One Piece Wiki
Devil Fruit
Japanese Name:

Kardia is a former officer of the Donquixote Pirates who pursued Luffy and Law to Wano Country to get revenge for Doflamingo. Kardia serves as the main antagonist of One Piece Premier Show 2021.[1]


Kardia is a young man with blueish hair. He wears a deep blue outfit with a golden cape and green feathered shoulder pads.


Kardia is vengeful and allegiant to Doflamingo.[1] He values Doflamingo over himself, even shooting subordinates who argued that Kardia should aim to become Pirate King after Doflamingo's arrest.[4]

Abilities and Powers[]

Kardia has authority of his subordinates, Herz and Cuore.

Devil Fruit[]

Main article: Nibi Nibi no Mi

Kardia ate the Nibi Nibi no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to reproduce the appearance of the deceased. Having confused his enemy by telling him that he is being approached by someone who has long since died, Kardia shoots him with a pistol. In this way, he deceived and wounded even such an experienced pirate as Trafalgar Law.[1]


Kardia wields a katana. He also has a pistol, which he used to wound Trafalgar Law. Kardia states that with this and the power of his fruit, he will help Doflamingo become a Pirate King.



When Kardia was young, he loved singing, but those around him disliked his songs. He attacked people who criticized him and swore to burn everything in the world.

Eventually, he was caught and about to be killed, when he was saved by Donquixote Doflamingo. Doflamingo asked Kardia to join his crew and sing for him, and Kardia accepted.[4]

One Piece Premier Show 2021[]

After Doflamingo's defeat, Kardia formed the New Donquixote Family, intent on using his crew to get revenge on Luffy and to break Doflamingo out from Impel Down.

In Wano Country, Kardia was informed by Sarutobi that Tama had an umbrella made by Portgas D. Ace, which Kardia decided he would use to replicate Ace's appearance when he fought Luffy. Once they were ready, the New Donquixote Family attacked the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates at a restaurant, causing Trafalgar Law to separate them. Kardia fought against Law, using his abilities to transform into Donquixote Rosinante and surprise Law, seemingly throwing him into the sea.

With Law defeated, Kardia was attacked by Luffy and Nami, who were quickly joined by Sanji, Brook, and Robin. Bepo and Tama tried to run away from the fight, but Kardia chased after them and kidnapped them, sending them back to Cuore.

With Tama's umbrella, Kardia was able to transform into Ace, shocking Luffy. Under the guide of protecting Luffy, he managed to knock Luffy to the ground, but was unable to fool Zoro, who attacked him and forced him to cancel the transformation. As Tama arrived and informed Luffy that Kardia had taken the umbrella made by Ace, Luffy entered Gear 2, punching Kardia and allowing Law to take the umbrella back. Kardia was knocked unconscious by Luffy's attack.

Some time later, Kardia woke up again, and attacked the two pirates once again. As he attacked, he insulted Ace and Rosinante, stating they died because they were weak. This angered Luffy and Law,[4] who attacked him at once, causing Kardia to be engulfed in flames and be thrown into the ocean.[5]


  • Kardia and his subordinates have names that mean "heart" in different languages, with kardiá being Greek.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 One Piece Live Shows — One Piece Premier Show 2021, Kardia pursues Luffy and Law to get revenge for defeating Doflamingo.
  2. 2.0 2.1 One Piece Premier Show 15th Anniversary Booklet
  3. 3.0 3.1 Pixiv Encyclopedia
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Ameblo, One Piece Premier Show 2021's plot is detailed.
  5. One Piece Magazine Vol.13 (p. 45).

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