Icon-boukengerThis article is about a Ranger in GoGo Sentai Boukenger.

"The High-Up Adventurer! Bouken Blue!"
―Bouken Blue's roll call[src]

Souta Mogami (最上 蒼太 Mogami Sōta) is the High-Up Adventurer [Citation needed]from 16 April 2023 (UTC), or Noble Adventurer[1] Bouken Blue, alternatively Boukenblue[1][2][3][4][5] (高き冒険者ボウケンブルー Takaki Bōkensha Bōken Burū) of the Boukengers.

Souta is 23 years old at the beginning of Boukenger.[6][7]




Called a "spy", Souta is the information expert of the team. He is also a specialist in personal computers and digital technology. In Task 1, when he hurt his hand punching a Karth in the chest with full force and discovered the healing factor that the Karths possess. He initially considered Masumi to be a thief and Masumi sometimes calls him an "ex-spy". Tvicon TV STORY-Task. 1: The Heart of the Demon God

Past Revealed[]

In Task 3, his past is revealed. He is a former secret investigator and spy. Kazumasa Yamatani noted that he and Souta are the same since he used to do various missions to please himself. When Souta realized that his missions caused ever lasting pain to others, he quit being a spy and told Kazuma that they were not the same. Tvicon TV STORY-Task. 3: The Champion's Blades

Imitation (Vril)[]

The Precious Vril took the form of Souta. After seizing data from Souta's laptop, Vril-Souta copied the Boukengers' forms, transforming into a clone of Bouken Blue, Vril Blue (ヴリルブルー Vuriru Burū), after Souta attacked it to save Natsuki from it. Vril Blue then multiplied by the hundreds after it was blasted with the Dual Crasher, only to be immobilized by GoGo Mixer. However, Vril Blue and its copies merged to form a VERY obviously imperfect DaiBouken copy. Vril is terminated by DaiBouken Drill and Mixer's Bind Break. Tvicon TV STORY-Task 8: The Treasure of Atlantis

The Dangerous Partner[]

Although Souta says he never hurts anyone, but in truth he had hurt many. which was revealed in Task 23. In this episode, Souta's old spy partner Yuji Toba was hired by Furious Demon God Gai and Grand Beast Rei to interrogate Souta for the whereabouts of the Precious warehouse. And even though Souta fought through Rei's mind reading ability, Yuji used the memories of Souta during his times as spy to hinder his mind defense. However in the end, Yuji helped Souta and the other Boukengers to defeat Gai and Rei's robot by setting off the bomb he placed in the robot. Furthermore, to much relief and annoyance to the Boukengers, the Precious warehouse was a fake. Tvicon TV STORY-Task. 23: The Dangerous Partner

The Rainbow Cloth[]

In Task 38, a mysterious girl named Miyu claims to have been kissed and hugged by Souta and wants him to be with her. However, Souta doesn't remember even knowing her but she insists that he was very kind to her. It's later revealed that she is actually a cat which by means of a piece of "The Rainbow Cloth", transformed into a human in order to thank Souta for helping her fix her leg. In the same episode, Miyu as a cat, helps Souta and the Boukengers defeat Super Shizuka and afterwards, Souta adopts her as his pet cat. Tvicon TV STORY-Task. 38: The Rainbow Cloth

Souta acts like a brotherly figure to Natsuki, and often considers her feelings even against Satoru's orders.

Imitations (Ouga)[]

Evil Boukengers

Evil Boukengers.

A copy of Bouken Black was created by Ouga as part of the Evil Boukengers. Tvicon TV STORY-Task. 40: The Western Ashu


After encounter with Shizuka and Gekkou of Illusions, Souta found his treasure to be his friends.

Gekiranger vs. Boukenger[]

To be added Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger

Super Sentai Versus Series Theater[]

Hyde as Souta

Hyde as Souta.

Souta's appearances in the "Versus Series", Boukenger vs. Super Sentai and Gekiranger vs. Boukenger, are featured in the Super Sentai Versus Series Theater, hosted by the heroes of Tensou Sentai Goseiger. Hyde (Gosei Blue) also dresses as Souta in the Boukenger cosplay.


Legend War[]

A few years later, Souta fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai Ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Sugormin commanders. Akarenger noticed the fleet moving towards them, he gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

Farewell Space Pirates[]

After the Zangyack Empire was defeated by the Gokaigers, Marvelous returned the Ranger Keys to their original owners which one can safely assume that Souta and his teammates have their powers again. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates


Bouken Blue appears as part of the five-man Boukenger team alongside the other two Ludicrous Sentai, Dekaranger and Jetman, in Season Tsuu's alternate take on the events of the first season. The three official Sentai come to aid the Akibarangers in the final battle with the Stema Otsu Corporation. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: Delusional War

Imaginary Legend

Six official Sentai.

