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Pokémon Wiki
きりさく Slash
Slash SV
Introduced: Generation I
Battle Data
Type: Type Normal
Category: Type Physical
Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 20, max: 32
Priority: 0
Contact: Yes
Affected by
Magic Coat: No
Magic Bounce: No
Bright Powder: Yes
Detect/Protect: Yes
Snatch: No
Mirror Move: Yes
King's Rock: Yes
Contest Data
Contests (RSE)
Condition: Cool
Appeal: 3 ♥♥♥
Jam: 0
Affected by how well the appeal in front goes.
Super Contests (DPPt)
Condition: Cool
Appeal: 3 ♥♥♥
A basic performance using a move known by the Pokémon.
Contest Spectaculars (ORAS)
Condition: Cool
Appeal: 4 ♥♥♥♥
Jam: 0
Quite an appealing move.

Slash is a Normal-type move introduced in Generation I.


Games Description
GSC Has a high critical hit ratio.
RSE Slashes with claws, etc. Has a high critical-hit ratio.
FRLG The foe is slashed with claws, etc. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
DPPtHGSS The foe is attacked with a slash of claws, etc. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily.
SMUSUMPE The opponent gets attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily.


In battle[]

Slash does damage and has a high chance of being a critical hit. In a Double Battle, Slash can target any Pokémon around the user. In a Triple Battle, Slash can only target a Pokémon that's adjacent to the user.


By leveling up[]

Pokémon Type Egg groups Level
0004 Charmamder fire 30 37 37 28
0005 Charmeleon fire 33 41 41 32
0006 Charizard fire/flying 36 44 44 32
0027 Sandshrew ground 17 23 23 31
0028 Sandslash ground 17 24 24 40
0046 Paras bug/grass 34 31 31 22
0047 Parasect bug/grass 39 37 35 22
0050 Diglett ground 31 33 33 34
0051 Dugtrio ground 35 37 38 40
0052 Meowth normal 44 46 46 (RSE)
40 (FRLG)
0053 Persian normal 51 53 53 (RSE)
49 (FRLG)
0083 Farfetch'd normal/flying 39 37 41 19
0123 Scyther bug/flying 29 36 31 29
0127 Pinsir bug 49
0140 Kabuto rock/water 39
0141 Kabutops rock/water 39 40 40 40
0158 Totodile water 35 35 29
0159 Croconaw water 37 37 33
0160 Feraligatr water 38 38 37
0207 Gligar ground/flying 36 36 31
0212 Scizor bug/steel 36 31 29
0215 Sneasel dark/ice 49 50 35
0216 Teddiursa normal 36 37 29
0217 Ursaring normal 39 37 29
0227 Skarmory steel/flying 46 (DP)
42 (PtHGSS)
0255 Torchic fire 34 34
0256 Combusken fire/fighting 39 39
0257 Blaziken fire/fighting 42 42
0264 Linoone normal 41 41
0288 Vigoroth normal 31 31
0291 Ninjask bug/flying 31 31
0319 Sharpedo water/dark 33 30
0335 Zangoose normal 19 18
0347 Anorith rock/bug 49 43
0348 Armaldo rock/bug 55 46
0352 Kecleon normal 31 25 (DP)
27 (PtHGSS)
0359 Absol dark 36 36
0383 Groudon ground 20 20 (DP)
0402 Kricketune bug 26 (PtHGSS)
0416 Vespiquen bug/flying 31
0431 Glameow normal 37
0432 Purugly normal 37
0434 Stunky poison/dark 25 (DP)
22 (PtHGSS)
0435 Skuntank poison/dark 25 (DP)
22 (PtHGSS)
0443 Gible dragon/ground 25
0444 Gabite dragon/ground 28
0445 Garchomp dragon/ground 28
0469 Yanmega bug/flying 38 (DP)
43 (PtHGSS)
0475 Gallade psychic/fighting 22
0483 Dialga steel/dragon 70 (DPPt)
15 (HGSS)
0484 Palkia water/dragon 70 (DPPt)
15 (HGSS)
0487 Giratina ghost/dragon 70 (DPPt)
15 (HGSS)
0488 Cresselia psychic 47
0503 Samurott water
0509 Purrloin dark
0510 Liepard dark
0529 Drilbur ground
0530 Excadrill ground/steel
0542 Leavanny bug/grass
0557 Dwebble bug/rock
0558 Crustle bug/rock
0588 Karrablast bug
0589 Escavalier bug/steel
0595 Joltik bug/electric
0596 Galvantula bug/electric
0610 Axew dragon
0611 Fraxure dragon
0612 Haxorus dragon
0613 Cubchoo ice
0614 Beartic ice
0615 Cryogonal ice
0621 Druddigon dragon
0624 Pawniard dark/steel
0625 Bisharp dark/steel
0627 Rufflet normal/flying
0628 Braviary normal/flying
0631 Heatmor fire
0643 Reshiram dragon/fire
0644 Zekrom dragon/electric
0646 Kyurem dragon/ice
0649 Genesect bug/steel
0674 Pancham fighting
0675 Pangoro fighting/dark
0679 Honedge ghost/steel
0680 Doublade ghost/steel
0681 Aegislash ghost/steel
0686 Inkay dark/psychic
0687 Malamar dark/psychic
0688 Binacle rock/water
0689 Barbaracle rock/water
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

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Main games

Main series
Spin-offs and shorts

Pokémon Adventures

See also[]
