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Hegemone is a character in Final Fantasy XIV. She is an Ancient serving as a Keyward in Pandæmonium.


Prior to Elidibus's investigation into Pandæmonium, Hegemone served as a Keyward of Pandæmonium. She secretly believed that Athena was more suited to serve as the facility's director. This belief, along with Hegemone's pride of being a Keyward, made her susceptible to Athena's enthrallment. Under Athena's influence, and after Lahabrea killed Athena, Hegemone secretly orchestrated the release of the dungeon's captive beasts and used the ensuing chaos to free Hephaistos from his imprisonment. Hephaistos enthralled her as well and fused her with a plant-based parasite.[1]

The Warrior of Light encountered Hegemone in Abyssos: The Sixth Circle, where the Keyward attempted to stop them from advancing further. The Warrior of Light incapacitated her while Elidibus and Erichthonios bound her. Erichthonios used Hegemone's defeat and capture as proof they could save the remaining wards of Pandæmonium rather than kill them as Lahabrea insisted.[2]

After the chaos of Pandæmonium had subsided, Hegemone was cured of Hephaistos's enthrallment and began helping the clean-up and restoration of normalcy in the facility. When Lahabrea met with her, he noted that with Agdistis's death, Hegemone was the most senior Keyward of Pandæmonium and made her privy to Hephaistos's origins. Despite her denials, Lahabrea dentified Hegemone as someone under Athena's enthrallment and the one responsible for creating the chaos in Pandæmonium and releasing Hephaistos in the first place. Lahabrea removed Athena's spell from Hegemone, but did not kill her. Despite Hegemone's betrayal and possible lingering resentment, Lahabrea let the past slide and appointed her as Pandæmonium's new director. Hegemone accepted Lahabrea's offer and promised to restore Pandæmonium to its former glory.[1]



Hegemone has blue eyes and pale complexion. She styles her pink hair in a bowl cut. Hegemone wears the typical black robe and white mask of an Amaurotian.


Lahabrea describes Hegemone as someone proud of being a Keyward of Pandæmonium. She secretly harbors doubts about Lahabrea's ability to lead Pandæmonium and prefers Athena's leadership. It is unknown if Hegemone knew of Athena's depraved actions. Her belief that Athena would make a better leader made Hegemone vulnerable to Athena's enthrallment spell, and upon becoming enthralled, became willing to betray her fellow wards and plunge Pandæmonium into chaos to advance Athena's agenda.

Hegemone is able to maintain a professional demeanor and is willing to let past grievances against Lahabrea go, accepting his offer to remain a ward of Pandæmonium.


Hegemone from Final Fantasy XIV

Render of Hegemone in Abyssos: The Sixth Circle.

Hegemone is the boss of Abyssos: The Sixth Circle Abyssos: The Sixth Circle and Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage) Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage).


In Greek mythology, Hegemone was a goddess of plants, making them bloom and bear fruit.

