![]() |
- "Pressing down the road of justice! Engine Sentai Go-Onger! (正義のロードを突き進む! 炎神戦隊、ゴー! オンジャー! Seigi no rōdo wo tsukisusumu! Enjin Sentai, Gō! Onjā!)"
- ―Go-Ongers' team announcement[src]
- "The last corner is ours to take!"
- ―main Go-Ongers' pre-Giant Robo finisher announcement[src]
- "We're tearing through you! Final lap!"
- ―secondary Go-Ongers' pre-Giant Robo finisher announcement[src]
- "Go-Onger! Checker flag! (ゴーオンジャー、チェッカーフラッグ! Gōonjā, chekkāfuraggu!)"
- ―Go-Ongers' post-Giant Robo battle announcement[src]
The Go-Ongers are the 32nd Super Sentai, who were chosen by the Engines to become their partners. Using the power of Souls set into their partner Engines and arsenal, these Rangers fight against the Barbaric Machine Clan Gaiark.
Go-Ongers refers to the first five members of the team. However, it is also used as a catch-all term for when the team includes Go-On Wings.
There are three "subgroups" in the Go-Ongers: the Participating Pair (参加組 Sanka-gumi) comprised of Hant and Gunpei, the Go-On Mach Team (ゴーオンマッハチーム Gōon Mahha Chīmu) composed of Speedor in GoRoader GT & Sosuke, and the G3 Princesses (G3プリンセス G3 Purinsesu) composed of Saki, Miu, & the Gaiark's Kegalesia (later BearRV in GoRoader).
to be added
The Battle Ordained by Providence[]
A year after the final defeat of Yogoshimacriten, the Go-Onger tracked down the final true leader of the Gaiark, Pollution President Batcheed, to the unexplored Braneworld of Gunman World. In a battle the Go-Onger appeared to handle with ease, Batcheed used his abilities to suck the entire team, human and Engine, into a dimensional rift that threw them through the various other Braneworlds. Sosuke returned to the Human World, but encountered another squadron fighting Ugatz: the Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. Although trying to assist to gain their trust to help save the other Go-Onger, Shinkenger leader Takeru Shiba takes offense about the more cheerful, cocky nature of Sosuke and doesn't trust or believe him regarding his mission, although the other members of the team agree to help. Batcheed is ultimately tracked down to the sushi cart of Genta Umemori (Shinken Gold), who had attempted to recruit the Gaiark Ministers, yet fail due to their happiness in their deceased state and desire to stay in the Sanzu River. Sosuke and the Shinkenger attack Batcheed, but the Gaiark leader sends the samurai hurtling through other the other Braneworlds, leaving behind only Takeru and Sosuke in the Human World. Genta and Mako Shiraishi are sent to Christmas World, where they meet with the Go-On Wings; Kotoha Hanaori and Chiaki Tani are thrown to Samurai World alongside Renn and Gunpei; Ryunosuke Ikenami is thrown into Junk World alongside Saki and Hant. At the request of Sosuke, Speedor ends up searching through all the Braneworlds in order to find a way to reunite everyone and get them back to the Human World to handle Batcheed.
The Gaiark leader's ultimate plan involved his manipulation of the Sanzu River's water into fuel for his Batcherium Plant, which ultimately would be used to pollute all Braneworlds, including the Human World, simultaneously. With the assistance of the Gedoshuu Homurakogi, Batcheed faces Shinken Red and Go-On Red once more, with the duo finally appearing to break apart into fighting each other, but ultimately using it as part of a diversion to save their respective partners (Hikoma Kusakabe and BOMPER) and allow time for Speedor to reunite all Shinkenger, Go-Onger and Engines into a united front. Through a combined effort, both the samurai and racing squadrons put a stop to Batcheed's plans, ultimately destroying him and the Batcherium Plant on the moon and saving all universes. TV STORY-Samurai Sentai Shinkenger vs. Go-Onger: GinmakuBang!!
Years later, the Space Empire Zangyack invaded Earth. This threat was so great that all of the first 34 Super Sentai, including the Go-Ongers, were needed to oppose them. The 34 Sentai put up a valiant fight against the ground forces, but when the Zangyack fleet itself attacked them, Akarenger told everyone to combine their powers and save the Earth. This destroyed the Zangyack fleet and resulted in the loss of their powers, which resurfaced as Ranger Keys, that were dispersed throughout the universe.
The keys were collected by AkaRed, and later utilized by the 35th Super Sentai, the Gokaigers, a group of five people from different planets who came to Earth in search of the Greatest Treasure in the Universe. TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear During the battle with the Black Cross King, Saki was one of several Super Sentai warriors who granted their greater powers to the Gokaigers.
TV STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
While the Gokaigers protected Human World from Zangyack, the Engines had problems of their own in Gunman World, a Gaiark remnant led by Pollution President Babatcheed. Sosuke later appeared to assist the Gokaigers when BOMPER requested to be taken to him after appearing on the Gokai Galleon. After he was told of the situation in the Gunman World, and the Gokaigers refused to help, Sosuke donned his Go-Onger uniform once more. Using a trampoline, Sosuke tried to get through the dimensional portal that led there by himself, to no avail, until the Gokaigers changed their mind and let him go aboard the Gokai Galleon. Despite having lost his powers as Go-on Red, Sosuke still managed to hold his own against a troop of Ugatz. During this situation, he found out his partner, Engine Speedor and Engine Bearrv had gotten married and was surprised to find out that they have a son. However, even though the crisis in the Gunman World had been averted with Barbaric Officer Chirakashizky's defeat, there was still Pollution President Babatcheed to deal with, but since he closed off the portal back to the Human World and the available Engines had not enough power to break through, they had to head to Machine World to convince Speedor and BearRV's son, Machalcon, to help them. Despite Sosuke's emotional pleas, Machalcon refused to stop and was only tamed when Gokai-Oh (without its legs) forced itself on him. After having helped the Gokaigers fully unlock the Go-Onger greater power and defeat Babatcheed, Sosuke parted ways with the pirates, going back to being an auto racer. TV STORY-Ep. 35: Dimension on the Other Side
TV STORY-Ep. 36: Partner Pirate
After the Gokaigers finally defeated Zangyack, they returned the Ranger Keys before they left Earth to find the second Greatest Treasure in the Universe. Miu was seen receiving her Ranger Key and saluting the Gokaigers. It is assumed the other Go-Ongers have their powers back as well. TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates
Super Hero Taisen[]

