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Pokémon Wiki
カウンター Counter
Counter VIII
Introduced: Generation I
Battle Data
Type: Type Fighting
Category: Type Physical
Power: N/A
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 20, max: 32
Priority: N/A5
Contact: Yes
Affected by
Magic Coat: No
Magic Bounce: No
Bright Powder: Yes
Detect/Protect: Yes
Snatch: No
Mirror Move: No
King's Rock: No
Contest Data
Contests (RSE)
Condition: Tough
Appeal: 2 ♥♥
Jam: 0
Can avoid being startled by others once.
Super Contests (DPPt)
Condition: Tough
Appeal: 2 ♥♥
Earns double the score on the final performance.
Contest Spectaculars (ORAS)
Condition: Tough
Appeal: 2 ♥♥
Jam: 0
Works great if the user goes last this turn.

Counter is a Fighting-type move introduced in Generation I. It was TM18 in Generation I.


Games Description
GSC Returns a physical blow double.
RSE Retaliates any physical hit with double the power.
FRLG A retaliation move that counters any physical hit with double the power.
A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
SV A retaliatory attack that counters any physical move, inflicting double the damage taken.


In battle[]

Counter allows the user to retaliate with double the damage it had taken from a physical move. If more than one Pokémon hits the user with a physical move in a turn, Counter will target the last Pokémon to strike. Counter affects all types normally.

In the Mystery Dungeon Series, Counter grants the user the counter status condition. Pokémon with condition will return damage received from physicals attacks as long as the condition stays active. If a the Pokémon with this status is defeat, the damage that defeated it is not returned to the attacker.


By leveling up[]

Pokémon Type Egg groups Level
0006 Charizard fire/flying Monster/Dragon 1PE
0020 Raticate normal Field 1PE
0020A Raticate dark/normal Field 1PE
0028 Sandslash ground Field 1PE
0028A Sandslash ice/steel Field 1PE
0031 Nidoqueen poison/ground Undiscovered 1PE
0034 Nidoking poison/ground Monster/Field 1PE
0057 Primeape fighting Field 1PE
0068 Machamp fighting Human-Like 1PE
0107 Hitmonchan fighting Human-Like 53 50 50 51 61 1, 61 1, 61SMUSUM
40 40
0112 Rhydon ground/rock Monster/Field 1PE
0145A Zapdos fighting/flying Undiscovered 55 55
0185 Sudowoodo rock Mineral 33B2W2 33 36 40SwShBDSP 40
0202 Wobbuffet psychic Amorphous 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, Evo.
0214 Heracross bug/fighting Bug 27 30 25 25BW
19 19 25SwShBDSP 25
0237 Hitmontop fighting Human-Like 31 31 28 28 28 28 40 40
0263A Zigzagoon dark/normal Field 30
0264A Linoone dark/normal Field 38
0286 Breloom grass/fighting Fairy/Grass 28 25 25 25XY
22 22BDSP 22
0287 Slakoth normal Field 37 37 43 43XY
30 30BDSP 30
0288 Vigoroth normal Field 37 37 37 37XY
33 33BDSP 33
0289 Slaking normal Field 37 37 43 43XY
33 33BDSP 33
0307 Meditite fighting/psychic Human-Like 44ORAS 44 44BDSP 44
0308 Medicham fighting/psychic Human-Like 53ORAS 53 53BDSP 53
0335 Zangoose normal Field Rem.
0360 Wynaut psychic Undiscovered 15 15 15 15 15 1
0386B Deoxys psychic Undiscovered 50 97 97 97XY
73 73BDSP 73
0438 Bonsly rock Undiscovered 33 36 40SwShBDSP 40
0447 Riolu fighting Undiscovered 6 6 6 6 12SwShBDSP 12
0448 Lucario fighting/steel Field/Human-Like 6 6 6 6 12SwShBDSP 12
0539 Sawk fighting Human-Like 21 21 13 40
0745A Lycanroc rock Field 1, Evo. 1, Evo. Evo.
0745B Lycanroc rock Field 1USUM 1 1
0749 Mudbray ground Field 36 24 24
0750 Mudsdale ground Field 42 24 24
0771 Pyukumuku water Water 1 17 20
0794 Buzzwole bug/fighting Undiscovered 43 55
0802 Marshadow fighting/ghost Undiscovered 1 1
0813 Scorbunny fire Field/Human-Like 28 28
0814 Raboot fire Field/Human-Like 36 36
0815 Cinderace fire Field/Human-Like 38 38
0819 Skwovet normal Field 30 30
0820 Greedent normal Field 34 34
0833 Chewtle water Monster/Water 1 28 28
0834 Drednaw water/rock Field 30 30
0862 Obstagoon dark/normal Field 42
0870 Falinks fighting Fairy/Mineral 60 60
0891 Kubfu fighting Undiscovered 44 44
0892 Urshifu fighting/dark Undiscovered 44 44
0892A Urshifu fighting/water Undiscovered 44 44
0914 Quaquaval water/fighting Flying/Water 1 Rem.
0917 Tarountula bug Bug 22
0918 Spidops bug Bug 24
0979 Annihilape fighting/ghost Field 1
1007 Koraidon fighting/dragon Undiscovered 70
1014 Okidogi poison/fighting Undiscovered 32
1017 Ogerpon grass Undiscovered Rem.
1022 Iron Boulder rock/psychic Undiscovered 35
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By TM[]

