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Pokémon Wiki
Shadow Claw
Shadow Claw SV
Shadow Claw
Generation: IV
Battle Data
Type: Type Ghost
Category Physical
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15, max: ?
Affects: Selected target
Secondary Effect: High critical hit ratio
Contact: Yes
Affected by
Magic Coat: No
Magic Bounce: No
Bright Powder: Yes
Protect/Detect: Yes
Snatch: No
Mirror Move: Yes
King's Rock: Yes
Contest Data
Contest Spectaculars (ORAS)
Type: Cute

Shadow Claw (Japanese: シャドークロー, HepburnShadow Claw) is a damaging Ghost-type move introduced in Generation IV that has a high critical-hit ratio.


Games Description
DPPtHGSS The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. Critical hits land more easily.
LA The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.
SV The user attacks by slashing the target with a sharp claw made from shadows. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.


Shadow Claw inflicts damage and has an increased critical-hit ratio.


By leveling up[]

Pokémon Type Egg groups Level
0006 Charizard fire/flying Monster/Dragon 1 1 1 1SMUSUM
0292 Shedinja bug/ghost Mineral 1SwShBDSP
0302 Sableye dark/ghost Human-Like 39 39 39XY
29 33SwShBDSP 33
0352 Kecleon normal Field 55DP
49 49XY
33 33BDSP
0487 Giratina ghost/dragon Undiscovered 80DPPt
42 42 42 42SwShBDSP
0563 Cofagrigus ghost Mineral/Amorphous 1, Evo.SwSh
0570A Zorua normal/ghost Field 34LA
0571A Zoroark normal/ghost Field 34LA Evo.
0709 Trevenant ghost/grass Grass/Amorphous 55 1, Evo. 1, Evo.SwSh
0778 Mimikyu ghost/fairy Amorphous 37 42SwSh 42
0867 Runerigus ground/ghost Mineral/Amorphous 1, Evo.SwSh
0937 Ceruledge fire/ghost Human-Like Evo.
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM[]