The Go-Ongers, alongside the Gekirangers, Gorengers (bar Akarenger), Goseigers, and Shinkengers, emerge through a dimensional wall.

The Go-Ongers teaming up with Kamen Rider Kiva.
The five-man Go-Onger team, among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes, were caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident. They were presumably sent to the dimensional rift, under the pretense of being defeated, by Kamen Rider Decade
while he was apparently hunting the Sentai teams. When his and Captain Marvelous' ruse was revealed, the Go-Ongers appeared with the other Super Sentai through the dimensional wall
, they then fought alongside all the other Sentai teams and Kamen Riders
against the alliance of Dai-Shocker
and Dai-Zangyack.
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
The Space Pirates Return[]

The Gokaigers made use of the Ranger Keys in their fight with the Zyuohgers and Bangray.
Evidently, the Go-Ongers loaned their Ranger Keys - at the request of Gai Ikari - to the Gokaigers whom had temporarily returned to Earth to find and bestow the Great King's Credential to the Zyuohgers. TV STORY-Ep. 28: The Space Pirates Return Their powers were returned when the Gokaigers left for space once more having achieved their quest.
TV STORY-Ep. 29: The Monarch of the Monarchs
Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

The 38 Reds appear before the Ninningers and Zyuohgers.
Go-On Red appeared as part of a conference of the first 38 Reds whom addressed the Ninningers and Zyuohgers. TV STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai
Chou Super Hero Taisen[]
Iterations of the Engine Sentai Go-Onger existed within the Game World among a countless complement of recreated Sentai and Rider characters; both Go-On Yellow and Go-On Green participated in the Chou Super Hero Taisen
tournament as part of Team Woman
and Team Highspeed
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
Sosuke had met the Boonboomgers and helped them in their battle with Geta Grumer. The other Go-Ongers were in Machine World attending Engine Machalcon's wedding and Sosuke left with Speedor, Bus-On, and Bearrv to attend the wedding after saying goodbye to the Boonboomgers.

