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The Punk Hazard Arc is the twenty-sixth story arc of the manga and anime One Piece, the first story arc of the Dressrosa Saga, and the third story arc of the second half of the series.

Upon finally entering the New World, the Straw Hat Pirates immediately receive a distress call from residents of Punk Hazard, who state that a samurai is attacking them. Without hesitation, Luffy sets out to the blazing island, with Vice Admiral Smoker hot on his tail. On the supposedly death-ridden and empty island, the Straw Hats soon must contend with both the G-5 Marines, led by Vice Admiral Smoker, and the mad scientist Caesar Clown, whose deadly experiments must be stopped.


Entering the New World: A Distress Call to a New Adventure[]

As the Straw Hats leave from Fish-Man Island, the crew has some free time. Nami decides to spend hers having a bath, using a new Shower Tempo as a shower with Chopper (and unknown to her, Sanji and Brook) looking on. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew has decided to go fishing. Luffy knocks out one fish but it just attracts a bigger one, and that fish attracts an even bigger eel. Zoro kills it, but the weight of the fish brings the ship to a stop. To make matters worse, an underwater maelstrom, called the White Strom, suddenly appears in front of them. The eel gets sucked into it dragging the Thousand Sunny into it.

Straw Hats Arrive in the New World

The Straw Hats arrive in the New World.

After a wild ride, the ship suddenly hits something, and the crew realizes it is a pod of Island Whales. Luffy mistakes the whale they hit for Laboon. Brook starts crying and calling out to them, though calmed down by Usopp afterwards. Nami realizes that even though they got out of the maelstrom, the current caused by the pod is still dangerous to them and they need to raise the sails to ride it. As the crew does so, Brook starts to sing Binks' Sake. This attracts the attention of a whale who gives them a ride. After a bit, the Straw Hats reach the surface. Despite the thunderous seas around them, the crew is excited for the new challenges that await them.[1]

In the distance, Luffy sees a volcano erupting on an island and decides to head there even though none of the New World Log Pose needles are pointing there. Sanji tells Luffy that he managed to cut off some meat, but the fish that they had caught had been burnt to a crisp by the sea of flames. Usopp is concerned about the Sunny, but Franky assures him that the ship will not lose. Suddenly, Luffy hears the Den Den Mushi ringing, but Robin states that there is a 50% chance that the distress signal is merely an ambush set by the Marines. Luffy decides to answer anyway and hears a man calling for help, stating that the unit is being killed by a samurai, and that they are on Punk Hazard. However, the man is presumably killed before the conversation can continue. Zoro questions Brook about the samurai, who answers that samurais are the swordsmen of Wano Country, who have a closed-door policy to outsiders and are not affiliated with the World Government. Luffy decides to go rescue him at the nearest island, the one with the volcano.

Straw Hats Riding Mini Merry Over Sea of Fire

Robin, Zoro, Luffy, and Usopp riding over the sea of flames on the Mini Merry II.

Meanwhile, on a G-5 Marine ship, Vice Admiral Smoker is commenting that while there were three islands the Straw Hats could have gone to, but they have somehow gone to Punk Hazard, which was closed off due to an incident four years ago. Back at the Sunny, the crewmates draw straws to see who will go with Luffy. Zoro, Robin and Usopp get the "winning" straws. Sanji hands Luffy a deep-sea fish lunchbox, and Nami forms a cloud road over the flames and the adventure party sets out on the Mini Merry II. While the others eat, Usopp is frightened to go to the island, stating that he has the "Can't set foot on new islands" disease.[2]

Arriving at Punk Hazard: The Adventure on the Burning Island[]

Straw Hats Arrive at Punk Hazard

The Straw Hats approach the main gate.

The four arrive at the shore, pulling Mini Merry II onto the beach and find a large metal gate bearing the World Government and Marine logos warning them to stay out. When they reach the gates of the island, Zoro cuts it down, as they trespass further. Usopp panics, warning them both that they are going to incur the wrath of the World Government, but then remembers they had already done so many times.

Despite Usopp's fear, the crew enters, finding it blazing-hot with most of the buildings melted. Looking at the structures, Robin deduces the buildings to be a former government base. As they walk along, Usopp comments on how strange it is that the man on the Den Den Mushi remarked on the coldness of the island despite the intense heat. Luffy wondered if he was just stupid, while Robin pondered if there was a cold area somewhere on this island. On the Thousand Sunny, Nami remarks that the clouds on the opposite side of the island are snow clouds, while Luffy's group finds a city half melted, still burning. As they begin to explore, they stumble upon a massive skull bigger than a giant's that had perished during this catastrophe.

Dragon Number Thirteen Anime Infobox

Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Robin encounter Dragon Number Thirteen.

Suddenly, they turn around and see a monster that they thought could only exist in fairy tales: a dragon. The dragon seemingly talks, and asks who they are.[2] Suddenly, the dragon attacks, breathing fire, forcing the Straw Hats to escape the attack. Luffy attacks the dragon but hardly deals any damage because the dragon's scales are so hard. The dragon sends Luffy flying, and Zoro starts attacking it, only to discover that not only is the dragon resistant to damage but also strong. It seemingly starts to speak again, asking them if they are allies with "that Warlord of the Sea". Luffy rockets up to the dragon's back and makes it bite its wing, wounding it and noticing some human legs on the dragon's head. Zoro is then shot into the air by Usopp and decapitates the dragon with a single slash.

Punk Hazard Hazmat Men

The Straw Hats on the Sunny are knocked out and abducted by people in hazmat suits.

Meanwhile back at the Thousand Sunny, Sanji prepares a special dish for Nami, only to realize that everybody on the ship was asleep. He realizes the scent of gas on the ship. He attempts to contact Luffy's group via a Den Den Mushi, but before reaching it, he also falls asleep. Afterwards, some strange people appear on the ship and decide to take the pirates, except for Brook, to "M", their master.

Back at Punk Hazard, Luffy decides to pull the legs out of the dragon's head in order to save him. Soon, everybody realizes that the "person" is missing half of his body. Luffy thinks that he killed him, but then hears the legs talk, and then the legs try to attack them in vain, after which the legs run away. Luffy screams at him to join the crew with Usopp yelling at his captain that he needs to stop doing that.[3]

Luffy then catches up to the legs, and gets stuck to him, calling himself a centaur. The Straw Hats then see the other side of the island, which is cold looking, and has a mountain made of ice. Usopp realizes this is where the distress call must have come from. Usopp then looks into the sky, and sees a winged woman, he tries to point it out, but she disappears, and he is the only one to see her.

Straw Hats Encounter Kids on Punk Hazard

The abducted Straw Hats encounter the captive children while trying to escape.

Meanwhile, Sanji, Chopper, Franky, and Nami wake up in a room on the island. They recall what happened on the ship before they fell asleep, and infer that they must have been carried there after they were all asleep. They then notice there are pieces of a head in the room with them. They put the head together (although his top of head and chin reversed), and the head tells them that he was cut up by someone he does not know. After finding out that they are pirates, the head exclaims that he hates pirates so much they make him sick. The head then reveals to them where they are, the frozen half of Punk Hazard. The crew decides to break out, so Franky uses his Radical Beam to blow the door down. Sanji picks up the head and arranges him correctly, revealing to be a samurai. Then the crew emerges into a room filled with giant children.[4]

One Mystery After Another: The Island's Secrets Unfold[]

The children ask if the group is part of the frozen people while most of the boys gush over seeing Franky's robotic appearance. Nami notes there are regular-sized kids there as well before the samurai asks the kids if they had seen a boy named Momonosuke. However, his appearance frightens the kids. The hazmat attackers soon reach the room, forcing Nami's group to run for it. As they do, one of the kids, a giant boy, begs the group to take them off the island. The other kids join in, telling the group that they have recovered from whatever sickness they have had and wish to go back home, which immediately concerns the Straw Hats. Nami, though at first reluctant, agrees to their pleas and vows to save them. Sanji and Franky are opposed to the idea, but when Nami declares she cannot turn her back on crying children, the lovestruck Sanji gives in and attacks their pursuers. Franky backs him up with his trademark "super" punch and they both stay behind to hold them off while Nami and Chopper run off with the kids.

Sanji and Franky Protecting Children

Sanji and Franky protecting the children.

Meanwhile, some of the hazmat crew are looking over the damage to the Straw Hat's cell conversing with their "Master," an odd floating gaseous being. The gas recognizes the melted steel as the aftermath of only one possible weapon: the lasers of Vegapunk's Pacifista, which unbeknownst to him Franky now possesses. One of his men then report one of the G-5's ships on the shore of the island, to which the gas commands that they get rid of it.

Elsewhere, the winged-woman Usopp spotted talks to someone on portable Den Den Mushi about the four intruders as she makes her way over a frozen area. With Luffy's group, Usopp speaks with Brook, who finally awakened after being gassed. He explains what happened and that he took care of his captors, but not before the Thousand Sunny was moved to the snowy section of the island. The connection cuts out before he can explain more. However, the group has bigger concerns as they have run into a centaur with the body of a leopard. He is initially friendly with Luffy believing he too is a centaur after seeing him attached to the disembodied legs. Upon finding out he is not, the centaur attacks Luffy, who easily takes him down. Robin stops another centaur, this one with the body of a giraffe, that was trying to sneak up on Luffy. Usopp checks them over and finds a Den Den Mushi with the name "CC" imprinted on it, surmising it to represent the initials of some unified centaur clan. With another mysterious clue on their hands, the group progresses to locate their friends.

Meanwhile Smoker's ship has arrived in the frozen part of the island, but the crew comment they cannot get close with poison gas in the air, confusing the recently deployed sleep gas for the alleged poisonous danger of Punk Hazard. Smoker disagrees, commenting that two years ago the island was nothing more than a poison-free barren wasteland, and correctly guesses the remnants of gas are very recent. However, that all that changed when it became the site for the battle between Aokiji and Akainu, which forever changed the climate in the aftermath of their fight of near-mythical proportions.

The G-5 Marines then discuss the gas on the island, and put on gas masks to protect themselves. The warship almost crashes into a wall of ice, but the ship manages to blast their way through.[5]

Meanwhile, Luffy's group notices a blizzard on the frozen side of the island, and Robin explains that it must be due to the temperature difference on the island itself. The crew then realizes that they need a boat to cross the river, and at first it is suggested that they ride on the other crew members' backs who do not have Devil Fruit abilities, but this is quickly refuted when Usopp uses one of his Pop Green to create a banana boat to cross the river. Usopp remarks that he gained plenty of pop greens by going deep into the Boin Archipelago. The crew gets into the boat and begin to make their way across, but one of the centaurs throws a rock at the ship right as they are rowing across the river. Luffy once again asks the centaur to join his crew, which he is scolded for by the other members; excluding Robin. The centaur then asks his boss to finish off the crew, and Usopp recognizes the term as the same one from the distress call, they received via the Den Den Mushi. The boss of the centaurs then arrives, and is shown to be a giant shadowy figure, and the crew realize that this is who the distress call was meant for. The boss then mistakes Zoro for the samurai who cut down his men.

Back in the Biscuits Room, the crew continues to fight the gas masked men. The gas masked men then prepare to unleash the gas, but are stopped by Sanji when he kicks off their masks. Sanji then notices that the men under the gas masks look like sheep. The samurai suddenly commenting that "this guy" is no easy feat much to Franky's confusion before the samurai reveals his torso is fighting someone.

Meanwhile, on Brook's side, Brook is fighting said Samurai's torso, and mistakes it for a ghost. The torso tries to attack Brook, but Brook deflects the attack and begins to run away, noting that the torso uses a two-sword style.

Meanwhile, in the Master's room, he is informed that Smoker has arrived on the island. He commands his men to hide the ships in front of the facility, and to hide themselves. He then turns into gas and puts himself inside a beaker.[6]

Warlord of the Sea vs. Marines, Straw Hats vs. Centaurs[]

Trafalgar Law on Punk Hazard

Trafalgar Law, two years later and now a Warlord.

Elsewhere, Smoker and his battalion have finally emerged onto the landmass. They arrive at a door, ready to arrest anyone who is there. Out of the door emerges Trafalgar Law, now one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Law asks Smoker why he is at his vacation home, and the Marines reveal that Law sent one hundred hearts to the World Government to get his position as a Warlord of the Sea. Smoker tells Law that even to people concerned with the government that Punk Hazard is off limits, to which Law counters that the same applies to Smoker too.[6]

Meanwhile, in Nami's group, the kids reveal that their parents asked the Punk Hazard staff to cure them, and that the staff came one day, and took them, without letting them say goodbye, due to the danger of the disease. Nami requests that Chopper check them later to see if they have really been cured, and he agrees. The group reaches a dead end, but Chopper attacks the door button, and the door opens. Nami immediately says that it is freezing in the room and asks Chopper to lend her his fur. The kids then exclaim that they do not wish to go in there, because it looks scary, and because of the fact that there is something around them. The group looks around and discovers that there are frozen bodies lined up throughout the room. Chopper and Nami then run out, with the kids following behind.

