One Piece Wiki

The Kid Pirates were an infamous and notable rookie pirate crew introduced during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc during the time the Straw Hat Pirates arrived there two years ago. As such, they are part of the Worst Generation. Like the Straw Hats, this crew had two bounties above Beli100,000,000. Both members had slightly higher bounties than the respective members of the Straw Hat Pirates before the timeskip. Their captain is Eustass Kid.

Following the events on Wano, the crew attempted to attack the Red Hair Pirates on Elbaph. However, in the ensuing battle, their captain was defeated by Shanks, and their ship was decimated at sea with the remaining members on it.[2] The current fate of the crew is unknown.

Jolly Roger[]

The Kid Pirates' flag represent the usual grinning skull having Kid's hairstyle and wearing the latter's square shaped goggles on its forehead. In the background there is the traditional cross-bone pattern plus what seems to represent two knives forming a cross as well. Moreover, on each sides of the skull there are flame-like patterns.

Secondary Jolly Roger[]

Kid Pirates another Jolly Roger

The Kid Pirates' simpler Jolly Roger.

As with the Whitebeard and Big Mom Pirates, the Kid Pirates also seem to possess a secondary, simpler symbol, as seen worn by Wire. Its appearance is similar to the face of Jack Skellington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" franchise. But, overall, this Jolly Roger is a smiley with a Glasgow smile. The smiley skull is surrounded by nine, evenly spaced spikes around the circumference.

Crew Members[]

See also the associated category: Kid Pirates.

The Kid Pirates consist of 31 members in total, with the identities of 22 being known.[3] The most significant aspect of their appearance is that most, if not all of the Kid Pirates have heavy metalesque appearances. Also, many of them seem to wear leather in one way or another. At the auction house, they stated that they might purchase someone who caught their eye. However, it appears that nobody interested them as they never ended up bidding on anyone.[4]


Kid Pirates' Headquarters

The Kid Pirates' headquarters.

The Kid Pirates had one known island under their control, which served as their base of operations. At the base of the largest mountain was a castle where Kid, Hawkins, and Apoo formed their alliance. It is unknown what became of the island after the Kid Pirates' defeat.

Crew Strength[]

Eustass Kid in the New World

The Kid Pirates show their might by decimating a rival crew.

They are most known for dealing major destruction and civilian casualties along their route through the Grand Line and towards the New World. Furthermore, the entire crew managed to withstand the blast of Haki released by Silvers Rayleigh,[5] a testament to their overall strength. In spite of their great potency in battle and overall level-mindedness, the members of this crew display an innate sense of haughtiness. They, like the other super rookie crews, were able to escape from Kizaru's raid despite being weakened by a Pacifista.

After the timeskip, it is apparent that their strength and influence have increased, as evidenced by Kid and Killer's bounties being raised and the fact that they were able to establish a base on an island. They had apparently grown in size, as before they were captured by Kaidou, they had a few other ships.[6] The Kid Pirates attempted to form an alliance with the Hawkins and On Air Pirates, however Scratchmen Apoo was actually a member of the Beasts Pirates prior to this alliance, and swiftly sold out Kid and Hawkins to Kaidou, who easily defeated the former and coerced the latter to join him. Due to this betrayal, Kid ceased trying to ally himself with any other crews ever again. However, he did become allies (somewhat reluctantly) with the Straw Hats and Heart Pirates after reuniting with his crew.

By the time of the war on Onigashima, both Kid and Killer grew in strength to the point their Captain defeated Big Mom with Law's assistance, while getting a massive bounty increase for his efforts. Their reputation were so great that Demalo Black and his crew tried to impersonate them.[7]


Further information: Victoria Punk
Victoria Punk Infobox

Victoria Punk.