Civilian Go-Ongers.
Go-On Red | Sosuke Esumi |
Go-On Blue | Renn Kosaka |
Go-On Yellow | Saki Royama |
Go-On Green | Hant Jo |
Go-On Black | Gunpei Ishihara |
Go-On Gold | Hiroto Suto |
Go-On Silver | Miu Suto |
Sosuke Esumi
Renn Kosaka
Saki Royama
Hant Jo
Gunpei Ishihara
Hiroto Suto
Miu Suto
Transformation Devices[]
- Transformation Cellular Go-Phone ��◆◆
- Transformation Brace Shift Changer ◆◆
- Transformation Grip Wing Trigger ◆◆
Multi-Use Devices[]
- Self-Changing Mantan Gun ◆◆◆◆◆
- Handle Blaster ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
- Wing Booster ◆◆
Individual Weapons and Team Blasters[]
- Super Highway Buster ◆◆◆◆◆
- Highway Buster ◆◆◆
- Junction Rifle ◆◆
- Bridge Axe ◆
- Cowl Laser ◆
- Kankan Mantan Gun
Engine System[]

The Engines.
- Characters:Engines
- Legend:◆ piloted mecha, ● partner-piloted mecha/other mecha, ◇ unpiloted mecha; see Style Guide for rules on icon colors
- Engine Gattai Engine-O G12 ◆◆◆◆◆●◆◆●◆●●
- Engine Gattai Engine-O G9 ◆◆◆◆◆●◆◆●
- Engine Gattai Kyoretsu-O ◆●●
- Armored Wheel GoRoader GT ◇
- Engine Dai-Shogun ◆◆◆
Additional Formations[]
- Engine Busou Engine-O Birca ◆◆◆◆
- Engine Busou Engine-O Gunpherd ◆◆◆◆
- Engine Busou Engine-O Jetriptor ◆◆◆◆◆
- Engine Busou Engine-O Jetras ◆◆◆◆
- Miracle Engine Gattai Engine-O G7 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
- Samurai Formation 23 (see Mecha (Shinkenger)) ◆◆◆◆◆●◆◆●◆●●◆◆◆◆◆❖❖❖❖◆◆
- Byunbyum Mach Robo Go-On Custom ◆●
Behind the Scenes[]
to be added
to be added
to be added
Legend Sentai Devices[]
- "Go-Onger!"
- ―Mobilates' Gokai Change announcement[src]
Any of these keys allow a Gokaiger to assume the form of any of the Go-Ongers or summon Engine Machalcon and combine with GokaiOh to form Go-On GokaiOh. Note: The Go-On Red Key is first used by Gokai Red in Epic on Ginmaku.
- Go-On Red Key (ゴーオンレッドキー Gōon Reddo Kī)
- Go-On Blue Key (ゴーオンブルーキー Gōon Burū Kī)
- Go-On Yellow Key (ゴーオンイエローキー Gōon Ierō Kī)
- Go-On Green Key (ゴーオングリーンキー Gōon Gurīn Kī)
- Go-On Black Key (ゴーオンブラックキー Gōon Burakku Kī)
- Go-On Wings Key (ゴーオンウイングスキー Gōon Uingusu Kī): Combined form of the Go-On Gold and Silver Keys when Gai couldn't decide which to choose.
- Go-On Gold Key (ゴーオンゴールドキー Gōon Gōrudo Kī)
- Go-On Silver Key (ゴーオンシルバーキー Gōon Shirubā Kī)

Go-Onger Ressha
(Speedor Ressha)

