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Icon-gekirangerThis article is about a Ranger in Juken Sentai Gekiranger.

"Excitement, my style, to the limit of my will! Iron Will, GekiViolet! (紫激気、俺流、我が意を尽くす!アイアン・ウィル、ゲキバイオレット! Shigeki, oreryū, waga i wo tsukusu! Aian Wiru, Geki Baioretto!)"
―GekiViolet's roll call[src]

Gou Fukami (深見 ゴウ Fukami Gō) is GekiViolet (ゲキバイオレット Geki Baioretto), the fourth member of the Gekirangers, (as the first Additional Member) and a Fierce Beast Wolf-Fist (激獣ウルフ拳 Gekijū Urufuken) user.



Gou is the older brother of Retsu Fukami. He is very protective of Retsu's well-being since their parents died and they spent their childhood in a church. It was there that Gou forced Retsu to promise never to take on the Beast-Fists before leaving to face Rio and never to be seen again. It was originally believed that Gou had been killed by Rio. But in reality, Gou used an imperfect form of the forbidden Geki Waza, in an attempt to defeat Rio the way the Fist Sages had done to seal the Fist Demons long ago. But it failed and Gou had been wandering for fifteen years in his resulting werewolf form which he could not control, nor does he have any recollection of what he was doing during that time. Once regaining his human form, Gou was shocked to find the changes that occurred. He was also a bit vexed to learn that Retsu disobeyed him and took up Fierce Beast-Fist.

Geki Gou Werewolf

Gou in his Werewolf form

After much soul searching and cajoling by the others, he agrees to become GekiViolet and eventually overcome the beast within him, thanks to Fierce Beast Fly-Fist Bae. However, Gou still desires to defeat Rio and prove himself as his rival, holding some animosity towards Jan Kandou whom Rio sees as a rival, due to being the son of his mentor, Dan Kandou. But once he fails a second time to defeat Rio after mastering the strongest Gekiwaza, Gou accepts that he can't be Rio's rival and glad to see him joining up with them in the fight again Long.

During the final battle, Gou is amongst the other Fierce Beast Fist warriors, including the Fist Sages, keeping Long at bay until Jan, Ran Uzaki, and Retsu Fukami return. He watches as his younger brother, Retsu, along with Jan and Ran, defeat Long and seals his powers. After the battle is over, Gou sets off on his own journey with Bae at his side to uncover what he did were as a werewolf. Jan meets him along the way and gives him a final farewell before the two go their separate ways.

Using his Violet Fierce Ki to a degree, Gou can summon GekiTiger and GekiJaguar and control Beast-Fist Giant GekiTouja Wolf on his own.

Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger[]

To be added Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Engine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger


Legend War[]

A few years later, Gou fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai Ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Sugormin commanders. Akarenger noticed the fleet moving towards them, he gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

Farewell Space Pirates[]

After the defeat of Ackdos Gill, Captain Marvelous returned all the Ranger Keys to the former Sentai heroes. It is assumed Gou and his teammates received their keys allowing for them to utilize their powers once again. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates


Kozukozu Mita cosplays as Gou in the ninth episode of Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Season Tsuu. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 9: Delusion Number Two

Super Hero Taisen[]

Decade vs Gekirangers, Carrangers and Gaorangers

The Gekirangers, alongside the Carrangers and Gaorangers, are sent to the dimensional riftIcon-crosswiki by Kamen Rider DecadeIcon-crosswiki.

Dimensional wall - Gekiranger, Go-Onger, Gorenger, Goseiger, Shinkenger

The Gekirangers, alongside the Go-Ongers, Gorengers (bar Akarenger), Goseigers, and Shinkengers, emerge through a dimensional wallIcon-crosswiki.

Gou, alongside his team (Rio and Mele were absent), among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes, was caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident which eventually resulted in the Super Sentai teams and Kamen RidersIcon-crosswiki joining forces to defeat both Dai-Zangyack and Dai-ShockerIcon-crosswiki. He is seen fighting Long and Mole ImaginIcon-crosswiki.Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen

Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

All 40 Super Sentais

The first 38 Sentai projected into Wild Tousai Shuriken King.

GekiViolet appeared with his team among the first 38 Super Sentai whom collectively empowered Wild Tousai Shuriken King in its fight against the titanic Gillmarda, granting the Ninningers and Zyuohgers the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed Gillmarda with the combined power of all 40 Super Sentai. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai

Super Sentai Strongest Battle[]

Gou joined the Super Sentai Strongest Battle as a member of Extra Warrior Team. It’s unknown whether he participated in any of the matches, but his team lost the competition either in the first round against the Scientist Team offscreen or won against them and lost in the second round against Gilded Team offscreen.