The Kid Pirates' flagship is called the Victoria Punk (ヴィクトリアパンク号, Vikutoria Panku-gō?).[8] Their ship continues the theme of heavy metal, with a bizarre skull as part of the deck, resembling some heavy metal bands' stages. Their ship was coated with the Yarukiman resin, allowing it to submerge underwater by reducing its buoyancy, and withstanding the water pressure of 10,000 feet.[9]

The ship was destroyed by Dorry and Brogy's Hakoku.[2]

The Kid Pirates had at least one additional ship that was capsized when Kaidou crash landed in the middle of their base after jumping from a sky island.[10]



Kid, Killer, Heat and Wire were gang bosses ruling over an island in the South Blue unaffiliated with the World Government. When Kid's girlfriend Victoria Shiruton Doruyanaika was murdered by a rival gang he unified the four groups to take them down. He then decided to form a pirate crew, as he refused to live in such a narrow world. Their ship was named Victoria Punk, after Victoria.[11] The Kid Pirates were noted to have been responsible for a great deal of damage and had caused many civilian casualties along their journey.[1]

Summit War Saga[]

Sabaody Archipelago Arc[]

Eventually they reached the Sabaody Archipelago, where they docked and prepared to enter the New World. Subsequently they visited the Human Auction House, where their captain voiced an interest in purchasing a slave, although in the end, they ended up purchasing no one.[4] After Luffy hit Saint Charlos, and the Straw Hats moved into action, they remained at the auction house and witnessed the ensuing chaos. However when Rayleigh appeared, they were subjected to his Haki just like everyone else in the auction room, though every present Kid Pirate easily withstood Rayleigh's Haki.[12] Afterwards, realizing that the Marines were the greatest threat at that time, Kid and the other two captains fought the Marines.[13] Eventually Killer and Heat joined the fray as well, and they soon cut a path through their enemies and managed to escape the Marines.[14] Shortly afterwards they were confronted by a Pacifista which they mistook for Bartholomew Kuma.[15] While struggling to fight it, they once again allied with the Heart Pirates to fight off the Pacifista. The battle was concluded offscreen, but every member survived the fight without any major injury.[16]

Marineford Arc[]

The Kid Pirates having escaped the Marines were able to stay on the Archipelago a bit longer and were able to watch the Summit War of Marineford, where they witnessed, at a distance, the death of Whitebeard and how Luffy partook the war. They eventually moved onto the New World, where they brutally crucified Haritsu Kendiyo and his crew.[17][18][19]

During the Timeskip[]

During the timeskip, the Kid Pirates continued to rise in infamy, as evidenced by Kid and Killer's bounties increasing.[20][21]

Kid also lost his left arm in a battle with the Red Hair Pirates first mate Benn Beckman.[22][23] He later replaced this arm with a large metal one.

At some point after this, the Kid Pirates went to Big Mom's territory and injured Charlotte Snack, one of Big Mom's Sweet Commanders, as well as plundering a copy of her Road Poneglyph.[24][22][25] However, they were quickly forced to flee afterwards.[26]

In addition, the crew became powerful enough to establish their own base on an island. They also appear well connected, as they are well aware of dealings within the Underworld.

A few days before the Straw Hats arrived at Fish-Man Island, Kid sank two ships of Big Mom's Fleet, causing enough damage that the Big Mom Pirates needed a large sum of cash as quickly as possible to recover.[27]

Dressrosa Saga[]

Punk Hazard Arc[]

The Kid Pirates met with the Hawkins and On Air Pirates in their own hideout, though the alliance nearly broke apart due to Kid and Apoo getting into a fight because of a lingering grudge. However, Killer managed to calm things down and remind the various parties of their alliance. The captains agree to the alliance, and the three crews start plans to take down an Emperor.[28]

Dressrosa Arc[]

After reading the news about Doflamingo's defeat, Kid and Killer dined with Hawkins and Apoo. They learned that Luffy and Law's target is Kaidou and were glad as their intended target is Shanks. Some time later, they were alerted by what seemed to be an earthquake.[29] They quickly investigated the source of the commotion, which was a large crater on the ground in the shape of a human. The alliance then came face-to-face with the Emperor Kaidou.[6]

Whole Cake Island Saga[]

Zou Arc[]

After the encounter with Kaidou, the crew was separated.[30] Kid was defeated and placed in a cell by Kaidou in Wano Country.[31]

Wano Country Saga[]

The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story.