Pokémon Type Egg groups Machine
0004 Charmander fire Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0005 Charmeleon fire Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0006 Charizard fire/flying Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0019A Rattata dark/normal Field TM65
0020A Raticate dark/normal Field TM65
0027 Sandshrew ground Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0027A Sandshrew ice/steel Field TM65 TM65
0028 Sandslash ground Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0028A Sandslash ice/steel Field TM65 TM65
0029 Nidoran♀ poison Monster/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0030 Nidorina poison Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0031 Nidoqueen poison/ground Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0032 Nidoran♂ poison Monster/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0033 Nidorino poison Monster/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0034 Nidoking poison/ground Monster/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0050 Diglett ground Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0050A Diglett ground/steel Field TM65 TM65 TM061
0051 Dugtrio ground Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0051A Dugtrio ground/steel Field TM65 TM65 TM061
0052 Meowth normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0052A Meowth dark Field TM65 TM65 TM061
0052B Meowth steel Field TM65 TM061
0053 Persian normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0053A Persian dark Field TM65 TM65 TM061
0054 Psyduck water Water 1/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0055 Golduck water Water 1/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0056 Mankey fighting Field TM061
0057 Primeape fighting Field TM061
0093 Haunter ghost/poison Amorphous TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0094 Gengar ghost/poison Amorphous TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0112 Rhydon ground/rock Monster/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0115 Kangaskhan normal Monster TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0151 Mew psychic Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0157 Typhlosion fire Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0157A Typhlosion fire/ghost Field TM061
0158 Totodile water Monster/Water 1 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0159 Croconaw water Monster/Water 1 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0160 Feraligatr water Monster/Water 1 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0161 Sentret normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0162 Furret normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0190 Aipom normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0214 Heracross bug/fighting Bug TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0215 Sneasel dark/ice Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0215A Sneasel fighting/poison Field TM061
0216 Teddiursa normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0217 Ursaring normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0248 Tyranitar rock/dark Monster TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0255 Torchic fire Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0256 Combusken fire/fighting Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0257 Blaziken fire/fighting Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0263 Zigzagoon normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0263A Zigzagoon dark/normal Field TM65
0264 Linoone normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0264A Linoone dark/normal Field TM65
0287 Slakoth normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0288 Vigoroth normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0289 Slaking normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0292 Shedinja bug/ghost Mineral TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0302 Sableye dark/ghost Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0304 Aron steel/rock Monster TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0305 Lairon steel/rock Monster TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0306 Aggron steel/rock Monster TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0335 Zangoose normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0348 Armaldo rock/bug Water 3 TM65
0352 Kecleon normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0354 Banette ghost Amorphous TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0359 Absol dark Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0371 Bagon dragon Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0372 Shelgon dragon Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0373 Salamence dragon/flying Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0379 Registeel steel Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0380 Latias dragon/psychic Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0381 Latios dragon/psychic Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0383 Groudon ground Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0384 Rayquaza dragon/flying Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0390 Chimchar fire Field/Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0391 Monferno fire/fighting Field/Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0392 Infernape fire/fighting Field/Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0394 Prinplup water Water 1/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0395 Empoleon water/steel Water 1/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0424 Ambipom normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0431 Glameow normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0432 Purugly normal Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0434 Stunky poison/dark Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0435 Skuntank poison/dark Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0443 Gible dragon/ground Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0444 Gabite dragon/ground Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0445 Garchomp dragon/ground Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0447 Riolu fighting Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0448 Lucario fighting/steel Field/Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0461 Weavile dark/ice Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0464 Rhyperior ground/rock Monster/Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0475 Gallade psychic/fighting Human-Like/Amorphous TM061