The Boukengers, with Bouken Silver this time, later appeared with the now five official Sentai, transforming into their Ludicrous Power which combined with the others to form the Ludicrous Cannon Bazooka, which the Akibarangers used to destroy Kameari Alpaca. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 10: Delusional Pillow Talk

Super Hero Taisen[]

Dimensional wall - Abaranger, Hurricaneger, Boukenger, Magiranger, Dekaranger

The Boukengers, alongside the Abarangers, Hurricanegers, Magirangers, and Dekarangers, emerge through a dimensional wallIcon-crosswiki.

Souta, alongside his team (Bouken Silver and Zubaan were absent), among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes, was caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident which eventually resulted in the Super Sentai teams and Kamen RidersIcon-crosswiki joining forces to defeat both Dai-Zangyack and Dai-ShockerIcon-crosswiki. During the final battle, he is seen with Clover King fighting Musca WormIcon-crosswiki. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen

Super Hero Taisen Z[]

Boukenger (Super Hero Taisen Z)

The Boukengers as seen in Super Hero Taisen Z.

The five-man Boukenger team was part of a force of Sentai and Rider reinforcements led by Akarenger and Kamen Rider #1Icon-crosswiki that came to assist the Sentai and Riders of recent years who were overwhelmed by the revived monster army of the Space Crime Syndicate MadouIcon-crosswiki. The combined forces of superheroes were able to turn the tide against the Madou army. They lined up and used their various finisher attacks to destroy the revived monsters.

After Demon King PsychoIcon-crosswiki was destroyed and the battle was finally over, the Boukengers appeared standing on a cliff with all the other heroes who appeared to help, to say goodbye to the heroes of recent years before taking their leave. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z

Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

All 40 Super Sentais

The first 38 Sentai projected into Wild Tousai Shuriken King.

Bouken Blue appeared with his team among the first 38 Super Sentai who collectively empowered Wild Tousai Shuriken King in its fight against the titanic Gillmarda, granting the Ninningers and Zyuohgers the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed Gillmarda with the combined power of all 40 Super Sentai. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai

Super Sentai Strongest Battle[]

Souta joined the Super Sentai Strongest Battle as a member of Refreshing Team, but didn’t get to participate in the competition because his team was eliminated after losing the first round against Flying Team.


Boukenger Sentai Gear Summon

Bouken Blue summoned by Stacy

A copy of Bouken Blue were summoned alongside his team by Stacaesar through the Boukenger Dark Sentai Gear to fight the Zenkaigers. Tvicon TV STORY-No. 7-kai! The Prince of the Demon World is Short-Tempered!

Boukenger Sentai Gear

Bouken Blue summoned by Vroon

A manifestation of Bouken Blue was summoned alongside his team by Vroon through the Boukenger Sentai Gear which allowed Vroon to shoot hyper concrete at Hakaizer to hold him in place to beat him. Tvicon TV STORY-No. 34-kai! Pumpkin Carving Competition!


Souta is always with a smile and his nature is gentle and polite. His persona as a gentleman brings himself to a fault when he fights against beautiful women—he can't help but go easy on them, especially Shizuka of the Wind whom he and Sakura Nishihori fight frequently.

Souta is a little cocky, as evidenced in Task 1 when he nearly ended up touching a fake Heart of Gordom, something that Natsuki Mamiya foresaw. Tvicon TV STORY-Task. 1: The Heart of the Demon God

Bouken Blue[]

Bouken Blue's insert theme is BLUE for you.


Bouken Blue

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added

  • Hover Attack (ホバーアタック Hobā Atakku): Bouken Blue uses the Blow Knuckle to punch the ground and launches himself into the air, then blast enemies with a strong wind gust.
  • Knuckle Cannon (ナックルキャノン Nakkuru Kyanon): Bouken Blue maximizes the power from GoGo Gyro's Parallel Engine and blows his enemies away.


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to be added



Appearances: Boukenger TBA; Gekiranger vs. Boukenger; Gokaiger Episode 1, 199 Hero Great Battle; Super Hero Taisen; Super Hero Taisen Z; Zyuohger vs. Ninninger


Bouken Blue with Accel Tector

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


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to be added


Appearances: Boukenger Episode 13, 15, 25, 38

Bouken Blue Lucky Mode

Lucky Mode

Bouken Blue donned "Lucky Mode" alongside the rest of the team in the The 30 Sentai Encyclopedia file of Task 46: The Awakened Darkness, in a parody of the Power-Up Henshin, calling back to the lucky outfit Akashi wore in Task 27: The Feng-Shui Trap.