Go-Onger Ressha (SG)
The Legend Sentai Ressha (レジェンド戦隊レッシャー Rejendo Sentai Ressha) are Ressha based on the mecha, specifically those belonging to the Red heroes, of the ToQgers' predeceeding Super Sentai teams. They can form a unique combination of ToQ-Oh reminiscent of past Sentai Robos by switching with Red Ressha. The ToQ Changer toy is shown to have sounds for Legend Ressha of all 37 previous Sentai.
The Go-Onger Ressha (ゴーオンジャーレッシャー Gōonjā Ressha) - The Ressha associated with the Go-Ongers, based off of Go-On Red's Engine Speedor; when replacing Red Ressha in ToQ-Oh, it forms ToQ-Oh Engine-O. Also appears as an SG Ressha.The Go-OngerSoul (ゴーオンジャーソウル GōonjāSōru) as yet only exists as an unused sound in the Ryusoulgers' Ryusoul Ken.[1][2]
- "32 Ban!"
- ―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle
- "Baban! Baban! Baban! Baban! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ban! Go-Onger!"
- ―Past Sentai ability announcement
The Go-Onger Gear (ゴーオンジャーギア Gōonjā Gia) is one of many Sentai Gears used by the Zenkaigers to battle the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo.
- Geartlinger: TBA
- Geardalinger: Grants the users and another's weapons the Mission Six state of the Rocket Daggers, granting flight while being able to attack.
- "32 Ban!"
- ―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle
- "Go-Onger!"
- ―Past Sentai summoning announcement
The Dark Go-Onger Gear (ゴーオンジャーギア Gōonjā Gia) is one of many Dark Sentai Gears used by Stacaesar.
- Hero Side:
- Stacaesar: Summons copies of the Go-Ongers.
- Stacaesar Kyoka: to be added
- Kikai Side: Summons a copy of Engine-O.

Go-Onger Avataro Gear
- "Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Go-Onger!"
- ―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Donblaster[src]
- "Hey yo! Engine Sentai! (へいよっ! 炎神戦隊! Hei Yo! Enjin Sentai!)"
- ―Activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]
- "Parry Time! (air horns) Go-Onger!"
- ―Finisher activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]
- "Hissatsu Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]
- "Hiden Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]
- "Dora Dora Dora Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora! Legend Sentai!"
- ―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Netsuretsu Kangei! Legend Sentai! Sheishei! (熱烈歓迎! レジェンド戦隊! 謝謝! Netsuretsu Kangei! Rejendo Sentai! Sheishei!)"
- ―Activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Parry Time! (Chinese music) Legend Sentai!"
- ―Finisher activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Dragon Ōgi! Legend Tsuki! Ah-tatatatatata!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]
- "Tiger Ōgi! Legend Giri! Howattah!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]
- "Donbura Ōgi! Legend Tsuki! Ah-tatatatatata!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]
- "Donbura Ōgi! Legend Giri! Howattah!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]
- "Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Go-Onger! Festival Time!"
- ―Omikoshi Phoenix-equipped Avataro Gear equipping announcement while spinning the gear[src]
- "(traditional music remix) Kiwami! Super Sentai! (
極 ! スーパー戦隊 ! Kiwami! Sūpā Sentai!)" - ―Activation announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- "Chou! Festival Time! Seiya! Seiya! Seiya, Seiya, Seiya, Seiya!"
- ―Finisher standby announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- "LegenDonburako! (レジェンドンブラコ! RejenDonburako!)"
- ―Finisher announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- Go-Onger Avataro Gear (ゴーオンジャーアバタロウギア Gōonjā Abatarō Gia) - Allows a Donbrother to assume the form of one of the Go-Ongers. Dropped from Engineking after its defeat.