Back in the Biscuits Room, Sanji and Franky discover the lower half of the Punk Hazard staff's bodies are those of sheep. The samurai head then exclaims to Sanji to let him go, and that he will search for his son on his own, because he did not observe him in the group of kids. Sanji says he cannot do that, because he would feel guilty, and asks the samurai where his body is located. The samurai then says that he does not want to be indebted to pirates, and that he would not ask them even if he died. He then says that if on the off chance they may wish to find his body themselves, then he does not mind them looking for it. Sanji then gets angry, and almost smashes the head onto the ground, if not for Franky, and then proceeds to beating him up for previous comments.

Back in front of the facility, Tashigi plays the recording of the distress call, while Smoker and Law listen. The recording ends, and Smoker says that the distress call came from this island, without a doubt, due to the description of the island, and island name. Smoker then recalls that Law knows Luffy from the Saint Rosward incident and fought with him and Eustass Kid against the Marines. Then he recalls Law's rescue of Luffy from Marineford. Law tells Smoker that he knows of the forgery of emergency signals, but Smoker tells him that the distress call is real, to which Law replies that he knows nothing, so there is nothing to talk about. Smoker then asks Law to let him see the inside of the research facility, but Law tells him no, because it is currently his vacation home. Law tells Smoker if he sees Luffy on the island, he will hunt him down, and that there is nothing to worry about, so they should leave.

Nami's group then suddenly bursts out of the facility, which surprises everybody. Franky then busts out of the facility in his Armored Me tank form, with Sanji and the samurai head, and two children with him. The G-5 Marines, were stunned, stating that they cannot even begin to name what is weird there. Chopper then recognizes Law from Sabaody Archipelago, and accuses him of kidnapping the children, and says that Law will never get them back. Sanji also notices Smoker and Tashigi, who wonder to themselves why there are kids here. Realizing that there are Marines blocking their part, the Straw Hats redirect the children back into the facility and tell them to go towards the back door.


Law uses his powers to lift a G-5 warship.

Smoker then asks Law why he lied to him, to which Law replies that he is still surprised that they were actually there. The Marines then start to run after the Straw Hats but are stopped in shock when Law uses his Devil Fruit ability to capsize their warship. Law states that he cannot let them leave the island anymore, and Smoker begins to fight Law.[7]

At the lake in the center of the island, Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp have their plant boat shot out from under them by centaurs on the side of the lake, forcing Zoro and Usopp to support Luffy and Robin. Zoro moves to attack, but a shark drags him beneath the surface, revealing that the lake is actually an extension of the ocean due to a massive rift made by Aokiji and Akainu's duel. The centaurs prepare to finish the job, but Brook freezes their gun barrels shut, causing their weapons to backfire. This gives Zoro, Luffy, Robin, and Usopp time to defeat the sharks and emerge from the water dripping wet and frozen. They then decide to attack the centaurs and steal their warm clothes.[8]

Back at Vegapunk's former research facility, Law has sliced the warship in half and placed half of it on a rock, rendering it unusable. Law then swaps the minds of the escaping Straw Hats and steals all the Den Den Mushi from the Marines, preventing them from contacting the World Government. Smoker attacks Law, who dodges and slices up many Marines using his Devil Fruit ability. Tashigi tries to attack, despite Smoker's order, but is cut in half and has her Shigure cleaved in two by Law. Tashigi says that being cut but not dying is a shame to a swordsman, but Law tells her that weaklings cannot decide how they want to die, making her try to attack him again. The Marines shoot at Law, but he simply switches the bullets with snow at their feet, avoiding injury. Law moves to cut Tashigi again, but Smoker blocks him and smashes him to the ground with his Devil Fruit ability. Law escapes, and the two of them clash, sending the warship pieces flying and forcing the Marines to retreat.

Law Defeats Smoker

Law defeating Smoker.

Meanwhile, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, and Brook have defeated the centaurs, stolen their warm clothes, and forced their leader, Brownbeard, to carry them to the other side of the island. Back at Vegapunk's former research facility, the gaseous entity that is the master of the satyrs meets with Monet, who tells him about the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates on the island. Outside, Smoker attacks Law with his jutte, but Law dodges and uses his Mes attack to literally encase and steal Smoker's heart from his body, defeating him. At this moment, Luffy arrives and is surprised to see Law.[9]

Scrambled Hearts: The Truth of the Island[]

Luffy expresses his gratitude to Law for saving his life two years prior, and then also asks where the talking bear is, which leads to Law having a flashback to his departure from Amazon Lily. Law tells Luffy that there is no need to express gratitude, and that he just acted on a whim at the time. Law states that the two are still pirates, to which Luffy replies that he is right, and that they will be enemies if he is also going after the One Piece. Luffy then notices the unconscious marines, and notices Smoker and the hole in his chest. Tashigi, who is now attached to her body, charges after Law, but is easily stopped when Law switches Tashigi and Smoker's minds. As the Straw Hats run from the Marines, Luffy says he wants to ask Law something, to which Law replies that he should go to the back of the research facility to find what he is looking for, and that they will meet again soon. With these final words, Law re-enters the facility.

Shambles Jinkaku Ishoku Shujutsu

Law switching the personalities of the Straw Hats using his abilities.

Meanwhile, behind the research facility, Sanji goes hysterical over being in Nami's body, and the kids ask the crew if their bodies have been switched. The kids then exclaim that they are cold and cannot move any further. The samurai tells everybody to put leaves or rocks on their heads, and when they do this, they suddenly are covered with coats. The samurai explains that he ate an "unusual fruit", that gave him the power to disguise himself and others, but with the side effect that the clothes will disappear as soon as they are taken off. Suddenly, Luffy's group arrives in time to witnesses Nami in Franky's body hitting Sanji in her body.

The crew notices that the area looked destroyed due to explosives. The samurai reattaches himself to his legs, and it is explained to the crew that he is the reason the distress call was made due to him slicing up the centaurs, and that the distress call was actually meant for Brownbeard. The samurai says that he only did it to save his son, and that he sliced anybody that got in his way. He comes to the conclusion that his son must still be inside. It is then explained to Luffy that Law is now a Warlord of the Sea, much to Luffy's surprise. The samurai states that Law cut his body into pieces, and his legs accidentally ended up stuck to the dragon. It is also explained why it seemed like the legs could talk, which was due to the samurai's excessive farting. Brook then tells the group that he encountered the missing torso, but he ran away from it and does not know where it is.

Meanwhile, in the newly founded G-5 Marine shelter, Smoker, in Tashigi's body realizes what the CC he saw on the ships actually stood for. He reveals to his company that it is none other than the infamous Caesar Clown, who was a former colleague of Dr. Vegapunk, a wanted felon, and an expert on mass-murder weapons.[10]

Tashigi, in Smoker's body, reveals that there have been reports of kids dying or going missing near the island but whenever a ship was sent to investigate, it was just chalked up to a being shipwrecks. Smoker comes to the conclusion that the incidents were being falsified and there is a mole within G-5 doing it. When the squad protests, Smoker retorts that as long as humans run the world there will be no "perfect society." He orders his troops to commandeer one of the enemy's ships and notify Marine Headquarters, claiming he cannot leave the island until he gets his body and mind back away from Law's control.

Inside the facility, Caesar has called someone on the Den Den Mushi named "Joker" who has given him permission to eliminate the Straw Hats, the G-5 soldiers and someone called Kin'emon the Will-O-Wisp and sends his minions to capture them, even allowing them to use poison if they have to. Monet is curious why the Straw Hat Pirates would return to action after two years before the centaurs from before are carried into the room near freezing from having their clothes stolen. They inform Caesar that the Straw Hats captured Brownbeard. Caesar shows concern for the centaur's welfare and offers them a medicine which will heal them.

Straw Hat Body Switch

Usopp makes headbands to help identify the crewmates who were scrambled up by Law.

Meanwhile with the Straw Hats, Usopp has made mini masks for the switched members so they can tell apart who is who. Luffy talks with the tied up Brownbeard who states he loathes those that make up the "Worst Generation", which are comprised of Marshall D. Teach and the Eleven Supernovas. He reveals he lost his crew and his legs thanks to Basil Hawkins and wound up on Punk Hazard, claiming it was once an island full of greenery as well as a research facility for Vegapunk who developed weapons and drugs for the military. Some criminals were even brought to the island instead of prison for experimentation.

Around four years ago, a chemical experiment failed and destroyed two of the three labs which make up the ruins of the island. The gas released from the explosion killed the plant life and the laboratories' personnel fled, leaving behind the prisoners. Those that were in the untouched facility survived and holed up there but those unlucky few on the outside were paralyzed from the legs down by the nerve gas. Then one year later, their master, Caesar, appeared, cured them of the poison with his powers and made devices that allowed them to float off the ground.

Caesar Clown Anime Infobox

Caesar Clown's true form is finally revealed.

Brownbeard ended up on the island a year after his crew were wiped out and had given up hope when he was found by Caesar and his group. Not too long after that, Law arrived and used his abilities to replace the handicapped limbs with parts of animals. When asked about the dragon Luffy's group encountered, it was revealed it was a creature made by Vegapunk to guard the island which could adapt to any environment. The World Noble kept it as one of their own later on, though Brownbeard is unaware that Luffy's group killed it. Brownbeard then finishes that Caesar is doing research for the sake of humanity and that the Straw Hats will be caught and turned into specimens.

Back in Vegapunk's lab, one of the centaurs is taking the special treatment but all the effects only sicken him further before Caesar kills him outright. Monet claims it as a failure, but Caesar disagrees, claiming the explosion he did four years ago was part of his schemes. Caesar vows to show the World Government that he will prove he is the greatest scientist in the world.

Back with Smoker, he tells his men that Caesar was actually the one that set off the chemical incident four years ago and Vegapunk was blamed for it. He states that his work in mass murder weapons was illegal and because of how dangerous he was they arrested him, but Caesar managed to escape. Smoker states that if Caesar is continuing his research now, then there will be another incident like before if they do not stop him soon.[11]

Peek-a-Boo! Giant Children and the Snowy Mountains' Assassins[]

Back with the Straw Hats, Franky is messing around with Chopper's Point Transformations while Brook tells Sanji that the samurai with them had gone off to find his torso. Sanji, feeling responsible for the samurai, heads out to look for him with Brook accompanying (though really both want to look at Nami's panties). Nami overhears this however and forces Zoro to go with them to keep the two from abusing her body (thinking with Zoro around, Sanji will be too busy fighting with him for him to concentrate on ogling her body). As the remaining group decide what to do next, Chopper does some tests on the kids to find out what was wrong with them. One of the kids, Sind, collapses in pain. Two other giant kids do likewise. Chopper goes to Sind and asks what they would normally do at that time of day which Sind responds they would get a checkup then pieces of candy to which he would feel better afterwards.

NHC10 Side Effect

Luffy is attacked by Sind during his NHC10 withdrawal.

Chopper confronts Brownbeard on what he knows, but the former pirate, being an outdoor patrol, has no clue and honestly believes that Caesar is trying to help the kids. Chopper disagrees, showing that what he found in the kids' bodies was NHC10, a stimulant drug, that is only used by selected doctors around the world (of which was Dr. Kureha, which is why Chopper knows about it) but it highly addictive in larger dose. He surmises that the kids have been given the drug in the form of candy to keep them from running. When Luffy suggests getting the candy, Chopper refuses telling him that they cannot have the candy ever again. Sind begs Luffy to obtain some of the candy, but Luffy keeps to Chopper's orders. Sind suddenly start turning violent as if going into withdrawal, punching Luffy into a wall. When Usopp surmises that his strength is due to being a giant, the kids comment that Sind and the other kid were normal sized when they first came to the island, meaning they have been there the longest. From this Chopper deduces that the kids are being used for experiments.

As Sind and the other giant kids starts to rampage, Usopp keeps Luffy from attacking them and fires a sleeping star to stop them. With the crisis averted, Chopper begs Luffy to help save them to which Luffy agrees, though Franky rebukes them saying that it will not be easy. Robin also adding that they should get all the facts first before anything. Luffy decides to go look for Caesar while Chopper and Nami stay behind to look after the kids. To keep the giant ones from rampaging again, they tie them up with chains. Franky worries about getting their bodies back as well and that they need to find Law. Luffy jokes that it's fine the way it is prompting Nami to yell at him.