Gou is impulsive and very strict, unlike Retsu. But he is not as cold as his younger brother. He can be compassionate and caring at times. He cares for his teammates deeply, as well as his brother. Though he and Retsu argue with each other at times, they love each other a lot and are concerned about each other's well being.

He and Ken initially had a disliking towards each other. However, Gou soon tries to warm up to Ken and even helps Ken rescue his sister. He also formed a close friendship with Jan during the course of the series.

Though he is of the Fierce Beast Fist, Gou lacks a passion for justice and fights only for himself. This resulted in Gou mastering a personal and dangerous form of Fierce Ki that he developed himself, called Violet Fierce Ki (激気ゲキ Shigeki) as well as reinvent the Wolf-Fist into his personal Fukami-Style (ふかリュウ Fukami-ryū), a form of the actual Wolf-Fist that uses Muay Thai fighting moves. However, Sha-Fu believed that Gou actually does have a passion for justice deep down, and gave him the Beast-Fist Henshin Brace GongChanger which he commissioned specially for Gou to use.


GekiViolet's insert themes are Ore Ryu!! GekiViolet & Wandering Wolf.



Powers and Abilities[]


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Wolf-Fist Gekiwaza[]

These Gekiwaza used by Gou are his personal Muay Thai techniques, titled his "Fukami-style" and are powered by his Violet Fierce Ki.

  • Savage-Savage Elbow (蛮蛮肘 Ban Ban Chū): GekiViolet elbows the opponent's forehead.
    • Super Savage-Savage Elbow (超蛮蛮肘 Chō Ban Ban Chū): GekiViolet elbows the opponent's forehead from a jump.
  • Wolf-Wolf Kick (狼狼蹴 Rō Rō Shū): GekiViolet leaps into the air and kicks the opponent upside their head.
  • Hard-Hard Attack (剛剛撃 Gō Gō Geki): GekiViolet summons a Muay Thai arena using the GongChanger which he uses to limit their movements while he jumps around attacking them from off the ropes.
  • Rigid-Rigid Fist (厳厳拳 Gon Gon Ken): GekiViolet channels Violet Fierce Ki through the GongChanger and either punches or shoots a blast of Violet Fierce Ki with power matching that of the GekiBazooka.
  • Rise-Rise Fist (昇昇拳 Shō Shō Ken): GekiViolet channels Violet Fierce Ki through the GongChanger and uppercuts his opponent.
  • Wheel-Wheel Fist (輪輪拳 Rin Rin Ken): GekiViolet channels fierce Violet Fierce Ki through the GongChanger and uppercuts, creating a wheel of Violet Fierce Ki that smashes into the opponent.
  • Wolf-Wolf Bullet (狼狼弾 Rō Rō Dan): GekiWolf jumps at the enemy in a spinning attack, slashing with its bladed tail.
Modified Gekiwaza[]
  • Come-Come Beast (来来獣 Rai Rai Jū): GekiViolet uses this to summon GekiWolf. He has modified it to summon duplicates of GekiTiger and GekiJaguar. This technique is rather different from the other Gekiranger who use it to summon all three of each of their personal Gekibeasts.
Shared Gekiwaza[]
  • Super Brother Attack (スーパーブラザー撃 Sūpā Burazā Geki): Super GekiBlue and GekiViolet's attack.
  • Five Combined Work (五合業 Go Gō Gō): A Gekiwaza which five Gekirangers rush to an opponent while making GekiYellow into a head and spouting each Ki.
  • Beast-Beast Full-Body Change (獣獣全身変 Jū Jū Zenshin Hen): A forbidden Gekiwaza that transforms a user of the Fierce Beast-Fist into an anthropomorphic animal form relating to his/her fighting style, becoming much stronger. This Gekiwaza was used long ago by the Fist Sages to defeat the Fist Demons, assuming their current forms as a result. Bae and Gou also used this move in their respective battles prior to the series. However, due to an imperfect aspect while performing the Gekiwaza, the two each ended up in a flawed form, though only Gou has been able to regain his original human form.
Rhinoceros-Fist Gekiwaza[]
  • Heaven and Earth Diaster Strike (天地転変打 Tenchi Tenben Da): The most powerful Gekiwaza, mastered by Bruce Ee, it's very power defies the laws of nature. Through Michelle Peng, Gou mastered the Gekiwaza with intent to use on Rio in vain.


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Werewolf Form

Powers and Abilities[]


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Behind the Scenes[]




  • His name, Gou Fukami, appears to be a pun referencing the phrase "Let's Go." It is made by combining the given names of Fukami Brothers.

Ranger Key[]

GekiViolet Ranger Key

The GekiViolet Ranger Key.

The GekiViolet Ranger Key (ゲキバイオレットレンジャーキー Geki Baioretto Renjā Kī) is Gou Fukami's personal Ranger Key and what became of his powers after he along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.

