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- "The blazing geki is proof of justice! Juken Sentai Gekiranger! (燃え立つ激は正義の証!獣拳戦隊ゲキレンジャー! Moetatsu geki wa seigi no akashi! Jūken Sentai Gekirenjā!)"
- ―Gekirangers announcing their arrival[src]
- "Juken is the fist of justice! Those that are righteous will surely win! (Juken Giant) win!"
- ―Gekirangers announcing their victory[src]
The Gekirangers are the 31st Super Sentai, a team of martial arts experts. They were initially three, GekiRed, GekiBlue, GekiYellow, known as the Triangle (トライアングル Toraianguru) but were joined by GekiViolet, followed by GekiChopper.
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Years later, the Space Empire Zangyack invaded Earth. This threat was so great that all of the first 34 Super Sentai, including the Gekirangers, were needed to oppose them. The 34 Sentai put up a valiant fight against the ground forces, but when the Zangyack fleet itself attacked them, Akarenger told everyone to combine their powers and save the Earth. This destroyed the Zangyack fleet and resulted in the loss of their powers, which resurfaced as Ranger Keys, that were dispersed throughout the universe.
The keys were collected by AkaRed, and later utilized by the 35th Super Sentai, the Gokaigers, a group of five people from different planets who came to Earth in search of the Greatest Treasure in the Universe. TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear The Gokaigers got a clue to find a greater power by being told to look for the "tiger's child." After the battle with Master Pachacamac XIII, Doc and Ahim met with Jan, now a traveling teacher while he was teaching his students how to use the Jyuken Fists. It wasn't until after they trained with him that they learned he was the "tiger's child" they were looking for with one of Jan's students referring to him as GekiRed. He watched the giant monster battle and witnessed the Gokaiger utilizing the Gekirangers greater power. Master Shafu then appeared and asks if there was anymore he could have taught them. Jan told him that they'll be fine as they understand that wanting to becoming stronger is a sign of being stronger already. He then gone off and said he has to train more so he can catch up with them.
TV STORY-Ep. 7: Niki-Niki! Kenpo Lesson
After the Gokaigers finally defeated Zangyack, they returned the Ranger Keys before they left Earth to find the second Greatest Treasure in the Universe. It is assumed the Gekirangers have their powers back. TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates
Super Hero Taisen

The Gekirangers, alongside the Carrangers and Gaorangers, are sent to the dimensional rift by Kamen Rider Decade.

The Gekirangers, alongside the Go-Ongers, Gorengers (bar Akarenger), Goseigers, and Shinkengers, emerge through a dimensional wall.
The five-man Gekiranger team, among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes, were caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident. They teamed up with the Carrangers and Gaorangers against Kamen Rider Decade, who was apparently hunting the Sentai teams as Great Leader
of Dai-Shocker
, only to be seemingly defeated, actually sent to the dimensional rift
. When Tsukasa and Captain Marvelous' ruse was revealed, the Gekirangers appeared with the other Super Sentai through the dimensional wall
, they then fought alongside all the other Sentai teams and Kamen Riders
against the alliance of Dai-Shocker and Dai-Zangyack.
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
Super Hero Taisen Z

The Gekirangers as seen in Super Hero Taisen Z.
The Gekiranger trio were among the various superheroes that came to help during the Space Shocker crisis, having been summoned by Gai Ikari. They appeared with the Livemen and Gingamen to aid Kamen Rider Beast
against a Space Shocker force led by Space Spider Man
After Demon King Psycho was destroyed, the Gekirangers appeared on a cliff alongside all the other past heroes to say goodbye to the heroes of recent years before taking their leave.
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z
The Space Pirates Return

The Gokaigers made use of the Ranger Keys in their fight with the Zyuohgers and Bangray.
Evidently, the Gekirangers loaned their Ranger Keys - at the request of Gai Ikari - to the Gokaigers whom had temporarily returned to Earth to find and bestow the Great King's Credential to the Zyuohgers. TV STORY-Ep. 28: The Space Pirates Return Their powers were returned when the Gokaigers left for space once more having achieved their quest.
TV STORY-Ep. 29: The Monarch of the Monarchs
Zyuohger vs. Ninninger