0483 Dialga steel/dragon Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0484 Palkia water/dragon Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0487 Giratina ghost/dragon Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0491 Darkrai dark Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP
0493 Arceus normal Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65BDSP TM061
0509 Purrloin dark Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0510 Liepard dark Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0511 Pansage grass Field TM65 TM65 TM65
0512 Simisage grass Field TM65 TM65 TM65
0513 Pansear fire Field TM65 TM65 TM65
0514 Simisear fire Field TM65 TM65 TM65
0515 Panpour water Field TM65 TM65 TM65
0516 Simipour water Field TM65 TM65 TM65
0529 Drilbur ground Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0530 Excadrill ground/steel Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0542 Leavanny bug/grass Bug TM65 TM65 TM65
0551 Sandile ground/dark Field TM061
0552 Krokorok ground/dark Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0553 Krookodile ground/dark Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0557 Dwebble bug/rock Bug/Mineral TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0558 Crustle bug/rock Bug/Mineral TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0563 Cofagrigus ghost Mineral/Amorphous TM65
0566 Archen rock/flying Flying/Water 3 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0567 Archeops rock/flying Flying/Water 3 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0570 Zorua dark Field TM061
0570A Zorua normal/ghost Field TM061
0571 Zoroark dark Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0571A Zoroark normal/ghost Field TM061
0598 Ferrothorn grass/steel Grass/Mineral TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0610 Axew dragon Monster/Dragon TM061
0611 Fraxure dragon Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0612 Haxorus dragon Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0613 Cubchoo ice Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0614 Beartic ice Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0621 Druddigon dragon Dragon/Monster TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0624 Pawniard dark/steel Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0625 Bisharp dark/steel Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0627 Rufflet normal/flying Flying TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0628 Braviary normal/flying Flying TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0628A Braviary psychic/flying Flying TM061
0631 Heatmor fire Field TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0632 Durant bug/steel Bug TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0643 Reshiram dragon/fire Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0644 Zekrom dragon/electric Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0646 Kyurem dragon/ice Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0646A Kyurem dragon/ice Undiscovered TM65B2W2 TM65 TM65 TM65
0646B Kyurem dragon/ice Undiscovered TM65B2W2 TM65 TM65 TM65
0648 Meloetta normal/psychic Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0649 Genesect bug/steel Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65 TM65
0650 Chespin grass Field TM65 TM65 TM061
0651 Quilladin grass Field TM65 TM65 TM061
0652 Chesnaught grass/fighting Field TM65 TM65 TM061
0674 Pancham fighting Field/Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65
0675 Pangoro fighting/dark Field/Human-Like TM65 TM65 TM65
0679 Honedge steel/ghost Mineral TM65 TM65 TM65
0680 Doublade steel/ghost Mineral TM65 TM65 TM65
0681 Aegislash steel/ghost Mineral TM65 TM65 TM65
0688 Binacle rock/water Water 3 TM65 TM65 TM65
0689 Barbaracle rock/water Water 3 TM65 TM65 TM65
0708 Phantump ghost/grass Grass/Amorphous TM65 TM65 TM65
0709 Trevenant ghost/grass Grass/Amorphous TM65 TM65 TM65
0714 Noibat flying/dragon Flying/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0715 Noivern flying/dragon Flying/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM65 TM061
0717 Yveltal dark/flying Undiscovered TM65 TM65 TM65
0722 Rowlet grass/flying Flying TM65 TM65 TM061
0723 Dartrix grass/flying Flying TM65 TM65 TM061
0724 Decidueye grass/ghost Flying TM65 TM65 TM061
0724A Decidueye grass/fighting Flying TM061
0725 Litten fire Field TM65 TM65
0726 Torracat fire Field TM65 TM65
0727 Incineroar fire/dark Field TM65 TM65
0745A Lycanroc rock Field TM061
0757 Salandit poison/fire Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM061
0758 Salazzle poison/fire Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65 TM061
0760 Bewear normal/fighting Field TM65 TM65
0768 Golisopod bug/water Bug/Water 3 TM65 TM65
0772 Type: Null normal Undiscovered TM65 TM65
0773 Silvally normal Undiscovered TM65 TM65
0775 Komala normal Field TM65 TM061
0778 Mimikyu ghost/fairy Amorphous TM65 TM65 TM061
0780 Drampa normal/dragon Monster/Dragon TM65 TM65
0781 Dhelmise ghost/grass Mineral TM65 TM65
0782 Jangmo-o dragon Dragon TM65 TM65
0783 Hakamo-o dragon/fighting Dragon TM65 TM65
0784 Kommo-o dragon/fighting Dragon TM65 TM65
0792 Lunala psychic/ghost Undiscovered TM65 TM65
0799 Guzzlord dark/dragon Undiscovered TM65 TM65
0800 Necrozma psychic Undiscovered TM65 TM65
File:0800DM.png Necrozma psychic/steel Undiscovered TM65USUM TM65
File:0800DW.png Necrozma psychic/ghost Undiscovered TM65USUM TM65
0802 Marshadow fighting/ghost Undiscovered TM65 TM65
0804 Naganadel poison/dragon Undiscovered TM65USUM TM65
0806 Blacephalon fire/ghost Undiscovered TM65USUM TM65
0828 Thievul dark Field TM65
0858 Hatterene psychic/fairy Fairy TM65 TM061
0860 Morgrem dark/fairy Fairy/Human-Like TM65 TM061
0861 Grimmsnarl dark/fairy Fairy/Human-Like TM65 TM061
0862 Obstagoon dark/normal Field TM65
0863 Perrserker steel Field TM65 TM061
0867 Runerigus ground/ghost Mineral/Amorphous TM65
0901 Ursaluna ground/normal Field TM061
0903 Sneasler fighting/poison Field TM061
0906 Sprigatito grass Field/Grass TM061
0907 Floragato grass Field/Grass TM061
0908 Meowscarada grass/dark Field/Grass TM061
0911 Skeledirge fire/ghost Field TM061
0917 Tarountula bug Bug TM061
0918 Spidops bug Bug TM061
0924 Tandemaus normal Field/Fairy TM061
0925 Maushold normal Field/Fairy TM061
0937 Ceruledge fire/ghost Human-Like TM061
0945 Grafaiai poison/normal Field TM061
0950 Klawf rock Water 3 TM061
0979 Annihilape fighting/ghost Field TM061
0983 Kingambit dark/steel Human-Like TM061
1005 Roaring Moon dragon/dark Undiscovered TM061
1006 Iron Valiant fairy/fighting Undiscovered TM061
1007 Koraidon fighting/dragon Undiscovered TM061
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

Special move[]

Generation IV[]


Main games

Main series

Pokémon Adventures