Meanwhile on the road towards the mountain leading to the research facility, we find that Zoro, Sanji, and Brook have been knocked out and giant footprints are leading away from them. Inside the research facility, Law has given Caesar Smoker's heart, much to his joy. Caesar mentions he sent soldiers the Marines' way. When asked about the Straw Hats, Caesar mentions the kids that are with them will want to come back, but, taking Monet's advice, decides not to underestimate them and dispatches two warriors who are dubbed the Killers of the Mountain: The Yeti Cool Brothers, who are, at the moment, right outside the Straw Hats' hiding spot.[12]

The brothers contact the guards to comes pick up Brook, Nami (Sanji), and Zoro claiming they have killed them before setting off after the others. Back in the main lab, Caesar has gotten word of this, Monet comments that defeating three of them felt too easy and asks Law if he knows them from two years ago. Caesar instantly accuses Law of calling them to the island, but Law states he only just found out when he ran into them at the front of the facility and would have warned Caesar otherwise. It goes into a flashback in which Law first arrived on the island and bargained to be Caesar's bodyguard in exchange for being allowed to roam free in the lab and not to tell anyone he was there, including Caesar's employer, Joker, Caesar accepted after Monet asked if he could heal the prisoners of the island. Back in the present Caesar apologizes for his outburst before Law asks about the kids. Caesar proves Chopper's theory by stating he gave them candy filled with gasses to get them to come back (to Law's disgust). Law then heads out telling Caesar and Monet to call if they need him.

Back at the Straw Hats' hiding spot, the area is being bombarded by explosions. Chopper (in Sanji's body) and (Nami in Franky's body) have been left behind with the kids as they stated before while Luffy, Robin, Usopp and Franky (in Chopper's body) have headed to the main lab. Chopper tries to spot the enemy but cannot tell where they are. Luffy's group hear the explosions and, seeing the giant footprints in the snow, head back to aid their friends. Prompted by Nami, Brownbeard reveals that their assailants are the Yeti Cool Brothers, two mercenaries who can appear and disappear in a flash and kill whatever target for the right price, even Brownbeard has not seen their faces only knowing they are covered in hair.

Scotch Prepares to Shoot Brownbeard

Scotch prepares to kill Brownbeard.

It is at that moment one of the brothers, Scotch, appears right in front of the group who did not even realize he was there till he spoke up. Scotch reveals that Brownbeard is on their kill list as well and proves it by playing a Den Den Mushi recording of Caesar giving the order dismissing him as expendable. Brownbeard breaks down crying in disbelief before Scotch shoots him point blank, presumably killing him. Luffy's group make it back, getting the brothers' attention. They fire on him, but Luffy dodges and makes to attack but before he can, he realizes they are gone, causing him to smack into the structure from his momentum.

Chopper runs up telling him that they took Nami. We find she indeed has been captured by the pair due to orders from Caesar (mostly for the Vegapunk designs on Franky's body) and that they can now kill everyone as they wish. Meanwhile in the backdoor of the facility, a guard encounters Law as he leaves the facility. When asked why he is there, Law states he will do as he pleases, leaving the sliced-up body of Caesar's defeated guard behind him.[13]

Back in the Straw Hats' hiding spot, Luffy arrives and sees Brownbeard's injured body. Chopper informs him that two mysterious figures came and attacked them, and also took Nami in Franky's Body. Luffy decides to set out, but before he does, Franky in Chopper's body decides to go as well and asks Chopper for one of the "beans" he uses to transform. Chopper gives him one of the Rumble Balls and tells him only to use it in emergency, but before he finishes his sentence, Franky transforms into Monster Point and goes into a rampage. Luffy heads out and is oblivious to the fact that Franky has gone berserk, as he instructs him to follow him.

Meanwhile in Caesar's Lab, Caesar remarks on his surprise to find out that Franky had Vegapunk's weapons and says he cannot wait to cut him open. Caesar then tells his underlings not to provoke the Marines, and to just let them take refuge, because he has a plan.

Meanwhile, behind the laboratory, Nami is screaming for the Yeti Cool Brothers to let her go, exclaiming that they will be sorry when Luffy gets there. The Brothers then explain how they have poison gas in their rifles, and how Nami's friends are going to have to follow the footprints to find them. Luffy then stumbles upon the footprints, and dodges Franky's incoming attacks. Luffy jumps off the cliff, and before being stabbed by the icicles, Luffy uses Armament (Armament) Haki to destroy the spikes from it. When Rock fires upon Luffy, the young captain says that Rayleigh taught him that just reflecting bullets was sloppy, and that instead he should bounce back the bullets with twice the power with the technique Gomu Gomu No Orei Fire. This injures Rock, but Franky continues to attack Luffy, and the Yeti Cool Brothers notice the conflict between the two and try to take advantage of it. The Brothers explain their special KYP gas bullets that cause others to become drunk in an instant, and that this is what they did to Zoro, Brook, and Sanji. The Brothers drop a glacier from the sky, but it is grabbed by Franky at the last second and hurled at Rock incapacitating him. Franky then resumes attacking Luffy, but Luffy disables him with Gomu Gomu No Elephant Gun.

Law Cuts Scotch

Law cuts Scotch in half.

Suddenly Law shows up, and at first is greeted by Scotch, but then Law bifurcates him, unleashes his Counter Shock ability and quickly defeats Scotch. Law begins explaining to Luffy about an "important key" that is stored on Punk Hazard that could throw the New World into chaos. He then asks Luffy to form an alliance with him, and that he has a plan to depose one of the Four Emperors.[14]

A Sudden Ally and a Sudden Threat: The Warlord of the Sea and the Slime[]

Nami (still in Franky's body) insists that Luffy has nothing to do with Law. Luffy accepts the offer, after Law tells him who their target is. When they go back to the rest of the crew and explain, Usopp and Chopper are fervently against it, while Robin simply agrees but warns Luffy that there is a chance that Law may betray them. When Luffy questions Law if he would, Law replies no. Luffy then proudly states that even if Law is not a "good guy," Luffy trusts his crew and their strength, shamelessly flattering them into agreeing. Law then returns Chopper and Franky's "hearts" to their bodies, while Nami's is shifted to Sanji's (much to her dismay) since her body was not present. Robin is glad that Franky is out of Chopper, while Chopper is angry at Luffy and Franky (who were blaming each other) for causing such damage to his body.

Law explains how the children were test subjects to make giants, most likely for armies, and that the project initially started with the World Government. Law's obligations suddenly increase when Luffy entreats the Warlord of the Sea for help with both the children and Kin'emon since some of his crew want to help them. At this point, Usopp chimes in and explains to Law that Luffy's view of an alliance is different from other people's. Exasperated Law agrees to help with the children, but they have to take care of the samurai themselves. When he asked for the Straw Hats doctor to come with him, Law was mortified when Usopp tied Chopper to his hat, while the rest of the crew laughs. Chopper is then tied to his nodachi instead. Law begins to explain about Caesar's potential threat and why he wants to eliminate everyone who has come to this island. He then goes on to note that only Haki users should go up against Caesar, to which Luffy replies that it left Law, Zoro, Sanji and himself. Law then continued to explain that the plan involved kidnapping Caesar and warns Luffy that once it is set in motion, they will not be able to stop, and when Luffy said that it's fine, Law requests he has to convince the rest of his crew.

Smiley Anime Infobox

Smiley released.

Meanwhile at the G-5's location, the Marines were engaged in battle against the transformed and supposedly dead former prisoners. With Smoker and Tashigi unsure of what is going on, the Marines continue to fight. Elsewhere, in Vegapunk's intact lab, a Den Den Mushi is continually ringing, which Caesar continues to ignore, knowing that it is his minions requesting help. Caesar then laughs as he decides to release his "pet" on his "visitors". In the Fire Lands, two centaurs run for their lives after opening a "door" on Caesar's orders. They desperately try to make contact as they are being chased by a giant monstrosity. Smiley, also known as Slime, then releases a cloud of what appears to be poisonous gas that seems to suffocate the centaurs.[15]

Meanwhile, Zoro, Sanji and Brook have awakened and continue with their search for the samurai, though Zoro and Brook have gotten bumps on their heads and the three argue on what attacked them. The story flashes back to an hour earlier when they had begun their search when they spotted giant footprints in the ground thinking they belong to a snowman. They followed the trail leading them to a cliff. However, it was an ambush by the Yeti Cool Brothers who had shot them with gas that caused them to become drunk. The brothers then shot the cliff causing the three to plunge to a lower cliff filled with icicle spikes. Zoro managed to remain awake long enough to cut the cliff in half for them to fall safely before passing out in midair. When Caesar's guards came to collect the bodies, Sanji managed to awaken first and defeat their captives despite being in Nami's body. He then kicked Zoro and Brook awake to continue their search.

Having told the samurai that his torso was near the lake, Brook and the others head there to look for him. They find him after unknowingly stepping on his body freezing in the snow. After waking him up, the samurai comments that he felt as if his torso had fallen into the water which caused him to freeze up. The three Straw Hats agree to go into the lake to retrieve it. When asked why pirates are going to all the trouble to help him, Sanji comments he just felt it as their responsibility and that when he gets his body back, they will have a fight. Grateful the samurai thanks them before they spot figures coming toward them revealed to be the Centaur Patrol Unit they fought earlier running from something, even ignoring the group in their retreat. Zoro realizes they are running from the direction from the lake but also points out a giant shadow in the distance.

In Caesar's lab, Caesar is telling Monet how the slime came to be; a byproduct of the accident that happened four years ago. Rather than purify the gas like he told his subordinates, Caesar had compressed the poisonous gas and turned it into a monster to be used for his whims. Meanwhile at the lab's front door, the G-5 unit is still battling Caesar's guards, successfully managing to capture a ship. However, Tashigi is trying to get a handle on Smoker's ability which is causing smoke over the area and the group cannot get the lab door open to Smoker's annoyance. At the back of Caesar's lab, Law and Chopper have arrived via Law's abilities. Law states he will lure out Caesar and Monet allowing Chopper to examine the drugs. Chopper asks why he cannot deal with the two himself, though Law does not fully answer his question. Just as he is about to head inside, the two hear a yell.

Luffy, Robin, and Franky Prepare to Invade Caesar's Lab

The Straw Hats confront the Marines and Caesar's men who are fighting outside the facility.

Smoker's unit does too as a figure rushes toward their area revealed to be Luffy with Franky clinging to him. They crash into and through the boat before re-emerging while Robin, who had jumped off at the last second, flies down via her hand wings ability. Luffy yells for Caesar to come out much to Law's surprise as he did not want Luffy to take on Smoker's and Caesar's groups.[16]

Some of Caesar's men attack Luffy, Robin and Franky but Franky easily takes them out while Luffy wonders where Caesar could be. Tashigi confronts Luffy, demanding to know what he is plotting but Luffy easily dodges her smoke attack and pins her down using Haki wondering why "Smoker" got so weak. Smoker, seeing this, attacks Luffy from behind to Luffy's surprise that "Tashigi" got much stronger. Robin then points out that their bodies were switched, causing Luffy to laugh when he realizes who "Tashigi" is. He tells Smoker he will hold off their fight until he gets his body back, much to Smoker's chagrin. Franky meanwhile manages to blast the lab door open.

Just as Luffy's group is about to head in, some of the slime suddenly lands on the ship the G-5 Marines have acquired. Both sides are bewildered on what the slime is. The G-5 men try attacking it, but it starts emitting toxic gas and the slime pieces suddenly merge together, making it bigger. One of the Marines suggest pushing it into the water and stupidly tries to do so but get sucked into the slime. His fellow comrades pull him out with the Marine yelling he cannot feel his face. As some of the Marines try to tend to him, another Marine comes up with a flame thrower and tries to burn the slime. It seems to work at first, but the slime suddenly explodes, destroying the ship and all the men on it to the shock of everyone on shore.

Luffy Grabs Caesar Clown

Caesar being grabbed by Luffy.

Caesar's men are relieved at first in that the slime destroyed itself but more pieces of it suddenly appear on the mainland. Both Caesar's and Smoker's men panic and try to get out of the way of the raining slime. Caesar suddenly appears, gloating that the slime will take care of all of them. Because it does not like water, it is throwing itself piece by piece to their area to avoid the lake. Indeed, where Zoro's group is, the slime is spitting itself over the lake, much to the confusion of the group. Caesar continues to gloat but as he starts to explain himself, Luffy suddenly tackles him.[17]

Back with Zoro's group, Brook claims that he read a book about slime being creatures that can melt the clothes off women, much to Sanji and Kin'emon's interests. Zoro chides them otherwise, noticing that the slime that falls into the lake is killing the fish. Realizing that the lake will be contaminated if this continues, Sanji volunteers to go into the lake despite the freezing temperature to go retrieve the samurai's torso. Leaving Zoro and Brook to deal with the slime that are heading for them.