The 38 Reds appear before the Ninningers and Zyuohgers.
GekiRed appeared as part of a conference of the first 38 Reds whom addressed the Ninningers and Zyuohgers. TV STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai
GekiRed | Jan Kandou |
GekiYellow | Ran Uzaki |
GekiBlue | Retsu Fukami |
GekiViolet | Gou Fukami |
GekiChopper | Ken Hisatsu |
Transformation Devices
- Beast-Fist Transformation GekiChangers ◆◆◆
- Beast-Fist Transformation Brace GongChanger ◆
- Strongest Transformation Hand-Blade SaiBlade ◆
- Juken Techniques ◆◆◆
Individual Weapons
- GekiNunchaku ◆
- GekiTonfa ◆◆
- GekiHammer ◆
- GekiFan ◆
- GekiSaber ◆
- Soujuutou
Team Cannon
- GekiBazooka ◆◆◆
- Legend:◆ piloted mecha, ❖ aux mecha, ➲ carrier mecha; see Style Guide for rules on icon colors
- Dai Go Go Ju ◆◆◆❖❖❖◆◆◆◆➲
- SaiDaiGekiTouja ◆◆◆◆➲
- GekiElephant ❖
- GekiBat ❖
- GekiShark ❖
- Juken Gattai GekiFire ◆◆◆
- RinBeasts ◆◆
- RinLion ◆
- RinChameleon ◆
Additional Formations
- Juken Busou GekiElephantTouja ◆◆◆❖
- Doetsu Goushu Juken Gattai GekiRinTouja ◆◆◆◆◆
- Juken Busou GekiBatTouja ◆◆◆❖
- Juken Busou GekiSharkTouja ◆◆◆❖
Alternate Formations
GekiTouja Wolf
- Juken Busou GekiTouja Wolf ◆◆◆
- Doetsu Goushu Juken Gattai GekiRinTouja Wolf ◆◆◆◆◆
- GekiBatTouja Wolf ◆◆◆❖
- SaiDaiGekiFire ◆◆◆◆➲
- SaiDaiGekiRinTouja ◆◆◆◆➲◆◆
Behind the Scenes
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to be added
to be added
Legend Sentai Devices
- "Gekiranger!"
- ―Mobilates' Gokai Change announcement[src]
The Juken Sentai Gekiranger Ranger Keys (獣拳戦隊ゲキレンジャーレンジャーキー Jūken Sentai Gekirenjā Renjā Kī) are what became of the Gekirangers' powers after they along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.
Any of these keys allow a Gokaiger to assume the form of any of the Gekirangers or summon the GekiBeasts for the Gokai Great Geki Geki Beast attack. Note: The GekiRed Key is first used by Gokai Yellow in Epic on Ginmaku.
- GekiRed Key (ゲキレッドキー GekiReddo Kī)
- GekiYellow Key (ゲキイエローキー GekiIerō Kī)
- GekiBlue Key (ゲキゲキブルーキー GekiBurū Kī)
- GekiViolet Key (ゲキバイオレットキー GekiBaioretto Kī)
- GekiChopper Key (ゲキチョッパーキー GekiChoppā Kī)
- GekiTouja Key (ゲキトージャキー Geki Tōja Kī): Used by Go-Buster Ace.

Gekiranger Ressha
The GekirangerSoul (ゲキレンジャーソウル GekirenjāSōru) as yet only exists as an unused sound in the Ryusoulgers' Ryusoul Ken.[1][2]
- "31 Ban!"
- ―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle
- "Baban! Baban! Baban! Baban! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ban! Gekiranger!"
- ―Past Sentai ability announcement
The Gekiranger Gear (ゲキレンジャーギア Gekirenjā Gia) is one of many Sentai Gears used by the Zenkaigers to battle the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo.
- Geartlinger: TBA
- Geardalinger: Summons the SaiBlade for the user to use.
- "31 Ban!"
- ―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle
- "Gekiranger!"
- ―Past Sentai summoning announcement
The Dark Gekiranger Gear (ゲキレンジャーギア Gekirenjā Gia) is one of many Dark Sentai Gears used by Stacaesar.
- Hero Side:
- Stacaesar: Summons copies of the Core Gekirangers.
- Stacaesar Kyoka: Summons a copy of Super GekiRed.
- Kikai Side: Summons a copy of GekiTouja.