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


to be added


to be added


to be added


to be added





to be added



Villain Groups[]

Gordom Civilization[]
Jaryuu Clan[]
Dark Shadow[]
Ashu Tribe/Questers[]
Ogre Tribe Org[]
Space Ninja Group Jakanja[]
Underground Hades Empire Infershia[]
Space Empire Zangyack[]


to be added


to be added

Behind the Scenes[]


Masashi Mikami as Souta Mogami


  • Bouken Blue sports blue and white spandex with the big Boukenger crest across the chest and a pair of shoulder pads. He wears a silver belt. He also wears blue gloves and boots, each pair comes with silver accesory. His helmet visor resembles the windshield of the GoGo Gyro.


  • "Mogami" (最上) is from the surname of Japanese explorer Tokunai Mogami (最上 徳内 Mogami Tokunai), who explored Ezo and Sakhalin and some of the Kuril Islands in 1785-1786.
  • The first kanji of "Souta" (), can also be read as "ao" ( ao), the Japanese kanji for the color blue.

Legend Sentai Devices[]

Bouken Blue Ranger Key

The Bouken Blue Ranger Key.

The Bouken Blue, alternatively Boukenblue[1][2][3][4][5] Ranger Key (ボウケンブルーレンジャーキー Bōken Burū Renjā Kī) is Souta Mogami's personal Ranger Key and what became of his powers after he along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.

This key along with the majority of the Ranger Keys were collected by the Red Pirates and later used by the Gokaigers. The Bouken Blue Ranger Key was mainly used by Joe Gibken (Gokai Blue), who used it to fight as Bouken Blue.

The Boukenger Keys, along with all the Ranger Keys of the first 33 Super Sentai, were briefly taken by the Black Cross King and turned into Ranger puppets that were fought by the Gokaigers and the Goseigers. Splitting up, the puppet Bouken Blue was defeated as part of a group of surviving Blue warrior keys by Gokai Blue and Super Gosei Blue. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

After Zangyack were finally defeated, the Gokaigers gave the Ranger Keys back to their rightful owners. Souta received his key and became Bouken Blue once more. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates


ASDB-Boukenger Avataro Gear

Boukenger Avataro Gear

The Boukenger Avataro Gear can be used by any of the Core Donbrothers to transform into their respective Boukenger counterpart. It can be used by Shinichi Saruhara to transform into Bouken Blue.


  • Souta is 177 cm tall.[6][7] His blood type is A.[6][7]
  • Souta has a catchphrase he constantly uses, which is "Sou sou Souta!". His catchphrase is a pun off of "Sou sou sou da", which means "Yes, that's right."
  • Souta likes to play his guitar in his free time. There is also a recurring melody that he plays multiple times throughout the series.


Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]

Bouken Blue (Dice-O)

Bouken Blue as depicted in Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O.

  • Profile
Souta Mogami/Bouken Blue: to be added

Super Sentai Battle Base[]

Bouken Blue is among the vast pantheon of Rangers which are available in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base, with his Accel Tector form being available as well.

Super Sentai Legend Wars[]

GoGo Sentai Boukenger in Super Sentai Legacy Wars

Boukenger as seen in Super Sentai Legend Wars.

Bouken Blue appears with his team among all Sentai in the mobile game Super Sentai Legend Wars.

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2

    Le rêve

  2. 2.0 2.1
    Boukenblue 2


  3. 3.0 3.1
    Boukenblue 3

    Complete Works

  4. 4.0 4.1
    Boukenblue 4

    Play Hero

  5. 5.0 5.1
    Boukenblue 5


  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Televi Kun DX. (2006). GoGo Sentai Boukenger: Complete Works Vol. 1. p. 22-23. ISBN 978-409105109X
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Kodansha. (2017). Kodansha Series MOOK Super Sentai Official Mook: 21th Century. 2006. Boukenger. p. 11. ISBN 978-4065095171