One Piece: Stampede[]

The Kid Pirates were present during the Pirates Festival. Along with other competing pirate crews, they rode a Knock Up Stream in order to try and get the Pirate King's treasure, that being an eternal pose to Laugh Tale. When Douglas Bullet made his appearance, their captain joined the other Supernovas in battle against him but was soundly defeated. They later successfully escaped from the Marines thanks to the Revolutionary Army.[32]

Concludes non-canon section.

Wano Country Arc[]

Kid was imprisoned in the Udon region of Wano Country where he met Luffy again when he was placed in a cell next to his. Killer was forced to eat a failed SMILE and later became known as the assassin "Kamazo". According to a Wano newspaper, he was responsible for a street murder on the eighth street in District 2 of the Flower Capital.[33]

After the chaos at the palace, Kamazo was hired by Kurozumi Orochi to kill the kamuro Toko. He then pursued Toko and Kouzuki Hiyori to the Ringo region, where he came across a confrontation between Roronoa Zoro and Gyukimaru. Zoro then clashed with Killer in order to protect Toko and Hiyori. When Zoro was distracted by Gyukimaru, Killer manages to land a grievous hit on him. However, Zoro was able to take one of his scythes as a result and strike him.[34] After that blow, Killer fell to the ground defeated.[35]

Later on, for failing to kill Toko, he was sent to the Prisoner Mine at Udon alongside Kid, who previously escaped and got recaptured. Kid questioned him on what Kaidou had done to him and the fate of their crew, but Kamazo could not answer through his laughter and tears. Both were then sentenced by Queen to undergo water torture.[36] However, they were freed when Big Mom went on a rampage. Kid and Killer left Udon and planned to find their other crewmates.[37]

Before the Fire Festival, Kid managed to find and retrieve his crew. They later joined the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance in their raid on Onigashima.[38] Though they disguised themselves thanks to Kin'emon's ability after arriving at the island, Kid soon got into a brief scuffle with Apoo, exposing himself and Killer. In the ensuing chaos, Kid and Killer got separated from the rest of their crew while fighting several Gifters in Kaidou's castle.[39]

As the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance began their all-out war on the Beasts Pirates, Kid and Killer were aided by some of the rebels.[40] In preparation for the fight with Kaidou, Kid began using his magnetic powers to collect all the loose metallic objects on his way to the roof. As Kid and Killer reached the third level of the castle, the pile of metal had grown to fill the whole corridor.[41]

Supernovas Confront Kaidou and Big Mom

Kid and the other Supernovas confront Kaidou and Big Mom.

The two later reached the roof, where they were soon joined by Law, Zoro, and Luffy as they prepared to fight against Kaidou and Big Mom.[42] Kid was briefly surprised when he saw Luffy hurt Kaidou. After Law sent the Red Scabbards and Izou to safety, Kid scoffed at the Surgeon of Death for being subservient to Luffy (since Law only acted after Luffy had asked) though Law insisted that he planned to help them either way. When Luffy challenged Kid and Law to a game of chicken in the face of Big Mom's attack, the two initially refused. However, following a small taunt from the Straw Hat captain, the two took up his challenge, with all of them ending up taking the full brunt of the attack. They quickly recovered, and the five members of the Worst Generation took a strike at Kaidou. However, Kaidou transformed into his dragon form and joined Big Mom in the sky, preparing to battle.[43]

Kaidou used a roar to unleash wind blades at his opponents. Kid's metal golem armor was struck but Kid remained unharmed. With his metal armor, Kid grabbed Kaidou and slammed him into the roof. Later, Big Mom unleashed a lightning storm at the five Supernovas. Kid managed to block some of her thunderbolts but was caught off guard by a lightning homie.[44] After Luffy had pummeled Kaidou with Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling, Kid and Killer tried to continue on the offensive, but Kaidou stopped them by creating some twisters. Zoro managed to slice through Kaidou's scales, but Kaidou responded by launching wind blades at the five Supernovas.[45]

Kid and Law Launch Big Mom Away

Kid and Law work together to remove Big Mom from the battlefield.