Back at the main lab, Law has gotten inside to find only Monet by herself. He tells her he is thinking of departing and needs her ability to help with something, which she accepts. As they exit the room, Chopper, who was hidden in a bag, watches them go. Outside, Luffy begins his fight against Caesar by trying to use his Gomu Gomu no Bell move enhanced with Armament Haki. Caesar dodges and tries to use poisonous smoke on Luffy, but Luffy is unaffected, due to his poison immunity he gained from his battle against Magellan. He hits Caesar knocking him to the ground. But as he tries to follow it up, Caesar uses a castanet to send out explosive gas. Luffy is caught in the blast and starts to fall to which Caesar calls for his slimes to grab him. They converge on Luffy which, along with Caesar's castanet, causes an even bigger explosion.

Caesar Clown Defeats The Straw Hats and The Marines

Caesar stands triumphantly over Smoker, Tashigi, and three of the Straw Hat Pirates.

For a second it seems like Luffy was caught in that blast as well, but he appears behind Caesar having managed to escape in time. He then hits Caesar with a Gomu Gomu no Jet Stamp attack which seems to finish off the scientist. He calls for Franky and Robin on if they got anything to put him in but just as Franky starts to look, Luffy starts coughing then doubles over before falling unconscious. Caesar recovers, claiming Luffy underestimated him. Meanwhile back inside, Law similarly doubles over in pain and collapses to the floor. He sees footsteps coming toward him and recognizes the figure, asking what he is doing on the island. The person greets Law stating he has grown up since he last saw him.[18]

More Secrets Revealed: Joker's Identity and Shinokuni[]

The man, Vergo, tells Law that "they" do not trust Caesar and have sent Monet in as a deep cover agent to monitor him, revealing that he arrived on an inbound SAD tanker from Dressrosa. Law tries to attack him, but Vergo uses his power on a bamboo stick he is carrying and easily beats Law down.

Back outside, Caesar has beaten both Franky and Robin as well as Smoker and Tashigi, much to the distress of the remaining G-5 crew as they note that Caesar did not touch them. Caesar orders his men to tie up the five and that he will take care of the slime falling from the sky. Back up at the lake, Zoro and Brook have had no luck trying to combat the slime when the samurai suddenly doubles over in pain. In the water Sanji finds the samurai's body in the mouth of a shark which was causing the samurai pain. He pulls it free when the shark tries to attack again only to get caught in the poison from the slime in the water. Despite knowing it will strain Nami's body, Sanji uses Blue Walk to get himself out of the water before the poison closes in on him.

Kin'emon Restored

Kin'emon's body finally restored.

Returning to shore, Sanji finally completes the samurai's body. The samurai introduces himself as Kin'emon of Foxfire and he thanks the three for getting him back to normal, claiming him in their debt (to Sanji's annoyance). However, the four find themselves surrounded by the slime and trapped. Kin'emon steps up, claiming he is called "Firefox" for the fact his sword slashes and burns. He swings on the slime causing it to catch fire and explode. However, the four are unharmed as Kin'emon explains he used a secret technique to cut the explosion. Impressed, Zoro requests to come along to rescue his son.[19]

Elsewhere, on an unnamed island, the children's parents' plea desperately to the Marine Commodore Yarisugi, who denies their claims and tells them their children are dead. The parents hope that Vergo, who is revealed to be a vice admiral, can help them.

Back on Punk Hazard, Usopp and Nami are having trouble keeping the kids controlled. The side effects of withdrawal make them seem zombie-like, and Usopp cannot put them back to sleep. Suddenly, Caesar appears, and promises the kids the candy they crave.

Meanwhile, Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Kin'emon continue to run from the slime. The slime reveals itself to be a Devil Fruit Zoan user, and has eaten the Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl. It is also revealed the slime's name is Smiley.

At Caesar's lab, Monet is talking to Vergo, and says he must have missed a spot when wiping his face, since there is an almost whole hamburger patty on his cheek. Luffy, Franky, Robin, Law, Smoker, and Tashigi are all captured in a cage, and Robin asks if it feels nostalgic, because Luffy and Smoker were locked up together in Arabasta as well. Vergo reveals himself to be not only a vice admiral, but also an underling of Joker. Luffy then asks Law who Joker is, and Law reveals him to be Donquixote Doflamingo, and also states he used to be an underling of him.[20]

Kid Watches Broadcast

Kid watches Caesar's broadcast.

Back at Nami and Usopp's hideout, Caesar has found their hiding spot and goads the kids, who are under the withdraw symptoms, to come with him. Nami and Usopp try to fight him off with Usopp even trying to blow him up with a Firebird Star. However, Caesar reveals that his Devil Fruit ability allow him to remove the oxygen in the air which is how he defeated Luffy and the others in the earlier fight. What is more the pair have to contend against the giant children who are now hallucinating them as cockroaches. Eventually Usopp and Nami are defeated and about to be killed by the kids when Brownbeard suddenly awakens and saves the pair, having survived the Yeti Cool Brothers attack. This allows Usopp and Nami to awaken and go after the children while Brownbeard fights Caesar off.

Brownbeard declares he will save his crew from Caesar's lies, though Caesar taunts him as a failure of a New World Captain before defeating him with his Gastanets attack, blowing him up. He then catches up with Usopp and Nami and swiftly defeats them too before retrieving the children and heading back to the lab. As he does, he broadcasts to all the Underworld brokers and cites his intention to do an "experiment" on all his captured subjects as a demonstration of his weapon. Among the people watching are Big Mom's crew and Captain Kid's who proclaims he is not interested in the weapon but curious as to what is going on.[21]

Back in front of Caesar's Lab, the G-5 marines notice Caesar's Flying Gas Balloon. The kids get out of the balloon, and they ask for candy. Caesar tells them to go into the Biscuits Room to receive the candy. Caesar then tells his men to lock the door as soon as the kids get inside. Mocha then has a moment of lucidity, realizes that she has betrayed the Straw Hats, and starts to beat down the door, while calling for Nami. Back in the cave, Nami and Usopp wake up.

Meanwhile, in Caesar's Lab, Caesar enters and starts to converse with Vergo. He tells Vergo that the experiment will begin shortly, and to start the video. Caesar then starts to insult Law, calling him a weakling. It is then shown that Law, using his Ope Ope no Mi, gave his heart to Caesar in order to gain his trust, and that Monet had to give her heart to Law. Vergo is then revealed to have Law's heart, which is why he was able to defeat him so easily. Vergo squeezes Law's heart, and Law cries out in pain. Caesar then reveals that he has Smoker's heart as well before Monet alerts Caesar that the video is ready.

Smiley Candy Bait

The candy as shown via video Den-Den Mushi.

In the Ice Lands, a giant piece of candy has been placed on the ground. The underworld brokers continue to watch the broadcast. Caesar starts to narrate what Smiley will be doing and explains how he killed the island four years ago. Caesar reveals that Smiley is the H2S bomb in the flesh. Caesar reveals the name of the weapon to be Shinokuni.[22]

Meanwhile, Zoro's group continue to run from Smiley, and also notice the giant piece of candy. Caesar's men confirm with Caesar that Smiley has finally reached the Ice Lands. Caesar tells his men to evacuate and take off their protective suits as soon as they are done. Suddenly, Vegapunk's dragon runs away, and with the escape sled. Caesar acts worried, but Monet points out that he is a bad actor. Caesar tells Smiley he cannot eat the candy just yet, but Smiley eats it anyways. Caesar calls Smiley a good boy, but Monet tells him that Smiley was not listening to him.

Shinokuni Victim

The poison gas known as Shinokuni begins to petrify its victims.

After Smiley eats the candy, a reaction builds up inside of it and it begins acting weird. Outside Zoro's group and the centaurs and trying to get away as fast for they can from the creature, with the former noting how desperate the latter is running away from it. Smiley suddenly lets out a roar and begins to dissolve, while on the abandoned sled, one of the fruits suddenly bears the markings of a Devil Fruit. Caesar notes that Smiley died and hopes they meet again. Soon the blob dissolves into gas and begins to spread. One of the centaurs is caught in it and is suddenly petrified.

Caesar begins to celebrate and comments that before his gas weapon could only paralyze the victim but left them alive. However, he created a new type of gas that turned the victim's body to ash and paralyzed them completely. As the brokers continue to watch Caesar's men getting paralyzed, Smoker's men likewise see the effects on the video and notice the gas heading straight for them. Zoro's group is barely able to outrun the gas but notice the dragon that was with the centaurs. The four make for it in hopes of grabbing on and getting clear of the gas.

Trapped Group

The Straw Hats, Law, Smoker, and Tashigi trapped in the cage above Punk Hazard.

Luffy sees Zoro's group on screen which gets Caesar's attention, claiming that the gas will get them sooner or later. He then has the cage the prisoners are in taken outside by a crane, citing that he wishes to prove that his weapon is tougher than any high bounty pirate, Marine vice admiral or Warlord of the Sea. Chopper, seeing this from his hiding spot, starts panicking and wonders what to do. However, a piece of paper suddenly falls on him which turns out to be a note telling him "Don't Do Anything" to his confusion on who threw it. The captives' prison box is hung outside which the Marines notice as well as their captain's within it, pleading for the two to help them. Despite the incoming death, Luffy, Robin and Franky are rather nonchalant about the situation. Law then tells Luffy that it is time to make their move for a counterattack.[23]

Commence the Counterattack!: Pirates and Marines vs. Caesar Clown and Vergo[]

Kid, Hawkins, and Apoo Meeting

Kid, Apoo and Hawkins meeting in the New World.

The brokers in the New World continue to observe the experiment, surprised that Caesar managed to capture so many renowned individuals. Amongst them are Kid and Killer, who themselves have planned an alliance with Apoo and Hawkins. However, Apoo and Kid quickly start arguing and Hawkins makes to leave. Killer tells the three that they need to be willing to discuss with one another neutrally if they even hope to have an alliance.

On Punk Hazard, Law begins setting their counterattack into motion. He asks Franky to burn a nearby ship to creating a smokescreen, then reveals that he had swapped some of the Seastone chains in the laboratory with normal ones, allowing him to break free. He switches Smoker and Tashigi back into their original bodies, demanding their cooperation in return for their lives. Tashigi, embarrassed as her top is unbuttoned, quickly agrees which Smoker admonishes her for begging. Tashigi retorts that some things are more important than pride while also commenting on the consequences if they were to die there. Seeing no choice, Smoker reluctantly agrees to the condition. Law teleports his group into the lab and opens the shutter door to let the G-5 Marines enter the facility much to the shock of Caesar's underlings who find the captured prisoners now freed.

Punk Hazard Counter Attack Begins

The counterattack begins.

Outside, the rest of the Straw Hats and Kin'emon continue to flee from Shinokuni. Sanji, Zoro, Brook and Kin'emon catch up to the dragon, while Usopp and Nami ride on Brownbeard. The groups manage to join with one another and make it to the lab, but the shutter door begins to close with them still outside. Kin'emon and Zoro cut through the iron shutters allowing Brownbeard to burst through. All of them reach the laboratory at the same time. Luffy notes that everyone is present and is ready to begin the counterstrike.[24]

The G-5 Marines berate Zoro and Kin'emon for creating a hole in the shutters that the gas can get into it. Meanwhile, Brook uses his astral form to observe the outside of the base and informs them that it is impossible to go outside without dying. The G-5 Marines repair the hole with boards and metal, then attempt to arrest Zoro, Brook, Usopp, Kin'emon, Nami (In Sanji's body), Sanji (in Nami's body) and Brownbeard. They are interrupted by Luffy, who asks if they are ready to start. Nami then asks Law if he can switch her back into her own body, along with Sanji (Sanji is obviously not happy about this) and Law agrees. Nami punches Sanji for peeping on her body by changing coats (in truth he had taken it off to dive into the lake to retrieve Kin'emon's upper body). Sanji notices he feels weaker which Usopp notes was from getting blown up by Caesar's explosive gas.

Punk Hazard Cooperation

The Straw Hat Pirates and the G-5 Marines cooperate.

Law then requests everybody's attention and tells them that to escape the laboratory they need to find a door with "R Building 66" on it. He gives them two hours and says after that he will do something to the base to make it unsafe. They then all split up. Kin'emon says he needs to rescue his son, and Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Brook, and Usopp go along with him. Smoker orders the G-5 Marines to rescue the abducted children, look for the "R Building 66" door and that they will seize the tanker at the harbor. Luffy goes alone to defeat Caesar, and Robin stays with Law, most likely to look for the door. Smoker goes to confront Vergo and tells Tashigi to go look after the G-5 who are chasing the Straw Hats, and to help everyone escape. Meanwhile, Usopp and Zoro exchange their stories of defeat by Caesar and the Yeti Cool Brothers respectively. Zoro cites they need to be more careful, warning that he is not joking and yells to Luffy "The New World starts here." Luffy says he will not be careless, and unveils a new technique, Gomu Gomu no UFO, to defeat a group of Caesar's subordinates as everybody makes their way further into the lab.[25]

Meanwhile Caesar, Vergo and Monet are watching the effects of the gas on the monitor. While Caesar is pleased with the results, he notices his prisoners nor the G-5 Marines were caught in the gas. Vergo takes it to mean that they escaped and sure enough one of Caesar's men report this to the group. Chopper, who was listening, heads down the hall relieved that Luffy and the others are alright. He notes the paper that was thrown to him has an escape route. He mentions he also found out how the candy was made and found a sedative for it as well. However, his departure does not go unnoticed by Monet.