Icon-boukenger GoGo Sentai Boukenger
Satoru Akashi - Masumi Inou - Souta Mogami - Natsuki Mamiya - Sakura Nishihori - Eiji Takaoka
Extra Heroes: Great Sword Man Zubaan
Accellular - GoGo Changer - Survi-Buster - Scope Shot - Bouken Bo - Radial Hammer - Blow Knuckle - Bucket Scoopers - Hydro Shooter - Sagasniper - Accel Tector - Dual Crusher
Mister Voice - Morio Makino - Kyoko - Shirou Masaki - Phantom Thief Selene - Ragi - Magi - Kei - Karato Takaoka - Yuji Toba - Kouichi Akashi - Kurolinda - Professor Hanzou Igarashi - Kousuke Shimada - Taro - Miyu - Eve - Gekirangers - Gokaigers
30th logo
AkaRed - Nanami Nono - Asuka - Tekkan Aira - Tsubasa Ozu - Hikaru
Mecha and Robos
GoGo Dump - GoGo Formula - GoGo Gyro - GoGo Dozer - GoGo Marine - GoGo Fire - GoGo Aider - GoGo Police
GoGo Drill - GoGo Shovel - GoGo Mixer - GoGo Crane - GoGo Jet
GoGo Commander - GoGo Carrier - GoGo Fighter - GoGo Attacker - GoGo Roader
Giant Robos:
DaiBouken - DaiTanken - SirenBuilder - DaiVoyager
Negative Syndicates
Gordom Civilization
Arch Priest Gajah - Karths - Giant God Gordom - Giant God Gagadom
Gordom Minions: Mogari - Modified Mythical Beast Gordorum - Desperado
Jaryuu Clan
Creator King Ryuuwon - Dragonoid Soldier Jaryuu
Great Evil Dragons: Great Evil Dragon Dold - Great Evil Dragon Zard - Great Evil Dragon Girad - Great Evil Dragon Zorad - Evil Mechanic Dragon Grand
Wicked Dragons: Dryken - Lindom - Naga - Ragi - Talong - Dembey - Dagargin
Dark Shadow
Gekkou of Illusions - Shizuka of the Wind - Yaiba of Darkness
Tsukumogami: Jougami - Takumigami - Kawazugami - Kanadegami - Nendogami - Zukangami - Akutagami - Shirubegami - Mamorigami
Ashu Tribe
Furious Demon God Gai - Grand Beast Rei - Hyouga - Ouga
Quester Robos: Quester Robo Turbo - Quester Robo Elite - Quester Robo Cannon - Quester Robo Blaze - Quester Robo Radial - Homunculus Quester Jet Over
Precious Creatures
Madness Weather - Vril - Prince - Hyde Gene - Lemurian Mythical Beast - Golem - Prometheus' Stone - Ultimate Artificial Lifeform Homunculus
Other Villains

Time Demon God Chronos - Cosmic Kenpo Master Pachacamac XII

Blue Rangers
Main Series
Akira ShinmeiRyu HigashiKyosuke ShidaDaigoro OumeKinya SamejimaSaburo AoyamaYosuke ShimaRyuuta NanbaraYuma OzoraBunAkiraMegumi MisakiYouhei HamaKen HoshikawaAko HayasakaDanShojiSaizoYuji MitaNaoki DomonShun NamikiGoukiNagare TatsumiAyaseKai SamezuNanami NonoYukito SanjoHouji TomasuUrara OzuSouta MogamiRetsu FukamiRenn KosakaRyunosuke IkenamiHydeJoe GibkenRyuji IwasakiNobuharu UdoHaru TokashikiYakumo KatoSelaGaruToma YoimachiMeltoShiguru OshikiriVroonShinichi SaruharaYanma GastIshiro MeitaRikuo Byakuya
Mitsuki AoyagiLuna IwashimizuSechang KimYusuke Takigawa
Secondary Rangers
DanRayKannaNinjamanGunmazinSignalmanIsshu KasumiRamirezYuko FukuiKotaro SakumaShiraiSonoi
Misc. Rangers
EAGLE agentDummy Dia JackDeathdark BlueKenichi YamadaGinga BlueShadow Blue SwallowGolemPrevious TenmaRangerCopy TenmaRangerShoji's grandsonFlower Ninja AyameZoku BlueNeziBlueCopy TimeBlueCopyBlueShade GaoBlueWendineFake HurricaneBlueFake KuwagaRaigerAyameganezumiEvil MagiBlueVrilEvil Bouken BlueKarthRyuzaburo IkenamiRyuji IwasakiFerocious Knight DDai-kunNobuta-sanAmi-neesan
Power Sets
Main Series
AorengerDia JackBattle FranceDenziBlueVulSharkGoggleBlueDynaBlueBlue3ChangePegasusBlue FlashBlue MaskBlue DolphinBlue TurboFiveBlueBlue SwallowBirdmanTriceraRangerTenmaRangerNinjaBlueOhBlueBlue RacerMegaBlueGingaBlueGoBlueTimeBlueGaoBlueHurricaneBlueKuwagaRaigerAbareBlueDekaBlueMagiBlueBouken BlueGekiBlueGo-On BlueShinken BlueGosei BlueGokai BlueBlue BusterBlue GorillaKyoryu BlueKyoryu CyanDeathryugerKyoryu NavyToQ 2gouAoNingerZyuoh SharkOokami BlueKoguma SkyblueLupin BlueRyusoul BlueKiramai BlueZenkai VroonSaru BrotherTombo OhgerBun BlueGozyuLeon
AkibaBlueBrave Blue DinoAoHero