Kid and the other Supernovas eventually agreed that they had to split up Big Mom and Kaidou somehow, otherwise they had no chance of winning.[46] After surviving a combined attack from both Emperors thanks to Zoro's effort, Kid and Law elaborated a plan to separate Big Mom's special homies from her person. Kid used his powers to form a metal box so Law could teleport Zeus inside, while Zoro and Killer dealt with Prometheus and Napoleon respectively. Once Big Mom was fully disarmed, Kid shot metal spears at Big Mom, but was punched down into the ground by the Emperor in return. He, however, took the opportunity to grip Big Mom's arm with his own prosthetic arm, allowing him to Repel her up in the sky, from where Law managed to hit her with a boulder, throwing her off Onigashima.[47]

Once Prometheus and Napoleon left Onigashima to rescue Big Mom, Kid and Killer followed them to the edge of the island. There, Kid noticed something strange happening to the clouds in the sky.[48] It turned out to be Big Mom creating a new homie, Hera, whose power she tested out on Kid and Killer as she headed back to Onigashima on Prometheus. Kid and Killer tried to avoid the way of Big Mom's Fulgora attack but were hit and sent flying back inside the Skull Dome, on the third floor of Kaidou's Castle. Kid and Killer survived with few injuries and noticed that Big Mom was searching for them somewhere in the floor below. Kid ran off after her, but was stopped by Hawkins, his former ally and whom Kid considered a traitor. Killer told Kid to keep going while he stayed behind to keep Hawkins busy, which Kid complied.

Once Kid reached the second floor, he noticed some of Kaidou's grunts alerting each other about Big Mom's location and headed towards the ruckus.[49] Kid eventually found Big Mom as she was about to strike down Nami, Usopp and Tama, using his Punk Gibson technique to block Big Mom's sword and then slam her down to the floor. Kid told the Straw Hats to leave Big Mom to him, as the latter recovered herself from the attack.

Shortly afterwards, Law made his way to the site of Kid's fight with Big Mom and proposed a temporary alliance with Kid to hold the Emperor back together.[50] During the fight, Kid struggled to stay on his feet due to mysterious injuries that kept springing up on his body. Unknown to Kid, these injuries were from Killer's attacks on Hawkins, who had linked himself with Kid.[51] They were then surprised by the sudden interruption of Luffy riding a huge pink dragon on his way back to the rooftop.[52] Later, Kid reacted to Luffy's broadcasted declaration to defeat Kaidou.[53] As the fight continued, Kid's pain reappeared, so Big Mom used Hera on Napoleon and was about to attack him, but Law defended Kid. However, the flames of Prometheus hit Law, who fell to the ground. Big Mom attacked the two pirates, injuring them further. Kid was perplexed by what was happening to him and disappointed that he might die pointlessly after finally reaching an Emperor. Once Killer severed Hawkins' link with Kid and defeated the Shinuchi, Kid quickly recovered and continued fighting Big Mom.[54]

Not finding any progress in causing major damage to Big Mom, Kid convinced Law to try utilizing their awakenings in order to change the tide of the fight. Kid was caught by a lightning blast from Big Mom that sent him back to the Live Floor in a freefall, with the Emperor following after Kid in order to finish him off in midair. Law, however, took the opportunity to activate his awakening and strike Big Mom from behind with Shock Wille, significantly injuring and distracting her long enough for Kid to initiate his own awakening and use Punk Clash to bury the Emperor underneath a multitude of steel beams ripped out from the framework of Kaidou's Castle.[55] This was, however, not sufficient to finish Big Mom off. Now truly angered, the Emperor stole the souls of several of Kaidou's minions in the Live Floor to power up her own special Homies and create new ones from the steel beams that previously crushed her. Having acknowledged Kid and Law's power, Big Mom sacrificed one year from her own lifespan in order to grow in size and power, all while daring the Worst Generation pirates to try and take her down. Not intimidated by Big Mom's new form, Kid declared that he would take the Emperor down no matter the cost.[56]

Soon thereafter, Big Mom once again regained the upper hand, beating them up while mocking them about their crew's pleas to spare their lives. After Big Mom had punished their crews for pleading to her, she started to make her move towards the roof, viewing their fight as over. This would, however, give Law an advantage, as he was not defeated yet and exploited her ascension towards the roof, coating Kikoku with K-Room and stabbing her from right arm up to her face. He then unleashed Shock Wille onto her again, noticing she could not have been unharmed by this attack before. Right before he was about to be attacked by her newly created steel homies, they were attached towards Kid, who also rose up. After assimilating both the homies and surrounding metal, he confidently told Big Mom that nothing was impervious to damage before charging at Big Mom with Punk Corna Dio, ramming her into a wall. Both then once again assured Big Mom that they would not let her reach the roof, even if they died in the battle.[57]

