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Pokémon Wiki
0003Venusaur Red and Green
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Gen IV in use
Foresight IV
Thought Read
Generation: II
Battle Data
Type: Type Normal
Category Status
Power: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
PP: 40, max: ?
Affects: 2 foes
Secondary Effect: None
Priority: 0
Contact: No
Affected by
Magic Coat: Yes
Magic Bounce: Yes
Bright Powder: No
Protect/Detect: Yes
Snatch: No
Mirror Move: Yes
King's Rock: No
Contest Data
Contests (RSE)
Type: Smart
Appeal: 3 ♥♥♥
Jam: 0
Super Contests (DPPt)
Type: Smart
Appeal: 1
Contest Spectaculars (ORAS)
Type: Smart

Foresight is a Normal-type move from Generation II. Foresight is able to identify the enemy's Pokémon and allows you to hit the enemy with moves that wouldn't normally work, for example: Normal and Fighting types moves would not be able to damage Ghost types.


Games Description
GSC Negates accuracy reduction moves.
RSE Negates the foe's efforts to heighten evasiveness.
FRLG Completely negates the foe's efforts to heighten its ability to evade.
DPPtHGSS Enables the user to hit a Ghost type with any type of move. It also enables the user to hit an evasive foe.
BWB2W2 Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also enables an evasive target to be hit.
Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. This also enables an evasive target to be hit.


Main games

Main series
Spin-offs and shorts

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