Caesar realizes the group is heading for Gate #66 in Building R. He orders the passageway between buildings A and B be sealed off, then to blow hole in the sealed part to let the gas in though wishes for the Den Den Mushi to continue running to show the brokers his scientific work. Vergo, knowing he will be in trouble if Law and Smoker escape, heads out to stop them himself.

G-5 Sacrifice

The G-5 Marines sacrificing themselves.

Luffy is already headlong into Building A, knocking away the guards who come against him. He reaches the connecting passageway just as an alarm starts to go off. Law and Smoker arrive shortly after with Law realizing what Caesar is up to. At the lab entrance, the G-5 Marines ignore Law's warning and try to arrest the Straw Hats. Brook, Zoro and Kin'emon attack them to get them out of the way. Usopp, Sanji and Nami (later joined by Robin who stayed with them on Luffy's orders) are still on Brownbeard who rushes past the marines. Brownbeard notes the dragon that was with them and ponders why they brought it along with Sanji explaining they had used it to escape the gas, but it does not seem to fly now as it is sedated. Nami, oddly enough, finds it rather cute.

The Marines continue their assault, but just as Zoro is about to strike them. Tashigi jumps in and block his attack. Begrudgingly allowing Zoro to pass her as she tells her men they have other concerns at the moment with the building's gate closing. The Marines agree and everyone rushes for the gate. Just as they do, a cannon from outside the building fires and hits the wall, letting the gas in. Everyone makes a mad dash and jumps through the gate. Brownbeard, the Straw Hat Pirates and some of the G-5 soldiers make it through as well as Tashigi. However, it is revealed she was thrown by a few of her subordinates who were lingering behind. Tashigi tries to go back to rescue them but is told it is too late. One of the fellow Marines compliments those that could not make it on saving their Captain. As the gate closes, they see that the men caught in the gas giving thumbs up poses as they were frozen much to Tashigi's dismay and sorrow for their sacrifice while the Straw Hats stare disgusted over what occurred.[26]

Luffy Attacks Caesar

Luffy attacks Caesar with a Gear 2-enhanced punch.

Caesar monitors this, angry he did not dispose of his intended targets. He vows that he will not let anyone escape. The Straw Hat Pirates and Kin'emon are now all riding on Brownbeard's back now (to his annoyance) plow on ahead while the Marines tailing behind. As they continue to press forward, the marines are attacked by the dragon from before, only now it's much more feral and dangerous. However, it suddenly flies off in the midst of its assault and Vergo suddenly appears. The Marines are happy to see him at first thinking he is leading reinforcements. Tashigi, having seen firsthand that he is a traitor, warns them to get away from him. Vergo lays waste to the Marines, much to their confusion. Tashigi tries to attack him, but he easily dispatches her, forcing Sanji to double back and come to her aid. The dragon soon targets Brownbeard and the Straw Hats. Meanwhile, Caesar plans to destroy Building B and allow the gas in, which would also kill Vergo. Luffy and Smoker, having reached Caesar at last, break in the door and Luffy assaults Caesar with a Gear 2-enhanced punch, saying that he will not let Caesar escape again.[27]

The Creeping Danger: Save the Kids and Outrun the Killer Gas[]

As Caesar reels from the punch, Smoker remembers that before Law freed him, he ordered Smoker not to touch Caesar since he still has his heart. As Smoker leaves to go find Vergo, Luffy begins the second round of their battle as Caesar recovers from the sudden attack. Caesar demands to know why Luffy is trying to capture him to which he explains his role in Law's plan. Caesar admonishes him, warning Law cannot be trusted but Luffy retorts that it is for him to decide. The two clash with Luffy landing a few solid hits. Caesar tries to suck the oxygen out of his enemy's surroundings, but Luffy manages to get out of range of the vacuum and attacks from a distance. Caesar reveals he has other methods of attack such as a flaming sword. Luffy manages to avoid the blade and prepares to finish him with a Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling. However, Monet uses her Devil Fruit power to create a snow wall and protect Caesar. On her suggestion, Caesar abandons the battle and leaves hoping to locate Law, though promises he has a method to make guinea pigs out of Luffy and his friends.

Monet Blocks Luffy

Monet intervening in Luffy's chase of Caesar.

Luffy tries to pursue him, but Monet gets in his way, claiming "Joker" will kill her if something happens to Caesar prompting Luffy to question Doflamingo's motivations. At the passage connecting A and B buildings, Sanji and Vergo begin fighting where Vergo cracked Sanji's bones during a connected attack. As the two continue, Sanji yells for the Marines to run as the room begins to go into lockdown and the gas is let in from the previous locked room. An emergency broadcast is heard from the D Building that Law is in the manufacture room of the SAD room much to the panic of Caesar and Vergo, with the latter stating it was what Law was after ever since he became a Warlord of the Sea and that whatever he is planning will make a mess of the New World.[28]

As Law approaches the SAD tanker menacingly, the gate in the A and B passage closes to the horror of Tashigi and her subordinates who worry for Sanji. However, he appears from above, alive and well, and even managed to save some Marines who could not make it through the gate. When asked about his leg, Sanji brushes off the question though in his mind he realizes he would have been in real trouble if he had continued fighting Vergo. Sanji questions the troops about him which Tashigi states he is no longer their superior before ordering the soldiers to search for the children.

Doflamingo at Dressrosa

Doflamingo in Dressrosa talking to Vergo about Law's betrayal.

In the B Block, Vergo is revealed to have also escaped the gas and is now conversing with Doflamingo who is on the island, Dressrosa. After being informed of Law's betrayal, Doflamingo orders Vergo to destroy the SAD room and extinguish Law with extreme prejudice. All the while, a woman in a maid outfit known as Baby 5 tries to assassinate him with a variety of weapons that come out of her arms. Another subordinate knocks her away before Doflamingo uses his power to halt her attack. He closes the transmission telling Vergo, Monet and Caesar to be vigilant of Luffy since he wields Supreme King (Conqueror's) Haki, that he will be sending Baby 5 and Buffalo as support and for everyone to return to Dressrosa when they have completed their missions.

In another section of Block B, Brownbeard is trying his best to avoid the dragon that's chasing them as it spreads flames through the building. Nami, Usopp and Robin managed to weaken it with their attacks. When it attacks again, Kin'emon cuts through the flame blast before Brook and he defeat it together with sword strikes. However, Brook notices that Kin'emon seems to have a personal vendetta against the dragon as if he wanted revenge, which Kin'emon claims is not too far off. As Brownbeard plows forward, the Straw Hats notice Chopper on a balcony above them but now in Monster Point and does now seem to be in control of himself. What is more he is fighting against some of the giant children to the bewilderment of his crew mates. In the second floor of Block B, a girl is finishing her examination and is told to go back into the Biscuits Room. However, she asks about a child that went into the "Forbidden Room" and suddenly came back out a dragon, the girl naming the child as Momonosuke.[29] One of the men tells her that Momonosuke is somewhere else, in a treatment room and requests her to keep it quiet.

Monet Hugs Luffy

Monet hugging Luffy.

Meanwhile, Monet seals Luffy in a ten-layered snow hut. Luffy says that Monet cannot defeat him in a battle, to which she agrees but states that there are other ways to win without having to rely on her fighting powers. She then suddenly hugs him and begins to weaken him with her powers, attempting to coax him into unconsciousness. Luffy, however, simply blasts through the floor with a Gomu Gomu no Jet Spear and falls into the basement. Taken by surprise, Monet tells him that unless he can fly, there is no way out of the basement.

In Building B, Chopper in his Monster Point is trying to block the berserk children from the Biscuits Room, telling them that they must not eat the candy. However, Chopper is unable to fight without hurting the children and is beaten down before the Rumble Ball wears off. At this point, Brook, Kin'emon, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Robin come to the rescue, and Chopper informs them that he is trying to prevent the children from getting their candy with the assistance of Mocha, who is trying to protect the candy. Robin then uses her Hana Hana no Mi abilities to stop the children from entering the room. However, the children simply beat the giant hands down and rush to obtain the candy. Mocha tries to tell them that the candy is bad for them, and that they need to listen to Chopper. When she tries to flee to the exit, Monet suddenly appears, blocking the exit with a snow barrier. Monet then tells Mocha not to keep the candy all to herself and that she should share the candy with the other children.

In the SAD Room, Vergo shows up which Law attempts to use his Devil Fruit ability to retrieve his heart, but Vergo steals it back from him and brutally beats him to the ground by using his heart to immobilize the Warlord of the Sea. Law manages to hit Vergo with a Counter Shock, but the attack is ineffective on Vergo. Vergo informs Law of the message from Doflamingo, "what a shame." Law then tells Vergo that he is the one miscalculation in his plan. Vergo then prepares to execute Law, but Smoker suddenly appears. Vergo says that he will kill Smoker, no matter what methods it takes, to which Smoker answers that they should finish the battle quickly, as he does not like looking at trash.[30]

Smoker and Vergo begin their battle with Smoker getting angry when he hears that Vergo harmed his subordinates. In the B-Block G-5 side, Sanji, Tashigi and her squad try to catch up with the others. But due to the fire from the dragon encountered earlier, the tanks in the building explode, damaging the walls and letting the gas in. A few of Tashigi's men are caught in it, prompting Sanji to usher the remaining soldiers ahead. In the R Block on the secret floor, Caesar is monitoring this while assembling his men in the room. Caesar states that he does not like this room, as the room was originally Vegapunk's old control room.

Caesar forms a plan to usher the intruders into the R room's first floor then open the shutters to the C and D room trapping them on all sides with the gas. He rallies his men with a false account of how Vegapunk was malicious in his experiments, and he is trying to show that his gas has the power to be used for good. However, he is deceiving to them, and he reminisces in his mind during his days collaborating with Vegapunk trying to convince him of the gas and giant solider experiments, believing Vegapunk as well as Sengoku are soft for not attempting them. Eventually Vegapunk decided to dismiss him from the science council for such reckless experiments and ordered him to leave the facility. Caesar retaliates by detonating his bomb which led to the decimation of the island, ending the flashback.[31]

An Icy Harpy and a Tiny Dragon[]

Luffy Meets a Dragon

Luffy encounters Momonosuke in his dragon form.

While Sanji and Tashigi's group are fleeing from the gas, Zoro's group fought against Monet, and Smoker battled against Vergo all on the B Building. Only Luffy was unaccounted for as he was still in the C Building Garbage Disposal which he fell into. As he explores the underground area, he comes across yet another dragon and inquires who the dragon is. Surprisingly, the dragon can actually speak, likewise asks who he is.[31]

The dragon identifies himself as Momonosuke and soon both Luffy and he get acquainted before he tells Luffy how his situation came to be. Unlike many of the kids there, he actually stowed away aboard the ship that was abducting kids from their homes and taken to Punk Hazard. The kids all acted friendly with him, however, due to his samurai upbringing, he shrugged off any help that was given to him, promptly starving himself for ten days. Eventually he reached his limit and explored around the lab, finding Caesar's control room or the "forbidden room" and an Artificial Devil Fruit in a glass case. He promptly busted it open and scarfed down the Fruit before he was discovered by the girl who had asked about him earlier. The two talked where she mentioned her desire to return to their parents. Caesar's men discovered the room was open and proceeded inside prompting the two kids to run. However, the fruit's power activated in Momonosuke and turned him into his dragon form. He managed to scamper away before Caesar's men knew what happened.

Luffy mentions that since he is a Zoan, he could change back to normal though he does not know how the process works. Momonosuke also mentions that he had overheard Caesar telling his underling Monet of how the giant experiment was unstable and that the kids will die in five years if they continue being experimented on. Naturally, Caesar did not care about the kids' fates and planned to abduct a new group of kids to continue onward deeming it an "unavoidable sacrifice." Momonosuke had tried to warn the other kids but wound up in the garbage disposal by accident. Hearing this angers Luffy and he vows to get out and help the kids. However, Momonosuke collapses from hunger, Luffy tries to rouse him which somehow triggers a hallucination of Doflamingo in Momonosuke's mind. He has suddenly taken to the air heading upwards with Luffy clinging onto him as they leave the waste disposal.