Law told Kid to prepare himself as the former would spend his last remaining stamina in a final attack. Kid took the opportunity to attack Big Mom once more, sticking her to one of the Live Floor's towers through his awakening. Big Mom, however, countered his maneuver and summoned a new homie, Misery, to burn Kid down. Kid was able to able to survive the attack and observed as Law pulled his final move. Taking advantage of the hole Law had produced with his awakening, Kid created an enormous railgun and fired a powerful projectile directly on Big Mom's stomach.

However, this was not enough to finish off Big Mom, who activated her Soul Pocus in order to steal the souls of Kid and Law's crewmates. The technique, however, ended up being ineffective on both captains, who held no fear towards the Emperor. They then proceeded to silence and launch Big Mom out of Onigashima and directly into the crater Law had formed beforehand. With Big Mom falling victim to an explosion down below due to an explosive she accidentally detonated, a massively spent Kid and Law were heavily celebrated by their crews for the win.

With only Luffy's fight left to finish, Kid waited for the battle to conclude, considering the possibility of Kaidou emerging as the winner. Once Kaidou descended from the rooftop and announced his victory over the Straw Hat captain, Kid lamented the outcome, but also declared that he would not go down without a fight as he prepared himself for combat once more. He was targeted by Kaidou's forces, but his crew protected him.

Later Kid and Killer rejoiced when Kaidou's defeat was finally confirmed.[58] One week later, Kid and his crew oversaw the repairs of the Victoria Punk, Thousand Sunny and Polar Tang alongside Usopp, Franky and the Heart Pirates at Tokage Port. Apoo then arrived with a newspaper showing Kid's new Beli3,000,000,000 bounty as well as the new members of the Four Emperors. Angry about the contents of the paper, Kid rushed to the Flower Capital to confront Luffy about the news but ended up forced into taking part in the festival's fireworks showcase against his will.[59]

Luffy Law and Kid at Tokage Port

Kid, Luffy and Law deciding on what routes to take.

A few days later, while their crews were loading up cargo at Tokage Port, Kid, Luffy and Law tried to decide between themselves new routes for each of them to follow, with Kid eventually setting for the easternmost path after beating Luffy at straws. Kid also ended up receiving a rubbing of Wano's Road Poneglyph from Law for his decisive role in the raid.With his crew ready to set sail, the Kid Pirates departed from Wano.[60]

Final Saga[]

Egghead Arc[]

Dorry and Brogy Destroy Victoria Punk

Dorry and Brogy sink the Kid Pirates.

Following the sea route their captain chose back at Wano, the Kid Pirates eventually reached their next destination, Elbaph.[61] Shortly after their arrival, they encountered the Giant Warrior Pirates, the Red Hair Pirates, and the captains allied with Red Hair Pirates, thus prompting the crew to prepare for battle.[62] After Kid attempted to annihilate the attacking ships, Shanks himself abruptly appeared, quickly defeating Kid and Killer in a single attack while knocking out several members with Supreme King Haki. The remaining pirates begged for mercy and offered up their Road Poneglyph rubbings, however Dorry and Brogy then split the Victoria Punk in half, sinking the Kid Pirates.[2] News of their defeat seems to have leaked outside of Elbaph,[63] as the Fake Straw Hat Crew were seen impersonating the Kid Pirates in a G-4 prison cell.[7]


  • Besides Kid and Killer, all of the other members of the crew have names based on rock music.
  • At the Jump Victory Carnival 2024 event, they were incorrectly called the "Punk Pirates" (パンク海賊団, Panku Kaizoku-dan?).[64]


  1. Eustass Kid - Beli3,000,000,000
    Killer - Beli200,000,000
  2. Eustass Kid - Beli470,000,000
    Killer - Beli200,000,000
  3. Eustass Kid - Beli315,000,000
    Killer - Beli162,000,000