Gekiranger Avataro Gear
- "Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Gekiranger!"
- ―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Donblaster[src]
- "Hey yo! Juken Sentai! (へいよっ! 獣拳戦隊! Hei Yo! Jūken Sentai!)"
- ―Activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]
- "Parry Time! (air horns) Gekiranger!"
- ―Finisher activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]
- "Hissatsu Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]
- "Hiden Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]
- "Dora Dora Dora Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora! Legend Sentai!"
- ―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Netsuretsu Kangei! Legend Sentai! Sheishei! (熱烈歓迎! レジェンド戦隊! 謝謝! Netsuretsu Kangei! Rejendo Sentai! Sheishei!)"
- ―Activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Parry Time! (Chinese music) Legend Sentai!"
- ―Finisher activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Dragon Ōgi! Legend Tsuki! Ah-tatatatatata!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]
- "Tiger Ōgi! Legend Giri! Howattah!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]
- "Donbura Ōgi! Legend Tsuki! Ah-tatatatatata!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]
- "Donbura Ōgi! Legend Giri! Howattah!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]
- "Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Gekiranger! Festival Time!"
- ―Omikoshi Phoenix-equipped Avataro Gear equipping announcement while spinning the gear[src]
- "(traditional music remix) Kiwami! Super Sentai! (
極 ! スーパー戦隊 ! Kiwami! Sūpā Sentai!)" - ―Activation announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- "Chou! Festival Time! Seiya! Seiya! Seiya, Seiya, Seiya, Seiya!"
- ―Finisher standby announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- "LegenDonburako! (レジェンドンブラコ! RejenDonburako!)"
- ―Finisher announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- Gekiranger Avataro Gear (ゲキレンジャーアバタロウギア Gekirenjā Abatarō Gia) - Allows a Donbrother to assume the form of one of the Gekirangers. Dropped from Jukenking after its defeat.