Zoro vs

Zoro clashing with Monet.

In the B Block Inspection room, Usopp, Kin'emon and Brook have split off from the group to find some Seastone handcuffs at the request of Robin, using Brook's spectral powers to help them. In the SAD room, Law recovers as Smoker and Vergo continue to duel to the death. Near the Biscuits Room, Tashigi and the G-5 Marines are still evading Shinokuni with Sanji taking the rear and kicking any stragglers ahead so no one will be caught in the gas. Finally in the Biscuit Room, Zoro's group has its hands full trying to stop the berserk children and fighting Monet. Robin is wounded by Monet, while she is trying to prevent the berserk children from attacking Mocha, prompting Zoro to engage Monet himself, ordering his crew mates to subdue the kids. With only twenty minutes left before the gas fills the whole B Block, Monet and Zoro continue their battle while Robin assures Nami and Chopper that she is fine.[32]

As Mocha continues to run from the berserk children, she has a flashback to Caesar lying to her and the kids' parents about their "illness" and how he had a son who also died from it, which is why Caesar wanted to heal the children. As she remembers her friend, Mocha pleads to the berserk children to go back to their normal dispositions.

Mannen Yuki

Monet assumes her monstrous snow form.

Meanwhile in the Biscuits Room, Monet attempts to attack Nami and Chopper, but Zoro blocks her attack and Nami responds with a Heat Egg, damaging Monet. Robin, Nami and Chopper attempt to stop the children again, but Monet blocks the exit out of the Biscuits Room with a snow barrier. Monet then transforms into a terrifying, demonic like snow woman, capturing Chopper and Nami in her body and nearly biting into the two. Robin uses her Hana Hana no Mi abilities to make arms on Nami's hips and shatters Monet apart.

Zoro then cuts down the snow barrier, allowing Robin, Nami and Chopper to escape from the Biscuits Room and to chase after the children. As Zoro and Monet continue to clash, Monet points out Zoro has only been blocking her attacks and not countering. Before she can act on this, Sanji with the G-5 Marines and Tashigi arrives at the Biscuits Room. Zoro and Sanji comically insult each other while the Marines then compliment on Monet's beauty at which she blushes at and even hiding her blush with her wings and buckling her legs. However, a suddenly enraged Monet then transforms in her monster form and attacks the Marines, biting a Marine's shoulder off. Tashigi counterattacks with a Haki imbued attack, injuring one of Monet's wings. She tells Zoro they managed to seal the room's entrance but know it will not hold for long. Tashigi orders her troops to find the kids while she declares that she will stay behind in the room and fight Monet.[33]


Zoro defeats Monet.

Sanji assures the G-5 men that, while he will not hurt women, Zoro is a different story entirely, but Tashigi and he will be fine as they continue to look for the kids. He boosts the Marines morale, claiming that they will get praised by Tashigi, Nami and Robin if they accomplish their goal. Meanwhile Zoro gets mad at Tashigi claiming that she is getting in his way, but Tashigi claims that, in addition to stopping Monet from going after her subordinates, she is staying behind because Zoro will not cut a woman basing her assertion on their first duel back in Loguetown. Zoro denies it but claims since Tashigi wants to fight Monet, sits down and permits Tashigi to have the battle. Thinking she assumed Zoro's "weakness," Monet becomes conceited and attacks Tashigi with a barrage of snow attacks. Eventually managing to wound Tashigi with a bite to the shoulder though Tashigi endures it as she knows she will lose her arm if she pulls back.

Just when it seems Monet will finish her. Zoro cuts Monet in the cheek with Armament Haki, causing her to let go of Tashigi. Asking if the two women are satisfied and chiding Tashigi for being too slow, he approaches Monet admitting that there are things he will not cut before asking if she has ever met a wild animal that is guaranteed not to bite. Monet realizes he actually is going to attack her but is frozen in fear from his gaze to move. Zoro indeed cuts her in half but does not use Haki, thus she survives thanks to her Logia powers. However, Monet is still too terrified from fear to pull herself back together properly. One half of Monet's body manages to get up and attempts to stab Zoro in the back. However, Tashigi interferes and finishes her off, finally defeating the snow harpy.[34]

Afterward Tashigi chides Zoro, rebuffing his claims that she had interfered in the fight before he had a chance to cut Monet. Zoro brushes her off, telling her she can have credit for beating Monet much to her chagrin. The gas begins to seep in and, due to her wounds, Zoro is forced to carry Tashigi to catch up with the others, to which Tashigi is outraged at. She then tells Zoro to let her off when they reach her subordinates. However, she is distracted by Zoro's sword, Shusui and gets excited at seeing it, but Zoro is annoyed at it and tells her to stop it. Meanwhile, Chopper, Nami and Robin are doing their best to keep the berserk children from catching up to Mocha by having Chopper sedating them one at a time. Despite their efforts, Mocha finds herself cornered by a group of children who managed to get around the Straw Hat Pirates and the children attempts to forcibly get the candy from Mocha. Having no choice, Mocha puts the entire batch of candy in her mouth. Despite Chopper's pleas, she swallows the entire contents. The story goes into a flashback a few moments earlier as Chopper and Mocha were trying to barricade the door to the Biscuits Room.

Mocha Suffers From Candy Overdose

Mocha suffering from the poisoned candy she ate to keep from her friends.

Chopper explains to Mocha about Caesar's deception and using the kids for his experiments and how if Caesar continues to use them, the children will die before they reach adulthood. Mocha remembers her friends promising to each other that when they get older, they will reunite and go on an adventure. The gravity of the situation becomes clear to Mocha, but Chopper promises that he and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates will save her. Mocha vows not to let any of the kids get the candy and runs off to guard the room just as the children burst in. Back in the present, Mocha begins coughing up blood, due to the serious overdose of the drug. The other children stop upon seeing her condition and unsure what to do now. As Chopper, Nami and Robin rush to Mocha, Sanji and the G-5 Marines finally arrive and begin subduing and sedating the kids. The Marines have Mocha moved to an examination room, to which Chopper is grateful for, complimenting Mocha on her bravery and hoping that he can save her.

Meanwhile Luffy and Momonosuke emerge from a garbage chute in front of some of Caesar's men, with Momonosuke passed out and now being carried by Luffy. Luffy grabs one of the guards and demands to know where Caesar is. The guard tells Luffy that Caesar is in Building R, to which Luffy immediately sets off for Caesar's location.[35]

Punk Hazard Crumbles: The Downfall of Caesar Clown and Vergo[]

Brownbeard is then seen on the first floor of Building R, screaming at the door stating that he will tell his men Caesar's true colors. Caesar decides to go down to the first floor in order to deal with him. Brownbeard demands that Caesar give him back his men as Caesar asks what is wrong. A flashback occurs showing that Caesar left Brownbeard's men to die outside. Caesar states he has no idea where they are. Caesar's men begin to question Brownbeard about what he is doing, and then he reveals to them that Caesar called them guinea pigs for his experiment, but before he is able to do this, Caesar injects him with a muscle relaxant, which prevents Brownbeard from moving and slurs his speech. Caesar then quietly reveals to Brownbeard that he abandoned his men outside, and that him, their savior, was the one who caused the explosion that almost killed everyone four years ago. Brownbeard then attempts to attack Caesar, but Caesar dodges and orders his minions to shoot him.

Luffy Breaks Caesar's Face in the Anime

Luffy breaks Caesar's nose.

Suddenly, Luffy comes through the room and grazes Caesar with a Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun. Luffy then stands in front of Brownbeard in order to protect him and remembers the kind words Brownbeard said about Caesar before. Caesar then orders his men to go back to the second floor, and Momonosuke recognizes Caesar as the one who experimented on the children. Luffy then questions Caesar as to what Punk Hazard really is, and Caesar reveals it to be the home of the underworld, where experiments take place, people die, and nobody will know.

He tells Luffy that he knows nothing of the island and explains to him how futile everything he has done so far is, and reveals that the SAD is actually used to make artificial Zoan Devil Fruits called SMILEs. He tells Luffy that the Emperor was using these fruits in order to build a mighty army. Caesar then tells Luffy that he is protected by these strong people, and that a person of his level will not be able to take them on at all. Angered at the scientist, Luffy punches Caesar, breaking his nose in the process, telling him that he has taken on guys like this many times; and the two begin the third and final round of their battle. Caesar warns Luffy again about just who he is dealing with before trying to attack Luffy again with Gastille, a gas burner attack. However, Luffy dodges and punches Caesar again. Meanwhile, Shinokuni is filling Building B, as the children run for the exit, along with Zoro and Tashigi.[36]


Law defeats Vergo.

In the SAD production room, Vergo defeats Smoker, though it is revealed that Smoker was only acting as a diversion so Law could retrieve his heart without resistance. Law then warns Doflamingo, who's been listening the whole time via the Den Den Mushi, that he cannot stay on top forever and that he is going to defeat Vergo, but Doflamingo tells him otherwise recounting an earlier instance where Law mouthed off to Vergo who gave him a beating that apparently traumatized Law. Just as Vergo covers himself in Armament Haki and prepares to eradicate his former associate, Law bifurcates the Vice Admiral in half, as well as the entire island, asserting that he has destroyed the gears of the New World.

Due to Law's attack however, the gas begins to flood into the building. Zoro and Tashigi manage to meet up with Nami's group and the G-5 Marines. Chopper finishes treating Mocha and has her moved as well. In the SAD room, Law has sliced up Vergo and hung his pieces along the railing. Vergo swears Law will regret this as he does not know of Doflamingo's past and tries to get Smoker to tell him the truth of the world. Nonetheless Law slices his head in half and taunts him before bidding "Pirate Vergo" farewell.[37]

On the first floor of Building R, Caesar sees the damage to his base and is quite upset over it. He orders his men to flood the room so the Shinokuni will power him. When they protest that over 100 of his minions are still in the room, Caesar finally drops the facade, yelling how they are all his guinea pigs, and he does not care how many of them have to perish. The men are aghast at this outburst while Usopp, who was hiding, watches from one of the monitors. However, a few of Caesar's men still remain in denial about Caesar's declaration, thinking it part of his plan against Luffy and open the vents. The gas flood in and Caesar begins to grow, ranting manically how a success his experiment was since two peaceful countries want to procure the gas and how he will become the king of the land of death.

He then attacks his own minions with the Shinokuni, which Luffy becomes visibly enraged and appalled. He instructs Momonosuke to stay with Brownbeard, he heads down a passage which Caesar takes as him fleeing in cowardice. In the control room, Caesar's former subordinates are dismayed from realizing they have been deceived and betrayed. Usopp makes himself known, demanding the use of the panel to assist his friends. The underlings taunt Usopp thinking his captain ran away but Usopp counters that Luffy is not one to surrender, no matter how hopeless the situation is and that in the end, even if Usopp wanted to run away, Luffy trusts his crewmates and that they are more than happy to return his fidelity. He goes on to state people like Caesar make Luffy angry and he will not stop until they pay. As he finishes this retort, Luffy is revealed to actually have gone down a corridor to gain running distance. He uses Gear 3, infusing Armament Haki into his arms, and rushes directly at Caesar as both combatants prepare for a final clash.[38]

Gomu Gomu no Grizzly Magnum

Luffy finally defeats Caesar Clown.

Caesar realizes he cannot win and tries to bargain with Luffy, stating he can become his subordinate. But Luffy hits him full force with his attack, the Gomu Gomu no Grizzly Magnum, knocking Caesar through the wall and down a passageway leading outside. The brokers who are watching this are astonished by Caesar's defeat. Some even start putting in calls to their bosses about what happened, including Pekoms and Tamago. Meanwhile Usopp effortlessly defeats Caesar's men and manages to contact Chopper and leads his group toward his area. As they head in that direction, they meet up with a distressed Brook carrying a petrified Kin'emon. He explains when they were freeing some of the kids, the girl Momonosuke talked with, told the samurai about what happened to him. Believing the dragon, they killed to be his son, Kin'emon tried to rush back to the area, hoping his willpower will get him through, which is how he ended up in the petrified state.

On the second floor of the R Block, we find that Usopp has defeated Caesar's men, chastising them for attacking him for no reason. Nami's group meet up with Luffy's as does Zoro's and Sanji's. With the whole building now filled with gas, only Gate 66 of the R Block is the only means of exit. Smoker and Law arrive near a truck meant to transport SAD which Law intends to use for everyone to escape. However, when told of what happened to Caesar by Luffy, an irritated Law sets off after him. Meanwhile a few moments earlier outside, Baby 5 and Buffalo have arrived via Buffalo's Guru Guru no Mi ability which he uses to make himself into a makeshift bi-plane.

Buffalo and Baby 5 Arrive at Punk Hazard

Baby 5 and Buffalo arrive at Punk Hazard.

