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Pokémon Wiki
ダメおし Make Sure
Assurance SV
Introduced: Generation IV
Battle Data
Type: Type Dark
Category: Type Physical
Power: 60[1]
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10, max: 16
Priority: 0
Contact: Yes
Affected by
Magic Coat: No
Magic Bounce: No
Bright Powder: Yes
Detect/Protect: Yes
Snatch: No
Mirror Move: Yes
King's Rock: Yes
Contest Data
Super Contests (DPPt)
Condition: Beauty
Appeal: 2 ♥♥
Earns double the score on the final performance.
Contest Spectaculars (ORAS)
Condition: Beautiful
Appeal: 1
Jam: 1
Works better the later it is used in a turn.

Assurance is a Dark-type move introduced in Generation IV.


Games Description
DPPtHGSS If the foe has already taken some damage in the same turn, this attack's power is doubled.
If the target has already taken some damage in the same turn, this attack's power is doubled.


In battle[]

Assurance does damage to the target. If the target has already taken damage in the same turn, Assurance will do double the damage. In a Double Battle, Assurance can target any Pokémon around the user. In a Triple Battle, Assurance can only target a Pokémon that's adjacent to the user.


By leveling up[]

Pokémon Type Egg groups Level
0015 Beedrill bug/poison Bug 34 34 34 26SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0019 Rattata normal Field 25 25 25 19SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0019A Rattata dark/normal Field 19SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0020 Raticate normal Field 29 29 29 19SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0020A Raticate dark/normal Field 19SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0021 Spearow normal/flying Flying 29 29 29 22SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0022 Fearow normal/flying Flying 35 35 35 23SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0052 Meowth normal Field 41 41 41 41SMUSUM 24 {{{11}}}
0052A Meowth dark Field 41SMUSUM 24 {{{11}}}
0053 Persian normal Field 49 49 49 49SMUSUM 24 {{{11}}}
0053A Persian dark Field 49SMUSUM 24 {{{11}}}
0056 Mankey fighting Field 25 25 25 26SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0057 Primeape fighting Field 25 25 25 26SMUSUM {{{11}}}
0109 Koffing poison Amorphous 15 15BW
12 12SMUSUM 16 {{{11}}}
0110 Weezing poison Amorphous 15 15BW
12 12SMUSUM 16 {{{11}}}
0110A Koffing poison/fairy Amorphous 16 {{{11}}}
0128 Tauros normal Field 15 {{{11}}}
0197 Umbreon dark Field 43 43BW
25 25 25 {{{11}}}
0198 Murkrow dark/flying Flying 25 25 25 25 {{{11}}}
0203 Girafarig normal/psychic Field 28 28 28XY
10 {{{11}}}
0232 Donphan ground Field 31 31 31XY
15 {{{11}}}
0252 Treecko grass Monster/Dragon 18 {{{11}}}
0253 Grovyle grass Monster/Dragon 20 {{{11}}}
0254 Sceptile grass Monster/Dragon 20 {{{11}}}
0261 Poochyena dark Field 29 29 29XY
22 {{{11}}}
0262 Mightyena dark Field 32 32 32XY
24 {{{11}}}
0318 Carvanha water/dark Water 2 26 26 26XY
15 {{{11}}}
0319 Sharpedo water/dark Water 2 26 26 26XY
15 {{{11}}}
0408 Cranidos rock Monster 24 24 24 24 {{{11}}}
0409 Rampardos rock Monster 24 24 24 24 {{{11}}}
0461 Weavile dark/ice Field 1 1 1 1 1 {{{11}}}
0498 Tepig fire Field 31 31 31 {{{11}}}
0499 Pignite fire/fighting Field 36 36 36 {{{11}}}
0500 Emboar fire/fighting Field 38 38 38 {{{11}}}
0509 Purrloin dark Field 28 28 28 21 {{{11}}}
0510 Liepard dark Field 31 31 31 23 {{{11}}}
0527 Woobat psychic/flying Field/Flying 12 12 12 25 {{{11}}}
0528 Swoobat psychic/flying Field/Flying 1, 12 1, 12 1, 12 25 {{{11}}}
0551 Sandile ground/dark Field 16 16 16 {{{11}}}
0552 Krokorok ground/dark Field 16 16 16 {{{11}}}
0553 Krookodile ground/dark Field 16 16 16 {{{11}}}
0610 Axew dragon Monster/Dragon 7 7 7 9 {{{11}}}
0611 Fraxure dragon Monster/Dragon 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 9 {{{11}}}
0612 Haxorus dragon Monster/Dragon 1, 7 1, 7 1, 7 9 {{{11}}}
0624 Pawniard dark/steel Human-Like 33 33 33 25 {{{11}}}
0625 Bisharp dark/steel Human-Like 33 33 33 25 {{{11}}}
0633 Deino dark/dragon Dragon 16 {{{11}}}
0634 Zweilous dark/dragon Dragon 16 {{{11}}}
0635 Hydreigon dark/dragon Dragon 16 {{{11}}}
0802 Marshadow fighting/ghost Undiscovered 1 36 {{{11}}}
0827 Nickit dark Field 16 {{{11}}}
0828 Thievul dark Field 16 {{{11}}}
0859 Impidimp dark/fairy Fairy/Human-Like 16 {{{11}}}
0860 Morgrem dark/fairy Fairy/Human-Like 16 {{{11}}}
0861 Grimmsnarl dark/fairy Fairy/Human-Like 16 {{{11}}}
0886 Drakloak dragon/ghost Amorphous/Dragon 12 {{{11}}}
0887 Dragapult dragon/ghost Amorphous/Dragon 12 {{{11}}}
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM[]