Gokaiger as Go-Onger & Go-On Wings
Gokaiger/Go-Onger Gokai Change
Go-On Red | Captain Marvelous |
Go-On Blue | Joe Gibken |
Go-On Yellow | Luka Millfy |
Go-On Green | Don Dogoier |
Go-On Black | Ahim de Famille (female version) |
Go-On Wings | Gai Ikari (hybrid) |
Donbrothers/Go-Onger Avatar Change
Go-On Red | Taro Momoi |
Go-On Blue | Shinichi Saruhara |
Go-On Yellow | Haruka Kitou |
Go-On Green | N/A |
Go-On Black | Tsubasa Inuzuka |
Go-On Gold/Silver | Jiro Momotani/Dangerous Jiro |
- The roll call for Go-Ongers all end in "-kai".
- The first kana in the Go-ongers' surnames spell ecology (「え・こ・ろ・じ・い」(エコロジー) "E-Ko-Ro-Ji-I" (ekorojī)).
- Together, the Go-ongers' and the Go-on Wings surnames spell ecologist (「え・こ・ろ・じ・い・すとう」(エコロジスト) "E-Ko-Ro-Ji-I-Sutō" (ekorojisuto)).
Engine Sentai Go-Onger
- GP 01: Allies of Justice
- GP 02: Reckless Guys
- GP 03: Basic Investigation
- GP 04: Engine Trouble
- GP 05: Unhappy Sometimes!?
- GP 06: The Maiden's Heart
- GP 07: Partner Amigo
- GP 08: The Greatest Miracle
- GP 09: Tomorrow's There
- GP 10: Starting Alright
- GP 11: Radio Jack
- GP 12: Sosuke Banki!?
- GP 13: Tank Full of Chivalry
- GP 14: Doki Doki Every Day
- GP 15: Engine Stall
- GP 16: Honor Recovery
- GP 17: Wings of Justice
- GP 18: Commoner Hero
- GP 19: Gunpei's True Intentions
- GP 20: Siblings Battle!?
- GP 21: Childish Guys
- GP 22: Last Wish
- GP 23: Wreckless Flash
- GP 24: First Smile
- GP 25: Goodbye Mother
- GP 26: Love Relationship
- GP 27: Granddaughter Hant!?
- GP 28: Partner Gunpei
- GP 29: Stop Hiroto
- GP 30: Punch of Friendship
- GP 31: Idol Debut
- Engine Sentai Go-Onger: Boom Boom! Bang Bang! GekijōBang!!
- GP 32: Search for Treasure
- GP 33: Primeval Engines
- GP 34: Devilish Woman
- GP 35: Engines' Bonds
- GP 36: Sosuke… Eternally
- GP 37: Engine Banki!?
Engine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger
- GP 38: The Maidens' Sanctity
- GP 39: Nostalgic Children
- GP 40: Shogun Revival
- GP 41: Advanced Childcare
- GP 42: Campus Secret
- GP 43: End-of-Year Big Cleanup
- GP 44: Protect Christmas Eve
- GP 45: Hatsuyume Plans!?
- GP 46: Runaway Bomper
- GP 47: Ministry Shake-Up
- GP 48: Justice Dissolution
- GP 49: Final Battle
- GP Final: Road of Justice
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
- Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear
- Ep. 5: Judgement Pirates (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 15: A Privateer Appears (Ranger Key Clone only)
- Ep. 16: Clash! Sentai vs. Sentai (Ranger Key Clone only)
Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
- Ep. 18: The Big Abare with the Dinosaur Robot Drill (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 19: Armor of the 15 Warriors (Gokai Change only)
- Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger the Movie: The Flying Ghost Ship (represented by Saki Royama and Miu Suto)
- Ep. 31: Crash!! Secret Operations (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 35: Dimension on the Other Side (represented by Sosuke Esumi)
- Ep. 36: Partner Pirate (represented by Sosuke Esumi)
- Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Do This Goldenly! Roughly! 36 Round Gokai Change!! (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 40: The Future is the Past (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 41: Something I Don't Want to Lose (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 45: The Confused Ninja (Gokai Change only)
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Uchuu Keiji Gavan: The Movie
(Gokai Change only)
- Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates (represented by Miu Suto)
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The Movie (Gokai Change only)
Super Sentai Battle: Ranger Cross[]
As the fourth most recent Super Sentai team (at the time), the Go-Ongers were one of the five teams featured in Super Sentai Battle: Ranger Cross. The Go-On Wings appeared as well.
Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]
The Go-Ongers are among all the Sentai teams which appear in the arcade game Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O
Super Sentai Battle Base[]
The Go-Ongers are among all the Sentai teams which appear in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base.
Super Sentai Legend Wars[]

Go-Onger as seen in Super Sentai Legend Wars.
See Also[]
- Ranger Operators - Power Rangers counterpart in RPM. See comparison page.
Sosuke Esumi -
Miu Suto -
Saki Royama -
Hiroto Suto -
Water Pollution Minister Kegalesia -
Hant Jo -
Gunpei Ishihara -
Renn Kosaka
All items (10)