Baby 5 and he talk, it's revealed that she has the power of the Buki Buki no Mi, and that her earlier assault on Doflamingo was due to him destroying a city due to a guy she liked and that he constantly does this every time she takes an interest in someone. Buffalo also mentions how gullible she can be sometimes such as agreeing to fifty newspaper subscriptions, giving back more money that she borrowed, even paying for others shopping of which she has racked up a massive debt. The two reach Punk Hazard, with Buffalo using his spinning power to blow away the gas, just in time to see Caesar come flying out of the building and hit the nearby tanker.[39]

They call Doflamingo who quickly orders Caesar to be retrieved, stating as long as he has him, SAD can still be produced. Baby 5 and Buffalo go to do so but notice something else on the tanker, a robot, which is revealed to be the General Franky, who likewise notices the two above him. Franky opens fire upon the pair, hitting Buffalo. Baby 5 returns fire with her gatling gun, but Franky is unharmed by the attack and instead throws his shield at them. Baby 5 transforms into a sword, and Buffalo cuts the shield in half with her. Baby 5 turns into a missile and is propelled towards Franky, creating a huge explosion. Caesar, meanwhile, wakes up and realizes with glee that he still has Smoker's heart.

Ready to Leave Punk Hazard

The Straw Hats and the others prepare to leave.

Back in Building R, the Straw Hats are waiting for their remaining friends to arrive before leaving the island. When Brook, Chopper, Kin'emon, and Mocha finally arrive, everyone piles into the railcart to get away from Shinokuni. Elsewhere in the facility, Monet, still conscious, calls Doflamingo, who tells her to detonate a weapon that would destroy the entire island and leave only Caesar alive.[40]

Aftermath of the Incident: Fulfilling a Promise and Delivering an Ultimatum[]

Back on the tanker outside, Baby 5 reassembles herself from her bomb attack. But Franky was unaffected, and immediately continues to battle. Caesar notices they have come to rescue him and decides to eliminate Smoker with the heart that was given to him by Law. In the SAD Production Room, which is coming down, Doflamingo calls Vergo, apologizing to him and thanking him for his hard work which Vergo oddly smiles at. On the trolley, Momonosuke cries at his father's state. However, before Luffy can comfort him, an explosion rocks the building which Law notes came from the SAD room. Debris starts threatening to fall on the escapees and in front of the track which Luffy, Zoro and Sanji manage to knock aside.

Doflamingo Heads to Punk Hazard

Doflamingo heads to Punk Hazard.

In Building C, Monet feels it too but knows it will not be enough to destroy the island. She readies to hit the ignition switch, saying a silent goodbye to Doflamingo. At that point Caesar stabs the heart, but Smoker is not affected, and instead, Monet collapses and dies. Smoker inquires to Law why Caesar thought he had his heart, and a flashback reveals that Caesar had forgotten he had given Law Monet's heart as insurance they would not betray each other. After Law had defeated Smoker, he simply gave Caesar Monet's heart, who thought he gave him Smoker's heart. The trolley soon reaches the exit.

Meanwhile the Donquixote Pirates have noticed that he has departed from Dressrosa and is flying across the ocean heading toward Punk Hazard having grown concerned when Monet did not answer his call. Upon realizing that Baby 5 and Buffalo are still alive, and the island still stands, he tells the pair that he will be there shortly.[41]

Back on the island, Franky continues to battle Baby 5 and Buffalo. The latter manage to damage the General Franky with Baby's 5's scythe form. But he responds by firing a mobile version of the Gaon Cannon, the General Cannon, at the two. This manages to blow them away, but they recover albeit heavily wounded, in the process mentioning they were after Caesar who, Franky noticed for the first time, was on the tanker. The lab escapees finally reach outside where Law identifies the Donquixote Pirate members. When questioned by Luffy if they were his friends, Law coldly states the two are his enemies.

Baby 5 and Buffalo Are Defeated by Nami

Buffalo and Baby 5 electrocuted by Nami's attack.

Seeing themselves outmatched, Buffalo and Baby 5 retrieve Caesar and attempt to make a quick retreat. Law prepares to stop them only for Nami and Usopp to offer to do it themselves. Nami creates an enormous thunder cloud above the pair which shocks them with a lightning strike. The attack knocks out Baby 5, however Buffalo and Caesar are still conscious but knocked out of the sky. Caesar pleads with Buffalo to protect him. However multiple projectiles fired by Usopp quickly take him out. Caesar tries to escape alone but the last projectile turned out to be Seastone handcuffs which quickly negate Caesar's abilities and render him unconscious. With this the Donquixote members are defeated and fall into the ocean. Law proclaims the first step of his agenda has been completed.[42]

Meanwhile out on the ocean, a mysterious figure awakens, muttering to himself that he is headed for Punk Hazard. Back on the island, everything settles down and the group get to work on recovering. The Marines draw a line in the ground to separate the pirates from the Marines though Luffy ignores this to converse with Brownbeard who is decided to give himself up so he can receive treatment from Caesar's poisons. Caesar, Buffalo and Baby 5 have been fished out of the water and chained up. Franky and some of the Marines begin fixing the tanker which was damaged during the battle. Though a bit of panic sets in when Brook accidentally drops Kin'emon, thinking he has killed him. However, this only breaks the shell covering him and he revives from his petrified state much to the surprise of everyone. Momonosuke, who somehow managed to switch to human form, greets him happy he is alive. Chopper meanwhile confronts Law thinking he is harming the kids but turns out he was operating on them to get the poison out of their systems and they're fine. They question Chopper if Mocha will be okay as she still has not woken up, but he confirms that she will be fine.

Punk Hazard Party

The Straw Hats and Marines have a cease-fire to feast with Caesar's former subordinates and the children.

Tashigi comes by to take overlooking after the kids and sending them home which turned out to be a request from Nami. When questioned by Usopp why, she tells him the reason is because her being a pirate would only complicate matters if she attempts doing so herself to which he agrees, also mentioning she feels safe around female Marines due to the fact her foster mother, Bell-mère, was one. Meanwhile Sanji has fixed a stew which he got from the Kamabakka Kingdom. He serves Momonosuke first as he had heard he had not eaten in days. The boy is reluctant at first, but Kin'emon, grateful to Sanji, convinces him it's alright. Soon the kids, the Marines and what left of Caesar's former subordinates all gather around to eat. Law tries to convince Luffy that they will need to move but he instead throws a party to his bewilderment.

As everyone enjoys themselves, a few of Smoker's men tell him that they got the "killer" gases weakness out of Caesar and are going back into the island to rescue their comrades. Law comes over to which Smoker comments he is amazed Law kept his word, though wonders what he is using the Straw Hats for. Law queries he wonders who's using who, as he thinks back to when he made the alliance with Luffy in order to defeat Kaidou. A flashback then occurs to the event. When Law reveals he is after Kaidou, Luffy accepts, saying his goal is to defeat all the Emperors (as long as the one is someone other than Shanks).[43] Law claims that their goals coincide, but Luffy shouldn't underestimate them, for even with his plan and their alliance, their chances in defeating Kaidou are only about 30%. However, Luffy accepts his offer regardless of the disadvantage.

Back to the present, Law tells Smoker that he is planning on heading to Green Bit with the Straw Hat Pirates. The children are getting ready to leave the island on the tanker with the Marines. The Marines then draw up a line and tell the pirates not to cross the line, as they are pirates and therefore, a stain on humankind. The Marines continues to insult the pirates, and Nami tells Chopper that Vegapunk is going to help permanently cure the side effects of the poisoned candy. As the Marines keep scorning the pirates, the children want to express gratitude to the pirates for helping them but cannot because the Marines are trying to prevent the children from doing so. Tashigi then angrily yells at them to stop harassing the kids, saying that "it is disgraceful." The Marines explain why they are deriding the pirates; if they do not, then they will admire and respect the Straw Hats, despite the fact they are pirates much to Smoker's annoyance and Tashigi's amusement.

Rescue Raft Heads and Den Den Mushi

Law's Den Den Mushi and the disembodied heads of Baby 5 and Buffalo.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo is crossing the sea, as he notices a raft. The raft holds the decapitated heads of Baby 5 and Buffalo (having being cut off using Law's ability) as well as a Den Den Mushi. Baby 5 and Buffalo apologize for their failure in retrieving Caesar Clown, but Doflamingo tells them to relax, as they were doing as he ordered. The Den Den Mushi then speaks up, revealing to be from Law. Law tells Doflamingo that he has Caesar, and it is time to conduct business.

Doflamingo laughs and tells him that he does not do business with kids and warns Law not to mess with him. Law ignores the threat and tells him that he should be more worried about Kaidou, Doflamingo's prime trading partner. If Kaidou learns that Doflamingo cannot produce any more Smiles, then he will have to suffer the consequences. A terrified Doflamingo panics and asks what Law wants in exchange for Caesar, to which Law tells him to resign from the Warlord title before the next day's newspapers' release. Law mockingly states that this will mean the admirals from Marine Headquarters will then be free to hunt him down like every other pirate. He then goes on to say if the next day's newspapers have the news of Doflamingo's renunciation of his title, Law shall contact him again, but if the newspapers do not have the report, then Doflamingo best take care of himself. He then drops the call, leaving Doflamingo enraged.[44]

Back on Punk Hazard, some of the G-5 Marines put on the protective suits and head into the island to retrieve their friends, revealing that the suits were meant to shield from the gas, and Caesar, knowing this, had tricked his subordinates into taking them off. However, the gas is still a danger as those frozen are still inhaling the poison and will still die if not cured in time. Smoker is then seen talking to Brownbeard and allows him to go into the gas to retrieve his men, though warns that he intends to arrest them. He and his group then come across the headless bodies of Baby 5 and Buffalo, and the Marines are not sure what to do with them. However, the Marines see two objects flying towards them which is revealed to be Baby 5 and Buffalo's heads which land roughly back on their bodies. But what is even more shocking, Doflamingo flies down, enraged.

He quickly displays that he has Supreme King Haki, knocking out the majority of the forces and attacks the rest using some kind of invisible string, demanding to know where the Straw Hat Pirates and Law are. Smoker refuses to give up their location and lies, knowing that Doflamingo will not let him live anyway, he further provokes the Warlord of the Sea referring to him by his underground alias name, Joker. Doflamingo comments on him knowing too much and then attacks him. Meanwhile on the ocean, the Thousand Sunny is sailing down a "Sea Slope" away from the island. Brook asks about the Mini Merry II to which Franky explains he had found a sea passage away from the research laboratory and moved the ship to go pick it up. It is then revealed that the group is heading for Dressrosa as per Law's plan which Kin'emon seems to already be familiar with.

Luffy informs the rest of the crew about the alliance he formed with Law's crew and his intention of dethroning the Emperor. Also with them is Caesar who they have dragged along who continues making threats against them. Law explains that the Four Emperors have spheres of influence all over the New World but are underground so as not to attract the Marines' attention. One of their most trustworthy brokers is Doflamingo who uses the alias Joker so no one will suspect him. He is also the biggest supplier to Kaidou of the Artificial Devil Fruits, SMILEs, which is why Law wanted Caesar kidnapped and destroyed the drug SAD to decrease Kaidou's battle power. Their objective now is to get to Dressrosa and destroy the factory where the SMILEs are being manufactured to cripple Kaidou further. Kin'emon also wishes to head to the island as a friend of his is being incarcerated there.

Kuzan Stops Doflamingo

Aokiji arrives just in time to save Smoker from Doflamingo.

Back on Punk Hazard, Smoker has been beaten and about to be killed by Doflamingo who says he will find the Straw Hat Pirates and Law without his help. Just as he is about to strike the killing blow, Kuzan suddenly shows up and halts him, stating that Smoker is his friend.[45]

Despite Kuzan's presence, Doflamingo continues with his attempt to kill Smoker anyway but is quickly frozen by Kuzan's Devil Fruit ability. However, he manages to break free. Seeing nothing to gain from engaging Kuzan, Doflamingo takes his leave, but not before questioning Kuzan what he stands for due to rumors he had heard. Kuzan does not answer him and calls for a medic. Doflamingo collects Baby 5 and Buffalo and departs. Only then does Kuzan state that even though he is not enlisted in the Marines anymore, he never completely trusted the World Government and that he can still make a difference outside the Marines. Smoker inquiries about how he knew of Punk Hazard as it's top secret, worrying that he's doing business with the criminal underworld, but Kuzan tells him he has not changed. He also warns Smoker to advise Sakazuki to keep an eye on Doflamingo as he poses the biggest threat to the Marines and also requests the G-5 Marines promise not to reveal he was there.

