchin - Narisumashi - Marigomori - Isagitsune - Hyakuyappa - Utakasane - Sasamatage - Urawadachi - Gozunagumo - Yumebakura - Homurakogi - Sogizarai
Shitari: Namiayashi - Ushirobushi - Oinogare - Ikusazure - Yomotsugari - Oborojime
Akumaro: Abekonbe - Dokurobou - Kugutsukai - Happouzu - Futagawara - Mochibetori - Sunasusuri - Tsubotoguro
Brajira: Madakodama
Other: Chinomanako - Demebakuto
Grunts: Nanashi Company - Nosakamata - Kirigami - Susukodama
Gold Rangers
Main Series
HikaruHiroto SutoGenta UmemoriMasato JinUtsusemimaruKinji TakigawaBalanceNoël TakaoCanaloZocks GoldtsuikerJiro MomotaniGira Husty
Juhyeok Kwon
Secondary Rangers
ZeekKyoko HayaseMary GoldKai OzuGreat Sword Man ZubaanRcules Husty
Misc. Rangers
EnterMasato JinUppyFlint Goldtsuiker
Power Sets
Main Series
DekaGoldMagiShineKaiShineGo-On GoldShinken GoldBeet BusterGold BeetleKyoryu GoldStarNingerTenbin GoldPatren XRyusoul GoldTwokaizerDon DoragokuKing Kuwagata OhgerKing Ohkuwagata Ohger
Brave Gold Dino
Sixth Rangers
Main Series
Yamato Tribe Knight BuraiKou of the Howling New StarRikiYusaku HayakawaNaoto TakizawaTsukumaro OgamiShurikengerTenkaiMikoto NakadaiTekkan AiraHikaruEiji TakaokaHiroto SutoMiu SutoGenta UmemoriGosei KnightGai IkariMasato JinBeet J. StagUtsusemimaruAkira NijinoKinji TakigawaMisao MondouTsurugi OtoriNoël TakaoCanaloTakamichi CrystariaZocks GoldtsuikerJiro MomotaniDangerous JiroJeramie BrasieriSakito Homura
Hyuma Oura
Secondary Rangers
Shota YamamoriRyo AsukaNeziSilverEnterAtsushi DomyojiUppyKwon JuhyeokTicketDark Emperor Zet
Power Sets
Main Series
DragonRangerKibaRangerKingRangerMegaSilverTimeFireGaoSilverShurikengerAbareKillerDekaBreakMagiShineBoukenSilverGo-On GoldGo-On SilverShinken GoldGosei KnightGokai SilverBeet BusterStag BusterKyoryu GoldToQ 6gouStarNingerZyuoh The WorldHouou SoldierLupin X/Patren XRyusoul GoldKiramai SilverTwokaizerDon DoragokuDon ToraboltSpider KumonosBun Violet
Green HippopotamusBrave Gold DinoGinHero