This key along with the majority of the Ranger Keys were collected by the Red Pirates and later used by the Gokaigers. The GekiViolet Ranger Key was mainly used by Don Dogoier (Gokai Green), who used it to fight as GekiViolet.

After Zangyack were finally defeated, the Gokaigers gave the Ranger Keys back to their rightful owners. It is presumed that Gou received his key and became GekiViolet once more.



  • Gou received the nickname "523" (Go-Ni-San) in Japan, as he was most often referred to in the show as "nii-san" (older brother) by Retsu.
  • Geki Violet is the first heroic violet Sentai Ranger.
    • The decision to choose violet as the color was influenced by Toei Company deciding to have Retsu Fukami's brother for the new Ranger. In turn, Bandai selected violet as the closest color to blue.[1]
  • He is the only Gekiranger that does not wear a pair of GekiChangers. This is due to his Violet Fierce Qi not being compatible with the Geki Changers.
  • He is the only member that does not use any handheld weapons, fighting entirely with punches and kicks.
  • Gou is the only student associated with Master Sha-Fu in any way that does not have a feline-theme.


Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]

GekiViolet (Dice-O)

GekiViolet as depicted in Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O.

  • Profile
Gou Fukami/GekiViolet: to be added

Super Sentai Battle Base[]

GekiViolet is among the vast pantheon of Rangers which are available in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base.

Super Sentai Legend Wars[]

Juken Sentai Gekiranger in Super Sentai Legacy Wars 2

Gekiranger as seen in Super Sentai Legend Wars.

GekiViolet appears with his team among all Sentai in the mobile game Super Sentai Legend Wars.

See Also[]

External links[]


  1. 『ホビージャパン』通号465、2008.3、p.186


Icon-gekiranger Juken Sentai Gekiranger
Jan Kandou - Ran Uzaki - Retsu Fukami - Gou Fukami - Ken Hisatsu
GekiChangers - GongChanger - SaiBlade - GekiNunchaku - GekiTonfa - GekiHammer - GekiFan - GekiSaber - GekiBazooka - Super GekiClaw - Virtuous Beast Sword - Super SaiBlade
Hong Kong Interpol Officer Lao Fan
Miki Masaki - Beast-Fist Trainer Robo Tough - Natsume Masaki - Fierce Beast Fly-Fist Bae - Kentaro Hisatsu - Sachiko Hisatsu - Bruce Ee - Dan Kandou
The Fist Sages
Master Sha-Fu - Master Bat Li - Master Sharkie Chan - Master Elehung Kam Po - Master Gorrie Yen - Master Michelle Peng - Master Pyon Biao
Super Sentai Teams: Boukengers - Go-Ongers - Gokaigers
DenLiner/Kamen Rider Den-OIcon-crosswiki: MomotarosIcon-crosswiki - UratarosIcon-crosswiki - KintarosIcon-crosswiki - RyutarosIcon-crosswiki
Mecha and Robos
GekiTiger - GekiJaguar - GekiCheetah - GekiElephant - GekiBat - GekiShark - GekiGorilla - GekiGazelle - GekiPenguin - GekiWolf - SaiDain - RinLion - RinChameleon
GekiTouja - GekiFire - GekiTouja Wolf - SaiDaiOh - SaiDaiGekiFire - SaiDaiGekiTouja - SaiDaiGekiRinTouja
Rinjuken Akugata
Rio - Mele - Sky Fist Demon Kata - Sea Fist Demon Rageku - Land Fist Demon Maku - Rinshi
Beast-Men: Makirika - Gyuuya - Muzankose - Nagiu - Rasuka - Rutsu - Dokariya - Eruka - Confrontation Machine Soldiers (Wagataku - Butoka) - Tabu - Marashiya - Hihi - Pououte - Niwa - Chouda - Tsuneki - Mukoua - Baka - Meka
Five Venom Fists: Kademu - Moriya - Sorisa - Maga - Braco
Long - Sanyo - Suugu
Twin Phantoms: Shiyuu - Gouyu - Haku - Hiso - Dorou - Sojo - Shuen - Kou
Other Villains
Mechung Fu: Hong Kong Media King Yang - Yang's Secretary Miranda - Machine-Men - Mechan'non
Cosmic Kenpo: Cosmic Kenpo Master Pachacamac XII
Violet Rangers
Gou FukamiDoctor WoorushadeYayoi WoorushadeShou RonpoNadaStacyRita KaniskaSakito Homura
Secondary Rangers
Dark Magic Knight WolzardConductorYamato KazakiriBudDon MurasameKarras Dehaan
Misc. Rangers
Flower Ninja RanUppySonogoSonona
Power Sets
WolzardGekiVioletKyoryu VioletToQ 7gouZyuoh CondorRyu Violet/CommanderGaisoulgStacaesarDon MurasamePapillon OhgerBun Violet