Out on the sea, the crew is taking a breather. Usopp and Chopper worry furiously about Doflamingo coming to attack them. Kin'emon nearly gets into a duel with Zoro thinking he had robbed Ryuma's grave due to him having his sword, the Shusui, on him. Momonosuke is revealed to be taking a shower with Robin much to the envious anger of Sanji, Brook and Kin'emon. When they confront him over it, Nami punches all three for their supposed bullying. Gaining their ire even more when he uses his childish nature to get Nami to hug him (and giving the three a rather lecherous look in the process). As the night goes on, most of the crew (Luffy, Zoro, Brook, Nami, Robin, Law, Caesar and Momonosuke) sleep while others (Usopp, Chopper, Franky, Sanji, and Kin'emon) stay up looking after the Sunny.[46]

Straw Hat Pirates and Allies Read Newspaper

The whole crew, their affiliates and Caesar see the newspaper.

Morning comes and a News Coo delivers the paper which indeed reads that Doflamingo abdicated his position as a Warlord of the Sea as per Law's demands as well as his royalty of Dressrosa. However, there is also a picture of Luffy and Law and an article stating their alliance much to the crew's surprise. Also in the paper is news regarding Kid, On Air and Hawkins Pirates alliance as well, though Law is unconcerned with it. He then explains his next phase of his agenda to the crew.

On Dressrosa, the people of the island are confused and in an uproar over the news of their king's sudden resignation while Doflamingo is in his office reading. Law's Den Den Mushi rings which he then answers.[47]

Story Impact[]

  • Many characters make their first appearance after the timeskip. The characters (in the order they were reintroduced) are: Mozu and Kiwi, Lola, the Risky Brothers,[1] Iceburg, Tyrannosaurus,[2] Paulie, Tilestone, Peepley Lulu,[3] Zambai, Tamagon, Kiev, Marumieta, Yamenahare,[4] Kumashi,[5] Disco, Chadros Higelyges, Trafalgar D. Water Law,[6] Hannyabal, Domino,[8] the Jailer Beasts,[9] Sadi, Saldeath,[10] Magellan,[12] Bentham,[13] Emporio Ivankov,[14] Eustass Kid,[21] Rob Lucci (silhouette with a top hat),[23] Killer, Scratchmen Apoo, Basil Hawkins,[24] Donquixote Doflamingo,[29] and Kuzan (silhouette).[42]
    • More of the Eleven Supernovas' statuses after the timeskip are revealed; according to Brownbeard, they have been causing anarchy in the New World and have been labeled, along with Blackbeard, as the "Worst Generation" of pirates.[11]
    • Trafalgar Law is revealed to have become a Warlord of the Sea and gained a former bounty of Beli440,000,000.[6] His Devil Fruit is also revealed to be the Ope Ope no Mi.[8] He is also revealed to be a former subordinate of Doflamingo.[48]
    • Kid has received a bounty of Beli470,000,000 and Killer a bounty of Beli200,000,000. Kid and Killer are shown attempting to form an alliance with the On Air Pirates and Hawkins Pirates. The captains of both crews' bounties have risen to Beli350,000,000 (Apoo) and Beli320,000,000 (Hawkins).[24]
    • Brownbeard's bounty of Beli80,060,000 is revealed. He has become an alligator centaur, thanks to the power of Trafalgar Law's Devil Fruit abilities.[11]
  • More information of G-5 branch of the Marines is revealed. Their head members include Vice Admiral Smoker, Commodore Yarisugi, and Vice Admiral Vergo, who is revealed to know at least three forms of Rokushiki.[20]
  • More information on Dr. Vegapunk is revealed. He used Punk Hazard as a research facility until an experiment went wrong. More of his creations are revealed also, as he created artificial beings such as Dragons that inhabit Punk Hazard. Caesar Clown was also his former colleague, and the pair had a bitter rivalry and Caesar attempts to prove he is better than him in his creation of mass-murder weapons.[31]
  • More of the World Government's secret experiments are shown that Caesar Clown has experimented on children and grown them larger to make them giants. As stated by Law, the World Government has been doing human growth projects for hundreds of years as a method of creating an army of super soldiers.[31]
    • It was later discovered that Big Mom ordered and financed the renewal of that research for her own personal reasons.[49]
    • Caesar's defeat at the hands of Luffy would result in the Big Mom Pirates hunting them to capture Caesar, which was later revealed to be because of Big Mom wanting Caesar to continue his gigantification experiments.[21]
    • Gigantification will be used in the creation of the Seraphim.[50]
    • Following Caesar's defeat, Tashigi would take the children to see Dr. Vegapunk to work on curing them of the side-effects of the gigantification experiments.[51] They would later be seen again during the Egghead Arc, where they are now at the G-14 base, and the children are taking medicine which is slowly undoing the gigantification effects so they could return to their normal size.[52]
  • The concept of alliances gains significant momentum starting with this arc.
    • Trafalgar Law proposes an alliance with the Straw Hat Pirates to dethrone Kaidou, one of the Four Emperors.[14] Although Law reveals in the Dressrosa Arc that he initially had only used this as a façade to bring down Donquixote Doflamingo,[53] this would eventually result in them continuing and expanding their alliance to form the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance, whose purpose indeed is to take down Kaidou.[54]
      • This alliance would remain into effect until the end of the Wano Country Arc, when it disbanded as their primary purpose of defeating Kaidou had been completed.[55]
    • The Kid, Hawkins, and On Air Pirates are shown discussing their own alliance[24] to bring down an Emperor, revealed to be Shanks in the Dressrosa Arc.[56]
    • The Emperors Big Mom and Kaidou would eventually form their own alliance in the Wano Country Arc.[57]
  • The Underworld is officially introduced via Trafalgar Law's explanation.[45]
    • Donquixote Doflamingo is revealed to be a very powerful criminal underworld broker, utilizing the alias of Joker and a major part of an illegal trading web of powerful figures in the New World. Vice Admiral Vergo is also revealed to be a mole for Doflamingo.[20] Also, more of Doflamingo's subordinates are revealed and his base of operations is a location named Dressrosa.[29]
    • An Underworld Broker by the name of "Jack" is mentioned and is notified of Caesar Clown's capture on Punk Hazard.[39] Jack would later be formally introduced in the Zou Arc, having been revealed to be one of the right-hand men of Kaidou.[58]
    • The Big Mom Pirates are revealed to be underworld Brokers.[21]
    • Kuzan is also hinted to be connected to the Underworld.[46]
  • More about the mechanics behind Devil Fruits is revealed, showing, as in the case of Smiley, that when a Devil Fruit user dies their fruit is reincarnated in the nearest fruit by them as Smiley's Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl was reborn in a nearby apple after he died.[23]
  • Roronoa Zoro,[34] Sanji,[15] Donquixote Doflamingo,[36] Trafalgar Law,[15] Smoker,[31] and Tashigi[33] are all revealed to have learned to use Armament Haki.
    • Tashigi is also revealed to know at least one form of Rokushiki.[34]
    • Doflamingo is shown to have Supreme King Haki.[45]
    • In addition, this arc heavily showcases the true power that Armament Haki users have against Logia users, which was demonstrated with Luffy vs Caesar,[17] Smoker vs Vergo/Doflamingo,[31][36] and Tashigi/Zoro vs Monet.[33][34]
  • This arc revealed it is possible to create artificial Devil Fruits, as shown when Vegapunk made one. It was considered a failure.[31] Afterwards it was revealed that Caesar Clown succeeded in the production of specialized artificial Devil Fruits by using a substance called SAD. They are called SMILEs and the Devil Fruits can only be designed as Zoan fruits.[36]
  • Information about the Wano Country is revealed. As stated by Brook, the Wano Country is a closed-door kingdom who are not affiliated with the World Government, nor do they allow the Marines to go near them.[2] Two samurais, Kin'emon and Momonosuke are introduced and become traveling companions of the Straw Hats to help save Kin'emon's ally at Dressrosa. Also, the status of the Wano Country as well as their connection to Kaidou is briefly foreshadowed in this arc which would lead to the events of the Wano Country Arc.[45]
    • After introducing Momonosuke as Ki'nemon's son in this arc, the Zou Arc would later clarify Kin'emon's true relationship with Momonosuke as his retainer and not his father under the orders to have Momonosuke pretend to be his son as to not attract Kaidou or his crew.[65]
  • Upon witnessing Kin'emon utilizing his personal sword style Foxfire Style, Zoro develops a personal interest in it.[19] Later during the Wano Country Arc, Zoro would demonstrate his ability to use it when he cut down Big Mom's homie Prometheus.[66]


  • This and the Fish-Man Island Arc are the only arcs in to have an equal amount of chapters in the manga as it does episodes in the anime.
  • Franky is absent from a large portion of the conflicts in the latter half of the arc, starting once he escapes imprisonment with his Coup de Boo, having gone to check on the Thousand Sunny, retrieve the Mini Merry II, and investigate the SAD Tanker. He returns much later in the General Franky to avoid exposure to the Shinokuni gas and fight against Buffalo and Baby 5.
  • This arc establishes the storylines of liberating Wano Country and dethroning Kaidou through an alliance, which the storyline would pursue until the end of the Wano Country Arc in Chapter 1057. This amounts to more than 10 years of publishing time.


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 654 and Episode 574.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 655 and Episode 579.
  3. 3.0 3.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 656 and Episodes 580581.
  4. 4.0 4.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 657 and Episode 581.
  5. 5.0 5.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 658 and Episodes 582583.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 659 and Episode 583.
  7. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 660 and Episode 585.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 661 and Episode 586.
  9. 9.0 9.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 662 and Episodes 587588.
  10. 10.0 10.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 663 and Episode 588.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 664 and Episode 589.
  12. 12.0 12.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 665 and Episode 591.
  13. 13.0 13.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 666 and Episode 592.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 667 and Episode 593.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 668 and Episode 594.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 669 and Episode 595.
  17. 17.0 17.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 670 and Episode 596.
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 671 and Episode 597.
  19. 19.0 19.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 672 and Episode 598.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 673 and Episode 599.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 674 and Episode 600.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 675 and Episode 601.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 676 and Episode 602.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 677 and Episode 603.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 678 and Episode 604.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 679 and Episode 605.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 680 and Episode 606.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 681 and Episode 607.
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 682 and Episode 608.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 683 and Episode 609.
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 31.6 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 684 and Episode 610.
  32. 32.0 32.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 685 and Episode 611.
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 686 and Episode 612.
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 687 and Episode 613.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 688 and Episode 614.
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 689 and Episode 615.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 690 and Episode 616.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 691 and Episode 617.
  39. 39.0 39.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 692 and Episode 618.
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 693 and Episode 619.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 694 and Episode 620.
  42. 42.0 42.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 695 and Episode 621.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 696 and Episode 622.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 697 and Episode 623.
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 698 and Episode 624.
  46. 46.0 46.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 699 and Episodes 625626.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 699 (p. 15-19) and Episode 628.
  48. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 752 (p. 16-17) and Episode 689, A young Law asks to join Doflamingo's pirate crew.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 834 (p. 12-16) and Episode 795, Big Mom talks to Caesar about the experiment.
  50. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1065 (p. 7), The Straw Hats comment that the Seraphim looks like a younger Jinbe, but is just as big as Jinbe.
  51. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 697 and Episode 623.
  52. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1061 (p. 10).
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 749 (p. 16-17) and Episode 686, Law tells Luffy the real purpose of their alliance in Dressrosa.
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 819 (p. 7-13) and Episode 771, The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance is formed.
  55. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1056 (p. 12) and Episode 1083, The Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance officially disbands.
  56. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 793 (p. 10) and Episode 736, The Kid, On Air, and Hawkins Pirate Alliance reveal their target to be Shanks.
  57. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 954 (p. 15) and Episode 955, Big Mom and Kaidou form a pirate alliance.
  58. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 808 (p. 4) and Episode 757, Jack's epithet and crew position is revealed.
  59. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 943 (p. 11) and Episode 941, Gifters are explained.
  60. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1007 (p. 15) and Episode 1024, The nature of Vegapunk's artificial Devil Fruit is revealed.
  61. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1067 (p. 8), Vegapunk reveals he considers the fruit a failure due to the dragon having the color pink.
  62. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1065 (p. 9-12), S-Shark's power is used against the Straw Hat Pirates.
  63. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1068 (p. 10), S-Bear's power is mentioned by Pythagoras.
  64. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1070 (p. 7), S-Snake's power is used against CP0.
  65. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 817 (p. 7-8) and Episode 768, Kin'emon reveals that he and Momonosuke are not actually father and son.
  66. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 1001 (p. 5-6) and Episode 1016, Zoro cuts down Prometheus using Kin'emon's technique.

Arc Navigation[]

Punk Hazard Arc
Manga Chapters
654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664
665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675
676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686
687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697
698 699
Manga Volumes
66 67 68 69 70
Anime Episodes
579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589
591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601
602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612
613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623
624 625

Site Navigation[]