Pokémon Type Egg groups Machine
0041 Zubat poison/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0042 Golbat poison/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0050 Diglett ground Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0050A Diglett ground/steel Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0051 Dugtrio ground Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0051A Dugtrio ground/steel Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0052 Meowth normal Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0052A Meowth dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0052B Meowth steel Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0053 Persian normal Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0053A Persian dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0068 Machamp fighting Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0083A Farfetch'd fighting Flying/Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0109 Koffing poison Amorphous TM58 {{{11}}}
0110 Weezing poison Amorphous TM58 {{{11}}}
0110A Weezing poison/fairy Amorphous TM58 {{{11}}}
0115 Kangaskhan normal Monster TM58 {{{11}}}
0123 Scyther bug/flying Bug TM58 {{{11}}}
0128 Tauros normal Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0142 Aerodactyl rock/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0145A Zapdos fighting/flying Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0146A Moltres dark/flying Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0151 Mew psychic Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0169 Crobat poison/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0197 Umbreon dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0211 Qwilfish water/poison Water 2 TM58 {{{11}}}
0212 Scizor bug/steel Bug TM58 {{{11}}}
0214 Heracross bug/fighting Bug TM58 {{{11}}}
0223 Remoraid water Water 1/Water 2 TM58 {{{11}}}
0224 Octillery water Water 1/Water 2 TM58 {{{11}}}
0225 Delibird ice/flying Water 1/Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0226 Mantine water/flying Water 1 TM58 {{{11}}}
0227 Skarmory steel/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0246 Larvitar rock/ground Monster TM58 {{{11}}}
0247 Pupitar rock/ground Monster TM58 {{{11}}}
0248 Tyranitar rock/dark Monster TM58 {{{11}}}
0252 Treecko grass Monster/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0253 Grovyle grass Monster/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0254 Sceptile grass Monster/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0255 Torchic fire Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0256 Combusken fire/fighting Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0257 Blaziken fire/fighting Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0263A Zigzagoon dark/normal Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0264A Linoone dark/normal Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0274 Nuzleaf grass/dark Field/Grass TM58 {{{11}}}
0275 Shiftry grass/dark Field/Grass TM58 {{{11}}}
0303 Mawile steel/fairy Field/Fairy TM58 {{{11}}}
0318 Carvanha water/dark Water 2 TM58 {{{11}}}
0319 Sharpedo water/dark Water 2 TM58 {{{11}}}
0359 Absol dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0416 Vespiquen bug/flying Bug TM58 {{{11}}}
0427 Buneary normal Field/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0428 Lopunny normal Field/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0434 Stunky poison/dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0435 Skuntank poison/dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0451 Skorupi poison/bug Bug/Water 3 TM58 {{{11}}}
0452 Drapion poison/dark Bug/Water 3 TM58 {{{11}}}
0453 Croagunk poison/fighting Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0454 Toxicroak poison/fighting Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0461 Weavile dark/ice Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0482 Azelf psychic Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0509 Purrloin dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0510 Liepard dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0527 Woobat psychic/flying Field/Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0528 Swoobat psychic/flying Field/Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0545 Scolipede bug/poison Bug TM58 {{{11}}}
0550 Basculin water Water 2 TM58 {{{11}}}
0551 Sandile ground/dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0552 Krokorok ground/dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0553 Krookodile ground/dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0556 Maractus grass Grass TM58 {{{11}}}
0559 Scraggy dark/fighting Field/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0560 Scrafty dark/fighting Field/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0566 Archen rock/flying Flying/Water 3 TM58 {{{11}}}
0567 Archeops rock/flying Flying/Water 3 TM58 {{{11}}}
0570 Zorua dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0571 Zoroark dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0597 Ferroseed grass/steel Grass/Mineral TM58 {{{11}}}
0598 Ferrothorn grass/steel Grass/Mineral TM58 {{{11}}}
0599 Klink steel Mineral TM58 {{{11}}}
0600 Klang steel Mineral TM58 {{{11}}}
0601 Klinklang steel Mineral TM58 {{{11}}}
