Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
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Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveByleth Fell Stars Duo Face FC
Byleth: Fell Star's Duo
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRhea Immaculate One Face FC
Rhea: Immaculate One
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveRhea Loving Matriarch Face FC
Rhea: Loving Matriarch
Status Icon WeaponStatus Icon MoveSeiros Saint of Legend Face FC
Seiros: Saint of Legend
General Quotes Misc Heroic Ordeal
Witch of Creation
Rhea Witch of Creation Face
Rhea Witch of Creation BtlFace
Rhea Witch of Creation BtlFace C

Rhea Witch of Creation BtlFace D

Art by: ichikawa Halu (いちかわはる)
Description Archbishop who guides the Church of Seiros. Donning a witch costume, she has come to enjoy all Askr's harvest festival has to offer. Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Rarities ★ Focus — Special
Weapon Type Icon Class Green Breath Green Breath
Move Type Icon Move Infantry Infantry
Voice Actor EN Cherami Leigh
Voice Actor JP Kikuko Inoue (井上喜久子)
Release Date
Addition Date
Entry Icon MiniUnit Head 12 Three Houses
Version 5.10
Internal ID PID_ハロレア (715)
Origin 120000100500


All stats have a degree of variation. The stat growth page explains how the variation works.

Level 1 stats


Level 40 stats


Growth Rates

This set of values, after being multiplied by a rarity factor, determines how much each stat will increase from level 1 to level 40, see stat growth.

Stats between level 1 and 40

For stat values between level 1 and 40, see this page.

Skills[ | ]

Weapons[ | ]

Fire Breath6150★★
Fire Breath+81100★★
Witch Breath161
Grants Atk+3. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 50%, grants Atk+6 to unit during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, inflicts Atk-6 on foe during combat and foe cannot make a follow-up attack. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res.

Assists[ | ]

This unit owns no Assist skills.

Specials[ | ]

Chilling Wind4
Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Res.
Boosts damage by 50% of unit's Res.

Passives[ | ]

AAtk Res Bond 1Atk/Res Bond 1
If unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+3 during combat.
Atk Res Bond 2Atk/Res Bond 2
If unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+4 during combat.
Atk Res Bond 3Atk/Res Bond 3
If unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+5 during combat.
Atk Res UnityAtk/Res Unity
If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Res during combat=current penalty on each of those stats × 2. (Example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Atk+19, for a net bonus of Atk+12.) Calculates each stat bonus independently.
BDragon Wall 1Dragon Wall 1
If unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 2 (max 20%).
Dragon Wall 2Dragon Wall 2
If unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 3 (max 30%).
Dragon Wall 3Dragon Wall 3
If unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