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 498 and Episode 392, Kid and Killer are introduced.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 107 Chapter 1079 (p. 8-15) and Episode 1112.
  3. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 102 (p. 134).
  4. 4.0 4.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 51 Chapter 500 and Episode 394.
  5. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 52 Chapter 504 (p. 19) and Episode 398, The Kid Pirates resist Rayleigh's Supreme King Haki.
  6. 6.0 6.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 795 and Episode 739, Kaidou appears before the alliance.
  7. 7.0 7.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 110 Chapter 1115 (p. 2).
  8. Volume 10089, Victoria Punk is named.
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 59 Chapter 581 (p. 3, 5) and Episode 490, The Kid Pirates sail Victoria Punk in the seas surrounding Marineford.
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 795 (p. 12) and Episode 739, A subordinate reports to Kid that one of their ships has been capsized.
  11. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 104 (p. 82), The Kid Pirates' past is revealed.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 52 Chapter 503 and Episode 397.
  13. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 52 Chapter 504 and Episode 398.
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 52 Chapter 504 and Episode 399.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 52 Chapter 505 and Episode 399.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 52 Chapter 506 and Episode 399.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 58 Chapter 565 and Episode 474.
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 59 Chapter 581 and Episode 490, The Kid Pirates are seen from the aftermath of the war.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 594 and Episode 511.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 598 (p. 6) and Episode 517, Pirates in Paradise talk about Kid's infamy.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 677 (p. 3) and Episode 603, Kid and Killer's new bounties are introduced.
  22. 22.0 22.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 92 Chapter 928 (p. 4-5) and Episode 923.
  23. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 107 (p. 178), Beckman is confirmed to be the one who took Kid's arm.
  24. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 111, Snack is revealed to be the Sweet Commander Kid defeated.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1056 (p. 17) and Episode 1083.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 837 (p. 9) and Episode 795.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 651 (p. 17) and Episode 571.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 677 and Episode 603.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 793 and Episode 736.
  30. One Piece Manga — Vol. 94 Chapter 944.
  31. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 824.
  32. One Piece Movie — One Piece: Stampede.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 92 Chapter 926 (p. 2) and Episode 918.
  34. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 937 and Episodes 933934.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 938 (p. 2-3) and Episode 934.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 944 (p. 11-17) and Episodes 942943.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 950 and Episode 950.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 975 and Episode 978.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 983 and Episode 990.
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 987 (p. 15) and Episode 997.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 996 (p. 13-14) and Episode 1010.
  42. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 1000 and Episode 1015.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 1001 and Episodes 10161017.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 1002 and Episode 1017.
  45. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 1003 and Episode 1018.
  46. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1008 (p. 16-17) and Episode 1024.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1009 (p. 7-19) and Episodes 10251026.
  48. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1010 (p. 5-6) and Episode 1027.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1011 (p. 3-4, 8-11) and Episode 1028.
  50. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1015 (p. 13-17) and Episode 1037.
  51. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1022 (p. 8) and Episode 1045, Kid is wounded by Basil Hawkins.
  52. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1025 (p. 11) and Episode 1049.
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1026 (p. 12-13) and Episode 1051.
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1029 (p. 6-10, 17) and Episode 1054.
  55. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1030 and Episode 1056.
  56. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1031 (p. 3-7) and Episode 1056.
  57. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 103 Chapter 1038 (p. 11-17) and Episode 1065.
  58. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1050 (p. 6) and Episode 1077.
  59. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1053 (p. 13-16) and Episode 1080.
  60. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1057 (p. 11-12) and Episode 1085.
  61. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1071 (p. 15) and Episode 1103.
  62. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1076 (p. 15-17) and Episode 1109, The Kid Pirates prepare for battle against the Red Hair Pirates and the Giant Warrior Pirates.
  63. One Piece Manga — Vol. 111 Chapter 1124 (p. 3), Morgans mentions Kid's fight with Shanks as one of the stories he can report on.
  64. @dHyi0118 (July 25, 2024). "ジャンバルにて…私の時はキッドさんだったんですけど「パンク海賊団」に改名したんですかね😅…?ってなりましたね。". (in Japanese). Retrieved July 27, 2024.

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