Gokaiger as Gekiranger
Gokaiger/Gekiranger Gokai Change
GekiRed | Captain Marvelous |
GekiBlue | Joe Gibken |
GekiYellow | Luka Millfy |
GekiViolet | Don Dogoier |
GekiChopper | Ahim de Famille (female version) |
Donbrothers/Gekiranger Avatar Changes
GekiRed | Taro Momoi |
GekiBlue | Shinichi Saruhara |
GekiYellow | Haruka Kitou |
- They are the first team to include a Purple Ranger.
- They are the first and so far only team to not have belts with their suits. GekiChopper is the only exception to this as he has a black belt with his suit.
- The first kanji in the original three Gekirangers' surnames spell "Kung Fu" (「かん・ふ・う」(カンフー) "Kan・Fu・U" (Kanfū)).
- All five of the Gekirangers have their families appear in the series, Jan has his mother and father Dan, Ran has her mother, Ken has his father and sister Sachiko, while Retsu and Gou appear as brothers.
- Gekiranger are the last team without a Sixth Ranger.
Juken Sentai Gekiranger
- Lesson 1: Niki-Niki! Fierce Beast-Fist
- Lesson 2: Waki-Waki! Beast-Fist Combination
- Lesson 3: Shio-Shio! Cleaning Power
- Lesson 4: Zowa-Zowa! The Five Venom Fists
- Lesson 5: Uja-Uja! What Should I Do?
- Lesson 6: Juwān! …What's That?
- Lesson 7: Shuba-Shuba Dancing!
- Lesson 8: Koto-Koto… Earnestly Koto-Koto
- Lesson 9: The Kena-Kena Woman
- Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive Battle
- Lesson 10: Jara-Jara Attack! The First Errand
- Lesson 11: Ukya-Ukya! Beast-Fist Armament
- Lesson 12: Zowan-Zowan! Confrontation Beast-Fist, Training Starts
- Lesson 13: Shin-Shin! The Spirit's Dance
- Lesson 14: Netsu-Netsu! Forget Your Techniques
- Lesson 15: Howa-Howa! Mama Work
- Lesson 16: Jiri-Jiri! Confrontation Beast Hall, Extra-curricular Class
- Lesson 17: Goro-Goro! Teacher and Student Love
- Lesson 18: Shakkin-Kīn! The Body is Strong
- Lesson 19: Gokin-Gokin! Showdown with Rio
- Lesson 20: Gicho-Gicho! Triangle Opposing Fight
- Lesson 21: Biki-Biki-Biki-Biki! Kageki in Extreme Ki
- Lesson 22: Kyui-Kyui! Date with a Celebrity
- Lesson 23: Gure-Gure! Gure-Gure! Sukeban Captain
- Lesson 24: Garu-Garu! What!? You're my Younger Brother!?
- Lesson 25: Hine-Hine! Shigeki is Mine Alone
- Lesson 26: Mohe-Mohe! Consult Your Worries
- Lesson 27: Beran-Beran. Burning Play-by Play
- Lesson 28: Bishi-Bishi Pikeen Osu!
- Lesson 29: Guda-Guda Here-Here! Shopping
- Lesson 30: The Sei-Sei de Dou-dou Woman
- Lesson 31: We Muni-Muni!
- Lesson 32: Zowangi-Zowango! The Gathering, Beast Origin Village
- Lesson 33: Fure-Fure Gatchiri! Kung Fu Chūshingura
- Lesson 34: Gowan-Gowan's Dain-Dain! Beast Fist Giant God, Comes
- Lesson 35: Gyuon-Gyuon! Beast Power Blooming
Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger
- Lesson 36: Mukyu-Mukyu! The three Phantom Thief Sisters
- Lesson 37: Gyan-Gyan! Useless Arranged Marriage Discussion
- Lesson 38: Biba-Biba! Another Retsu
- Lesson 39: Uro-Uro! The Children Don't Return
- Lesson 40: Head goes Bakān! The Shock of the Truth
- Lesson 41: Zushi-Zushi! No More
- Lesson 42: Wasshi-Wasshi Moving On!
- Lesson 43: Hapi-Hapi! Merry Christmas, Osu
- Lesson 44: Wafu-Wafu! Father's Melody
- Lesson 45: Pikīn! Showdown of Destiny
- Lesson 46: Gyawa-Gyawa Memories
- Lesson 47: Pika-Pika! My Path
- Lesson 48: Saba-Saba! And Now, Judgement Fist
- Lesson 49: Zun-Zun! The Beast-Fist, for All Time...
Engine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger
Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku (Gokai Change only)
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
- Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear
- Ep. 2: The Worth of This Planet (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 4: What are Friends For? (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 7: Niki-Niki! Kenpo Lesson (represented by Jan Kandou)
- Ep. 16: Clash! Sentai vs. Sentai (Ranger Key only)
Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
- Ep. 23: People's Lives are the Future of the Earth (Ranger Key Clone only)
- Ep. 31: Crash!! Secret Operations (Ranger Key Clone only)
- Ep. 32: One Power (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 33: Iiiit's a Hero!! (Gokai Change only)
- Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Do This Goldenly! Roughly! 36 Round Gokai Change!! (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 40: The Future is the Past (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 42: The Strongest Man in the Universe (Gokai Change only)
- Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Uchuu Keiji Gavan: The Movie (Gokai Change only)
- Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates (Gokai Change only)
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The Movie (Gokai Change only)
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger vs. Space Squad (archive footage only)
Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O
The Gekirangers are among all the Sentai teams which appear in the arcade game Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O
Super Sentai Battle Base
The Gekirangers are among all the Sentai teams which appear in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base.
Super Sentai Legend Wars
See Also
- Jungle Fury Rangers - Power Rangers counterpart in Jungle Fury. See comparison page.
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