Pokémon Type Egg groups Machine
0004 Charmander fire Monster/Dragon TM18
0005 Charmeleon fire Monster/Dragon TM18
0006 Charizard fire/flying Monster/Dragon TM18
0007 Squirtle water Monster/Water 1 TM18
0008 Wartortle water Monster/Water 1 TM18
0009 Blastoise water Monster/Water 1 TM18
0031 Nidoqueen poison/ground Undiscovered TM18
0034 Nidoking poison/ground Monster/Field TM18
0035 Clefairy fairy Fairy TM18
0036 Clefable fairy Fairy TM18
0039 Jigglypuff normal/fairy Fairy TM18
0040 Wigglytuff normal/fairy Fairy TM18
0054 Psyduck water Water 1/Field TM18
0055 Golduck water Water 1/Field TM18
0056 Mankey fighting Field TM18
0057 Primeape fighting Field TM18
0061 Poliwhirl water Water 1 TM18
0062 Poliwrath water/fighting Water 1 TM18
0063 Abra psychic Human-Like TM18
0064 Kadabra psychic Human-Like TM18
0065 Alakazam psychic Human-Like TM18
0066 Machop fighting Human-Like TM18
0067 Machoke fighting Human-Like TM18
0068 Machamp fighting Human-Like TM18
0074 Geodude rock/ground Mineral TM18
0075 Graveler rock/ground Mineral TM18
0076 Golem rock/ground Mineral TM18
0080 Slowbro water/psychic Monster/Water 1 TM18
0094 Gengar ghost/poison Amorphous TM18
0096 Drowzee psychic Human-Like TM18
0097 Hypno psychic Human-Like TM18
0104 Cubone ground Monster TM18
0105 Marowak ground Monster TM18
0106 Hitmonlee fighting Human-Like TM18
0107 Hitmonchan fighting Human-Like TM18
0108 Lickitung normal Monster TM18
0112 Rhydon ground/rock Monster/Field TM18
0113 Chansey normal Fairy TM18
0115 Kangaskhan normal Monster TM18
0122 Mr. Mime psychic/fairy Human-Like TM18
0124 Jynx ice/psychic Human-Like TM18
0125 Electabuzz electric Human-Like TM18
0126 Magmar fire Human-Like TM18
0143 Snorlax normal Monster TM18
0150 Mewtwo psychic Undiscovered TM18
0151 Mew psychic Undiscovered TM18
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

By breeding[]

By Move Tutor[]

Pokémon Type Egg groups Games
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.
Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move.

Special move[]

Generation II[]

Generation IV[]

Generation V[]

Generation VII[]

By event[]

Generation VII[]


Main games

Main series