0610 Axew dragon Monster/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0611 Fraxure dragon Monster/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0612 Haxorus dragon Monster/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0613 Cubchoo ice Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0614 Beartic ice Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0620 Mienshao fighting Field/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0624 Pawniard dark/steel Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0625 Bisharp dark/steel Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0627 Rufflet normal/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0628 Braviary normal/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0629 Vullaby dark/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0630 Mandibuzz dark/flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0633 Deino dark/dragon Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0634 Zweilous dark/dragon Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0635 Hydreigon dark/dragon Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0641 Tornadus flying Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0642 Thundurus electric/flying Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0649 Genesect bug/steel Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0688 Binacle rock/water Water 3 TM58 {{{11}}}
0689 Barbaracle rock/water Water 3 TM58 {{{11}}}
0696 Tyrunt rock/dragon Monster/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0697 Tyrantrum rock/dragon Monster/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0701 Hawlucha fighting/flying Flying/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0706 Goodra dragon Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0727 Incineroar fire/dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0745 Lycanroc rock Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0766 Passimian fighting Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0767 Wimpod bug/water Bug/Water 3 TM58 {{{11}}}
0768 Golisopod bug/water Bug/Water 3 TM58 {{{11}}}
0777 Togedemaru electric/steel Field/Fairy TM58 {{{11}}}
0781 Dhelmise ghost/grass Mineral TM58 {{{11}}}
0785 Tapu Koko electric/fairy Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0795 Pheromosa bug/fighting Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0802 Marshadow fighting/ghost Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0804 Naganadel poison/dragon Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0807 Zeraora electric Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0810 Grookey grass Field/Grass TM58 {{{11}}}
0811 Thwackey grass Field/Grass TM58 {{{11}}}
0812 Rillaboom grass Field/Grass TM58 {{{11}}}
0813 Scorbunny fire Field/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0814 Raboot fire Field/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0815 Cinderace fire Field/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0819 Skwovet normal Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0820 Greedent normal Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0821 Rookidee flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0822 Corvisquire flying Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0823 Corviknight flying/steel Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0827 Nickit dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0828 Thievul dark Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0833 Chewtle water Monster/Water 1 TM58 {{{11}}}
0834 Drednaw water/rock Monster/Water 1 TM58 {{{11}}}
0845 Cramorant flying/water Water 1/Flying TM58 {{{11}}}
0846 Arrokuda water Water 2 TM58 {{{11}}}
0847 Barraskewda water Water 2 TM58 {{{11}}}
0859 Impidimp dark/fairy Fairy/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0860 Morgrem dark/fairy Fairy/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0861 Grimmsnarl dark/fairy Fairy/Human-Like TM58 {{{11}}}
0862 Obstagoon dark/normal Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0863 Perrserker steel Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0865 Sirfetch'd fighting Flying/Field TM58 {{{11}}}
0870 Falinks fighting Fairy/Mineral TM58 {{{11}}}
0871 Pincurchin electric Water 1/Amorphous TM58 {{{11}}}
0874 Stonjourner rock Mineral TM58 {{{11}}}
0877 Morpeko electric/dark Field/Fairy TM58 {{{11}}}
0886 Drakloak dragon/ghost Amorphous/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0887 Dragapult dragon/ghost Amorphous/Dragon TM58 {{{11}}}
0888A Zacian fairy Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0890 Eternatus poison/dragon Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0892 Urshifu fighting/dark Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0893 Zarude dark/grass Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0894 Regieleki electric Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0896 Glastrier ice Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0897 Spectrier ghost Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0898A Calyrex psychic/ice Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
0898B Calyrex psychic/ghost Undiscovered TM58 {{{11}}}
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

Special move[]

Generation V[]

Generation VII[]


Main games


Main games


  1. ^ As of Generation VI, Assurance has a base power of 60, which prior to that had a base power of 50